Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Dec 1936, p. 14

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Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Kidd spent! Monday in 'I`m'on1o. { Rev. W, B. and Mrs. Bugdcn spent I Thursday in l"0rrm1o. I Mrs. Hu,'.{h Hayes was in 'I`m'0ntn} for :1 few days this week. i Mrs. H. l`. Rankin is spL-nding :1? few dn_vs in Tm-umtn, Ihix wt-ck. v-;v~ Iv .25 .25 .19 .23 .30 .95 ask for. Then the F`air_\'. Jmm Kidd, mime and sxlg-,{c.-(vd that she give he1'seH' and so in turn brought to vision children whom she might help. 'I`h1'()ug1hnut, :1 clmir uf oiaht children snmz (`.hris1m:Is (`nI`u]S in I.-h duct zmtl snln fnrnL Whilv ; the choir s:nu1. "Tho Three I(in_!.!.< of I flan (\u-inu A x-n " Olxn '1'I~n-nn \lH-n LIN,` \ll |l,'l|l t\ll.'. |llL' Illll'\' \ \'l Men came frnm tho hm-k of the h; and pro.<:-ntori their gifts; :11 tlw mu gm`. fulinwingz \\'hiL'h tin` lurli brmught their whitv ;:it't.s' and In them tut the font nl` :1 brilliant iightod (,`hri.~:'.mns troo. 'l`h<-n San Claus :1m>om'cd and distrihut briglit mlnrvd I);u1.x' ut` (-u(I](il .\' tn 1 |nu,-ml)(-r.'<, Mrs. B. Jvtyi) nnd Mrs. !.I0hb pnurod 10:: from n prt`ttil_\ (1 I ('m'.'|l0d (`hristnms t:|l>l<'. The (-hildrvn i.'1kii1_'.`,' part in I (`hn1'lt.~`t`.< \\'or(': St1.<:1n Miller. \ i\'i `.\/T.-u(`.n'.-I L` ..u-u l!..l..n~ \lY:... ICHUI H.`*('.\ \\'('l I`. ll.` l M`(`ui. Eih-m1 l`l'r0mhIo_V. In-one Kidd, Cl21d}'.< l`mm BUHV Kidd. Holc T),x4-' I 11" . J. .n ....`l Cn|t~ll's Cuukud mm Q | null .\. iRuby ' . Svnti. (`:m`r`uI` ; Tho I I`L.. h.'Illl1`( McQu ` Mr. I Miw 1935 Olds. Coach . 1935 Chev. Sedan . 1935 Chev. Coach 1 1935 Chev. Coach 1935 Chev. Sedan J. W. HARRIS 4::-nu gust. 1 . k)l.\lllll Delivery ................ .. 1933 Pontiac Sedan 1933 Chev. Coach 1929 Chev. Sedan 1929 Chev. Coach 1929 Chev. Coach 1931 Auburn Sedan .. 1929 Fargo Panel Truck .................... .. \;-4-1. ;u.\;;uan;.; .1-u -.-u-.1-w 75 I : Phone 128 CH F.Vl{()l.E'l` AND OLDSM OBI LE DEA LEI! A4 vu- , , nun .|u> \uIu .;.,..... ivy L0 1.. Hum` r.|....\.- M` ..u.._\ inn) 5. l`. and 1:11 1 This price includes 1937 License Tkick Rib _.j.---._..._..----u--_..._ WI |.\ .. Mrs ll>lI, I`A|ll'l'll l)t|I\|, |. \V|llIlll hloy. (`nlmr.:m. 1 .'n1s_\' 'l`mml)It\v. Gwvn Svutt. ' ` Hvlon and M2n*jm'io is. Rosie and Lillian I.ci_uh1 Taggnrf. Molly Kidd. Allan Byron Kon. Du1I}.:l:1s J1-bl). nn (`,<>u. and Du1'by Millm`. THE BARRY!-1 EXAMINER, BARRIE, 0NT.. CANADA |IIrrlI1l;; \\l'll', (VII.\. Mrs. R. mu-h. Mrs. (3: : Murivl Mo/\fv(`. Mrs. B. 1.. J(*l)I.) um! I\1i.