um. - ,." . ,_ _ E Among thniguiagl pl-gasent wore:-- -Mina-lddnrd of '1`o_rontao;7Mx-s. and Miss _Smitb`nf Ggjlingwood: A:-I Day and ,' _y of_Bux-k u.Fnlla. Y MiuM.d;x.:p_;.y or,33u:k'..m1.. _ `Ilia Inga hnnbu-,of"hsndwma _ and Smith `at Gg_ll' gmsod: I 1 useful-ptesantsko the bid: aniad m E` was beatmanr Miss `Berth: Thong! Dolutlonito R.`-V. lloqihl: r 1 non playgd the waddmg, much. * ' ' ' `Mr. Oaldwt-ll. 0.1-own gill . ." _| Abmkmc wns~ held hninedintelv Balance of concert at M"- 1 mg pzaygu me waddmg, J _ . wnmheld 'i_n-xinediately 1 I following: #116 common y. aftei whigh 3 hhanawly-wedded Lcquplp 7 left azji the _ I __5.2_tr.iin bifihrir hnneymoo n. ThIv 1' _sHon= EARLY, |--\/\|-'- \ pig'- 9.25 ' wuddgd the _lJ .n honeymao Thly ' it_ giichugoud, Montienl and I `lalhu ` 9" l_1u'r's"u`1'VIIIeu._Co[1)orI-Io. Ont. Eshhhed 15.51. ,-`.._._.... mug I-II` ~A,u ;`lVV`~ l7~'I ks Wll,,,e,aItIlIII.$lilgBl\IteckllI`-qnt~wrlte-{fr -_- GHA$_E`B;RO1THERS` COMEANY, ` .A F_T.E. YOZU AN? AG ENT? Are you earainu 515 mu mun 1': ...a ....;..; .. `rlnd usidlcljan of uvery poi: we sell. 3-BU: dJpa.rI:z:I.3n. 1437135` I- " In-aIu"'1. bl-ck 'l.hrerl ::{:m;..,,.u::.:.n...,u;;W; .40 |Jl_r\\;I'\ UlVIJHKIHJ S .ma.c1:-saeoonsxu-u, ad 1'6 - ma sateen with `do ou m `cm-. A prinud am-xpuoui mam` `do justice. Come undue: v.hem.`YoI ll-not.bc won ; riadilyond ,,, ml a not. will: in buy. n`ee- 76. 81. $1.25. 31.50 mm yuuucn. Coma undue: nh_em.`YoI ' riadilyondontwvuhmbu . T 2-je-75, $1.25. $1.50-dr_s2- BLACK UNDERSKlR_TS nude ofue imported ' Mr. '0:- om ll .5 , at Miihnt-pt. X bger Jas. Coutbs ..A._.. m , -2111 B , electric light fixture 2 E) 7 Young Girls Club, sale of 10 II) A i . , . 1[ an gbsent fx-ie-`if, - E at for '33; mg` twelydmqnbhln` ltitskeq bheplnce of nave-a Tlattet,` And is betterbanrs letter. for it tells 1.; hundred and on'e hhingi at which Q` I I. 1; l , ',A letter does ngg xpaa.k.`._ nndred "true ch Ill not spaa.k.`. , Bn!n.uce`_?f c Midhny , as. ou Presggbariatn Church. Guthrie. f N : elec_r_' glgt>xtu_z-e .... 1.._:._-.____--5 ` Wt sane-lb xnurvfmn or mg napondenua upon; thin lubjeol. .. ..' `:t ; yuuulsuua upng: um: subject. .i3tionaijIrust.%C;.;| _ nnuininmi... 1-..... :~ ~ V`%$E%nNn wE;.Kotou&rcnEA1 sAM_masA1E `if? `%`IE.l:3l1A1flliE,S;-5}] g`oFA, jmu _;coMrAu[v 9. -3.35 a mnmm-n I'm 1" "2 - "HOLLY. ` ,.