Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Mar 1939, p. 2

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A weekly newspaper devoted to the interests of the Town of Barrie and the surrounding country. issued at the Post Office Square, Barrie, every Thursday, by J. A. Mac_Laren (editor) and W. C. Walk (manager). owners and pliblishors. The Barrie Examiner is a member of The Canadian Weekly Newspapers Asso- ciation and of Class A Weeklies of Canada. . I \_.H':'lH|H,`A _ EHIU lt-I'itn`:: ml" 3:|.'l )|1" l)uiIrlim!,". I31-nnil In H!` II IUNE IN on u shuow"-- ovary Sat. 1 to 1.30 mm. out station GIL The satised acclaim of ovcta hundred thousand Canadian home- owners is your positive guarantee of the greatest heating value money `can buy. Give your home the thrilling comfort and dependability of the world's finest anthracite". Urder `blue coal today. ' To know that your heneciaries will he in sympat- thetic hands is as important as to know that your estate will he competently hanclletl. \X/ith eztch estate the first step taken hy this Trust Company is to place it under the personal care of an estates ollicer. It is his constant endeavour to see not only that the terms of your Will are scrupulously carried out, hot that your heneliciaries receive the explunattitms and counsel they require. (jj \X/hen you appoint the Toronto General Trusts your executor and trustee you leave your estate in the hands of :1 witlely e\'perient'e(l Corporation; hut its'services are not impersonal. Your lhmily will tleal with intlivitluztl trust officers who are concerned first and lust to serve them in the spirit as well as the letter of the Will you ll:l\ (` set up for their comfort atntl pr()(t1"lltrll. |'| .|V/XTE & |'F_| .S()NA|} 'I`umn*1`uulmulm Tlwsws A sac-rs under `.uJIniniStr'.1ti()n , and pain M-nwm in mud whit It-I.I:n FUEL & SUPPLY CO. __._: n..:| .. kt:-1n 000 IILILIJLI A \II-IL-I \.l uauaagq-- w- Victoria St. and Rnilwuy-Phone 999 THAT BRADFORD STREET DANGER It; was only the other day that a nine-year- ` old boy, a pupil of Prince of Wales Schoo1,l was knocked down and seriously injured while, crossing Bradford Street. on his way to school. Fortunately. the lad. although severely hurt, is now recovering after a clelicate brain oper- ation in 'I`m'ont.o. He might. easily have lost his life. rl1I.-A. !....!..I....l .....4&n2...l-. -.\.n..I.I u-auAv3-'ln uuul` uinting and 1: lm1l(lmp,s;, rhilnxunulninrr CORPORATION THE (~m1.~id(-rnblv lwlp zmd :u'- ::I)|).`= `Hal tnxpnyt-r.s`. '.'Il|'uni'/.u Munst- .ht-lp muninlnin )'u1n~ vmplnynu-n VI`:-iulll Thu mil\\'.'uy is lhu I -521 0n\plny('r in Hnrrin zmtl ynu, ' NIl`l`('hnll1. .<-(~ur~ ('(vn~:il](`l'1ll)Il' I |I1r`.`4.s' Tron : v.IiIw:n_v I-rvmlny:-(-5`. `rnilunnr null lhnir : nlnua-4-q lll'.`sS IIIIIII rnilwny :` `Hm l.'II'gl*.< I`. I um \"x: ... ....,_, u \,.._,. ..y .. r:1Il\v:1.\"s I : 1- rnlv.<: an equal tn nny 1r-mmn-1i1m'.~'. (`mnp:u'<- lrivt-(I hum railway mu im-s wilh ihul n-rr-iv:-I I.- ....,I I u on-.. urn uv- u ]" V 1| jp('lituI'5 ln givv pl: ilhu (-mm-sl. [ A n)l~('lillL{ of H11- ll . 'u- /\u|'irn|1|n'-1| I\ H)"1'lllI]_'_ (II HH'l '.::rI'Iv- Ag,-1'it'u|1ur:1l llrltl Tlll`.'ll1I`V I*vI-nin lhl: nl'fiz;- pl` [Jr-purl. in Hm Row Him-|r.. uull ..Ir..l .. 1. ill] llll Ewm I 4 nf.'n'n1m Culiing rune fl: nu IIIU. That incident certainly should provide su1`- 1 ficient warning to the powers-that-be that something must be done to avoid a recur- rence. Thut there have been no fatal acci- dents in the school area along; Bradford St. I is no reason that some will not occur. Young ~ life is worth saving. well worth much effort. Everyone knows that it is a poor time to lock the stable after the horse has been stolen, speaking figuratively. The matter should have the serious consideration or the Town Coun- cil, Board of Education. and principals and staffs of both the Prince of Wales School and the Collegiate Institute. rrn... 1-.\_-____s.--__ .._..!._..._.L_._.I_ AI__L n_....A. rs--- 'l'lnn'sd:nv. Mun-.h 9. 19.`. - 9 Ill l`I||l\N l and their vs! lnxpznyw -: l`n-1- ch-lim ll I'll|})IlI.Vl' ' \ DIl_V(`l'.\' in 'rn\Ivn_ Thu .\`l'l'\'i('(` nnrl II fnI`ni. .`mnp:u'(- rt-vvmw (Ira ilwny :ml 31>: u-|nn1ny- frmn high- l~: :m(l thu-ir :-mp|ny- :1 111':-:|l1-|~ nucr-I In lawns, planting: mu! :.`ln'uh::. . I .:h.. $2 $7,000,000 ll I"I_V' VVIII IN." , Mznrr-h 14. nt 1|` /\[{ri<-ul1m'c- Thu (l`(`f`h)l'.`l ..... : -.-1...] l'<- .-:nlm(:1n- ` Hmsv who lnynu-n(. Inn,- Iul vnu Mr of III!` will lw nl. IA ul- Il_ lVl|. - lm.