74th Year A Wedm-sda y :1 nd Saturday This service will be confined to children up to 12 yrs. of age beginning first week of November 'l'()l).r\ Y 'I'lllS A l l`I.ll*IS 'I'() ALI. Kl2\'l)S OF vlrnvrh I ITIVIV ...1"V`..L.C`.31`. S. .9.1T`_"?".. Osteopathic CLINIC ('llll.l)REN'S l<`Rl~Il-I 2 SIMCOE ST. J. I'Il)'lN 'II.SON AT HIS (')FFI(,`E-I II I\I;l4 l'\I.VllH ..IIS.HHANE . Mo1IpAY - TEEEEAY - WEDNZE/TSDJAY __- AAA v\ul- . $Rli.`.l(lE'.'.!l) HILSHH .7() 87.40-I .70 7-1 .705..'il) 10. ), I 5| .-HI . lUl.l'.!lLl)() CONDUCTED BY 8 until 10 a.m. has Iml. :: cl:nim(-d" nn(- 4u:u':ml,vml by wiunls.-' nnrlil | which won- \':u.',v (ii.-4|m.s':nl I ml Hm bid.-; lll(`('HllH of A-naawrnu -I H Dunlnp 51. .u__..-...__..__.._. ...... . .,.. $S)li,.'!5l.IN) 72_457.Z5() SI-L77U.4() l1U,()Uli.. )() H)H,'. .2.'i.4(l l()li,(!(i().()() 107,128.20 HI: '1')`: am mu Pun` 'lIA.` 'lf'I 'll\ - 27;Sb GRANADA r $23.95 BARBIE l)lIl;\IlV lI\I\l|1 iv: a 'l`n(l:n_v ..................... ............ .. $1 ()m- wvvk _ ngn I 'l`wu wooks nun .................... .. I l'hrm- weeks ago .................. .. 1 British bnuuu mnrkot pegged. HOWS M.. I L'.un.. 9.` I ' ' ; \ (As quoted by First Co-operative lnckL-rs of Ontario l.ld.. Barrie) (Dressed hot weight. on rail). No, I sows Nu. '2. SHWH l"A'lVl` bill In .ul:-Iwn (rntllo . Hut:-lwr cows l5ulu;.:nn hull.-4 . (':uuuuu null (`I I'll l.:unh:; I 1`.-4 lbs. -1.5 lbs. 5-(5 l|):x'. ()v:-r Ii John He|d:Tor<).nto, Faces Charge Following Col- lingwood Altercation TRIED LNHHBARRIE iKCi`TED OF ILLEGAL , L ASSEMBLY} THURSDAY ._. FRIDAY _ SATURDA3? l\l\l'\ I\Il` . ` S4-mu-I to nn znIl,m'v:nli on thu- alrm-ls of (fnllingwnnd on S(-pl.um- buy 9, whvn pmlivv l)l'uk(' up n pm"- nrlo nf `.Z(i Zl(`1!,1.'d Int-xnl.wr.v. nf "JI'~ hovulfs Wimc-:;s(-s," :1 rm-1iL{iou.~: rat-ct. Julm llt-Id, 'l`orunto_ was tried in County .h1 Criminal Court ht-rt-| 'I`m~srln_v on n ('h:n'g(- 01' bring; 11 nu-mbcr of an unlawful ussombly. `lie u..nm..- .InrIL'v Robb. ()rnng(-- mt-mbcr 01 unmwxun um-...u.,y. llis lrlnnmnr Jurlgv lmljl), villa-, whu was on tho l3:-In-h, (lis- rnissed the chnrgc-_ pointing nut that it had not been prnvud that Ilvlvl was in the gatherlmz at the timv ul- lhnuall he may have had smut.`- lhing to do with it pm-viously. Tho Cmwn pmvc-rl that llnld was the luzlrlvr uf tho group, but (It-- ll`ll('(- (:m1n.s'(~l held that tlw I1C(`,tlh'- ml mulcl nut lmvrr l)(.