,-Earl Lemon. Gravenhurst. rs. Lemon. Everett. visited 31-mer's sister. Mrs. I. K. s R a. couple of days. 1 i 1 Yimd Mrs. Alex. Grant. and- ~returned to Bowmanvillei `pending the summer with g Mrs. Jim McQuay. A extend our congratulations , ti wishes to Mr. and Mrs. 1 lliott (nee Bella. McQuay)` . `ere married on Saturd.a.y. ,Bill Howlett. and children ,e Misses Fisher spent. the d with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh land Mr. and Mrs. Edwin `and Mrs. Clarence Atkinson. and Elaine. New `F105. and cl Mrs. Melvin Sage. of the e. snent. Sunday with Mr. rs. Ed. Wiggins. Bella McQua.y Showered . `Township Hall here was . 1 has returned ' home in A1- will meet, at. I . G. and Mrs. pn Monday xuonr. .sm`-1 -n`.m1'. Ax! Thormm: ` I S01! 11.} A ';:I"`;Ill villi` Jinn-i 2\niz1i("an' and IN] muvh tn ('05. I) H rim`. Mm fifty yv:1r:. m UT 2\'Ir..` it at Hm . `H1 !n\m~ . 0'1 run` his hr'\Hv.- .< nu! nhlr i.<.< .`\lldl`i`_\`i H1" ('l`.'>ll ; . vhn H m I The United Y.P.U. opened their` meeting for the fall activities on Monday, Sept. 16. An interesting `address was given by Rev. E. E. Kent. Two meetings have follow- ed under the leadership of Lil- llian Kirby and Mrs. Bury. Chris- tian Culture and Fellowship con- `veners. Numbers on the pro- lmmnine included: Solos by Miss- es Dorothy and Lenore West. duet by Mr. and Mrs. Chisholm. and it splendid discourse by Mr. Chisholm. I .- . .-__. c~._,u n......- \I ........ ...u. ` I l Orgzmizc for Red Cross I At. a meeting; held in the or- ange Hall recently, in cmmectiou with organizing a Red Cross unit in Angus, the following: nfficvrs were elected: Mrs. J. J. S-.1ru;ent. lchairman; Mrs. David Gilchrist`, \'ice-chairman; H. R. Davey, soc- `i`cl,ary-trcas11rm`: Mrs. Gilchrist. working convcnor; Mrs. I.inkl'1.tor. smving; Mrs, J. Cmnornn. knit-I ting; C. Duckworth, r:nt.crtain- mcnt. It is to be hoped that all ladies resklim: in Angus and dis- trict. will give every asslsI.am`.e to heh; this unit. Hundreds of ar-I 36 BAYFIELD ST. w%fp9M`s QUALITY MEATS LAMB CHOPS .............................................. .. lb. LAMB FRONTS .......................................... .. lb. BONELESS POT ROASTS ........................ .. lb. PORK SAUSAGE FRESH DAILY .............. .. lb. BREAKFAST BACON. 1/2-lb. pkg. .................. .. FRESH AND SMOKED FISH MILKFED CHICKENS - PORK PIES HORSERADISH. ETC. it `r GROCERY SPECIALS `k `Ir BLUE RIBBON COFFEE - % - - 1 lb. tin 49c 7 lb. WHITE FLAKE PASTRY FLOUR - - 21c PURE WHITE CLOVER HONEY 2 s 27c- 4 s49c VHOLESALE ONLY 1>H6N.i:3s FOR NAME or YOUR NEAREST DEALER 5NG`_ _5_ 1o1b.i3Tc No. 1 cooK1Nc9N1oN_s - . 23 with Cream and Sugar ALL FOR CHIPSO 27c -w% ` WI-I .I()l!\' Illi.-\|{'l`lI.\' \\'l'l`I| THE PRESS IN Tlll-`. (YELEBRATION OF TIIEIR INTEIQ: N:\ l`l()NAl. NEWSPAPER WEEK. LARGE IUIc:3}VLET1V1ONs{ .................................. .. 25c 1> MARSH SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT .................. .. 5c EA YELLOW RIPE BANANAS .............................. .. 