, mo Bungalow las:`W`ki W. J. CunpbeIl,of . uunie am `move to Sllunly Bxy ehqrcly. Tsronw arrived in Shanty" Bay on Ssgurdsy far the-sLunmer. ' . MiaE1lan and `l\l'in:x Rnsm A'r|.hnr I)\Ir. nbdvlfra Ciarko and faniily `of ' 4!--u u.-45...... , May 3o Z71$.E T1}EY.3E..7{'.,y' " Toronto are visiting Wei: friendg` Miss " Miry%E$HM Ml.'.,+.;;r.b' v Rev, Ml:-..5[13f1_il1,g,ianc1..19L[rs.,S parlixig, 1 re BpEI=\`11`.'; a few days with. Mrs. ` at Fore gni o the _ bjyzurasy mr I.ne-suu1mer. ~ Misd Eden and Miss Ruse . and J, Qrthqr mgygd to Bur 'v_ve.9ky .` ' Bo_o_x+,-_.l.`c mnuen, man 1 nlep .Cr_ilg, `Wlia`McIl4 1 I). Thortilon`, Victoria 1 `` " Mn. (Rem) F. W. Enron and her (soul Chllmers,:,,nf_ }Vnhpton',' II-."D.1=' ' koln. arrived here last week with the ` kola, 3I t|V6d " intention of spending the summer months with her parents," Mr. and_Mrs. 4 Rlniula. 7 Hg was able_, to dr e to "Len-6y last Week to amend a msa mg of the Coun~ :_:il us amuxt of revision.` _, V W. warn verv sonv to heat 0! the` _I I2`, I` gG ruvea, `Fields, Canton,` '1 MoIlviu1e.~`_EvC Ford, Liuld 4 ill Hind I _7W:e_ were very sorry the ` accident yvbih Miss'Be1la Rugera hop} } ._,p9ned_wiLh;irI l)reak_i;.g,[19_r'_a_rlu,Au,t_ ` ' `vie are pleased to kuqw_thM; under the J trgatmeplfof Dr. hsley of rThornton ` .`............ 1-V Fozreaunz #5-9atmeI1tofDr. Whsley Th4 nhs pfogljeB!`1`E'fiV?b1:y'IMV ` msmun unrnuluna - . . I Class V.--Mary Craig, Jennie Craig, 1 *'-E=!nvFV-i!|in.'nsr_StntiLH iggina. V. mm - . .1 I ( Chm IV-,-Jegn Mcllvride, Craig Craig. ,Buby_`Hm-Ir,'; bonus Higgins, Eerpert Jennett, Sar n Craig. Bella Sounds:-1,Buh3. Jury. Maggie Richard- _ sog;,fEio` Canton, Jean Gaston. Grace Guhqn, Penrl_`Goddard, Mary Ford.- .| 1: f.l[I.--Evn pstnndar, Olive ` iolnbon, Lizzie Wnlliama. . 1 -"--Sophin Jenuelt, Minnio ' G_'arli ' Vf7_i]1in_ma,YJennel -1 ` K. :M`niaon,' Ta;ache. k- ` A `pn1:ntr.`Mr. mid Mrs. .l1arrisqn._____ 7 Mn. Bevin of Edgar ll viaiung her. ` nniurpuucd (or pa`:-sans from non, J u. Hewitt. I 1 to 80 yenrs. . . v_ve.9|n. . -` Mr, Eotritblostv,'vn1uu1)1e_coW 355 ` week wi'.h milk fever. I`- _ L , CRAIGHQRST. "'"'R6'p'6rlT>EUraighuIat for'Muy - -> &'I.iMle. V Iv A V R. J. Huh`! many friends are plased `A; , H \-Q3659. Bhem, I` lie h eu,'_J9uo:;.BIdwll,`F4r1e.4 `Ian Arthur B.u'riu_]asl Jain Bfdvyll, `F4rh.-I 1|; i5 Jo, Ion, _ ' Pa l'..`SIIIde, Clan ` 1 3, '-`Victoria Glut -Jose. ` .sae'.-'.;:"m11:o ' Bdithlohnson. ' mun u - . 