`l'l1 1| mmnbvr ml" nn unlawful n:<:<<-n1l)ly as ho was nut in the gutlwrimz. f`wuun\ Anm-nu-v llumnmnd pm- tho gulm_-rnmz. Crown Attorney pru- socuu-rl. whilv J. 1.. Cuht-n, KC.. '1` - mntn. act:-rl for Ht-ld, who had l)L'('n nut on $30() bnil. rm... Iuu-nlv-' mmnl)(:l's of NW Today s Prices Hogs, Cattle Eggs, Poultry $3f)() bml. l`h(: l.w-nty-six mt-mbcrs '<(-vl. snmv of whmn were allow- to have come from Barri:-, Mcafnrd, Owvn Sound. Midland, Mount Fur- ....o ...\,a ..n....~ m-n1!'('!x' ultcxnnlod to KJWl'll DU (-241, and 4 l......... .. . rm, unu ~:tzu,'(- :1 up by curl (n ma invitx: r-lt-cl ri( .Iur{g~ 'l`lu- `-lllll),;I' Thr- bvvn n Chin-f c bv pm` 'l`hu ` nru:nnw.nlmn nuu pll'v|uIIm,v n(Itifit'd by the Cnllinuwnod of Police that they would not I be pt-rrnith-d In parndv, The mt-mbers of tho Ltmup bnro ` placards: such as "Fascism nr FrN-- rlum." ll:-ur Judgo Rutherford nnd gr-1 tho }<`nc1,>.". and Roliginn is H Sn.'m- and 21 Rm-k--1." 'I`h(-so pin-3 I;-arr! wvrv quickly lnkt-n frnm thmn ll, ,.ih`/4-vlu W?/Et ;i.11.ee s}z}{Id. 2.36 P.M. BROUGHT BACK BY POPULAR RE- QUEST. BE SURE TO SEE IT! --_. __ ___.--1:-_ raj Vccu llh w |by ciliz _ ._. `-____- ;. vlixumim.-r Classieds cost little; but do big job. l ..._________..__._._._.__.l l Sm-iul 1-\'(.-nmg. St George's HMIL1 ;m.x'pm-5 (Had Club, Oct. 25, at 8; <)'(:lm'k. Refroshmr-nts, 25. 42p: 1 Pigbcrt unmml fowl supper, Thurs-} day, Oct. 26, and play George in 11. `Jenni by K(J5f*InUl\l Young Pc0p1e.| ' ---------<--------- i f0! 0 OOOOOOIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O04 ;r-----~* \ H` COMING EVENTS n 'wn (-4-ms I ` l:n'go ` medium pulluls BACON IIOUS lurk:-I firm. nu ll).~;. Hm, MON. - mas..." WED. W Mat. \Is}d., 2.30 ['1' l_'UW` 1:: ............ `, rs and Cunt. 1-:Il\.'u.s . . . , , , . . . ` . . .. VVXDIIVI D 'Jl I Mmn.-mcnt the . -~`o-v . u KIIIC ANNUAL APPLE DAY wxll be held Vhrnughnul Bur- ric and Allandule on Saturday. Oct. 21. 1939 from 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. We bespeak for them a cordml reepnon when the trim Scout or Cub tmgles your door bell or meets you in the oflice or on the street. Be Prepared-Buy an Apple -51)/5 (7A'l"I`l.I'} n nv|H|n BARRIE BOY S(I()["[`S Scxt.. Oct. 21. 1939 md ulhz-r cL-ntros, ultL-rnplnd pnrzndt-, hut wvrv munrlu-d pulicr-. They had intend- mm`(:h. it was stem-d, and thv-n c the public to listen tn nu rimlly-h`:m$(:rih(~d speech by` gr I{u!h<-rl'm`d. 1- nru:mi7.:nli had prt-vinusly mare.