Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Apr 1902, p. 4

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'n ,._,1,' ,z.L. m Icayuubc Lu Uun ...................-.... ..... appointed ahd on this_ occasion will be 1 satisfied with their visit. 7 zmuaucu wuu Lucn yuan. Here are afw of the items, but nothing short of a persona! visit will do justice to these bljrgains and convinc you we never exaggerate. ' We can honestly recommend the viaring qualies I )f every shoe in this list, to give satisagztipn. ~- ` _ Men qnd. Boys- , , .. . . .. vmcc: 1 you we doallwe advertise. Ournddlrscl.`-1m" I . xcefsior Business College, V .. Barrie. _, " l} J. P. SEOORD, ` ' T`) EAL ESTATE` Ann THE LATEST. FICTION novels as they are issued. \Ve keep the latest. Come and let us tell you how" you can ream them as chennlv > "suous2:vv- HAVE. WE HAVE B0 FOR ..... -naunnsnnlau nun. Inna" `no-uh ~-B_.nuu3u-xm-.' _ N013: cubed or collected A: the mo wmxe we are nut In love: or nn exLen- aive eapendinure for_ this purpose, we beliavo that the Cuunty Council at a comparatively small expense should be able Lu umke nllemlinng thn. would- "Imnnox Ia!-k.ed us -though he had the wonder um: um uuuleucc amueu. Mr. constituency in his pocket and that the people of North York were in unit in their he was a much bet. ~ Lennox) nevcr undertook anything that their ue.:1s1on.mnz he much bet-| ter man to reprexexgt hem in the Lngilm | ( ture thn the Hon. E. J. Davirgandintlris i cunriccl/inn he remarked that he (Mr. 1 1 ( he did put. accumplish {ind that he ` certainly wa_a going to accomplish the Vdefeat of the Commissioner of Crdwn H `|'.nm'|a hr Nnrth Vnrlc. If fnnliah secure to me uncle: and ms numIy_u residence in some degree like what.-they ` ronuirn. We trust this Council 111. Lbs - 14lI'l(lSl H1 JNDTHI XOIK. ll. IODIIEII declarations could win elections, Mr.` Lemmx wouId,be :1 past. master in the art of politcql ycnmpnigning. The other pm. of Mr. Lc-unox's an: or ponqcqn Vcnmpulgnlngz. Mr, jgeuy, other part Mina B. 1\IcNnbb has ouc tot bdmbuticzdeliverunco wua his t}:1erenco|f`V My Wm f i`"`d` i `""~ 9.. Hm `Lilmml r-`...n-mam. H.mmmn1z nf - B"."'C""l"``" 3" ` 7- Tux Toronto 1\c\vs_ (Gunaervnliv) ` hnxbcen reliowing the political pros; peels ii: Ontario. Alter tending {ta mmmx-uh nn tho d1WamnL :-nnntilunnniox ` :n..c woul; 1 fmml y _: 2 \v}.mt..t.he\ ' few days with friends in Burt Caldvrell has to . I`oroI:to J unation. enco : of mm, 1 "clean to ma ununo ueomnxe D] A. Wright. Cunsornlivo Orgapiur. "Inc or Philndelphin. U. s. A., nnd bu hihcebecnlfken up by Q number of _ ihi fair light} bl {he puny I.hroa,-h- ilonl the province. Those who know I the real facts in connection; I with the miller, know th-Q the whole fnhric is {utterly false. The etnlgment at the . Finnnco Cammlssmxfn xenon. inclndnd" I ( ( I 4 1 l 4 x-mince wmmnssxoxn :9 repon Included ' 1 ' the saline receipt: Id axpendilures of j Iall Hnds. no mnllur from what source ' worsen on: m In: same way nuu laund I to be nbsulutcly accurate. The ex- nunditures ns uivnn in this: mluln in mm vunuxlures iven in this Lnhle in the Handbook am the expenditures under Mr of Utopia- tho Supply Bill ; also on page 171 of numowus and co, ; `be same book is [nund 1| dunitn nml ncxlnnvn :n ..|.:..I. cnrneu R coquen 1:5 groom w-m ns rue same DOOR is Inunu at-unite nnd in .dis'.incL denition of what the Supply 11 Bill is incurred for and to this is added i ' mu is incurred or and to this 15 added the cxpendilurgs pn drainage dubcn- lurea, rnilwuy. aid certicates and nnnuiliemantl thn whrlln {A nddmi m I | show the gross oxpendilun-H. nnnuIueA=,anu Luc wuule Is n_uuou no The whole story about this l1lIllN4Bl:.iS simply nfahricalicm invemud Mr. A. W. Wright and taken un hv his un.lm- long ngo. 01' In men \VO\.lld navo been 3 ` discus-.