Cluiru Dntchvr lofl on Sund:-n' People. with mtlsicini nbcrs lur- for ltuuyn, Que. 1vn-.<. Jns. I ('m'snn is fl`i1,'Il(|S in 1`m'untu. Miss I_suhvl Reid. Lofmy, spent :\ few lu_y:s with Mrx. Jus. M:IrqlliS. 1\/Iisu; J:-zm Wh,-lhmn. l`nmnlu. is spemlimg :1 w-vlc at lwr hum!` hn`l`!'. Mi:-1:: Susiv f)i<.'lu-n.-mn. 'l`ur(mu. ir vi;`;lin;: hm-r ~i::l<-r, Mrs. (`.1-I). ("mn- ev. visiting nished by Me'ssrs./ Brown and Mm- cr. , Orange Service The officefs and 'inbn1bL-rs 01' Elmvnlc L.O.L. and Beaver l..O.H. A. attended (livim: S(.'l`ViCt` in Wy- cliffo Anglican Church mm Smvlnv morning. The address was givnn by the rector, Rev. W. C. Stubbsn ` Wycllc Sumlny School Picnic `hw hnlirluys wnn lrwnus nerv. I | A good cruwd from thi`s connnnn- ity ntlun(lu(l the [.unn0x-'Spruulu Reunion in Innl.':f|_l. l2Is`SaIl1r(l1ly. | Mr. and Nlrx. Dmm nmtm'U(l {mm `Wusl inst week and :H'0' visilimz, 9 n Mrs. Dunn's l`rlnn(ls. the Ccchx-:m.,~ family. _ A nnmbur of the Cuntlnlmtiun |l`:n'k. M1`. um! Mr.-4. Curl Lvnnnx and family mulnrvd from the West l:1s't w--vk and are rum-wing old ur- quninlnm-v.~ hips and szpnndinpz mun-~ limv with lhq-ir relnllvos und Intmy. I`:-imu]-4 nrmlml lvv und other 0]: I fmnily. A numbur S:-haul girls are spc-nding in (`,Ull|)II' 1'! \l\:-1-ks holidays down at Inni. l `.'II' I I with their relatives unu m:m_y:j fl'1(`l`ldS nmund Ivy pI::<~- . vs in Onlurlo. ' ' ` "In-re wu.~:'n v(-1'y good crowd at llw {{ll`(l(`H party last Wotlncf-.:r!1j,'. All W()l`k(`(l wull lo holy} '6 `muku if :1 .`ll('(`(`Sh`. 'I'ht- plny -by the Bzu`:`i- Yumu: Punplv was :1 nive :s't:`<-<-us-=. , "l'h~y S('('!T1t'd to give some ht-zn'1_v luu;-_l:s to Hw crowd or listmw|'s. I l..().l.. at Church 'l'h<- Orzuugvrm-n of 450. h'-'u(lml by `lhv Ivy Hand. rimrc-h<`d to thl- An- ulivun ('hux`('h on Sunday mornimz, V\'hI`l`(` svrvico was ('0nducl'd hv "Mr. (luuk uf I5rndf0rd_ the nsS0ci:1t- ml l)-puly '(2r:In(l Master. :1:-xsistucl by Rvv. E. (I. Rubt-rtxon, 'l`h(-ro was .`[)1`('i1ll mu:<|v by lhv choir and fivw lilllv ;.iI`|.x' sung; one hymn alum-. which was very pl:-usixw, to all. 1.... nl Wu: `ark. IIIIIL Ill (nun: \;-u.....u.. A (`nu|)l(` of (.-:n'.< of Ivy Young`, Pmplt-`s Snvivty went to Midhursl lust Fritluy ufturnoon for their sum- nuul pi(`lli('. When they wm-o an llu-it` wuy hrnuc at night two 1-nrs tried to puss zmd I.nwrvnc<- Car- rulhvrs was (-ruwdod in to tho ditch l`h:- door of his rm` was knuwkml npm.-n and his'.~:i.~:LL_-1' [ell out. Um- nuf ht-r hnnds was brul.-40d und sorta!- vlfvd. hut fm-lunzrgqly. no unv was ..-...-an...-Iv hm-t 'r'ho'(`.:1rmlhers cur. inf ht-r hnnds Dru).-400 unu 5-`rau- sm-iuu.-ly hurt. 'I'ho'C:u'ruthers cur was (l:unu1,:v(l as was thv other cm`. but thv (lriw-r I't'lld(`X'(`(l (every :15`- .~:Ix1:1m-<- pn::sil':lv. The car was f1-um l`umn1n. 'l`h4-. Late Mrs. l\rlurg:u'N. S[)('.l'.l`.`i This cmnmunily and Ivy Pr(-sl)_v- In-1-inn (-hurch has lost nnuihr-1' of its faithful and highly 1'(!>'.p(.`(:l(`(l |cili'/.(-ns in llw person of Mrs. M:n'~ I!=II't-l Spm-r.-:. who pnssod away last Wt- morning at the h-`um: ut` In-r rl:nuIh1t'l'. Mrs. R. B1':1(l(-n. Mr.~. W(`(in(`S(ifly morning all me !1v`1m: Ul il(`l' (lmu-,l11vr. Spears was the duuglih-r of the Inn- llvlr. and Mrs. D. COI'b('i.L Thorn- ton. Shv was mzu`x'i(*(l to Wm. Spat-1 :< [in 1872 um! spun! the mos`. of hm` life in and around Ivy. till the last year, whvn she went to livv with ll('l` (lznumilc-r. She was :1 fziilhlul uttvntlunl of the Presbyterian church tlll her liearing failed. No one 1.-v.-r h<-zml hm` gnssip or [all :my story about zmyunv. A truv friend W1|\' "Aunt Murg:1rvl". us Silt` was rnn.-stly cullml by hvr many friends. 'l`l:(- fnm-rul innk [)i:l()(` lnsl Wu-(lm-.s'd-.:_v uftvrnrmn from the home of h('l' lznuzlm-r to tho l-rt-:~:l)ylr-rlun (~lnn'<'h. and was largely att(m |h_v 1':~luliv('s mid fI'i(*ml.s`. HUI` pm"- tur. Rt-v. E. C. R()bL`l'iSul1, cnmluc1~ Pd the svrvict`. ussistoci by Rt-v. Mr. /\|':n.s'1r of C.`mk.