-A hv tho CnllinL!wn0d :1 Sound, Mndlunu, Lvmum ru|- I 1 1 A ib." "APPLE mu! `Ell:-l& -ll-D Om! -:-7 ----- ALL l .~\'l`l{0NS 0|-' 'l`|lF. (iR.\.\'.\l);\ 'l`lll`I.-\'l`RE VVILL I l*2l.l('illil.Ll . 'l`() .\(`('l~'.l"l` (\l'l{ $35.00 Ol-`FER FUR l`l|l`Illl l Il0'l`0 l{l`I(ilS'1`|-'.l{ .-\'I` THE (iR.\N.-\l)A NOW ll'Ill. (?lI|(.`Kl'1NS I.) I')(i(iS ; hi;;|u~r llmn \`\/(`Pk :u.',I). 3. ) FUWI. 7' fnends and well- . the Scout Training are advised that ID l.Iv1~ l)I`-sraml I`) 14-15 1 $(i.5l) 1 mm , l`er (twt. , . up to $7.00 4 up tn $. 3.()(l . up in $-l.(m up to $11.00 up up $!).5() .... u.. -mar: H) .1>U..)u up In $lI..")(l l.iv~ l)l'-5`.-s~~l n.m I`).-13 I.1v~ In H-ll) l0-H II-l') I`er Cwl. $11.65 11.25 ll.l5 ll.35 BOXY- GRANADA .) ml '-H`. I-20 Health Insurance Plan Placed Before Kiwa_r1i_ Dr. J. A. Hannah Describ-. es New Scheme Of Medical Service A now plnn. whit-h ll(lV()(`lll(`.H hvnllh in.*:urmu--, wn.-; [)|ll(?(`(| l)o'fuI'- tho Illl'mb('l'S uf Bnrrit- Klwnnls Cluh z`-I Ins! wu-1-k'.~: nu-cl.inp,{. whivh wns ht-l(l nu Wt-(Im-: 1-vt-niIu,'. 'l`h:- .~'|wnk-r wns Dr. J. A. llnnnuh. ('hivl' M'(li(.'|Il ()fI'i-or uf /\.~::~'.m'itIl- vd Ml'(lil'6Il HI`l'Vi('4`.`\' Im-m'pm'nl<-d, ' 'l'(n'm1lu. | n.. ur A l:....l.~ ;..a. . .I II... IUIIHIIU. Dr, W. A. l.vwI.'s inlrmlm-ud lin- `-])l'1|l(('l`. and I). 1*`. M('(3u:ni;,' -x- pm-.'<.-at-(I Ilw H1:mk.~4 ml` the Phil). 'l'|n- vh:Iirm:Iu xvns l'n-.:i(l-nl A. W, Smith. l<'nlluwin;,' H1 l(iwzuIi,~: nu:-ling, 1| lm-ul nr;,:mi/.nliun nu-(-ling nl` l'h_ysi- 1-izmrr, It-m'|Ir~r.-: mul ulh:-r.--: W.'I.`1' hl'|(l in tlw M:u:i.-.1ml-',-a (fnurl. (Thxun|wr, CO-OPElAT.|-\./E PLAN Itlllll nnu |V|lll"lllIlII \ u-upuuun, nun mu l)WI`illL:S and (Emit:-nt.-s-l":|rm llIHl|iII;;,'~i nml tfontmllu [l'l'('illlUl(`. l{i:s'ks--/\utn: full or purl. 1-uvt-rzuzc All otlu-.r Iim-s h:m(llHl-l.il`(-, l'lul,a- (iI;Is+~+, Sitwluu-.534 and /\-.ci(l-.nt. (-1.12. MAY WIC Bl`) 0|" Sl*2ltVl(.`l`1 I`() \'()II'.' MINI-I h lI/\lCl')S. h"l`()('l(t~`., tilt/\l.\' AND I'.()Nl)H I'II()N|'lH l0HI-l001)--lIOII.~iI- IENE lhma Hlnrln, I,\l(lll| I (I-uml ln.-iur:|m'u- is Not (iht-up. (flu-up lIl.`4|ll'.`IlH`l` in Nut (:1 GORDON M, srsvmgspn DID YOU (IlIl".(`,I( III AND MAIN`) .`s'lIll,I'I YOU /`\ltI*l l"lYI.l.Y l`l{()'l'I'I(7'l`l-II)`. IN) l'l` N()W-l)()N"l` WAIT 2 SWELL SHOWS THAT INSURANCE! I'0('|l'H \\'I'ilt0I| wllllv ynu wait. in `:lI'lIlIL',l"il '. vn\'I-rlmz: .. ._.I I I .1 , ; ,,; nv,_. u-._: with Dr. M. (1. 