2 lbs. % WE HAVE IN 6-QT. BASKETS PEACHES. PEARS. PLUMS. GRAPES. APPLES TOMATOES. BEETS also CAULIFLOWER. CELERY, LETTUCE 5WT5E@=3i1 Mr. and Mrs. E. Miller spent Sunday with friends at Guelph. I `l\l1- and Mr: mam 'nTnhIR visit.- Have you heard about thef NEW BAFETY-FILL Willards?_ sunuay w1Ln xrlcnus til: uucnpu. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Noble visit- ed at Mount, Forest on Sunday. Amomz the weekend visitors! SUNKIST IUICY swttw ORANGES. PER DOZEN 233-21; 252-33c 220-37c - I-\l\l'l ed at Mount, Forest sunuay. I Among the weekend visitors! were Pte, Harold Breedon. Camp Borden. with his parents: Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Finn and family, She1burne_ with Mrs. Connell. mu... ...n.In....en-u cm-mun nf H-ml BDCLDUITIB, Wll/I1 iVu's. Lzunucu. l The anniversary service of the United Church will be held on Sunday. Oct. 6. at 11 am. and 7 p.111. The preacher will be Rev. E. G. Armstrong. Thornton. The choir are preparing special music. Fisher's Corners WJ. The monthly meeting of the Fisher's Corners W.I. was held on Thursday. Sept. 26, at Mrs. W. Hounsome's, with an `attend- ance of 13 members and visitors. Mrs. E. Miller presided. The business part of the meeting was taken up with discussion on Red Cross work. It was decided to L continue the sewing meetings once ; a week at the several homes; ai- sn tn rzive $10 to Red Cross. The so to give $10 roll call was answered by a com recipe. Mrs. Wiggins read a paper on Red CI'0ss work, and Mrs. Elliott read a few pa es out, of the blue book. A delec able lunch Was. served by me hostess and committee In charge. The next meeting will be at Mrs. John lWnnr1'n the several homes: 511-. n ticlvs, pm'l.lculm'l_v for the chil- dren in B1'lt.niln, are helm: asked for during the next. 60 days. The work rooms will be in the Com- mnn Room. F`oresLr_v Branch. and; will bv open every Wednesday from 2 in 4.30 (lurlm: the after- noons, and in the evening from 7 to 9.30. I..n(lios unable to at-N |m1(l Llw meot,lmz.<: will be able to nblnin wr,-nl and ut.l1er nmterlals }by applying to Lho working con- V('!ll(`.'. I 1H(`CLHlL ,' Wood's. ._I.\_._____. l Pecan shells yield :1 highly ab- [snrptivc charcoal. - _.j._____.... GROCERS AND BUTCHERS-l;hones 185-186 v\', j `\ "`-` " _ . 10-15; more miles and mnnths:--~Thosc n( u'xI \\"illards are the finest ham-rics \\"illnrd has cvcr built! They give you H) to I5? Inngc-r life . . . even more than former \V illurds . . . and at rm extra cost. SUPERFINE POWDER SNAP Per Tin 12 . 23c 7 17;: . 16c" I.ll'AlIl\vL` VVIIIJIUIJ AI) \JI\.r People naturally look in The Ex- Exilmi miner's "Coming Events". for dates class 1 BAREIE's_ LE2XI5ING SHOE STORE 58 Dunlop St. Telephone 1060 LEARN WHERE TO GO ._..n.. 1....I. :.. Thu nk."