`f:\wardecf Gdv<;|" At ventiori of .E.'~Simcoe : [nstifutesf . I ` 1 ` `:- Lift=,'s sn murh h.-{piv.1' Pm: Hm whnlo fnmnly -- mp:-v-inl y Hm _vnnngstv*rsl 5--wlwn vnu chmuzn from harsh. had uonizirs mounts mlsm , vi T. c. PHILLIPS, Branch Manager 2 24 Dunlop St., Barrie, Ont. ,; EDW ARD B. KENDALL, Representative `LX1XZ1X11XXX`ZIIjIXZX11J- M::T|jNTVXT';vAs1v % The Mutual Life of. Canada. has _a,.special plan for the young man who wants to pro- vide adequate protection for his family during the years when the children are growing up. and under the same policy create a fund that will guarantee him a monthly income at age 60. This is the Security at 60" policy. and the protection provided for the annual premium required is particularly attrac- tive. For instance. if you are age 30. :1 monthly premium of $11.60 gives you .)~"5.l\(l(l insurance to age 60. when you will ....._I_., 4.- Z.-,-.__..- l`_I\I') "lTl` ..f L`): ._... un-' Sam!` Ofhor Bl`illI(Th A,,,-_ g n $5000 INSURANCE and $25 unMontl1 Pension at%.Ag;e 60 for $11.60 a Month HFAH UFFl('E r(`cci\'c an income FOR l,ll7l of $25 per month. (Should you not live to r(`cvi\'4.' the pavlnoms for at least ten \'v.'lI`s. tlw incmnr of 523 per month would lw con- linuml to your beneciary for the lml.'nu'c of the ten your period.) Anmml l)i\-ixlcmls .11` paid on this polic) . Any of our rcpr('s(`nt.1li\'(`s or I l(`.Hl (Hlim will lw pleased to give you compla-to (l-mils reg.-arding tlm Svcurity at 60 Policv. whirl can lw olvmincd in amounts of 3. ..0O(l Rlikl (\\'(`I'. MJHAL. L_ MELDUFFGETSJ ;w.1. BESQEPORIW nth?!` ivpnrts pr!!- In fnllnurinrr Unwed In` the` P0I1'c\`hnId('rs" Ht-ports ..... ..4.. .... Ftfdlichrd I809 E ; _ Mitchell Square Tho I)i.=h`i('1 ' `Annual had been entertained by Hu- ' branch last June. A _pri7.o or $3 w.i.< '- given to-Orb 1f'afir my gho ho.-=1 fiV'.' pduhd print -7! )f l)utf,s- r. Tho hr:mc'h ' had, assistod Mr. S. I..; P:I;10 in go: '3 to'gt}1ex` ennt:g}1'v;zii*l: tn tnko Hy ` short. course on Ilnmv: F1mnnmi('.< [, and Home Nu rsin`;I. Fnnr (`hilrlrnn who had lost their mulhm` from infantile - pa1'alysiL<. were I'flHl`lHhPl'(.`('. - by the Inslimic at Chrisimn.-4 lilufv. i ,.,, .... t`\ .. I lriairied fa s`tra\vber1"-'3', fesfixral and membefs and families, and Junirgvr Homefakers had helcI'a fowl sup~ P91`: . - V Z{1rm.`.s.r.u:|1: n....;... an... ....(.a ........ M . . 2 }CYmwh'-Hil1`--Du1'i`11g ihe past year ;had `morenthan doubied their meni~ i~bei'hip.-fDuring' the `wihler montlil had conductedua` glovg making clas< 1 bf i.