'l`m'nbull us chair- man. A mu~la~u.~'. was formed con- :.i.:l`in1.: of J. 1'). l\/Inrrisnn, Miss Uriel Kolsu and In`, '|'uruhull, who will [H'U('l`(`(l will: urp.{nni/.:|1in1\ und (`M1 mlnllu-1' nu-x-ling ::hurH_v. l)iscu.~;.~aim,r "M:-dicnl lt`.(-nnomlcn as ( l`urn In puuv juu`r!-vn. pleme) --.-.. l|5OZO OZOd| Ih\lll(lI*I (h'\ll/Nil`) ||I'2/\l.I'II(\" /\S.H'()(Il1\'I`l0N EKQKGE { OPEN _- sur:1&y.7>'c{. 22 H. R. PALMER lOZO OqI Mary and l`Zliz.nlwlI| Hts. l'l|nIII- 7350 Na 42 STARTING THURSDAY, 0C7. 26th `"1 !-II`. RAINS CAME`; "Vi;C)`:.lIEr.""l1ANGER EPIS`C)DE'. $1077- SPECIAL NEWS FRI. AND SAT. |vo`u u (an A`%IB"ANG o'ur 6? BING/I` \\* Alanlnnuulmlg /4 Where the Best Shows .-\ttract the Most People 'c`:,'1"1`>v'>"1:1`;'cV`.".'1'\71'1"xN IITTERS IS FOTO-NITE CHARLIE gang TN RENO % ."i` A 70th Century-Fox Picture THEATRE * *THEA'I'Rl.l HOUSE 01-` HITS EENTERTAINMENT SHANTY BAY CHURCH ORGAN IS DEDICATED lSpecio| Services Are Held; Historic Instrument Includes Old Ports l ,.._ ._ --_.n... In the [)I`(h'Cll(tC of u c.'m:uri|.y cun- gregaliam. Rev. '1`. R. Huughlon. roc- tor of the church, furxnnlly (h~cli(-.111-rl the newly rebuilt, [)iD(` m`;.L:|n in St. Thomas` Anmicznn Church, Shanty Bay. Sunday morning. Tho rinrli:-nliam l'(`l)l'('.\'(`l1l,(`(l H10 THE + BARR [E + `iT?._XAMlNE__,_F:;ifIi*%i; nay. aunmly 1'nn1'nIn;;. The dorliculiun |'(-pn-.x'onl.(,-(I culmimntizm of s0v(`l'nl _w-;n'.~:' pl:m.\`.I and e1`fm'l:~; in |)r(>Vi(l(` :1 hvtlr~r ur;,';:n -`fur the conlur_v-uld (,-hmuh. lls lnnv ' proved dc1i;.:hll'ul. l.)rin;.:in;,' forth lhu mollnwnt-ss of tho old m';,':nn, pans of which wore used in th:- now in- I sl,rumcnt. I rm". nnnnrnnilnn in .~I.;..-.... nr l|\n| sl.1`umcm. The commnllr,-1` in x-h::r;,:o nf lhv Organ Fund cunsi.~4tvd of iVlis\' Ilsw |Rnikcs, Mrs. E. V. Wilxnn, Mrs. W. .11. 'I`:uylnr and John Bmuk.-4. l'hvy ?w(-re the object of mzmy cum;r:nul::- |l.iuus. Cnn:-I-.l cnmri:-nu nun-n hnlll nun-n- Lmus. | Special SOl \'i(7(`S \v-rv hold murn-l `inn and evening Sunday. the .s'|w(:i:ul' |p1'euchcr being Rev. 1'}. .l. Hm`l'illj.'.. ` Brnck's Bouclm. l1(`. Il` (`nllmgwnu(l. u irctirod nnislor who lnsl his raighl [smnc ycmzs` ago in C2nl1l':>rni:1. Rvv. `T. R. Hnughtun cmnduclvd lhv saw- vvione I )VlC(.`s. 1 1 A d(!li;.{hlful l'(`(`il.'II \\'.'ns givvn m the church lusl 4-vonim: by I.ln_\'d l`u![a.r(l. znssistvrl by Miss I*`lm'-m-r- jliilicliffo. and Glon Morley, Cl'llI`sl., |.'ll1 of I3:n`l'i('. Tx/'I'n' (`tuna-n.. Iln|\l..n~I In-nu-rl Hum ' l\4 S. \l(`()l`].