Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jun 1903, p. 4

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- ;---- ~un.u;N1fEL. __ A 3 June 8-Among the Suindiy vinjton _ here were; `-111 . And `Mn. '1'. A. An- ` old of Angnn, -Tobi: Mukl at Hunter, Jno. Joluuon 0! Holly. Jot, Grip of Hillldula, Minn Barth: , Ethel On and Euio Wilwn of B-nit. Wm. rm ind B. Hockridaa - nt. -In .. V ftho nun nfmalfi whilolimligalluahihalghl. Botwoui uinnAndd3ht*o`doek I trunnion: client non wlmr Henry MoCnAig'| ujde woia 1 EH19 in; ndnnoc cg the` other, and made trunk, {or l_he_~g.oo'- tabla. Tu runs: oupo ' and the table: wan ` ` -"2 8'7 '-._ .?P.E.__ were Ira:-I. Wen] ' _"VJ1.|.iP% i from } queung._ I . J UZEU _HTATION.` . . Jgpo 8- _A'{u;mbex' o("our football ` boy: `joqmeyed to Slgnnty Buy on L Saturday night to prnctioe with the ; boys ql tbnr villain. We no marry vmn us abontgaix` ween. , I] ' F. B. Day eondncled aariioo uI"tho v ' Methadiat chunk, Sunday evening. I P On: nnbliu achoolscholnn exam: to. E E day by W.'R. *l{eanan of` I > ' Min Lilly Cnwfozd in on the sick 3 list. We: hopliioozrto see her wall 8 ` " A * _ fa .. Vt . neuu ammo scarce nround hare. ' - We are planned 29 aee'Alex. Johnahm : in our midst Again. He expect; to.a!:a`y s with in abontgaix wash. _1 1- numne.:1':2u5Ar.__ in`, 1 ms; )oya of {bit villlgi. We_ ielda 71050 nround hare. um nlnnad h lnn'Alnr,Jn1 anxizrzn an. up `.f.. .m_- mi 3.433.: ug, sud`, ,;,;,,,. while linings: web I hahhl. Between oxo _s1'A'r1c>`N.~ 3- -A "number" nf `mu- IJFII I-`\I-I\LJ fail. c ncx!-fauna ace `xsfuunmnzn 1:79. ` I :':?.`?*.:a.?.``'":J.:.s!.'3.. :?`.i?..: :.g9::.'2 onnnlaln sh. oued MlKauh|m: I:o`n re;-'.*.:;-.!.*:.z.~;* 9:-1.2.9` *"- W lie 1:: be m3?ve E!HTTIh e"]:nrnhine1r- Vnn nun nu `ma. 9.. umona .X`1J?z`eP?3i`f{.au5L`iio'3{:2":`raw`.?$! " Barrie. M18 n'cXucL.>nodn.'on'EA'1`UB.DAY` tha ' um day or JUN E` sou; All. and ling-ulnr thou carunln pmrmla hr and and nrtmlnes. uzmuem-` " -the-VII opp _ _ _ V lI>n., In duct]! _ is .l3ota,n:;!Ihernu|nL| oi; E D Ililll B llll" I'V Ill` IIROKI ' C out on L5`: N311 In uzasm Oun- c on or the,'.l'ow-nalxlv -2 InulaJ..Upan1.ha yramisea J: 1:. _ `trams wdnm: house; nnd :;17d!ldln5.' helm? .Wl.l.|'be ared . .....,......,w. ... .. m..,..... ..... ....._,....m-.=r. a - . Co B I. `D g:':r"c'a uae.-mu: of mu 94.-um: Ivlthorilntergst. unaunns ..u an umer on wt: ;: u v-our: B ofwlumeamnda In the ncuoxrer` well: My Al-tress eml, vs. Mnrthl J-no .'1`hampnan cu .-,wnn tho. npproluulon, nl, nuts B.'Oouu`, ma Muster as-Burtu.1zy Jose ~a;"`**;***::a-*-=:`e'=~m *.:2:%::";.2 ff 0 C K *II J R ` n B` " rm ' Au thou: - VPURSUANT to An: order of tfz H Irconrt ` ` In xBe'ncuon f` I A tress vs r ..... -1. n... ........u. u... .1 1...... u 11...... d._Lyon . June Dlh. :1. daughter to Mr. and Mrs. NoR'rmmEAvE5-A(: Na.nt_,yr on` _ ~(}lmrles-15lf)x-thgre.1vea:------f-- * -_ t:;tir>(rn,a1.,n,tLgi\;eiLnJzehneea_L6 TH: elds nnd trees. which were really an!