. 1`he |ntf _pn-espondencgx (ind 51! those who do Displ Crd `Advertising. phoo_ls `of K 7,:Ili.t*n,Pa% V luv nrr-nan-rl 2 rnlfrun nf criurlu in _ ____.--__v_..-..--, - _____ __ (nd all isply `Crd ,yv.-_9:3o$si BARR: ' `ll "llLI lI red`a course; of stildy in . _-- __ .-.._._.-. _ Bic3c{?has this} invenfdbn. .H. `H. o'r1'_ou'~fag. jsou. ifhe I-\Iy_gienic'. `~ ih`.0ntario. the report says. and after ,allowing A reasonable lpqrgin for pzioiiiterest on irivestment, etc.. it. v can be sold at the" plus of production 01:33 a. tpzi...r,Pntting' tha -mine ofthia poE:_I.t`at_l.'wo~thirds that of coal. ht $3 A tou}ih `cost wpuld be equivalent so IIl_hrmim cob! at 34.59. and int 134/ I110 anthmcibe at $8 per ton; `nob in once bring pea/tr uel into the goqhomic arena. the `reppzc adds. V L-may bqdmzb ' whabbrr with I gmtivo con : now exercised by therttdamovgzrprdhction and sale of `blgncibe. we are Iikelyto see it again :10 t.o alu'vire1- [evel $91130 per lun."' IVX. . ' my ?'25-'-v-The ,Can'adinn Forestexa I ouciqjdl foxelo Chris: church a yd: '6vgui'x'i'gT'"Rev_. F. Carpep- ] ya ;vo'ry!a'ppropriute. gmd~ impresrr , . _ H ,- ` ` 2 ha 1 u o..2.-.a.'.'a`.`.`&'.aa:`...." . ""., 8_9nI.uIoExcuz_a:houhIuno)g!." Awovuxaoullubd. _ \ . , ' le insurance. Buslnrsa has Known in '- edin the Insurance Press. The. tats! V amounted to $1,169.89. `of which shown by the returns for l.':0`. . publish- pfymenm to beneciaries last ynr * `' Mnnufncturera Life. Danrslrz ' ~ ~ a Ilbnnkyou for your letter of this 'l|0_l'BhIE nclnnlng cheque for $3975. Jilin; 5 6 tall; ulna of the SSJID. lb- .yur,,,e:-rd nvrrhent on my life. which Ilidghc av that the rx-om'paI;l nu: In ctianacblon With this naurnuca have mote than fullled my e`: ` unions. treglnnunqce for lsyeu-s. X hnvmhnd \l"mow- _m-nod with about 4:; coupon I ' nlexesl. hgvq gnnchpleasure In recommend- Bouilhly uponlint. I think In Ker hnvvng ' , us. Bum no. or 'ro}ono'i. Ind- ing the holidny :9. her punk! home. of ormig ,).{i8' 13 Mn. 'Huu:h?ion nnrl Min 'M.uy lpenbifey days in Shanty 1 Burlgkvoe _ k. . hippo ofVTon-nto in the gun: _jT_l-IE mam: ExAM`m`Er;.'. - A un ['aoII-Ouruunrisnls. " litor Wuhan ofgho C1-eemore Star, , whoio credited with being uaccongi D 'd unr in his knowledge of T candId1`y`conIes5e'n int. l.ro*Bntea.u of Mines, hnsissud n ` report upon peat fuel. If. costs about $1 pex-`ton to produce peat" briquettes A :`0ntario. I '3;-ohlmmiu xix}.-' ` \o`uu Zlodloud iL';In |'l`t`hIH:uIoedlty.` Iouxrto lAAx'un Ilocqnga. --one-aounxouu. T. BEBCR( C; L V-5535-H-pinifig-691 Afe-o.! 6uruiok`& mama-.`iua *ua".q`;_.e.d _o'x'ae}nu}A , - -`ll-IanrIAduutv`u"thcgu`:ngtnI sh-ma-rt in I " gu oipnturdny abound howwdubavnnteeund. -_-- . -~ -. ' nlghundnponu unjoysblmrnnlng Min lion-ho. in gnguon `at the PRBSBNIED 1'0 1113 REV. D. 3. `HM 'Jxu Bnnh Indchlldnn. of InuKnnpp. " - mamas, 1-uE_5DAy mm"-_ > Auundnlghvhinghnthkrn II lI.ArgnoIndl[iuKiddo(AlIan- ` ` ' ~ -' ' -Lay;-_ ....... A. . - v u. - . :. . If, .