`M%. w"-. Lock: snoss isc Willarth SAFETY-FILL BATTE >comfo.rtub|e shoes can be correctly styled unynrn aucu nut ... .. V- . ALKWEL OThe proof is in the seeing nnd the wearing ..r n- ll` xw In:-lm Shops. You'll choose one .1 he prom Is In Inc acting -mu ...., w........a of Dr. M. W. Locke Shoes. You'll or several ofout new fall models for their good looking, tailored lines . . . and you'll love them for their famous features of lit and comfort- developed by famed Dr. Locke himself. Recent laboratory test: made by professional autboriel mtg/irm lbeir belpjul comfort. ------- --,--:-.___ of dances, suppers, cm. In 1939 Tht: 2 Examiner curried 2408 lines of this jates of advertising. DOZ. . EACH 17c SUPER suns Re_g;1lar Package with Giant Bar Palmolive Soap nmam -octane; 3.: -1940 2 21c |IIlIIl nuuu A I " I I pl HIO!'(' Active tnaiterinls increased 7-9"; ~-z\ll of these new \V illartls llft` built with either thirl\er pl-.ue<. ' bigger plates or more plates! And \\"ill;ir-l lms put more A(ITlVl OXIDES intu this year's l`o.merie_~`. Re- sult-ynu get longer life plus plenty of rczwrrc [mu` r tn upentte radio. heater. lights and L`.\'II'zl accessories. AND THE NEW "SAFETY-Flll" CONSTRUCTION You know yuu'rc getting full nimsurv |5\'cr_v \V'illnnl has its pzuairmitecd zimpc-rc hour ('up.n`It\' molded right on the side of the (`also Yum soc r`.\':u'!/`r what y0u rc getting. And you pay uni)` for \\ilul vuu get. Look for this guarantee of full measure or h.mery value. Stops dangerous corrosion-"Sufoty-Fill" is .m c\r|usi\'v \V'illnrd device that prevents ox-.`rfil|iug-~prcvcnis .~pr.u= iug ucid which umicks wiring and motor parts. It prmcn.~ your cur against the corroded cables and ((`l nlil\.|l: that so often must current losses and uncx[x:rtcd smriiiu: l'.\I|urc.\. Jonn Thompson vlsxtea , Toronto last week. g bets, Cobourg. ls visit- and Mrs. Henry Corbett. umford, Goldwater. is vis- brother, will Gibson. . Gibson. anet, Adair. Toronto. vis- ' days last week with , J. C. Buie, and fam- ;a (1 Mrs. Ban-. Mount. St. -spent. the weekend with Wer's sister. Mrs. Neil Bow- 4 EXTRA ADVANTAGES AT NO EXTRA COST! A. L. T9_!l__G|S_& 59:1 1 ---- LOOK AT nusa` PRICES The 75". . . `7.95 The "95". . . `I245 The "85". . . $9.95 The "I00". . . 514.25 AUTEX (66 Ampere Hours) . . . $6.45 ;Al-`_E1'Y-ITLL BATTERlES Barrie Distributor THEY GIVE YOU l0NGER LIFE . . . GIVE YOU MORE ntsznvrs. POWER... GUIRANTEED CAPACITIES. . . ~7 (Insert dealer name here) IIVINU 0Vllllll|N|'i"&\' 91/qf Q 6 . A $, , - Post Office Square MAGAZINES - 'ron/woo `John Thompson visited` last. week. mg. Mrs. Wes. Carrumers and daughter Eva. and Borden Slack. all of Oshawa, spent the weekend with their uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs. Cleaw. _ "Firm harvest and anmvsersary and Mrs. Clean . The harvest, annivsersury services of Christ. Church. Ivy. will be held next Sunday at 11 am. and 7 pm. The special s aker at both services will be ev. J. H. `Kidd, of Woodbrldge. 