~4mwn. who h:::l visit:-(l hwy sovuml tirims in lwr 1:15`! illm-ss. Both spoke very highly of hm` Christian -'~filii.h and putlont-1: luring her grezu suf1',m-ing. She, lcxu-w lhv (`V(`l'i1ISli|1L{ nrms of her Suvinur W(`]"(` nround about her and iwuuld bl` with hl'l` all the way. 'I`lH' (-huh` snug} two of her i'n.vm'ltc h_vnm.s'. Hm rm-m:1in:~: W( I'(_` luid hr- ,:-i(h- tlmsv nf her |m.s'bzm(l, who pru- i(il'('l`il.\l`(i iH`1' thirty years, July 12. Hhv lvuv:-.-i n (iuuglilvr and sun. and lhr:-v |)l'()lh('l`S. John. Andrt-w i-nul nnvill (`m-hi-it. all ut 'I'hm`nlnn: l lhc C`.l\'.R. bridge. fnr n swim m tlw l'lV1 l` an-~u' Willium -mrlclvrn lv (lruppq-fl into a deep hnl-> and hmng unable to swim, Hank to thv lmilnm lwfnrv` his pal con`d do any- '.'nin;', luw:n`Ll.< >`:1\-'i|Ig him. l'h(`- h (ly was 1'vc0\'a>1'vd about one hour lnlor with ::ruppling hooks and ma nl' vvd to I3:n`ri for burial. \vh`:r-M [Ill .m.~.k plzu-o on Saturday. July 8. Fnited S.S. Roorgaulizmlon A mu-ling, duly mmounved. fur nll inlmwsted in the work of tho Unilvd Church Snndav Soh'\0l was hvld in the church. Wednesday ev- xning. Jul_\' 5, with 3 gnd attend. nm--- and the mjnlstmg Rev. C C, \Vvl!vrn1an, in thv chair. After war- ` shlp lhn rmu`g:lI1I?.11lilm of Hw .<(`h"I `l`.)u.~ul Flncnunnnrl Kirhv ant- `zuul ln'nlh(-rs, John. `{\n(1x'(-w uml David Cnrbx-lt. In-.~`i(|(-s :1 lurgv c'iI'cl(- of friends. 'l`h<- p:|ll-b*ur<-rt: W|`l`(`2 G. H. Sm.-om. J. McKnight, A` Erwin. N. ('n\'wm'H1. 1). Wilsun and R. J. Wil- fqrnwu-r'.< we--1.-1`. lvIr.~:. Ki, I"rum:I\. Mrs. Wm. f`m'r:nnr-u nml Mrs. Burton. lfnmillun, vi>il<-(I M1`. 1\/Ire (`h.~.~: Ivnnnx n\'(`I` Sumln McKnight, A` lsrwm. N. ('nx\vm'H1, | -cnn I ,, I Wliss (:x':u'- MuCzuly. R.N.. lfmml Huy Shun-. Lung Island. N.Y._ (-nll-- pd un 1v1i.-.s Lt-nu Willuughhy 1:151 vvw k. I-Inwst Coulson zxm.l'\Egiw:\g"d. Hula. land urn erecting new` residn-n':ns' in Ihv village` ztlongr the 1`un}] which ` lvnvlt: In Camp Burden. - V .1 H Irwin uf Ninunra l"z1ll.~` (tum- HIl' [)lZl_Vl`l' ll] kllllulut. V1. -1. an M" x \I1;{11s;. Rm . R. Wisomnn and Mrs. WIS-~ mun. formerly of Huwkestono, v ` in-(1 an thv home of Mr. and Mrs. Nvil C. Bush on Thursday b(-~fm-<- vluaving for their new home at Nu- kinn. Th:-_v were uccmmmnivrl hyl tmiy (Muyhtc-r. Mrs. Carl Ireland and baby, of Mansfield. Wm. Johnson Druwned . 'I`lw 11':-:ic|1t'1.`u:; Nnttzawa--:a;,I;. `r'1'h1|I`:'(lny vv(~niI11.:. July 6. in llu` pnx-.~'nn M William .luhnsnn. wlm luvml cm Hlghwzly Nu, 90, ubnut '1 wmilus \vo-.-at of B;u'riv. Rvlurnim: 'I{i\u-1' cluinu-d mmthm` victim 'nv|` from \\ nI`k ill (`amp Bowls-n. hw mu" 'g :1 1-hum, Earl VVou]s<>y, decided tn` -: nu (rm 1: <'.\vin1 in thv rivt-r .'1l"ll. jlvzuh: (Jump Bumun. ' .- J. H. Irwin Niagara nll llw waxy h,(3t`1(*bl`mP tho Clurinu.~; 12th July with l..O.L. 73. Angtm, thv lmlgv hv joinvd 40 years ago, and t-Spvcially lo bn with the beam. fifu pl.'1_Vt`1` in Ontario. W. J. Be)` Am! i bc~r.< K i ranged fdr. \VI'|Il`llH.|u. lll LII!` (nan. :uu~: ww- \\'u~` uffooted. Rosamond Kirby act- "-`rl as ;:m-1'olar_\ and was t`]`(`H`d In :!h'.n nffivv in the .\`(`h0nl. 0Xhm`< ' olrctvd and approved by the Session .'\`.'v1`-`: Sum-rinr-=ndn-nt and teuclwr Inf the Yv-um: Peoplc='.~' Class. M11: tWvHm'nmn: Asst. Sum. nnrl tr-nc!1.\r In!` .Iumu:<. Mr. E. BaI`tle.=lt' l`n~:u=. |R:1v I.-atimvrz Ox'g11:1ist. D<.>1'nHw 2McM:wk:n Senior and Intermndi 1--" ("l:1- ww` nrv vnmbin~*d, Mrs`, Wm | Kirby "s the teacher with Mrs. Wm! ac as M". S. D:>nm has ltho Pnmarv Class and Mrs. W Dv:u1 tn Hwginm-r~` and superin- tvnds thv Cradle Roll. The` _mzm- :m,nn1m\t l.'l)|nl1]iY!t`0` is cum_u<.xsed M `Ihv ministrr` So>.-`sign offic:-rs and `teachers wxlh three ujhurch mem~ yet to be appointed by the Sns.'sim1. The date for t_he picnir is tentatively set for Aug. 2 'I`h-`- Home Department is ym to be ar- Praise -and the bene- diction closed a nmmising gather- ing. Sunday School meets at 11 am. 11.: me summer. llurt in Auto Collision .