{(` lllll)l)l`l`I ll>illll'(| I'll`! `rm-d nl`[;:nI1 whivh Inns boon um-(I .rluri1`L' the rol)uildin;: of lhv nun Vnrgzsm. It has l)(~<-n lnlnyr-ll by Mr.. 1"? V. Wilstm, Mus: W. H. 'l`:|ylm- and I\n:ll:; Russ. On Sunday, Miss. '-`1nr- . !l)(Yf.` Biltcliffu plu_v(-d in thv l|:HI'll- mg. and Angus Ross ul nip,-hl. The bt-nutiful nt-w organ has b.-1-n ('()l1Sll`llCl('d as lnrgt-l_v us |)n: In use the pipes of lhv ('1-nmI'_v-nlrl m`- ;,-:m and thus rn~l::in all m.- mm-c-1 `l\nn(.' nf l.h<'.- :u.;:*d wnnd. '1`hr- ur;;.m has bl`(`ll bull`. in vunnm-mnr.'m- =hv lO0th anniversary of tho opt-ni-nz x-I thv (`hlll'(`h and :13 n mmnnrml In those wnnsu lives were vnrich -.I through S(!1`vLC(.'s ('ull(llI(f1(`(l in II`.'.' `church. \ll 1') Qh uh. Hun hnilrlnr uf Hus nr. icnurcn. W. R. Shah-. Ihv buildvr nf 1.11: or- gzm. has cu run on his; wurk rnght .in the Chll(?l1 unrl nwmhmzs and ad ` \ homnts. i`mluding lho lurgv suxmm-r `pnpulntirm Who crowd tho churn-.1 `ouch Sundzly thrnu:.'.hnul the \':u".- tinn pm'in(l. hh\'(` w:1t(`ht~cl thv I-I'M-` gross of the ir:.x1rumont thruugn .':H its cqnstr-Jctirxnznl pe}l'iod.~`. `Nu: -r-'.u:n \\v'.|< r!n:ir*nr\rY In" 1110 lls c(`)_nsLrucuon.'u ])E}l'|(b(lS. The -case was dosimmd by 11-.c~ builder who usccl butternut W0-nl - the wund used in :11! 1h(- pvvvs whvn the church was built more than um `years ago. The dusipzn ml` pr-ws l1:v.~' nlun hnrm 4-nrri:-rl nut in n|`n;|Int`I\!inL' 11Depu;; Tlieev(e Mills ' Promoted By The C.N.R. 5 -_.-n._..n. I.I--.I 'yL`Ell'S ugn. Int` (.lL'.\tp,'n III ]lL'V\ .\ |l.v,\ also been (.'ilt`l`i(.`(| nut in nrnzunmttinu the cause. 'l`h(~ wnud Tm` tho <-u.s'(- was donated by E. V. Wttmn and \\';t:: tgrmvn on thv O`Brimt pruport_\'. Tim church wns,urigin:nlly built ttmm;,'lt efforts of Lt.-Cut. Ii. (3. 0't3rivn. A feature of thv murninu :<(-rvtt-v were beautiful Vucnl sulus by W. R. Shuto, architect. of the new tIt`[.{.`ltt. who szntg. Come to the Studfusl Hills" and Jchnvuh. Great Jehov- uh" liln . In his 2Iddl'(`.\`S at the murlmng sur- vicc. Rev. E. J. Hm-ring chnso hlS text {mm St. Paul's F.pist1v in lhu Ephosian.x': We nrv rrwxnlx-r.-, one of mmthor." Just as tho smallest piece of Iht` urgun is impnrlum for tho .\'Ll(`('-;'<.~`fll| lfuzwtiunim: of thv whole, so ow-"V" limv thing in life is in1pm~tzuH.." he `declared. Ho rocullod incidmH.