\`i~ ` The nrcli u... \.v.u.b....... -...n...... u\:n The Examiner understands that Sergt. Case has been instructed to be at the Prince of Wales School every day at twelve o'clock noon. when the youngsters are leaving school for their homes. That is not enough. A police of- ficer should be stationed there during the rush periods throughout the day. With a po- lice force of six, surely arrangements could be made along this line. If police officers are not available. why not use the unemployed? NIL... \'\........: ._n 7:\.|...._;.n,... -1-.. 1.-.. :1- -..._._-._ .....~...-. ..-._, ...... ....\ IIlC\ . . . . ` . . . . V V u. The Board of Education also has its respon- sibility. possibly working through the prin- eipals and teachers. Could not :1 monitor sys- tem be tried whereby older boys in the school might act as guides in getting the children across the street? It has been tried in other centres and has proved successful. ,`\ l........--., 5...- A`A_ K/\ ..u.\.u wuu nnun ,,.uvvL.u au\-\w..nnA Lu. With heavier traffic in prospect between now and the end of June. something must. be done to alleviate the Bradford Street sit- uation. and in this connection. the co-opera- tiun of all mmm-ists is urgently needed. TAGGING FOR PARKING OFFENCES The tag` system for dealing with infractions oi` the parking regulations. as suggested by Chief Ci Police Alex. Stewart. has much to commend it. The time allowed for payment. however. seems too short. Twenty-four hours is the time Chief Stewart thinks should be al- lowed for returning the tag. before other proceedings are taken. It might well be ex- tended to three times that length. Nothing would be lost b_v waiting and. with allowing three days. there would be plenty of time for the one charged to pay in person or send the dollar by mail. In case l'urther notice is re-` quired, provision should be made to send it by registered mail. thus saving the cost of ser- vice by constable. \{r\lv\nI l\l\r\\\It\ o`p\-o Inunnlui-sou bk.` U\l\Ic`Izs\tvv Incvvn ..... .._, w...w....... Fining people for breaking the parking laws should be regarded only as a pointed reminder that the regulations (which are made to fa- cilitate the movement of traffic and for the protection of the public) must be observed. Fines should not be considered from the rev- enue angle. and so should be imposed with as little additional costs as possible. The Town Council should. 1'urt.her. publish the most im- portant features of the parking bylaw, so that THE BARRIE ESQAMINER 1:`:-On Id}:-Inn.-I IQRA THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1939 )I'\I\l\II_ L/\l \l Established 1864 Page Two EDITORIAL car drivers may know what. is expected of them in Barrie. rrn....... .:.. ..... ...... 1.....x.-..-.. ...~...1;nn lnum H`| bllclll 111 D'a.u.u:. There is no use having parking laws if they are not enforced. But they should be enforced in such a way as to cause as little friction as possible. Motorists, treated as out.- linecl above, would have no reasonable cause to complain, for if they are in doubt as to any point they can always (enquire. There is no reason why parking rules should be ignored in Barrie any more than they are in 'I`m'oni.o. Hon. Gordon Conant states that thorn will be no broadening of the Sunday laws -.11. the 1939 session of the Logisl:1t.111'o. Opinion throughout the province ha:~: l)w~n very om- phatic against any move l,ow:n`(l:~'. u wido-open Sunday, as the Govm-nmmii. no doubt. l't'|i7.l'S. It is estinuated l.h:1l; the Dominion and the provinces have to repay or rv1`un $2,288.12 millions of debt carrying; im.m'nst. rates of 31/4 per cent. or more. Fig1n`Ps likv :~:hm11d make the politicianx rmlizo Lhv :1b.~:nlut.n need no` hnnichiy1n- nun nm-He-nmhin nnrl wnrkhm At last session of the Imusn of Comm :1 Political Expvnclitnro Act. was inl.mducv(l to ensure clean elections. This 1no:1.~'.\11'v was w0l- comed as promising; :1 splvndid v1o('t.01'ul ro- form, bu I, it. found its way to :1 pigzoon hole in- stead of bnimg` brought. in :1 vow. If the mmn~ bers of pa1'li:1mvnt,, lmth p:1l`l.i(`.\`, uro sincere ha than. .-I.-...:..n I'r\u~ nlnnn nlnnlinnu In1 Ihnrn IH'd.K{: one 1)UHl.|l'.Iu|1.\ l('ill|(;l' mu` uumrnuu, In l.\.| of banishing potty and working together for lower y:nvm'nmm1l.:1I t-0.s'1,.-4 and balanced bn(lg'nl.x. I IJCI-3 UI pa|IuI.u|l'u|. lllllvll pununn, |I|\ nun,-4`, in their desire for clvzm olovtiom lot. thnml unite to put. this much nnorlvd n1n:1.