- v..`. 1 "Fr BARBIE` BARRTE, oN_'r.. CANADA . . ANGUS Gratin VIII - Mnrivl (`:mnun, Dorothy lnglx-S. Minn N:-vils, D01`- `nthy l l`:Il|. Bill WilH'h1':~'l<'I', (1:-.-Ilhi VI -.Iv:m 'I`Imm:L-4, (I:-n1'2'v mny l'l`:ILI. nun VVlIIl'll|'.\'ll'l', Gr:|(h.- VI -.I1.~:1n l`h (h-m'_:,'<- l.uc:Is, WZ|:X(`l` |.ll(.':l.`, Juno Mur- 1'i.~:un, Kuthh-un 'l`:1_vlm'. ` (}I'n(l(- V Ih-m'y N:-vils. R:-gg. |Winch('SYt'l'. . (`.u--uh IV -W:I|lm- HI`nwn|mI Hm-- Mi(' 1\I|n| 'w|ncn('SIL-I . Grzidv IV Twain-.~ Hm b:n`:1 Churchill. Hm-1_ '1 Winchester. I I:--min IH -r Thusw-,.-I] | W|l]L'lll_`hlL'| . (}r:1rl- Ill Ru.<.~:-II Ru-own Ruth Hro\vnin::. ()r\'ill:- (`ulna Dc:-lly (.`In'li.-. Ix :-um-lh [ll1',l1`,\'_ N~vil.s'_ Sh-Ila Suilnn. r`.u--uln H Llnvrl (`uh-mun UIILV |VlCl\('l'\' (':r:ul- HI IA Bnbb_V Brown. Grudv ll 1: AI. nnuv n m ming: and Alvin (`.rud(- I to II ( P010!` Brown (-1. lluvilltk S:-_vnuun` H-H. l`l. .- l'}nt1':muu (nu ye: l'l:nt.l<-r.- ., Elsiv N:-_\ ul ~x:uninu1i Brlu-v (':Implwl|. rt--min \/I 1.. V I5l`ll('l` L,:nnpm~n. Grxulv V1 14) VII J.'u~k Ruby Bntlt-x`.~'. Gr:1(h- V in VI .il|i: H. Gordon William.-4. (irmlv II to I11 Ir-nlw (I-l),Viol:1 Willi.'lm.~: all), tvrs. I!-urln I In H l"l`.'HIl(iI> week at h('l` humv lwrx-. Miss I :-y,y,_\,' Murun is hmnv from Nvw York ml" :1 fvw munlhs. 1VIl'.-` 1)!-mayo is In-1' ;_{m~.~:1 hvrv fur lw wt-vks. Cungrululzntiu-11:: 1: P.v1'n:n'd Ln! (us and Jum- (.`.'n`.~4nI1. Whn xv:-n ::u(:coss[ul in passing lht`il' F.n1r.'1mu vxnrninz1l.inn.~;. Missvs l{ul)_v and Muriv] C.'n'Knv`. and R. Bridgt-.~', 'l`nl`untn, W('I`(` Sun- day visim1`.~: :11 C. (.1:1r.~+<)n'.<: MI`. um: Mrs. W. Mm`d:u:h Id baby (Jail Tomnln, :11 W. I). St-yihvsf. Visi1or:~: h<'I`1- nvt-1' 1hr- wot-kt-nzf in(:ludvd: Mrs. Gm'ing, N.`~2Sl`.` i<.- ('lnin- :mrI lh-lvn l"il7.1n:ll1l`i -. tors`. (lrznrlv I In H I-`r.'mki:~ DUll){]1I." Rllllt-(luv. M. L. F2(lvv:I1'(l_:, lMu'l1r-I`. I. L rldgv. ' (iv E nugq-. Gr. Iluwm fin- 'l'hlll`.`.(l.'l_\` I::.~-'1. 'l`hI' :\||n"II\vtun 1\Ht'll\\.'1u`ul Ullil, Sun(l:l_\' :Il`ln~rn<;u' ] lll'r'l1: .1` rlL`Ii\~'m lhn .~:u|)jm-I. lm `Flu (`:mnvl'. Miss l.0i:: (/'.'lI'.`-iflll h:I.~' 1 .~:i1,ion in Hzn'ri<- uflu-r : week h('l` h()I1ll' lwrv. Mist; :-u_uv 'l'(Jl`()nlU, :11 w. J). al'yun~:.. lV1i`ssv.~: is:-, Cluirv uml ('l(`H , 'l`m' at A, 1.. Mm':m`s. I<'. Pm.- <-r, 'l`m'nnln. spt-nl lust \.V('l'k tht-rv Frvd Ri(.'hl1`d.\:()n is` his burn. Mr` Hnvln, Urillin Ilns burn. 1 , Mr: I-Inyle, Urillin, is visiting with} .hi.\" son. R. I~I0A\-Iv. Miss Bully Ul`l)('k. I`nrnntn_ spvn" -.. day with Miss I mtl_y Thul`loW Mr. and Mrs`. 'I`h M'.n'.<`.1:1lI mu! Tims. Muir. Art.hur Mills. were Sun duy visimn: :11 Gun. Muir':~i. A. l`un4'x` and Min: Sn /.r~Hv Tnnnr |(`fl on Monday fur Chicago xvlmr,-rt` U10) are nttt-ntiing: Ihv l'um~m| (-1 Mr. 'l`<)m-r'_\- l)|'()Ih(`l`. llxlrry TnlI1"'. I IVlr.z1n sIl'1lH1I`0)', lwrv, Mr, ; M-: zmrl . Pt -nviu hand`:- Wilf hand : Wilfriv had tho land is h Mr an 1 FERGUSONVALE and IS nunw mu` 2: wnm-_ | Mr. and Mr: `mm Prince, ence Prince and Mrs. Wham. '1 ton. spent Sunday :1L II '[`un1.`; . l`hu- fnl o` "mu-ii on hunuuy. Mr. and l\'Tr.<. I'M. S:1:`l(.. SDUIH : Lltl<'I":`. nun-In :1 1\IYr- R 1-`. (`nmn Pimples Kill M_a|_Iy Q Romancg ` ' " I The lives of uu\n_\' young people are lumle xxxisc-rulnlv by the breukxng 1 out of pimple:-I on the fame. E The trouble is nut so nun-h ph_`':: i- cal pain, but it is the nu-xmxl suffer , , . .. ` mg cau"-ed by the emburrussmg u < ; guremeut of tho face which \'t-'.".' 5 I I often luakea the sufferer ashamed to N . .-...r {n 1-.\n|IxnI\\` luv Uluuu U: -m ....r......... I A "V!" Burdock Blood Bitters cleaxmca jTho brh sud puries the blood--Get rid of liver :31: your pimples by taking 13.13.15. IEILAC: 5:1: The T. Mliburn C.. Ltd., Tzvronto, Ont. 5up5_,y_ go out in -oxupxxuy. The quickest why to get rid uf pimples is to improve the general 1198.111`: by a. thorough cleansing of the blood of its impurities. nyma u:n...... 1~..`...:.