\{ve'r1t_y-two.: Sand, 1abies hri beh boughtVb,v the Institute for two'p}xb1ic.sehoo1Is in the cnnnmM`- ` ` it'y and a n'eu r song brkyr-l( had be:-`n `purchase fdr _IHe Institute. Ad- , dresses" had ' bt;~1'1 ;1ive`n rm mam` educational topics. and r!m1alim'_1.< of _:$5.00ieach had been sent to lh/2 ied Crss and the R_e'st Room. ` -... .... . . . . u \IAugu uuu mus. Lo: nu-nu. ,:Edga1*-a-'I'he .bt:rcavod nnrl Hm sink had been rcmembc-red by the Fldgzzn branch with b}akihg_ fruit and flow; rs: A first aid kit ha`d been pre- sented 'to,the school ,and two dollars "hzid been s'en1 to b'o`usr*ri as prize` lmoney or_the `OI`o Fair. in an of- rfqrt to;5encoLir'ag-;and pronmto in- terest ir'1'the'commu'nit.y fair. | l'l..l....lI c<.......... nu... v\:_: 2.. Orr) Statim1- Ono uul: s:p(=akr ihnd addressed :1 m(`(!in;z rlurin;.r Hi. [year and various d(`ma1ir)n.< h:i_d been mndo 1.0 relief. Two quills mm on hand in be givvn 1n not-dy f:nf1- ilies. I n... .u`.. vm.,. .... _........ L...I .,_; ...-.. nu. .- up \.. Inn u x.- ` ni'I.cd Rugby 'I`h(` prn;:rnnnm~_-: lugvl bccn` plaxmcd at 1hr- Iw;.im1inLz of Hie year and frat-,n-1-d.Ih~ : inz Omnmim-s. flirls hurl hvryn sent, in the Guolph Cm1furvnr`(- nnri a member hn(l`a1.tm1rk~(l .1110 2.-hm-t cmxl`.-so in Barrio-;mr1 mmthvr lhp Area Convrvntinn. Tho. _y'()llll}.{ ;,irl.~' of the community had hm-n rr`cn;:- by having 1l1'ov'1\ nunlrilmh` two prmzrannnr=.<. Shan1.v-Rnv A hmmfil cm-in] la-,`u: ;Me1duff Efanh Wasgawarded the gvel for best.ahni1aI~-r`epbrt among te branchs comprised in the East .L.z"'m.-nn nmaa... ixr..mm'.-`_xm&:o..o.~'. Iwn prugrarnvm-.<` . Shan1.y-Bny A hvnofil !\'t\(`i?|1 hzid `h vm1'?l1'v|d in air! nf Hw (`ripplvrl (`.hildr0n'.< /\s. nn hr`hnlf N H10 p'0lihnI'y!liti.'< .-"nf`f:'~rm~.-: and $113 had been mist-rl. 'l`h:- nu-w -uur: znl siudy hm! bvvn u-y.'plnin-rl hy H14 .'~'f:honI t'o.'u`hr~r. .).A.a. ... Ru\l,II'J"I l\'1I\ II`,'I . " f ` ()ffiex's: I,lv('h-rl | Wlrs. I"r:mk' T5lII`I1f|*:l, Nnrlh Hiv- ' was _qItj(,'lt_!(l `|)l'(.`1~'i(il,'HL 0! HM` `id; Mr?` Dill51Yfl\J`fi'W:t.': (`Vil`I`- .pi'oS'idon1 'fn}.'7 iix` yvm'.=. lml rnvinu` 1n n rulinxz whr-r('h_v that nffir~r- could he held fur n tvrm nut hm- ger thmi .~'-t.\` -ymn:-:. Mrs. l)urn|'m~:|'< name. was m11nn1:\tir`nl1_v iukvn u'fI' last yam`. Mrs. (`. J. ('hnppvlI of ICl`nwn Hill, was v|w'lr'rl \'i('(`-pr~.':i- `_dl`.n7 In fill tho \/:u'.'nu'_v 4-:nI. hf. }1l\r_*'\vi1hdr.'I\v.'II of Mrs. P}. N Hvw- litt, of Rmzhy in lhv pu.uilim nf .\`(`.(?I`(`l,(ll`_V-'1l`1`:I::1ll"l`. T'h-- ('uIn|Il('|(` list 0| lhc` olvvlium was :I:: ft-|ln\v'~' Honornry-prv:;ir!~nt. Mrs, ('. 1'. \V'.