Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Dec 1939, p. 16

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Page Txrei ve- __.._...__._?__. n.u...n._. , Christma. St `Sunday next 1 Qt Paul`; 1} ______.._._`. The 1'-`.xamim'-r :`.`~|lS 1-1 $139 : {worth more. . 7 __ Knm Mr. 2 nu r wn CROWN HILL CRAIGHURST GUTHRIE K L.'r\IlN'I and M1`: n-n \vi Thiicxrn with "Flavour" "xx mi` frivnds and rel'.\ti\'<\~`. uf h:|p;wnin::\- d'|.~lrir1---all lhv district m'\\'.\ that is I'll In ! ho I`cn.ul in liu-so columns. Wm. Mr.-Hm with l'rivnrl.~. pmz: wm-k. Mhn (I uv-uw l`l'mr~2da-._v. lm-rmbe-r 2|. 1939 __..._._..._..._.__._.___ .__.___._.~ ` T `mu :1 umu Ii uaaaa. Own. it uax.yau 1_ ODun t lot common ( rob you of life and V hnw:-Is dun`! work right often lies in what yo dun`! get "bulk". Sui I}-z.-is as meat. bread. 1 mnsumcnl in the body. . .|... 1...n... mam .D>n'l 101 constipation tub vigor! When righl. the trouble- olu-n you eat. Yuu llnn". um Such conunun meat, potatoes urc in They full tu sllmnly Hm bulky mass that helps a lmw--l muV(:mt`nl. Crisp. crunchy ALLBRAN ht-lps in two ways: It ttumlibulcs In the bulk" you need; and it also is a rich source of Nmurc-'9 intestinal tonic. Vimlnin B . Eat ALLBRAN every day. drunk plenty of water. and see what u 1lifTt'r?r)cc regulur" lmhiun can make m yuur life-. WYEBRIDGE urn. ll \'.';n`rl l.1mm\i.~' and sun mu- r H :m.l1:.n :.n Snnrlny In vix- :M'- I':,r:mr`.< pzu'unl.<. Pr:-sq-nmtinn to Mrs. Mastm \/I.-vm. 1|`. Illflillllt` mt-I all lhv 4l' EH2" ['2 IVl:mnn on M(.ml:Iy : \-.:lh :1 ~p|n-nrlltl .'IIl<'Il(l- \ .1.-.-. ..uIu~-,.1.... ..n 1|... nnnlt- Coupon Below :\d(`1l'l`.\`S . . . x:\'.'t'H spxnl .'n I':-\\' (lu,v:` H) 'l`m' (Iuring thu- \U m (\`. Svnd :1 Gift Slll\S\`2i]I(i0n of 7 , _-_._...... ..--...-x-nu. $3.00 per your in (`;m'.ul.| :i'.'.:`~ |)('l` \`(`:lI` in Fnin-cl Slut:-- 'l`lll'I B.-\I{IHl. ICX .\.\I l N [iii Mail It T1 With l` mu: xww 47 75-). .......... .. Mi.'ceHnnvm1s nag, nu ug, l)|It\ ._.. Yuuug (`ounlo 1:111!` nwnbm` ' 1 duh` n-alhn Lzm \V(l'l( : nlml by D. A. uv:-r by A. M rnll has lwt-n Band up l r:u 'l`h(_- bilhll . `l*'in- Hull l'rn' lit-:\ hut wilh GRENFEL I\1cM:\.~`! '\l I \` V!` {*5}? 9`5&TUD& 5% D!.'2"G`5H!Q'L"`5;' 05% Q 4:, a.m~;.~oacv-m am-~r,~ um-m um-wail A " Cream Puffs 0 ChO(:()1lL(` Eclairs Plunw 152} : 84 l*3li'I.21hoth PATTY SHELLS TRY OUR PUFF PASTRY ROBSON S BAKERY :\ --_iI'( '.|\-at It!-`\!.l.\' lu-c-ps on grivingl F.vm`) \\'i`l`lL ul (hr _\(.|I. H15 |w1\nI\s In \\'hum ,\'uu give 'l`hv l".x;unim-1` uill thzml. _\nll all nvvr :1;:`;|iu. You'll be giving a won-kl_\' gift of '.\|vsur|vin;: n-;uiiu;: !ll`.lU(`l' . . . |u`\\'s. t`dil0l`i:\l7-5. ;lmu.