\_.1. ..hmn...... Sunday 5`.vh.. m July 25. Hmvmd Too` AH \vi~h him -; Rural School Promotions :- 54*. I`. 5 to (Dr. 6 --1)nnnlrl (`n-|n'.am- vurd (').-;l.r:nmlz-1'. .. ,1 .,. r:.- r. ,A...I.~..v NI:-X .-.-... HI1l0_\'. \'l1w'Il(`( `. and Mrs and Mr.-', H. S S.S. N0. 7. INNISFII. isx Fm:-I_vn Mayt- holidays with NI!` nurl T\'[t'w Mnrn-)_ MI . and Mrs. H. D`. T(.'lI of Kt-\.v:|g:Im!I, Q1 fornu-r`: .~'i.x'h-r. Mrs. lay, |:|::t wuvk, Di:-I At his lult Sb`. M. 'l`l'I('UMh'l'I'I`ll .... A... uuun`-, Inn KILLYLEAGH Mr. unrl I and MN m\\' vi-;i Sh`. NU. IS, (Ht!) `nllnwinr, n:nru~:< urv I 0 WYEVALE APTO n'.~4nn n: L: sun :1 [H riv nflvr .-])('ll(Hl1]: .' ummr ' r ;_ur~.~:1 mm l.nI' - inn Ilu-ir I`.n1r.'1m-.' . Mun '~ `:4 Su'I.0ll<- 'J v l'un(~r . Tm : hL1s:_v szhinglinv 4 tnkt-n :1 pm u \`/I`l`K In II':nmn:: :11 mm-,-,;n In-In"- ].nlu' wilh Ilw Sinn-uv l">r(-.~'l<~r.~`. 1`\v4> (':Il`|m(lS of young [N`I)])h' from |~`.lmv:1l~ uml Knox 1 n-sl)y!u~r- inn r-|InI'x'hI`S: nHt`ll(i('ll HI!` 9. Clar- . Thum- n`: I`.-V. AV\l. II, VI'4DI' '|`n (h'::(l<- Vlll (h-m`p,'(` .\/luri:-I Nlnmm-y III), (irm I1-Iv, Arthur (.`n.\ Duris 'l '1`nmm_\' (':mu)l)n-ll .~qu.'nl; '|`n (H-mln VII (Zilh Mrs. Rt-tltlivk is on lhv sivk lisf. Miss J. Hill spz-nl lhv wmk:-n(! 1:1 Vlim-1'5 Point. M1`. and Mrs. I-Iulburl Ivfl Mun- lny rm` S1'mk:nn-, Wash. Mrs. SuHi\':m. l`m' i.-2 \'i.~:i!in;- her mnlhur, Mrs. I`ruml)lu-_v. Jim N4-ilsnn N-lurm-d to '1` nl'l-r .s`p<-mlim; [Wu \vx-u-ks with A Rt-nniv rlurry 1't-arsnn. '1`<;mnm, 15: .s:p(.-n:!- mg :1 ft-\v (lays u Ilh 1'). Quzmlz and building :1 cullznpx `It I.(-fmy c.n`n:*r. Mr. and Mrs. lnslin and son l`hnm:l.~; and d.'m,;hl(-r Iviunu um!` M1`. and Mrs. F.'n'i.~; and f:.nniI_v 4.!` `)x'i|liu \\ ('l`l' Sumlny \'isitur.~. with` .VII'. and M1-.;_ H. M()()l'('. 'I`h:= .~'ml wind sturnl on Sun- lu_\' n:uu.~u-(I (-un.s'i(l<-r.':b|- 1-xml. mum mrl lhn l.'|k- ur: in rlzurun-vlnlc nl-.1-`. .VIl'. UIHI lVll'.`?. ll. lVlU()l'('. llld lhv lnkv xvus :1 dun1:-rmls plat" to In-. Two vvt-rv drown:-d ju~t a j r:rn. lh(- lmy frmn ht re ul T(nm'l'--'.v' Point. L (`my 5 Evr cm ;pm1uIl1,L', :1 l1'VV `a vs at hpI'ur`t'-rl:xl", P:n'x'_v Sound. Nu ` Mr. and Mrs. H . Muir. C:ll[{1Il'} .' m'(- spumling Hun` hnIi(la_vs vvhl the Izmu-1"s p:ll`(?nLa here. D. M(-IA-an lrfl 111$`. wm-J: hr nu! '-inh!.\m-4-Lu` m-.1m- 1v'in ...-,n.. Rrv. ;])(`lHlll1 l".'n'v-v ` wnrma Hurry Pt-m'sm1. mi (luvs The Churchill Jr. Institute met at hr` 'n`m-..- vi Mm; Rum Hughes nn lu1_\- 8. The programme was m'~ ';un!.`d LY the Home Econonucs frmn Knox I n-s|)yxu~r- Inn ('|um-luvs:Inllumh-ml I`.Y.P.-S. pwniv at Sp1'nuz\vnln-r l":n'k. [~`riday nIt~rnnnn. NI:-nI|n`l`\` ml I-`.|m\r.'1Iv m'('hvsl|':I.| 9)` H` '1'Iu- programme mu mud Ly uvnnrr. Muriel Pr-zacock. Mrs '- rtun uf Gilfnm gw-\ an addnw.-` Handicraft A shower for M S (`.'ah:nn uJem Irving! fnllowv-d m bride r~`~cei\-`ed a bn=a1m`ful sil- 1` cake plate hwnu the Insn".'.1'.2 d also many other useful gifts L9 ucstess then served a bountiful Phel`. OAKLAND HILL s.s. N0. :1. vl-rsmm ` (I.-A.zl.. \7IlI . !.;.n-.11. f`..\ BELLE EWART CHURCHILL DALSTON . I7. \7 l l{/\ in [X l :m.~:-d on u-ir Ht-I'|1im- Mn.-;r.n. Wil- 'nn (.`mnt_~. 4.. I7! \lI..lh..- l"....l1.. . Vlhl IS!` I (h-m';,'o Cox 111),` I \ (1:--.4-4. lo`lr-rninu. Henry Smith re- `zzlo \vi!'n Mr. and ; spend a few days wvnmmnbms of H1 - w-lhd to Elmvul-'. and ! pe'Hl Lm on- Mr. and Mrs. I{'*:t. now home. Dur h('_\' pr<->1-111~d Mrs. may Hi('(- o0rnfur'.- -n uf Ilmir :L.! mvu J. ll. hllllpxun. w puliunt in lhv I{.V. no, I`m- :;v\'-l':Il wm an 0])I`l':llIn1l um Huh right In-g was mmmt km-an l|i< m:m_\' I`: Villl` mul vivlnily In able ln return hnmv `T`I\m:n l'rnn\ |1I`l'l` Lug 1 :p-nazngg at In-r ham" h -r Hhipps and Ch`!- `I -m the \ve<-k-,n.!l J Pratt am` trip v 'l`l1v_\' will ll'1I\"` - Soullu-rn Sum '1 and will n,-tun -lh lhmunnn. nun IVlIII'])|L\'. \'i::(`u1Ill~.. . ll-:l('L|l'I'. /. Stmvnrt ;n'~ : at Sprum'-rial -, tri p ' will 3 /\xu'~(-11' q.m .m( shuns, lrmza I-:<'.im.' .'JL'(,'h` ` 4114" Kim 1 7 l[|1:p'-1' -nu` . , g !"m"'. Ailm` ( lrxlk on (-1: He-rm-r _uf w_..