-\ l`l{Rl.U( \, ( `N I`. IH|3Ull'illl_\' I5|Kl`Il ll 1 :: \'i('(`-prw: 1' Hm! I ll'l'l` 'r'|\n l'nl)\|\l:I IZZXXJ wn`|._-.uI. IV.l(. NH. 4. HEl\VK(`SlmI(_3; 1..-mo St, (;..o_m-m~..n-h:.-. Phil. Gold- .~:lt'in. RH. `No 1, S4'(!\-'(`l`lJ1 BI`idg(': l\`lvlduff. Mr:<. Edmn Wilsun. RR. Nu. I, Vix-lm`i:I Hnrbu-r; Mit(:he!l Squ:n'('. 1Vh`.~`. W. 1. Clarke. R R. No. `.1, On Station; Moonstone. Mrs. R. .1 ('ununinrv~ Mn.-H. Di.m.- rm... \VllIl l\('V. ll. \!. IDIHUIISL UllIl.'I'(l.lIlE. The bride. who was given in -marriagze by her t`uathe1_', looked = charming in her wedding and grad- uation gown of white bengaline i-rope, of simple tailored design. pleated from shoulder to hem with the pleats outlined with rows of hand-made cluny lace. With this was worn :1 white felt hat trimmed with blue. hurgunoy and pink gros- urnin ribbon, white shoes and ;ztnvv.<. She c-arrierl n Colonial bou- um-t of Talisman roses`. lily-ot'-the- valley and blue lnrkspur. The cere- mony was performed against :: hzu-l of spiren. During the t`(`I``mony wedding music was play- ori h_v Mr::. P. M. Rnl)eI`t.'=. The bride nnrl gromn. who were un-attr-mic-rt. were assisted at the siunim: uf the register by the In~irlo`.< .<:i.~t(-r, Miss Muriel Hillyer. ziml llnrry 'I'i. older broth- er of tho grnmn. Following: the ceremony n recep- tinn to the immediate families was lI('l(l at the hmnv of the brlrln. RC- vviviiu: with the bride and groom lwvro l\/li.<.< Muriel llillyer, in navy xhrmr nnrl T\ll rc Ticcirnrtnn thn nu-.\. lVIl'l\i|_\'. l(.l(. N0. 2. hmlnly llccyz Cnlrlxvnlvl`, Mrs. R. S. Shop- pnrrl. Mrs. D. G. Eplott; Culdwnlcr .Iunim'.<, IVIi.<.< M. C-H")I`HiH11 Coul- .~=m1, Mrs. Jnhn Link. R.R. N0. 1. Urn Stnliun; (Irnwn Hill. Mrs. Wm Swil7.vr, R.'R. No. I. Barrie: F.nd_v. lV[r.<. Ed. S:1llmv.<, RR. N0. 3, Cold- \~.'nIvr; I-Zdgznr, Mrs. Wm. Bvst; Guth- riv, 'I\h`.<, Wm. (,'mnpb(`l1. R.R. NH. 1. Sh.'ml_\' Buy; Hampshirv. no ro- purl: Hnrviv Scttlvnu-nl. Mrs. Rus- sell Ilnrvio, RR. No. l. Orilllu: Hnla:n`l-(`,;u'I<-_\,'. Mrs. l.. W. Booth. RR. Nu. -1. Cnlrlwzutm`; Hyrirn Glen. M|`.<. A. Smith: Jnrra, Mrs. W. R. l\/1rI._v;u1. RR. Nu. 2. Hmvkostnnc; SI.` (`y('m"m~ .1'\'1`}`.u Phil f`.4\IrL nmmll-\,,;1I'I('_\,'. MFS. J.'n'rat1 St, (,`g('_<)x g(`. . {W118 So Hart CI... P-~ ..,. Nil...` In 1 .`_ `nu nuuuul. 1vlUUll.\lUll('. lVll`1~'. H. J. ('ummin;:; North River. Mrs. M--lvilh` I.m'vring. RR. NH. 1. Cold- \vn1m': Orilliu, Mrs. J. ML-Phcrson \Vvst Strvol North: Oro Station l\1i.<.< lrono Jnnos; Price's Corner. Mrs. M. Privv. RR. No. 2. Orilliaz Hu:;h_v_ Mrs. Keith McLeod. RR NH 1. Hmvkvstono: Severn Bridge I\Ir.<. 1.m- I).'1vi.~'; Shanty Buy, Mrs. ll. (iilvhristz Sparrow Luke, Mis< (W. I. (lipshzlmz Uhthnff..Mrs. Al- lwrt (immnun; V&I.