Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Sep 1940, p. 2

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Illl_ IJI \I\l\IL I_I\I uvuIVI_I\ 1 Established 1864 A weekly newspaper devoted to the`-1'nt9rI.*s1s of the Town of Barrie and the surrmunrling country, issue-cl at the Post Omen: Square, Barrio, every 'I`hu1'sdny morning by THE BARRIP`. EXAMINER 1.11`/II I'ED. With it is incorporated The Barrie Advance, (`slab-V lished in 1847. The l&m'ri.- Examine-r is :1 murnhor of The Canadian Wmekly N('WS[)II])('l'S Ass:)(.-izntiun and of Class `A Wm-kIiu.~: nf Cunndn. rvvv1'|rVf`1Y`|I'l\'I`l`f\\I` r: A IVIIZVE` { KTI7ER ' T4`c9uhlig-hurl 1511111 EDITORIAL ilemn Thanksgiving service at. St. Paul's Ca- theclral on November 24. 74. :.. ...n..lI-. :1-`HA unnminrlinrr r\nvon1l7no nl UIIULIIKLL U11 LVUVLIIIILJCL 1`! It. is worth while reminding ourselves of that 1)1`OViCl0lll.i:lI clolivemncn at, this timv, and it, may woll be Lhut. Adolf Hitler lms re- cently been rn-rnu(linp; the life 01' Phillip II of Spain. P.nL it. was not, only the weztther that c'1e1`euL(e(l L110 .`5p:1nlsl1 A1'mad:1, and Hit 191' from 1'(=.(:nnL r=xpm'ir~n<:n now knows that he will have mm'r- than the stormy vlmm2ni.< to tzontmul with if ho m'rl(-rs his llun-l:1dnn .'1rn1:1rl:`1 01' I321 ry.-xxx :n,m'ns.~; Llw English (,`h:mnraL NlIWSl'Al lClt Wl`}l}l{ Z 5' IL was l'iH,ing-; that Hm ()hSl`V:1n(t(`. 01' :1 f No\v.~;}):1pvr Wm-l~: (()<-.l,n!)m` Isl. Lo 8th) slmulcl h:1v(- bm-n i!1i1.i2lI(~`(l by l,h-- Cnmtrlian Weekly Newspupm's /\.`i.\`l)('i:ll.i()n, fur the 1'i1'>;L n0ws- ` }).'1pm' pnl)lishv(l in \`V]1:lL is now the 1)nmin~ ion 01` (jnnnrlu was a wm2l~:ly. This was Lhe| I>Iuli1 z1x G21zm.Le~_ vs1.:Ll)lishn(l in 1752 by John" Buslswll. IL W:l.\' mvrvly u lvu1'lvl., :1 11:11]"-shoot. of 1`nulx(t:Lp. pri11I,v(l on |)uLh sidr-s, which pr0vid0(l the n:u`ly r:nlnni:sLs of Nova b`(:oLi:t with :1 wt-okly summ:u`y 01' nvws and in1p01'l.- ant, I-v(-nl,s. l?'mm l.h:Ll. humbln x(`(\(l the Wi(l(_`-S1)l'(':l(Hn!.'.' and vi;mr0u.x' :;'mwl,h 01' (Izm- :1(1i:Ln jmwnzllism ml` t.0 hux (l(sv0l0])ncl. I Ixlhiln Ihn rluilu l1lI\ll\`l\`lI\l`ol'K' hnvn 111111111 Whilo llw 1 !:1ily 1ww.~;p'.1pm's have s11pm'- .~:o(lo(l l,l`1v w11ol p11rvr1ym'.-4 of g.r,o,1121'a1 news, l,h1- xvvokly 11r`w.~:p11|)1*1' is .=:t,ill l`i1'mly 1.~.~;t.z1I)li:;l1v1l in I,l1r- mwns, Vill:1;'4`1-.\' and com- n111niLios t.l11'u11g',l1n11l, H11` l)nmini1)n. Tn spiln of H10 f{l'0Wlll} ,` i11l'l11m1(-.1` of tho ('1o.s', Llw w(`r~kly n0w.~:]1:1p1-1' still (`X(`l`l`l.`:f`.`~`. :1. ;_;1'v:1L in- l`l111-111-0; not, only 1111 I111-:11 :1l`l':1i1's, but, :1,|.