-iug them now_ if thgru were any-` `thing in the story. But Lhzan, whe}; a_ ` party is without. a pdlicy and without nny means of attacking the Govern- ' ment'a record, with nothing new to propose to the country, possibly in can Tia excused for runnimv its cnmmnian _ ' nuditmce to tho uaualmllugntions about I | in his Land the repolt of the Royal lcommissiml,` that denitely and dis- Lii:cl:Iyse'. it. out and _gave the gures. Perhaps it. was nor. necessary for the man who owns` the Liberal Party of North York and who is going to turn them to his own the nnminn the surplus being a myth} while he heid 1 Mi=.H Flbm McNabb was awarded :1 ` Diploma of General Assembiy tor 3 memorizing the Scripture verse: for 1902. hvoubla nun. Wound: (Shogun dawn an I (had: or 01 Uniwd sum.`- Sruuxq Exctlumz bought I All mpqrtrun enjoyable time. Allnn Bouncy, whiiu wood, Hp! his bu: ton. Mr. \V. Best and Miss Snmh Patter- - 50:1 were united in the holy bonds of ' matrimony on \Vednemlay. April 2nd. 3 The ceremony was perforu1e(l by Rev. Mr. Kelly. _ gone to spend a 1 n ] { I _ I her mother, Mrs. Elliott," M A LiilT}'I pnrtyr }vns_ held at J. W. CrIldweH a nn~ Friday night, Apr. 4._ . 3 Bonnoy, splimim: wood, No. 7, 01:0. _ ; Apr. 7-We ure/ glad to heal` `tthat Dr. Ciutlon is in our vicinity again I Dr. o_ur vlcinily again I Mrs, J. Hourlcn i?a`vi9itim.;' her par- anlri, Mr. and Mrs. Jar-. Edwards. I and Mrs. D-. Bench spent a few days with her mother, .\Ir:~. Elliott,` . This nasrnlm hy John Gills '1 f way `NIB presents were ' costly attesting the high 3 ml esteem in which the young couple ma iupply x held. After the ceremony nud congrat- uluxiuns, over fifty invited guests nut. iubcm down to n carafully prepared ten. Mr. and Mrs. Smith lelr. next. dny to spend d`t.lieir honeymoon in Peterhoro after ml which they will mlurn to their home nt Utopia. :.r.a.. I n[Mnrcb. Nnmeu in order 0! mei-ix. 1 7 Class IV.--Aunie Gilchrist. Bell; Jnc~ oBs."Winnia Miller, Lucy Gnlchxisl. ' Brooks Walton. Buuioc Jncob-. Bmoh Walton. Cl:ulII-l.lnny Miller. Lubn Club, v Iuia Miller, Arthur Jacobi, Polar I ; Gilchrist, Willis Wabber.- Jessi: Jac- _ aha, Hon:-e Wulmnl Sr. II clns-- 5 `Vilma Hills, Sr. Pt. II clu.-s-Vvr- . ner Ilickling. Carl Bnadw`-uy, cqunl. 1 l Jr. Pl. II clua-Enrl Buadiuy, Elm- , Q es: M-cw, Ray Rupert, Slawnrl. Wol x `Loo. payable In qdrance: $1.50 It 4 not to paid. I |IJr. Pl. lea: Wob- i bar, Percy Bennett, Freddie J-mob:-. H Sr. I cln'.=x-C-Jlonel Bell. `I30 Milli- `|oha, | Niun Cluk. Ray Reecc, Frank Curli- V gun, Jun. 1)'ckem, Elmer Hilu. Jr. I_X clu.-a-Leodnd Bell, Stephen Hilur, ` `Vilma If l - surm-omsorz. ` I On \VednesLlx-Ly ovaning,_r\Iarb 261.17, I a pretty wedding took place an the I residence ul Mrs. Gibsnn, Egbert, when . her only daughter Miss Tens, w'aa unit- .ed in mnhrinnny to Eli H. Smith 0! ' by Rev. G. I Cmw of Thornlou. The hrride who was given away by her F Uznpin. The cereumnv was performed ` .1 clean: cheirelte cloth trimmed with cbion und point lace an. carried a ' boquul. of whilrcamntinxns. The wed- lding march wu played by Miss Jeasia . ` Smith. niece of tho groom, us the bridal bride ' ` brother, looked charming in a gown 0! _ 1 `Tho bride was assisted by her cousin Miss Ema Gibson of Minesing who was also gmvned in cream chairutle cloth trimmed with chiffon und