Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Oct 1940, p. 5

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ProminentAdvertisingfxecutives` Testify to Qualities of Weeklies Kind Words for Barrie Examiner home of each subscriber. Barrie is one town especially well served by its paper. The Barrie Exuminer, It takes second place to` no other weekly paper in Canada. As -.m"a-dvcrtlslng medium it 15 of special value not only t_.o local mer- chants but to national advertiser`: The Examiner is worthy of the _sun-' porl. of every person living in the fine town of Barrie and in the good farming districts surrounding." CAN'T IMAGINE EXl l-`.lll- ENCED ADVERTISER" NOT ` USING IT IN BARIIIE` Thornton Purkis. Advertising . Pcnunsellor, Toronto: The place and influence of the Country Week- ly Notvspzlpot` in the life and at- fcctinns of its community. can. I. think. best be illustrated by :m an-1 nlogy. | \`!l-mn Mud:-id mac hnmhnd in the. nlngy. | when Madrid was bombed in the] Spanish Civil War, I. knowing Ma- drid. was interested. It was :3 piece :25 world news. KTA... Y nnrlnn Sc kc-inn knmhn I, _" "_ I "EXAMINER HAS ALL I THESE QUALITIIZS" A. E. Jonnor. Space Buyer. Mu;-. Lure-n .- \d\'('rl.|s|ng Co. Lld.. 'l`_or- onto: Out nf udvuriising experience (`mnvs n 1<-ssnn (hut all retail mer- vhums shnuld seriously consider: ` A.. ..A.-m~oi..-nmnno in nnlv ac yrnnri (`hunts snnum sormusxy cousnuur. Au udvortisclnom is only as good as thv xurwspnper it appears in. To . the quvstiun And how good should :1 l1(`\\ .\`|):lDL`l` b(-`.'`` we wuuid answer: H\ H vnnct hnvn Hun in1.('!l'PSI. Of. nmvspupcr 01- : we wuum Hnbwcr. l Ill It must. have the interest. of the ro-uder as pruvcn by prompt puylnonl nf subscribers. All chance is eliminated by am independent or- ganizntilm with extremely high .~l:md'.u`d.~` known as the Audit Bur- -nu of Cm--ulatlons. This report. is` the _\':u`dsti(`k uscd by all big xmIne`s" in nd\'vr1ising_ .-n (` mmdnr inh`\I\n:1 ii wt \\'01`I(1 - Now London is being bombed. I. being: :1 Londoner by birth. rage at; my own inzrbility to help to prevent H H Tnrnnfn worn hnmbed. that. own Inzvonny I0 nclp LU pruvcnu it. If Toronto were bombed. that -would come even nearer home and` I :md zy ncighbnars wr-uld have; In do smnclhina nubnul it. rm... .-mmnn nr Rnrrin n',1v road More power in you and In all publishers of good Country Weekly Nnwspapors. I using "The l~.;xammcr.' D do smnolhlna n-bum n. The people of Barrie may read V nmguzilues or subscribe to a metro- pnlitnn nowspamcr as a matter of general intoro: But they` read "The Examiner" because it touches their hnmos--the'n' everyday lift. 3 can ! imngino any experienced ad- vt-rtisor. hoping to make an im~ prcssinn for his goods in Barrie, not using The Examiner." Mnrn nnuvr-r H1 vrm and H In response to a letter calling attention to National Newspaper Week, The Examiner received some very appreci- ative comment upon the character oi the Canadian weekly newspapers and the services rendered by them. Opinions expressed have behind them the practical experience of men who have long and intimate acquaintance with all kinds of publications--men who have made a close study not only of the papers themselves but of the constituencies and mar- kets they serve. The same thing, or course. applies to rep- resentatives of many other advertising organizations, not rep- resented hereunder. * n-1.. _...... ....._...