John A. Carroll, Manager of Match! Has Long Ref;_<)1:c1`>>Vf>l. ublic Service` 4}) _: H /!)(H 14% Mr:./ //'nm's /: Z/V///y\/(). / .A>s //Q./n 1 ./ 0/:7-. ///,/W /2}`, 1.,/./. MINESING .77 /1 / )HH,'/ `ll /1///u`/./X{ /V //H ////(`A /I /)r///(V .- '.u-.\-.. u . un uI'l`i-iznl visit to the ., 1." |'2X( `|'2l.I.I'}N(?\", 7.i\I.(i.. ('.II., (im an; HTY, LORI) ' (luv:-rImr-l *1 A AI, um (H llll(|HIl)_ Ilhll bm` C.'unn(li.'m S AgI'iz:ulllu'i.-:15; 5' lurin Hr)I'li('ullu l`1Il'in /\.\'.\ U('|.'IH4I 1 "...t..I lurnl [):I[)('I`:~ ` l :nsl Mush- IVII-Inhvr Hf Mmwiud, Im.-2 (|:|,1l}.:|Il('l'. lh-::I "_V-( 371-171:-Iwl I Riflus. Dr-(" uh... I ; FORMER CHAMPION ior INNISFIL TWP. |HERE FOR MATCH '11 -u,- u \ I l'Inwm:| n. .---nu up, 521 I M021 ls`, ' \\'|m\ on----ma nnauavga TEN 'I`HOUSAND COP- 11s;s 01 The Examiner's Plowing` Match Section are printed this week. 5000 01` whieh will be (lis- l,ribuI.ed at the Plowing: I\/Inn-I1. This is the lm'p.'esl, numbt-1` 01' copies of u .-sim;'I(- is.'~:m- ever printecl hy :t'11ew.~;p:1per 01" Simcoe (`nlIlIl.y. 10,000 COPIES OF ..T I I-u|.\ u SI`ENCF.R L- gfik`. (`f<)1,I`.` w. n. I.INnsA\' 1 liirm-lur. 'll:Ig'1-I's\'ill:- .l. .|. 'l`Il-IRNl'1\ , l)ir-1-lnr. lirm-kvillv COL. J. J. I)lIl"l"lIS iI'!'('l0l`. M.l .. l'Mm'lmrn . `I. I'I'l:I4 ll I)iI'('l'l0I . Lumlcm HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION of ONTARIO 'Plowing Important Factor In Producing High Quality i Necessary to Hold Marlfgtisg How TO PUT HYDE` TO WORK ON YOUR FAR; ran nammz EXAMINIR, imnxrlt. oN'r., CANADA (iuml litzhting pttysl El~(~t.ri(: tzunps billlihh Ltw ultt-tzt.-sltinttvrt tn lu11t.m'n with its nakt-ct tlzuno and give.` prtt-r-lr-:45 tirv ])l'Ut.m'tiUt tn llltht`. burns zmd m1t.buil(tinL',.s'. l`ht-n trm. zt vw-H-lit:ht.-I tntrtt 3.'ur(t w:u'nx t)t1x'p,tu1'suwuy from your vztlnnhlv tivvstm-k amt c-quip mt-nt. Amt vvory puuttxgv t`:t1'nwx' knnwx that an vlw-t,rir':nl|y lllrhtm ht`11h()llS(` tnnans hip;h(-1' pmdm-t.iun . . . murv 1-uus pt-1' hvn that 1mt,<'h bvttvt`. have g]'(`Htt`|l. loud vulm-. :;tmm',< 2111-11. and n:tLu1'ully sell br-t.t.vx'. Tlw Iu1'n1M`s who are making tho nmsst n1nm*j' 1zn(l:af.'u1v t?|m..- whu nrv xnnking; 1,110 l`11llt,-st use 01`;-lv<'L1'i(::1l 5;:-rvirvr; mm t'l1I`H.