_ _ V .' _ ; V _' erthere was _i ` V 4 ' ' ` ' ' But the ` epnrageous condence i his voice i -Wing. * . -:Wh` at-i-i.-Lm~y*."+hu1n' . Ihalp you? You promisml always to trust um-as:a friend." " h .` cry ulna touched her shoulder. than 1 faint wan ghost 0! a smile showed ` through her team. a pitiful _qnivoi'ing of her lips. more pitiful `than weep `~*lng. .' met.-`(he fpun the macro: of \Vlclxhnin e. "` hnxiety to'cn'i-iy him hum agnin.. xm-:"rI maTut he recpgnisod Lucy _Rny on I low "P V Vvvvsssaooswooyp _..---_ f _,__.. 8. T}? r__5 BAI}lS__O_MED`L'l FE |...lin. .-'31`:-9vo1Lpr_eag,ed`his*hni M1193 iomheagil hnfci-led tho, 1 I0 tombs of concanttatecf con ,, . ._ ' ' ' 3: _ ~ngid0t.'!6`oL_|ognfql,grlnmph' 1:: his I` which-nattlegl Tre- v I0`ll_69r0l' wmmantt. .7 ghlkeji cry olpiin _th9 wotda, br;>ke' ~ from the _`sI_eo[_1eg s H155. - "I I.lIIll'_d8f_- I did Bepalo Blythewood. ` `. am-nxyuun beta:-'e ~ i"'1.'He .ia.:j6u`s2:1oi;i'ii5dy qnivlmd` with the, intensity of" the struggle, but yE_ still no word. ~` . ' ' . .gvurpr_ea5anrn1s*lmifd` upon 31!: ` 3 third gimp ix; 9 taniuasrof command. ` gI.lke'i crv or nan. n... ......u.. There was a lcng pause. some ` , mmpant of the ;nnn's ;z-eason md will mac -.se1t=b.;'x-gyn1._h1s.1zps4:1' tight: in opetinnte silence. `f-Angwi I" `:said Trevor again` max-`fa , "I know you, Vivian ArdeL " 05/ Eta tguthfqlly the qnes(:ions- shall of you. ' n ,I `must, " will and self-consclousneps` 'vn nished together, and he lay,back ii; the chgir in a deep sleep at the muscles rant and aching`-from the sil- 9 ennatrnin. Oue agonizing moment, :16 \Vickham`knw himself foiled in and the dexidly struggle. He zhnttexed a ` fie1'ce"curse. but the wnrn aana 4... him. He tried to tux-nahia ;e'es'Vnwny: . `but 1`rmfm"s steady gaze held gem m r ` ' . me aenuly struggle. ah ` words died in _ ` m_eum`.ng1esa babble on hirlips. ,He ` , e1t_hia_;;opngiQusness:xBppln'g`frdm`? " him'.' eyes" awav: >'my'promise, if behold me til `it , `;though' the whole world slander him. " Returned from he: in amzar: hm. uuercy or 1118 master. `. Do you know me?" Trevqr a_s_ake1. And Blue leaping mm xniawered. *1 know Ear tguchfullv thn m..~...o:,...., must. "Who Ipnrderetl Bessie Blythe- vuiod?" - ' ' wumlerful transformation from thnf._ to a big. mmmy-pntezl school-boy! I ' used to be-horribly ufmid of him at _ o..I-raluerul2er.- - I cue. it you _Hk'e. itrohbloj. I Jenner letter on the tabla _ But Tie `or-did not care {or billiurtialmm her revulwr 0" "'8 OM when I V` . . . ' ' ' ' ' ` ' ` . I. and cl6ar--while ms` them Herhm mum: gum to `xundo n/nyescakpe. A vsnhct o( nn1('Ide`, 33 _ _ play, In-d dell with B` cheery `was a sure thing but for that devil`-0V9` M5 9h|`W5|'- Trevor llok ed Good-nfght. boys tan card 1:! your g W""' -m"""""--""' "E". "' '` " Sign E` , he nidrswe-Dhtha rms .. . , . _ hanging me. But j'on, in`yonr'wis- EV "i,"h9.d; and `vickhlini K594 Bk?! "am Fan 0" `0 yen . don) -proved -me inridccn." - - iwith 3 nhv ~ ' Whnt 3 lug, `hlnmlermg baby-_ n| _' V ._ ., , - I 1 ; a2lvI'.