- ` June l-Alberb Lougheed >ot Mani- I$lliI'lII;:`lil.nd `I9 vlsiungl_11a`gxncle, Jae. . u .' . ~ - " g h1g5-3. `Wm: Hubbert la viallzlng at , n e . . ~ -1 ~- A r` -Wm. Fen-in hug raised his ?mrn`a.n_d tend: to`pu mo :-ment ~_`_loundutlon_ ' nude:-lb." ~,.; ` ' - r-; l'. Campbell): Hal shin bt`n~I'8-1-I~v ad an hela In I I I I I C 1 I I I quuuny. .,',L'nose rwhose 1."aduclf.' , knqwr-. huwever, secu_ an em . cent-[or their pI'h)_E n Saturday. I , ""'j"` _ . June, the grqgtest month in ztrhand, and we are de_t,e;mincd._ this de-L partment. Weofferya number of `_ phi` i g e lpvygrjng itiduyements, V` which win be of grat iriterest to gvgry cconqmical shppper. ns . I Fine Cimbrin (`Anna In thmbuarnlant. ' Wei 'v'voEld-Lia to in: nu npo'n_ev IL gacgxva and gunmen the 9 : . _ p cxtymxe tl;dimj:a}tanoe of thin?- departmeqt. We giia in every ncumtioh HIM. the other: _ , , __ .........,.u uurngnro In Brat. New York, sud the B. & make a n 1:: in equal to any 754:. Corset"-in -ch: uurkec.` ` 4snmmmg,.nr...-.- no Linen Skirt, in .wir.h.nt.ripe,- var; _..._..___.___ > _ex-,wunesmu1n.tlns LI ` . ` Aqlipuyen-1y`mmi mm. .'3n?z1 -1 ., n:fhQl;eg:.l!1;;I`;p:rgon|lhle. Tm: 1 _ L _ mp. ng follows. - ncka. W. Whlt.e..H.. 1 h` ` I E. - .`:Bul`tlw"ln: fmrg. "Tw Ga-y,'E. "at man; -'-zoo. to $1.00" _, _ ____,, - Ladies Dck Skirts g . ` a `El: `:1; I , 19.... .... "'""3 .".'.` .s'i'.5o, cI:75`.`nd $290 , , with emhmidery, inieninn Piqnn Six r quu-tar." .... _ Hop 9, uhoi0l10w 2301:.` '5 so '1 1.15:)-fa Ind- _f:h.25o'. V` M . I I HIM}; lf0I7Ia l'I AKTLDAEY Fllljdl. ` -" 322:: :::: .`3.`:.*:::::."' l,nI.I.. p-r.|b 50..3 D0 noel. xoxoqnnmn Hutton. pur_lb.;. ._.. lnnlz, quu-hr. BARR-IE -_MARlE'1`S. ` _ I unsao u cxmmad with V .'1-agulu C0c,lor- 48, . Icuve bu51nesa_pu_[luila. . - - ` ` One of dur hports had a dream I '- couple of nighii ' Before the K_ipg`s , Ehwiacmwus. n1n,Land: h&_ -dlllnd 1*. (h_iIt the bursa Perfect Drepln was to ' _ba-tha`I;vinner:`Up0lT1h'e`at`fg`zE`6F . this he put up 3.10: of his lnney Ind ` no-V,ii!9gLL>sIiqvuha,oId.aaiing, v- E dreams expect the eoncnryf . 3 ' `Sir Chm-la: Riven`: Wihmn and nu-tv ibo CL RB. 61: its whole avatonr had i-alr coma afsbiatinis main depmuzihc = yvhere'he_w_ouId' robubly nd that ho ' uocidanhfnanlteu frourenxployas falling of the pd-ladders}. -Mr Oroelmnn aid that the truly lnotipn bxoughhggninat Been anjneoidaut cnusd by} aids lad- der-;thi1:'wu in Vermont.` * ,' ' nnnnnv. nmmnm`: 19% ` " V . .` '_. I V - -j "` __ ' '1` 111: d_ maul. we pay npecinl ntusnlion, an M mm: ..,.m ... . . _, it a~ .. x K? J rise I Call` of Detroit, with was lhmdriver b the first engine nipthe turd?` Mr. Mr C111 is 76 years o`uge, .and instill bile and !:|eaxty., Ha ha: mtired from 111 native business puuuiu.- - ha; mtirz businesa_pu_I_;uiu. 3 homes baa Golaku ` Inikin g lmp;onmull `lo hiljiroputy. . V . . .1 banding uepuxtynent _ I - _ F1ed E'lia Wu callpd libmf to _To: onto owing tojhu lllnogn of his Inther. 