KI1U\\7H l1lll.`|('||H.\l and Cum m.-;il| I lull. F'.R. T.(); Sim. 1121111 II`N(`,(') |'nn` 5 EC U R F. 79 Angus S()l.lL.`I'l'U|\'. I~;1'L;. R<).\`.\' Rlncli. Burriv uf Childrvn. 1| n\nIuI' \`Ill`!`| Iv. |nsur:nn(:c m ` Acllninislrulm" '1`hux'nlmu. Ont.` Installed As Master >'Ul`gk`l" and R1` | "Tonight we. the 1.939 gradu:nin1,' (`HIS-5'. bid our fot`11ft1l fnrowoll to R.C.l. This far o'ur. llvvs have been much tlw snnw. cumntl about lh< n(:li\'i1iL':~' and lhh triumphs and ch`- fcntx of our c0llc1:iatc.'T0nigltt la `Hm pu,rl.1n;1 or the \_va_y.<. Some go directly inlu~ tlus 'busim`ss world. tsmnu prucu-(l to higher education in 5 normal schools and univorsitio.s: nncl I that one m;nn':~ lust shall never do- |)l'i\ t` us of such )."I`u:ll (IL-m<:cr.'|ti(' in. 215 mu` Cullv;.;inlv. mu- 1:!` l\\`o of our mombvrs and one of `mu stall` are lvnving to S(`l'VL` in our t(`l|llllll'.\".\' 1' We no all a 1012;: way from tho rCsp<.":;ivv goals nf um` livvs. but no muttvr what \\ \'| shall (la '1' shall find our colloglalv ' tr:xlnin,u not m1l_\' \\'()l'll\\\'hll(`. but at nu-r-:\< Tunighl 1 lunuu-h Hnx mnnnn l.ll\'H(|`. `NC IJ\'p(lI|lllK'|l\ U1 L'4LIU\.'I' cation vxamim.`1'.s. Our five years hero.` hnvv loft our minds crowdvd `with memories. It is the thought ;1hat we are leaving the scene nf those mvmorics that givvs us sumo nu\a.\`Lm~ of sor`0w tonight. u I ..|_.II "Shall we ever forget the Sep~ teniber morning we strutted prouclly up the walk to B.C.l. for the first lime. scoffing at the children who [were still going to public school? It was one of the happiest d:1_v.<. in our li\-e.<. and as our five years atz B.C.l. pzissed we appreciated more land more what a great day it had `really been. Shall we ever f0r.'.!t`l |uur first assenibly here. when we joined the ranks of "stool-pigeons" in the aisles. and looked and li. ed with awe as Mr. Girdwood wel- comed back "the bright and shining faces". after summer \-acaticni` We lalwa_\'.< looked forward to Monday [morning assemblies_ perhaps at one ltime just because they meant miss~ I ing it class. but during the last two 20:` three yearx thanks to Mr. Fisher `and his orchestra. we have learned _to appreciate fine music and enjoy [ our assemblies much more. l '-In thn :0-nfl` nf hf`! urn fnnnrl Ahnul. Hit) Wl'l'(- vnlu-rlnim-(I in tho' bzmquul l`Uu|n 'l`lu- must In "(;r;m(l, l.n(lp,'<"' was nhly [)l`()])USc(l by W.| Bru, ("iron-ga~ Rir-l1.'nrd.