- B fer.-inpz from the droughm vD. `W:i11-ath of'TaronLo spent Sunday with J. Bf Lyons. .5 I . 9. son. ` - " Lyon--AI: Sault Ste Ma.'r' `- June`7nh;*a"aizughtex*'bo` M - ; crowd. - V ` ' ' " 3: It is the largest propqsition. on the_` market to-V ; L``"" i 1" '"'d '`"' da'y- ahdgvjthjtsglumerous. improvements it ` challenigesht others. ' With the new7'-' f '_ tgtio,n,a,1.,n,ILg'L\;e1Ln} jz eshneea_l.o ,t.he ` drought, ' IIBL W081-I ' Alum lenia club has been formed -"in onzvillage. ` "' . g _ ' Q. C. _'A,llan shipped a can-_ othoga, ' 'Mon7l3y.- - '. ,, J "J.`,he#IIe|ho'die!~and ' `Presbyterian ( Snndny schools will hold _n picnic at ; Iti_:m'y Pdinc next Saturday. ' ! .J.-`Woods of Tomnm wan }IllI'A m. I ( l rhunadny evening. when the following otcena wgerdelectad '-President, Mina ' ence_Dnnsmar.a.;_3lice=Eresideut,` Miss Aguqa _Ro.a; Secretary, Miss Mary McCuIloch ; Treasurer. William _ __(2I1mp,1ze,lL'._QA-gaxnia;,1!z1iiaL1'*3..j:as. The new conntv marl in haina mud. _,l4' pJ1e,lL'._urgan1ar+M.ias_E..1.Juas_ new county, mud in being made 7 he[e,snd just now it is, to any the ` least. `vex-y _:-ongh indeed. ______._..._.._ Mccudg, writs of Dmicu: ` on-ispn, eookrplnco Guthrie church lut'Bun- dny Ind largely nttended. Mn. Momscn bu inared grenll lot the past six or seven months. duth,r' which had `been _expected qt some limo ; "took place on Fridiy, being V duth,r' which ((2! time} pluca Fridiy, being I I happy xeloue {tom pnin...,Dooeaeod I In: durlr balovad by II] who knew ,her, and during her long ind active life Ylwu her, a In an unmplt.-`of pia'I.y, pntienoo and kindneu to In. Her husband, lhrog ,_ sons Nail, Hen_ry and John, Ind ve . daughters Martha, Ellen, Jessie, Kate Ind IuIuggie~snrv1vo- her. The coin Jeesie,I IuIuggie~snrv1vo- c ya: covered with beautiful ww i was uovfed wrench. 1 This in the second death thnt. has visited _ 1.ha!Ami1y_wi:.hin.a4ho:: -tine,m oonowing relutiyos hnve tho fullest. sympathy of nll. ,7 - _ `On the folluwing_.Mnndny another ` funeral took pIac_e,,whicb v_vna very sad - Dr. hidluw {tom Edg:r,'ot`e.- The {man} of tho III: N 1):. ulqluw Iron: 15dgIr, ot`e.- . The. {nnanl thovlnh Mnrgnnt Mccuig. Dunn): ,Morri.spn, E I I:_ook,plng:o ntnthrio phnrpb _ mpny Bomb Saturday. i J.Wooda Toronw was here on Tu9cd.Iy.< . ` Onk'I'hI1r"sdn'v nnnninnmnnk .-.4` I... n Sunday __ > r Camp. T`: terest as usua Hygie,nic gytshion L _ s H} rxlulrsa DUUJ [,1 "*:;.`.::.-2...:a-Ag.-"4"-:s:`.:r;v~T-:{:v.:.: L`"E a`` A3 ' ` J. . " ` `$1xi", lglzlaaestc:-nah prlbg nuuerm be de- - N LINE-' 3o"f"c'2nfx~.35~Pn`3n"':'- "` 'ru'""9q_ `is. v, ' "'9'? `.":S5.`$"` n?."e z'`x".-`..`$"`."`. ' "W-?".`I. ."`%`."t:' H H; iii tl:1e'.la`rgest propqsitm - Q .a..L. ___: ,__!1_I, .. 5 ::53In1peril%:O2ii'Of&i ' *"` . .-.