\`ur\ (Ill the lstatutn books. I e | With all the improvmnonts made in anto-| mobiles, one thing` which has bai`t`lccl the manufacturers has been the prodiiction of :1 non-glare heacllight, but thcre is a possibility that this iay soon be provided. One of the properties of a newly discovered substance called Polaroic is that it will eliminate glare. If present plans of the inventors are realized, cars may be cqnippcd with this sub-; stance in a year or two. doing away with the chief discomfort and peril of night, clrivimz. ` Hugh Plaxton, M.P.. replying to cri1,icism of him for failure to reveal to the Premier or the Minister of Defence that his brother was one of those interestlecl in the company formed to get the contracl, for the Bren gun. states that to do so would have laid him open 1.0 a charge -4` ..Aa.........4:...,.. 4;. 0......" (`nunu nn 1-unlinnl SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada, $2.00 a year; in United States, $2.50 a year, pay- able in advance. Single copies, cents. Subscribers wishing to dis- continue puper at expiration of per- iod paid for are expected to notify this office before date of expiry. DU UU BU VVUUALI lh'l.Vl l(l.l\A Illlll \.lP\.l| nu u. \nnuuAg_5\, of attempting to curry favor on political grounds. Or was he afraid to let the Prime Minister know? The explanation offered may kn ...-.Hnnn+.-...u in `Ann ulnvo-nu H11 inrlmnnn... Wlullblzcl nuuw: Luv l" UAIUIITLA uAu._y be satisfactory to Mr. Plaxton. Will indemn- dent electors so consider it? Last Sunday the Salvation Army feat,u1'ed` the work it is doing in the penal inst.itut.ions` and prisons of Canada. This branch of the Army's work has received well deserved sup- port, for the following reasons: (1) Early age average of p1'isone1's; (2) Army's success in handling prisoners the world over; (3) Hope. The Army offers to many the only ray of light `I:.-. (`nan nr 1-urn-nnvr1rr nvirno' 14\ D1-nvnnfnfivn. ' LIIC fllllly lll AC1 P: In! IIIKLIIJ nun, u..._y A--._y \lA ub..u in face of increasing crime; (4) Preventative and cha1'acter-binilding work with youth of both sexes and with first and petty offenders. Army officers attend the police courts in all large centres every day. All prisoners are vis- ited and meetings conducted. Thousands are kept from repeating by these methods. ._.._., o -..._ 5 it : resources of any who may seek use of their` Nearly any urban municipality can show that a very large percentage of its relief re- . cipients have become residents since organiz- 1 ed relief was established. In Barrie over a 1 third of the reliefees come under this cate-'j gory. The town of Latchford, troubled with : an influx of people unable to support themsel- ves. has taken a novel method of stopping this f invasion. An edict. issued by the town coun- uh cil in bylaw form, provides that any person owning property in the Town of Latchford, or in the corporation. who shall lease or rent as ` a dwelling place. or an abode of any descrip-I tion, to any person or persons who are unable` at any time to maintain themselves or their families, in any degree or form, shall be re- sponsible for the same tenants` sustenance and maintenance. It is claimed that this will serve a two-fold purpose. It will compel all owners of premises for rent to determine the] i i l property on a rental basis and to make certain ' that they will at no time become public charg- es. It will also make these citizens watch (logs for the municipal relief department. BETTER BEDDING LAW Ronfrow Morcur_v-v-All ln8Hl`(`S(`S, pillows, rrushinns and similar bedding products that are made or sold in Ontario. will now bvar :1 label signifying the nut- uro of materials used in their manufacture. as a result of the "Better Bedding Law recently enacted by the Ontario G0\'(`l`nXllt"l\l Bedding articles that are brand new insidv and nut will be identified with ll` white lzibol; list` of converted materials for stuffing. such as udcls and mids and b_\'-pl`0(`ill(`l.\` from other in~ dustrios. will lw indicated by 3 blue label; and sec- ond-h:md :ll'li(`1t`.\ will be marked as such with yellow. Dealers aw brim: givon lwn nizmlhs in (`Ivar their present stovkx`. REQUIREMENTS FOR NURSING Roufrew lVlt`l`t`ul`_\'--VV0l'd wines from Toronto that the regulation roquiring a dozen middle-school sub- jects by nui'svs~xn-training at hospitals. which was to hm-e~ b(`L`0ln<` (`lft`(`ll\'` on July 1. 1939. will be de- ferred umil October. 