< lwhon. as u diviniiy smdvnt Ill Cnli-I `inrniu. he \\':xs deputy '(`;1thcdrul. " 4 ,, _._._. o\j__..__.._. A-guy`:-'--- _.._..._ Matinee T15/edrTe-s:cTcty. 2.30 P.M. ANOTHER GREAT HIT FOR EVERYONE TO SEE AND ENIOY E ;';\ I he best of the BENNY pictures! '7` - -~ -, . . . 2: f~'- (L 3' ';{ --5 Sxx of the lnggcst stars of screen and radio g `<-/K._\".-Za`1_; ). in the year's biggcst cntcrtainmcnt! _$:fBEV -..uv Lkouk " .. :i!l'CUlllIl ul lll'|IL`iIII|I. Mr. Mills has bvcn (fhwf pulchcr of Allzmdalc Divmion : Soptombor. 1930. and prinl` In wnc (`hinf Dc- of H1` '\\ulb \,|ll('| 11\..`puI.\.n\x -v. nu...` ipayne Divisinn from 19131-`.24, um :Chi(`f Dvsputchvr Hf Cnpreol Dxvi sion from 1924-30. H0 sur\'ud in th` last Great War. A fc-rmm` I\'l:a_\-ox` o Capruol, he has been Aldvrmzm In Ward Two and l)\`puty I{m-\'v 0 Barriv: for several ym1x'. as wvl I-u luxhuv nhuiv'n\-nu nf Fin-.nnx-n :n H1 IIJNIIIK` IUI .\CVl'l:l| `IV being chairman of I zprosent time. - 1 I (`. 'I`:uu:\':n'l Y\`h' '. }pl'L`ht'llL LIHIC. J. G. Tagg".u't. Mr. gm` as Chief L)o.~pulch iC`apronl. whvru hr I 1Despatchcr uf tho 1933. Ho \\'a.< Duspat ;[p2\_\'ne Dx\'isiun pm \ iv nmru-ind uvith nnn HAS Ffiil E TONE I ; Harry C. I-`rooman. V\'cs:agu l !RC..`\.S.C.. Camp Burden. i L'nv1nn1h 'T`r'ar`\' W am: 1 E 11 L..`\.b.L ._ L xunp DUI um-u. I Kenneth 'I`rac_\'. Wasaga 1R.C.A.S.C.. Camp Burden. \ Hm-nlnl \A.'vant \\ as;ma Kl.L..r\.D.\... Lltlllp D\||Lll`ll. 1 Harold Wyant. \Vasaga R.C.A.S.C.. Camp Burden. ._\ ' '1 HC illluill ITIGEUHE 0! H10 I1U_\"dl| `Victoria Hospital. Barrie. will be held at the nurses` residence on, Tuesday. Oct. 24. at 4 p.m. All those! interested in the hospital are iuvit-'l Jed. 42XA ___._._\.. :___ The annual meeting of the Royal. Uinnu-in Hnznit.-:1 Ram-in will be! ROXY l5IIl`l'l(`, ` (`-(-n11.{- Hublwrl lmm:-d Hm] `Jl`I:|lI whit-h has hvml ll.\'(`ll I .`__..__A- ,g__.. _._ ...._ ; aoatwaoovovnw 4 ` ` V Q m ENLISTED FOR SERVICE TO THEIR KING 3111 D01`. IHOU, KIIIKX Chivf D\'spnt(`l\v.`r n Y1i\vi-:inn frnln I VIIUIIFII I! I lI\u nu To Assistant {rt-ss 5 E. $1. I ;ml'.< "We ( , Ilxl.` LJLKJI U... llzmdulc Division sincol 930. than Hf Harm! on undl (`her Divi-' 24-30. mm` at`. of ms {Uri and M] eve.-ml _\'ozu's wvll .r L`; . ..a nun Mill's 1 Beach. ; Beach. BARRIE, CANADA, Tl-7!URS_DAY, OCTOBER 19, 1939 THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY Matinee Saturday. 