~;1) upun 11:1l,i ])llbH('. opinion. As an 11g2;m1(`.y for tho ;;`:11.l11'1`11w; 111111 p11l)lir-,:1Li1m of local news and :13 :1 111011111111 nl` l1lH()l'):ll :15 wnll :1:~'. 1(1(:-.11 11(lv1-1`l,i.\'i11g:_ H10 wot-l'.ly n1~.wspz1p1'-1' ix ln~ di.s`pens:1l)l<`. 'l`u fully 1'1`-1111'/.11 its i1m)1)1'l,11nm- one has only In 1111111111111 whul, 1,111` town 111' Bz1r1'i1\ would |)1* likv wil,hu11l, :1 local n(`2wxp: 1-` per. I1. is no 11x:1gr;g1-1`:1l..i1)11 [.0 my H1211, L110 town would he in bl` losing` its i `|u1un.11mu1 In |.U\uI._y |lu.n u..u..,,,..u. . Ly. I'm` :15 :1 ('0mm11n'1l.y ll, would bv soc-i:1lly. p0li1.i(-.:1lly. duml). run- \ m1ll,111`:1lly :1n(l rzmmnu-rcinlly, 1-nlzn lhn nnnlal r\n\In\' Ullllll). The big: city llziilivs (-mild nnvvr Lukn Llw pl.'u'v oi" tlw lm-zil wm-klil`,~'.. bl"('.`.lllS(' they could not. p0.~:.~ (-:u'i'y the news and rol`lm:L 1.110 views 01' IL l.'nr~ sm;1llm' ('mmm1ni1,i(=s wiLh`.`.`. nrbil. ni` <-il`('ulul,inn. II, is upon the lo-< (3211 ]):l1)f`l`.\' llizil. H10 (luilivs (*lr\pon(l l`m' Lhoii" (`Ul1L:l(`L.\' with I'lll`:l| (li.~;l,1'i('.L.~;, l)0l,h in l'0::':u'(l L0 spovial il.vm.~; oi` news zmd (ln1,oci,ing' L11-2 Lrvncl of opinion on n:1l.i0n:1l (]1l(SLiUl1S in cutlyinp; (`Lll1lllllllll1.i(`.'~`.. While it. may be l.l'lao that. the cities t,l irmu:li H1011` daily newspz1- pers i2]l']ll(?n(.l( opinion in Llm country, l,l'i<; weekly ll(`WS|):l})l`l' mziintuins its indepvnrl- once aml is H mmlium oi` ox1)i'esxi<)n for the (',0mmuniLy il. .~;4-rvv.~:. Vif.',`il:l.l1l, Nlimrs 01` the` big," (luilios kom) :1 ('un.~;t:ml, (`yo on the woo/l<- lies um! l' qimlr from l,hPii` new:; and orlitm-i:i,l mlnniii.~;. Thurs the wmekly news- pa}wi' may be .`'.:li(l 1.0 he the pulse of C:11irLda\ .\`l1l11H(`l` (`0mllllll lll,lt?H. The Red Cross slancls for mercy and Chris-- tian civili'/.:11.inn, as um)ose(.J 1,0 the Swzxstilm. which .s`l,u11(.]:; for 1'11l,}1|0s.s'110ss zmd 1no.o.11:mi'.'.-| It.-(I lm1'b;u'i.~'.1V11. Help 1.0 hold up Lho Red (?1'0.-`..<;` In/11,11 :1 gm1r-rmus.,im1. I I Don't worry T-l.h(=y'll got, it all back, war! `Prexnler (jlmrt-.hiJl`s ro1,0r1, when Lonclon crowcls d(}l11U1d!`(l r0p1'1s{Ll Llguinst. Brjrliu, while he was il).H`])(`CLil1[.f; bumbx- lnmncs in Bul,1,m's(::1.. II` Hm (-,mw(ls 01' B:m,~:`sm1 could we L110 way mili1,zu'y ()|)jO(`LiVCS in Gc1'1n'.u:-yp Iund 2Ll())1p,' t.hv- \m~.~:l. ('.u:L.`l, 01` Eurupe have ))e(>n . b:1L1.r>n-(I by Lhv Royal Air l'm`(t(>. Hwy n1i:.,"11L` not, fvvl :40 h:1(l about, it. (.1, ,4 1 nnu III. wanna.) 1. n\ x . UIA \.......-.--. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Czmurln, $2.()() :1 year: in Unitod St,atc:~:, $2.5!) .r; yt-m`, uny- nble in udv'mcc. Single cupi-_-:;, 5 cents. I A 1'\/Tn:-Y.AT?Tu`.?