one cent. a ivoru, cusn, eacn ms'e:- ` on. (minimum charge. 25c). five 4 ons for the price of tour.`25c ; extra if not paid within five days 01 date of issue; also 10: extra when 1 replies are directed to The Examin- 1 Ir. Store or business advertising \ (including agents) in this column. 1 two cents per word. cash with ord- ` er (minimum 50 cents per issue, 70 1 cents if charged). Classified advts j acceptable up to nine o'clock on WEDNESDAY NIGHT. ` FOR SALE-- Annlv J M. FUR SAL:I`.2-- Apply J. M. Phonc 908-133, 5.6 -40') . smzs-';s;s, l 116 -40;) l 6-ft. ` steel hand- est mc_)f in Thornton. Apply P.O. Box 76. :2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS to rem.` : Thornton. 39p 1 an 39p; HOUSE FOR SALE--Centra11y lo- cated. Owner leaving town, must sell. Apply 8 Peel St. 37-41b| woon F0 SALE - Tamarack ` wood. -4-ft.; soft maple. 4-ft.. soft wood cut ready for stove: also 1 Rumley 15 x 25 oil pull tractor. and I Sawyer-Massey clover huller. Ap- pl P. Frankcom, phone 9401, Min- es mg. 391) VVIDOW, 36. EXPERIENCED nurse-.i desires a light position. whole or part time. Box 30." Barrie Exam- iner. 39p SOLDI-ER`S WIFE with small childl would like housework, small re- muneratxon. Apply Mrs. Huxley, 74 High St. or phone 368. 39;)` I HAVE BUYERS for a number or! medium and low-priced houses.3 Want fty acres in exchange for a` hundred acre farm. H. A. Hem-y. . : Owen St. 39p YOUNG WOMAN WANTED as general hnusekceper and compan- ion. Apply Box 28." Examiner Of~ ce. 39b I BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE-In! Barrie suburb, 6 rooms, modeml bath, newly decorated throughout.1 new oak floors, built-in cupboardsi in modern kitchen, 5%; acres, barn,` low taxes. Phone 199.12. 39b5 IFASRM FOR SALE---150 acres Clayg loam. 1%: miles from Lake Simcoc.; frame house. tzwo barns. lot 23. Con. ; 11, Innisfil, Fred Birnie, Craigvale., RR. 1. Ont. 38-42p` -' l l FARM FOR SA'LE-Or0. About 100; acres. quantity of bush and timber. `. brick house and bank bfnrn, good water supply. Apply David Storey.; Hawkestone. RR. 2. 39-40p FARM FOR SALE---In Dufferin Co.. E suitable for tobacco growing. 10] acres of orchard. 10 acres of bush- electric availablq. good stzxblingj Apply Coutts Real Estate. 39b] I x I 1 |L1s'r YOUR FARM with Mercer! Real Estate, 2804 Dundas. West, To-1 route. We have a large number ofi customers to buy farms in Barricf vicinity. Please give lot. concc.ssion. price. when possession can be giv-i en. 38-42p i` 100-ACRE FARM FOR RENT with option of selling or exchange for! property. Spring creek. orchard. small bush. good buildings. Nnrth' half lot 20. Con. 14. Tccumscth. l'.4_-1 miles west of Cookstnwn. Phone 71-6. 39p FAIRM FOR SA~LE-~50 acres. highj level land, adequate bui1dings.: plenty of hard and soft water. 2` 1 acres good maple bush_ 4 acres pas-` `tum. remainder under cultivatiun. Price reasonable. A. A. Eklund; l Thornton. 39b` ROOMS TO RENT -2"-'_- miles south ul` Burrm. on N0. 27 Hi;;.h\vu_v. elve- tricity. Phone 3.12. 39!: 100 ACRES GOOD LAND. good water. level. nice slope. very free; .from stone, good buildings, furnace,, telephone. hydro in house. barn; lightning ruddcd. nice grove trees. one and half miles, from stores churches. station. near lake. 7 miles; Barrie. Apply A. Peterson, Shanty. Bay. 39p! l - ` 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS :- Harnlwund fl(1(H`.\`,. (`.Dn11`:1lIv | GIRL WANTED for housework on: farm. Steady employment to right girl. Apply Box 32," Examiner Of-` lice. H 39p 1 r'UX(.NlbnU . | Phone 1485M. IROOM AND BOARD -- Cunt1`al. 1 mumn 1239.1 zmhi iBED-SI'1'I`ING ROOM with board.` also garage. Phone 926. 391) > {ROOMS TO RENT - Furnished. central .130 Bradford St. 39p `FURNISHED ROOMS TO REN'I`-` I Phnnn ]4R5M Hnl FOR SALE__90 Barred Rock pu1_l ,RooM AND BOARD in ,~p; lets. best laying strain. Alsu 1 ihmc. Apply 44 Toronto S1, 39b buy nmrc weighing ubuui 1450. age `T -- 7 years. Phone 1154.). 39b] 1 THREE FURNISHED ROOMS ` I rent. 7 Charles St.. Barrie. H `om: FRONT ROOM FOR REN 1`--` `wilh nr withunf hmwrl Phnm` 1 ONE lK.UN'l' KUUM FUR lU.`LN'l'-- j With or without bom'd_ Phone ; 1U6J zmp FURNISHED BEDROOM for rent. I Enquire upstairs, 82 Elizabeth St. p IIOUSEKEEPER WANTED - Fort farm. Good wages and steady em- ployment. Apply Box "29." Exam- iner Officc, 39p .._.__. ` TWO FURNISHED ROOMS to rent. Apply Mrs. F. Barker. 59 Park St.` Phunv I75-U. 39K TWO FURNISHED ROOMS I111` Iitzht housekeeping. to rum Apply `I21 Burton Ave. 391: Apply 1Vll`S. r Phone TWO FURNISHED ROOMS. bright. suilablv for light housekeeping. heated. Apply 80 Owen St. 3911 to I01. Hardwuod f1o0rs.- Centrally located. Apply 8] Worsl('y St. 39;) TWO ROOMS FOR REN'1`~Sui- able for light housekeeping. Apply` 22 Wellington St. East. 391 2 LARGE FRONT ROOMS to rant. dnwn. hnmndialn t\nx\'n,<. . HEATED. FURNISHED ROOM-- - Suitablu far light huu. Apply in morning. I79 Hayoln St. 391) .5 l..u`\kiE4' l"t(UN'l' KUUNID 10 ruin. duwnsuairs. hmnodialo p0&s'0s. Apply 11:! Henry St- phunv 769W. 1) wamsmzn ROOM TO RENT --_ Ruimhln rnr ligvhv hnusukr-oninc. EXPERIENCED S AL E S L A D 1 uIAnh'-VI fnr Inrlinu` rn:arlv-ln-uInar ' rte. l"U*KNI5Ht;I.) HUUM '11) HEN 1'-- Suimblu [or light housekeeping. Adults only. 103 Wurslvy St.. Bar- 39p BOARDERS W ANTED \\'.'n`n1 h.