\' nml fil-` livmly I-vspnnrl:-(I In by R.W. BHL1 Eurl W. SI:-rldnrrl. |).l).(`..M. nr 'l`u-4 rnnlu Dislri('t "D". R.W. Bro. Rm`! W, Slutl(l2u`(l is :1 Silmtuu Cmmly buy. \\'l1n-51* hnmo \\'u:~: in Vi('lnriu [-l:nrbm'.-'l`lu- lnn.~'l In "'I`lu- Installing l_3mn`(I" wny. p|'npn.~'v(l by V.W. Bro. D`AI'(:y Gnulvy and H-.~'pnmIv In` by ILW. Urn, !\'Iu.~:.~`olmzIu. 'I`h(- tum`! ; to The N('W]_\` lllslzlllc-cl ( )l'fi(-t-r.~"' pI'n))(:.-wri 11) W. Hm, Millun l.oz1ll\m'- dnlag wm Il(3kllU\\ |('(l].:t`(| hy BHL; (:1-m';.:(' l\/lnnl;:mn4-I'_\' W. Rm. Tum` Dluvk pI'n|m.~'.('rl lhv Imus! In Uur| UUI` ll.`>L'lllU||U XHUCH I`l1Ul'L`. I In the staff of B.C.I. we found men and women who were always .n~ud,\' lc help us. although their help !was. we are sorry to say. not al- ways g1`aci0usl_v taken. and they didn't look so good-to us when we got detentions. We realize now and shall In future realize more fully} -'l1:n n rim-p duh! u-:- mrp Ihcm Bill (Zlu-osmhn's Vault-(lit-tuI'_\' EI)IT()'R'S NQTE:--ln. Ihv ro- ,mrL nf UN` Comnnvnccnu-nt. 9/itwn in lrgsl u."c(>Ic'.s', H was iIIIp().\`:'hIc to find (L plum _l'm~ `W J. (`lu'('.s'nz(1n.`s valwlictory ouu'1:g Lu UM. extra dumnnd.s' up- on. our .\'p(l('(` (which, im'idvnLr1I1_u ulsu (`ruwd('(l out ~.-:mnc of JIM` MCI3rid".\- i11rm"c.~:u'1m column), so wt arc in.s'('rling it. unrlvr "R (` Pun" Hric in:-1-I: H rr-uric IL : NU (NV UIU Lil-`al'IlbIl ll- H Illll'l "l3.(T` E1/("' this im-(-Ir. It. r('u.d.- !L\' fnll(m~s.' {Youth Meets Death . 5 When Car Crashes ' 5 Over Blue Mountain} Om: mun was killed and lwu uthc":~ injured Tliursclny last. when (l mu toy car crashvd over the .~'tc'.'n slope of Blue Mountain. six miles v`v.~`1 uf Collingwood. . Nurmun McE.'ichrcn. 1!), sun M Mr and l\ lr.<. Wilfred McEachrcn.` dim} shortly ufh-r the accident. In- jurvd were Erm-st Slangruum. 27. Nmtuxvn. driver of the car, and `Bert Weir, 2-}, another paasexigu 1 1 Thvy wcrv cut about the head, face and chest. Brakes fuilvd to hold on the mu`-I row l`0:Id_ and the: cur gathered >pL`(`d as it went down the moun- tain. despite the efforts of St:m-( groom to steer into (recs lining 111'.` lroad. The machine snapped Uh- trunks like nmtchwood. and fillillh` u-nnl n\'1\|' Oh -.-lnnn nfhm I`-xiii...` 0.. l.|Ulll\.\ unc llluu.'n\\UUu. unu XlHZlll\' went over thv slope after failing In `negotiate a turn known as Du-\'il'.' Elbow. McEm:hrvn and xvm wvrcl thrown through the windshield. 