~'s Hm-lrfn '('l\'. llilll l\I|Ill.` Il:tlu!l'. Ynnnn f`. In. u. IVY Ind in \\'L'](`(m1(` Boyd fur the \\'mlvr. n...v,\.. ..r n,.. is; man- I lurlivs: gifts laid brillinmly . Szmin I .li.I..1I...0..l II t I. wk hall 1 I I lSlill1l!~'. 1\'1r.<. Wm I._\'nn: Little Help . Mrs. Jus. J(*nnvH: `'1' m_ '9 Svm'ot:n`_v. IVll`.<. I... or. I\`IZllI I.i\'in;.{ M<-ssz1.L'(r" S Winniv Rubi. Orrnck: Six-k I rm. mill:-<-. Mrs. Maw. I won ,m`t1.. 1\/Trs. John Slvv .. l'l'er1 " N0w(',nn\0rs' ( rm-Hily u- 1\/1... .$500 $500 .$475 .$l75 .$l50 .$l50 .$125 $100 Mr. and Mrs. Campbell of Guthrie `spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Angus Campbell. Ho! meat nie suxmer. Christmas Angus campbeu. Ho! pie supper. concert, St. Jude's W.A.. A.Y.P.A.. S.S.. Wednesday. Dec. l6--25c and `15c. ladvt.) Mr. and Mrs, Angus Campbell and Mr. and Ivlrs. Robt. West spent Tues- `dny m_ the home of Mr. and Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. H. Bluck. respen-lively. | We are glad tu renort that Mrs. ! respecuvely. are glad report that Mrs. IJ. R_ Jamieson. who xvas so ill lust week, is steadily improving. J. A. Lennux is able tn be around. ul- litllough his arm is still sure. \fnv-nun Ennnrn nv-Ir` hie ninnn l\.`Hm- ;uiuu5u ins ullll ID nun mun. Vernon Speers and his niece. Miss` ' Bevan. of Toronto, spent Sunday 1 with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ISEMK` ' Speers. Mrs. J. Muiiynaux from Qu- ` ibcc is also visiting her parents ever the Christmas season. 3 St, Jude's A.Y.P.A. meeting was held at the rectory. Ivy. Monday nix-ht. Musical numbers were given by Misses Ilene Muiel and Mz1r_v Reirt, Mrs. Reid uzive zi rezulimz. Next week's meeting will be held `jut the L'hlll`(.`i1. The Seninr Wumen's Institute; giHC`(`i next 1`t1t1rsdav evening :11 Mrs. J. M. Stewart's. with the Education- :1] Cmmnittee in vimrge. Members are requested to bring their contri- bution for the (`hristmzis Cheer. as liiil ext-h:1mz(~ ut` Christmzis gifts has been cum-(:llt`rt. lfiift For Mrs. H. 'right on Leaving 1...iH..o,. .\...u ...\ uIn,I...\.. `Ill ! `nun run nun. II. vvnngu Junior Institiito met on W0clncs- i day (.~\`Onin;.{ all Mrs. Jnhn S(~ntt's. (Plans wero made to send Clirislmas r('il(`(`l' tn :1 neorlv t':nniL\' in the con`.- imnnity. A beautiful ruse glass cake `plate was presented In Mrs. lvlcrl). o uu :11 Any nu ; Wri;,;ht. who is i(.'Zl\ il).'. _ sh()l`tl_V for hm` new humu in Allis`.m. Miss Genevieve J:nnie.s guru u rozidingz. A Santa Claus Spy," and Mrs. (let,-mo M<'Drmn|(l gave 2: (lemon- strzitinn. shu\\'im.