-xmn nrivntn r Ltuum ANU Phone 1239J. TUUHIS. b 14393. LARGE ROOM. c-emral location. `furnished. Suitable fur 4 gentle- men. Board optimml .-\ppl_v 33 `Elizabeth st_ 39p ROOM AND BOARD in guod home. fur two collegiate or bu.~`ine.~s cul~ legc students. Central location. Phone 397W. 38!-x BED-5l'l'l`lNU {KUUM TU 1u;N'1' ~10 _ | respectable business girl. Suitable` FURS-Fur coats roP3H`d- FEIHOG" for light housekeeping, Apply Ex-;el1ed. cleaned and glazed. No mm`.- . aminer office. 39p` ter how badly worn. we make them as new again. at the luwest prices. I ROOMS TO LET-2 bright unfurn-' Done by expert furrier, We also re- ` ` ishcd housekeeping moms. AvaI1- line your fur cnat. Estimates free1_\`| ;ub1e October 6. Heated. Hut water. given. Writp J. A. Milburn. Hi1is-` N ._hv.1r:l1'z-1-. `__`3 Biizabctli St. 399 d;ii:- . f`.v..`.i:`: 3.3-4?-`,2. BED-SI'I'I`ING ROOM TO RENT to : r|\sn9-Yahlo hn_\`il\0s,\` stir] Suitable 1 ROOMS LET--2 `ishcd housekeeping Wi R0PER l` FOR SALE [Ian unu nun I! In Th: Uialnll-Ill) HOUSEKEEPER WANTED for one. in Ll lhrivinur uillnrvn Nu! cinlr ind YPOSITIONS WANTED (Inn Inn uw It In Thu Innmlnanl vvuuu run Bnun (lay you an It In `I'M lnmlncn I IVIII BIWL I. I` \JIU DIIIJII (_lIy you paw It In The Eiamlnor) ROOMS AND BOARD I-ll um um It In 'I'hn Einmlnnrl WOOD FOR. SALE `luv mm nu It In Tho llnmlnnll FARMS FOR SALE {luv vnu man: It In Th: Eunmlnnn Uhlb W AN FLU In home; privatv or at 149 Mary St. . clourm double Phone ant. .V'1'-~ 39:) g 3 39p J1UU5h)Klj)El h)l( WANTED for in a thriving village. Not sick. just helpless. Must be honest Apply Box 36." Examiner Office. 39b K b1. ' none 39b \' 60' ' ll-IOUSE TO RENT-234 C-omome} ISLJ. West. Orillia. large modern .`home. four bedrooms. all convc-n-, V1ienccS' good garage, good gal-den.| e_Possc:;s`ion immediately. Rent $30.` lAnnlv A R 'l`hnmns'.nn. K_C.. O1`-l 1. . ; YORKSHIRE SOW FOR SALE and pi thirteen pigs. SW. `/4. lot 24, Con - ` 6. Innisl, 39;: h 11` T FIVE PIGS FOR SALE-6 weeks: |_ old. Apply Luke Shakcll_ Stroud.` n` nhone l3r3. 39b | PERENNI-ALS and rock garden plants for sale. Abbott's. 53 Dun- donald St.. Barrie. 39p .?___:____________. SLENDOR TABLETS are the safe. sane way to natural good health. $1. Douglas Drug Store. 39b : COMFORTABLE ROOM TO RENT. Ruginoss gentleman nreferred. plants for sale. Am donald St.. Barne. 'S'I`L NOGRAPHER WAN'I'ED-Ap- nlications will be received bv the | HOUSE IN CREEMORE to rent. 358' | per month. Suitable for Camp Bor- ldon people. Apply Coutts Real Es- tate. Barrie. 39b| I-`URNHSHED HOUSE TO LET---l5 Bradford St. 39p ' COMFORTABLE ROOM TO REN1: Busmess gentleman preferred. [Cen1ra1. Phone 564. 39-43b E HOUSEKEEPING ROOM. [rm-niehnri fnr rnnt Sonar: [ HOUSEKEEPING KUUM. large. Hurnished. for rent, Separate on-I trance. Available Oct. 1. Phone I i 1209. 39b 1 . }SMALL APARTMENT. downstaixxl ;for rent Private entrance. Furnish- gcd or unfurnished. Also bed-sitting, 1 room. Phone 124. 39b| I 1` FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT-- 5-roamed.` on highway. 7 miles ` south of Barricr. Hydro. Near school. I 1 Give particulars, number in family.| 4 Box "33." Barrie Examiner. 39p] ` ~ EDURHAM cow FOR SALEJ 6 years old. with calf at font. Apply .105. H. Emms. phone 424. Om. 39p I , _ . , _ _ . . _ . _,. . . 1t\l'h '..,, 1 `}Possc&s`ion Immediately. Hem $511. AppIy A. B. Thompson. K.C., O1`- !i11ia. Phone 175. 38-23% NINE YOUNG PIGS FOR SALE.l I Apply L. Kellman. Angus, Ont. 39p] I ISKPEHIENCEIJ SAL ESLAU wanted for ladies` rcadv-to-wear. Applv Miller's Fashion Shop, 28 Elizabeth St. 39b ` ` O RAMS FOR -SAL.E--Well |b_rcd. Mrs M. Briggs. RR. 3. Bar-; ] 1'10. 39;)! 7 I EWEANED PIGS FOR SALE at_ 1:1 nnir Annlv R011, ninnmr. Perkins-x WEANED PIGS l"(_)R SALE aL_ 1259: a pair. Apply Reg. Gignac, Perkins-3 ield 38-40p} I I 1 I I 1 BAIR._RED ROCK PULLETS fo1'sa1e. istartlng to lay. Apply 2 Cndring&on| E street. 39p| om. Apply `phone ` MARE FOR SALE--6 yrs. nld. with` `foal by her side. Wilmnt Briggs. Cookstown. 39p 5-` 3 YORKSHIRE SOWS. pure bred. p six mus. old. eligible for registra- '3 lion. Will sell reasonable or deal` for cattle. '1`hns. Wright. phone; l1r22. Stmud. Ont. 39pl 3 HOUND FOR SALE--Also 12 gauge, 1shotgun. Apply 54 Baldwin St. or ! phone 696M. 391)! -_ I 3 CHEAP WORK HORSE FOR SAIEZE mr exchange for cattle or pigs. Ap-3 ply George Help Thornton. 39p] , l 3 ' ` I HORSE, 13 YRS.. about 1650 1bs..I - for sale. or would exchange Iorl Pyuung pigs_ C. ML-Quay, New Low- " ell. 39p ! 'b"1'l'4'N()LHU\l Hl1}H. WAN'l'ED-Ap- ])CE.l'.i0HS by undersigned for the position of sienogrupher and office help in ihe uifice of the Clerk and Treasurer at Barrie. up till noon October 4th. Applicants to state experience and give references. A. W. Smith. Clerk and 'l`reasurer. Barrie. 