1 Thvir cnnslant interest in all our nclix-ities_ curricular and extra-cub riculnr. showed us how unsulfishl teachers are. for their time was al- 1 ways given ungrudgingly. ..vw\_. ........ _.... -._n.., ,..-.. -_.,...,._.. = "This year our collegiate dld nm i get her usual share of academia-I honors. We of '39 have a reason foil this. As Mr. Girdwood said. there? are only une or two outstanding] scholars in each class. Well. thisi year our outstanding schclars. Helen Bar'.le_v and Bob Delaney. did not! write for scholarships: Helen be-` cause she is not going on into col-` lege: Bob because he has entered Medicine. which does not offer as many seholax-ships as the Faculty of Arts. ' l`" . ` B.C.I. ls supposed to have a spirit ` floating around its halls and class- rm.-n1.~` and pursuing its stur1m?~ Uf|'ll`(` lll'.`i._ (`.nn:~'uHut iml 13:5: Magoo Ag rm!'nA1mm EXAMINER. nmumz. omx. CANADA I `#30! '1.` -1., . sEI.EI:1-n:uus at .~ Y/"he Burning Low. JUST 3 MORE DAYS -S0 HURRY, HURRY to WALKER STORES 041 /1 /inuje /04 SKI OUTFITS SKI IACKETS . SKI SLACKS .` `3`)PI"("r UI3 *'-)9ll l"rlll8 5.*')/B ("5zlII9`*')lIt:V("uII ("5 0Il'$.() DI8 v*3/M L`) W:<'|-5-lN'o'7'. }0 ("`5/ W9 `..(?"I5'I-' 'H9 ."40'I`~ , Ul27:"~1,ItI3'`HWa">5,l| ENGLISH FLANNEL DRESSING GOWNS ............ .. CASHMERE SOX .................. .. SMARTLY PATTERNED ENGLISH FLANNELETTE PYIAMAS ................................. .. NEW SILK TIES BOXED FOR CHRISTMAS .. SPUN RAYON AND WOOL TARTAN SCARVES E`) I/t"(`~' M -at ) !II=3'a~L D133` K) oam'r~f, 0/9' K1043! r-:, n/m~:, Mr gr; mzvng uy. ~,,r.~ mrcv, u/:13!) um N. 0/5"! ;!7u:7:~1,n2v,t;nrr'~:,ncrr\', omvx) um`:-<, u . 7 V ll I\II lH.ll'l'l\` l`n':mI.`h\ from 13.30 In 4.80 l\(`.\'d:I)` :\mlu';M \'i1-vs mm In` H \II '5`?o.Qo/ WALKER_ STORES STAFF . . T. . has beentrcxined to help you select your Gifts with core and regard to value. The last days before Christmas are often of worry to many shop- pers but if you let the Walker Stores staff assist, `many of your more ser- ious problems will be eliminated. lEl(.'l(H'_V. Hydra cnnlr.1C(s school house U.S.E Jnhn`.= Anglican CI l\\'n_`l C uccvptvcl as 5 Alex. Gx'uhmn. c `he had collected 9-n.-nu nnmn-4 no` . HlL'IH \\'nI.\ cHlHl()l'l/.(.'U. Treasurer reported hv had recon`- vd ch:-qucs from Tro.-u.~`Ln`_\' Depart- imcnt for October rvliof nccnum and `also for Provincial subsidy for 1939. I The \'m'inu.< accounts before the kc(-ping. Kovp it w our collvgiate shall heights. "Our school also I vuntvn "I nkn.. nnnnou lllldlll Ill L).