[ lE1l(_1`('>.l.Jl)';l!l,rL.l),_ !.,."!Vx* :15 I ' hm bnylnm v. ,. .. |*"mru- I.`-Cpl`! C'llI.:\.'|.1...-inn 1hn xv-uunuun u--u -nu--nu ....u..u..-. i The monthly meeting of Coul- `-r:n's Hill Jr. Instiluto was hold at .1h(- homv of B(.*.'1lI`ic- Bowing, on IJu|_v 8. with an um-n(lun('o of 25 nnrmbl-1'5 and visimrs. Roll call. A Hot Wvnlhvr Bc:v(-rugv". Plnm wvru rnu(l:- fol` lhv nnnunl picnic `-1 Bnyvi:-w Bx-uvh on August .`J ]'h- nu-r-ling: wnv lhu-In turm-rl nvc-r .m Ailm-n Chm]:-m-r, cmwom-r uf !I`(':|('l' and Int:-rnzxtizmul Rvl:11i lrmn Nit-Iml H-mi un inn-g~- I .')L'(:u11n1 of thv I -aw Cr: mp -1' What llw }(inu Sl:md.~' Ailw n flzlrdm-nv-r gavu u $:h0": lltxlk t-1u'r--m (~*\'<-nls. Rt-v. F. "He-rm-r of (`hum-hill gave a rnuut [inl1'-.~.lJn;g /I(i(lI'4'.%.`10l1 "I t-.'u:v-", Hv :{::v'- illu. uccnum of bnylmml in Swit.'I.vrl:md and l.`-.'|)I`!'i(`lH'(.'1~` of his own fnmilv during 1h- war yc-nrs. Hr- ulsu stat- lwl that if wv hold mn'tht:ul1v- I-x':m(-h In nth!-I` nations, as wt- h';:vt- `Inn-" to Ihv Unitvd Slzm-H. we wuuld |l:z- l l1Ul`4- like-ly tn obtain pvzwo. A "nut llu-ll." lunch was zzvrvvd at th-- :-2.:(- ln." mm llugh--:4 Y`l`.'l(I n splc-ndid I l (brvillv Adamson `spent thn> iw`-wk iwnh Tornntn and Oakvnlc fnc-nd<<. .I. A. Brown and son Earl spvm !7~*Vl`l'Ell days at Val d`Or, Qur-bt-(-. 11ml we-4-k mm Mrs. UH). ML'I\l"(ll9 of Niagara` Falls. A .`:6~vt:re <-=X(~'ctri(`al storm hit hr-re last Fnduy night, killing 1-luv. Tickets and Informatit-n an DUNLOP AND -1\lUL(`ASTER STS. amp tn rnulm unnu- `I`lms-.c l'rum Iwrv ihu 1)n\vnu_\' Ronni: Park an S:Illll`I11I)'. .11 F. I)n\\'1w_\'. 1\ll.*:~ (`. NlI'.s1 I):m 'l`lmIn~m1. 3 Ella l`hvm~;nn. l\/Ira Misv. Dvu-I-; and K1` Mr. and Mr.~'. l(u.-N I` 1l~.l|(JI' nml .l:u-k Wednesdays: 5.50 a.m. nu. 100-MILE CRUISE MUSKOKA LAKES EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SUNDAY WAVERLEY 1z'~i'c:L'u'ria1 ' RETURN FARE BAJIRII-I To Ml'SK()K.-\ wuanr AND STEAMER FARE poggnns "LEAVE BARBIE: snnrs at Ml nun Dr.t_ Jnhnutrm. I". P.m-lon' _Ij`ull.<; Mix. and Mrs. W. Itosas f`un~r mfn 1 wm`. Au Ms. M ms- r. and Mrs B-`An. U.">nk'. 1-.`--Lzvkv. Mr. and "Mrs. and fzumly. and -Mr. ). ML-Ardle of Niagnral I. . wr. Dumrurm.` In St. John`: ..vh;.~. I Standard Tin.e $3-2,5 I. .U`-HG W{_]R<`.n. ` ll ey. Mis`~: Mnry Julm. its spa-nrlimz :1 conplv 01' \\'m'l(::' Imlirlzlys at (lmlv1`- ich. T||Iil'Stia}`. July i3, 1939 Allan Rtwviv of Hnul v.'m:n1i with l'rIvnI' Miss.-: Ennl ll:m;:|ztun, on vzu-mum :.I hr!` in nu Nllss 1\_/1 .v tying: nfu-r \'lS|lHI]{ dull-. M.~ .....| M.- numv n-rt-. rm mrtm'A-d In '1' u1rpl.'mr- fur a I UH WI ' Nlr.-3. l u/nll m vuculmn at Mr. and Mr 'i.~Ilc(l with Mr an; .. nu nn... H On July 1 ml] hnlrl il unnirwhsg. J ll l) Il1'Hl H|"I' Juhn /\Il.'un-nn"~' hum Ils HIM-IHI`. .J(:hn.~lm)`14. Mr:. I will Iznlrw", Hw pt An F'.vno-rm H! t1'm\m\ will In- trn Rn SHANTY BAY GUTHRIE nu nu: an .M:n1(ill Iur ilinw hr!` Sundavs: 6.50 21.111. PHONE 62; m- mm rolunm n.. Warm \` lwmlvllt ml! vlw Knox (` (C`rn.~'.~"l:1ml. per px``.\'id\`I play vmillm her`. was p `_ (fnlp. 26, of Ullznvu. juim.-(l the 0t1;uv:1 1-`lying Club at 7 a.m. ..\ em up Will! thv -lulu inxstx'm'lu1'. William Nl.\\:l\. After live hours .15.: 1.. ninmtc-.~ 01 d..ul nnstrnclum, he was allowed to take the plane ms mmselt. After sullxc nu...` In the air he bruught the machine safely tel gm md. It is the first time such a thing has nappened in Canada.` said Wmg Commander A. T. Cowley, superintendent of air regulations. nu Bill 'I`lm Inxu nun n n- A \'l.`[)<`.rl mttlw 1-Iiuh School En-1, mum` n~.~nH.< fun` 1-Ilmvulo (`vm1' ./H1 1`-nun! In th-~ I`I*|)m'l 1'v.r(.'-n5 rv Sl!\]If<)\` :mp~`nrix1;v, in :1xm1l:m" 'olunm r. .lJ~lne1' ` Tlnnn {:1 Pw:u~h. and Mrs. M<'Mm'rln and cm: '1'm' spout Hun(l;n_v wnih lIi;.*II Scluml .-.. ..n.. I! i}l1. I V l:I.~`L \|ln"II\vunt| l..