__,_.A J , failura inay be tmced tq te you doi: kubw your oven. - With the Impmld; Oxford Range you know that the hat" ' _ > .of the oven 15 evenly distributed Ed is exact- does-away`wic1ra11jguessv$o'rki 'lIh'last' expen'EucE>.[i Ea: ~1:erIainty~whe:rtheroveu is1'e9:.y f'6f:iku`E?5FrEEn`"' ' Every housekeeper will appreua thns ccnv_e.uiauce of the E stmds alone as the best yet. `This the` great`_ vhff ` which resinsexsd rwllelirtg-L.!:,i,tq.-_ ` tl1 z1t"Wlif tIi_ WP;i1Ith`*`ji tp railroading. I 1 1 1 I I Ecanada Cycle} 8; Motor "(3o.,.L,imie.aL f "Head omceina Works , ~ Tn.-mun. I......u.... - Iuacqay-< . ' ion 'I.'hur"sdn'y nconsignmenb of farm` '3 Hplomeuts nnived at l._l_1_9:;atntion here nnd y{eie diatribut435i to bhe_-p\irt;bnshra' " ,.1$1`_;sg agent:e!e_B1_onjut.chuz'ch- the '.la`rgest propqsitbn. 01-1. I luv. 4...: mm- no --------~ =-'----~--~---' " >_ua.1- any `yvJ;n4:s41umerous. improw { challenges at _new*' It insures happiness In the home. Sole Agents for The most eonoynicd, the most. perfect baker with5cax-rugawd `ovizn . B",,__ . . I_I Ll l\II-I-Jug: n nu:-can u.-emu: unppmwu In nna nomu. B916 ngcnw Io: .Dnrnu-- ill. H. OTTON 84 "SON. `FIVE Points. 9 1:I_AI.... .. l..nI:.... -1 n......-'~`n..... 191-: an... `Dl.h.A 13:. v--- nu nan uvauv um \.v\lIiy rIv- u \-----u. > . . ` 1 I P._S.-Alao n full'lina of Roger Bros. 184Z_ilver Plshd Pie ` rxniyarr, raimmmsnpmuau3u:m-xm:-2 ; Nickle Plated Tel 3 iiBmquet and Hanging Lamps. . . } .. *l.lo`1':hIn'gV more a':|::'b'r6prlato`than !empe_.ti eT < . _ ,-~_- . Write for the Imperial Oxford booklet; Or better still, will you mllaf one of our agencies and see _ t|1e'st,ove itself? - - ' '- I\. Range H. H. OTTON 31.7 sou. is visiting here. ; 1 ~ Messrs. C. Grose and D. McCullough` 1 ..-.warain-Toronmlaatr-week. v -1- ~-~- ~(- ,__.._.Mr.JnAi_h[n:s./L_IM..Gilpin-and-rl[r.~ Fund Mn . T. Sawyer spent Sunday with ( Mr. and Mrs. E. Tebo of Hawkatoue. -A nlxahnn nl Film. M. - -..- nannlil. `jzoxonrrg .`x,'_wn"u; ip`Jg V Vnpcou.v_aI,- ` :F`,19 .00 V opp.` Q s' BKRRIE; ` CLEVELAND 1111'. mm nuts. 1:. "600 or Liawkaloue. e. James Huggeq of Moqpjj, If ;IKaf. Inf-e. ._ hlimnoxo. v A M:.. v..-.. A-z:II V JJDE (EU I E` . Ju_ue 9-Mm. Sprnl returned last Tugadny after a short visit In Toronto. isszchx vBu!:11nn.71`I' Bf *}\`nv.s 1 : air` 5. 1 -"~_'" "F. l'I:G-RAFTO . Music Hull Block. District, Manager. 7. ` B_AR.BlE . ' " ~--Vueyr[sst week;--~-- I -- -~ Mr. Cayne` of Che Imsfnrd ia the -. guee'tofB.,EfelIy this week; ' vEbgo&mH ` helju om: day clgis w/eel: en route from 7".D'ef)6b` I{ Pitts!) urg. Mrs. McKeown and her daughters Misses Bertha and May spent Sunday ' `at Mount SL'Lnuis.` - ' apieulauuuou min ` mu. - ` `C|'lIIloIh_.tlnu"b! h.';a-rI_in:`h'::ot:'IliI;. at ( ` Morn to 1.04342: uortnkul `; Cull or write 1*" "F."TZ:GRAFTON.- Manum -|u19..8-R. E91! . 11.34-596`? for Wine!