3<;1n.r.1\'v1_u..E. - i:;)?{ Juno 1-Theboyl are hnvlng gun` t n 39 ,5 funhhnsing A foot-bnll_in their spam -1 V0,, ANK- minutes. ' ` ' 1 Rev.H. D. Cameron 5! Allnndnlu | _| ocaupindgtho Prtgabyteriun pglpir. byte, ' -.%:S1mdI_!I.=~meg1ii:g. . x . . , ` ` cxumnunsr. V H . . I 4 ;_JIu-Allhooghlfhn-San ; Jun a..`-u.m4o.'M.oui`: oc Lon- '1 cold -nigm-ulnl this bu-nohga dm`qus-loud-p in; Ink win: '1 ! (iiaa6d6uah`to'ininn Iha` cstxjgnilt; hipmu hm. -- -~--.- - | Ia`umodadvari badly.` ` ,nub:nobamonorn..n:i. nu.-.< - -1I6hn-:A~.~!ArH)l~-`facials-enemy-"19- lnnoquintnxw-.t1:uhlu3dnlt:-----~ - In! that In It. Hook of Bnnla. `Mr. A uni Kn. Huook `intend buying in . Oxuigbsim lot-I lino. c6IIgI'I`_IIllIiOlll. J. Nnlun aHUMh:I hulpunhuud , ho (um of D. But jun] in, pruplng I V 'QEO culled on nlmndx hue Int nuxdzy. `I ' Cougnbnlnionn. ' \ ' 1 ' " Hn ip'u'r`uh?n'oTa"nT'uaIl"u pnovpii 5 1 gsoeul no son] take: But. W. Archi- 1 ` bolld, nho hu gout bu nlida in 8wn'- ` n It. ` 5 " ` . . _ onlfriunds hen-, Thursday. . *Mr. and Mn-. G. Miller paid a visit to friends at Jacques Lake, Sunday. I i Mr. mid MY). Alex Gilchrist visited 4 - A numborfof our Bunnidale com- ! ndeshnvo joinad the tuyner troop of -` Cc-l_lin gwoodMountedlnlautry. Thdir I gx_cgllentjphyaique,4viIh the splendid `mounts thy not poeaeu nnd novel-`al of the a`I`l'oIuu'd,netI rifle ringa in Qqnqdf, `speak w_Ql;`tor `tho {alum of r`bn`vg dohnd 1;: nm parts. ," 1`ne.~.`bridg"e over tlni ,'1`1'otu-ivalngn ' 9` `River on the fourth oonceion or Flee A is in n`vi'y badihaine and Hnleia Impair- ed at an early date there will no-doubt bejn opening {or some 0!, the County .: road monpy-. - One of the piles wu ' county Qu'uncil'a. xiext eleoticn. 1 - l ,cmid`awny with tho spring flood and Iha covering-in in bud )ahnpe.- ru:ova.-wsuur`~'" I M A. Lithgai and bride; of Weston 1 ndlod (fraud: hm: hat` Bnuxdny. 1 ' _ v Ulus 143.1815: . May 80-A ud ioaidant'hIp'peood 1 1 on Ms} 23m :0 Hr. Crow : 1im.m, = _ n clfd at (our 1_un.V "Al the val pirhg at {he gailuuy 1IE7iiEAhdl | littla brother: near I pile ol nilvuy . . tiu one of themjelon her, brukingf [n chili lens. shokrvgil ` Joseph McBride of Vespm was .` `visiting lrianda here on Sunday. - Frank Mercer, formerly manager all _ 1" ' of the Doby 8; Mercer Co.. who lnmbcred I for yams on the Mad Creek nurl who ggfi '5I7Ff35""t"h`'_")`o"n'i "'s'm11om....m 1-. _ scorn a-nowum `: :r..mx.3`.m .... ....u 1. ... .n .:......... ` D00 5- EIIIUISIQH should continue the treatment In hot wantharf) Imaller dons anda Hula cool milk wlth It will do away wlth any 0 action which Is uttnched to fl aro- duotl durlnlt the. hontod cannon. v ` I u...