\1`- turn! . . . ;\l! up-in-llnumilulto . . . an l`SS(`IlU::I lo the LA . Butteries FRESH DAILY Delicious and Nourishing W`"`TD: B. Household Cleaning Paste I ll\\ l.\ "Hurts Only Dirt" . I n 1`......4. `5!`."!!`;?_."!.9_9.!'.F.d- IIIIIJII-IIIII\) I I\lOIIl`I\l I-ll`-I 77 King: Slrm-t Ems! 'I`0l{0N l`() : 0`.\`T;\RIO FOR A 1.1. Il0l'Sl.llOLD (` I.F..-\L\"l.\iG Setter Than (`ako or II......l.... .\II the In within th: pri|'.!~\\`il AND `*7 "' -5 .\I .\ll (iron-r_\ and II..-.ln~..-.. cu. - 1 525 ml {be home Friday. _ The sympathy of the community 1; extended to the family uf the ; , late Mrs. Fawcett. She had not bvvsn Iwell for some time past. i The congregation of the Baptist ~c-hurch had their annual Sunday Sc-hcul supper and Christmas trm entertainment on Friday evenim: Inst. r`rm:,rrntnlation.~'. 1.0 Miss Myrtle ' j 5 Christmas greetings to the Stuff 1 and all readers of The Barrie Exum- ` innv ` H; mm`. | Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Besse spent 11 few days last week with Mr. and M1`s.`Howard Besse. Stmttord. 111,. ....... ..1...: on u-nnnrc Misc Mabel Mrs. `Howard uesse. auuuu.u_ We are glad to report Miss Mnbt-I Moore is improving since her ap- pendicitis operation and hopes In the home Friday. rm... e.....nnnm nf the . CnngI'at1|lations Mnrtin_ Merlin. formerly of int,- ntc-2Ichin;_; stuff of Stayner Public `School. whn was elected presidem la!` the Women Teachers` Feat-r:|1'x ~[cr Kent County recently. I Christmas Trude Good , Merchants here report a must sm- 1 kfzu-Inrv Christmas lrude despite 17h} | 1 I I report lnusl .<,zu- aw` Isfactory Christmas m. A ! 1ms(-asomlbly mild xveather which ; has prevzlilccl. Stolen Car I-`ouml in Kilch1-,ner Rl_l$`.`(,'H Sumervillc-`s cur. whirh was stolen a week 1113.0. was found .011 the street. in Kiu:honm'. H has nut, arrived home as yet. New School at Wnsugu Beaueh The new school at Wusaga Bvuch |\vn.~: opened on Wcdnosduy. Du-. 20. at 2 p.m. Hon. Dr. Simpsuu. Min- ister ul' Educalhm: D. K. (.h*<-ox`. Chief In.spcc10r of Public and S p-i urmo Schzmlsz J. K. Evans, luuul in- b})('(_'((Tl` zmcl (.th(.-rs. spake. 'Ihi: ` schznrl was vvry much n()(,`dv(!. Santa Claus Parade I l).*spit( tho absence 0!` snow. Szmln ' Claus arrived Saturday to greet a parade nf !~`L'hU()] chil(h`(3n fr-um thv. town and surrounding c-:JmmuniIio:`{ whnmlml hv tho Stayner Bnud zmzl I . I 1 _ . .. !Cln. Rev. Wm. Coulis was 1-n Ill`-I Llman and Santa Claus had :1 run jub. v I `(ox-vn cammuumor Ihended by Stayner llccal Boy St-out troop, which . from Byng Schzaol and mar(-h'ul thmugh Main Slmul tn ihsr luzvn hall. Hero each child was }.{iVI'n :1 ;go11e1`oL1.< bag of candy by Szmln Etflnus and invited In nllvnd Hit` moving picture show pmvided by me local Canadian Club. l resl)_vteriun S.S. Concert i Jubik-c Presbytm`i:1n Chris1nm4 Trev concert was :1 real succusv; rn I-`riduy night. 