\. I \\vl' ll I I HUIEIILS. , has a gr.-.11 motto. "Labor omma \'inci1"--wcri~: ccnquv1'.< nii. It i:_ human naturo 3-.) be lazy. I know. but remember that nothing w01'ihwhilc can be accom- plished in life without work. bidding you to FCmL_`mbCI" your Schcol spirit and your motto. we say farewell BC] and good in-I-T In wnn` filllnr-" lBc1|once of $3,780 From ! '38,-$H,178Vspemon I Roads I \'il'I(l. ll. I*`.l.Sll~I :\. BURNS. l)`5.( I .im-ns'mI l)I`l|1!l('.\`.s` Thu-I`:ll\l.'~`l.\` . \\'ho1'(`\'cr lhvy go. This is our "School Spirit"_ and 1c ycu who re- main in B.C.I. we vmrust its safe- L .\... l-nnni-`.1 iv .\ \iV Ii.-.. v1orJ I llillll. L'|)IlL'ClUl'. l'L'])UI'l.L'U' acted 523.3817? 01 1939 wt of cullccmr accepted ' n-turn nf roll L-.\`lL-ndcd bruur_\`. 1940. > T1..lI I`...-. (I1 111(- ..H il. 1h<- Town Hall the mcnlbors 37 9%, *7 ` .`sI|L" o and great Sul;u`i(.-s and eilluxviiiicui , Stationery. pl`lllllll]..{. etc Roads and bridges . Charity ................ .. Relief School pui'pn.<.-.~'. . . . Municipal election .. . Town hall Hnwkestunc VPuli'c -Vl.'ll((' Tile drainage clcbcnturos Sheep killed by (lugs 2\lisc0ll;im.-ous ................. .. Board of Health . .. r'.u.nn- `nI-\- l 'l.`ZL . Non- (ll l<'IKl.'.\ . . . . . . . . ` , , . . . , . . .. Relief ................ .. Schuul purpmscs .. Roads and bl`i(1L:('S I mvinciul .~;ubsidy. 193$) . Miscellum.-nus. Sanlcs. I-lc , Cash bulzmcv ()'5'l'|!ZUl '.`\ I HM` Kim: Rlnvk. |nI'riv` Officv Hours 5|- nnd by npm __._._._... -.__.__._ l1iIl1IHL'L' H'|lll 'l`;uxes. 1938 'X';1.\(L':'. 193!) ` `l\T.n pm.-Irlnu. 1 his lL`lllL'lll. HI accepted as : $11.95 $5.95 $4.95 J. H. NIXON. Gt-m-rul Ag:-nt--R. A. WATTERWORTH, Division Manager w. B. TUD1l(l5E.- Clerk and TI`L'I>'llY`I.`1'. ( `C passed for xzuyrm-Ht presented fixmn or lht: yr-:41`. which c-.Ii.l'~ mu RL'Cl-i] 1 I938 . 4.95 1.98 SOC 1.00 \'l("l`0|{l.~\` ()lll)ICl{ 0|" Nl'RSI".S .. .Iv........ ..|.\ \\'..H `l-\`\I' l`lnnu~ fad /Winnie AIDS for HER . 50c pr. KIDDIES' KIDDIES' KIDDIES' LINGERIE ranges from 49c to $3.95 HANDBAGS from ...... .. $1.00 to $4.95 SCARVES from .......... .. $1.00 to $2.50 HOSIERY from .............. .. 69c to $1.15 GLOVES from ................ .. 39c to $2.50 and 100's of other items {P1 I 4.1!} [ '. 25700 no I I I ll) IL); :54] (.2? 1199.64; M 115954.25 i ifln - .l'\' ?:%%;rLAYING f NEW SEWER . f-W IS CRITICIZED SNOW SUITS .. DRESSES .......... .. RUBBER TOYS 3 /~ :"~.