39b `BIG BAY HORSE fm` 9alo--Clean 'lcgged and sound. quiet and good worker. rising 12 yrs. 46 James St... Barrie. 39p | : , |COLT. 1 year old. Percheron. will; ;mnk(~ 1400 lbs._ Ontario bred. furl ,.~a1u. J. N. Balfe. 14 Bayfield * Phnnn 73}! 39;), ,.~;11c. J. N. [ Phone 738` `l0 YORKSHIRE PIGS for Sale. 1` weeks old. Also 1 Yorkshire sow due Nov. 6. Apply Geo. Hews.on.i 1m 4. Con. 3. Innisfil. 39p| v buy wmgnmg am YORKSHIRE SOW. due Oct. 15: al-`, so a DeFurcst Cruslcy radio, nlec-I trio. good as new. Earl Mustax'd.. Struud. 8th line. Innisfil. 39bj I 2 YOUNG WORK HORSES for sale.` '7 and 8 years old; also box stuvc.i rcm'l_v m-w; C.C.M. bicycle. Mrs.[ ; Henry Anderson. Bm'1`iu. RR. 5. 393*.` PLANTS AND FLOWERS llnv vnu nw It In Thu Elllfllnlfl 'I`WO SHORTHORN BULLS. purzu hm-d. for sale. red and man. of ser- 'I'W() SH()R'1'HU1(N I:5ULLbg. pun`-l brvd. for sale. man. of sex`-I vicoablv ago. Also :1 well bred] Clydv mare. 3 _vr.<.. brown. clean! legged. Apply Brucv Cnwun. Stmud RR. 2. 39pc` A THE LARGEST INSURANCE O1`- 2am 7.minn in tho Rrifish Flmnirc acceptable to nmc WEDNESDAY --- I PAPER for tables at {ca- mer-tings. out. for sale at Examiner [ Office. Saves work and laund-:,\I costs. 2311' l v LAYING I ULL.E'I`S FOR SALE Bnrrt-cl Rocks. White IA(`g.h()l.l]S and White Rocks. Barr:-d and Wllllt` R `ck (`l)(`k(`I't`lS and rozisting chick- l`llS_ Kell_\".< H&lI(`l1t`l`_V. 65 Clappci tun SI_ Plioiit` SIIOJ. 391.- MISCELLANEOUS tsay you saw H. In The Examiner) 39Pl calf. `; PIGS POU`L'I`R.Y: I sow. duo iDec. 6; 20 store pigs. about 60 lbs.: 118 Plymouth Rock hons:.25 Ply- illluulh Rock and Leghorn pullets. IMPLEMENTS: I lmick inuwer. 5-t: I Deering seed `drill. good as new; I Massey-Haiw Tris spring tooth cultivator: I Inter- 'terna1ional land roller: 1 hay ted- vdor. nearly new; I Peter Hamilton laund-:\ i k3 I 5'3` (SC hall`- W="5 1 59` drag 23-1l1&Il`l'0W$. good as new: I Cockshuti ;inziiiui'v spreader: I Mzissey-IIar1*i;~ MR5. H 1Rw[N_ ,.xpmi,.m.0d m`;).`disc pl<>\\'_ Hood as new: I No. `.'l ur(`&<. ladies` and invIi':~' i`cpaii'.< anti ` Fl\`UI'.\ Walklllg P1"'i I. N0- 13 uit.oi';ition.~`. Ovvr HIII'lblII`I'S Shoe`. F1`U|`.\` Walklnl DIIIWJ I Kid K311- sturp 39p` g`ar_m gang plHW; I set sloop isleiglis; I set beam scales. I000 WOOD S:\WlNG---l 1'onip1 oft'iciv:iI . i'v.'isnii.'iblv pl'lCt`.~'_ wood for sale. Walter PIIIJIH` 580\V. RUNS IN SILK STOCKINGS -- ln0II(`k$d. 15` per stocking. Mail money and > IU(`kIlIg.< to Mrs. Goa. A. lVlvmoy_ Lltupizi. R.R. 2. I AM OPENING A DAY-NURSERY for l1IOIlIC`l`.~` \_vh.> wish thrir (?_hild- Also Alh(`l`InlI.l 39tfb-Floiiry rout pulpor: I new Cock- 35-39i> . lbs.: I farm wagm. good as new; I narrow tired wagon; 1 flat bottom hay rzicl-:. new; I fanning mill: I 1sliutt .scuffler: I turnip drill: I cut- !IL`I`Z I Viking cream separator, 650 Ilbsi. nearly new: I trailer; I set house scales; I lawn mower; 1 sugar kettle: 250 ft. of 2-H). plank; .2 oak water barrels. I GRAIN AND FEED: 60 bus. lbuckwheat. 300 bus. oats. 80 bus. ` ` Ma.~.s'ey-Harris; binder, N). 5. 7-ft. cut: I McC0r-. inaticmal stiff tooth cultivator; I 111-` `rocker. pillows. quilts. _ I KITCHEN: 1 table. I electric plate stove_ 4 chairs. I cook _stove, ismall size. nearly new; I kitchen }cabinet. I washing machine. new`. `I refrigerator. 1 sewing machine. I ironing -board. I step ladoer. 2 `galvanized tubs. I wash boiler. 3 `quantity of wood. a quantltyAof sealers. cutlery. labsware. cooking utensils. pails. an many articles too numerous to mention. Sale at 1.30 p.m. (D.S.'I`.) Terms: cash. - _ H. A. GROSE. Auct.. Barrie. AUCTION SALE of Farm Implements and Household Effects ,The undersigned has received in- struqtions [rum R. T. acid, N`/A Lot 22, Con. I0, lnnisfil To sell by Public Auction on MONDAY, Sm so '1"!-IF. POI .l .WING 1 | I Barr:-d Rucks. Wmle 1.(`gnnrns ann` Whm`! L`hi('k-l Clapper-x 391); Lail-| urcs<. anti: Shoe: Stun,-. 39p > STOCKINGS-at 15 Mall| and stockings to Mrs. Geo.` A `l\/Tumvv Utunia R.R, " 35-3911 WOOD S:\WlNG----Promp1 efficient! AfhCl`hm.| 39tfb- 1 I AM OPENINC: A l)A\'-NUNSISKY whq Child- rvn minded by the day or hour Torn reasonable. Apply Examiner Oicv. 38-42b ; I ARCI*{I I`EC I`URA[. PLANS. super-i vision for any typo of building. 155-; (inmates cheerfully given. L. E; Paris. General ConLract0r_ Brad-1 ford. Om. 38-42p ` DRESSMAK1NG-~-Al!{`1`utinns and ' all kinds of sq-wing done, Coats .hm~'.oned. fur coats rt.-lined. Also curtains and drapes made. M. Curd.| :33 Owen St. 39p LIVE STOCK FOR SALE llnv unn nw It In Thu Exnmlnan 'l`l'Ll.' l:I\l(Ul'Jb"l' INSURANCE U!`-I gamzatinn in the British Empire 1 offers an excellent opportunity to an aggressive young man in estab- lish his own Agency in the Barrie District. Expcriencv not essential. as :1 special training course is pm-| vided. Apply giving full details to N. E. Cowan. Life Branch Manager. Prudential Assurance Company Limited of i.undn.1. England. Cun- :.\da Pnrm:men1, Building. Toron- tu. 37-39b remod- elled, planned and glazed. No IJIILV ID IILVIJ I` III) '1 Inn; y you saw It In Tho Enmlnor) :__?