().|.. ml Unitwi alum :Il`lm'n<;un \vh:-I1 I - rIx`H\-'\`l`('(l an :\ vvi. "|.(:~'.il1[, In ..' Fnmpvl`, wlm \v:1.~: zulln-I` in H)!` CH` wlxl in Midluntl. ` llw .~`I`l\'i('<` :11 ml I4`n1'nn-`..n\\'1ll|' `:|'I`i (Hill |\` l(n.<< ' and .l.'u~k \vx~:unvr nn nun:-: l_\' ml :1 gumd :Illn-mi:1m~.- fa" (`fhurch garden party at . 1\l'l'l` llm .\p|\'mli(l mm .lml h_\` thv l.:uln~.~' Anl. :1 llml 'I`hv l.iHlx* ('ll)d|m)\- v\rn<.\nl.-cl hr Oh. \'nnnn Flies Solo First Dcty in Plcm II. C. F.xu1i.~:. (Iron-. l :1 fa-w (lays wilh Htul :m(l :mn!. MI` :m mhn-ll, In-avim: Sntxnxf lI..i~ nnur Innnn '12 Inger. Nv\wnnrk~`.. 1 In-r ;;|';1ndInu|hr3:`. -- :11 mvnlv I'Zntr:mv- .-rry nm! hm vixitaui I ich. fMr. and Mrs. Wm. Ix :-rr arrive?! h_L`:mv r,Il V r-clm:-d:ny after `:1 irip lo lhv c-rm.~'l. '|\lIr nntl M129, 1". C. His'hnn visih-vi !`|.. i|lll'lXl`.|`H' urch Sl`l.'i('l`I I1 Huv, G. H. 1 mlulrvs-. mu 1 Snvn-." V41:-' lhv t`|dt'v' (`..-no-rnl /\\*- ishop ul (h.(l4-1'3:-I1 (ll\*_~ 1\IIl. lu (`lndlm thv Yum _.1vu u nu I-`.lmv:1|<-. (`l|lll`(`h":= Tlunr.-:d.'I_\' ru|:|n~.- f.\" '|l`3. LI.`~ Huhtr tw- mul- n_wm ll\. '1'n\vn. vvvr sun-v_ Mrs. V`; llrnpvr had In-vn :1 cripplv for forty- four _\'u:u'.~'. When ublv slw tank an H nctivv imur<`.~`1 in NW work of thr- :\ng;lh`;n1 church. of which shu was: 1* I :4 "H ml)-`r. (I `I`m` funeral sorvim`. which wae ` i by Mr::. I". .1. Gray. Thu Scripture `zru-zullnu wu.-: tztkun by Nliss Elim- bvth 'l`lmrlmv. 'I`lmlu,zhL~;." tukvn by Mrs. Butt-. was in tlw form of nun nrti(.'lv "How to Km-p II:Ipp_V." ' A |):I[)t`r entitled " I`h(- Day at` Gnnrl 'l`i was x-mu] by Mrs. Rubi. 4 Ln:u~m~~- the study "I.,-pm` Work in "T/\l`ri<':1." b_v 1\/li.~:.< F. Ii`nstu1`. and "`l.t*pr)sy." by Mrs. 14`. C`. Bi 'v!'l`ln- Watch 'l`n\vm' by Mrs. Hnrr_v gTh|ll`l()\\' was ulsn on Africa :ll)(l Mrs `(L 1.. Usher ('l0.\`t`(l thv In:-uting: with -ipr;1_v(-r for thu work in Africa. A >'m:Iul ham` and rufroshnu-nt.~: \V(`l'l` l`l1_il7_\'I`(l at tlw cl<). Mrs. W. 19. l)raper On Tl\t1|'stlaI}'. .lul_\'-ti. 1939. Snrrth Ann.~?lrum,{. bvlgwvd wifv nf W. 1*}. ,.` 1)r:m`t-1'. t):ts.~`v(l':1wu_v following :1 .'stroke. She had been l.`l)lll)L`(l 1-) hm hm! fur over Hl1`l`l` yv:n`.< 1)t`.cousod was born at Sunnidnlv (`m'tur:~. \vln-n- . h\':d tun` MN- Itm-n your.~4 and mu! bvvn u rvsidn-nt tnl` Flor: 'l`nwnship Mrs. fux't_v-. \ nnliun u nt.u~.\\-t in Hun unu'L- nf Hu- i A SHIN`! ll`I'l1])l`I'llHCl' p1I[)L`X' WJIS "("`L( I gm` on lulvm. lhv c-rm.~'I. Mr. and Mrs. 1". I 1hefm'mn-r' l\]I.H\!'I` on I`lmrsd:I_y. l'\/lius Hvlvn Wimtur. ` G rnhum. |ilIl'lI|. l'ruInotions l`)IIIlV.|l'. (LS. (irndv `IX In X ~Bvrl1i('<- ./\l'('ht`l'. Elma In-:nr(ls:nll, Dnris In-ll, Jnhn llrmllvy, Mnrlvy (Ilemvnl. l.lu_vrl l"lvm|ng. Ap,m-s (`.iffvn. Murru_v Albvrln lfousnnznn. Mm-v llmllnhzm. Jmm Km-um,-y. l)nris M:u|i|l_ .Iu_v(-n I'o:n's(m. l.:nvrvm-- Qua-snullv. llulvn Rilulxiu. Murivl Hih-hi1-, Dun Svxlnn, Jnv S:-xtnn. Mnriun 'l`I':|iI\. I-I\'(-rvtlv 'l`|u'm-I`. l"lnn-Iwv Vim, (`.raul~ X lu XI - - Ruxiv /\l'('h(`l'. I`:-rcy l!l:u'k. (.`.h:u`l-s ('n|mnl)u.~'. (H:ul,v.x` l)mm. Ihulrit-v l`|vmin:.1. Hvlh (lruhnna. V1-rnu (21|r.~.~ (trum- Kvilh. Vvrnn I :-:u`s Maxim- R.-uu-H N1l]I'l`ll Hih'hi(', (H'UI"."' Kollh. Vvrnn I`:-;u`s lvlzlxlnv Runcv, Miltlrvd .ill'hiI`_ (i(-m'-_'_I- :~flul>l).<. Ella: 'I'hmnsnlI. Ruby Wan- Ilv.-:.~'_ Mario Wright. 1 lh-1~nn1nu'nd0(I for Intm'nwtli:u!t~ [()I'(l<`r nl lhv l';`slvrn .`:il:II`. ` Aflvr u sm`vlc(- in 'I'm'unln on Snlunluy morning. 1-un(l1u`h-(I by Rvv. M. Smiih. thv l'Imvru| prm:vo(!- ml in F)lmv:1|1- fur inturm:-n1, Rnv. W. (I. .`w`tubh_-: tnkin;-_ lhu huriul ser- x \/ll'l` VIN`. Shv i.~: survI\w(l by rum` (l:lll"'l-- I |lm-5;, Mr::, .l:1.<. Wright of Mn`! Wil- liam. Mrs. Roy W. Fisher of Sioux `l.m;l(()lll. Mrs. William Tmu.{h and `Miss I )0r:n Mason nf 'l'm`0nln; also ,lwo .~:on.~'. Joseph W. nf Mnnsc` Jaw. Su.~:k.. um] Wilfn-d 01' Sioux [.nul: /ml Hur hue I nu-nrlm-u-xusu-rl hm` ' 1'/ yu-2u'.