`~7/' 3 \'1u\s um) lhl`uu;.'h dm .____.._ med from Puae I mum! and back 1 I'.... OH .:,- .;.-..4..n HS Ul'U| aid that In-nun E 5 nr__zn u allcd for lawn. uni-.0 l `EDI /.7715 . '37 `70-'l1o<.7 ll. IS land ..l-`no UT] call rm full up yet been in Hunt H". M l`hur.~u1ay. DcmeIubc:_- 21. 1939:, (lTnstaIJI w. H. s.o.;...;;; W.M. Simcoe Lodge g S298 $1.98 39c ms pmntcd nut. so :1) bl: r(.-mcdit:d. :rn. the marshy :\:,~v.;u;c.- di.s'pu5:nI J UJSCUSSIUII decxdcd 1-, Inn hnr.L-u`v- Vl'l'l'l'IllN.`\I(ll\lV mm M R;I_\'fu~ld S1 : Barri: g- U. ('. (`. l"I.l`:i\Il.\'(} . Vl.'l`l`:lHN.`\Hl.`\N and SUH(`Il".0'1\ ME I-lrn-|'u-Id SI ' T`.:|I`I`ix' ` Phnnv NH Inn. l".l{.kZ_(); Snnmupt. In`. .'\lm~rI.. Ilnm. 1*`.R.C.O.. l`mmd(.-1' and (Ii-'-_~:1rn" (if the Nnliunnl Chm'u.<. '.l`urnnlu; `Jimm. Viguo Klhl, Danish pianistzl F.rm:.xt. Svi!'.'._ Cunudiun pmniut. . \lsn` Bin-cinl (-mlrszt-s in 'l`m'nntn, New! \m'k: Virginia. ctr. Pupil.-; prcpnn-cl! for 'l`uI'unlu (`un.-:(-1'\':uln1-y nf Mu.~:iu vx:nnin:uli All ;-,r:ulv.<. Fur u-rlnsl unply ul szlmlm. `.17 In-mlrm-(1 SI`. ` J. l'Zl)\\'lN \\'Il..\`Ux\'. l$.S..-\.. l).U. ()S'l`|".Ul`.A\'l`HH` l`l1\'Sl(`l.'\N Icimv Rlnvk H.-wru" 'l'-lvnlmuw J-L`: 1 Hlutx 0f|'i(" In "n|\ l`1\'l`2hllill 53 nllllln Ilmnrs 9-H (lui Path 8!: l\'IA\'I)l'}E MuAlIl.l~l\ . A.'l'.(J.M. 'I`-.-u-In-r nl' |`i:mn ;uu| 'l'|H'nI'\` .\.\Ilu l..\.\(`l` -I7 I-`.li-mlwlll M 707' ago-ac--- `an `out:;|hlislINl 1865! l~`l`Nl-II{.\l. IIIRI-2("l`()lL~2 .~\Nl) l`ZMl!.\l`.\lIClL\` Motor :unhul:nu-0 in rnnm-clion 1\IuI*\v u\gu- 1\'I\ `v-.7`-nun 1\'Il\\'I)l`il'.' mutuu; '|`(':u'lwr nl" |`i:mn UI`L1:IHi.\`l St. Ural` I15 H:I_\'fi\-It F G-G-.,5.`!{1P.*.s.C- 0|`!-IN I).-\\' .-\NI) .\'l(3ll'l` ll.\IiRl|*I. ONT. .I'|lU.\'li 82 VVIIII` \ nu... C|\irupI`:u'lnr.-. 7H |"..~ '1 (1l'|'im':II nrrs.-.. hm n\Mw~vu\-A~\A~a-vuA-~vv~A A(.`(`UUN'l`AN'l'H 9 VV%"VV'V\-:V& -W `W W h T %w j! W. D. MINNIKIN lUNER.'\l. I)ll{|:IC'l`0R ."\MBULANCl-I SERVICE 26 Mary St. : Phone 431 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY l"l' N|'lI{.\I. l)ll{I".("l`()I{ .-\Nl) l'I`.\lB.\|.'.\ll`II{ .\.\lIll`|..\\'(`lC .\'lCI{\`l('| I : |-`la-.:m..m xi I-h.....- "IN l".lv('lI'n'. Hm l\!h~('h;nu Dunlup SI. .im-II.<<'(l Dru: \'|I'n', Rmlm. l\']:-1-l|:|I||1']`| IE:)_I.I-K-'l' II. .\'s\"'l'Il V.\'l.lUll'l' HI'l".('l.`\l.1.\`T R31 Hnnlnn Kl I`|IuIu` H0 . I). F). Dlll'lllIlIl, I}. ll. l.`H'U\K' . (.'mnpln-ll, S. l\|(`.