5 Tuesday morning}: He has ruined , Duriug.hie sermon on Snndny mom- , inn Rev.,J. W. Churchill devoted pan of his discomae to the benet at public school trustees. Ha dwelt conaideiqbly ` ad Ibo question at Low Snlariea" I John Huvi:-.5 Jim mid` 6|... 4:". ` Prubyterian ' oephbly on Sundny.` v ' Mn. Hike of Benton i has been nntotfto inike nn_oice fa? ' `V E. Brown, Supt. of the Bridge and ` Building Depum_z.ent. F1ed'E'lia cdlad }iFunm' on 'm._ 6 am llhiogl Qfhia resigned I his position as renun on the G. T. -B. I ` HG resigned _ '!M....a a:s.;..I.a ...... '-: v-L.. n-- bild; 'Bndlord 'streef, died Moaduy nighl. He was 20 .years ofhage and hnd been in e ears. Messrs Mallets and Mndill. ox-gy.niz- e;-g,at.O. 0. C. E, hure-v been actively ggageg in-re.:ruit.inrlbe-ma:gzbe1-ahi of Allandnlu Cuunoil No. l40-during rsrvv_aek.j..T""-'" . - - . ' ' ` "Y-"" . """":" ` db To dgyutmunt uni can my nnheaitnngly that. never before w n tX:k.. 6 ox no r - ` , wm nire. N S. the (W. Wengu-um LI: a nnxa which qty ngqd; 0nr,VN enlblg Sgqnggrf qt C9rub,ot.,50c:- in mun 2.-. Ann -1:. n- V - ticket on the GzuLN'ghem;a vgny, ; 5 "" (T c~ . L John` Hnrvief wine sold the {int nunany :2 his home here. ; Mi; El-he! MoMor'nb.le on S`-Cur day (of: nbdit uh`; in Rams. - , 1 Min N; Hochidnr nl Gnmfnl 1.! .......u Ivvunu vwuou ny mm nugnu. Athunlcl Smith And My mother hue guns to yisit In 1'oxono and Ningnn. In an! a! Toronto has been the guest of Min P. Cyunminga for the pul- -veok. ' I - I .- *:j'I`hu Prubyterhn Yi F8. 0. E. vilitod lh ' oepubly Bnudny.` _' Benton has been `visit; I in; her aunt. Mn. Wm. Srigley, and her sister. Mrs. Eoim. her sister. Mrs. Eoimr. hunt, wardwiaiting her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Lewis, Burton Avenue. ~--'h u'Suu-uIy5:Rob'e EFThFia, of Thornbnry, lnmbeen -ppointod und Trunk agent :9 Stayner to succeed Mr. Wakelyu - v ' The L15-inn"-Aid Rn}-inn r.` cl... Mn. Gibbons and` Jon, 0! Gnu-en-' wnxelyu _ _ V ' L1diee' `Aid Soeiety of the > Burton Avenue Methodist church will meet on Wednesdhy nitemoqn of next ` week. H F W063. .. J ` _ Isaac Ambxose ml: brohght homo from Cqllingwood hospital on Mondly. ' He is npidly recovering from big Ic- cident. _ _ um yvualuu In! urcnun me u. 1'. `I1. Edward Sibba1d,:on `or rw. Sib- hild; 'Bndlord1treef, nig`h`l. Hg go lyyears of __age i 1: lbs pinonngu. 5 V K i A __Miu Bjnglumof Geqrptoin hilt `gnu-tolVlr:.B.Beu'. _ _ Ci` 6 Mn. Fred Po-nay Ind ':hlldmn- no viqitingfrisndniu Orlin. v `Fwd Joan: of 'l`m-In 6. -:.:o:.... J vnqxtmgtmndniu Urllljn. Jonas ol Toronto in visiting V xelnives nud trion-in hero. - ~ "Hnb'MVeMorran_ of (mm. -pm ! Sundny his homo -.;;J=.L,Duck S,kir,ts,%_ find: of Bus Drill. in plninind In y paI.I.ernu.. ex- o_allont.vdpI_aI...., . . . . . . . .01 any [or a short in Rams. ' I Hochidgr of Gnnfol 1: `tithing her Iiudr. Mn. Wm. Bunk. ' AI-.. 