-r. can-"roub: -n.......a.. n... chit. 1nno 7 vi;ilod.A. W5 Wunion an Sunday. Suwui of GhII'rrC`nink"Bun- all vuuod_A. W5 Wanda: Sunday. k W.>Smrui of>Ghu-rrC`n'ek"Bun- I _ `dnygd with lrioadn inthiuvidnip , K - .~ I `in Ink Cunnbnll of Bank inihd <` bdanid, She will he missed." As It 1 Sabbath school worker she was a nega- la'r nItendant~:n'd her cbiel delight. was 1 to help in every wly to make the school nsncceu. She nlao (minted in I renagareu a tow ne agleclionv. . - ,SuI,Iirday afeuoon nu. intexesting a ha9ebAll'mntch wt-'a'-'pla'ye'd"beLween Ivy 1 and the Maple Laafa-of Angus. The . - Ivy boys put up a good gam>. Our r -boya7did-wo1l consideriugrtnwpxgcticu they had. Ffnuk TarBn3h played` an excellent. gnm dis` did Jim McMas!r, who izhowed to -the` visitors thalrha and with Irina! Inthiovidnip, ` - . . xinuhcumnmnotmngo i-ma 1 ' huiudn`, L Edd on Sttunlqy. Intho gm. of fobqbull pI'.y`.d-an` Mn) 5 bemoan Strand `Ind Churchill, ' Buond cmno at!` vicmrlomn; ' . ` . I spent the 241h'IviLh M.iss,Iro:nlae., Mr.-Aud.Mrs. Ha%eson of Toronto no lha guests of Mr.'Augntnom.' ` ' ulprm. . - 1 MI] ,26_--Mrs. Victor Hull of King I City and the Mines Tlfn spent: shoxft I Limo wilh their _unnf_, Mrs. .1 . Cross. 1 . Edwin Smith iminanaina . .1.m umo mu: their _unnl_, Mn`. J. Uroad. V ipanding short _ holiday with his brother in Hamilton. ' `Min W15. (.6 Ammn Anna}, 'M....a... ', mm uerszgtar, .mu., '1'. Jamil. l Angus M-zlnlohh is recovering from a very severe illness. V; On Thursdny, May 71.12. there {all I {Sleep in.Jauua Miss {Mary 0. Cross; 1 - Deemed was one of whom it will cen V V achoolisncceu. in`! the choir, nnd for/n, number of years I was organist of St. George's Episcopal church. In.:he Union Cemetery, 'Bar- 1 rid, the 71-emainu warn laid to feat until mnung ac heipnionnge.-'* /, . Mr. Clark, a fa-mar ygrihizipal of Angus public achool,._annj,fqr some time principal of Elmvule/school. want a few days in town/It week. NV are. glad lajnunr (has accepted a bner position. ` 9 goes to take charge of Cookqo nachoolJ.his_weelr. ., ~\ w_;Iunr 6-nan accepted , position I: , I ` -M` lln pnlnn u:-n-h.m.. . V A number of our citizens went to 1' Barrie, Monday, to take in the sport . On Saturday Evening 3 very liovel f and anccesafu'|`enIertninment was held > _ Mr. and` I 1 anrviamng w MIaheuter._ "1 IT:'vesuiEi piilfy. Xoul. Euiv. - 030. H. ooonmumm. '_ _ V` -` ; ' WIn;'_IE_'aIon,hna raiagd bin Iiginu -iq` ultingvs atone pellnt under fdn-.,',and.Mra. J, Procar, Sr. are slowly 5 nixivenz from an "_ fever.` W hopg, :35 ' ' . - I __;\ I c it building I g_- 43 Ly no f_ '. ym _ __ 4 V Mina 0.Coughlina{Bl-yngr in upend- Mn. Helm: of Toronto in viuilipg, 318 ll? dlyn with her gunl`, Milk 31- I .- hero for uni weeks. ` FIB V . *- His: try Ggode of Toioulo irlhu Mr. Parcy of Newmarket spent the nub-t of Mill M-ry M-lcolm. . k I 24:): at. A. 14'. Gnrrntrfn. V ' Min llnrv Ind Alhod Brno I 0 EL M > H h Toronto tpeas-Liza holiday with {hair on g`ma`;lm,. 