Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Dec 1939, p. 15

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Mrs. Blutzman 1',Lu1`ned Y Friday after spending 2 ` (`:01 l i n gw 0 nd , Krmx Church sorvicc at 7 1-1. Grt.-ensiclc was home ` family on I`hur. run... I` 1')nInl.nin nnrl T IHC LJI'ZllHl(I:'l \\/SIS _].'llIlHlL` dny evening with an offer u the pol. Thu uuntn_.'1. w:.~: 2: match. Bill I3urn:1rd_ 11: ) 131+ would have been L-li;:il)l~ In iplmtn, but, was znbsenxl. /`H :II1l\HIllH`U1(`l|1 \M1`~` III. `plml_n, Dul JIDSCIII. An :n1nm1nL-ournl. vvus ln:ul<'. 'nwin;z to the S(.`ilUll_L{ I) `ing uvm . (`(1. only adult wnuld hn :nllm\'-(1 i future. An :n.L::1m)1 In l`(`Hl`\ (` H con;1esLi was m.-ulu by only mm ing me |):n'luf1,hv duuhlv ft-ntuxu. 1 Lurnv .Ja'lL'K (.'l)l(`1'\.'llnH I bar of fri(`m`ls 1;) :1 1)1`r)_-.:1'vss pm'1y_ '1`uu.d:1y <-\'vnim.:`. 'I`hm'o i :1 L"()()d n11m\(l:I |fm- :1 SD(!(`(1_V rL~cn\u~r_v. I Lurnv Jack unl(*1'(:nnm| [haw nf fvimu-I: I : :\ nv*nu|':\< There is guud nl1<>ml:m(-v :1! 1` R"d Cl'().\H rnm-'.in;,-.< (ll '\/7`l:l`:1 lni;1hL'~: in Ihv Cunlixunnlhm S:-hrml Herb. lll_u4lw.~. Russ nut! KN), M and Mrs. H. Hu,-.-In-.\' uml '\".:`_ :11 Mrs. E. l>{1.u:!u`.< vi.~ilc(l Slll1f!_`. \\i1 `Mr. and MN. John Hilllibl` I Y\/'l~- '|n:I xvr.-.~ R`\- H:-ll !pm'1y, 'l'lll.`F(J11)' v\'vn1m.:. I : n1vcr;<:1r; ` l`1~ivnrl.x' `lhvm (`V A 4.. ()gilvic'.\' .\l'u1ul<~ f'\ K "I'`(" ll: (}i|lctt's T 171% OVALTINE aw-'r% 58"-W sac! -ronmr 23 i=~2'-=* 39 5 Roses Flour 24 cgnpso 2 km 37 39 FLOUR `.`f;:E5-a`5.'\ 3""" 11 Lil: 47 .VI)l ulux II Tissue EBXP llIil.`l' HIIU .VlllllNH'lI Coffee = Smith's .\`lr'.n\. nr Rusp. `r\___.- 1 - _ 1' V y ~`llIll.\ ~`lI'.I\\. IN Pure Ictrn l`u|nl'urt n f\ n r us unsum. The Gr:1n:1d:1 Ln: uunnin u \l' i H l l`1ll'I n f\ s Z3AP |Il.'|lI L Vl,'l,V Advertise mind my nmu um-: w.1v|., wm, wzmi; I),M.. E. ]"(.-dljnghnmz; zmlzlin. Pm". Wm. Newman; Rec.: ll Villillllfiill .'~`n:m'(-l,m`y. R0131.` |`.\'; 'I`r<-.'n.-:un~I'. 1",. Cu.-ton; Marsh- /\. F.|I'|.`~`Wull; l.u(-lurm'.~: R. Mc- .'u'k'H H l.v-slur: Crpnnnittr-1;-.---I~[. <'l~w<-II, E. H:-ll. (`.. Ellsmclt-_ A. -(ks. (L M(:Nu1l: '|`ylm'_ W'i11iu_m I'I'iu-ltl. Wm. Slzurk vury ably pre- lu-I nml .'r=1.uIm'l by Henry I:mg.l '|:I||ml Ihu nl'fi('(.'l`S, Refroshlncnts l`iIIIl\1.{ vwur num \\'('uuIng; ;~`:n'y on Fri(l:)_\ . Thvir n IL: in this cummuni!