\I T :-n-:ir|nu| {ind Reg;ir:l.1`:11,i ('.:11`(l.s` are r111'e11dy proving vary} u:;(11'ul 11:; :1 n1v:u1.~; 01` '1(Iv11Lifi(:uI.i011 in bus- im-ss :11'l':1i1':`. :11; :1 (?})(`('.k 1111011 in1p0sL(>1`s. I`l1(` udvico 1'1`om Q11t~ }`:11'l<, 111( 1l.01`1.'~:'..` .~:h0uld (lo111z111l 1-1-11,"1.~;t,1".1Lio11 c~.11'c1s from 11iLch-| hikers 511111111! 111 st1'1( 0b.s'm`vnd, and 11.1 111ig11t, be 1151-1111 11` the m znade :1 note? 01' the 11211111` :1.11c1 1lLI(ll`(,`.\'..`3 01' his 1)z1sse11g01'.! Pzu111a11d1v1's who du<:1;11'0 Llmt they h;1v:: L1".1n1p1-cl "all the way 1`1'om Halifax or Wi11-i 11111:-11;" 1111:4111. bu n-11:-Hz:- up 111 Lhv xzxnlo way.` It is Nazi i`i'igt1i.i'iil1wss which makes the war work of mu Red (truss Society necesszwy. No one who kovps. in mind Lhe atrocities com- mitted by the Huns czni well refuse to make some (!L)Il1.l'ib\lUUI1 Lo t'n('- Red Cross cuxiipaigxii now in pro~g,i'-ss. (tnnip-.m-. our conditions? with Iiio.~;i- in iliv (`()lll]Il`it`S which have Ielii L1il'(.`(`H_V Lho brulzil 1-ruoity oi" IIiLl(`1 and hiw,` n1ll1'(l(`l`(`I'> of women um! children. and inf [.11-.mk1'1xlm-.~:.a' maikv your aid :15 libvml us! po.~:.\'iblv. ! i The Iluns liuvv loiiy; xiiicv i'v:1<`liecl :1 sttigel wliurt` tlioy 500111 to r'.u`e nothing,` at all for the opinion of cleceiit people. Further evi- dence of tlieir brutal l`i'iglitl`i1liiess mid tlieir utter lurk 01' UN` iiiior qualities which dit`t`er-| ("l1l.ldU` civili'/.e(l liuniun beings from the pat- gtin s;i\';1g'o:: was St`t`l1 in the torpedoing 01 :1! British liiivr, 600 ll1ll<`.\` from land in :3. r;iging' night. storm. L".lllSlllg' the deeitli oi" 206 '.1(1tllL.\" and 87 (`llll(ll`<`ll being t\"LlCl1i1Lt`d to C:ina.du., Such :1 foul tlt`{`(1 must i'c>:u't he-.ivily against? :1 peoplv who could be guilty of such -.1 heinous t`1`iIl1(`. wliicli cannot but horrify ull those` with aiiy 1llllll:ll1lL:ll'lJ.ll In-iliiigs. throughout the world. The ettect on the British people lwill be still nioro dt`l,t`l'l11ll.1t3d eft'orts to put clown UH` vvil uionster of Naziism which is soekiiip; to (1t)lllll1LlLt` the world. L-.151. weeks isslw or the F`u1-.u1c'1-.11 Post 0011-! mined 96 p;u.'.:`..\`. the 1-.L1'gvs1 ever published by this excellent journal. and one of the biggest yet. pmdxxced by ;\ L`:u1-.1di-.m xxewspape-1'. T1191 spevial supplcmvnt or 80 pages. entitled "I`unu:l.;`.- 1I\rl||c|I`i-1` I4`:-nu!" van-xv l`I`I`I`II\`\it|l1\V D.J\'\ lsll Ollklilll IlI\ Ill \V| UU llskx .3. \ A|t1ul\ kl "C-.umv.l:1`x lmlu.slrlul Front", very g'x;1pl1lv;1lly` uncl cuxnpleloly tells the story of our Domin- ion'.< vconun1iv~imluslr1;1l war 6-Hort. It wasi an inlnlvnsv umlortzlking, to gather and p1`e~ pure (or public-.uio1\ the immense -.1m01mt, of in1`urxnulion wlm-h so culnprcllcnsiwly cov- t`l'S the` subjc-ct. 