'I'h0ro vvcru (`,h)l'l|S'L'>' lhy the school; a-welcome sung by _|J::nn and Kathryn Baker: vucul F010 f'||)_v [)..n:1lrl Donor; violin and guitar wluet by Fred Bull and Nnrmnn '_`Burkhuldcr; vacal (luvl. Ella and ` Wallace Rogers; |)e.~icl(:.u (Ext rci.~;u.< by the prixnury clzusses. pug-;:u1`.:: by ` The Grozu Chicken Cast". by :h<- _ Young Monk - and l..adi(as` l3.|)l-- _ Rev. Coutts ch lir- Ivnnn and lh - , 1nt,m`m(-diatc-S and .1 40-minulu ])`.:|_\"` | ` I \\ CEN'_1`R_PgL one `..~"u1'l :1 xvlerry \,n::.~un... ...... .. [Happy New Year. ; ; Miss" Muriel Mu(:Ax'1hm'. "<)I`-.)n`.n, I . . ..t:pcn1 u lcw (lays wllh her zmni. .`!\Ih'.~'. Wm. MucAr1hu1'. .` l I Y ` I ` Mr. and Mrs. D. MacArthur. Iria" and Duis_\'. spent Sunday wixh frivnds at Hznrristrm. 1 N Mr nnd Mrs. J. Wl`l(1f:l1 l`(`.1lH`l'll_'(l` !f1'im1(ls Hnrristrm. , Mr. and Mrs. rmurm-{1} In I`<)mnto after spending the sum- lmvr with their bmlher. Gun. Gi!-, ` Christ. ' ` Mr nnd Mrs. daugh-! `ID. MacArthur. Mrs. 1`earc_v roam. "` Dart of the buck Mather hv Ru\h| ..Buchnn:m. Mrs. Pearcy presided for :| the clcctian of cfficers with the [IN- f_'lc,wing results: President. Mrs. A. ` Cum-iv: 151 vice-presidvnt. Maw. f`.Pcurc_v: .~'ecretax`_v. Miss M. Pui.*a`.(~,\';v. ` -lrenwrt.-1`. Mrs. Reid: H. H. seen--. ` |1u:'_v. Mr\`. H. Fletcher: Sunply .<-`('93 [x`vt:1x'_\'. Mrs. N. Currie: L.ilerz1'ur~.j \;Gl:1d Tidings sccrr-tm'_v_ Mrs. Wm j !Muc!\1`tlmr: W. 8; W. S".`C`!`t`11Il'_\'. Mr`. 1|.I. .1. MacArthur: F`1mvm' Cummiltm-, , ;Mrs. Slmchzm and Mrs. Pnishy. I lcrc Mr. and Mrs. daugh-l tors, 'I`m*ontn. spent. Sunday with! Mr. and Mrs. Foamy. whn with Mrs. Chesnoy uccompzmied them in` '[`c1'<:n1n and will spend Ch1`i::hn:x~:[ I lnnvu lnerv. . W.M.S. Officers Elected I The December W.M.S. xneetinggi was held 211, Mrs. Wm. MaeArlhur's{ -on W(dl\0d}'. with a good attend-` nnce. The devotional period was! !1ukvn by Mrs. H. Fletcher and Mix! ID. Mrs. Pearey rend} M31hm' Rm-hnnan. furl E I The Brc-ntwood hockey lvam ht-lrl` :1 suvcessful ouchro and duxzz-va my 'Y1|csd:I}` night. . A The 'T`mvnshin Council held in` `I lll(`S(l`d_V uigiii. . The 'I`nwnship Council it~ * lstzitiiturv meeting (:11 Friday aftrtr-. .nu<:n. The Board of Hcalth hold a il11t.`L`iil \g Fi`id2`i_V night. i Sumlay School Entertainment I The United Sunday Schuul held. `their (`lii'istina>` party. M()n(i2l)`l imght. The play. "The Slut-;)i:2gT `Bm1ut_\"'. by the children. was wvll` gn>iidvi`ed. Great credit is (luv M`. and l\'Ir>'. Barton for its sLicCv.~'~" S-:u;z.< and a cuntest. mmducted by` _Mr.<. Bcoth was won by Mrs i'{a`.I': fax and Mildred McLei:h. There \\':l.