\ t\r\IIv 4|-en kn:-In nl fhn `affair in near` In HHIYIF5 HI iHl\'l'l ll.\|lI_ ti!) Cunsxsmn rvudcr interest is :u-vnmphshod by a consistently wvll-cditcd and finely printed ncwspupvr. Proof of this is in the =u\nu.'nI mx-:n`ds made by experts. wzn. -.n um nInn1nnl& nr om-nhln =u\nu.'nl ;n\';n`ns memo Dy expena. Will: all tlw ulvmenls of gamble vlirnixsulvd. Barrio merchants can \ wrap thumsol\'os m a cozy bundle of mnfidvncv. The Examiner has all the-sv quulllivs---it is an member of lhv Audit Bureau uf Circulations and it is u fuur-lime wimwr of the l\1uson 'l`ruphy. awarded for the best (.`;u\.\dian \w.-okly nvwspapcr. III). I! II. II. (`om\'a_\'. (`o(`kH('|d. Brown & (`u.. Limited. Montreal: As you know. we dvnl with all kinds of_ nu-diu. without prejudice. chuosing thuw that in reason should do lhu p;irtivui'.n' jobs rvquirod by uur cm-nts. and dependent upon `h lmtlwv |H(i di'Ftbu1i0ll uf thvir hr `ducts. Wm-n wv wI.~h to iniprcsx` rendt" .--0..-.o...1 ... ob... ..n-.11.. 1-4nn\vv1Inni. H` II. Wm`kl_v m'\\':`papL'rs generally arr ihv mirrurs that rcflccl the taste zmd umwral buyim: hablli of [hr lvrrnuriog they serve. An udw` mo.-nl uppcurmg In the week!) nowspznpvr bvc-mxuw a pan of the picture uf thc locul .1cnvi1ics. To a ccrtain cxu`n'. it carries the en` durst-mom of me publisher. in the mind: at thnsv who see xl. I.`.u- I-\'Iv\\r unnrc um haw nlnnod mind: at tnnsv wnu see n. For many years we have placed advertising fur a number of our. client:-' in The Examiner, and the association has been a happy one. At the same time we believe it has, bt.`t'n equally protable for our ad- vc-r'-isers seeing they have renewed .exr contracts tmm year to year. . DI` `(HlCl\ wish impress` enuatvd in the srnnllur (`ammuni- tio.~`_ \\'(- endeavor to insert ld\ t`l`- lx.~enn`ms in the wt-eklies bvca"~` \\'l` a"t- pr:-lt_\' surv that e\'cr_\- \\"\r\" L\ c.u'L`full_\' road. Also that thr.` w~-vkly will pron-I11 :1 in an mum- ute Nshmu. due to the fact that it is un integral part of the social and blI..\`ill(.`.\`.\` lifv of Lnusv who subscrlb 0.. no F.\'l'.R\' \'\ 0R;) EARl2FUl..l.\' RI'2.`\l) II I! IV._........ l`n..I.l|-IJ B-nu--5 _ `DOING A GOOD JOB IN BARBIE II! is :1--. -1 n_u___-_ W. E. Cox 0! Norris-Pntterson. Limited. Advertising Agency. To- ronto-During this National News- paper Week" there is one thing we nmight tell you. In our experience. ;the Barrie Examiner and other first-class weekly papers give nat- ` ional advertisements a better and more dependable reproduction than `even the larger daily papers . . . 1 uv-nu AD uu-.--a av-p -nu pug---u--4 probably a case of the more haste. the less speed." 'II\n mu-r-fnl rr-rn-nrinr-Hnn n! u me: less speeu. ` The careful reproduction of a {well-t.hough1~out advertisement. cer- tainly helps to make the medium zcarrying it a more effective sales '| stimulant. I`nnn.-..o..1..o:A.-... .... .I.\:.... .. ..,.....: FCSCIILUU IICICUIIUCI. - ` To save space. only the body of the letter is used in each case. with the name of the writer and his company ap pearing at the beginning. V hlllllulllb Congratulations on doing a good job in Barrie. COVERS TERRITORY WITHOUT : ~ ' wAsu:_ E F. W. Percival. J. J. Glbbons. Lim- Il-al 'I`nubnnOn..Dnn.\ln -.--.A In .... \L* I`. WV: l'Ul'CIVICp J. Jo IJIDDUIIS. l1lI'Il` ed. 