'l`lw l`in;uu'i:ll Post tlus UOIM this big` job with its l'llSLOl1l11l'y 1.11orm1g'l1m>ssi and ucuur-.u'_v zuul has nmde :1 vast amount of data and clemll :1v-.1ll:".blv to Lllose who would be well ln1`or_u*mcl upon the industrial and` . ' ' ` . ecgngmlq,c;u Ll! (.;azlla; tggax. ___.&_ EDITORIAL NOTES UlH_| _ IL`? |Hl' Ln7`llllnI `Cnunm,-1 coast, tlwr `suns for believing 1 (~h:m(-o for invznsim himl. 'Thr- fun-vs: \ pm :~ i1 Ill Rriluin :: Inn: and lwillp, lrvltn '1 l"I`1u-I` uyunn. u. \. --u. nu - gun moms migh-1 be mu! In ltuluuxs pound I\.1.alI'.1. A and Adern. and to harass 1 Fleet if n snoulci try to 1 the Sugz Qa1_.ud. the I The Axis Goes Onto Winter `Time 41 lP\.4 LLVKIVKJ \. \ \J \I"" '7 """" ""'h- llorne Cnnverszltions Probably R0.-mappt-cl Axis (}r;md Strategy for the Winter Czlmpuign cents. J. A. MHCLAREN. Pre.-;irlonL nnd Managing l'1dil,m'; W. K. WALLS. Vice-President and Blxssiness Mun- agar. .1 Willson Woodsid;';Wek|y War Commentary s can hca1'txl_\,' ag1't 1` on. All! has to be done is In clu.-to tho! ms of Gubrallar and make M:u'.~| and A1e2'<:.`udri-.1 unu. u:;`l as. To uccmnplish the first [hays 11d lmve to bring Spain int.) lhx-' I I I and send hea\'_\' artillery an mgo Gibraltar and d.umna1z- tin n..u|. nIzI_\_~ ..r ...|....I. ...... "T2 iiziiciiii '1$'.\'ATV'|1'i<.l'. R, mm1m;, (11% 11. L'AI\'z\'xL'L '\VIH`l'l', 11 lb ll'.llU:_V y wnnlrl try In make Hg ;u1_v\vlwn- 1.h(-ir :1'1 givv .~:t|-m1g"$k i'gS`- ' |)l`(":l n1 |):a~'`:"% .'1cm.`=:: ..u an. sxdes . i:-lxzblu nun ax` 1':-Inform-- lwip Hu- Aloxamnm 5 me Brmsh : retreat out : Red Sea, \'ll||l|dlt` winch |~ u-.,nv\'.n IHIS MESSAGE IS SPONSORED EY l|FE INSURANCE COMPANIES O?ERAT|NG IN CANADA It is good citizenship to own Page Two ` I-1-(]):'('l- n-hlx-vn gull` Fifty Years Ago As a united nation, we light for the security of our homes, our loved ones, and this Canada of ours. With confidence and courage, we will do our part to over- come the oppressor and remain a free and indepen- dent people. Today, millions of life insurance dollars, invested in war loans, are helping to finance our war effort in the cause of national and individual security. As individuals, let us hold fast to the security guar- RED CROSS IS SICRVING 'l`ll0Sl~1 WHO ARE SAVING ()ANAl)/\ FROM AIR RAIDS 'I'he Czmadizm Rod C1'0.-an: Campaign for the raising of five million (l0ll.'u's, which O|)(`n!.`.(l this week, is prnsmiting to the people of (`an- ada an opport.uniLy L0 .-sliam in :1 g;1'(-at hu-- m:).nil,arian scrvicx-,. In Llw midst. of :1 world at war, the Rm! (truss i.-; :1 nr-ut.1'ul zLg<~1i(:_v all mercy which brings; 1'1(`llill{;', (:mnl'0r1, and 1'eliel' to Llmu.::1n(,ls 01` .