_v cvoxgv h;u)pim`.s.~'. vurtise in The Flxnmlnur. tall tin 7`? . 1b. 1b. lb. . lb. lb. 17c 18c 15C 15c 20c 18c ' 25c llc ` 44c 39c W A &l WCOPFEE 15c 19c . T$ART'E, ONE, C`itI\`ADA E "7 %;taowtm!&%se!9zw!w=!i%i*???2.3&72w"sr %<>~e<:m~1<~7vm>" 2e%~)*2&<= /W3 IE4-uu'un~ l`unk'm;; I.`I 1 : u | \V\'('kL*Hd \'i~x1. 1', `0 Cup.:Iand. ;1_l .1 ` There -are :1 nun ihv vlllugc suffvr vu1d.~. Mrs. Wm,,Rowu! bury and will 5; mnmh.~ at hm` hum .\Ir.~'. .I.1rm\< S00 ~m_\`in: with ha-1' .\I'.'.<. Scrn cclobrzu idnv an Monday. D '. C `nL'ru:u1aIiun.~ Edna Merle `on Nov. 29. a Mr. u-H1 rubn nu v H` "7 OPULILAL cap ~',ug%r (>9`_ p%`? \.ll.L L LJKJACLA GJIJL L.:u'o trim. stmigzht and bias 87$" n (tut. t.ua1`us0 :'m(1 whims. xi /.es 4 , :52 L0 44. (mt pricocl and p;irt, E4; l)()x('(l. 1.00 B In lhlrry Luck of '[`m'un1n spvnt nnsday with his pun-nt,.~4 In-re. Miss Marion Edgcrlun at` T i.~ home for :1 couple uf we-(rl nA:,. I. c....u-....- mxhumu-(I 1 })l'\`Sl(1LnlS, l\L`V. W. J. .3u'\'\'(uA. l\.L\ , Wm. Nvwman; sL~c:`otary-trvasurer., Cecil Chappell; collector. Mrs. Fred; Partridge. Mrs. A. Jory. I\I1.<.< Edna` ! >\vrmln-\' ' ! \'i.~'m;1'.<: Mr. and Mrs., O, Cop;-lands up A. 'I`hnmpscn`::. v | zujc a numbcr n.[ people in1 suffering from so\'cru` | 3 Mrs. Wm,,Rowat has gone to Sud- ; and spend the winter. at home there. l Scott. why is ill. is`! unvinn u-HM hur \`."I\ F`. R Smut`. , S1_\'lnLZ wnn nvl` sun. Sect! celc-brim-d h dav on Dec. - C-tnaratulatinns In land Mil ion Nov. 29. and I will take up residence | RowaL's house for months. A vnrv nninvnhln r" I momhs. ` A vcrv enjoyable crnkinole path` was held in th-~ United church school room on Wvdnosdny nizhl ]xmder the auspices cf the WA. The `prize winners were Mrs. .135` Mar-` tin and Thos. Rumble. ` _..(vx.___-__. II-||lIl\\l I).-\'l`i".S h(`lI` l)l`()lht-I`, l`.(l. I'ill'll'lU;;L" 1:: A '(`-NU, last week. Sympathy is oxlvndorl 1- the PM ly uf thy lnlv Mrs. A. .I:n'_\`, w w-Iucnrl '1uv'\\v nu Hm-nvnh(-1' `.1 `-2 Early copy in news or I i: nppreuated. ARCADE S PRE-CHRISTMAS SALE! WCROTWNT P`irst. quality 1'ull-1`u.'.hion(-cl Imus ` . All the m-xv:-st, shzz in (-.hil`t"on and semi- sorvivo w(-igm. Si`/.v.x' 8',;, Ln 79c 3 pr. 2.25 HILLSDALE HOSIERY SATIN SLIPS (i()'l`llAM (101.1) S l`l!.|l'l'l Qf'l"uI`(\I11U.*`|).`nI Wm!- ic mu`:-uh: h(`l`t`. Iu'IlulIu I"|(i.