1940. No doubt lhe postponement is (luv tn :1 w;1\'i~ of opposition developing throughout the pl`0\.'lll(`t`. If llivro has really been a protest of the kind. 1! it g1` in volume and have the regulation vul out vmirvl_\', Two or thrve years of high school training is aniplv for girls taking up nursing. Of courst` a highvr t`du<"l1i0n would be better for mem. as it would be better for f`\'(`l`_Vb0d_V. but all too many cannot afford it: besides. some of the subjects are of no practical vuluo lo nlll S(`.\`. '_I`ho idoa is not :1 higher degrve of cullurv for mvmbors of tho prnlession. but to limit the number of persons taking it up, It is safe to say that Mllnt` of tlmso vomwiving the idea could not mukt` :1 palss on me-lmlf of the twelve sul)jecis. Some of them porlmps cmnplot:-d the nursing en-urse when a year in high ezrliuul met the z-ducutionul smndnr-:1 rnnnirn.-I Feta uired OPINIONS OF OTHERS :oIf6izIALT Ndfss ARTIFICIAL ICE WILL PAY Owen So1md s experience in the first year of operation of its excellent; artificial ice ar- ena, as indicated in an article on Page One of this issue, provides the answer to Barriefs problem. rlhmn Ivnngvnnnhln (nu!-\v\r\y-I 1-. H. nu.-...1.. Ar (9 , -~nnw'_q your feed holding out?" Ono of the big prnblmn'~`. 01' the f:||`n](?1~ is to grow as much feed as possible for the winter feeding of; live stock and then guess as nearly as he can just. how many head uf 111}; various c1:Issos: he (-an bring 1in'm1g'h in gtmd shun!` on ma food! available. 1 In l'DI` utilh Q(ln1P`liYILTkl` 1`-n\I\II nvunnmc. _ . 3 We read with snmothmg hku r-nvyu of tho I'm'tunat0 I01. of tho Now` 7.unlnnd fm'n1(-r, whn in tho : rinus: 1-limalo uf that islv beneath` 1110 Southern Cross, not-ds neither [mm nur :~:ml>Io nnd keeps his Stork! Iuxuriminpr in lush pashm` me your! round. \I.u-u .]il`l`n\-nn! innh-nri 1n {hm `!1`\,l IN IS ll) DU l`X])(`(.'H'(l. ! Thu immortal Dickens recounts int `Oliver Twist tho nttmnpts nt :1 cm`- tmin wurthy tn nvt-r(~un1o tho (>1)- viuus (Sl(tV1ll1l.'l}{(`S of having in prutvidv (`out for his pigs. (' hvltl .-stznnnohly to th- lh('()]'_V that givon |)l`()])('l' training the pm-kvrs could hn (.-urn-(I mt lhvir r-xpemaivv hnhit, nt` v:1tim.;' t'rvd. Ho (`SS|_V(`(t by n L{I'.'ut- unl l`(`(tl1(_`li()n of tho rutirms to wt-an Ithvm away from th(- trough .'IllI)- p,-1-thvr. And he might h|UV(` .\`ll('l`('('(t-4 rd tun. had it not br-on for thv pm- vnking ci1'cu1nstan(.-0 that vvvry time hv mzmagotl to got. a pig (`(t1lL'ilI(`(t to tho point. where it was being fvd just. one pen :1 dny_ for some inex- ptica.b1(* 1'(-nmn the thing died. Vividlv tnn vnnmnrv rnnnlk thn. ])|lCvDl(` l'(`ilI"()l1 IIH` Hllllg (l|(`Cl. | Vividly ton. memory romlls H10` yearly lribuInli of a Sinu-no 501- I vr whose land, on being clear:-d. turned out in be anything hm for- tilv. Yet so loath w.'1s ho to admit iho tlnplnnsnnt fact, Ihm he pvrsislvcl in carrying just, as many cnlllo as his neighbours. whose fvod supply was at, least Iwico as nbundam. I A0 I: wnunh nlnnrr inur-n-rl crnnn I`!/{I5 III, Hfill |W|L'(.' H5 EIUUHUIHII. As :1 result. along inward spring wv would be hearing that smno ul`| 'I`nmp'kins' cows were on iho 1i1'l."., I win Ln l~,`:4 ..t` oh.` . \:V\:`:r\`1\I~` .u...,........ ` ..\..\, .... .... nu. .. I-`or lho lzonefil, of thv uniniiiatnd it, should be explained that to lhm cow weakened by monlhs or mongn.-' rations of buckwheat straw and frosted corn stalks lhoro innvilnblyl r-nrnnu n Hnnn uyhnn ihn nrnnni.-Hndl II'OSll`(I CUXT1 SIEIIKS lIlL'l'(' In|'Vllil|)l_ comes :1 time when the emaciated lac`-ast s onfueblod lvgs fail to lift her to a standing posture and the stnblomzm then finds himself with another chore on his hands - the imvrmsingly difficult task of "tail- ing up" the poor bossy mch morn- . .........B.... ...,.. ............ `II Ottawa. March 7--A new lumin-IV ary has appeared in the politieut S skies of Canada. The brillimiee ofw" the new star is quite evident but If its size has still to be dotermined.| It is bL`ll('V(`d by some it will turnjf out to be a meteor. not a star. The ll Hon. W. D. Herrid[.',e. forrrier min-I` ister for Canada at Washington, has ll given his political cri-ed in a speech I` at Ottawa. He is an advocate oil political reform of :1 "new demo-l eracy" which would elect :1 peo-' plc-'5 parliament. The first thing to do. in Mr. llerri(lge`s opinion would i be to get rid of the old political l purtii-5:. Mr. llerri(l{;'e said he i thought the present parties it leftij in control would unite in u nzil1on- [1 :il government which would reull;/|' be t`zis('ist in its nntiire. The . JHlCk.