'I`oronto--People. and towns. get the newspapers they deserve. A lively town will always have a `good local newspaper. as news- lpapers are merely the reflection of the life of a town. Perhaps the best way to realiie ma value of 41 newspaper -is _to _consider what `Barrie. or any other town, would be like `without -its local weekly--- the town would be just about as dead as a door"-nail. both socially andcconomically. "I do not think that local merchants and business .rnnn uluyuuu nnneiann 1...... 4'.-...-.... um; lUL'cll mercnanis ana DUSIHCSS Lmen always consider how fortun- 'ate they are to have a good local weekly newspaper. such as The Ex- aminer. which covers with its circu- latiun just their trading territory without any waste. Similar mor- ,chants in larger cities do not have [such advantages. I ||CANADA'S WEEKLIES ARE IN VERY FORE FRONT" C. E. Fortler, Publicity Manager} [Bell Telephone Co.. Montreal: I N';a1i4m:al Nnllvnnnnnr \lI.'...l, n.. nan Ielcpnone l;o.. Montreal: 4 National Newspaper Week. Oc- itobcr 1 to 8. prompts me to tell you of a cherished conviction or mine- 'to wit. that the weekly newspaper. | . . . - as we know it. in Canada. is one of the bulwarks oi the`:-ountry and of the liberties we often fail to value as we should. This Dominion is blessed with a group or weekly newspaper editors who for sound- ness of judgment. high chlifactcr. and forceful and independent pre- sentation of t.heir out-. standing. I hope you may not feel unduly embarrassed if I add that you. as shown by your work.on`.`l'gtg . `Examiner are reckoned amongst the elect or this notable circle. A: 2 mnune nl F&P\l!`\;vnJ 5|... ....|.I:.. "ONE OF THE BEST" i A. M. Miller, Director of Advertis-4 Ing. ` Chrysler Corporation of Can- ada I.Ml.: - 'n`....I_.. ..p _....z. ;_ n__, g-, `Ir I III_llI(I-I `Order of merit in Canadian Week- ly Newspapers runs all the way from one to six hundred and seven- tydwo in an ascending scale. I would not like to be the one who would establish either the low or the high in this order of merit. lTnr`I\nh1or"v I`\n \XIgo.blu Mn`--r um ulgn In lnls oruer OI mern. Undoubtedly. the Weekly News- lpaper has an appeal of its uwn and is fitted to take a very important place in community life. Upon the ability of the individual nc\vspup(`l` ` to perform this lmpqrtant local function depends its value as am ad- vertising medium. H Mu: nluvur: hnnn nu. f\r\;II;A\I\ \'V|'|.l5|llg IHCUIUH1. It has always been my npinionl that The Barrie Examiner is mv of the best Weekly Newspapers 111 Canada. "ADVERTISING MEDIUM OF SPECIAL VALUE" IS THIS PAPER n.....-n rr Ilnllnv F:-pdclent. of. UNEXCELLEE) AS ADVERTISING MEDIUM June: Fisher. President 0! the June: I-`lsher Co. Limited. Tor- onto: I am very glad tn notv that yuu intend to feature National New-.-_uuper Week" in your issue nf October 3. _You have a publication that shnuld take a loading place in any such movement bcczmsc lhorv are few Weeklies in Canada that cam cumpare with your own. To my mind "The Barrie Exam- iner" is a truly high-class paper. a 1 civd:t 1.0 the town and county in 5 which it is published and to its , publishers as well. A good coun- try xvcekly newspaper is one of tho,` innest institutions in the land. It is `very close to its readers because it prints news and comments of very intimate concern to them and it re- flects the opinion of the masses 0! the people. A: an advertising modi- urn .