` . uguld treatrnc >6` mifz 4. nos- _ i~ n.-numx i-minnnn this weak for Vanna . Gcnenl Assembly. ` . A. aoodltunmhgr ' ' B. Grooo vinitul in Ohm ' 8nnd|y._'T _. _r Thu return vmnhzh `balm served orrtha lawn. In tha evenin a '~ gam_e of football followed--bywrdunca .compl_c_a;ed,t|1a_vd.g_y. , ~ - rl .-' _ ,_ , 3 more, lie: weer. .- Miia Inn Cnnpball _ Mlaa Mary__'_Woods` of Bun-is um visit- 7 g among relatives here. ` V Bev._~N. Campbell` lanyea . tor"'Vnn- ` couver thia week to attend the Gnnenl `of 'Taion_ nn'd . `i . . . . H. VVyles, has been on the sick 4 , list. to; some qhya. " ~ ' ' l __Soxnaq!'_9ur_ re_alg_gnts _wok h_a_ the drug clerks speht Victoria D.|.yr3.t. preuy homerof John Faragher. Llum-llyn Roberts. who ha:_\:h,_q9p' quarantinerl for some tnn: on nruuuht. of his son Ernest. being ill wlth scarlet fever. we me mmd to 3 my, has Ins free- do`!_n n.gn_in. 8 ;"m,, m Mn, and __aIl those \vho_dD_ lbilsplay Card Advertising.- '- n .- . . : -~--u- . ` .-,-.r.,. ..~ -~, ` ` . ' ..Wh1:t s`mor. w6ii t_ }:;o ther`you 'an`yVto kee,p- - it cIea'if.""_ Of cdprse god shg>u-1d`kno'\v(- it's a _ ' `nu. ..-..-.. ..'- JUll9n1)|fI=B1IKIn A5` I -' its `I-- -Bibaia 0Id!,' `I vhnsnruhh 1 nggla Greavg r( ~ _ ry, -L`ulu Lun- ` ' 'Mo'Iln'iLla, Gem`-go Elm'er9` 1 ' `iliop'(!`rraagv,es,.,Vern-A i _ V.` E . ...,v...-.\ -.\......u. gun l:Il\rll\Il\ ~ -blixt maybejyu` dbh't know vithai: there 'is_ `my one piece inside the bowl to be washed- Perhaps yo_u2 think ,it s like the old-'fashi oned~ separators with a. bowl lled with pie plates and other nieces . think,it like the _old-fashioned~ separators with": pie plates pigces; Come and ee `the Tubular and I'll show`yon.the'"' t " - . " V ` . -.-_... .,. --_..._ L-.. ....,....u ....u.- .2 n - . VSVl-IARPLIV-Q5 g .. - TUBULAR CREAM SEPAll_{A_TOR` '.I'..;.u L._.,,, '41, ,1 . .l0HN cow`AN. vine; omit.-. 1` ` o e ----j `i`>ou5"x:,'a{ M" rs k"'a1BL'33 312?` by 25.000 09 { I" EDMVALE ".?`_ " I I ' 1 -The boy: hm 7;,::`;,ff;d|_`;.;g,`, 3: 9?; fu_n`chnsing foot-bnllmin _u thwus DouizlM.'1aIA_M7A& 30.. ASK: |1'"_1`_* '." Rev. H. D. Cameron 5! int" BARRIE` EXAMlNER`..{: A uva Pu-par hr I Llvo Punk. gun.` ; 1. um I. v 'June'1---Hurry \Vort.Ioy moved 1.9 tl1u'Bungnlow las:`W`o`uk: `S ' , W. J` Cumnhnll nf vIl'.hY;> will