~;ul'l'vrin:;' civilians, as well as to S()l(Hf'l'.*; in M10 l'i(*lL'l and 1'iril,i.~:l1 1)1'is(mel`s 01' wan` in (iitrrmuny. . n...-inn lhn inrliw-riminn1.1- hnmhil`lD.' 01` LOH-I anteed by lite insurance. Every man who owns life insurance is safeguarding himself and his family against the uncertainties of the future-and is aiding Canada in this lime of national emergency. Life Insurance `.,'!`\f:':"w` Neighborly News .....I - Speaker Praises ' ;|'L"__ The Weekly Press 1` _' AH 5'|'IH`v('1:I'.xnnnl`l|1v]n:hI`1pliljy ( d .v...... I)`: ihv '.`.'I'1li!\.' m-w~'1.:.:u-r in 4-n`n1- l>I\1l1r.l\. IrIIIIl:l`a nnnlun Ii During-, Hm first 35 wm*k.~: of l_l!!4() -nth-d AuL:u:.I. 29, sul('s of r-ut.1l- nn (J:umrli:m stuck ym'ds zmtl pI:mI,.~, lutullml 671,54] hr-ad, `rumpurv-(1 \vil,h MIHJSH ht-ad dur- . mu Hw :-rn'1~4-senmulinu 35 we-rks of `mm. Thu ill('I'(`:1s(' in SHIPS Look |:]:H't- |::1`1I_4-lv in July und AIu',usl._ m`in:ip:-llv in ()nI:n'iu. Quc-hm: and Hrilirah (fnllllxnhiu. .. I ,-_. ..._._ .. __ ._..a- . ........... .,,.. .... 1 _l!!4() |)I:ml,: `Inn.n-.urt-I1 with (`.41 ll! `l`mn's(lu_\. hvpu-nlln-r :56, HMO v'\ |I.x'l 'I.\ I\.\.\ll('Iil No-\\'.s`p:1pa-r W('(`k. Th. 'l'in- (`rt-vtl Hf ._ ` .. \.-.- I (T/\ l"l'l.l'I SALES ra ....a var. .lVI' 4I`lIll>- VVIT nnumxy hmnu find >1 lwrr-` Wv shurn -uws of mu` m-i;.zh- u`.:- vvin unly in be :1 (,`:m:uh:m town. ill] I.. ax... In, H.(`.(1 L.'l`0SS lll mu` l'lUHl`l liiuiimm UL mu "us. The five million rlullnrs r-ontributecl to the Clldlllll Rod C!1'nss luxt. November has been spent in' mnm';,-`micy calls. Four mil- lion dollars was spmil. in acliial war work and $725,000 on Rod (.`l`n.\`.\` D0110!`-Lil`ll(` sm'vico::. The Czmz1(li:u1 Rml (`.1'uss Ilospitzil in Enp;- land is one oi tliv finest. in.~`Lit.uLi0ns of if`; kind in the Old Country. and it. is proposecl to establish oifzhl Rvrl Cross hospitals in Canada to take euro 01' convalescent soldiers from Britain during the coming year. It. should be l`(`-l1l(`lllb(`l'0(l that Red Cross work is carried on l:u'gol_v by voluntary workers. that 80 cents or every dollar is spent in war work and about 15 (`mus in ot,hPr sm'vi(tes, while aclminislrutilm <-(). 11111011111. to only 5 cents on the dollar. ;m.\-,`...-\. rv,..\n.l.. in no u.vrn~ urilh (Tm-n1nnv Hill I ' Ill.` I ;.1 mn` much`-1'3 `Hilly ('il'(?ll~'. loyalty In yuul` 'i'h<-y urv lay- ':m1-n1:|ju)l"."' Hmnurist. -I'll ! Ill l.'Ulll' 1 ;all-()nlnrio an lru;u'l(`:|st- 3nml:1y. Svpl. "N-ipghlmllrly It-In-1`.~: Iw:u`Ll L IIIIIII llI"V `h- (7:m:I(li;nn /\\'.\`u('i:It.im1 .. `I7 I. f\n I)l'lS0l1(3l`S U! will` lll \Juium.n_y. During the inclis(:riminuto bombing Lon- don, thn Rod ()I`(.)Ss has bx-on working; un(lm' almost impossible ('()ll(llLi()l'l.