\'. In uzcn 1V1lu`u_\' Millwt marrind and M1`~'. Murdyl hmcc m Mrs. Wm.! the winter; SC. 12.. K. J ed hm` 86th I Inn .1 4. lcn MLu~d.Y Ilnv rnnrrind I|L|\ u 'I':>rn1 w(_-(rks. ,1 1.. he wintor; Ming '1 ' T114-s( (mole for thci ted ua1_;om Isdny im: wit} 0 Mrs. ; S. Mar-`South K `with he ` ndvec'.i.;iu_.':` Read tieds... l'.fH Mrs.` $45/lI_NESING s'rA'.r1o1: Icul Ull`0`(`l\H'.~' Mrs. 1):ua'_\'. Mr, mm: . Mrs. C. W. Duckwurthg L'v.>n\'-In r< 'Chri~ti2m F:-lloxwhip. [)urothv ?\Iv:-* 3 Mackcn; Chrisuan M1.<.~;ions Miss 1., ' ` Glcncrnss: (`.hr1sli:u,1 CilxI.un.~h1p. {Mrs S. R. Dave-v: Chru Cul-; . turn-. Lillian Kirby: Rocrc-m'mn.? . Frank Kt-rnnn. Philip Hollzmd; Pub- f Hicuticna. Calvin Kirby; Smml. Dun I icthy \V0. Mrs, D. Bush a Miss R090 Barry or Letrny ie vis- with Mrs. Jas. 'I`orpey. Thu schocl children an practising their concert. It promises to hr- rcal gocd as 5` ~me ox-pupils are hotn- with a play. Amos Miller and ch`1dr.~.-w `Squth Porcupine. \'i. Inst wvek `with her purenta. 5.-..._._..... I .<.IlI` l).~\'l`l'L\` Read and- had: - 1-no--new-o-`y .2 V--V See Gl01'i:L". :1 Reliulaln sleeping (loll. in her bright. dress and bonnet. L`omp0si- Lion arms, face and legs, nzttural hair. uyoluslms zmd tooth. Extra spec-iul. 3.. Ann, 1:: but. ing from \I\_J 'l`hv Al'(',,1(l4 has 21 lur:4'(.- v:Lriv1.y 0|` dolls r:m;;'- :1-\1-> r.....-. `xi - (\ t\l'\ R:n_vm and Cnllun '|`:Ihlvt*]ut|1.s', nnzmv L'UIUX`('(l. ch:-<-k (ic- siunx. Sizes 51 Ins. by "H in: A .sLrc:1m-linc(l 5-piece train wiLh truck, sturdy well-kn0wn mukc. The ARCADE Store Boys Brushed Wool Sweaters `nil Ix oh.-n; J /\Jl won] sw<-:Ll,(,-r.~; with Lln'(~(.--qu:u`L!~r 7.i|)[)(`l` to neck. Shad:-s of blue and wine. .`~`.i'/.03 26 Lo 34 u mSI1'3lh'eciot1 39c .v ., -:ml'.s a nu: R!i.ab.le 9.9.? WYEBRIDGE TABLE CLOTHS ARCADE TOYS (`UM M()l)()l{l'I V/\Nl)EI.Iill.'I` 98 25c to 2.98 ._-------- l*.`x:unmc.' C` 'i`k"AiAN" #1.-59 ?%irAI9HUBsT : Din "C};i.f t"boxed 98c Old English L-uvm'1dc1' :;h:1v- img; crcranl and lotion. ` (jrounl in Lubr-. AH.r:u't,iv<*ly i l)0xe(l.. CHRISTMAS EXTRA SPECIALS Broadcloth . HS.HI,3TS; .. 'vr:":.~uw:vAsL >nr:n-; wrr--cram mans:-..c>n:n-=, mm .-~:, Mr .2 ) mm m w mum l 4 l)rngs:1n(lSt:1ti0m-r)' : .';0l)unl0p - 700"` 690 ?\-` 900'? u 7~`I :s-'-dIb'7'l :~Jx9a *7! -~ `.o"|i'.'J"*.Nl":~.)59`b -. '-:":.`~'!n5'7-s`<'>0r:7<"~; Mr `.-'-MW .-~:, n.:' KW? W, .-~', ..':ruz: mo/:r;'= B 0 O K S The Lasting Gift I)I.