__.:.:._.._.. rn-Urnnxl. -.I.u nu; may you new Iv. in Tho lnmlmr) I.JlVl`A OLUUIX l`\JlU anus: av you nw It In Thu Eumlnarr T__ PROPERTY TO LET Ilnv um: um It In Th: lnnmlnnr) PERSONAL (,2, ur- Jun- 'ouu. HEATED GARAGE WANTED for winter. Phone 1907. 39p 1 M. 39p acne \ . C, . 'i9b APPLES-Rosy Duchess and Mc- Intosh apples for je11y_ 2 6-111. bask- ets for 25 it called for. Phone 1070M. Mrs. C. E. Weldon, 118 Cod- rington, St. 37-41b G.M.C. PANEL TRUCK, 1939 for sale, Wnt:nn's Garage. R1.nvm=r_ .'-mba U.'M.C. PANEL TRUCK, 1939 I0!` sale. Watson's Garage. Stayner. 39ba I annrl nnnrlifinn Annlv H I-Ipnrv St, 1938 PONTIAC FOR SALE-'In| 1938 l U'N'1'lAC FUR :5ALJ:;--In good condition. Apply 11 Henry St.. or phono 1108W. 39b 1938 HUDSON COACH. like new. tho1`oug h1y conditioned. mechanical- ly perfect. new tires. heater. Phone 1126R. 39b 1937 CHEVROLET COACH. in` good condition. trunk. heater. Will handle older car in deal. Box 37. Examiner. 39tIx I 1933 DODGE COUPE. rumble seat. for sale_ or would take livestock in part payment. Phone 1621. Om. M. lsandcrson, Shanty Bay. 39 I SHOTGUN WANTED-In g condition. Phone 10.51.}. 39h | Notice is hereby given that .111 persons having any claims against the late Ernest Everton. of the [Township of Innisfil, in the County of Simeoe, who died on or about the , 21st day of August. 1940. are re- quired to forward to the under- lsigned. Sulicitor for Birdie Louisa lEvm*to-n_ the Administratrix of the Iestate and effects of the deceased. | their names. addresses and full par- l lticulars in writing of their Claims.| And further take notice that at-u ` ucuiars in writing of H101!` C|alms.i And further at-. tor the 3rd day of October. 1940, the said Administratrix will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased. having regard only .to the claims of which she shall [sand deceased. navmg regard only to claims then have notice. and that the said |Administra:trix will not be liable to any person of whose claim she [shall not then have received such ; no1ice_ nnoma 91 T('Ht-hnnnr am: I'm. rinvl ; nouce_ I | Dated at Kitchener this 13th day {at September. A.D. 1940. ; G. HAROLD SHANNON. 2 4 Queen Street North. I Kitchener. Ontario. 138-40b solicit-or for Administx-atrix.! I j . FRUIT AND VEGETABLES ` (luv Inn nun It In The Eunmlhn) 0? The I '1':-us FULLUWINUZ I 3 CATTLE ---1 Shorthorn cow. 5, `yrs. old. calf at foot; 1 Shorthorn` Icuw. 6 yrs. old. milking 2 months; H0 head yearling Shorthorn stock-f ers. i | | 1 HORSES ~ 1 team horses. 2400`, -lbs., 6 and 10 yrs. old. ; I AUTOMOBILES-1930 Buick Se-` ` AU'1'UIVlUt5'lL.t1)b--l3).5U uuncx be-3 Idem: 1929 Ford Model A phaet l The above (`h.' must be suldi without reserve. , I Sale at 2 RM. Standard Time. 1 . Terms: Cash. `r vw.Am. M rnnwvrsz Am-2 ! BARN WANTED TO WRECK. 24 v 50 nr Inrrvnr Annlv Rnv 27."| of `F-a'I:I-1- _S:oc|:,|_m-p|e- I ments and Household ` 1 Effects V . ____ . The unde-rsigne`d has received from ;;--n IAIAA --n `u uxuu a MRS. wi/\fi'z"|o 3 Lot 23, N.W.Q. Con. I0,` I I__:-`:I I 1 vqux.\.u uu.w..-..u nunun Ontario I M V V. . 33-40 1' '. . - - . - ' BON`NEY-At the Royal Vxctqna " Hospital. Barrie, on Sept. 25_ 1940. to M1'_ and Mrs. Watson Bonney. 1 F a daughter. iCOULSON~At the Royal Victoria 3 Hospital, Barrie, on Sept. 19. 1940, OF STOCKER CATTLE? to Mr. and Mrs. William coulson. ` aYdaugtXer. 1 i , H _ . . .DO LE-- I. the Ruya Vctoria Lmdcltslgntqd has xocenved 111-} Hospital` Barrio, on Sept. 20' 1940' ruc `"5 from n to Sgt. and Mrs. Patrick Doyle WM nee Winnifrcd Potts) a son. Ter- __ . . { . ence John. 1.. ..n by Public Audio" r HAR'ITMAN--4At Toronto General. uAnn|uIc vAnnc . Hunnitnl, nn Saturdav. Sent. 21. nu .`\.IIA u_y nun. lxuuuuu rm MARRn7s YARDS on Saturday, Sept. 28 THE FOLLOWING: (`I\"l"T`I F`. _.. 1 Khnrihnrn l`lI\|Y F I GRAIN AND l"I`Jl:;UZ DU nus. buckwheat. bus. uals. wheat. 600 bus. mixed grain. 15 tons ,c1m'er hay. 4 tons timothy hay. , HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: I Saxon ;T1`easu1`e range. good a. new: I .Ch9ox'ful Oak coal and wood heat- 3 er; kitchen {able and chairs. 1 living` groom suite. 1 bedroom suite. 2 wooden beds. 10 dining room chairs. ll buffet. I couch. 1 churn forks. * wooden beds. 1U cumng cnalrs. 1 buffet. I couch. churn, shovels. duubletrees and many other articles too IIUHIQFUIIS to men- Hun DS.. (5 and IU DIG. AUTOMOBILES-1930 Se- !:an- 10520 Fnrri 'l\/Inrirrl A nhanitm ' nun Mrs. Reid has sold her farm an`) Ithis sale will be without reserve. I "l'l-`.R1\:f- Pnnltrv, grain and feed |Lhls sale Wlll be without ` | TERMS: Poultry. grain and feed `and all sums of $15 and under. cash. Over that amount 6 months credit will be given to parties furnishing approved joint notes. A discount uf 3 per cent. will be allowed off Ifor cash on credit sums` i Sale at 1.00 p.m. (standard fixnvlv VE.-KR]- M. CO7"l"T`< -`;u-"'. Rarri. HAHN WANTED TO WHISC K. 24 I ` x 50. nr larger. Apply Box "27." Barrie Examiner. 39p acu u_y I uunn. r\uLLAvu J WEDNESDAV, OCT.