'u.;Ir._' L'_- ._ _A- at - honn recently naked by Sam llughu. Alex McKay Eu moved into l.h'e ` Athunk-I Smith nnrl hi. mnlhnr In... W waning.` `. ' ' Wnldcn Lu" returned. n Monday mf.}ha~OnmiofNomil"C6IIre, Wdler Hutton tau returned {ram . Gnvenhunt Sanitarium much imp:-ovg ` adip hulv.h;'-'-" - ` ` r n n__-nr}_., .-. .. '..'. an up no-nu. J. C. Ron of Knox College; 'i`o1onto filled the pulpit--vary oc- his ' Herb Mclfm-ran_ Of ` Min ELL-I MnMnrinh 1.4 pcnonngu. Min Binllnmo cxaenr. Hull the Iuitimz zoom. :9. the nation out otfto mike nu oice far v ' ` ugh: at about" f GOISII These goods are" all Qxaaztor Rogu1u.'`_Pr1oos.' ` This weeks selling will clear the lot. last st: da.yfs' el`l:ihnlg his m:_1_dergr`et- feductions in the .uantities, llutstill " " `le, rnum rs 0 mat ess argairs1nA'I';I.d1Ol'nn.d '1 33.116 thgse l;aad.:l.os' Grsvandtto this season's samples. and Don't delayrseeing Vthem; ?$"'I"""'" `Vi 7 V ' W77 TIIUISIVAY, JUNE 4. 1%. . . , ."BI?EI7_ GfEo"]3itiIe:wn? ' k asvmid. VH3;-drag - \VCI.:'0_ff`WhiDO : .acE`snk orgiqaaa brim: Nu; -gum ` (autism, with trimming: of ' wlgigeip jplique and greet; ulin ngd wo__n~|` pip vt g h:t'wi_ _Iwora:ad;:c'loI grermi Iil_k ppiernn push a _esjo, sen "E:d blne._ She carried a. |bqi1er- of ' c'r_in`:san roe wiclgatrcnmqis` oi mini - aqu satin ribbon. `L|t.tla_' Min. Myth" ,3 Thompson made A very pretty ower xix-_!. She won I lrpck of; French :1 ' whitohwn wizlrtrimininzn `of white 1. Dnlllglllluo W ' . A wedding of cghsidonbiu interest - hick plane at thaw:-gaaiderntae of Mr. And: 5 Mrs. Geo. Cumniiiigay Essa aheettnt 2.30'yest.erdny ntcerpnon. The conu` Inching parties were their popular" 2.30'yest.erdny con~' popular" ' daughter, Mi.nBschu'e1 Pau1ius_,Cum- ` mings, aha Joeegguweaxuy Day, Gnnd 1 ' Trunk Rgilvgny conductor. ' . ` u The bride. who wna niun awn}. bv 3 ljrunx ngxgvguy conduvstor, V . bride, who given away. by her father. wore a lqvely gown of white - eilk crepe de chiine over white` Vcqetti _9_,e`n;1b_r_ui_ii,|;t_ad.nah_nnLni`lk..AIppliqnt1 ' Tuhite sutlniud urigd-,3, bog ` ' 'te'td:ea and maidgn `hniriei-n giith` lilliea `oi-the valley and -wWu ` MiEF Gi'io"]3{v`.Ie_Tv She cnnitd rblaket of pink nndwhi$a ' I ,_ c>i-ni_ioI_:n.tiag1 with pink`-ribbon'; '- .` Thy! eremony `nu yooiniuctodty I ,-go .I,,w." Ohnrohill ~-and -.thok,fp|Ic'a ! 7 -.-Sr.-II--H.~Gartnar,*`E.-0`Bun'ne!l: _ J. Gates. Johpeqn, A M,c'Donald. - I J 1'.` H.-C. Arclmr. H. Churchill. U. - I whil.a~lnwn_wiIh`tl'_iminingI `oi whips 1 inlertiori antlliq Ami main ribbon. i ` TJr. II[.