\`(`)', Mrs. Harvey |I":nIli.~. RR. No, 1, Vnsvy: Victoria .H:n-lmr. Mrs. William Dunlap: Wa- 5.-lm;:\, l\'[r.<. (ion. C;n'. W:1ub.'Iu- |\I..~n.- 1!`\` I n A.-v......- l u-ye nrancnes comprised m the East ."mcoe Dist`rict.. Wom_cr'1's' -Ingtlmtrv." a._ the 28th izinnual cr'mver'1tion' held a!: Vasey, with `30 branches repre- r .~..jntcd in H1!` 200 wrimen `attending. `.'n-... ..,.......c ..r n... ;.. inn kw-nrnl'>3a |!|IIl'\l III nuu` UH` pI`I)_1(?Cl C()UI`.\`C. l":md.< and Nutrition. moat (`nnk(`l',\'. and .'I>'kv(l (hill it h(` lwld in Orilliu v.'n`L\' in Ovlulwx`. I ;\n nH'iv<-rs` rally is to ho hold 71` x\I:_\' In Orillin. and .1 third day of NW ;;ln\-v vmxrso is to ho givvn Eu I\h-.4 llupkins. ?\h\ I-' Hun-um nnno.-...... ur Irv ; -um-n u I. v.v?---uu ; 1.1:! fOrillia Packet & Times) The quiet church wedding of Myrtle Ray, younger daughter of William J. Hillyor and the lale Mrs. Hillyvr. In Frank Tissingkm. Jr.. socoml son of Mr. and Mrs. I-`rank Tissinglon. was sulemnized in St. Jam:-s` Church. Orillla, on I'lmrs afternoon. June 9, 1933. with Rev. A. G. Emmet offlclang. 'I'|1n hrirln urhn um: uivnn in I'll 1IIllllllH, \`\ lIL'l'l' (HI l'I'l(I?ly III(.'_Y :u|lm1dt-rl tho grarlmxllnn exercises nl. tho Univm`: of Toronto, when Hm hrirln rocoivwl her Bm'hclm' of Arh: dvgrm` in Oriental language-1. L'l'5lF]llf1HI1(1 with honors. Fnllowing lhnl lhz-_v lvfi cm in two weeks mnlnr (rip through the Eastern Unilvrl Slnlvs. l'I.n l...ll:. .. |7lIlll'(l D|}I|l'.\. 'I'lw hridv rims!` for trnvvllingz :1 l~`m`k 5lI|)Fl(`7I l:lilm'vd (Hess, trim- mvrl with pink g1'n.':g1'nin ribhnn. with whirh was worn :1 mnlvhin/1 finur~r-tin hux mat, hlnck bnku hm. lrimmod with pink gzrnsgzrnin. and hlnvk . :|r`r`t`s.\`rn'l_(`s. Mr. 'l`i.<. is the Rvmm ni Orillin. -and nn Ihvir return lhvy will ro. lwro .1. H. Hnyd: lmnm'm'_v lnL`lnb(`l':: of ~.\':-rmivt`. Mrs. W. B. [.(`?|Hl(`l (I&Il(`2 prm:idm11. Nlrs. Frank Durnford: \`iv!)-pI`(`: l\Ih`.<. How.'Ird Bran- rlon. l~Irl;:::r; l\rlr:<. Fidmn Wilson, Mr'l- luff; Mrs. W. J. Clip: S(~vm`n Hl'i(llIf`l IVIr.-z. J. J. Dunn. Price's (`mmz-I`; Mrs. C. J. (Ylmppoll. Crown Hill. !~`m<'I'vt.':I`y-Ir(-nsurvr. Mrs. E. N. ll<-\viH. Rmzhyz I-`r-(lm`at.vd r(-prvson- Iznlivv, Mrs. Frsmk Dm'nfm`d. ullvr- Imiv 1\/Il`\' .l R Ilnur! f .`~'Im`|(il\;.'. Mrs`. Alhr-rt Walker. Mrs. mun-, wn:~. rmnK uurnmm. uHvr- uuiv. 1\/Irs. J. R. Boyd. Distrit-t l)ir('('1m's (`lmvvs. Mrs. /\lvx. Mt'|(:I_\'. RR. N0. 2. Shanty H:.,\': (`.nld\v:1lvr Mrs, R S Kim. \\'I'II' 1v|u.~.\ lVll|l|l'l ll|I|y('l, In navy Khvm`. and Mrs. 'I`issimztnn. tho L!l`tmIn'.