` TI-IF` POI J .F)\HH\II". * Notice to Creditors -1!` La, IVIVVI`o Chills Iv Innisfil (3 Miles East of Highway 11! Tu sell by Public Auction on \Alf'RLIPfRA\I 3P? 9 II U I. IJlVI\II)I.IJI'1 (lay you mu It In Tho lnmnlr) .C_RED1.T SALE. A UTOMOBILES ll mm umu It In Thu linmlnl ns: L;asn. VEARL M. COUTTS. Auct. ',,%_`AUCTION SALE Vnlnnklo Hhgghnli W E T. P1umtre_ reporis -{ihd>ilz1"g `a bunch of butter beans _in fullbloom last week. , < . #ur n Mn-Rinnnn nsznpr-I: n mu- I i|II|||| T. Plumtre reuorfs -fintiixg .a|':- --Poul Bai'ann`ounc'a"'s the i'eopen- \VA-NTEI) TO BUY--~C0luny or mnznll hen house. W. D. Cochranc. RR. Nn_ 5. Barrie. 391) u Uul. UL aunncn I-nun an vy. u u y . . .. ---500 New Winter cum. Women's and Misses`. Best values w have ever had in the store. Simmons & Co. The Coat Store. 39b --Starting Sunday mldnlght, 12,05, also Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday, Dance, Girl. Dance" and I'm From the City." showing at the Imperial theatre. You won't need horns to keep you awake with this bill. 39x (`nu-u flan-J unpl Ya-_\n Ar-ihnr in last week. --W. O. Mckinnon expects a car of horses at Essa on October 1 and a car of sucker com on October 10. um 17-.., un_u... (what. ur.........-.. Keep you uwum: wuu Lula unu. uon --Cary Grant and Jean Arthur in "Only Angels Have Wings," show- ing at the Imperial. Thursday, Fri~ day and Saturday, this week. A big picture with great stars. Don't miss it. On the same bill. Andy Clyde in "He Done His Duty." also cartoon. x -Children`s and Misses coats. 10 years to 14X. Large stock, wonder- ful values. Simmons 6; Co. The Coat Store. 39b The Barrie Drama Club invites `any who would like to take part. in a play to get intouch with Dorothy Norris. Ross St. (phone 800). New- comers in town are particularly welcome. Casting forvlhe fall and winter play begins in October. I\....:....... in Man n-mn nf nrf Hut- wuiws puny 1:55 I Decision in the case of Bert Hut- chinson of Toronto, who appeared here on a charge of careless driving Ina Ill vu I/\llJ\-A . about three weeks ago. resulted in- a dismissal of the case by Magistr 1'13 Jeffs on Wednesday morning. Fool- ish but not criminal," was his com- ment. ___...__..?_:.. Lu \J_ .I. .Iy\IL'I Hana.-5.: of` Valhalile Hohseliold I i Furniture and Effdcti E HAR'ITMAN-4At Toronto uenenu-4 4 Hospital, on Saturday, Sept. ` `i 1940, to Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Hartman (nee Gertrude Sheldon) ~ 3 daughter. " JACK-At the Royal Victoria Hos- ` E pital_ Barrie, on Sept. 2(_),`1940. 10 ..j . -Mrs. Jack and the late Arthur `j t Jack. Lefroy. a son. ; ;MacMILLAN -- At St. Michael's ` 1 Hospital, Toronto, on Sept. '17, 1, `E 1940, to Pte. and Mrs. James Mac- . Millan. Toronto. a son (James. William). ?RAIKES-At the Royal Victoria; ! Hospital, Barrie, on Sept. 25, .1940. t to Major and Mrs. Campbell Raikes. a sun. '_ . urADhr.!`._..At um Rmml Vmtona Names. WARDLE---At the Royal Victoria Hospital. Barrie, on Sept. 25. 1940. to Mr. and Mrs. George Wardlc. Allandale. a son. WEBB-At the Royal Victoria Hus-I pital. Barrie. on Sept. 22. 1940, to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Webb. Stroud. a daughter. Jane Amelia. - . ; The undersignqd hus_ recveived; in- s structlons-' from ` ! Jl'\IUl\lfr|I, Ola I. -v i THE I-`OLLOWING: LIVING ROOM: 1 3-piece chest- erfiold suite;.1 linoleum ru , 9`xl2'. ` inlaid, nearly new; 1 set 0 drapes and curtains. nmmr: ROOM: 1 buffet. 1 elec- | curtains. DINING ROOM: buffet. . jtric table lamp. 1 dining table, 5 dining chairs. 2 rockers, 1 writing ldesk. 2 occasional arm chairs, 2 (library chairs. 1 victrula and re-` icurds. 2 small tables. 1 pair drapes, . velour. nwnnnnM!~`.- I enamel bed. STA NDING TIMBER WAN'I'ED-| Maple. beech. elm. birch and bnss~ wood. Apply Box "191," Barrie Ex- auniner. 39-43p .velour. BEDROOMS: 1 enamel ispring and mattress; 1 dresser, 1. iwashsxand. 1 enamel bed. 3/4 size; 21 dresser. 1 chest of drawers, 1 `rocker. pillows. quilts. KITCHEN: 1 The unuersxgnep nus rece1veu_-In structrons f MRS. EMILY mckli I00 ,com_ee s.,- Lana; rm. .~..n hu` Auctiun on L stove. I feed boiler. barn rope. H4 IVIUIVBRI; ilnl I `V THE FOLLOWING: IMPLEMENTS: l binder. Deer- ing. 8-ft. cut: 1 binder_ Peter Ham- ilton, 6-ft. cut: 1 seed drill. Cham- pion. l0 hue; l cultivator, spring tooth: 1 walking plow; 1 gang plow. 2 furrow; 1 set of sloop slelghs. new: 2 buggies: 1 cutter; 1 fanning mill; 1 set of scales. 2000 lbs.; 2 sets or drag harrows: 1 wheelbar-: row: 1 grlndstone. | HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: 3_bed~ steads. 2 dressers. l mattress. I wash stand. 4 feather pillows. 2 feather ticks. I cook stove. 1 heater. 1 `Ian- tern. 3 coal oil lamps. 1 settee. .1 pr. J jacks. I bufflalo robe, quilts, sfove l pipes. floor oilcl-wth. 10'xl2'-: 1 box ` III ' new: 2 ladders. l0 barrels. TERMS: CASH ' `Sale at 1.30 u.m. lstandard Time) . H 4-. i`.Rnn`F` Amt `Bal'1'l: To sell_by Ifubnc Aucucm snunon, sen. "2": rum. wt)! .1 .nWING 2 nuu .