\'_ for the enemy. who has set out to destroy the homes and lives of woman and (zhildmn, has (1(!libCl`:l.L(`.l_`/ struck at hospitzxls uncl nvvry ineam of inorcy `for tl1e.sgl`fei'(:l's. Thu Rod (Jross lioadqmut max in London was bombed (luring 21 raicl lzist week, but the Red Cross wm`ko1's moved at once to zmothvr building and c:n'1'io(l on vali- antly. Thousnncls of 1 umili(`.~'. in London and other raided zu'0:1s of Britain are :~;l(~epin;:_ nightly on boclcling and covorocl with blan- kets sent l`1*(~v from Czmucln by the Canadian Red Cross in tho vurlim` months 01' tho wur. n-11-, .`.:n..... .l..lI.u-.- nnnirihnfnrl in H1!`- (`mus 011 Inc uuuau. Altlimuzli (fumulu is at war with Gm'many.| the civilian population of this country are mule to mm in (-mitliliuns of peace. We do not. have to fly to 11n(l(~1'g.:1'(u1ml sl1o1L01's l'1'om ail` raids and S})(`l`.(l .~4lv0})l*.~;s nigllts listening to the t.hunde1' of guns and in dread of instgmt death from dova::t,:l1,ii1g bombs. Our lives and homes are l'rvv l`mm l.lw:u- p(`l'il.`:, not because Llw onemy wlslms Ln sspziro n.~:, bill because of tile men of tho 1111*. son and land forces W110` are holding our front. line 01' (l01'en(:e. These men an` ri.~:kin{: and p;iving l.l`mi1' lives to save Cumulu u..-; wt-ll us Brilzlin. (`.:1nacli-ans at home are zusketl 1.0 give :1 lit.l.ln 01' their money in this ltui1x|)::,ilg;ii fur Llw Rod Cross which is` serving Llw l`ip;lil.ixw; lll("ll zmcl sul'l'ei'ing' civil- ians wlm nrv l)s-zwim: Llm brunt of the war and p1'ovm11.ixw; H. from coliiilip; 1.0 our Ownl sliorus. _ _A_._. ___1 1_1 WI ./\'l`lll1)R IN 'I`lll~2 l-ZNGLISII (.llANNl'~Il. N0 l` 'I`|ll1`. ONLY BAR l`() HITLER I11 11111111111 11111111: 1.11` 111111120 1110 w1!.'1t11o1' is 11 $1111` 1.111111` 1111` su1'.i11l 111111111.-1511111 when 11111111 11111i1:111.11 .\'u1)j1`1'.1:; 11111 1.11 1111 -.1v111111111 111' wh1+1: 11111111 is 111111111111,` 1-1.1111 1,11 t:1lk 11b11111,. All 1111s` I I 111' t11i11g:; 11111 111111111111 11111111 1110 w111.1t11m'. 11-11111 11111111z11:1111.~1 1.11 111111 tr-111111., but no one 1111:` yet 111111111111 tho w1`11t11111' 1111' the war. T111: wv11t11111`, h11w11v1-1'. 1111:; 1-111-.1a11t1y 121111111 1111.0 1111 w111' news 111111 11111 1:111111i1.i1111 11.1` the l`1Il10I1LS 1:: 1111vi11g 11 s1,-1'i1111:; 1-1'I`111`t 11111111 its 111'1112;1`11ss1. 1111 1111` as 1111* (11111111111 1111111 1111' the i11v11sio11 01` E11111111111 is 1-11111-.111'111~11. T1111 .-1t111`111 w11i1'11 111-1111111111 in the Eng'li~:11 C111111n1`1 111111. w1*111< W112; 511111 to have (1i.~`.-< p1~1's1111 31111111 111' 111111 5111113 111111 bu1`g'0s which th1- (`11~1'1111111:: 111111 111 1'111111`11111ss 1111* tho big 111`1'1~11siv1'. 