\(Elll(ll'l`_ I-`.. \ n-I`, '1`. l'l:Il l(-r, 1'}. I-`lnlh, I-`. n. A. Sp('IIct'. .l. A. lIU(U. ,ilI.\`_ `hmtln-_\', J. Hl'l'l'ilIl|, J. ..- C I 1' .. I n..... .9 n.. I`)l:('II. ANIH".RSON N (`()Ml'. \N\ : (IL-n'ln~|'t-(I .'\('l`A)lIIl|:Il||\ '|'r||_~.l(-vs` vlr: l~`l' N I-Ili.\l. I)ll{ I-I("|'I H! S (Ill I |{()I'l{A(3'I`()RS MUSIC l.I".SS()NS II .1?.-...`?.-. L.Pf?..,1.?.\ J l'Ih'.\'Il'I ll. Ill! \'S()N ;l mu ! vlnnr (|lI'|`l`l|H` ( "l`llI~2l. Mvll , .\`).(`.. I).l).'l`. -.-..\~ )l`lI1`ll:\ 'l`Iu~I':mn. R N I-IY \ E'l`l'}l{lN -\l{l.I.\xT- . G1`.'m(li by 4-on-gr -1-.~`pm1rh-(I IZI..l.l:....l I\l\f`nIl ..r '1`. ()S'l`l*I0l`.`\'l`I|\' ()l"l`()'.\l l~I'l`R Y AND K. UN c\" ('UIVlI'. \N\'- C|\m'ln~H (I . \(`(`17lllllIlll.\.'l'l`\I~|.(.(S.l`l(`I Cruwn l.i1'L- Buil(|ixu:_ 59 YuIu.{(' SI,` 'l'ul` J l linml` /\|l(l and R\'.<. l'l\n ._ 1-5 p.m .'m( . rm... I-`mu SI'l-;(`|1\l.1.\| SI. l`hnnv I10 Snl1u'du_\'.< till 10 I7III\ \'I' A`\'I\\VIA\V \\'vll Huby (`limo u`s'lI(`k 1`\`1`l`)` \\'(`d- .n\ fur nnI\n\ \`l`)'- -xlc'n.~`x\'L- 0 l'n|lu\\'iH .5: Organ . Dr. llvzulvy n;:inL:. Dr. undm` nml (Ii" well- Wi|~ /\ |h(`l'!. slur |l'illlH!l{.[[ l'huuI'y | I lulu /\.'1`.l;.m. HI 'l'h-m'_\' uI`;_w'.< (`llurvh $1.. H:n'I`i(' Lit` mrm '1`4.`k`pl\n IIUICNH. ll 2 'l'ln-I';:|u.'~`ls tlynlm amd II"l|I\' ~r.Ii\ It I`. l'hmu- `BIS Hutu` md 7 l\X\|\'l.`\N '<`lvpl\nIw` L3 in X1 |n\nnI I-Illlmnnl llnrdy. Mus. llzu-.. I-`.'l (`.M. 'l`v:aclwr ul l`i:mu_ (')rg.::m. Vnvul um] lwtlsieall 'l`hvurv. ()rgnnI. and Choir- nuisl:-r of SI. !\mlx'v\\"s l l'(-sh_vlvri:m ihuvch. ("mld Mml;uli.~'1 'I`m'u-nln (`nu- SL`|`Vlltl)l`_\' ul` l\'lu: and Uni\'m`. of 'l`urnntn. llll Wm`: SL. B:n'1`i0., .?-._?:- v nu l-3l p.m :ulf|uslIm~: uulzllv NH` USN ul '7.!l n IR" l lm|w MIT I. . I 'l'|wrupI.\'l.~' mlnlv 2 l'I|.\'.~u-nun 4 -Ulfnco and R(`.\`iLI\ mill and 'l\run1 Huurs: D-10 ;n.m.: DR. Ii. G. I(`.mdu.nlx~ 1\lc( [Ofl'icc and rusidr I and l`u_\`nl7. I !liuur.<' 9-10 ;\.m.. ,` N Wlm w.'u.~: in.~In|lu-(I as Master HI SiIn('m' l4U(l1{(`, I\.l". Kn l\.M.. N0. 644. 'l`nmnlu, mu l)w'cml)1-r H. Ho w ` .< ! : ('hu~l' (`u [ l`hnn~ (S1 ` I lL3(I-!l.:l(l : l`l`IlNl!l'|.l. 1\lcGill Uni\'vrsi1_\'\ ru. corner Dunlup SIS. Phone 103 liuur.<' I-R p.m._ 7-8 p.m. lulu nu I|vr\1\I\IIa\IIV I 1 I ` FRANK II.-\l\lM()Nl), B./\.. K.(?. 1 B:u'ri.~:|.<-r. Sulicilm-. vtc. l\ I:nsm1i(.- l'[`(-nmlv B|(l;.:.. B:u'ri(~. NIm(`_V in lunn. I 3 . | I The I~)x:mnnm' nus not :2 "c1:um:,~(l" i'ir(-ulutiun but um: 1.