-%l;lhu:l lgrdnmn. Richard. h0|1iPl,Q_.,-`-- ` I = ohliaon-'7-George Dixon, Eladia McMilhn._ -' ' - -l.-sr.-11-..a1.~amna..~E.-o*Banu . - 'Bnintbn. , `J. uatea. t5,.Jonpeqn, A Mcuonald. , Ir.LH.:C.Amhu. H. . Chm-nhiIl.__C. Hirlehay, M. Brown,-E. Fergumn. -A `:- I '. Sr. PL II.-M.'-MDoI 1nld. H. Mc- ` ylvia-`McM,orran,`EvV: Storey, B.ettl'ie ` ' '.\ I, . . , . ` THE MEN'S STORE , : '_ ' >A:speclal feag1ge_izghis`stor_e isthejnionderful value -we show in ~Men's and Boys Suits. 85 er.-cent: of the entire stock is Oak Hall Clothing, _a make fanid throughout Cams. 2. for t and nish, equal to madelio ordergoods in style and t, and value right down'to perfection. ' We have `the exclusive right of sellingrtliis , - celebratfed-Gl4othingkforBarritrd_istrictand g"ua`f'anfE'a saving to the :buyer as well a_s satis aqtion. V ,. ,7 f - .. . _ .. -Illqrvhirb---t5:lozerr-Merr's*ne"Amerit3rioft`fFSfr good w`a)sh1nga.'g_Qods, invergneat and styli`sh dgjgn's,_;zhire_and_a1LnQln_;s,_:an.3L; s1ze,.Tx75rtlI$ . V ` I - - - - , _"_-_ , Q 750. A- -- -;- Sweaters; Caps,-~HaV;ls,' `Underwear; Ties,fo'llars, . a"'mo. assoft-'" . menc. ~ ' " V , ' ` ' - ' ` uu _-:3-._nuw u an groan. -130 147-20: ' Extra lino Cation Ease. lull luhioncd with caqhmen (act, 8;. 9, 9f . ._i.:_____.._._;____._ A lplendid range", or steel, bhck urinaa UUUIJS snowake costume cloth. 43 hch wide. benutilnl goods in gray, hum, light blua: d . nnvy.|:.....v.r.~....r. .:... ...60c Franc Eon: for -kirk" 54 inches widd, in light. grey, k grey, nndblmk, special .. . .750 _ `l:!l.!'|l"l l: on [I . m_uua1: SILK _ ~ _]`|noPureSi]kBl9udng,wiLh corded Itri ` - in nxblood. pa}: lglne, turquoise, pink And vb la. mgu|u60cgood:,Iel]in;uc..;'... ....... ....37o KLADIESLLlrN.EvNeG9|;!:ARS-A-7 * Theru 3 bri3k>deVmand_Ior hdiuwhita Linen Col- for bouneu Ind `arena, xeiu/Er . . Erna. :l'lne'Pure White Muslin, in loan. nu-ipo Ind Ipo!-I. !peciIl_r_lu_e. . . . 2|! Yin: Mu-neilles. in 5 diumt dnignu, lovely soften; wuie uusini, iuiaee. {tripe apecinl nlue..............`. 21 .2! ` terinl, regulu 35, npmy ~ Fine Mn}-.ei11..,"in dfauui: d`uign.,}Qmxy sofcArn;~- `v.eri|I ,regulu-35c,IpeiAl.. . . . . . . . . . . . ..,....2l organdlps, Linens.:Ba.t.Ia1_'.oa and Dimi- ties In A nnrvellannly nuncme rungs. . . . ' ' `-350. 350. 40 '9-ov,ou0,'8IlI)InuD LADIEJS wn-um: BLOUSES ,A range than is not equalled in Barrie. We lhuvi n .. E_axuic_e_m._ epllecgion _lpcludin_g_ l00_huntifnl . c. -_..., .. . .. .-.n.u \. nu. an. uxa\.UullE prices _ _' ' ' Ladies` Dressing Sacques . 1-In nc Yetulu. good fun colon, nt.. ...... Ila , nnlitiadn IAIm--Dimiiiar akin nnd (may 2 . `uer_.