~;. St. .luhn`s W.M.S. at Vvasaum llmcln , An on_in_v'.nl)lv outing; was 1 -njuyml thy SI. .Inhn'.< W.M.S. un W\`({Y|('?4(lIl_\' iuflu-1'mx)n whvn they hold their Julj.` ln('(`Hlt;.; :11 (fiunpbvll Cutt:1;{u. Wu-I .<:1uu Honrh. with about t'm'ty prv:~`- `nut, "N11-s, W. N Hmdlvv uresidu-(`. rm-onm; :11 uunpm-u with nhm lvnt. lvlrs. W. N. Brad P,/\ . h`nuwr:1n(-:- pn iby . il'I':I(llH11 b) hmn. I`|nn-lnuu "l`hm .. unu wnm-(1 ()1 bI0u.\' l.nuI: Hm` husl):Iml prudvuuusucl hm` I-mas`. . l:l[l'i(`l` ...: Nil.-hin r:.....-.n- `D0111 1m'1_v |1`:1(lluy preside-I`. - !`(-fld Scri1)'.uru Mrs. Rigby. 'I`nmnto. is l\u1i(l:I,V'i"'.i with the McC:mn fnrnilic-:4. Mrs.` Bcwden, 'I`nron1.o. visilwl Mrs.-Coulson and fnmily nn .`~`.nnr1n_v., Velma Dhvidsnn, Angus ]<`ln1.~_ is; visiting her cousin. Jvun 'l`ux'nbnl!.l Mr. and Mrs. }'~`1':mk IIig,_:,'in. 'l'lmrs(l:I_y. I\/liar; Hnlvn Winger. is | |0li(l(I_ylIl}', with Mrsc. Nl`lIfI"I(l. -Mus. C. Frn.-:r-r ptnssr-cl Hm wm-`rL- end` with Miss 1`lormm- Evlunnlmr. -.1`. In-..vu1n H:-:1!-I1 visiting her cmnsin. Jvun 'l'ux'nmm.! i[1_Lill:~`()'1| vi.~xilDd thc`l:11lvr`.s' nnr('.-nl.r`. :il Ivy An} Sunday. ` I A`humb(-1 frum hvrv nltunrlnrl lh~| [Sundny. A'humbr-1' lh~ Or:ln;.:(- . :11 Ivy on Sunday murning. Mr. and Mrs. Frcrl .\rI:-('T:nm. .I:w`-< mnrmng. | Mr. and .I:u-`-<| and `M:n'_v visih-I 'l`hm'ntnn Irivntls on~Sunday. MI`. and Mrs. W. J. Janus nnrl Cull.mg_,r hay is lhu Urdl-1` of ihv day and mu cmr? \.s v:-r_v gznml \`(`Zl- sidorim: lhv many \v -<'l wilhuuf min. But-Irm nnu any I: .41 wvvk. I (`,mwr|1nlnlim1s in (}(\'n`L'- J ruin. I Cmmr.:1ulnlim1s tn (}w.n';_'<- J and Ram. Mu1'ri.~:m1. who ])Il51\'4"l lht-ir Ell1.l lll1('l` l'XllIlil)1l|.il)lI>3. nnrl J_um= Wut. whu passed on h.-r year's work. Lu 0.... .IlIA ' Lvr. \1\\rIh\ .1 ".4-. ' On Tuvsduy c-vvninn, July 4, mo W.A., of St. (`H-mu,-,-`s: Amglirtun ChllI`L'll. Ulopin. mm M. Mr.-<. M'u'l-: McM:1slcr`s. Dcspilv lhv unl`:n\nn'-. ublo wemhor, therv was :1 gu.()(.l u`.- lundnnco of mmnbur.-: and vI.x'xIm'.-. nu. .. n:|.I .. .... SHHI ll \Vilf- in Bnrriv u l`lu- ln~t\'l Aug. 8 :11 T A (luinly I hostess. on-:sunuay. | MI`, W. nnrl` fnmil) x/isilud with rvl:1liv-2: all Bu:-trm (lny l:I.-:1 wm-k. i ("nH|mr hnv In Ihu nrdt-r nf Il`IILlIlllL`l' UI lll\'l|llJl'I:- nun \'In||H:.'. Tlw Bihlo n-zulim: wan: lnkvn h_v MI`.~'.. G. McMu.~'.l(-r uml lhv c'l1:m!m` from llw . hunk by Ivlrs. (`|m.<.` Mills. J1 . M1`.-s. (}i|l)-rt M('M.'I.~:!-1'. who wn:: :1 (ll`ll'g11I` In the W./\. D1-amury L-onvvnli gv_:nvv :1 ::p!<-ml~ id l`(`p()l'l, Aflvr :1 I<'n1.flhy lli.*:(`ll::- sinn it wu:-` lm'l(lml In h:n\'<- n hm:`.h all Ihu ()r:m;-,v (7(`|(`l)l`:IH(nIl. I'|n- HI~`.'l nmnlimv will hr lwhl 0!: Miss Joan Hindlv i.-: .\'])t'II(iim', :1 \vm`k'.< hU|i(l:l_V :11 Inni.<|'i| l .'n'k. Miss Edna R1-iv:-. 'r`nr i~' spvxulixm thu wm-k with lvlis.-: Ruth: DX|.Vi(l.\'.l)ll. Mr and Mrs W Sluruvnn and (I' WIN ) IVIISS Wn.s.'n',u Hv:It'h. ~Mr, MI` 1.)xn.vI(1xnx1. Mr. and Mrs. W. Slur;,u~nn family BI':ull'm'd, \-isilx-(I llu-ir mu- sin, M12. .1. A. Muir, an Sunday l:::=l. Mr.` and Mrs. D. ]VI('I)um'_:Ill and W. I6. I'.n\vlm1b:u'h 0| l')I'in. syn-n! IQnnNn\/ with Hm lull:-I Mrs. 'I`nmlinsm1. Tumnln, s] in tow (lays wxth In-r fulht-1', ll. (`nrnnn Whltton, mi` ;| wm-K. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith. Rn-- ginn. S:|.-:k.. \vvI`c- lh<- g-,11v.~'.L< ml Hr- fm`mL-r's bmtlwr. Rvv. W. 1'. Smith. A (l:nn<.'x- was h(`l(I in PM l)r.nn~ v:m's new burn. Mumluy nigh! July 10. A lnruv vruwxl nllvmh-(I zmvl :1 vvry vnjuy.'Il)lv limv war: spa-m In all. Mr um! 1\/hu: W:|]`(l1I`I' .-mrl mm A `W. I':.\Vl(`IlL)i Sunday with 1 Mrs. J. A. Muir. (hm h1nul1'I\1| llvlrs. J. 1`.. Mmr. Our humlrml uml . l'(`}..',i.S'l(`l`1`(i un S:Il1Ir(l::y nl lhv l.(`n- nnx-Spmulv rmmiun lwld un Hu- !L. 1.. Davidson farm. (I:u`nL'n. Mrs. (D12! Svhl uf I(ilvIw1w1' itvd ill hm` hnmv hvrv for :1 days rum-mly. M John [luvt-2;. I'I\I:1n.-dun. all. Mr. mu! Mm Wnllmu-1' and mm ily of Bi}; Bny Puinl \VI`l`I` Sunrht vi. wiih Mr. and Mr.