2.30 P.M. `Tuck Perjury Charge 1` Withdrawn by Crown: Transcriptiqc'>r1ZTTc`)Mf Evidence Did Not Have Questions And Answers' \ i \ A ('h.'Irp,c of perjury lnid zugninst Arthur J. Tuck. l0(.`:l1 second-lmm1 LI(`iIl(Tl'. \v:1s xvithdrzlwn at tho ro- r11l0:<.l. nl Crown Attorney Frunlt liunnnnnd in un all-dny l.'()lll`l` bofnrc MugisLr:Ilo .]m'f:~'. y0.~:lm'rl:Iy. Tilt` trhunzn urnsn out 0|` s\vom evidence gzivvn by tho znttc-1151-(I in 1.11:`. lrinl fur lh(~l`l, in County Court, on Svpt. 24. uf Murr:1y McKmr/`iv, Tho vvidom:(- run which tho ch:u'1: .h:u:l hovn laid had hm-n lnkvn f()ll<)\V- mg 21 l`0cvs.-4. the Crown pointed UII1 'l'h- vuurl :~'l.<-1m;41':uplw|` had not hm`! ])l't`.\':'nl. :11, the upuning ml` lhv cuuri :mr1 nnnv uf the qnu-stiuns zmrl uns- wvrs h:nvinp, in do with lhv -I1:m:t- wm'v in Ihv t.r.'nns<-rip1im1 uf 1-vidnnvv which was |n'udu('od. hu \xpl.'mu~(l. (`h:n';:inp, ])L'1'.`x`t`Clllil\ll uf his ch:-nl. Hugh W. (`:r:ml,. :u'lim,' '01" 'T`uck, dv~ cL`H`(`(l it S(`L*ln(`d "mllwr hard Lu (`X- plnin just. why 1: cl1;11`).:o \V.'I.\` luid l)-fore thv 1r:m.<('rip1inn nf vvidmH:I* \v::.~: 0|)[,uim~(`l." His ('|i<`nl, had lwmx 10: ;-iaouoeolz We carry ll. complete stock of New and llsml Parts for All Makes of (Jars and Trucks ll-rvuuuun--v-I 7 Maple A v(-. . I nlulllr 1: v \ . . O$O Dominion Aut;)-`W-r_e;krs In uu..._|- 5.... . Ill ..... n A`N| Bluebird Registe;ed ` Perfect Diamonds couNsEWL"H"/xs SAY I iR9e_ve Jew"er Caior IN KENU `THE STORY OF LONELY W|VF_S!,l 76 Dunlop St. Th<- .~ n-f4-I'M-d ]nl:m1` fur <)|'('i1,'hl 1 rm... Tenders on Sewage , Jnhll I\ l;u;nir:- (_`unl,r:u'lm;; ('4 . Ku~}.\'lnm- (3nnlr:u'l.m`s Ltd. . ('urr:m & lh'ip,'p:s Ltd. ...... .. . , St~x'!in;,r Construction Cu. HI I} u/.n-thimmm (`nn~.'h'nI'1 INSURED FREE AGAINST LOSS N0 RISE IN l Rl(.fliS Private? l)i:m1ond Room s\I(`l'Hl|], K Ul|Sll'UL'l|(1H W. R. \Vnrlhinglm1 (M (`.r:ml (`,mh'::clin;: Cu, S('ull.`.l.'u-ksnn (.`,unslru ` I\ luh:m Cun.s`1I'u('1inn (`x We invite you In cmnv in and lonk over our stock. Styles for young mvn and mun. All routs at prc-war u.- ..._.-A ..-A---. -pm. I-u A-J-nun I-tn l ri('os. Stock Suits. $16.50 - $19.95 - $21.50 - I (E}{TRA--- "MIRAcii,E_oF SALT LAKE Fox Movietone News and a Special 2- Reel Colored Popeye Cartoon "Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp" REVIVAL SHOWING FRIDAY NIGHT AT 11 P.M. ONLY Margaret Sullavctn and Iohn Boles in :n-_____----gjjjl 55 Dunlop : ll)V'\' Thu- .s'pvci:nl cunnmllvv ul lhv 'l`uwn Cmllutil tn w I lhv ll`ll(l(`l`.