~;I1:1"t,i'.':s1a'l :a!w:1_'-/'; w<-l- r' 2lI`f` uifl;-; oi hnnk.s'. to ymlnu, 1111:! ml and m-b- t.w<-rn In-I 11:. 114-11) j,/nu :;r-I- r-r-! Hw nu,h?" bunk {mm rm!" I:11'z.rv- 1-w_'lrr"wir11 (,,`um(: DOLLS, TOYS GAMES ' I` *: '7 ln1(h.v,(-I, hum-\'v-1` .m;.1 Drugs and Slutimu-r_\' ._....._...~_._;;_.. PICTURE BOOKS '3` TI'6'ilSLII`I'.``.`IllH411!`3'~:l_r'h1l!!`.,l1l':1I'I. 1111* lwn~,:u1(! p1`:w-.: 1': Iii. mm any . ....` v in rv:u`l_'.' Ivar j,'mn' 'hni(-v of I"IC'I`I()N_ `I'M/`.\/'I:1l.. I .1()(jHAI l-IY. -14- ul, :LUr:u'?1w- IIl'.("',`\ wm. cnossnzmn 30 Dunlup .9 -4. 1 \ `.4. S6 .\l;u-hineless Pt-rmu nt-nt \Vuv- Other Pt-rmanents nnomn cunnjjsyggppa <. ':..m, runy `lU]'.~. and SI. J: nml Nlrs, C. ,l.- snvl Amlrc lnmny on '1 nllr:~'uu_v. I Mrs. C. Baldwin and Lois. are b.'lr'k' from Guelph. whore lhey.stay- I <-rl lhn pmzt three months. 1\n.- nix!` T\II'v-r Yirn I-`.I|x'n'u`-1'0 Of! $5.56 ioo $7.50 `me L I)i.~;I`1n"l,iv~ um Lvw-M1. . r-r-t, "l //J In mc'1`1 HIUCJ 49c Ezlizabetih 73:. = BARRIE- ~-<>'~vasr 9!..`: W . W" *?"'*f.&~*?" 5% wm, cnossumn 39c and 59c 29c and 390 M" M-"'D`/'3' HI. /\|{C/\l)l-I Hl`lC(`l/\|. /-`? PM ya- |{I(`l| \Nl) ll`Ll.~l()l)lI".l) Smnrl |'::|)ri<' l)'()r:=.;n_ .`u'I|pp:-I':~', rnlld In-4-l .l| 1'nlHI'~' Hr/. C3- :.I)1l'>. (IIIII nrs him,-k. and L',X'('r'll H VVl'lI 5H)]('.\` 4 hi. 1 Women's SLIPPERS TIES SOCKS, lIl||i|I|_Y 'ur(~:-(I hvv New.-51` 1| Lucly Anno I.:t`.v'<-mu-1' l)u:~'.l.- \'l(E()l{()l'.\` :\.\'l) \\'lNl".\' j ing` Pnwzlvr with p'~rl'u:'m-. /\LLI`$L(El,i\ (`l_V ht):-:1-(I. W3 W3 9/?` PI. -"/WE Wu" nuuw |.' wnlh p: (I II 'l'l`{ Yourself New Beauty! Ill! 31/. Ail A Gift For You've been talking about g'1l't.s 1` oryone else . . . now. how about you|'.s`(-ll`? You'll want to lou-2: your best during; the holidays. Avoid the holiday rush by calling 93 for an ap- pointment. 1-lb. bug 33 98c 89c 25 z.-tivc u.. \. H. and 1.. 8 Dunlop St. BARBIE PHONE 349 iau;1- Friteen _._- ----.-._.u 'fI'}i'fi}'Eie 1- lb. bag 29 "6"\"i3k 1-lb. bag 31 A & P BREAD I-'l{HS|l l).~\ll.\'-Sl.l(`I')I) OR UNSl.ll`l'Il) I `I'll'.'.\`: 1940 IM I SI. Jmnos. H's, Craig. Mrs. Al N Audn-y, I`0ront0, are! I r!::_v.< I`m' the lunmul`; nr.-.g S12. who died last`! I (`II In!) })n".l mree mulILn.~ . I Mr. and I\/Ir.-:. Jim Ellsmore of (:I;I(l(`l'l Valley \ i\'ill`(.l M1`. and MI's.' I-I. l`2ll. during the weekend. | Nlv nnrl Mr: L, PiL1..'