~" .1 play for the children by '.\`li.~.~m iRuth M.2rrison. Hurry Staintnn and: `Charles Perry gave a niotitli-ui':.:'.m`_ j.~'olt-ctimi Best of all. Santa Claus! came bounding in L deliver thug pl`05t'l\i>`. Eve-r_vbod_v seeniud ts: i'l.'l\ l Eu good time. 1 I l l REE i'IN'|"., ("=.~'1T~i.-`$0.4: `as all llw rn:1d(~r.~`, a Happy Lnn,~.-` `mas and a` Bright and Pmsper.msi New Year Is extended. `1 . S.S. Concert 3 Decided Success : I The Sunrlay Schnnl c:ncurt_ l1.~.:l| in the hall last Friday o\'vning.` `pzuved very successful. The talent` lccming along proves 13 be that Ml fthe best. Eddy and Lois Mills. 5-?` ;_\-ears of age. rendered an exccllem duet. Many of the children pruvod lhuir ability in song, music and n-- citatian. Mrs. Baker of Tcrcnm vi. `.\I: `A. W. Smith for :1 few da_\ .~'. I'\....'. ax.-...~o H... .~..h.1,\] n1,.,.1yn ;1\. H. alnlul |u1 u new uu.-.-. ' Don't forget the school me-sung} next Wednesday cvemng at lhu j schc: . , Mr and Mrs, H. Pattenden spent! ` schrzl. ; Mr. and Mrs. spent; `Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mu-5 r`.inni< ` Ginnis. , 3 Miss E. Pickering received :1 beau- 1 . Iiful vlver cream and sugar SN ` `;frcm the choir. of which she has 5 been leader for a csnsiderable time. To the editor. staff and corresp:n- dents 01' this valuable paper. as well : ;as all the reade1`.~`. Happy Chri.~"\- In... nnri 2 Rright and Pmsner.m.<| 1 5......- imurnwd! \. u. NEi'E9YYL}f _._._.._._._..___._._ \||$'!%W%"`*`7`!% `=rwvr:~'.--%~ I III H I,` up (ilmnm-s Humls ` hm l)U`(`h(`I` .~ npr`1`- l S::.y~fu-rlh wzlx mlu-:1; w rm V. 1`::-:n-d-- (IN. .//"mt .)7i~ K . v ,/w-A3/3*"% , I I 1' , xv Sewe COPHCO M `Tell it well ;u:H it w H.=u'riv the lollimt is through The Exammer. 1 CENTRE VESPRA COPHCO BACON vqltucagyii/m%amm YOU CAN DISTINGUISH IT by THE COPACO CREST ON THE SIDE OR BY THE ATTB ACTIVE C E L L O- PI'IAI`!E.T V\/RAPPER. and be sure it is Copcxco ~\\'ill ` The First C0-operative Packers of Ontario Limited BARBIE - onmmo wI'i(- Wank` R...` (in Ltzxvr .'s ,.1,. WE KNOW YOU WILL LIKE THE GENUINE COPACO C`U1-H22 5.00 fur`! ` mvnl AND ALWAYS INSIST ON % A Ilnliday J`) .Fv;nst that is Truly Tvlnlgbi ilig"; ! u 1 No. 7 meld Ilhc.-ir (.'hri.~`mm L'un(!ev", on Fr`dny ovt-ninxz. The pu- Vpils unz`. l(1N,'h! I` are 10 lw t."-mp1i- gmv.-nl,t-rd on 1hv.- \'(`I'_V suurx.-.~.~=ful . HM" _(_'(;I)I(.'l'(`HL'!' lltsnl All nun - u. .u,-.-. (mud Reports for l r<-sl)_vl1-rizm \ \ .\l'n' `The PM '-'bylm'i;xn W.M S. h 31 1h`.-ir Dccumba.-r navoting ::1 Hw h :1. tfM1'.~. J. A Campbell. wit}! :. 'n11:-nr!;mru- Thv (luv .li znzai :3`: Igzur were vzsnux E. Ellsmcrc durl r .-4.-v is u Christnms Gift That a Ycur-Rmmd Present

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