\' l`(`('(`iVl`(l fur lhv [)l'<)|m.\'('(l : I` Bzurri:-. hm! .1 Im-4-tin); lust n1;.',hl and l1:m<'ll'd m 1\ndvrin;4 firms. 1 (`<>l1lll1HlI'(' will prv.~t*I1l n n-purl II: :n :qn,-4-in! u m (`n>un('il lnlnnrrnw (I"I'i nI;;|I1). bids .'m- as 1`ullnw:~.: 'l.l`.II||lIk J. I:.un1.\ V\lLau.V Doctor of Osteop-.nh.\' J . ED\\'l.\' VVILSO .\' I'\.\nv.u- nf f\uvn.\n.v h\' OVERCOATS ..-.. WILF. H. TODD ll.`~1ll'lll'Il4|ll L nn (`u.. l.Il. 7si7?.L5o"J $1so`J}s2{4.5o .: Phone 273 Binnie Bames~PhiI Harris Betty Grah|e- Rochester" ADDED TREATS -- CAR "MARCH OF TIME" V I GURU! J l l1om-. 4320 _----.-A-- lodged in gun] uvm` the 'I`hnnlc9gIv- ing \.V(!(!l((`l1d, he 1-mid. Accused lmd Iwa.-n romanldccl from :1 week ago. Get 'l`un 1)n_v.=: l"uU:hl I-'.\|I|l_v tn :1 cl1:n'y.:e of l)l.`Ill-1 inloxicntvd in clmme of an alum- muhilo. Alfred l`m'l0r, Ilillsdnlc, `was sunlcncod In :1 term ul` tvn days In lhv County Gaul. The clnznma-. was laid by Clliuf Alex. Sl.ewnrl.. Judgment Rt'su1'vu(l .ludp,:mx-nl. was 1`(`.\`(`|`\'(!(l for rum wvvlx in llm CH!-it` of Michm-l Mic- kvy" lVl('ldll`(`ll, l`m'nn1,n, who pk-ud- ml not guilty In l,lu- lh:-fl. uf n lmndlo uf snx {rum in front. of llurry .l 'l'wi:~'x' men's store lusl \Vt`(`k. l*`invd $1 :m(I C0.~'.l.\' Aflvr lhv (frmvn hurl l'(`(lIll`l`(l Ilm clmr;,'(` (rum ruc|cl*s.s'(l1'ivim4 In c:m-- In-.-4:; d1`ivinp,, Kt-nm~Lh l\ lcAl:-uw. l'u1'm1lo, was found uuilly and finml $1 and cusls lIl|(l('l lhv lliyzhwuy 'l`1':nl`fic An-L. M:u.{i.~;l.I`:ulv .lvff.-4 mm- nn-ndu-rl llw (Jm\vn`s nctiun in re- (lU(`lll1;U\(`(`(Illlll. (liven '|`l\r:-v lVlunlh.~4 l`lv:ulm;,' uullly In _`,uy-rudim: un- lvr .-Lvclmn 2215, (ll-ungu Mcl":Iddvn. l){('(l 26, ()r:nn;;vvillt-. who is rwrvimz :1 In-rm Ill lhv Cnllllly (lnnl lll'l`l`. w:u< .-:1-Im~m'-rl lu llm-1` mrmlh::, to ('l`urn. In Pam ll I lvu.\-1') l 'l . l r l \ Thu Exmninvr L-In <-irt'ul:|l.ion l)uL p4u:u':n|1,v x-h:u`1,-rod :u:cnunlunls' audit. b15ENING ART STUDIO Friday. Oct. 20 8.00 p.m. Use Toronto SL_. st,ud(=.nt,s' entmzlnce of Barrie Bus- iness College. ART I5iRECTOR .E2!:_z.}!.i!!.e.: Disposal Plant AN 01,!) I R()VF.RI SAYS: A wis(- Imm takes part of what lu- hath tn prntq-ct that whit-II rt-m:|ins" &L`I&.OQ&I\u'-I ()l7R S l`Al"l" ARI`) l*`Rli|`lLY /\'l` Y()l'l{ Sl'?RV'l(`E. ('()NSl'l.'l' VS HICLI.-\HI.l`l ('().\1I`ANH`ZS I R1")I\lI"l' Sl'l'I"l'l .I`IM ENTS o'- och... l hum' M7 -jw.-v- ..- `* 6NLvVE%sj_RnAv"