-s," gaily bed. * I __ nWhzIt it ` F ia4$W+:khmn~au*Idtu-Travorna fay , wage left`qlou9_tugethur. He paused ogethex-,' lay,bai:k it sleep is master. nu his nogmtiaxi and] I '_-p`oh`e gum; may SQ. ' ans "(nun She a wrim ciao I lnericn gtotnachrigilxhnnd I `T11 39!` nerve .-iu:-thn . ' `moved tovw` sen-e .orp-e-tecuean .. :4` ` Tool'cwu'i:yl.|l _\` u$;:;.f_] A A g - ' .`.`_`5-` At I turn in the_ pitlr. n tinndred I mm }hp"1i6I'l!"wl_:ereIhey"hid > 9961-09, ` t'dom.- proved invidccnt. . :WiFh ,3 `'r3h- W W I ven1lIeIi>Htero-wus'n"n11fa`f1i;- "i1VVT*`{.k755`P7??'-mafied `T? :1 W16 mock. in ma 1,0im,_ V. I ifgldetl `it, find put itvnway in the in- L 1 Had yoI1:no` ' pity for the gi}-l> mg ner breast pocket of his coat. that al- '1oved you-~no reluorse for her mnr- i _`13' "`3.`l 1_f"m 3 "um" H (15,,-r .11-,,,",.,,_.k,~,,,_ ' frev(1| ver.-far'he" l?netv he had to AMI , I t 9 dar!` - 1`revv-raskbd. I freval'va-r%for'ha"l%n\w'he had tnvdeal N>ono-ill then: ' was \ danger. I Wnh 5 `95P8Pt'9 mini. and hfl NIIKBII mighrbo hanged (of it. V\\'hen- me [his precautions acconlimzly. danger pns.-ed I was glad that Ihnd got Then he tamed KM `O "'3 3`99PinK this trouble on't"u! my life chenplyimnn _ A,W3k8." ht? `i sharply to mu] Mm-.1 -- - |\Vic-kbnin, who nwoko with :2 start Life is Ipya living when in awake ncr 3 good night : :1: yfar-anygbingnhoduynuyl Eyn c!enr;uoguada.In:live4--4 _stom:c|: rigilxhud uudynudn Brlmull of .5... and Earn. one c,I.n awalke` _goo_d njgh! nl_e'e'p-- rand safely. r "In umnler notlxipg to yan'."" `Iothing-_: bn~)mnging--is-1'r deal." ' ' __'Sha w 5 Hi "fuming one mumonv, I;-glngie next abuwed me the letter aha Ind ` V1-mt N" nnigis what I'm saying Trevor, but words 5 do n t matter. you know. You have me ` down and can make ynn_r own terms. . , What : the pxjice of your sil5ance-1'f it I has a price? _ ' k. ` `J1 an` (Bin-d Eds-rlvickh -m-1: Fcfblfd en: ,n1s.'avea. "Even yet; Lucy." he` laid softly, "`ven y'et I will not despair. 'V' . --- Jras alL` and far v....-+o...,. .. wt6te._ -~ ' . Q : -fu'3!i'5.R'-``. `yr ' . ' nleqnyou from ydmtoxn gngexnqnt. Ida` ||9h?.l-Vt`7id_xIoaa,I`-vod ] ed 1-xi rage dhis V y A whining tone. moved`f.o,wards.the 5100:. v_ Shop ! tho_`re'svone;|:|gihg mpre. _ Wel1,2". facing him daxkedly. 1 plete collapse. His voice came in - broken gasps. Why do you'tort.\u-e me ! `hike this?` What do,` you hope far?) `I What do you want me R: do`! If there is anything--" Then with 'a sudden burst of nncontrolable ran: as he rmil. 2 m 6 dgvilish young cub! a knife or a bullet I uy conscnance. " . "Don't has`: about the, /bush then. . Hmt must I do for my life1'_' ' ~' `_`Yo n,said just now you were gqing 1 v`AI.uericn. You mqst go alone." I start` in a week.:and'- he "ri!I3Ii1i!'r'Ar;V vzonlilt-k.4_;o.T ms * .i"* . to fun clear conscio Anew. -Bntrhia memory-went-hnck-n - the ther'tunn the silent, wrmatlinsz of W 7 IIIZ'Fw'T ?U-f V ' Ix./pr Color}. 