|) H}/(hr: p(NW'l'.'I'1lk('1| mrnm~nl`'knvt-1 brir-Hy whznl, Hyrlm run 41* rm _\'0ur l`:n'm. and how (-<'m1rm1i<:nll.v yun mm put, it. In work Mr )/mt. Iilc-('lI'i('il_v gives you running W:Ill`l` unywlu-rt-E An MM is :1nm'/Jmpzly 4-1'Ji('ivnl and'.' . u, u . . ,, \ pumping; s_vsLvn1 uncl npvx".11,v. It also pays dividends . . . for t-xumplt-. that whvn water is uvuilubln at all times for cows. mum 10 Ln 20 pm` Com. more milk, <-mtumim: from 6 1 nmro but1.m'-fut. Hons produce 8 Ln 10 pm` (`I-m. mt mink of all the drudgmy Lh:1t'.<. 4-ndvri whz-n yml (721 \x'11v1`,~vv1' it's wanted at the turn or 21 1`:1n('vL! l*2|vcti'i(-ul servants at your vunimaml. Ai'nun(l the farm. ` work is mwv1*doi1o" . . . but it's so niuvh 9us'1I'1` whc-n shv 1 (`I'll e`1m`l1`icul h(`lp91`s. Tho family Cluliins (`an 1):` W d.\'hl`( than 101- :1 month. with i1Il(`1(`CLI`i1`'x` . . . i)vL1vi'-Izmti mm be` pl'(`p:1l`(`C1 quickly and ct-unomicuily Wllh zm I'l!,'('[l . _ . 100 pounds of butter (tan bv (,`h1li`I'i(`d (1(`(`(i'1(`&\H) in rm . . and for loss than a nickel! I'1|-clriczil scrvzmts for the farm itsclf. Thc f.'u'mci".\: bi-M fru- un clcclric motor and you may bc s1n'pi"1.s(-(1 to know that ;. ii.p. motm`. which can do the mechanical work of 8 men. will ull day for you for less than the cost of the food one man r-zit. single mczil! Fccd grinding`---vsilo fining milking milk muli ihcsc and :1 dozen ot.hc1' farm jobs can bc drmc far inurc ciiic.` 1} the clcctric way and 21! 21 cost far less than _v0u might xmn i 0///I/5/I( ;`];7LZ';7T r/M///yr!" /,./0/7/7'}/('1/7 SCO/1 ./ x /12 s /m/.'/ [)1/(/CK S00 XIV / qrrux // /I///6 v / /Ix //-// /lI/ K (I/7/I)/I/ Thursday. October 6. 1938 `Zr!/'1/sw4 7"/1/Z '//1,-/I/2 /1 //.,// :24 zaslwcl thr- SHOWS IIONOIL l'() /\SSOCIA'l`l0N AND AGl{l("-Ul/l`Ul(.l'l ht-_y pm 12 pm` Xlll nrds V/12;; /7/. /I FIELD PLAN \ I (I/;//5``4A 7 L; A /;/J] |\l|I| `nlllu Lzlll l|| //,' /% (.I_ ("f '('/| "1': ` .].l; ")2 '/mm | I(\ /7 /1 /um : E0.ENV_A'L Xll IIlL:r;lri.cily is the chcr.tpc.;l help you can employ. 1 1v(: (,:r;11t:vs worth of Hydro power can do as 1'nu(_:h 1r1(3chc,mic(,11 work as (1 man ccjn do in (1 full working day! Doesn't that mczkr: Hydro the rnuzst (-fficicnt and thrifty "hired rnun" you could have around your farm? n will [my 2 |,1./Ma,//.m 21.. I _ .)("// ,,..2,9,J?.21 mgxgy/14. J A 1/: /l/,' 72574 I ~ I . . I Wm Man I an I ,,,l'/I/.`1 ..l H /[1/oluv/2;`) ,?%>;; J W `/1 (l>/)(,1/ 27 73.` 29 - M/ An 3 "{\\'l.V H. `.l.('K R\'\`\'.` -`I 01%| ..a' 'u.!l..v..... 1`.\.. // / /{aw _ V: It'll / /)4)/;;, |.'47 [ggl ml /17./_/t/ //:7 / ////7n.u-,u// ?x1 /V/II /1//('1 1/ -. / . /A/2/w/0/r //)//t'/ / I/,/4/u .s re}