[`m'0nto. vis-, Riiis 2 lbs. 190 ll'.\'. k'zI::Iun. ` llcud.-a L.().L. E 4-(-ling :21" |..().I:. 9851 u:scl:1y4 Officers up-i (J W.M.. W'm,l ANN PAGE WHITE WHOLE WHEAT CRACKED WHEAT L Eva;-e-Ja/ax % smxs H23 nnunrcc Dnuun . (IDInl|| . WING o (IIRF nn PORTFRHOUSE .) IDS` \":':`..'\':`-'1-nzu LO A V ES home on week in L 7.30 p,m,l s with hisi HM` ['21l.'~'n'wI'(` (luring the wt,-cxena. | Mr. zmd Mrs. L. PiL1,.'Pm'0mo, vis- I nu-d lh( l'(*(.'10l`y 1:15! Saturday. On their rc-turn Mrs. Pitt, Sr., nccom-5 pzmic-(1 lhum. I /\m.-;li(-nu S(_'l'Vi(.`CS--St. Pct(:r's, 11: S1. I-:ml':=. 1.30: St. Jclm`s_ 3; St.| J:nnws`. 7.30, Huly Communion at] '41 I ml`. nnrl SI, .I:nnos'. | . I04` '5 Wm,j uhnm- ` ti iout logs in his wood lok The break- Wm. Ha_rvey is in Barrie this week: serving as a juryman. Q Suffers Painful Injury W. J. Ross met with a painful ac- cident on- Saturday while zsnaking ing of a tug caused a w'nit`ftetx'or.- to fly back, .sl.l`lklng a log, rt.-..ul:int, in severe bruises. , Great. Scarcity of Water Many of our t'm`n10rs aro renow- ing acquajntzmce with the bottoms of their wells this fall. Sumo whu have not been down for yctt1'.< have been climbingldown to find out wny there is no. water coming out of the. spout. The. unusually rainloss mt`.-nth of November certainly l'(.`(lu(_'L`(l tho water supply on :1 great many farms to the point where the owner must perforce do. something about it. Thirsty cows soun issue an unmis-. tnkablc vocal pmtast if their }l('~ customecl supply of `aqua purn` is; not forthcoming, Long for Old Statue Labor f`.l)ll'lt:!` yr-zn Il!l(..'("1' the now sys- tum of "Carl mninttmmoo .St`l`V(,`_H to t'urtln-r orin:.{ !':'m1v to r|w"'lox'.\ in. tho Sunnidale Road North. tho fact that in tho abolition uf Stntnto l.:-b- or they. liko the (`(;l(`bl'l(`(l rtvrg ul" vtho fable lost tho substunoo ll-It ;;'ra.~:ping at tho Sl`IlCl()W. It is .-:1ir.t that [)(!U[)l0 can in limo 1:1`-t usorl tn anythimf and p:>.s.~:il)ly with tho passage of yoars wo may be nblo to cl-`we l. mtprty-t.lnnnp ow-r `.hi\' run-I withmit making ptiinful cunt-` parisin v-`ith czmtlitinns umlor tho, old system. whon wv hurl n mart; ovcl` which it was :1 rvnl plo:1.-urr- im [rave], Some wnulrl will it th~` price of pmgross. I LILBIUV Wllrnllb I'll (ll) I People naturally look in The Ex-` [nminer`s-"Coming F.von1s". fm` r1:m:;;i inf dances. sLu)p(\r:<. etc. In 1938 "h~: Examiner curried 2479 linos of this! class or :1dve1'tisim.