-an nhh: nnniliuoln 4-nuntr-v THE COMMUNITY PAPER Plcking up the papers that record the happenings of the little towns around us. one gains renewed faith in life. Here are set forth only that l which upllfts a communit_v--the ac- Llvities of the business men. the church items. the happy social ga- therings ot the people. the mat-ri~ `ages. births and deaths. farmers` Iitems and all the thousand and one daily occurrences that make up the `simple `annals of the great common people. who are really the founda- ltion u! this broad cnuntry of ours. 4---Pupyrus. HIE peupuc. 113 All auverumng HYGI- um an ably conducted country weekly like your own is unexcellod. I (`ham to mac. dam. nteasc) ._.____ !l(.`\`V the an...` OFFERED BY THE BARRIE EXAMINER LTD. POOR PRINTING is No BARGAIN at ANY PRICE With our equipment We are able to com- bine HIGH QUALITY printing Ctt MOD- ERATE COST to you - with speedy service. Don't be mis1ed-obtctin our es- timates and samples before you let your printing contracts. _____ _ __, _, ON WHICH ALL THE NEWS. MOST OF THE AD- VERTISEMENTS AND MUCH JOB WORK ARE PRO- DUCED. THEY HAVE S}:.`\'E.\' SIZES AND FIVE KINDS OF TYPE (BOTH LIGIYI` AND DARK FACE). THE BARRIE E.\'AI\1INER HAS THREE TYPE-SET- TING MACHINES FULLY EQUAL T0 TAKING CARE OF THE HEAVY S-ETTI.-\'G OUR NEWSPAPER AND JOB WORK CALL FOR. PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS IN BARRIE FOR 75 YEARS J 1>os'r OFFICE SQUARE =-= 'r1:Lr:1=noNr:s zzz - 223;} This machine is for commercial folding work tak- ing sheets up to 14x22. inches size-hooklets. pro- grammes. circulars. letters and various other kinds of mailing matter. It can be run up to 3500 an hour. Orders for folding on matter not printed in our office are taken at low rates. effecting a great saving of time and labor. (`all us for particulars of our new folding machine. We also have a large M4.-nlges Folder for special book and paper work. an: an 1 I1 I II I I I I\ SPECIAL VALUE" IS Tllla rnrlul. Russell '1`. Kelley. President. of Russell T. Kelley Limited. Hamil- i'%3'"'Ei#ii%%i[%Fes1%%622699 19.!) ._`..)_"3f I III! lA|AIl\c - vs: \o\r- s-Va- wv-v - - vvvvv For small and Im`(liun1-si'1.(-(I jabs. All our presses and typt--s-(ting: machines are driven by individual motors. _ &IIAIl\r\l\all 5- I `Q-an `vJ unnunnurn . n V-av For printing sale bills. |)nSl(`l`S of various sizes and large cards. i Linotype Machines I` \"."|'L` L` 'I`lIL` .`\ OUR DUPLEX NEWSPAPER PRESS WHICH PRINTS FROM A CONTINUOUS "ROLL OF NEWSPRINT AND TURNS OUT 2500 COPIES PER HOUR. IT IS ENTIRELY AUTOMATIC AND DELIVERS THE PAPER COMPLETE AND FOLD- ED FOR DELIVERY. IT MAY BE ADJUSTED AS DESIRED TO PRINT 2, 4, 6 _OR 8 F,ULL-SIZE PAGES, OR 16 TABLOID PAGES, AT ONE TIME. IT MAY ALSO BE USED FOR THE PRINTING OF LARGE BILLS AND CIRCULARS IN BIG LOTS. Wzatbcock Drum Cylin_der_ Prgss nminlinar uolln hilly |\n nn BAUM FQLPER THE BARRIE EXAMINER LIMITED /2% ma muutm nx'.unNn.nAnn1n. on.) cmwuin IIIIDB ton: The Barrie Examiner, Barrie. Ont. HAS (`.`\l'2\(`l'l'Y 0|" 3600 l.\Il RF.SSl0NS AN HOUR. IT l'l{l.\"I`S ANY KIND OF WORK - FROM THE SMALLEST ll.\Nl)B|l.l. 'l'() lI.\l.l'"l`0l\'l-I .