0' Posy 1" HI,` ?m ' , hum-. f .. .4, ' I 01 Min Beanie O'Brien. - `I1 ` RJ. Flazcbor nd hmily of Bmie . ' who -the vjni cohldprinQ_a'li!tle `ife apex_:{FiEeW 1i:c["y7E`l:'hoxn3.A - REVCM '.-MoKIyof.Toromo `paid. `Lu - huit vjaXt`-.ro`friendsh '_ f iy. ' ' Wmwllylncefufauitnnflfviiii `J ` v ' +1 friends here. ' X`. u_nALu.'x:m_1_x.__ _ ' , `#3:; 25='l`ho, holidny Ieimn h'u_ I` nun] bmught muny'_1hi\o|-I to our ` r "`8*- .. -- I Min Ilibal Sundanon of Toronto in Lililipg hu bone Lon. _ . We nu planed to Ieleoma Min 1 Ernie Eughcu _bu:k nguin She inst _; MW May 5-M" `.5f"1?P9i.'.m7 nouanv `um 13:: brewer in Hamilton. His: Wad: of Angus spent Mondny with herL'sitai,`1'M'x's.,T. Jones. " `r :2 . " ' 1 Miss Phipps of Ton-nto Min Beanie O'Brien. ' 1 re. 3 " "H l` Min Gitn` of -_1}rAut!ord' 3 the la'.tr's aintr, -Mxa. : ,__ . . . -My 1 here: ago, 0:chu;SHLvibiLiygatJ%ah-{ a o. .. _KIaaIc Downey and 'Geo.` Crawford are both busy prep:-i_pg farrnawrgzllges , 1 ' M1-'.Co?E' '"i?i'n the city ageing hex: dnmglrterlizie, who is going/nu a _ ;iy_Lv.n._1=mno.cout.-_z;_-k 3 John Maw had the Iniefortune tq I !_me his house and most of the contents a hy,rea.week-aga o_u-Wedneaday.r -_ I . Mn. Watson is viaiLingwItbMra, J: E - V 1. - Lemiox. _ l `Jae. Cola: ha; been very sick with a - relapse ham the mumps but is recover 3 . ling. - ' Jing. V______ V `. ~ Snmual Kn pp qnd Walton Addisdn I of Toronto spam. the holidays av. Home ` 1- ~*~"+'"*"'* orpnw. _ , '- "V-Tohn` M'Iiir lalI oii _Tneda` for Fmnch River whats he will spend thmanmmar. Mr. tnd Mrs. T. Shunuhan oI_Elm- 1 [vale called hero last week. . 1 The concert i.-rtha qveliiug was nlac}. ;jp_(-(_L!.h;1_Pncic_CnaaL~ 3; V V very goqd. The }alei:'tion`s' were well E mama mninjmum ` M:-none-oiiiny `1u.emasa_u1-an-rT17a'nav.o.'u. lndch|ldrI:h:f InuKnnpp.J pm ` Au-ad-In. In visiting an thkr.Mn. In. Argno and ma me an... ~""-'`"`-- "V."-5PA,V "I9"?- I .____.A._.--.,.-. .4 Inml1panL.nfA!,x!ay-_vlthJl -T!ll` I ` ' - _ -: ..:.-.. .... -. . ' _ V -> -.-1';-1'. -- - 4 will bdmn ts manna on Jim. mu. rmmu. Williunn mm b-Fletcher ,`,,`;{`i`.',.;`. .'.'.`,.,., ..'.,.f..I,`;...`.;V _ J,|VIn_s1,l{nt_l1ar Jr._3po,nU.ho holiday (:11! uni upanl `the Rb hen. mu mu. B_hdthg `in shy. Rev. D. 8. nd.. Hakunl. whose ME, -- .,,_,, _ ...`.-. W5; 3, 8;-;3.-3`-?"swi-'-n5" 1;;'~5- ..*`...:: .:a.`.`.:L:$.':-z;'".:.':'*;:-,;,`;*:;'1 - G. wuanpent Lhgholi in uwerdhomolortbe `By. . hm, _ ~ ` 1.1.1 llqdonl. ' ' - r d llfnenlnnd nndiunie Utlngltou :`::`:a;;eat0::la:;`:z'l;n;:: loll: V~f.A.IlS.N m11.1_Ag ~. 1 My '29.-CougntulAtio1u-tn Mr. ~ ' And lin-CM. O6ughl.in on Iha `nrrinl o'_f. ' I win dgnghler. ` - ` I Min Nalliu.0'IIu-n at Tamnm in c 1, -313-I N-Hi;-PLEA;-_oLIgm91oJ niing aid Acquaintances nonnd hm: u: now. . - .v ` ' ( 3"" - "- """" Lu 25`-cu-"s. McBride ii: building Mulro] 01909! H1" `"5 rnowyhoffaa thin anchmer: r s``d.`- ' -' . i The stone humans are busy at Wm. ' C.