\,oIgI_er :_u'.; .n_uruu sel1_by Public Auctitm on do A-u-nnmhAv its- OD TIEIRIVISI CASH _ ii. A. GROSF, ALu.*._`):3aI'1`x: 395! . I ` ' 4- I '_`- -A--Pou.LB ai annpuncs reopen- in 0! his `vocal studio at 85 Bay- neg St. .'r1. ,12I.1.- Auditiczis Wed- `nesdgys. ' . '- .. , 39p . _J`!hHrirmi'.< Winter Coat.s--mat- nesq_ays. ' '- , amp ~ f.`1(:hd!'Cr.l'S.>wintel' Coat.s-mat- chetl ham `and'purses. Wonderful values. Sizes 7 to 12 years. Simmons 8: ,Co. The Coat Shore. 39b Summoned to appear in court on Wednesday morning for evading a board_biI1 a`t_the home of Mrs. E. Chown; Mary SL. John Whitehorn of Long Branch failed to appear and `a bench warrant was issued for his arrest. Accused had been working at Camp B_or_den. v-..a-...1.... ....;.....:..`.. :.\ mun-i (II. luuuly uul. _u\;u. _ Yesterday morning in police court Helen Coombs of Toronto was charged with issuing a worthless heque to Alvin Robinson. town. on Sept. 4. She was discharged by Magistrate Jeffs as full restitution had been made and she had already served a week in the county gaol. L2,: n.__.`..._A 1.. I......l. 'I\4\vv| his nu- SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE 1 wznnhvrl fur ') nrlnlls, frnln Nuvem-| I':lVI':u I! wccn nu unc \.uuus_; Buvn ` Chie( Stewart is back from his va- cation and intends to start a cam- p_ai'n on the question of poll tax This applies to every single man over 21 years of age but does not apply to' his majestys forces. The chief also intends to found `up the outsfanding dog taxes. - -m... ...x.'....... ..: OM21 mu-mgnnni nf- ruuuu up Luz: uuxauuuunus uu5 nu.-. .' The winner of the permanent uf-I fred by Jewlle.Studio on a draw during Barrie Exhibition is Miss Lillian Johnston. .56 Mary St. The draw was made late Thursday at`- 'ternuon.` Donnie Bates drew the name rom among the hundreds en- te'red.'_ I`h`e names had been thor- bughly mixed in L. A. Emms` de- iinonstrgtbr `washing machine. :_---. ` ' V ~PENNY-In 'loving memory of mo-E ' - `ther. Mrs. William Penny, who` ' passedaway Sept. 29. 1938. I `YAhd while she lies in peaceful { - sleep. . I Her memory we -shall ulways keep. 4t4`un.- v-`nrnnn-nhnrnrl hv unn Billl . -- V , |OR.R--In loving memory` of a dear 1 hushand and father. Roland Dan- iel Orr. who passed away on Sept. We watched you suffer. day by day. And could not help in any way. But just stood by and saw you pass 24. 1939. V I_nto. the Saviour's arms at last. ' 4 --Sadly missed by Wiful .39b and Family. He!` memory We'5nau mway: nK:I:p.' --Ever femembcred by son Bill [ash ;and "daughter-in-law, Ema. r--.---.---------a '. . H Aucnou sans ; . , x I; -Saturda'y_ 'Sept. 28-Mr5. Emnlyf Lackie. 100 Collier SL. Ban-ic.I quctipn _ale` pf household turni- 1ure"an.d.eeet.sL Sale` at 1.80 pm. - (D.S'.'I`.) H. A. Grose, Auct. 39x T.Satu`rday. Sept. 28-Auctipn_sa1e of stohket, aaI.lle_and' 'oth'er chattels. 1 '-Saturday. Sept. z8-Aucupn_sa1e -H]; ,a,1"t;ki`..naI.lle_and' "other I ; 1jn._SpI_'oqle, Marrin's Yards, 2 'p.m. Standard Time. V. M. . Coutt_s.' Auct. - 39x : -'Mp"m1ay. Sept. 3o-R'..'r. Reid, north 1 half Iptf_.22. Con; 10. Innisfil. will ` hold auction sale of farm implo- ` tn'en1 and hou'seho1d effects. Sale at 1.30. .r`n..`standard time. H. A. ` Grjose. uctioneer, Barrie. 39x Ttsday. Oct. 1-.-Frank Armstrung.' . we Lot 23. Con. 12. lnnisfil, onl .Friday. October l8~Mrs. Frank. T esday. Oct. 1-.-r'ranK Armstrong.- l}I..`y`J,_Lot 23. Con. l2,,Innisfil. on Big Bay Point Road. 4 miles east. Highway 11. will hold an auction -sale of farm stock and "imple- ments -`and household effects Vearl M. Coutts. Auct. 37-39x Wednesday. Oct. 2--Mrs. Wm. R(`ld.| N.W. `/4 L01'23. Con. 10. lnnisfil. I 3 miles east Highway 1]. will hold an auction sale of farm` stock and implements and house- hold effects. Veurl M. Coutls Auct. 37-39j Duncan. S.H. lot 10, Cnn_ 6, in- nisfll. auction sale of farm Sluck. implements and household of-. feels. Sale at 1 p.m. H. A. Grow-. Auctioneer. Barrie. 39-40x y-----------------?___.-_.._ BU'I'.l'-GROSE-~()n Thursday. ' ept. 12,1940. by Rev. S. M. each." -Wilda Evelyn Gruse. otmgcst daughter of Mrs. W rose. Chu_rchiH. to" David All- ` butt, only son of Mrs. E. and the late P. T. Anbutt, Toronto. SMALL l"U RN [SHED HUU51`) I wanted. for `.2 udulls. from Nuvem-I her 151 lu May Isl. Box 233. Barrie P05! ()n'icc. 39p [ GRAY - FLORIST can-u-uouupnuonvsvli `ll? rvl` r\lI1l"`I'1(V V 'E\'rE-m-r'rH1Nc; IN FLOWERS FOR SATISFACTION AND SERVICE CALL 938 _. HENRY s'r.. BARBIE In MxMO1iIAM_ SAUSAGE .................................. .. 2 lbs. 25 ROLL POT ROAST .......................... .. 15c lb. SHOULDER ROASTS PORK 18-21c lb. LOINS PORK .................................. .. 22c lb. CHOICE ROASTS BEEF ........ .. 16-19c lb. FRESH VEGETABLES. FISH AND POULTRY Stor Closed 12.30 o'clock Wednesday Afternoons dvertise in The Examiner. M. J. nr_;;INAN . SPECIALS . Choice B:aby Beef ?hc;x:'>b51 SIX OR SEVEN-ROOMED HOUSE ur largo apartment wanted to rent. by civilian. by Oct~;)b(~r 1. if pos- riblu. Phmw 347. 39p 1 CAPABLE MAID WAN'I'ED-Tele- 1 phone 883. 