3 1 i one, . filled to c`a.pacit.y on Thursday" evening last,~when friends of Miss 1, Bella McQuay, a bride of day, showered her with many beautiful and useful gifns. Every- young and old. enjoygrl danc- ing tiil lunch time. when Gordon Buie brought the crowd to order and invited the guest of honour to -the platform. when Mrs. Elwood Gordon read a suitable add1'es.s. and a. number of girl friends as- sisted in `opening the 1x'esent,<. Dancing continued till the early hours of the in0rnins.r. nu- .....I wire 'I` If Eunhrnlurh sat.ur- . I Mr. and Mrs. '1`. rzisenrumgn Honored On Thursday evening. Sent. 19. the manv friends of Mr. and Mr:;.I, Thos. Rlsebrousrh, who recently! :moved to Stayncr. invited ilieznit back for a social evening in the ( `hall. Rev. Wm. Coulis was chairv-I, lman. A short. programme. con- |. i Kl ( sisting of insi.rnn1eni,a.l muzsic by Thos. Schcll, with Mrs. R. lvi.` ,Giffen all. the piano; cluei.-4 by Isa- ( ihelle Anderson and Mei1hr~n.Iom-s. `and Joan and Fllr>anm' Hutton; 1 :solo by Mrs. Bryce Anclm-son. 1 with Mrs. H. J. Schell at me 1 Mano: reading: by Mrs. Thos. I Burrows. M1`. Conits than invit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Ri:4cbrourzh In . `the platform. when R. M. Gillan` read an address and they were Ipresented with an electric floor . `lamp and end table Mr. Riva` lbrough very fiLl.ingl_v extended `Hunks for kinr_l_nc.<: shown. Mrs. Risebrough also voiced her Llianks` with a kind inviizmnn for all to visit them in their new home. Serving of a. lunch concluded a I plensanf. evening. znco B` nruian` Has ymlu` sulbscription lnhcl nice "paid-in-advance" look? mu|u:.'.. T. Rischrmlgh mrml Lhlt` Lnown &co. Mrs. M. Baker. Cookstown, has been visiting Mrs. John Wood. mu-.. 1-zninm Aillcfnn in vi.=1t.h12 Miss Knight. Alnston. ls vlslnm her sister. Mrs. T. W. Leggott. n 1 Inna. fr uicitino fr-land ner SISLBI`. 1V1I'S. 1. W. Lnsgguw. D. J. Jone; is visiting friends lat. Little Scotland and Oakville.` Mr: Alvin nnan in nu an 03(- H/I, Ltlbble Duumuuu llllu unnvnnnu. Mrs. Alvin Rose is on an ex- tended vlsit with her sister. Mrs. R. Baycroft. Mrs. Hunt. Svracuse. N.Y.. vls- Baycroft. Mrs. Hunt, Syracuse. N.Y., ited with Miss Annie Scott. Sun- nidale St... last. week. Mr and Mr: r`.lnrpnr-.9 Wood. nidale St.. last. week. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wood. John and Robert, spent. the week- end at Parry Sound. Born-~At. Collimzwood. on Fri- end at Parry Sound. B01-n--At. Collingwood, day, Sept. 2'7. to Mr. and Mrs. Ed.. Wheeler, Jr., a son. Mrs.. Jack, Andrews and Nancy Ellen, Collingwood, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wood. Mien Annin ulhnm "I"0l'0l`It(). is Wood. Miss Annie Culham. Toronto, is spending some time with her bro- ther, Albert, Culham. Main St. East. . Mr mm Mrs Dalton Arm.st.1'onE [East M1`. and Mrs. Dalton Armstrong and Vernon spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Bates, New Lowell. Ec1_ward Hanna` and Bert. Black have returned to Ontario Veter- inary Collegc. Guelph. to continue their studies. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Bannerman and famly, Hamilton, s`._mnt Sun- [day with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd ` ` } Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Coutts at- tended the El1iot,-McQuay wed- ding" at Sunnid-ale Corners on Sat- m'd:cy nft,r\rnor>n. `I Tho Canadian Club held its ro_wn s`xxx aymg Mash | l1l'(Ill_V i\ILl"1'I'l00Y1. The Canadian Club held monthly meeting and banquet at. the Orange Hall on Thursday `rvening. Sept. 26. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Clemencc. rvcnmg. Sam. 26. M1`. and Mrs. nm=.\J-wecls. visited with Mr. and Mrs, Gen. Qlcmnnce last week on route to their new home in Tim- mine. l\I11< .1 A (`Jnmnm-n nntm-tninen` mm.-. Mrs; J. A. Clomence entertaineu` Lwelvc ladies at. luncheon on !Frid.a.y. Sept. 20. in" honour of the. 80th birthday of her mother. Mrs. T. W. Lcggott. Jubilep Px'esbvLc1'lrm Y.P.S. held ween Vlslung Lvus. uuuu vvuuu. Knight. Alliston. is visiting zer sister. "1'. w. ucggont. Jubilee Px'esbytc1'lsm [its first meeting of the fall sea- ,son on Monday night, when Rev. Wm. .Contts gave a fine talk on Citizvn.ship." Several attended Cr)1ling\vood Fair last, week. mostly on Satur- day, when they could combine business with pleasure. for the farn1cr.s- are so busy. Grace Johnston. datlghter of M.r. and Mrs. Vernon Johnstnn. has gone to O.A.C., Guelph, to take a course in Agriculture, spec- ializinrz in entomology. Cnnm'ntulal.i0ns to M1`. and Mrs. Ianzmz 111 entomology. Conm'nt.11lat.ion.< to Euzrcne Murray (nee Margaret O'Ma11ey) who were married on |Sa`t1n'c1aAv in Toronto. They will reside on Sunnidalv Sly. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gre;:0r_v. '_B(`.LL_v and Edward, Shirley Arm- .~;Lr0m:, and Vera Maslyah. Brad- fnrrl, sm-m. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Armst.r0ng. Main St. Dlxucnl (`.ru-rlnn 1'(nnv (`.nHnn'r\ lV1l`.\. 1, D. !U'lll.`~lvlUll}>.;. Ivuuu on-. Rllssol Gordon, Knox College. ` nccupiecl the pulpit. of Jubilee Presbyterian Church, Sunday. `Rev. Wm. Coutts conducted an- niversary services at Moonstone. Many Stayncr pC0plf` will ba- sorry to learn of the death of Dr. Donald McKay in Coliing-, wood G. mid M. Hospital on Sat,- urday morning. The sylmmlliy of the community is extended to Mrs McKay and family. Interment` was on Tuesday aftvrnoon. Lydia. Small. Manon, Bill Mc- `.1-Iachcrn, Petrolia, Mr. and Mrs. `John R. Jones, Oakville_ Mrs. El- la Murray, Toronto, Arthur Mur- phy, Newmarket. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Moir. Churchill, and Capt. I-`.. M. Wilson, Camp Borden, were weekend visitors in town. `. nr willinskv Tm-onto. save the` weekend v1s1Lors m Lown. . Dr. Wil1ln.~;k_v. Toronto. gave the `people of this ('ommunit_v a rare _l1'eat, when he presented Mexi- `czm Murals." an educational lea- t.11re_ in the Town Hall. on Fri- day evening in aid of Red Cross. Dr. Willinsky makes colored ;.h0t,ogra.phy his hobby and he is using it jusl. nnw to help smash Hitler. Six of Collingwood G. mm M. nurses were ushers. Another Scholarship for John Ross] Jnhn Ross has been awardecl| \ Scholarship for .Ionn moss] John Ross has awarded another s('hola.rship of one hun- rirod dnllms for hiflh standing: in |hi.