\`|l . on Parliament brought an nngrv re- sponge in the House of Commons` `from Mr. Slaght. member for` Parry Sound. Ontui-in, 'l`hv ullc,-gu-i - tion that Parliament was not free . and that the p(1l'lll`S might unite tol 'It'oi'm a fascist government were` 'l\'ile slui`s"_ said the member. Mr.` ! Lzipointv. Mil1lSl('l` of Jtistice, re-` - ferrod to :1 s of Mr. Her- ridge that you will never get pros-_ perity until you get into parlia-5 5 mom. men who l()\.'t" their country: I better than tliemselvt-s." "That is at [ mean. Sl{ll1d(`l`Ull3~' statement." said; , the minister. "and l repudiate it. ;,for all my i-rillezigiivs in this rmr-i lliziinent." ] | l av: A , .- w l I Mr. llerridge's New I)emocrac,v" ...-nu .... I The iompor of parliamnnt these} days has burn on nccusioii far fromi placid. Thv (-dimr of the Globe and| Mail. Toronto. with his rampaign; for "the leadership lexmgue" has been; something of :1 thorn in tho fIosh.i Members are still getting league. .-nunnnc fl-nnn H-in nnrmr Fdhnrinlc` yl UIJICIII. Given reasonable support by the people of Barrie and district, artificial ice should be made to pay. Owen Sound s net profit this year will exceed $15,000 on an original invest~ ment of less than $75,000. What Owen Sound has done, Barrie should be able to accomplish. t\-up... n.\......1 -..-...L ..I......A. LI... .............:L:....- :._ lVlI`nDL`l'S are sun gt-lung |L'ug,ll(*t mrupons from the paper. Editorials` in another paper. the Ottawa Citi--I zen. have amused the wrath of} some of the leaders in the House.-,1} and it was suggested that the editor, might be brought to the bar or met House to prove the statements that the parties were "nothing but mrm- 5 v_\' collectors miduavoring to win`. elections." The idea, hnwr>vvr. wnsf - . Inna nu:-runrl nun 4 `Inn \,I.lAlll\I \vl|4. ` Another Munitions Contract ' Discussed Another munitions contract. one. for the mamifacture of shells. has` been discussed in Parliament. and has been referred to the public ac- _counts committee. In relation to` {this contract opposition members `have claimed t`a\'oritism and pat- ronage" were shown in awarding the contract. Government support- ers have said the fullest. opportun- ity for investigating the contracts! will be given in the public accounts committee. The Prime Minister said` in the debate, With respect (0 pm. I flteering. with respect to any gov-: ernmcnt contract. whether it is in` connection with the Department of? Defence or any department of thei government. so far as this admin- istration is concerned. we will do all in our power to prevent any- thing of the kind." If anything is proven to exist. he said. we willl do all in our power to make an ex- ample ot those responsible." The. government welcomes. Mr. King said. the fullest inquiry by the pub- lic accounts committee. The skies. overhead were not yet clear. In: the light of the world situation be-I in: what it is, said the Prime . FEEDS f\ND FEEDERS -:. THE BARBIE EXAMINER, BARBIE. 0N`I`.. CANADA THE OTTAWA SPOTLIGHT A Weekly Review of National Affairs SPECTATOR. By; :\:g-ISCOICI (2) mg, Grasping 1h(- lmvinv lady by the tail as lhv must x-unvunivnt means of applying Ihv n<-cvssuI'y "umlift". ho zldds-z tho sin-unnlh nI' means ()1 ilpplylllg UH` !1('L'(`SS:II'y ;"uplif1". adds: tho slrvnnlh n!" his own muscles In Hm! nf Ihv struggling cow and up she r-mm-sv-- maybe. ' I An umlimiut H` thorn mu-r umu nun ' muyuu. I An uplimi. if more c-vu-r was um-, {jovial "Squiru 'l`mnpkin.~z zu:(:vpvml, Iall this as being in llw usuzll orrlor of things`. F`nlluwin].{ nnv 1.-xlm dry -:nvnnr\m' hn fnnnd himunlf nl lhn .....-, __.... -... .........u r.r\4 nu.-.. uu u.u\u.u,.:-nu Owen Sound went about the proposition in :1 business-like way. and the result has been that the arena has far more than fulfilled the fondest expectations or its sponsors. Be- sides proving a profitable enterprise. it has provided the people of that city and district with an unexcellecl community building and interest. It has justified the hopes of even the most optimistic. Tho f\nvnv-u Qnnnd Ailnlnn hnn rhcnuvn ('r\I-\ n 0! llllllgh. I`UlllIWIlI].`, Inn` (_'.`(lI'\:l ury :~:um1m-1' ho fmmd himsnlf :11 the `latter end nl` January nlmnst mm- lpletely out of 1'1.-Ml. Was he (lawn- lwarled? Nut he-`. Sure I'll Do nblv {to bring tho cows lhrmmh alright lnnw." ho nxplnilwd to sympnlhizing n0ighbm'.~'. You SPO. llwrs only 'L\v-my-1-ighl. days in Fvhrunry and llh0l`C"S sure 10 be some picking by lthv last of March." Tlsnun urn hnnninvw ylnnu fun Hun I'.n( HIS! Ul lVliU'(. H. ' 'I`h(=se urn happier days for lhv cows r.'u r=Iy indvvd (loos nno hem` emf lhvm being "nu the lift any mare. With the adoption of that wonder cmp, alfzIlfa_ on so many `farms whore it was furnwrly ilhmngllt, ixnpnssihlo In grow it. :1 great impmvomr-nt hns: Ink:-n nlm-0 !in the quality as won as llw qu.m- Hity of winter fuddvr. rlrnnrir-tnrv ".