{. ! I - u I _ I xw-rv served. Meetings are on ihv l`ucsdny_of lhv month. r------- --~---~\ ` EORTH SUN~N-AIZDl{I:.E2 /% Hulk (`l'RR.-\N'l`*S Icing \`l was .r\lmoud Ivumn l)'H'| mm In- Irlug SUGAR . JIIIIIUIICI ICING LEARN WIIIERIS TO GO 1nnln nnhn-znllu Iunl: in l`hn 13 ` L lbs. 3 lbs. tin : | 23(` (?nw.'m Ch:mI.'I um! I l'v\`\r- ' .~3l'\`\YI"H".l,|P `I_foAs'rr:n warm-r 2 vku 13 JELLY POWDERS 3 pkgs:10 l'l.;\l{|\".\' gqgfrggiur 12-02 2 bottles 23 MI!-K ijj T Tin ('l..\R|\"h' .\.\`.\"l'. J .N'pn-riul F_. I- NO sUTs1DY Now ` 1 ON PURCHASE 3 % or MACHINERY? ('l..\R|\' '5' SOUPS '$.`T-`.;'..';`.}...\. tin 6`; ('l..\I{l\".\` 8: BEANS tins 17 lliuh 'l`4-at f'\, 'l_` lllull I4-:al Oxydol 59c 2 .`|H`('l's|l Fry's Cocoa I!-uh inn II.- P1 Thursday`. Tneuemher 7. 19.3.2 !-9*? -c... IIK 1i}11'{cli'E:"f .\|'.m|v In-;1l` n _ .,__ 1"! County and Townships Affect- ed by Ruling of Department of Highways -- Two Snow- plows; Rented. 1 Baking l'n\\(h'r h! It r`11'r4 .h'I`g'|I'.s 1` I'\ H `F "`*` I No sub.='iu'ly will be paid by the] Omnri) |)."p:n'tm(>nt. nf Hiulxwnys on F iho purc-hsusu ~l' nuv tum-hiner,\' hLl)(:(`fLl'lh. it was mvualed in n let-| 10:" from .1. A. 1`, Marshall. chief 011- I min... nl` nnunininnl u-nnrlu urhit-11 \(.'l' lrum J. l\. 1'. lvmrsnnu. (tnlm l.`ll- ' , L{im.-u' n1` municipal roads. which : \vn_s <-m1.~i(1(.-rod at :1 meeting of the .`-3in1(:ur- Czmnty Road Commiuoe at !.h(- C:un'l Hvmsc yo: The r-r>mn1ill, vponud tenders for lhu 1:-nlnl uf iwu snuwpluwx on. an hourly lxnsis during the cmning win- 1t~i'. zlml 21w:n'du(l Hm x-:m1r:1<-I in Al- I In.` I` ":...l/ I1.` dowcrt1l5"1akes `*1 "c'5"1i"r3 ` .\`hirri|'f'~ (`mod ,` at 1 1m- mm vns hr-lrl ` minlwl I : `nur-.r.l~ llllllll ` IIIIUU .Ill|I'lIIll}.', Marmalade .I I'l'_l{('ll \ $915 7 C-- t iii 1 tjjjf APBI-.-_F:S.---Buy 1:; grade, bug with confi- dence. Serve Apples daily and serve your community too. GRAPEFRUIT 96's Texas Marsh S'less 5 - 19c BEET QR _CA1:{RpTS m 3? u- ova.-gunuw Yam Viaoonnunnl (first arrivals from Texas) ...... .. 2 for 15c Spinach. crispy. fresh curly leaf 2 lbs. 15c LETTUCE. California Iceberg 2 heads 9c Florida ORANGES (for juice) ...... .. 2 doz. 29c .... -..