-; 1939-40 class since returning] to Toronto. Mrs. S. MrT:uu:art. 91 Yrnrs Old Mrs. Sarah Mc'I'a::gm't,. Main St. West. celebrated hm` Qlstni .hi rt hday on ']`hursdu,v. Sept. 26. Mmly frivnds milled dur'nv: 1.11:: . :1 H nrnnnn I St.z\_vnr-r and vicinity kind the; first, taste of winter when hail} and slrvt swopt across on W(`d- H*`~\`di\.\'. St_-_pt.. 25. with n bittvr hCl`1h\.\'t`st wind and intt`i'miLt.vnt._ 5:hn\\`(`t"~` cf min. I ma ('rus'.e ()lij(-(`liv- $1.500 l l I St:1_\'nm.x Rod Cross nbjvctivo is $1500. Cklu\'uss(`l`5 are busv this \'.'r.~0k and W!` hope the pmplo art`! lH`g i1il11I\;: to realize we must ;:i\'<" to our inmost. mid thou snmt`. In UN!) `win this war. Furnwr Rvsidrnt I`:1ssos Thu` S.\-'ll\[i}llh_\' of this <-mnmun- II_\' N vxti-miocl to C00. VVPSIOII. \\'hu. mt`lh(`l`, Mrs. Gm. Sting. 1hii`l l ii` Hanniltmi on Sept. `.25. A I ` :lH(`I`l1(\0n. . ~ ? Hail and SIN`! ! 1' i I E i I I 1 i i I 1 short sol`\"1`t~ and intermvnt \\`:\.\:I in St:i\'n(`r Ct`u\(*t<'i`_\' on Sutm'-t rim` nhullt (mp 0'(`l0(`k. Mrs. Stung`. um. :I fnrxm-r resident nt Stay-Q LAYING MASH EMINESING STATION 3 \.._._._*_.___________I 1 1 ' nu ' ` \\'urking fur Rod >('I'0ss ' At `-1 Rm! (`r(`\\~ n\v:`l`nu in t il`0\lH(`l vlmxnlwr on 1W\nd:n' :1 I K(`l'l\(7UH, tho ludivs decidvd H-nu. u-n|-L- nu\'\HI\I'\' t`\'l*`l`\' {H41 K<`l'l\0m\. H10 nuxuxx uz-Lmru In -Hvv \\`vl`k Im"\tiI\_I:s Mon- |d;\_\' and W9dne.~da_\' z1ftt`rn{`0ns at L` in N19 (`ounvil (`h'Hnbt`1' l\\'-Wkvrs are mwdvd. All f`1n1shm`1 5:u'tivk-:4 aw to hr left at cnuvwili qvhunxbvr `.wf(.u*v and nn the 114:! 'i\\'r`(`1l1e.\ (iny of each month. ` ther. Mrs l`\i`:l\', m .`\lllsI(in. 1.x ~`p-`vidimx .wuw mm` he-re`. I Th!` m:Il\_\' i'i`iNlds of Mrs. .l:u.~. 1'l`0rp0_\' are sorrv to know that he is undvr rl(`cior`s can-. \V(` llzovw she will soon be better ` ` The nviszhbors and friends of `, Mrs w, J Knapp nwi qt her ' `.1.-um` lust Mond\' for n liillr` }visit with her before her de~umjt- ,urv in make her homo in Barrie.. Alk(`ll`.`. Mis~. K. Vvelih. Turnntn, l:~` spmldinu two wm`ks` \'a(`nlir>n at, l l`r'r hmnv lwrv - Mrs. 1'-`.rm>st Irwin was able Lt` , rel urn from ihr` h nsmo a l ih LS weok much improved in health. ! Frank I\1'in. lwld 9 sur-= r'(`x<{ul farm sale on TllPSd\' lnstl He has sold his frmn in C. Car-I `An 1lddl``S.\' was read and Mrs. pent-'~r. of Sutton. , 'KXldDH Wil\` prl`.\'9lll(`('l with 51 On Tiiosdav nvvnimz last friends` `wautiful while and al`9'n C1\`~ uniherod at, the home of Mr. and: illo bedsnrc-ad Afternoon tcjn Mrs. F. Webb and presented theiri \v:s surved. We C<`l`t83l\l\' W111 dauzhtex-_ Lillian. who was- re- miss Mrs. Knapp wry much and r'c`nt]_v nwrried, with a mlscen-m-1 lcirlwvw she will Visit here many sous shower A nleasant tirm-.2 -~ 1185. was spent at dancing and euchre.u ! Sunday. j I Mrs, Lxnar R'\_\'m=m, nt RmuTf- I ivillr`. \ i.\'1te`d nn Sunday with her` :hl'(`Ih(`l'. Otto Davis. . ` Mrs.` Panvrxmx, of Tm-nntn. \'\.~'- 5 Med with IVIl's, (`haw Knvanzuzh Hm: \\-swlt Mfrs Km-mm`~.h`s mo- I l\1Y'2"\. l'2UU`l'SHl1 ` `but \\'t`R. Mrs. R=`:\\' 1 I mum` trio '[`vm lain for 1s\.