39b `OOOQQAQQQQQAAI 3 WEEK-EN`! 3 Phone 215 I C.CCOCCOOCOCC\ \ Cor. Mar'y-::.;l'l'2l`i:zaT)e-t.?1 I l PHONE 231 or arm 5 Owen Street, Barrie ._:.j. . Why not. send an extra vupy of this weeks Exnmim.-r In a friend ? Price 5 cents. All local news d(alel's. _._.._____.._._.__..?-_.___. ARMSTRONG `At Victurin Ho!!- niIaI_ Lrmdnn. 0111.. on Friday. 1V1 pay` mm `/2-muv [rum IHWII In :.uuu.~u_y. 7-mumcd frumv nt-w barn 30'x40'. good ;,rnra1.:(- and wm`ks'nup. Must be sold. $2500. Terms if rc- quircd. n.rm.mnrl r`nH:Hl1' \rI'I'v N-nh'al qUll'C(l. 8-runnwd CHUiI;.l(`_ vvry rt-|m'al locaticm. rough cusl,_ now rrmf, wu- tcr. light and um--pit-<-v Imlhrumm. I $1500. sI:L!!-,8? : 1 pkg. Supersuds I 1 glcxnt cake Pc1lm- : : olive. A11_fQr 20c ! Evux AND MINK MEAT wanted- Hmullhv zarivd In` il .illl`(?d horses 0!` AR;MS'I`R()N(j I/\I Vlclurm now- pital. l.rmdnn_ Friday. Sopt. 20, I940. Mrs, Joan Arm- strong (Jenn .Imni(,-mun. Intel`- ment at ( Monday. Sept. 23. __:_.j-:--:---------- 1 c lctrge play. Prin- ess Soap Flakes 1Reg. Pkg. iA11for 35c iM;(7"`-1-.Q! G*..' i Igitlji swet Mixed Pickles 35-ounce jar 25c Courts Real Estate The IDEAL Wishes to inform the ladies that they have in- stalled 2L Naturelle Ma- chine which cxcclls all others. W. T. CAMERON .--an gnu.-n _3: 5 Clatmu-rtun St. Barrie Phone 356 WANTEI) TO BUY-~Honlthv old h0rso:; or Cattle fur tux and mink |'eed_ Harry Murron. 8 North St.. Barrio. Phmw 311. 33-42b EDWARDSBURG iluailni Id`)-r\'l1'I -r\a-n-I an-Anv- 2-lb. tin 19c "FLY 1j7_c>3: FOR SALE 1 r..__.__ DIED Emu Elana FOX AND MINK Ml:.'A'1` wanteu~ Healthy aged in` injured horses unlllo. Crmvfurd Fur Farm. Om Slalimn. Om telephone. mm CUSTOM 'I'Ih\C'I`OR WORK want- nd nI'nviI\1' rii.<-inn and (-ult|vat- CUSTOIW 'l'Hl'\C'l'UR WUIHS wanL~ ed. pl;nvin;:. discing and cultivat- ing. I'2\'vryll1in;: supplied. $1.50 per hour. Pen-_v V'll'(`(I(`_ Utopia. phone 6I`3`.! Ivy. 36--{Op MODERN e\l`AR'I`MEN'I` WANTED. m" bodruum am! living room with [)l`l\'1ill' bath. with or without board. fnl'I1isl\vtl or lmfurnished. What lmvv yuu`.' Apply Box 35." Exam~ iuvr O|Ti<'v 39p I \\':\N'l`I'Il) TO HUY u modern hume.| hllllgulmv |3l'(`fl`l`l t`d. Exclmllgt` nuudorn humv in northern Ontzu'ln.i clusr lu good fi.~'l1in;; and hunting. as part pnynwnt. Apply Box ":N."` F . xznuimw Oicv. 39p |. `(ll1lilll`l` Ulcv. dupl "" - -* lFOR SALE-Singer Sewing mach- A(}|}N'|`S \VAN'[`E]) me. ill gwd repair; high-.ll`n\ Dans (3., ,..., W .. .,. 1-... g..,.,.,,.,, , so.-wlng; machine; 2 rocking chuir.~. 1 `living room table. hanging lamp. ;\GF.N I` FOR (`.AN:\DA'S N0. 1`:-lothcs dl`,V(`l`. 2 trunks. glass cup- Hoxvd (`lu`lslln;l:< (`urd firm. Evl-l`_\"l buard_ {gather tick 3 pr_ gmgher vavd now and clierulll. Hero iS:pill()\\'5. 2 pair an woo} )_,1ankeL ."l`||`F "DD*"|H_Hl.\` to make svl11Cvdrcsslmlker's model. sweel Spami.~|l v'l.~y lll0l|f`)` In _.\0lIl' -'pm` I110-iulliulls. quantity of mungulds. Jas. \VI'lh' M` l"'*`Did s=Iv\lv10.= tud=\.\'.' A. Caldwell. [49 Blake St. Phunu A 'l':llbnt & ('0. lmlldull. (gm 714J_ 39b ll'. ... '91:? ._.-_:-_._j_ . ...u-u `syn. Ist\OInvI\ \\ 0l\lEN. GIRLS Wr\.N'l`El}--E.u`n [rum $10 $0 $15 \vvu`kl_\' selling l:\M- ll.-EX HIGH QU;\l.I'1`\' GOODS 1o n~luti\-v.\.~ and (`.\[ilbliSht`d clien-` tvlv. I spmlds money nu lxmmvhold and tnilut articles. etc. 1-`.\'ery P`.-\l\ll1.EX vustonwr is u sat-5 i.~k`d ru.~tunu-1'. Wnrk 5 or ti hours pm` day. prom by um cxpri"nL'v.g Hid you will succeed N0 RISK xuod mrnim.:.< .'l$SlIl'l`d Xu \vorke1`.~'.j 1.9`! us help you Write at Jun` to Bliss SI. (E;-nr;:o. STD St. Clement` Street. 1\luI\lrL-nl. 391 `T I ARE YOU THE 1\h\N'.'--~Wutkii1` Ueiilor bvt\\'ceii 2.5 and 55 years. with (`iil`l. Ht`<`(lt`d in\mcdiut.el_v I[`4 m-nrhy Rurul Rmtc to supply us-` tnblislwd demand for I-`.voi'yI1:I,\' Necoss'tlii's. |l\(`llldlIl[l SDl(`r_`S. Ex-5 tracts. Baking Puwdur. Tuilrt Pro-_ p:n`utimi.~'. C1v:i|isci'<. Medicines. Fly Spraiy. Miiicr;ili`1.vd Stuck and Pnnl-f try 'l`onic.~`. 7`.2-_\'vur reputation. I0.-1| 000 dealers Mu.~t be satisfied with` $30.00 weekly at start. Selling ex-2 perience \lIll\OCL\`\\`l\l`)'. Farm ex-9 perience helpful. Credit furnished right parties. Write i:nmediatel,v.l The J. R. Watkins Company. Mont- . real. Qmx. Dent. O-B-5A 37--{Obi MAID WANTED for general house-| work. Tel. 710. 39 'l'ht` J real. Qm;.. Readers of The Barrie Examiner get ALI. the news for Barrie and `Dis'.~:rr:'. $2.00 and worth Inore. Ylnrngy. Bcptembgr 1 E . . nnur vvnnxnu (lay yea saw I: In `rm lumlnu) HELP V; AN'l`ED ll um um I: In You Iqnnlnu WANTED II Inn: II In Th: II Watkins Liulnpuny. Mom-I Dept. O-B-SA. 37-401 1 lgjj QUEBEC HEATER `FOR SALE--- Phone 867R. ' 39b I T PIANO F-OR SALE--AppI y 191 l'Bradford St. 39b 1 MAID WANTED for general house- = work, sleep out. Apply 34 Ross St. b COOKSTOVE FOR SALE-Ap_)ly Box 31, Angus. .9p GUITAR FOR SALE-Good as new. I Reasonable. Te_Iephonc 201R. 39p `FOR SALE---1 man's bicycle. Glid- I er. in mood condition. chean. Phone ]FOR SALE--l r_nan's blcycle. unu- |.er. good condition, cheap. I 1154.1. 