-, ' `peg yengerdny to attend the Ortnge 1 conrcntmn. , _ ` conrcntmn. . Gooxga Nawlin returned home In: I week from Minnesota to spend 5 short time with his mother. ` IIIIIB WICD DIE I110?-llf. W.` 0. Hunter of Barrie occupied `bye .-Mathodi-c _onlpic_ hero on Sunday. Mrs. M. `Ben his been called to "Bell been ta Honeywood t_o attend her mate : who is \ vdry seriously ill. ; _v weer. ` ' : ; -:Weddin[ba|ls Ire ringing. \Valch A for pg`:-ciculnrp next week. ' , Conmntulntinnn fn v .<\..'..m. .... a 10! p_rucu1ufa next week. Congratulations to P. Sielda on bringi Mr.Cayne Chelmsf ng home a bride from Grand -' mi II M00115 EL LATIJIE.` Misses Ella andstatia O`Nie1I relati- o on ,M,undny-t , , , was BARRIE sEXAMlN.ER; 7? A un Page to: - :_.m Plsplu. ..._.. r-pa .- sx.oo. II!-bl`e`lu' Idvanca. 51.50 :1 ll notao paid. . ~ 1 9 ~ :?;347-30- M154 Der ce:1:.& `Is. 'A,aImrmnr nz`id Mm` iwtgad lgfns on mortgh ea 51 I'll . R553 of-A"3V.':'fB?`: ,' If 0,8131 . . .'lTII':' UNINSURED MAN. UVan of great. men ll" remind us` _ a can mnke our live: like there's. .1 And do inx. leave buhiudrua 1:; I03 our wivgs but tears. manlwoa, I5 vuzmnz here. . Mies'Gueat. visited Mia: Vein: Ardill ,, Ina: week. . ' .- .;.....__._.,,.._.._.-... ` Iiauumnooaulnuntiuuua.-. 1 cvnolkotgtl It tho pout ( `t`n'.I. c nmmhnm n a,l`9nd .un1u;cn- ;-g:ya,;enw.'homgaonhthe~:popnln:'= out forty precapgregsvof Hobart; wheeled over to`- 11;a(roy_ _qqx` yil i! gpe ev@Ll,ah' ; Mr._ aryll, a.cnm,ma'n:ia1 `tn-av.-ller, _ paid I: 5 aunt, Mrs.,*(`Dr.)',Ma1lby,Kd' I ying vigitlnat w_eak. `, ` V ' ;_Mr_a.' _,Caas- dens, Lo Jptqnto .`Igap_ r_ Friday. ` Herlfl.tle`dnInghter; Pearl, is , . visiting an ngntiinibdidlnnd.` ` , . .. Mrs. J. "rmm'.L` Edmu-: 3. V "J'?nntox'n',` E L Mn. Dry`edale,VF)aa._ ]~_'Tha Dhnenb Senizr f 'Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard leftjast Thure- , day for Edmonton, Alberta, where they ` 5- intend to. make their future hope." ' " V-J1iHB-:EBD>L.ThDlhn8nI"I .c u-nus! -the:_agf2!.v; able. In the future, we hope that we shall bear no gruliling about _tl1a`un- aaisfnctorj atace_ of the street. The sidewalks havehlso been repaired. Tue broken boards `have ben replaced by sound dnea, and'il.'.is astonishing how much a few feerof god lqmbat add to who use Lhelsidewalli I Latte "hon voyage. Robert Cleland. Mrs. `C rind and f '35:: left` ash , (lay Alberta, rhev ' - uucnn Ei3`haa removed from ' Gideon Shottreed's cottage, Mill screen, he- xeaidanco, he-puruhase-oo=&u - al_re;sI,_from,.P.eber Nix .. William Martinis Conference dele_- { , gate {pr the Hillsdals Circuit. Mrs. ' Martin accompanied him to the Queen " I _Gil,:y;,_`_ . " . M. 3Keiiaer having x`-aimed his Hnne is ' t lyWn&ih 41 Mnnv or our yowiug people purpose - - `taking in 119 xcursion to Midland on " Thursdly." taking the xcv: Thursdly. """""" " . Rev. Than. PM Rev. Thos. Pslnn of New Lowell , preached at the preparatory service, on Thursday evening, and the excrement ol the Lord's