~' wveki {Ks uth 'I`1'a(`_\'_ R1rrtP_ visit- wilh her yzrmxdpurents On mlnv ynvr (`.v1nNm*_\' on annu- Ju} Siam: lurmvr 0t Sta) - Tm-mxtw. Ka\'mm.h`s nf Allisrnn, is I ,'I;Ip the early 1l1ets along by } feeding UN! '1 S Alliston. horn nun . . . . . .. J\[(`d- Tho Tmvnlint` nttvr nivcrsary . Llrnt. r-n Sundn_\'. Sm` I;:lLo11dnncn :1! >0 lG. S. vBnu1(`h. 0 W. i,,-lhy1t~1'ian Chm'c I,hi.*;;D!`(`{\Ch(`l'. ::a}.'v ' mons, nmrmm: ui\'n!U5U{\l_ R, D. HI MI . spen I; Beach. ` spen I; M19: Miss Irene Kemp from a visit at her landalc. Mi.{< Mahln Nixon landaic. | Miss, Mable Nixnn.spcnt Wed-1 nesday at. Malton with Mrs. T.` G. Scythcs. ` Mrs. F. C. Grnse left on Mon- day for Toronto. xvhcrc she will spend the winter. - Junior Institute will n\(`(`.t -(mg spend the winter. 3 -on Wednesday evening, Oct. 9. at Miss Aileen Grey's. Mm Ailmn G1-ev has 1'eturnz~.dl Grey's. I Miss Aileen Grey 1'eLurnz`.d home after visiting with M1`. and Mrs. Lorne Gray at Lyndoch. l run... `1....I. 'Y`nI-rv nr r`hnrnt.nn Mrs. L:()1`I1C Lxnry gu, L:_Vll\lULu. Mrs. 'Jn.-sh. 'I`e1'1`y_ of Thornt.on. spent. the past week in Mid1.'1n(l with her sister, Mrs. David. Blev-1 in: I Miss Mary Reid spent, the week- end in Toronto and nltrrnded :1 wedding at Br~1lcl`air United Church. 2:1. .Inrl(".< /\.V P.A_ ms. ` Church. St. Jude's A.Y.P.A. the home of Rev. H. Blake for :1. social cvening,.OcL 17. Mrs. John Paucrsc evening, . Oct - Mrs. Patterson. M1`. and: Mrs. J D Stewart. and Ronaidl spent Sunday at Cro~'.s1a.nd with M1` and Mrs. S. L. Anderson. Mn: .1 n, Stewart. :1t.`uonded a, S. L. Anderson. l Mrs. J. D. Stewart. a W.I, meeting in Crecmoro on Tuesday, whore Misq Bennett. a lawyer from Br-runpton. gave an :1ddrr2ss. Smith Simeon W.MS. Sectional `Head. will preach in '1`x'lnii.y South Simone Conibrencn will Incnt lmrc next, Tuesday, Oct. 8. There will be sessions mominp, and aft.e1`no0n. Mrs. 0. Todd. Churc.l1i1l. will pm-~ side. Rev. E. A1`msl1`0ng` lms been in- vited to conduct anniversary ser-i vices in Nnwlon Robinson on. Sunday. Rev. Mr. Jmvctt. Bond Churcla. Sundnv morning. : F. G. Slil1[).'50ll. mad :=.unc1'vism. has received instructions from the Department, to class! IIi;zl1w:1_v No. 2'? from Sclimnbeux to Allan- dalo on Tlmrsdny, Oct. 3. be- tween 2.30 and 4.30 D8 T.) when the i.1'oops will ho rt-turning i'1`om l`m~ont:o to Camp Bnrdm. rm..- ...m Im nn unrvirn in Si` Toronro to (mini) nururu. ` There will be no service in St. Jude's Church on Sunday, Oct. 6. on account. of s])!?(`.il sorviccs at. Christ, Church, Ivy. Harvest. Thanksgiving, services will be held in St. Jude's Church on Oct. 13 mi, 11 am. and 7 p.m.. with Rev. C, R P Hoarn. Bond Head. and Rev B. Jackson. St. Hilda`; Church, Toronto. as special` i preacliors. ` Rmvnnf. \'l.