+LL%+aol}erta:r+-2.2%? ~ n..;.'-_`-pn; dc. n`mie.~ mo nevus far :14. Lot 1. Con.9.1'own5hl of , ,F1o6`.:|llcYear! and nndar mm of eumv. ; aymllun-mu!-zlmv-Ia: son c:ny Imam; on miaeann 3 bums. good amhnn and a com on- ` mun dwdllnx house; wall ennui Ind road _ow!n5syrlm;.. Apply go D. N. MORRISON um... .. * ;.Paiiri%S`;G ren -;Qgv:r521=I1&5_tE1'1da?d' .25.~"- a lb:../ 5*` ~nI-ice ~` - uulrwa anHIxIHn~.ne~ with um-lnurst' A menvpaun navalti ma luvs I most `camplatn. nlqek uhcolored o Exto- lemumlahndes Ind: up-rdnle nhppa.;- ' dnlnihilnur llr Illllff. Ill Ifll iv \JI.\ ' Opp. Pol: Qq, ecia_l=`~1:gr,ice~`-`In -dc 5 lb."'and over Fania fqr.Sal._>_ \ \\ \ \ I-rdnle nnapes. Sat!-she!-ion tum 1 `"5""` ed. - The provisional irectors '51 I \ \ I : A. Lett (?res )2 W. C. Hlmter (Sc The saggant: Go. 1- >a:::,:n<?=;z*2s*%:,;`.st,S:;;:*s EA_mbIy. Ah-end , hnsbegn .. ,,, sueesmmdon \n8:Snn:nu~_, ?&nhpsL Yu-d-`-1?not_)lnry Sh ately. A proposition from the * y will he laid before the '] `MI.GKPE_:`DVME!_zDN a?$i3ix `f'ie`*`` Ban-le Hall Holidnv. I-laid and-of't>'wo'od I ni-Ar. nn vnu want it. - Sim Iiulmiin cemsvnr Best. made. ' . EYES. ' ,_.. 'Seulr-g require: . _.m.mxu_.uun,an1; IE6? those with la- ....- nu ..~..- V - uvlu vlul ti } '"`i-ii 'i.aAo|Na,u1Ll FOR - EVERYTHING MUSICAL `Dianna and llvonna Dnlln 'nI|tI V ' 13$ aki7rTg'n.K oxorhitniliti fee? His Worship re lied that hedid not n o_w._to_n reply t.e"I:h`rrx-eportz` heard '1-.. on av;ux;da.y and lg: had hgen .ice was devoted to U elm prp'g`ra,my:pB E he=1a.tga,con- V rnitiemi weye` -`* ,Kempx:::liithi11. w'n.alo_ah., ., \, 'J.'he'0ommil'.we'_ gvublgggiged m_cag6_1`Ag%riuaE tja sfo * at ES qu . "."$E|l_` ' , `tor hnnmve`.. Banting, Stephen Elliott. Herbert Elliott. Rev. Mr. Redditt s eke on A. Voice from an Apple Tree. draw; ing lesson from the similitude between ..chi|,dr.e.I1_ da ` __ __ \ At the ternoon service toxik plmce the presentation. cfdiplumas which were neatly framed in oak. In com- petition for these cli lomns the highest possihle mtkn splecial Service in Christ Church. ,,'bere-'\vill-.bta.:s ecinltservicttizr Christ: church` on undny evening ne_x_f., J _\_me 21s_l7. ( Y, . .pu\\_z2z-mL-'-mson` - and sweat. slngs-wa]:.1ra`1uJ.uI;y'.o,f ex- ; pregslgn. that. ir agldoln heard :nnd- eux1q';:uy.t'.es"~ lnultlessly, u, 1 King. Davufs Lament and u'1'y:*Bi;n , Dgeply.-`])ow:`1,":che d 9 graudq R . .`MyAin _EImeal(3e Lwra.s.:mnsE3 -nneldeutioniss-he4a_ _ 1.- alzgliby andvl1i_s`numb'ers weye hezuly is V en1oye' Mcs.{Ma.cd'onrLld` proved` Bets 3 self. awskjllfhlacqqp1panisc`a.n4`. h 3, organ. numbers` were `ivell.-weceliv ` The'sgIo b __Mrs.'Hisey`-1andrm'e` (sigh byvMrs._ 3eyr_a.`nd.Mr; wan: -.w$r!n1Y, Pplalldedk . slledz u` use; best. My ' nfndiencp has - n wine; ,,,_. _.._. ......,........ ...... I, 'omas_1ahnsan.s.ui.Lmm.Mont::eal`- , oI:r11:rip1.'6 EI1 2la;n d; ti`iWe11ii;2`by;`|:`lfe'7 Rgpulxm Duminiqu Liner, Do mimon'. _ . 1-. .Tohn'sun and se_veral'|`no_n _ with frienFf ' or.-kshi u ` England ; tr:we1nig*byi1:'1re ' Dumin p D6minion .l"ohn'sun- s several |`no_n frienifx or.-ksVhi>re. l\b:.t1nz~ . ie&n,t_wi1Lmmb _ um and expects to be absent abpur six 1 weeks. ` = ihnstun &Warn=III? Th0 m.Mon menu! in nnmutun tmsweek, I V_ ` - on the mu inst. A, 1.? sarjmc ...._....._;-.r . I llvov nit-Ikvllnlvv in; , -excelled nonhufjioxongog . . ; rrlces are right. We invite you we call and inspbcg. - 4 -4, J," F`r1nk .Iackson'. " 1__{`_lg1'i_i6f:'T 6rtrait$ ` Our stocklcrarf Cameas - Photo Supplies -'.:`.,. >-excelled nortlrofworonoo . HVKKV II'IIN|.I HIUDIUAI4 irlanos and organs. Folio Sand ` :Shcet1IlIIsIc. all kinds oi Stringed - > ._ nnnrmnpnts .' 1 . 1:.` - . 6 The magnetic bone quality that disc ` -tmguishes the