` KnVTnig'h' of ~Joscphino chllcd l_{oaa'I_)un. on friends ham last weak before Ie|v- Min Olive Hobnan at "Bi`rx-in -was . A, Cook.in-lands luving thiaveekv ` Uolpend the nmmer` It Lima Current. J. J. Slmnihnn upon: I few days ' l_ut,,wsek ,with'hin brother in Mt. St. ' friends ' ing {or Totleuhum. - Jno. Tgudulo ol _Minaa ing spent 1 by,re a.week-aga r-_ Lenubx. uouxa. _ v . ; Misses E. Knapp. M. McLaugh- lin} and C. Alexnnder left Int week for npw. 5 0.CoughIin at Bl-yngr : km a for nunt, Min__.hl. "n Zil mm JODII VUBIPPBU. 3 Misses L. Elsmero and A. K ny 4 ,_ spent Saturday and Sunday I: Ora 1 Station} ' ' _ _-_, __ ..;mI 1... . m. Johnston of` Toron) `vfvisited 1 _hin,!nthar,on'um:_2Mh ' 4 Mr. McMulIbn and :h9__13Ijgs9a Don, ` - and Kda"(7'H%!VIV3f`TomnLo Ipent the " 24th with Johnvchappell. Misses Elsmam and A. Kann} , Mist . M. Jamie: 11/ v 3 brother at Edgar gently: home: " u nrii ma occu pnlpilri ames'-:hurch- ` day, v ' 7, ` how _ . _~ - _ V ` been one` near. o|ess_lng,noI.onlybo 4 . - -- * M n i.bu-0.11 .'l'h pienw h-ld vn llond-.vvIq', u.:.;.`:x`1`.: e on: ?'c'|\m (:'in'dm_:'-` I I And every body named to am oaigit,y,`{,Ing'|gi|gfgi1-5:: 5.30.. -. ". up`:[ -2095 mm_ ` , _ on an n 0 war 0 mpenncc 13, Dunn; gemigta` n,&,,.',;]L refuhn, ha-had exerted nntlagilenco --0013 -~W. ` 0 ' . -3` 3 up; of .2_oo.','_`?.'38'.,,,1.,,..d".',',,, [.1 wunman tho Ind Ian-ndd to love nggm7_&;o_ .4 ,_-,,m_ on 3 And respect hlqcounnelwnunught P53 P91` P0` .. itannd loam onmox-cg: ant currents 3nd"mh"' Nel-1 F193 ""0"" R0,, - B 0.33:` Apnnyop Fusion Inn hairwork. Dr. Mcbeod .. - ..a n.- ..............x.x-.. u.-. .1... ` Mr1.' H. Shaw and Miss Ethel 1181- 1 ` ton are spending the holiday with Mna._ " Shaw's parenba,M_r. and Mn-. E.T1-ncey. 5 : Stokes werdhomo In! the bolidiy. llfnu Mm-i And Jennie or Tomato upon their holidnyn nt. hnu here. ' The nienie in uimaii m} an ' to 1'aront;.> after spending 1 couple I wagah; at home ' ' _ wash; home. v q .. Geo.MoneyIndW. J. Oolajpen Snnduy in Allnndala;Ed. Iaanuox ix. 1 ' Barrie. -- I I l_{oea'bun. ` - Ming E the guest olhar `sister, Miss Tillie t Helicon. ` ! nomponucflntenst. Iuh-.ve, much ensure hi.`Il"HnI turn-l'I;1I`a In any of c _ lay.-:11-lends. who `wish lo go` In torn. 3: `'$"4mEIIUnI_l-3,150! -_ {gnu trulv. _ tomato Ixianda. Mr. Mcllri __ _ nd :u,e,,M_i;sg$Do:a, ` and Ada Dne ;f`TonmLo meat I DIBJIIIIBICOIY IDBEZII . A. Woodley nnrl Miss)/I. Jameson 5 attended the teachers convention in 5 znunnuruu Aauucmvun: nev. U.` B. ` _Rev.nk (.321). McKinley, for the athei- churches: and _Mn. McKee, for the Tempernuce workers. - Apurse of Raid wu`nresnbed' hv : It to us: wbit 1:5! 5 visitor to our 1 homes yo In-seem-e ;aud- words have 1 aver hr he pful and Inspiring. - ` k Yo - ave taken 9. dmp interestin ` 3 and found time tohelp in every branch 1 of our Church work. The Sunday SL-hob ' the Young People : Society. V -}_h iasion Band imd _M_is5ion Cirg:_le bnnemted by you he] ful counsel and I -1-unam or uv. on wen eyon ' these elds, and outs de of your own Ohuxch you have rendered good. set- ` 'n-v.be;_c_a,g5e-o_f-6_ 1:1-i-ar-._ _Ypnr iztbo thus towrrgnd <-ammuity. and there are some chdren you have beg: ,tl_:e,menus, of nding homes for. ' `W.h0, :W}`h`V`E@'EBt Te5YDn_t1TYIHB`|1]Y I I and call your muna blessed. 