__ J _ MEATY BLADE ROAST ............... .. SHORT RIB ROAST .................... .. BONELESS POT ROAST ........... .. Fresh Pork Shoulders. Shankless . Fresh Pork Butts ...... .................... .. - Z" -T Z T j BONELESS ROUND ' SIIHOIN ' WING ' PORYERHOUSE OR FACE RUMP Boneless ROUND. Steak or Roc:st_1b. 21c Hamburg Steak or B'less Stew Beef lb. 15c Lge Roasting Chickens. 4`/2~7 fresh lb. 21c ---u-u-nu: 1-xv uu\1-I 'l\l'\('|lIl `|'|_ ]rj__ mI*l3}JIT and VEGQTABFES 1 he s_vmp:1il1_v of H10 <:0mmlInil_\"| '?\'1('Il(]I_`(l in Dr. Shnnnzzn in iht`, th of his I':I!m:I'. _ m'I'_v 11) In-211' or the illnv .< nf l".; l`<~|):). His many frimvls hunt- FENANELVLS `41c lnrtlny. g l)r. l'm'.s_vllI /\(](ll'{'.S.'i(3S W.l. 'l'lu~ Nnw-ml)xr mm-ting of the um-.n'~. ln:-'1ilnLv mvl at lhv hrvn(* lVlI'.<. N1-wm:m wilh an u(l,r*n:l:u1:.-(1 I2. I):', l-`m'.~`ylh Hf llill.=c"Ilr- lul- 4".~'4-rl lh(- Int,-t`-ling on the .~:u|)j<-cl (`mum-1'. "nl C'1: contest rm. rninu, wmzrlv. was wtm by MIN. A1'- ur .`-Zniclvr. 'l`h- ll(`.\'l meeting will l'H'I(l :11 1h- lmmn of Mrs. 11.! -wnv:-:-: un l)r-(-<-mln'~r M l`hm'e will an (`X('l'IIlIL',`(- nf {riffs `l`r'n hl)Sl(. .". s- Mu-.<. Hill Mm /\rldis:)n_ Mml \'. ll'l- Il| nntl lVIt'.<. ('n.~;1un. 5 uv tn...--..~.I llmulu Ln]. I 63c 28c 19c 29c 14C 19c =wn'. mm mm. .mnn mummy. I M" and IV"`*=. R`._v Bull \\':`ru ill ` Ru:.{l)y on W(-(lm!. Nnv. 30 `Mrs. Boll rmnzlininp, till Sunvlu)` ( with hm` sister. Mrs. H. I :-' rsmn. {. Cm1p,rntulutim1s In Mr. and I\/In: (Iconic King of Rt.~;:in.-I. who `In _. \ ('(lvhrutin;,' l`\'i1' lilllh \\'t-:Irlin_1,' un- lnimx rv nu Frialzn 'l`|n\ir m.`m\ E No one took the put :11 r~illu>:' the` illoxy or Grunzxdn Futu-Niua<. Th : Grnmldn is now offering `105; d(>Il.'!!`5`. for Tuesday night. and 113:: Roxy $55` for tonight. Lnqi \uiu\kv.'Il Ihn Rn`-cv, [ MI`-. for mmghl. ` Last week at the Roxy. Isabel MI`- Intush's pupils gave four dzanvol numbers; Betty S1,ephL`ns, u swurd! idzmce; Bernice C:|1(l\Vl`H_ an Iris:h !jig; Mz1rg,:n`el Lymburncr. :1 bell hnp `dance. and Jenn Adams. :1 hurnpipu. Thu :1udiem.-.- zmpmvvd --I lthem all. but finally cho;4L,- Mnrg er->1 I.ymbumur us the \\'inner. F`. l.)r_v.~:-I dnlo's name was called us nligiblu tn| lake the money brim, numbvr 36: ).; Chris. B:1k:gen1'g(r's L`hHi('(`, but he: was absent. '1`hn F.--.n:nl~: uv-nu ivnnunml 'T'|n-:4-I `Faro-NITE POTS G0 I UNCLAIMEI); GRANADA l NOW 5105; smxy 355' lVlI`S. /\` IN H... M1

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