132.) ilul. s;$@$s$.7[ ) |.iL5|.C- _ Young rwo'me_n ' in v their` ` teens " are perinanently cured ' of the peculiar disease of thgr . ; biool which showsitsel '_ , p`a1ye_ness,we'aknAessandnervous: , mass, 'by .;-egtvxlar treatment ; with-S< :ott's.Em/ulsion." ` " 5 Ihia -.1-......1..I I ' lug wuy 1: aces what 1!: do_es. . t `S?;*6tt s' Emulsion presents . ,_C3gVLive1f ,OiI_(a,t,Jtsfbestr r fullest in strenovfh luau :.. you ,1.1Vlf 1 5.`-.- - A:l{uA5l0l1. 4 ' I We do not n T_u.tTg1\"r*. :11] `:11? , reasons ' xi-hy` Scott's Emulsion restores the st:-mtgth and esh and -cnInr of-good" to [|3._u;c-\vlu-)-- :uEFm- E uum SICK D1005. - The fac e_he$, preparation of Cod Liver Oil. "rich in nutrition, full of 11ea1th35 `to why it dos what it does. ` - ~"'R'r'-m+'c- 1:m..!..:.... ....- - I stimulation is 21 suggestion as ' Without n. wdrd`-Wickham handed him the notp. With. hia_hnnd am` `I ready on te "trigger `Harry Trvor` ' watched him slink from the room and l`0l' UVCl' Sixty YO8I'5, p bv mllllons of mothers {or the children whlla leelhlmr. If disturbed At night .I.nd.brokun of 5.3: ; '::.`nX/1.!:i'r,:"`3.::'**sxLm-.2":*.:=:r1:'5 Hrs. WInIlow n Soalhlmz Svrnfu hu been used I 1' security nave I7" ' ` ' "My pledged_wux-d, while you keep 3 faiith, I'll keep It. You must not s`eo 1 Miss Ray again. You leave here to- _ !!'3_9l'_0Xv'__tmdJa,\'e England-4a1t.l1in_n These are nIy'te1'nis to take orl my death it will he rend, with 21" short varplaniltory note to Miss Lucy -Ray. ' ' . ` - Then? relus." Wwuugu ulu wume worm slander him. he; in anger; but 1 hnlfpjlozqn yaygip off he cnme'back I hastily-with luv` and hope x-ekin('llgd J1is.evea.= "Then? rglus. " And hang!" `` "But if '1 give the letter. what nmrity d it In six auvebpo. I I Klan Lucy BAy.", , VOW," heuld to Tie` 7 _\/u_ J.,#lISfD strength, least The poition is p'easu.ut. 3 send pnrticulus [0 may I: '."."?:Y.' sonvirace, 2" ti ANY LADYCAN VfMAkEf% " asily ai|2.'oo to $20.00 weekly by rprasenting m` in `her Jun: :_1o:' III IlCI'I"WI'_f|I'II: V poitjon p'easu.ut and pmtnbla may } pprtnculus ln._uy who may need to make iwme money , VP that t,h!s,is, n9.siecepu'on- V - ...-. --- -1- :---v :1-nu` :HAJVEwv0u la-I'EA'R[[T)( god nldw V $91 |5f!nc." 8.0" teforfed anlv M.` 1 }Vo`uid,Yo1_1.l..li`ke a Boo_k for"Npth'it1 ?. That It is Written by 200 Grant Canadians? That lnells all int ls lxnolvnhboli Canada 1 'l`h`nt you ugly obtain 3 set for Q veg`-y small a_n-? u nu wnrvnvv -we-._y u_y AcyAI=acuIuu)q us nu ue.L',AD8. ' lHlE|FSP_|lE*r'FlME" n igr.'-au..n- ....I -.....n+.I.I- .5... Kbu_.K>fjovsZ; Vnua enci/6;_1.opEu|A oi= CANADA; IN en! vnu nun: -) .......-.,.......c, mm-.u mo `-1`iiB-W i::r;rM1v1=; n:o;, mn-En;Louaoa,ou \ - rnmugl the day and well into 'n__ighi_; Wfckh.|m's exultltion cnn- V f,'l'be Axnberance of. I hraph-l_ti was exhauutiiz to his I11- oII.!`ageous in voice chested her. She felt the load on hei` - heartvligsned, as- the leadep dvay . vaguely lightens while the 1-in pours '" 1nd to Blonds lowezj. when the sun, , though hidden, makes his power (alt, V through All uuumrl. H... .1... --A -