'You have also duringvthesa three years bren one 0Lh,BJ,Q!:Bl119;j;jn_,the._whoIeAC7ounty to do battle against the sister evils _of drink and tobacco, nnd we feel, that not only we as-a Church, but every lover of goodness.` is under obligan n to you because of your untiring eorlrs for p ` and righteousness a!ong ; work during hlu residence In town had I been boo og meal. blesqlnyr, not only to | his owlr .%GlI union.` but. -to 1:11 . Christian or In the Cln'dren n > Am Societ.y,tna'H|nlIt.cri-1 Auoc n- A eld. ' _ ' . Rev. P. K. Dnyfoot of Orillin refer- ! red lo the high place In the dennmina an ha-Id by Mr. Hnrlznesn and IQ the _ l_gu Qqtifrio Isenins In! his ren_I9v:I_l.` then to~niuht= as a Ch_urch and ` ngx~ega!lan_(or thg:__ purpgag ol,e_x_- pressing in mm}! degree bur apprecia- tion of yourself and your work among [Ian a formal way an bi ............ .u.......... ....u ... yclncvu Iluncn vvnuu uuuugawu uvur 1 It insures happiness in the naf}: ' Solo a'gencu"Ior .831-ie>- :3!-.I. H.-oT1?oN~&._SoN.T FIVE Pom1.'s. -D _Al...` .. 4. 1:... .. n....'..'1:r... .1019. a:nA-' ~m..-.:` 1):- H l)yiM>To-'r'onl:V4.;. } fmvelaon ,t,hh_ 1 'P.8.-A|::r n {all line of Roger Brat. `1847`SiIvor' Plntod Pic Knives, Fruit Spoone, Suglr Shelia, Butter Knives, Pickle Forks, l.c;;` E Nickle Plated Tag and Ooea Pots, Bras Bnnquec md Banging Lamps. ' >_it has provedindispensableto the strenuous man of the zotli century, for he `is `tjneeeby able to get-the fresh a_ir apd exer- cise necessary to hislood living. ` v `, - ;`Societ" ix; Eu_{ope and America; have rammed :6 bicycl- I ' gomushhcmhyJorm_.o_LQJgng._an;ab9; . all roads smooth roads., It is g is I9 railrdading. Th oat", .1112: cperfbak `5;hcan-ugu` and ' $1: infunrzu haeg?>?l:e!:a`i?z'qheehl:x?:Eo_. -soexagen31or.13,n-xef- "8" LI Ll rs-I-1-run: n nouns _---_ _-..--.__ .TheCleveland f inVarz':;Ea.aF;a.mo-amaze o'eyir_ng-it ~at: `av dicount of 10 pk; cent. {hr this mot. Show Card writing is a nrofessinn bv ithelf. and is 3- ` OliC0lIlI[ 01 PEI CEDL IOI" U115 UIOHUI. ' Show writing is a profession by itself, and is 3- protqble occupation whether practised as an independent , business or used as a means of holding a Elaned position. ' Heaqunrwrs .Full_informa.bi1 and free ciruiars m:Ly,be,hwd, regntding thin or any of our 140 cuuxses of study by wnhng to or calling upon the Disl:ricr,.represent.ntiVe at Hie Quaexfs Hotel. ` 1 c._w. 3oY,R; Rep." somflnc lint:-:1a{:T%Iiii*T,% TO MERCHANTS,` OLERKS . '..__I ..'n .L....- __.L_ .1, n:._u-I. _'_~.u A .1.._.4:_-z_ ` , Jibg I '63! hpmm, ndd var'yr ' much` 'p_-` ' ags;-:~. ` , 44 _ IJunat y- ' `f-Bal.,onpn_,th`e 24;-. '.l'h6'mah' Arnold`