<:1nr-k fnnd~.~" .I\nnn.')r I llly ()1 WIIll(`l` Ilxuurl`. Prom-ivtary "stock fnnd:~1" nmwnr m be losing thnir mu-Iimo pupulm-- iiy~-and for gnml lr\asnn. As shown conclusively frum ihu rvsulls of mzmy (`..`([)(`l'il'n(`nlS and :llHIlyS(`S tabulated in |'m`m hullvlins (lc-nling wilh this xubjor-1. many uf thu-xv sn- u::1l1(`(I l`vo(i.s`. if nnl cnmpk-1.o'l_v xvnrthlc-3:: :H`(` pI'i(`('d away nhnvo ,:my vnliw Ihoy may p:: pus`- ,sv.s's. Good r-loan. hnnw-grown furl- dvrs: mid grains nrv us :1 rule all that is noodt-rl to km-p in gnarl thrifty mndilinn -wilh lho addition of somv nf tho inoxponsivo mint-rnl supplonivnts now nvnilnhlv. Wu... nnnrminnnl ||I\"\rirII7 `\nn:~. gcmyp-x nu ..... .....v ..u......,.. I 'I`h(\ occasional lmlhrifly boast |mu_v roquiro :1 tunic, but as pninlml lnul. in tho l)1)ll01ir1s_ yuur vvlvrin- I-.n~v m- vmur [`n\mrilu- 1`h`nmIiul (`nu [()III. In NH` |)lllll'Illl.\_ yulu Vl ll'llll' any or your fnvnrilv (`h`ug,'L{isl can supply this :11 3, fraction of Ihv crust if purchust-rl in lhv form of must 411` {I10 stuck fuu(1.<." A yarn vroditvd 10 Iho grml Spur- gvon, pictures :1 S(`(`lH` in an Old Country market place. A garrlllou.-4 lmckstur wilh :1 bony. l)ruk(~n-(lawn |equino hr-twoon tho : of his cart is earnestly holding forth to tho listening (`rmvd on lhv suhjt-ct mi` his run-dnwn hnrsv and of all ilhnt hr` has dnnn nmmrd building H nn % N u up. Ho wont fn groai length in r~num- muting all the noslrums, panncuzxs, pnlladiums. mu-us, rvmodios zmd 10nir`S that. ho had tried on his Ivan and dispirited stood. "l`vr- triml ov('r_vthing. he declared. \MIuvrnnnnn nn nh! fnrrnnv innniv. (`Vl'I'_YlHlHg. I](`_ (ICC d l . Whorcupon am old falrmnr inquir- Pd. MiSl(`l`, did ynu vvvr try um.-'9 R Minister. let us have any inquiry we like. but. do not. for gooclnr-ss _[snkc. unless it. is obviously neces- ,s:iry. let. us do anything to croatv Imorc in tho way of suspicion and |clistrust in the minds of the people got this country in connvction with tiDc-fence affairs and In department. ]which is seeking to do its utmost to , make the d(*l`enc(=s of our country [what they should be." -I The New Wheat Policy Parliament and tho country await -`with interest the details of tho plans for aiding the Western `arm- ing population. The government has zilrvady oxplainocl that the 140 cent guarantt-v basis number rn(~ L'Nurthorn Fort William! will ['0 -lsupet`(`0dod by an zicrozigo bonus vlwhich will L-liminzitv the inoquitios :lot' the t'o1'mi-r plan An " payment by pools under go'/r-rn- `mi-nt gum'antt-0 and 1-nc0ui';i;{v- `mt-nt for tho pools will be furthv r l(?()l`l)f`l`Sl0llt`S of tho now plan i)l.l [the full provisions will not be lknown until the government's plans `aro ('0mpl(*l(` and have been plucul '.`b(~forv tho House. During the }'.:i:~.t -`wovl: n largo dc-lc-gation (with Premier Bracken of Manitoba; ro- _pres(-nting grain interests of tho -1 three prairie provincr-s, presvnu-cl zi vgbriuf to the govornmt-nt in which a g tho continuance of the wheat board jiplan and of the 80 cent guzn'unto<- till)!` the i935)-40 period Wl'I`(` iiI'p;od. . A mimbor of othr-r siiggustiuiis W(`l'(' included in tho brivf, which our limited spar-0 dot-s not allow :1 full description. Broadcasting Corporation Affairs The Camulian Broaclormlng Cor- poration is nntouchvcl and unaf- ;,:t`u(-t~(l in any manner by politics. olMr. Brockington. president or the s`|CBC. told 11 special committvv of .. : tho Commons_ which has started its f.zinnual rvvicw of tho <'orpor:ition's ,-,lnft'airs. Tho corporation and its yr . board of governors assumod full ro- e.xpon.~`il>ility for tho policy and ad- it ministration of llw rndm :. i tinn I l i 3 l 3 I I 1 y i I I 2 l 9 i (`nrpnru- : l like. t sake. unI~ lnxm-n in Ipllldllull. nu. I.IA\J\!\lll5tlll| .