< mnlhnr woaring a crcznn silk jvrs<(~_v suit with Corsage of I'0Sr`,< and mnnvo mvect puns. I.:I|m' tho bride and groom left `I'I`H` 'I'nl`nn|n uvhnrn nn Wrldnxr Htnv ` fm` 'I'ur:mln. where on Friday llncy inllmvlr-rl Hm rrrnrlnnnn nvm-nicn< TlSSINGTON-lllLLYER |\|l .`, \Il'H. \r(l|'.\UH; : i\v1rs. J. R. Arbour. - eggs. ..,._...-\. ...` w......... f_-The reporl of l.he`winning.bra;idE1' slimved that 'clurin`g, this year lhey hind had contests and demonstra- tions. had givcn_ papers on` many. lpics and nd` had `n arldressgdn - u)berculosis by a'lncal doctor. Sec- oiad-hand books hadglaen -pur'h'd-:` CH and divided among four schtfols ` ahd Kleenex had. been bought and ` divided among tl1rn`n schools. Th hl,'ancl1 is now SpnllS11l`lng a star- lii g contest. `I among five SChO0l:`;, wlmn two pri'/.=.< will he presented M the Vasey. School l"~'1ir In tho.` bby 01' girl l)rin;;in`g in tho largest clloc-lion of siarling banks and . 6-..... /\n__.. n__,_,,,u. n..._...J.. Nutvs :mnnum'vd that the branch 1! St. Louis had hevn re- d. and -.1 brmwh of Vusrxv m~;1nni'/.od. The District do- - tnkv thv prnjoct course. Mr! Nntrifinn ynmzt mxnl.-m~v _\AIEDD|NGS From-n Frrsh Fish l.u: night sulnv fI'i('llL|Ei invitl-rl me It! stay for dimmr. I`lw_v said if! I would stay thny would uivv me' hrunk trout and luhsI.m: Wtmt :n.'. tnrhlcvmmutt H was twu \V't'(`k!~` sin:-r-I tho fish \w-rv (';nu:l1t hut 1l`_V wu-rvl as fl`(`Sh as (`mild ht`. Ynlt vnny nut :11! hnvt` thv nmmrtunity mt h5IVllIL:| t`ro: lnhstvr. hut . nf you may` ht` glad to lmnw thv wny Hwy kvpt the truut. Tho` trnut \V('l`l` vlr~:nnr~rl and tho hr-arts l`('l110\/(`(1. Hwn thz-y, I\'-rv p:1r`k4~rt in :1 rt-f,ri11-nttnr tray like S:II`(liI10s. lwurt and tails :Iltz-r- n`ntinL:, thnn they \V(`l`(` frnzvn quivk-: l_v. The lobsters wvrv lmilud. then, taken frnm thn shell and pu<'l in mmthvr tray and frnzon. Thu trnul. wvro thuwrrrt in cold wutvr but tho Iubstr-r wvrv just loft nt. mam tom-; pvrutllrc to thaw. Tho truut we're just as delicious as if Hwy hurt b(`l`l1 (":nu:ht that very day. The t'ln\'nuri of tho lobstnr was not quitv us ;,'u a` if it had hoc-n frvsh (-;nu;.:ht_ twl` vnc hnttnr than Inhctnv that -IA! In NH` IUUh[l`l' \Vi|.\' HUI (]lIll(` EIK ;,'ll(lU. as; if;-'\\'ns lwttor than lnhstor that h:..! boon kvpt :1 day or two, and \'v1'_'/? much hotter than mniwd lutvstt-r. I lmdorstand that snnw t':mm-rivs :n'v sliipping t'ru7.nn vznmod lubstrm Thr-i lubstor is boiled.