(u'.n'zmlucd by ('h:u'lul't'd accmmlnms` uudit. ` W. Bm. Willizun H. Stmldnrl wins` Ilnstullorl Wor:~'hipI'ul Mnslx-r of Sim- one Loam-. A.F. & A.M. N0, (M4, G.R.C.. in York M.'u~:(mic 'I':-mph-,3 I'm'rml0_ D1-('. M. l!)3!)_ and was prom` st-ntctl with n Mum.-1".~: nprum by; UN: (>ffiL'0I':: uf lhv I.u(U.:'v_ lhv ])l'('- .-arnlnliun In-inu n1:u.h- b_v Rm. (:m.1 M('ml;,'(nnt'x`_v. SW. Hv nlsu xvns llwj 1'1-1-ipivnt 0|` :1 l)t::uIlil'ul Si|\'('l'-' mnunh-(I unw-I |)l`('Sl`nl.l`(l by Hl'n.! John 'l`uyl0r nu bu-hull` of .~:u|n- -10. MlfL:IlS of Riv-I'(lnh- Pl'(`.\`|)_)'lI`l'i.'lll` Church, nl` whivh he is :I highly 05- , lumm-(I mu-min-I` nnd vi(:<.--1-lmirxnunj of H1 Bnnrd n1 NI.'In::;4u-In:-n1, ` 1n n.... ua...1.|....a ' BOYS K: BUYS ! l5:u'ri.~'lx-r.x~. Szrlicrilnnm. Nu1an'i(:s Pub- ;li(-. (`mum-,\':nu`cI's. Me. Money In ilmm ul luwvsi rntos of interest. Of- |fi(tu: 13 O\\'(-n SL. Mzusnnic Tumplo Ifhzilding. l1m`ri(-. Brnm'l1 nfl`i(-0 :F`.|m\';nlv. .1` R. Hn_\'H J. 1*`. W(md:~'. (7.'\MI`2l{()N & (7.'\l\|lIl()N 1 ]gHI'\RlHST]`:RS. SOl.lCl'l`ORS. ETC. .:': (`hvn-n RI linm-in ' '1`:-Innhnnn 40 ------~----------- I `. ALI-IXANMLI: (:nwAN 'B::rri. Solirilnl` for nbtainilu; !prnl).'n1(- of wills. ;.zu;u'rllnnship nncl ::ndminislI':u1inn. G(-~noruI Snli(`itOl`. lNnl;n',\'. Cun\'<~_vnnr-vr. MC. I? OWN: I I SL. Musunic 'l`vmplr\ I`Hd;z.. T,!.'n1`x'iL-.. MONFV 'l`O LOAN E } ' _ l)()NQ lV.l`I II`. 1!]-.w.l./\ll`l'1N.. B.`/L , ! }\%If.`.3!5 `v`3.;1,A,?L'3.$1EZF` ml?`-TE: ' MONEY TO LOAN | Hl\l(.l(lb I I-.l(. Mun(1\' In lunn J. l\. L71 Nulury 1"ul)lic. chuling d1'.'m'in;; x rznnginu of lu:m.<. all kinds. l~`.v1-ul and T|'ll5\*(`. urn. l hm\(~ 4l`|1ysiL'i: in-rnul I Ofl'i('v: gl :/\l{l(IS'l'l`ZlL5. S()|.l(Jl'l'UH{*.i. ETLI. :3 Owen Sl.. l $:n`riu : Tvloplmne 406 { 1Vl()NF.\' '|`() LOAN j nu. w. (2 l.l'l"l` i-`\.~`>uci;m' CuI' (`uuniy nl'Sin1cn0 ` and Dlt. A. I). GRAY ` l`l1A\v.~`im;ux.~` and Sur;.:o<-us j0fI`i(`v._` T 1\1;lplo Avu. '1`vlvphnuc `.213 Offwo hnur.~': 1 to -1 p,In.. 7 to 9 p.m.. or by ;|ppumlnu'nl. ` I .*\.<.\`nci:\` ()fficL` "I In. ..`...-u u. nu-.u.h.n.-..., W. Hm. Stmldnrl is :1 lh'Iliva- or; Sim:-r.-v Cuunly_ h.'Iilin1.: l`l'mn HI`-'I(|-I furd. and when Sinu-nu l.nd;,'<~ w:ns`, l'm`nn-(I he was (H10 ml` ils ('l1.'nrlvr~ lnI'lnl)('l`:4. 114- i.--* vm y vmm'iq-nlimI.~:. ])l`tI(`|i|.`iI| uml l|~.v-rmmln in nll luirz} 11n(l(-1'l.'nlu|u,'.~. nml .`s`inu-m- l.ud1,'<' will umluuhlmlly 1-nj in sun-n.