`\d|Ll (Ill 't'e;itures of the Royal visit. would be carried over the radio network. _ that a more extensive l)ro:i of `S-;lll`\\'S from the Canadian Press iiwnuld be heard hereafter and that 1 there would be an exchange of pro- ',gt'amines with the new national lsysterri in Newfoundland. Two new 'l1iglt-pr,wered stations would soon "the in operation. one at Sackvillv. g ! New Brunswick. the other at Wat- ':t`ous. Saskatchewan. The govern- ment had been asked for aid to construct a new station near Wind- sor. Ontario. to increase the cover- age in Southwestern Ontario. That section has been troubled with in- terference from Mexico. British Columbia was another part of the Dominion still inadequately cover- ed, The CBC programmes reach on- ly two thirds of the population. The mountainous country was partly responsible. An immediate study of the whole situation in B.C` would be begun. I ) S 1 ! i I I o I I I I 1 l ulu; (nu-3|: UpVl|lll>1UlU. The Owen Sound Arena has drawn from a wide area during the past season, bringing thousands of people to town from many miles distant. They have left considerable money in town and have done quite a lot to keep the business men prosperous during the winter months. As 21 business-getter and advertiser, it has proved itself very valuable. T_......1 _ ~ . _ ` _ . . _ . _ . . . A . ....r..u ............L:.... -1- UUH. . Giving an impr0s (l('s(`I`ipti(m `inf the growing activities of the cur- purutiun. Mr. Brockington said all fl`:lIltl`PS ll... .-an-rinnl nunv ihn vzulin nmm...~|, Instrnctnr: "Yuu .~`-ny in this papvr `Vtha! you know the (`annealing link {between the animal and vegmablr kingdoms. What is it?" Student: "Stew". ` l)l:~E('0V'l-TREI) BROTHER 0F 1 BARRIE WOMAN INVENTSPLAN1 (Continued from Pam-: One) (in not ulmck the scnllm'(\rl squad- ron. 'l`h(,-y rise nbuvv and mnro 01" the airy mi:~`.silc-s cnmv gliding dnwn.I Soon iho um-my aircraft arc (`l]l`!`i ,(l`stmyml or liulibling bwck ll1rnu;.-_h ' tlw air to their own cuunlry. Air Ruitls In I.zI. Wm` This is how the now S(`h(`n1f* nf air-rlofenco. which might smnn fnrm one of Britain's s1,rnngo.<:1. prntor-live forces. will wurk. Mr. Russ has also :~:ubmiH.r=(l it In tho Wnr (lfficv. Home Office and Adniirnlly. Wv unrlm's'1:md that su vulunblo did ii nmwrn` lhul it is :11 prvsnnl hr.-in}: r-xporimentocl wilh. l"hP n|l-imnm-lrmi inch-unnnni In Xpl'l'lT]1L`I1l.(`CI \.\/H11. The znll-imp instrument In this plan is nnl a now lypu of gun. It is an adaptation M` a weapon knnw In vvvry nld 5 ?-- Ihv Mills bomb. Hill` pI\L`L` unvunll Iv. Ila P.-nnl Iln:.z- Wllllb uuulu. I Mr. Ross .s'r-rvwt In thv ft-rmt lim-5; durimz ttw (irvut War with thv .S`hot't'iol(l City nnttalinn. "Tho idt-a of using the Mills: bomb ng:|in- ` st. raiding `plant-.-: first strut.-k mo in ! thv lrom-hos". he said to :1 "Slmtgh ' ()bN(`l'V('t"' I'( ]`)l`('Hl'nt{IHV(`. "'l`hv (it-r- ` mam plnnos usnd In (~.~n`u- nvc-r amt ' almnsl sit rm thv jnh -1h!-y |:Iirl" n I bomb where thvy lik('(l, And what was il1]])l`('.'`.'~`.I`(| lI|')UH my l and that at` 1-vvry .<.uI(ti:-r -- was thu- futility of tho :mti-:Iircr:Ifl uun:~1 If Hwy (-vvr hit 1: plnnn it was by 3'ht`(`l` luck. Thv vnmny pilots lISl`(l to laugh at thvm- and don't fur- p,-t that in llmsv (tnys tlwy unl_v' ll`x'IV('t.`(l nl, :l|)UlH tilt milr-3 an hour. nut. 200 to 1101) as thr-_y rtu nrm/hr|ny.<.l "Well, tho irlvn !~`.il11lTlt`I`(`(l in my mind for yu:II`,-4. As thv spvml Hf zmrnnlnnr-:; im-rt-:1. I .~:nw how more and more ludicrous l.h(- idea of :1nti-nirt-rntt nurls hauling h.'1<~k l)v:n\bin;,r . hI`(`.'lln(.`. I. 1:; I think many p(',(t])I(- (lid. 1'v;I|i'/.1-(I that by the time an unti-nir:raft lmltc-t'_v| rt-I-4-i\u-1| .-1 ItIlt||\hnIuI that mind null nu Ill HIHILV lllHIl.`\i in -lm1(l.~: pf inln tho with c pl.'uw.~'. And ht-rn i llltlllll`. Ami h(,`l`(` is the most part of thv schmm-. Thv bnmb ht: has imu-nlort will unly (`F\'|)ItI(l(,' when coming intu (-nntuvt with -in <)b_](-ct moving at 300 mil:-s an hum` nr uvvr! 'l'lmus:tml.\` of lht-m will drift to the grmm(l nntrmchu-d but lhvsv will hv quitv hnrmlt-.~:s am! will be nblv to bv hnnrllt-(I in (`(1111- plvte snft-ty. Mr. Ross thinks that :1 l`L`\VZll`d of I .'~`.hiHim.;' 2.")(-I tor ('{l(`h bomb (-nllvclvd and l:lkt`l1 tn lin- nenrcst police station shntllrl he of- t'L-rod. so that may would be uh]:- tu bu used again. Harmuni7.:~ With Sky pull 1|\rn~n an... .u..-n IHU Ihv -.,....-.v-.~. \l\4 ....\, ....u..\. \/\l .......... ..._, The Owen Sound hockey teams have been generously supported this season, not alone by the people of the city itself, but also by thousands within a radius or 75 miles. Tick- ets for the various games were put on sale in the smaller towns and villages. and every encouragement was given the rural people to take a personal interest in the arena and the hockey teams. Ylfh hnnrh-nu-In nl` `Dnvrin rlnllcn-n run fhn IL'|\'ll. -`ll llllll llI"y V\/lllllll I}I' 1|l}I" But Ihr-re are l1]()I'l` I'm-tors tn mukv lhn (`l1(']lly .'1ii'nmn's lifv :1 hell. Ev:-ry boml) znul pzirnclmtu will be painlt-rl :1 (l:1pplr~(l bluv, so that they will hzirmnnizv with lhv sky. As lhv guns throwing mil the- lminhs will give nu vxyxlusinn HUI puff nut smoku-, lhr- invading sqimm runs will In` nnnw:n'v ml llw (l1lllLZ('l unlil they urn in lhu- midst of it. Also, Mr. R054: is ('()l1fi(lr`l1l lliul lighl uiri-raft will he uhlv in l;z- fil- trrl wilh ('ill1l])IlllS. 