-:. Pa` Donovan; nlsn Mr. and Mrs. Mu" re-nu of Ponolum: nl Hurh. Mm` I-nnn' u an .u nu. A })I'(`.\`l`lH:Ilil)Il \V:I.H' Iwld (In Mon-| (lay niyzhl :11 I). .1. K:-nn_\".< fur Hvv J. Kevlar. who has bx- lr:1n.~:I m~- rm] 1 'l`nrr.nIu. An :ul(h':-.~:.< was rvzvli [by J: J. Marvin and :1 \r-ry s:wi:=l)lr- `rvonlmz was spent. I I I Shower fur N1-wly-W:-(ls Cm1gru1ul:1Ii:m:< to Jos. Kmmy and Mabel Finn. whn \w-rn m:u'ri-r! In Detmit. July 1. 'l`hx*y uulh-(I 4.-n lhvir rt-!:1HV1:.< and f1`i`lI(l:; In-re vn mulv fmm Nlnskukzl. On 'l`n1n'sd:1y night :1 mnmwr n! frivnds ;:ilH1('l`t`(i nl llw lmnw rt. Mrs. John Minnin;;<, .~'i.s'1m' of thu- groom. tn pn~>:vn1 them with :1 mis- cvlluncmls shuwor. lvlrs. Vin. Km-nnv and Mrs. Mike livlly zmsimml in] upcning the gifts and reading `.!u- :u-(:nm)um'inu gum! \vi. vmnnws. ml by Wm. Sll |)hl`I1.`~'. vnusin of thv, grumn. Afu-x'\v:n'd.~4. thv vveninui I \V:l.\` spvm in dam-in_L: and .\'nm:.-;. (lays rum-mly. Mrs, John Hay: vxsllod wilh hm` Whitton, fur wm Mr nnrl Mrc hold :11 her lutv rv. nn S:mn'--` day afternoon, was nth-ml:-d by :1! lnrgv gullln-ring; uf |`rin*mi.< amt!` nuiglxbms and wus l?()Il(hlCl(?(l by Rev. V. C. Stubbs. Anmng the Ixmmtifnl flurnl Irilmtv: \v4-1`:~ Hr. ' '1VIl'. Ceci I. Mrs, ( HOV. v\,. LL. bIul)l)>}. nmm Iw:mliful.flnrul I!'il)ulv:' wmw from Wr('lil'f1- Guild. ml was m:uh- in Elmv:1l- ('l`lH|`lt lhv pull b<'u1'm`.< \vn~n- .l:Im~ Fuddcn. John llnudvn, .`\ll4`l John Tubman. ().~`c:1r Arvln Julm Campbell. Shv is S1ll'VlV\'(l by hm" lll om` dauuzlllor. Mrs. John R: of Alllsttm. and seven xuns: ( Wultvr. I.urm- and Julm. u vulv, lluxvurd. Imrri:-. Vlnlml h~1`snn. of lit-mu-, ()m.. 1);: (`unk. ()nv (l;u1;:hla-1', (livd am infnm in 183:3. ()m~ and nnv . alw . Mnluulm\ uf RUHU. Nx`\`;Hlu, Lu l :|rson:: ?il'(.`:1lil'urn1:\. | Rvl:1tn'u:: and frivnds 1111 NH` .-nu.` Mm Hzllhm \I'n xvlrs. rm Spichm`. .~`11'nng, 1 S10 L)mpur. `rornnuzz mr unu Dalton Dl`1lp\`l . (`..'.ukstmvn: `M Dmp-*1` and sun Jack. K0-`nzz Mamha M\:1.'.ul,uhIin and (`:11 Midland: Mr: Kim . Tm`m11;; M:1r_\- lVImIl\e\\'.-. Mldlxxnd. and . Hr:n\nv' `\.':|\r. I\' .u.. I... n. . ... Th-3 fl.H\`!'Ill .~'vr'vicv` fnx"Hm Alfllt Mn`. Hm N :1\`\. (`\' war: hvld in lhwl church .11 rn nn Mnnd;1_\' and \\';\v very 1m`_;e`._\' '1ttr|1(lvd. Donp sym- pathy is extended tn the husband and chilqren, Lorainv and Douglas: also to brother and sisters. She was well and t'avm`ab1y known. Just recently she moved to Barrie from their farm a: Fishevs Corners. `ll h l'r-sontztliml to Rev. J, KN-lor . I 1 _. M1,... PHELPSTON BETHESDA . m.1.... . u: n. St. (E4-ur;:0's W./\. 1.. ' lll mu k)l`lll}{l` (7(`|<`l)l`:lLlhIl. l Imwlimr, will hv lwlcl I NII`.-4. G. M('M:I:;lm": Immu-_ ' lunch was .x`m'vv(l by lhv l'|7lIH|l|."!l-Alli` 5I'|l\|)|_\' Imlxl purl :1! llv Knm: um! F-unzlny. MI` .nul I` |_)1l('H (H l'.l'|ll. S[)l'H`. tho l:lll(`l`.`: sistt-1. ,. Hnrnlu. I zmoncilnrs, Dzlllnn :\rm:~`1r->nL Pnnu Nlnn Av-n1 Uzlllun :\1`111s11'.:xu:, rung. lV1ny,'gin- Arm- Mr. and Mrs. John and 1\/1r~`. Rm` Cw"- m~ .\l|i\h\n- NH` nnrl `vs, l)l'()lh<'l`. Du ...l: ~ .1:mu-.< l\ l('- All:-n Ham, Arvlwr and I hu.~:h:m(I. Rnhin.\`0n` IS: L`l1:n`l--<.1 `. of I-Ilnv I.-In. 1--.4- `p, 11 than `X'l\\l`I VI`:-1 fvw l|!.. `1::|ul } Wilbert Lynn and George Hnrric, ' Houverton,` spent ~ Sunday ab :h;- l'urmm":s hmnv`hvrc. "' ' ' . Mr. uml Mrs. MCCl`(`ll of [`or {and '1'hmnp.s`m1 Jvnnott. Ivy, spout Hhv xvt-vkund at Mud Lake. I Mr. and Mrs. Vonrl -Eiliott and Ifmnily uf Dptmit are spentlim-, -. f( w hnnrluys with friends `herv. I 1!()l)d Mm. (1. l~`r-m-II. .Mr. nml Mm. Frm! Millvr of Hum- illon vnllml on lhv lath-r`.-: c-nusin. J. '|'. ["0514-1', rm l`m-.*; lVh':r. (fnl. Hull has r<-turn:-d hmnv afhr n fvw \v(-vks ul lhv hmnu of Mw mm M Hunt-znnn. Snsk. MI`P. King. 'l`m'unln. and Mr C. l*'rt-nr-In, Mimivu, urn vl. l`.\"` fLjI`n1:'|">' .\i?--lu'l`. Mr.~:. G, 1"I'*n1,'|\. 1\/[W4 Wm 'r(|l'l`.'ll1f'i` nml ]\Tl`.\ ["l"`ll1