-5.:-' ful um! pr<.~.]wI'uu.-. `H-;n' umln` his' K|li(IlllI('I'. i rrl ... n..||.....` nn._ 1.... n n I nu. .-. u. u. mu l h_\'. and Sur;.zcm_ ` Ufl'1rx~: O\\'vu St` at Cullu-1` UI(`(` Hours: L30-3.30. 7-8.30 p.m. 1l`hunv T00. Rvsidvmw: I7 Collier St. Ufhcc Hours: l.3U-3.3lI_ '1-mm fl`hunv Rosidvrwo: I)UN(7. \N I". Mv(7U1\I(}, KI`. I"!/\R,RIS'l`I'IR. S()l.lCI'l'OH. ETC. Mum-v In lnnn - lbw: Rlnnl: Rnrriu hll. W.-\l.'l`I~IR ll. \\'00l)l{0W Orilliu. Om;u-in I I'I_u`. Ear. Nose and 'l`hrn;nl. Specialist, Will be :11 Quocxfs Hutu]. Barrie I Snlm`dn,\'.<. 8 u.m. In 11! noon. I WAI/I`l'Ilt ('. SI./\(K. ll.l\.. D/\R.RIH'i`l`:R. SOI.l(`ITOn. ETC. [\"h|nw~ Hlun-I: H:l.'I`il- ` .nrI.1.nrJ.J. \2 \ll.llJ\ll.` ;: The Vvrsutilo. High Cluss. Hum-3|` uruus "nle1'tzxim:1`. for your next ` Lodge or Church or other E`.n_- I tertainment. Illustrated Circu~ 1231' FREE. Address 628 Cr;1\\'1'o1'd st.. Toronto. Iota; V .- r.-.or.-..-p1r.-- 'Q'."Ol.0O!O0.OOO)J\-\ 4 J `. .\'lCY.\I()l"ll . .4 L`. ..... DR. (BIC n|.. 5 ISL? U K I`. RALPH GORDON Th.` \;'.u-_--.0I.. Llink 1"`-`we Ilnnu- . I I DR. N. W. ROGERS I l`h_\'. and Surgcml -mic Cumnor. Count_\' of Simcuck v and wsidoxxce: 30 Mary St. Phnm` I01 I ... u..u.uu. \ . a... mu... l"I1_\`.~`1_vi-.111 and Surgvnn > 9 Ih'siv.h-xwv. Corn.-r Eliza- '1`m'un1u S1s.. Phone NO.` I 1 l-4 p.m.: T-9 p.m. 'l'h(~ in~l.'|llm1,:` \v.`u.< I.\V.! Urn, lvnn B. Mu.-.::vlmm1, l .I).I).(2.M ; nf 'l'nrunlu l)i.~:lru'l ``l')" mu ! ho \v:I.~, ubly n3.~`i.\`ll'(| hy nu in.~:luHin}.'_' In-:n'd ` ('lIll||)U.`<`!`(l ml` lh rnlluwing.-,: ILW. nml V.W. Hl'H>L: J. A. H1-urn, H. R | Hun]. I}. S. Sht-hlnn. B. H. Bmwn.: . 1).. LI (' I'n H U Ah...` I." \II ' Ulnlll. IIl.`\'1l.\(' lll L-IIIII I Inwiwlxxv and mmur ' 30 Owvn SL; Office i. N. M. l..`\l`l{|l"., l..M.('.(`. ` `.300. -inn lhcn-mu ml (`|\IIrh`:~I\ lUZ`i'i`|`)H. S( Mum`1` Hlu UK. .I. II. N. S.\lI'l'Il In... IL`. ENTERTAINERS ()"S K . 0"S R Qn]i1-iiuru N4\I:I| J. /\ . (`()l{II|'I'l"l` I'nhli.- (`nn\n~\'.-n` I I\ll'Il)l('y/ll. I.l`I(i/\l. II. liI(iI'1l.()W an and Sm';_-(-ml |'huxn- l'l. k \A|IH]ll)l'll. D. I\|l'Xilll(I|'l', l':. VV. l3:nI'ln-1; l'l:Ifl<-r. I- (7. Irwin. llutIp,ins, .|. C. R<)ll|`_\', PL; (`nmnlm S. J. l3ny(l. (:om`p_-- S. Hvn-J r_\'_ I). J. M(-l'h:-mun, W. J. Sm-vimn'_| .1. D. M(`CI`I`(4lrI'. 'l`. G. Huslmn. A.` M('l)nn:Il(|. H. Munwit-f and W. Bnxf Raw. A. C. Mzu'l'!u-r.-;mI. low-Ill:-I" wilh smnc M) 1`n.I Music-xi: nnd' Mn.~'tn~r.~`.