Supper was dispensed on Sundsy nlbernoon i1rZian church. Misnm `Linn pn`mnr ant` `HI-1 `nun... nununy ncernoon urzmn church. Misses Lina Enlmer and Lily Rogers of Suyner Sundayed wjgh Mrs. P. 3 Giin. - ' ` 1 ` June 9-0ur comizisnionera have " had the gnidefut work. bud Hive" grnd- 1 ed Miyllnlroel veg-y nicgly mam the, _ I Methodist church eastward. When c` wlmdunnlot, O. F. purpuo ab 1 Landing uniaa in [ha Pnnbytarhn church here an Sandy Afternoon, Jung 1 `. . . 1. LIJLUIAILVLV. .----'June 6-M.'_.a-M.-A. nud-E:'I2oftu's' of Apbo and Miss N. Buckley of this ~ place were nmong the number. who noon vnmod Mrs. 11. Bebe.-1! layer. _week. _ Puh-idge of Edenule paid I i-' ` ing visit to our burg. Bundny. ; ., .11. Schall in now on thn sick fiat. , ` , .11., Rcngu M pair tlin sick list. Mr. Wilkinson uf_'Av/ening "viaitud I I friend: in "thin vicinity lust vnelr. K Mr. ma Mrs. Pnlfard nf Allialrm _ Mr. Mrs. Pnlfird of Allis I Ipent Sunday at Mr. Thompaozfi. A new wire (eneo was on: of this A wire of the im- = pxovamanta made to Zion church yard. having span: Ksnnuay wn._h Mina Cassia Buie. Miss Perry who ha": been visiting Mrs. Saeler his teturue to 'I_,`oron_to. "~A!ex._`_`Ynlkei'_diBlAyiur._wu` than .on Bunujgy. _ W, ` ' J. Qnhud nnd,'1'. Rlndlo ol 'M`u.u- 1 ing ooodueud gains in the Methodist 1 church Sunday uhamogn. - nInh Y n I!` nun"... .3. u -~ Mxasrofxa-p1aa:ra'z:s:sr.sI::s*.;s henrwill uh phoo. It Wang: Beach I on June l9|h.f ` < , nem .\ . ` 1 -V -~-r)lr.~|udvMrn.~ P|r`h ol~Bu1krwaru 1 tbs guests of M133 D. MaNabb on Sun; I .a._._, 1 . u 7 .\ WQTM Vaarryrtol 136$ offlho serious 1 glxnm 6! mu _Ixeno Knapp of Mine; f 1 M I rluny, 3' The y"oung`-[;stl);)rle`oF;I;A6&n;;;; q g having n p` ic to Wang: Beach on ` l ' - ' ` J WodnudIy.' . . " Mn. Buiu nnnnLA fnw,rh wilnnLwrmk .. wood lrlcnda. . . t Inupeclor Morgan nudo hit olcial 1 | visit. `to our school but Tuesday. `. 1 '. Min Peucock;__,mlchar uf '1-Glen -( ";E`DE`NV"ALE_,-" H: 1 ua -M!g`wIt'0f Barrie ouch-_ ` tint`: ipit ho're..Sun-` vmmng nj,1nt%i1y1f.1\l[id|nnd.: 'Tnnton,` Edgar; is yisiiing r . _... u > v-nu; uuuuunzeu :`%347.80. puys'_4 ,1:/elftt on 8P01l` 25:35 1,2339 ?t82.s9-M oammal ennrcn bunny unarnogn. , wlmdinvdot, 1 lndiI}g_ unina_ Limm. V Mr. In! His) Campbeyll of `Vespm c spent Sunday wil._h Mina Cassia Buie. ` gluon : notue. V- ` , G. Muir spout Sunday with Calling 4 wood friends. . enu B0 make u:ex_r lutgre hope." Miua,Ied:u.ThomgaonLhe~:popnlm'* '_res'of _I1obprc; me I; And Hrs. Livingstone of Dun- ,; >on viziged Mrs. H. Schell lapl week. I 9 it out-rents. eel? .. Dunlap evening sf gamei on the lawn and E 1itliii1TlIo iIFWo1l1i"phiiaI1iE y, at music` furnished by the Anderson . party, Mra. -Mazcalf`, -Mia_s Morrow and obhnrs.