'l"h(-y will then bv nhlo to rise IIl)U\'(` the invmlm's and prnjr-i-1 llw hmnhs (lawn on in Ihr-n1 lll|lH lllL'_Y ill (' III I (-umpultx be ab I): thr-m. Yn Okn nnvn 4.1` -x UIUIH. I In tho trnso ul` :1 hvnvy raid," said' Mr. Ross. "Iam=,.< of bmnl)-throwing guns wnuld be urrunggr-ti so that it |wnuld bu :nl)snlu1(-ly impns.~:iblr`: fur any pI:mu- to gr! 1lmm;:h untmI('h- nd guru! I|KL'lHllJUU UI Hllllllly. The possibilities of tho S('h(`m(' are not nnly limiied In land. Mr. Rnss said that it would 1): just as offvclivv at son. the mmpnlts bo- hng fitted on ships and `mu mI'(`rnf1,' Ihv invaders thus In-ing u1I.'u-k--(I bI`fUr1- Hwy I`0:l('htd our 911:-moss`. ('lj . Marv impnrtant than thv nctuul dc-.<.tmying nf :1 fvw enemy m-ru- planos. Mr. Rr.-.s.~: ('r)nSi(l('l`S tho {am that the mnmlv nf the 4'-nt-my will` be Complvtr-ly (!vs1m_vo(l. "In H14`, last war the jifv M an nirmnn \N.'| given as three w<~(-ks." he said. Zm if flyors know that thr-y (`llnni (-24- pocl to (`0lT1(` away KIHVD frum ;1l single raid~-1hcr<- would b(' :1 \'m'_\': great likelihood of mutiny." Thu nnqcihilinc nl` Hm er-I-mmn RARE Owl. (`AUGIIT MEAFORD -- Alex. McI.nun_ :: pupil at MU:afUl'(| high S('h:)ul. cup- turod :1 rurv owl lust wt-ek. Thus 18 the first record of this species (war made in this district by tho .\r1mfn1r1 N:-tLu'ul History club. The nwl was` In an uppurvmly 5I(ll`V('d cundtlmn and died shortly after being r-np1vu'- l ln-d. I! will he mt-umocl. 3 benefits of the Church with:-ut shar- ing uny of the burdens, uhliguilons ur sacrifices. \Uhu in it (A rnnnv urnrnnn hvnrn nn 1 Too many want 10 share: all the| I U! Sv'JCl`HlL'`S. Why is it so many women have nn sense of tairness in dvullng Wl`h a rnnn" man: Positinn due-sn`t prnvo either char- acter or ability. neither does wealth, pmve worth. Some of the best have least money or curnfnrt. and some of H10 worst h u\7n nmmo nave mnsx. A newspaper circulation to abide must have real wnrlh back of it. Why blame the Church for (`undi- tinns yuu are helping to cn.-;'nto. and not helping to remodvi` -Non Nomolos .. ...... 1...-..--.. ......... v._,._, ......u-.--....... Leaving aside the successful operation of the arena itself, the whole scheme has proved beneficial to the entire community. In... .u_.-.- ..-`.._.s \.-_|___. A._.._.__ 1.-...- t.-_.. Some Thiqkabouta [jllllillll HIUH U1! Yl(.'l\lilI omlv will my In - `op Pu! ow `no :1 v-lh(-r<- am; ..r ...oi.... - 1 (Copyright) l.`\illlU5 HI ll'l'l Elllll l,Hl'lI hlll1(ll`('dS flnnl down | of th- invmling .'1(-rn- .vm'- .'m|n'n:Ic|Iim: ::hm)s.L nvvrhr-nrl. I huvv to he (lnnr: '1. It wnlllrl bv :1 In nnv thnl they! I '1! x(`dY. -Non ` 1`iV`SUGGESTiTON V WHICH IF FOL1.0WI.3`l')w 1 FULLY WOULD MEAN MUCH TO BARBIE With Hm ubjt-cl of kw-ping Hu- l)u-.~tin(-ss nf thv (`mmdizm Nnlimmll Railways lmfmw tho puhliv. Ihvl staff of lhv Barrio sizirm l.~:.~'urs :1` munlhly hull:-linvullinf1:nHt~ntinntn `thv :<("l".'il'!'H urfvrml by lhv var-` inns d'~pz1r11m-nls. I 'l`hv M:lI'('h hull:-lin urpzv.< <-lnsvrg mutual cn-lI|')('l`:llilnl nu lhv pnrl M both the railway omnlnyn-r-s; and !h- rnt~I'(~lI.'InI,s' of Barrio - :1 sort of gulch-II rnlv ith-n. that earl: shuulrl l1('l|) lhv (`>H11'l'. Ht-ro nrc 1hr.-I twn up:-nilu.f p.'n';u-,r:nph.< of the bul-` It-tin: [ I I`r.\n|..u.....- `Flu. --u-nnnI\nnlc~ nl` |('LlllI En1pluym.s- - 'I'lw mm`(-hnnls nf H.'n'riv nrv }n'<`p:I|`I-I In fI|r11i#h your spring m-mix :1! prit-r-.<: lhzll rum p:m- fnvcmrhly wilh uulsirlv rom- prlilnrs. Lm-::l IIH-l`('h. IlH`= :n'- an as- I '21-! W ymnr -nnmmnily. l'n'l|)lnyilI: `aE1'i'Ij*::.=)*TNow% BEING SOUGHT {OR THE [FARM -HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTEST I IU\/ILCJ DCGIIIO. With hundreds of Barrie dollars on the verge of going to Midland to swell the profits of the arena and the merchants of that town. the time would seem propitious for a careful survey of the entire situation as it affects Barrie. For years, the same thing has been go- lng on. and it seems high time that something should be done about. it. A little leadership is needed; let's have it! , ,_ /.\,,__

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