391) 3 ` Y-EAR-OLD PUNT FOR" SALE --10 ft. long. $10.00 Watson} Garage. Stayner. 39ba | I USED 1938 CAR RADIO. cheap for cash. Phone 1606. 391) I FQR SA1_4E-~l Quebec heater and 1 Ice refrigerator. Mrs. M. Reynolds_ 30 Grove St. East. Barrie, Ont. 39p I FOR SALE--1 Quebec heater and 1 inc refrigerator. Mrs. M. Revnolds, . OIL BURNER FOR SALE---Fess model C. 1 year old. Complete. Bac- gain. Watson's Garage, Stayner. ba LADY'S BROWN TWEED UUAT for sale. with coon collar. in goocl condition. Size 40-42. Phone 794. 39p MAID WANTED for general house- work. ono child. Mrs. John Woods. DISC PLOW FOR SALE-2-furrow Cockshutt. nearly new. Apply Lorne Drysdale, phone Elmvalc 21-23. 39p` LADY'S BROWN TWEED COAT fur gain, with r-nnn rnllm`. IZ()0(| RIFLES FOR SALE-Onc 44-40 Marlin; one Stephens. 32-40. excel- lent condition. N. F. Brolley. Cooks- town. 39p ! FARM TRACTORS [Mm-In frnm f.l`ll(!k!~'. E FARM 'l'RAC'l'UK5 [Made from trucks. Strachan, Edgar P.O. Barrie. Ont. I LADIES` FUR COATS FOR SALE. Size 18. One a muskrat. the other a black Caracul paw. Apply 120 {Hayeld St. 39p CAR OF PENNSYLVANIA COAL will arrive at Midhurst station in an few days. both nut and stove. Phone ` I l4J for prices. 39131 [ELECTRIC RANGE FOR sALE-{ 3-burner. heavy duty. Moffat. with .unncx. cheap. Apply in morning to 179 Bayeld St. 39b ` mately 2 lbs. and up. App PAPER FOR TABLLS. thirty-five inches wide. in rolls. Ten cents 1b., about 8 yards to lb. Rolls apf)roxi- y at Examiner Office. 23tt 5 ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE.` in nprfprf rnnditinn. for sale. A150: MAID WANTED for general house-I work. child. Mrs. John Woods. 147 Bayeld St. 39p ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE.` in perfect condition. for Also [several pieces of furniture. 45A E1- l Izabeth St.. -upstairs. 391: WHEN YOU WANT suuxa, see: my home-made sucks. I am on street. near Dominion store in wheel chair. Socks knitted_ I5 cts. a pair. H. Brown. Barrie. 38-40p! --- 1 COAL OR WOOD ANNEX fur salc.l [white enamel finish. water front.` ,General Electric portable air con-! iditioncr suitable for uverzzgc sizrt: house. Phone 652. (mp ____..__________ | _ l\l'.:V\'!\K\LJ l'\J ` `cunuv. green ` ` sidn`. stolen H70J. WHEN YOU WANT SOCKS. sec` mv hnmn-made sucks. I on` LADY'S WIN'I'ER`COAT for sale. Grey with wolf collar. size 40. prac- . tically new. Also gentleman's brown a winter coat, size 42. Call at 48; Toronto St. 39b: FORDSON TRACTOR in good con- dition. thoroughly overhauled. Will sell or exchange for livestock. Also. good range. used only 3 years, Ren-` frew. J. N. Balfc-_ 14 Bayfield SL; Dhnnn 7:151 399 . -_?- : FOR SALE--Sluup slcighs. 6-ft..` runners. the bust uf spring steel` shoeing; wheel barrows. plow les. cant hook stocks. the best of` second growth maple; while trees. doubletrces and heavy hand sleighs. Thv above is all hand made by A. J. McArthur. Edgar. Apply .1. Strachan. Edgar. Tel. 908r33. 38-42p "i. L.-\DY'S puns 1.051` Black - lmxvhnr in Rarrin r-nnfnininn re~u`i.<- Irew. .1. N Phonc 738. | EXPERIENCED MAID WAN'I`ED.-j Annlv'm/pninr1:< 7 in 9 Mr: Jnhnl FRIVATE SALE of househuld fur-1 `niturc at Mrs. Andrew U1`quhm`t`s. {:20 Charlotte St.. I very lino bed~ . rmnn nntm: 1 verv ne dining room izu Ljnarluuo an. I very xgnv vacu- | ruum outt: 1 very dining outt; 1 solid walnut bookcase: 1 501 "Modern Eluquencez" 1 set iC'Jwper':< Works; 1 set Encyclope- dia: l bedroom outlii and other articles. Can be seen any time. 39p I REWARD FOR INFORMATION un `munw nrewn outside` and hlack in- 3 er`s pcrmit_. rvgistmtiun and several ` keys. X-`Inner please return to 2'.` ` Blake St. or phnnv l23_ Reward. h KEY CASE LOS'I`~~-Contuin.< am--H `LOS'I`---Three windbreakers. Mon- `day evening. corner of Owen and =,\'Vors1e{` St. Finder please return to Barrio uol & Supply Cu. Reward. p ` L.-\DY'S PURSE 1.95"!`--muck leather. in Barrie. containing regis- tration card and sum of money.` 5 Finder lease return to The Exam- innr (1 inn .`{.(3`\ wASPHt\LT SHINGLES - 210 lb Rnunl-ar $7 `)5 fur $685 ft Sim- oASk l'iAL.'1` SHINGLES 2!!) .0 iRegular $7.25 for $6.85 sq. ft. Sim- lc-oe Lumber Co.. Ellen St. Barrie. `opposite Clarke 8: Clarke Tan- l_ nery. 39b 'SHEE'I'ROCK PLASTER WALL board, regular $41.50 for $40.00 per 1000 ft. Simcoe Lumber Co.. Ellen SI Ra:-rip nnn (`Invite 8: (`Jarkc ooaru. regular $11.30 tor seuuu per` Ellen` S9... Barrie_ opp. Clarke 8: Clarke: Tannexg . 39" nuu-'n;ru1:;N(;r)1) MAID wAN1'1a;u.-; Apply" evenings. 7 to 9. Mrs. John| Lining, 74 ILgh St. 39p (Minimum, 25 cents) Payment must be made by Wednesday Following Insertion Otherwise a `charge 01 SE. ...A`_. --y_- V.---y to cover bookkeeping costs -- vLv- CLASESIFIED ADS. to err smscw. C}\1[j{ATE 1.0s'r AND FOUND ` [lav um: an In In Th: Iumlnui LUMBER FOR SALE CICVNISC H CHEF! 25: um: ,, L __-J,-_--x_.. FOR SALE um can It In `In: In: UR INI-`Umv1A'l`lUN outside and black in- from beach. Vhonc 3913 GENERAL MAID WANTED-Ex-W perlenced. good cook. Apply Mrs. S. G. Underhill.79 High St.. Barrie. 39b