` When--fur into` she night, 1 hnvingddna amphjuatice to ice cream nngi other refreshments, the` party broke up. bid good-bye to their hostess nnd ntnrned to-their homes feeling` that Ih -ha Whqrgmx-_eni913b19, 91 B9 .6 one couple, , stun; o_n theIr`1If'L-longjqdrney. ' , = '. ride . ' '1! _S' thudglbgqe Bchud- vinitigg nu ted ii: Fergusanvnlo, Ev-u`a_dTn>y., r-;d D1ckey_ea11ad.ou iahdn in_ Dry; L '_ 'ng,>Sl:II'1dfy- . '2': ~ 'T1_m Dh ;|k'ug'mizh Utopiiis'"tIi'q~g_uesl,of 35" '2 n nu-1am ,XB8idlle-IfS6_8l b0l'O.- ..~-~-..__. . The bride was the recipient `of varied And qostlv praaenta too numerous sq enumerate heme. Hutce it to any thsgy I " `fdmbiiid `bifi andtxaf\ilEb'Fa to a A marked `dagree,-nrni aaldum'bavawe' seen so many presents given thi_1t_so ".__The .rel.urn.m)tchfbetwecn . Slxuna. . and Churchill 1991: place here last I Fridsy evening and'SLroud was again 1 viutox-ions Bay x_a`s:o 4 0_ _ _ t '.The annual school picnic will "be 'hIdTaf.'S3y C In ` auowalie voile lrimma. with cream Ge,'Ee_`Pk 9f _Ch"Y 0'99)` _ Bnttenburg and hat to match. Aftr p" h`.i "1 `be M`th"` h h "V rlheir wedding tripvwhy will` take up S;dy "i";_ 8* Jesidancerntscarbox-o.. .. . .. `___ he.rel.urn.m.m:h.Tbetwecn lxuna. wag re`; nrof `and look blew 0 - Scarboro. -'- bgkuuclunbmt` 'r,-oI-Glm1ria,` 5 looked charming in her wedding gown I of white silk trimmed-with pnasemenw ` bloaaoms,_ and cariid - bouquet at The bx-ide,,who was given nwy by Mriand -lsca,-bridaI-veil~hnd~ ox-an white carnation: relieved by fern; nnd I ' tied with while ribbori. Lime Misaa Ruby Wilson and Mrs. John O'Connell is visiting C Fanny Al1ingham,,niacu of the groom, wilh her daughter, Mrs. Francis Co- t actgdas-ower-gir}a1nq warenctirlsdin 1nErliu 0!`Collin>gwobd.' ' `"7" f whIt_e`orxnndie with P151`! 5;-*11e9,and_ Hugh Smith ms` completed: the can-xed shower bouquets. none W," for 0 Ln ` I Tna groom was auppor!edUl`:y'hia *v_--_l n__._ ` bouqela.` ". . supported l3y'hia - nephew. Cecil H.Wilaon, of Hnwkatone. Thn ceremonymtook Diane in!.he - .nm_nm_xmndu'.n.Midhnue. ' The Inc Cream Social` held on 3rd ' inuron B. J. Russell : 1:31: for tho pugpou 9! exhibiting the Scripture I111 huh nude {or tlio Viulon `Hospital. 9 Bu-gin, WI! :' -*brillInnr'lueo,ua. `Thu .1 awning was all shy: could` bis 'deuIrod -n|_i.l-3z9,,;I.1I.v;1bers,9f poyplv from "Buria, 'Angu`L.` Colwall, DAla9.on, rywn Hill and .Midhurl_e ~ mumbled on the hwna 942' anjoy the hlanunt DIIHOHIOI . > V ' u.Bmshy:orinua;h:vo_._;laoidedrlo N - ce1ebrataDaminion Day by their an- 1 nunl pipnxo. | - un.vvn.aLu:L`u:.. ` 'I.'h e raaidugof of Mn. Willinmgan, Hnwkatona, was the scene of 3 very pretty wedding on Wednesday after- ` noon, June 3rd, whan.her `youngest pun, msuumg uu vveunusuay nIr.ex- daughter, Joanna M., was united in ' - holy wedlock to Geo."1'. Wnlson of _ Qrywn Hill to anjoy blonunt evening. aloe crduwcako sud lemon- " Ida were burnt! Ind guns: indulnsd in jfn'nd`vzer'e diatribu md eo"`che_.;mrchu'm' lei? 1" H135: agm: Wallce B1gnJipf.Chu:h- ;-_Js;_iaa,1:eu:..'homgao: ` ;_ejnI_.g4i__t;1e_!nmcr,'abouhfoity 1 beryto n d nnerv he the Ialrol om` villjue uni! spent ox thomselvep for H19 [1 mm. Rev. Mr. Pntob al Angus Ibly filled the responsible pgailion cf olnirmnn while among those wbmauiated `the home man: were D13. But, Mr. Bunch, {ling GA.