-. . ' H.759. s1'.oo. $1.50 m saoo ie,${,,Duck Sl:ix:ts,"{_; _ I.` hniiy - Fine Skirt, in . ner qu'Amy._ trimmed New goods arrivx;rrg.e x'/ex"y wek, new patrons, andpnewventhuslasm for bi ` teat, .$f9r..-_.Xouths, misses and chxl gmen. There are attractions for all " it e`riiVblov}v'i alone worth the coming? for. .- . _. . fei_atufes to interest o'ur'fn'ends` and gger bq5i_ness-is `the ordetof thixigsb at `this dren_ are interested- wh_'o visit _this popular shopping place. a.s-wdl'a.s ladies and gent: ' {LADlE--LI-N-E.vN%'&JUbI:ARs`T` brick demand Ior In-I. u:d_ we hnva the Angle and qnnnlizy to meet all ruqninugenu. Any size, price . . 100 and 15 ' . \lIAQIJ rznnno ' 1:eat,,s.u:u:e.__.)Louths,misses and children_ are inLeresteda.s-u emen. s it(e riiVblov}v'i a1one_ coming` for. '1 [Jr\1'\Il-r\ur v~ - that is not equalled in Barrie. magnicent. eplleccion including 100 buutiful Blouse: thnt was bought M. a big, rednption to .+____. I nvannn I `Inc LID! Lido Hose. Iurnnhd liar. black.nsgu- Indies` Super Lisle in phiu And 4 ludllagmdn, bought Lt: barpin, ynun hncy drop winch, n:gnl.u-45, -r... -I V ontbusuelenu ..................... ...u ` ` hm 5 in $3.. -134: uraoe-~- II_-ltE.'-Ml r. Peak. .11. v no Vinnrrl. other lines at -.35. . _ , .ao ana .73 nd1_es, 1.tnen.s,.3ae.moa hihii. . B mArvell_mal_y run `#50. 35o.`i 6`.'L'.;a'4sc nlcs \nrIIl-r-r- rII as--A-- may unneam ' tr)-on;1nrm'nt _ - 3.) made by 1 on aiveyy ` Va_I!_ea>1tg|_1 s!lI_n19_r_NQB_C9lU9,0Q,5Q0'il 75 . _aI-luv I-_Ar 9 E0 1.VlCkE :sst`f" Ec3"Fi-7\}u:lEv Rx. nnun.-. ~ . A DRESS "Goons to cloth. hmhm mxugenu. may sue, price 10 -WASl-I GOODS co Shine Muslin. n beantifn . gr-y, iunxx _g.r_I!_,nn:1oIu:k, apeci, `BLOUSE SILK _ rd silk Blousimr. with cnrdad an, eo;|plct.o In the my pqpul_nr nI.ylo:V;azw in duplund, with hckgndwoxidllnf buckles, our leiden M. 2&nn winnrn. , ,,`_T.`_ ~Ba.n;ie s - Rebresntative St5re,' antied 00' !.h_a,1_:igI'_A esteem` in which the null; mmieql. .coup`lu ma held. Among thainwen I -bpnntifnl nlk" puldr unite !rq'n1the-mother and father of the ` groan: '*`.-from V the - bride`: pnranps` I ' 1aIgelonk`gnd I-neg bgnque: ` _ridn' bro 1 The _lnrga nnlnbu-,of"hsn-iwma _nr.d ` yin ` visit i Ninggm [I yill visit 1 Nilggm [Falls and ppqn their-return" ch nu : ,Erk,'a_ ` ': . . 7 ``'. : ul navy ,b'road~c`Io'r trimmed uh an-ippinga` of igaewvithrprmy` -liullq1:osi:'oE'th&q'1:it.gver'p-btuu `.-bf ' , `white 1 lxexnqtitchetnilk _with picture In: to match of. blue `u_nd grey `with. trimI;ng'I'of' Vwhila.`-grapes` I':_nd -plus - and wining gzbmu, spa ,whiea,,amm3n ru`. , a" rjen the.buaant. 5 pm . rund usidnctian uverv mir um ..m e at` V 5