point. lace and carried toquet. of pink cirnnlioma. groom am: or . , KILLXLLAUII I ` Z-Apr. 4--Tha genera`: opinion 01'` people is thnt. they never saw nicorl wenther in March than what we hn ,4--. - ivenither -than had : some god 8 to 5_' The mm, match this year. Not. a. single storm during of (he c-3,33: F,,cm,.y Employwin vs. Lharwhole month is very remarkable.lnmimzsingn rammed in the farmer . Master Clarence Hill und his sisIcr,- Ming we heM(m_ The more was 410 I of Toronto, are spending their holiday g in favor of M,-neainm It seems the ' with their uncle, R. J. Hill. " Mini M. Sburp spout. part. of chi` 'Enslex holidays with her braihcr and ` `hem yxpecwd :6 go right thtcughn the other team.` So the result. Wan] baskebfnctmty empluyvcs, or some of ' 110 | undg , sisters in Toronto. . . ISUISN VALE ` Report of S. S. No. 10 Va;-nn. for March. Nunez unt. perunce muse In, Manlwua; and tar Ihis the temp:-nuuce peoyle are largely tesponnible, for there i= little doubt the mcasxxre wguld haw: :an'icd had the temperance people improved their op- portunity and voice] on the question. It is not thought {hut the vote will 1 ' On Saturday 29th uh. Lira. Levi Mays received In telegram from Bast` Portage telling her of the death of her lather, Samuel Brolley, in British Col- umbia It nppcnrs lm went out there on a visit to some of his sons and when 5 Mrs. E. J. O De1l of Owen Sound spent Easter with her parents, Mr. und Mrs. McKnight. Mrs. McCullough nud her sisterM'rs. visit of his and when about to retmn at the rsh of April. was taken down, it is supposed with izauumutiou of the bowels, nhd only lasted a few days. Mr. Brolley was well known in this pun. of the country I for a number of years. . Sound. ll; 5 CUTIUUS to See tne*reSult- Give itgto the peevish, fret- ` ful child, and he laughs. `Give lit to the pale, anzemic child, 1 ahd'hi face becomes rosy and ' full' of health Take nf1at- 3 chested child, orachiid that i Has stopped growing, give him I ` the oil, and he will grow big i and strong like the rest. 'Fhi,=: is not 71 new st-hnsmp, ` ` , Give `them ojl-c'od-1iver oil. i It s `curious to see theresult. n f`1....1L.,A.,\ LL... _. L 1..-; illlu DLIUHE; HKC Lilli ICSL This is not anew scheme. It- has been done {qr years. _ Of course you `must use the ` right oil. Scc3tt s Emulsion `is the one. . ' , .c--....~- 15 [TIC UUC. ` `Scott's Emulsion neifher looks nor tasteslike oil because we are so careful in making it pleasant to tzikc. Sand for {roe samnle. v-unnuu vu VI IUI LC-ASTORIA. children cry for l\%?%l `e sample. '_r mnla, cnmuzcnts on me unucmnt zonsuluunmes one in not impresaul with the idea um. \\"hilnoy's ptcipccm Ma particu- V lnriy rosy. `Speaking of Centre Simeon it sava "II. in in Yidinus such as lhia `rut `minus xxn-txxn. rnUnsD.u..APnIL_'1o. 1902. .__.___....__.___._______.____...__..____._____ John Clnppell nnd Mn. Chnppel ` spans Enter with hind: in Inninl. - _ Ernul Avioon bu none to Bolouev Tho Crown Hill loolbdl dab in: . bun ruzrgnnizod for lha coming season r and the boys expect. in hqva l"00d - I2l_lB, gone Bulouey where he will xunlin for the summon-. Tho Alisa A. Rainy, teacher ng Suunidule - Corners, upon: put of her Eutar nu- . Li0l'1 with her sister, Mn. John Chap- . pel . Miss M. Aikinson of Toronto in Tnrumu. A. Roland jr. has been spending tho_ holidays in Toronto. Miss Annie Mcbonn lriends in Maple. M s. W. J. Butler of Brucebridgu spent 11 law days here lately visiting her brother Jno. Benaeu. l is visiting I Miss: Norma Croselnl | viailing Mina Parker. Mrs. Carlin Foysttn Foysttn and Miss Foy- ; alen have been visiting ralnlives `in I her V I Vvalter Sheepwnuh was visiling 're1- ves in Toronto for a low days lately. Mina Elizu May was awarded a I` Diploma of GenI:'a1 Assembly for lvaltely. mamqrizing the Scripture verses for] 1902. ` ' It says "ll. 15 In rulings such lnla that Mr. `Whitney mus; Mn in order to capture Hm province." \Ve might inform the News that it is'in this rid- J. `sf ?