-digs}. Miss E. Bnnkerm` ; V J I guns -- Tho` pmeaaas,aaawa-a 126.50. which added an the-qnilfcontribnlionu l nukunbout877._ . __ - ,- unprov yr 9.; man 0 am - othar monument. Mn. Bohnrtsan bu had itplnced our the grave of her 5 hnabnnd.` ' 2 1. - .7.-- K!pHtIBB1*.`L- ~ Jun. 8-`-30-. .._aa!m- Cluk of Vanoonvat B. 0. no Lb: gush ol Mn. 1 P E B. Bnudl It Belmont Plus. ' Mn. N. Garvin hu ntumo (mm 1 ha: vinit to Pclorboto. ` B.u..m1 Mn, pm... ..}.a u..... cranmcako nud'.1emon- 1 Ida guns: indulged tilldliak, when the lhdienea noatad i Ihomselvea pmznmma. v , liurie gnd Mr. nhd Mina Ferguson of I Qo_11n1LJdr. Ind Mrs. Rganll desarve` 1 great pniaa for their nmixing elforu lxu1voifnrnf1 | Miss GA.-diner. E. Bunker :oi` Barrie gnd Mr. , o_11n1l.Jdr. Ruuell . 1'Ir:Ify6iT_ need7"sE ` gn" `; 7 5`"Sth-`"5V " " ,`;, , Sco_tt s Emulsion suknmver as`in ;I5Iinlr" V ' . . I loll! llortpgul _ Llfi _compI_ify_ol 7 "OBogHonnl0t6.,. ' i i 1'; BaEcR`ol-1?. nuuxet Hawxsrbgn. ..:.I..:!...e no M"... wn : suit was of cungay El D0316. L Geo :-ge Peacock Cherry gch Arm,` preachedi church on and other 4 d and -some-time, n`s'.therq;-wl J30-nrymora men. Ihe timber being very Heavy the wori was gmdul, but the entire atmc- tnre, ben_ts,- ,h_renal:-places and ' mftera `ivgvent together _Iike.n_chnrm., ;A aligh- dnjwbnck was qccaaione`d by the crack, in]: of n'_bre`nat-platve, nned by ' all 'whi`ghhud 040,113!` iplied ` `V V " . .tika,on,a} bl .t.ha`_,Breaa -p 3 up` \_:pside,dowzi?,nnd',1\ia,d` Th'a..l_:3ing `a yet-y_ dab 001 , 4 Jxme 9-`An'evan!.`,whiuh pioved especially interepting to '41 large gather- ing of spectators and panic atom in e york,` May 15}, was ` rs 17 ., - 'Ge_9ige' Ci cl}, sitnald` on .whxic is , known as the "Curry Farm, pppqaite ut~hrIe-ohurcb.--~1lhe-r"ruising-coxxiT manned about itbrea . o c.1qck, `_HBDifY `Mccuhig and `Michael Hays befng" the captains. L Choosing aides took,,uo_me n`s'.ther'e--weld -l30-armors ` :The ` 'hId at'S3TCo7e:E' J'u'i1 T!Tzb. The members of Cmigvale Pmaby- V ` {erinn-church-iutend'ho]dingl1"Etl'EW7 *9 be :-ry featimxLm:L.Inne4th. L. 0.LNa. 605. Craigvale. have +Her'b/ E e,blL:o ` Sunday at home. G eorxze Pencnnlz ` liK!SlN'l.'WUU.DT' Jung 8-Jau:gs Con-igan of Maple 1, Hill was the guest of Miss Aggie Hogan 1, 'on Sunday. ' '. William Clark. `Mina Run M:-.(".nrn.u Melnadiat chnmh, Sunday public expect `K. hive their. phqmgrnpy tgkeq on Tucs- , W. R."Keannn of ' Lillv Cnwlurd i. nn lhn my ` order [or 6,000 boxes fast wgek. ` . ..EaJ1i11ha'H:is-ze_rhurc-p1ayin football at Lstxoy. ' Ouniilng (bu Iinlnd sup.

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