` then put in thv 1 can and frnzon. It is shipped frogen ` and must he kept that. way until just before using. ()l`dinElI'_V cmmnd lubstor is mokod in the min. I had never thought 0! using the refriger- aim` tray to keep fish but if we zn-I" over lucky enough to hnva a sur- plus. we will know how tn kvvp it [1(`I'f(`(`H_V'fl't"Sh. Tho .\'l`(`l`(`i is uf cmirsv. us in thv ('nn1nu'r(`ia|l}' frn/n inal and tho information nuthvnt A r'nu:\luu nu. ri'I\i\\ I... c*.. \.Ulll|l_V L-UUHCII. PISKHILI H1 hudy do sonwthinzt uhnut t \ EH(`l`DlH&ll` whivh was mnl so rapidly and whivh was ` nnnxinn _-I unrhnc iv-\nv\'u-n A Canadian lad was in Florida` this winter. He had sneaked in without proper papers and when the authorities were questioning` him. to find out if it was a case of; illegal entry. they asked him lol spell Arizona. He spelled it. jusl as: you and I would. A-r-i-7.-n-n-a. That ` proved the case. Amoricnns.say Z00 not 7.. . .. ' u .u,.yw-uun ' 'I`hr,'ro' are tilnos whvn wmnnnt feel they need vacations but (ln nut| {co how they can lnnvn humr-. lrlvr--` is the way twn vvnmmi of my m-- rnmint,:mvv limitlln the prnhlvm. One- was an nldnr woman whn l0()l((l nt't,or certain rlotails nf her hm-E band's l)llSll1(`SS. nnd for this rms-m` uuuld not get away fur any lmuzthl of time. She ongngorl n l1HllS(`l(t(`D( l'l for n month. :1 wnmmn with n ropu-` tntinn ns :1 gourl ('-nnk. Shn t1n'nmll tho hnusekooping and th('_m(mlu*i over `tn her cnmplotr-l_v. and the only` sllggstirxiis she gnvn wvro l'm` trmrls shb.-felt she hvrsr~lt wunld vnjn_v..` She spent hnurs nn l1('l` vr-r:mrl:hI m'_ading, wont, to the nmvir-::.`h;nrl .1; pdrmunent and :1 mzmit-urr-. I-nlc-r-3 tninerl hm` frinnds zmrl did just tlwl things she wnntod to (in most. At the; and of thr= munthxsho said slw \v;a.<; thoroughly` rnstod and hurl lwttvr fund, :1 httor h(` morn mm-Q venionces than she hurl (-vvr hurl 'Ill` :1 hnliday away thin) homo. l`lr.'; other woman was young:-r and limit t.l\l`(`(, small children. Thorv was nu` place within easy rmcti that . (`(l enticing and sho folt slw mulvl nut. 20 fur zuwuy frnm hm` (-liilrlrvn. so she mtgugod u pm('ti(`nl lllll'. tn lunk nftvr tho ('llll(ll`(`lI and tlw lmusv. and . wnnt tn tho lur-st he-- tel in the city for 5! wt-ol<':< hnli(l:u_v. Sh!` had hm` lnv~::l in lV`(l. pl:u_v- orl ';zull'_ wvnt. tn the nmviv.~._ nnrl h...- r.~a.....m -rt... .~..n..r ..r ....u um .-uuu, U I'll gun. \vI'IIl. ll! Illl,` HlU\. ll`.`. .<;uv hm` fric-mls. Tho rvliv-f u having in haw` mm mu` Iislmui tho vhildrt-n mm] In bv nhln ills! as $110 Iiknri. sun! hr-I` rnstod and l1:upp_v mu} with n .\'lnH()H1("l um. r'c~;uly in 1'lI_iH_V children :I;,nin. Inn! A lull rosnhlnn Rrnnvh rhw$ uvh ink ho H HI!