\IcKenny is kpending the holi- days at. home in Calhoun; 3 I 1 u u ; A1n.1.I:.. April 7--1\IisI Emma Sunders of Toronto spent Easter with , her parents here. UKUWN HILL John Chnppell uye_:_|s Eutgr yin: due to M r. Morrison for the manner in which the excellent. program Was given by the acllolurh. The exznminulidn or classes by the several teachers prescnn also showed the pupils to be fully In touch with the work in every line. nyent Egan Iuninaii wb_exo h_o gmnmar. Olilliu. . Th E xjter exnnminatiun at our school last Friday. at which quite :1 number uf visitors were present, was n very plena- ing and intewsling ulfair. Much credit is 5 Guthrie congregution had quite a treat last. Sunday ig hearing Mr`. Wbyle. 1 the singing evangelist, who gave twc bcaucifullv rendered nnd ' accompanied by the guimy. He also 3 gave a short. address to the people (`in tum, Coma:-3, EGASTORIA. lH.H.0TTON .8; SON` UN ulucrenv. oncnsmns uranu dunes '.- lmve xeported that the accommotlntion l for the (`molar iu the Simeon Gm! are ' f H. H. Otton & Son on....... Mr? 1.~:..,. u..:.... %'GoodVhearI s-5 an cdays, Allstshoula wtrompnny men parcel, lvlng raa|dcnL:e.\vhen wuuea, and name in 11. Pun.-.~Js mum in after Friday noon w|lI nu: be turned out One snmlnwek. All pnrculs no: enuad form may .1. mm 1... nah` in . .. ...........-. No. 1 MUSIC HALL BLOCK. mm mm work mmrnnuzexl. Orders Prompuy nucmlcd la. Work done on n dnv': not cc. Sn-acv In! rule: rur rmmy wnslumr. Laundry cnllml rm- .....u .u..u:........u ...... ..... M n... ........ Eiiiuis &i':T Au plums n'3":' eKT1u1" ro'F"an"'2i1l':` min will be anld to [my cxense. `xnm cmmm: 1ro_ s.a.\u-: DAY. 13-ly FIVE P'om1's HARDWARE STORE 8:/2wm.W/Lunus V PAINTS ~ nanvxv Fast in 1sss-- _ Foremost evr since. ALI ......; ucuu |u>L merely proves nntiquity._ To have remained" first vu-nun: run.-1+ - are made by the largest Paint and 0010} Factory in the world. . . tor the unoler nu ma a_1mgou um: not whuc they should be, and this `matter has been brought to the guan- tion of the County Coyncil in other wnva. Tum i. no doubt um" um in . You often hear of Paint, :15 good as" . but that won : dq. You wan t thgbest, we know these punts are best.". `:E.a~ +11? NID WORK LAUNE . Idlhhl-Q uni nu- mm `G111 nmcead mi 5 . 4 m nts L at: dl-trllmm the a-me. hzwluk regard `oniy to minim: ofwlnlch Lhefv shun have received notice at the time of dish` hution ` And that they Wllll [um he .-1m- fur mvsgkg nLf_ LI-e , FRAWLEY 5: MOORE BOUT BARGAINS I'len s Deartment Boys Depanl-trnent Boys Boston Calf Lace Boots. me l:'l.p,`piCCB(1 faxed. peg _so]e, solid, size`: 1 Lo 5, regular price 51.10, special lsume iu sizeslt) to 13, special ...FHAWLEY &. Mum, WE ARE giving to men and boys a`chancc to_' V buy good reliable up-ttrdate Spring Foot- wear this iveek at prices that }epresent vaiu_es not possible to nd outside this store. ThosE' who .c9me ._$. :n ...=m-ma. an nnr nnnnum-nmnnr-2 `am nmmr Mc. v!:cn Mr. Lennox made his emplnfiic declura-` Lions about the crtuinty that he :15 J ` going to win North York, it-is little . wonder that lhe uudieucc smiled. Mr. 1

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