111111 1.1111111 is 1111w 5011111 talk in ('11.`1'1111111_V 111111, 1111- i11v11:1i1111 n1'.1y be p0stp11n0(` 1` 111111 1:v1~11 ;1b;1111111111~11 111L11g1~1,111`1'. I-11111` V011 ( Ribb1-1111`11p`s 111111111` 11111111111 visit to R111111` 1 p1'11b11bly 111111 n1111'11 111 1111 with tho situz1.ti1111. l M11ss111'111i \\'11s 11111:b1.11~ss g1~1.1i11g 1'-.11.11111' 1111- 1 11111111111. 1111111` 11111 11111113`. 1111 1111111 Italy into 11111 w-.11` 1111 1.1111 11ss1111111L11111 1112111 1-litlor 11111111111111 111 1',111'1`_\~' 11111 his 1111111511111 111` Brit-.1111. 1111120111- mg 111 s1'111`.111111`. 1111 A111-.1151. 15. T1111. 51111111111111 was 1111111` 1111111111111 111 S1~pt1111111111* 15. p1'es11n1- 11bly 111 1~111111-'1111- with the 1t111i1111 inv11si11n 111` Egypt- 1`h1~ 111111-.111.< i11v:1111`1`1 Eg`_vp1. but 1111 G1~1'11111n:: 111111111 1111 -.11.11`111p1. 1,11 1-1'11s.x` 1111` Ch-.111- nel. Muss111i11i \\':11111~11 t11 knuw why. 111111 R1bb1~11t1'11p wont 1.11 R1111111 1.11 11111 111111 111111 the 1111111111111` was 11111 111111 1111' 11111 trip. 'I`h1~1`11 w111~1~ 11111111` 1`1\;1s1111s_ 111 111111151`. 11111` b1'ing 111111 1. L111` R11_\'111 A11` 1`111`1~11 111111 111111111 1'11t111`1' 11 1111155 01 G1`1`1111111 p1`1*1_1;11`-.1t'11111s by its p1\1'x'1s1,1~111 ` bun1b'1ng`.\`. 'l`h1`1'11 was 111511 11111 1115s 111' 3111111` , 2.000 (`11~1`111:111 1111111115` 111111 11v1`1' -1.11111) 11111111111 111 1111115 0V1`1` 11111111111111. ` B111 R1bb1`1111`11p p1`11b:1b1y 11111 11111 b111n11~ ch1111`1_v 11111111 1111- we-.1t111~1' 111111 wvll 111` inighl. T111` w1\:11.111\1' in 1111` E111-.11.x`11 171111111191 11115 pl11y(` :1 1111151 '11np111'1:1n1 11-.11`1 in the de1'1*111'1" 111` 11111111111111 -.11'.:1111st i11v-.1s 11111. T1111 "inv'1n- cible" A1`1111111:1. w11i1`11 was 1~.o1le1't1=c1 111111 1`(1uipp1`11 by K1111: Phillip I1 01' Spain 101' the s11bj11g`11ti1111 111' E11g1;11111,333 _\ 1.11`.\` sailed 1`1'o111 Lisbon in May, 1588. 111111 w-.1.-1 dispe1'se11 by 11 st111'111. The ships xvere. 1'e-1'.111111`.ted and m1te1'ec1 the C11111111el off Co1*11wz111 on July 19. After s111`1`e1*`111g :1 series of e11g11g111111*111s with Drake's ships. the A11111111-.1 was dispersed by fire-smps sent into the midst. and many 01` the vessels were sunk or t-.11~:en by the E11g~' 11311. The re111ai11de1' of the invincible" fleet :':e1;re111.ec1 toward Spain, s11Ife1'i11g inuch loss .gvere storms in August and Septe111be1'. somnuted Spanish loss was 35 ships and mm Quesm 1uza11_e_,t.l; :11-tns.19c_1 g 591- THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1940

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