` askv givvn nu- IIIIUI Hlill Illll {mun d that rural zl Ihv nninunrl I\nl':u~.. iIllHH`lH l('. u` Rudy nul var- hnlifL'LV.\. .`\1\ `nun: ~;-Inn nnnn\.u nu 1-Anxmxg the fvpnr sontrrd wm-v the following: '.- r'l.. lll'I.` UL` ',{|\'('H ll IIH` I1n|I(h'1y.\ which thvy I-njnyvd lwfnrp Hm n- gulafions xvvrv (-h:am.:vd Inst _\-unr. Tho Molduff hr;m<`h :1:~'k-ri mm :\ r(`.\'n|utinn ho (h'.'Iflvd at 11w Dis lrict Annual and svnl nn 1., H10 C'ount_v Council. asking that lhnt hndu Hn cnnmnfhinn -xhuno Hm Onn` `(I 5('lIlllL\ [T and Prm'inv(~ Vacations at Home Z and let! on funds. quick fr(-v7.in;:. Jvllit-d Veal ,- I` (`nun-.~ 1u'n .~h~. I . A. HI`/\l|.lN(E. Allzllulnlv (`itic-s St-rvico l)isl,ri|ml.m` , aunuILx.Iu' Iu'\L'1 3;!!! lly!!! iout of Vvasaga Beach." Rv~--.'-- Spi- |x'her declared. Thv Township Coun- lrril had done wunde-r.~ at Ilw R1-avh Road: '-"*1"-3 4 13ffiPH" `A `~vI"`r` V14 Dnminitm Auto Wrt-rlu-r.x, l`.:urri4- 7 Mnplr Aw-_ (Old Ul`].:'JllI |":u~lmjv) .......V.,. um... ..n n n.y.,...l.,. }"Clmvos -- Fourlor-n r~cluca1i0n:1l p,'1pm'S had bovn Lzivvn during (110 _y_'-ear. A table cloth had lmen mmnm cm. H... n...u..,: r~|.......|. m A WHAT? WV 82 Dunlop St-. PROFIT FRQM EXPERIENCE At some time during the past 82 years this bank has been confronted those you may be Iucim; today. and co-operation we are r,1.'.nic to with business problems .sim.f-.1a.ax: 20 You may find that the ~'.r_;m:1u' cuavnxsarl _Y.'L'dl. !\ H1 I)l(` (TIUHI nan UUUU Hpught for ma United Church W.A. aijnd :1 Coleman lamp pnrclmsnd for ('_r_jn1m1|nil.y uses. Tho tcazfncr and phpils nf'1,hc st-hon] had been on- offer our customers as 4-: L 1'<.~r- Mi`: 0 ihisexperience can be of Eurip ho you. J Iv A-_ ' NO BRUSH MARKS. ffE- In R It U-` PAIm`s-vmmsHs:] '3*..f?;'.`7;*W -5 l`nm)l_v vapor-mlly Hm _vnungsH`rsI 9:-when you cl1m1m-. from harsh. |m,d-- hglsting, 0M-fnshimlvri. dmjos _tIo Fnnn-.-L-mint, the rl~liuinu"a vlinwixig gum Ibxuhve cluldrvn love in take! Nu more nnmxing and m-,uldinp;- nq ' n .` I V r` . messy, l>:g.tetdbpojtncu1:.ke tzltnh-.um\s -<- $111.1mfn"imj)nrhinbstill, `no 'lm:I,vy'. blk ldlmrdnn dnlivnin cligzvwtinnn. On She contrary. (-.lmwing increm-:08 the ow 01', natural mquth uids that `nit! digostiml: -l"urthcrm`nrc-., l ce`n-`n-min1,`a nstc-lesa l:Lxnl.ivc ingrmlirnt. mats in the itntnst`i_ne'w'v,l::-e ih i8hmIlIl--710t in the I $lmnm`.h:1'Join Hm mmlnrn parents who n...m.l nn I.`......,..,...:..o L`. n" Hml mnuwn.- .Imn um mmmrn pnrcms wnn o 'opmId on Foen-nrnminf. fnr._nI`| the} Vfgunilyl ultfa gnht.le'mul trtuam-nrt.l:y.` '(xv'Pfv I"0'(`i1-n.-`mint. at. your drmuzisthl tmlny`--_nnd you'll nrmtr go back to ?ld-fllhhiuntl mhmlal M 1