\'.10l`.i---1`/SS Mil 1'30!) I preacmi Recent. vi.s'.:or.s---MiSs Marion` MacDonald, 'I`orcni.o. with Miss Genevieve Ja1nics;0n: Mrs. Georgi` Bougir-, C?il;Ial'_V. w_ii.h Nlrs. John Scott; Dr. W. B. and Mrs. Sproule. Thcssalon. at. Ha.rr_v Lynn's: Jan. Frankland and Matt. Jackson. Toronto, and Mis< Joan Morrison Barrie. at Jas. Jennettfs: Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Grey, Lvndoch; at. W. E. Grey's: Miss Ilene Mtiiel, Col- lingw0o_d. at S. J. Maiel`s; Mrs. Harold McCormick. Regina, at W. V. F`ry`s; Miss Molly Boyd. Hunts- ville. at F. G. Simpson's; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Charles. Beverley , Ann and Margaret Ideil. Ric - mond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon |Enkln and Miss Lcnnox. Weston. at. J. A. Lennox's: Mrs. Currie `land children. Elmvalc. with her sisters; Miss Mildred Henry, To- ronto, with her parents. l Trinity Mission Circle. .1 Trinity Mission Circle met. onl Wednesdzw evening: 11!, Mrs. Ar- thur McQua_\"s. Mrs. L. L. Greene was a guest. and gave a_ \'m`y intcl`(`stil1u address on Pale- .'si.ino_ Miss. Aiulrcv Milli:::m faw- ,lorod with a piano number. The ; {`l'0[,`:`l`2lll1nl(` was in clmr::,e of Misses Bolhen Lnnciry and .Au(l- grcy Milligan. `I `i Tuwnline l`ri~sl)ylori:ui i` l 3 Alinivrrsziry , P1`nsbvieriaxi an-' . were ohsvrved _r-n Sept. 2'3. with :1 fine at both sz-1'\'ic('s. Rev. G. Bililivil. of Cookstown Pmr;-` guhyieriun Church, tho spori-.11 .-;'.prenclwr. ;;;1\'r* very r-loqiiout. ser- plmons, mornim: and m-mnmz`. (-lusual. D }lenr_v, of Tliormon` |-- r. . n.- ...k mm. n cnlq mi | I. t Special on Hr.` GUARANTEED. . LAMPS * 6 for 98 25, 40 and 60 watt- i\x`Sl. \\|n1| mun -~. IVI .. .7 ,. .1-univ. solo, "Su\'<`d by (`uruv--."`, IR. T3. H(`HI'}`. F?\'m1in'.`;t :m`.,hr`n\\* "Bmv Drwn Thim` EM`. 0 Im~d< and "S:\\"1(mr Auaill tn Thy Dom`? I Ntmw We` Ralsv with .r.n`.0.< in`: Mrs Pvrnul Carr and M13`; M~.u'-I I I -,:m't`t M:1cKr`n7.'1(`.. I a R v ~`. I I imons, auu l`\'l'l|uu.',. ...., Iusual, 'I`homt.on[ Unilrd Church, sang: a :\`.| the morning: S(`1`ViC(`.. :;:1'o;u| deal of credit is due Neville Jam- 1(`>0n. of St. Jude's Antzhcan Church, who nr::ani'/.ed and 1110 choir which nddvrl M the sucr`c:'.~-. ur tho .:(~1'vir`0s. I). `Cnrbom tho (hnir lvudmx who ljolnod Hw chnir mm` fifty inszo uudnr thc` lx`(\dl`I`:~`hiD 1\Ir.~. M J. (`nrln'ano. nr;:zm`. at. lhat Ilium, has m~\'vr 1ms.vm1 rm zmni-. vr.r<:\I'\' HIM this` \'("c1l'. 3"-I time. nus-n -m .......r. \'crsm'_v until ycax av- mum` of the dmlh of brvwth-l Irv. he fell that ho was H` be prc.\`m1t. With Miss Audr-"_\' l\Ii1l'1:nn at llw m':::m. (-h',)l1' nlnubors wvrt- ~MorninL:: nnltxmn Sins: to the Lord of ms` H`r-1 I wst." with solo hv M".v.< (`uenrwipvm n.l'-mfwsnn; (`mu--_-." IR. zmthmnu` "'Bn\\' Thine Lord"! mm ":u'i(\Il1` U) D9711`? nidqle Comets Phone 453 Biixx` V. F`ar`hvnsnn. Tnrrmfo.` ~\'i. t'r'u~nds horn this \v9o!<. Mr. and Mrs. T At.k)ns0n, I.- lfl`f`_\'. visiwd frivnds hon` Ih'|.~` ...\L- l--__.____ I NH`. f rny. \\'n`k. MI` and Mrs. A Bravlxmn. T mum. spent. the \\'t`0kend at D. Aiken.-.`, Nhsx K ` 1.x ` at 5 ! L0, return hnspioal Ls r.~.....u. Avlnuirnnn hold _Qup-: I, \ BIG BAY POINT and Mrs. Gordon Henry| the weekend at Wasagai ji6i{i.'61T THEIABRIII EXARIINER`. BAIIIIIE. ONT" CANADA .__-: URRY BROS. HOT CHICKEN ROLL -- 10c AT FKSON'S :- Sq