\Nl) (7()LOR I ROCl'}SS JOBS. Dear Slrs: We are writing you to compliment. you on the fine job you made of our Con ferencc programmes. We have before us two samples of programmes that were printed in much larger places than Barrie and to our way of thinking they are not nearly as nice as the job your zstaff turned out. BINDERY DEPARTMENT This includes :1 Ch:m(llr~r 8.: Priro 30-inch PAPER CUTTER. WIRE STITCHING MACIAlINE. driven by motor. which speedily handles all jobs where stltchiiig is necessary. ROSBACK PERFORATOR and Special Perforator at- Lnchnient, for Mlohle job press. These are used for special work on cheque books, receipt books and var- lmis. kinds of commercial forms. which we are thor- oughly equipped to do. PUNCHING MACHINE for various sizes of punches. for ledger slmets. account lormx and other forms used in 10059-1021! binders. ' NUMBERING MACTHINEJS both autoniatic and hand. Cuimplete padclims. and binding equipment. . THE MIEHLE VERTICAL [1ut9m%!ti{%%9%9h%Prsa { An Unsolicited Testimonial -Yours very truly January 13, 1940. Ion: l Someone once said. "God must. love the common peop1c-h- madni so many of them. | "|"hn I-nmmnn. friendlv. rich-in- IF YouWant QUALITY and SERVICE in JOB-PRINTING -Send your orders to The Barrie Exam- ` of paper. iner. We can fill your printing require- ments in any size, quantity, color or kind Ask to have our representative call to` discuss your printing needs. '_|I`l-I-lI\I.l\`l I ll l|1\a III-II lllll unnanv u ;}`l3I,1'LI'did s4i`!i)d:urn llzxniitidiotidh casting macliinioi capable of making stereos up to 12x21 inches. citlu-.r 'solld'mctal or shell-cast on :1 wood lmsv; a matrix- 'rolling'machine by which duplicate cuts of stereos `may {lie made; saws, drills and router-i'ul| equip- ;I_Ie;)i.' {or -`making advertising cuts and other illus- j ..tra}iods. from matrices. LAHDVERTISAINGA _j_SER_\_(l(,`_E_ __ Meyer-Both`: Feature Service and Plamnrcl l r:u-.lix~uI /\dvo-r- listing. with up-to-the-minute illustratlmm for various Iim-.x of business. all prnvidc-d In-r tn zulvo-I-list-rs. We havr also news and feature S('l'\'i('('S, and l uhli~In-rs Ida-an lixrlmmze. For hand cmnposillnn of various .-style-s--fl-nu \w-ulding stationi- try and calling cards In full .'4hl'('l post:-rs. 'l'Iu- Examlm-r Inui an excellent! range of type. m-w um; mmll-rn r;u--.-.- In-Ing ud- dcd [ram time In limr to lawn l|u- nssorllmmt up to date. T ;.5T;`.'$!J!30.T%Y%'TlN`3_. '?,E.P_AR.T_ME"T,. LARGE ASSORTMFNT 0` .TY'. .'%% uvwu-c`r----'--- T --_ _ -___ HAS A CAPACITY OF 3000 IMPRESSIONS AN HOUR. THIS MACHINE IS ESPECIALLY AI)AI"I`EI) FOR ENVELOPES AND JOBS WHERE SMALLER SIZES OF STOCK ARE USED. SUCH AS GUMMEI) LABELS, FILING CARDS. STATEMENTS, ETC. The HEIDELBERG FA9t9I9Pi9 .:!9!?..Br9.. many or mom." The common. friendly, experience. intellectual. human- hcnrted people who go to make up the population of our smaller towns and rural districts are among L119 finest citizens in Canada. In Okn unr-ilnv-`c nnininhx I10 0nCl Imest citizens In Lllilucl. | In the writer's opinione no onc.~ medium plays a greater part in the development of these people and in, the building of in community spirit` in our towns than does the weekly newspaper. Chuck full of items of local interest. carrying editorials written by men in close touch with public affairs. the local newspaper: is always a welcome visitor in the! home of each subscriber. n......:.. :I: nnn mum nxneciallv '.lIIuIday.- October 8. 1940:

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