{ :1 [)l`(`U_V but in- t-xponsi\'(= (7ln`istm:i.s gilt. El flower put h()i(i(`|`. and rrxpluined huw tu nmkv it. llull will was zinswertrd liv an (`Xt`ilillll!(` ml` ('hristm.'!s gifts. St. Jll(]("S W./\. E10019 0ffi('(.`rs St. .ln W.A. met on 'l`ucsrlu_v :1t'1ernmn in Mrs. IA, (1. .I:nniL-sun's.'linn nut` nfficors tunk place and rvsllltcd as follows: lmnnrz1r_\' presi-I (lent. l\ lrs_ Dalton Banting: presi-I (lent. Mrs. George M('I)mml(l: VlCC`- prosirlvnts ~- lst. Mrs. ll:irr_y Lynn. 2nd. Mrs. Wells l-`lelcher; secretary. (lolivviuvv Jznnit.-smi: nssistnnt. Mrs. Arthur livid: lrv:1s1Ir(.. Mrs. T. W. Maw; r)l>l'l'il.\` S(3('l`('1:ll`_V. Mrs. Maw: nss stunts. Mrs. Wm. Somcrs. Mrs. Helpers Svcr('tm'_v.] 'l`h:mlmt`i'(.-ring:i S(`("l`L`ill'_V. (E. Jamiusnn; S(.'crclm'_v. Mrs.| Mcnilx-i's' ('nm~ Mrs. Isaac .I(`n~ .m`1t. Sll`\\'ill'l. Mrs. Josh. 'l`erry; (`nmmittee, Mi's. Lynn. Mrs. W. E. Grey. Mrs. J:1s.| Jonnett. Mrs. lszmc Junncit; Pro- urnm Cuinmitloe. Mrs. Hnntim.{. Mrs.` Rnitl. l\ lrs. Blnku: pinnist. Mrs. (}r('y: assistant. CL-n('viv\'e .l:nni(-smi. trtcnds at llculncmc. Mrs. Alf. Porter is :1 patient. in Midland Hospital. recovering from an uttzu-k ut' pneumonia. The W./\. of St. Andrew's Church 'h(`l(| their I)v('0mht'r lll(`l'Hll_l _ at the- humc Ivlissvs L`. um] M. I`urncr. l`tu's-[ (lay ilH(`t'ttImlt. l'ht- Y.l`.S. of St. Amlrt,-W's Pres- l))'1L`l`i:l|1 (`hurt-h l\l`l(l thvir suviul nu-otini: at tho hnmv ut IVIi. Elsiu ]{m\`:tt_ iVIun(l:t_\' ni_uht. 'I'hU t~lu.<.<<`.s` tat thv Short (`uur. and st,nt'f mnlmx-(I to Burriv my Tues- day and Vi.\'ilL`(l the (iiffcrcnt plziccs of bllSil1(`,\`S in that town. Weekend visitors: Carlyle Muc- Dnnuld nf Uniunville_ with his mn- thm`; ('h'nc-0 Rumble of Toronto. with hm` |):tt`L*tlISI Nvl.\'nn Rumhtn. 'I`01'(m- tn. at his hmm): Muriun Minn and 1Vii.<.< T o1`kiit.~'. B:trriv. with Mrs. 1\/finn Qv In 'l`m'unln. Miss |lur0n('L' West is friends` at llcuthcotc. Mru AH` Pm-inr is :1 ml H.'1I`nl(l Rumhlv spent the ` n 'l`m'nm!n, THORNTON HILLSDALE n suvml pe'.`1n(1s. was served by thc r3xp|z1InP(l mm` In hri:41n1.'!.s' . met I. (I .Inn1il-v . Wm-kend visitin;,' Miss Kathleen Hughes has return- ed home after holidaying with Tn- ronto friends. NH`: Ml)l`l0\' \Nt-lhh and Qhirlnv `White at Whitehall. romo Irlends. ! Mrs. Morley Webb and Shirlc_v. Anne spent over Sunday with Mrs`; I--Yn\\r:arri Rrnlnv nnrl Mice I` I-.1l'.. Master, .105. Hnwmnn. Sun; In-p, 1Vl..; Robt. M('I)nn:1lrl; (Zhuplnm, l"r-rl Henry; Rec. Sev`_v.. J. I":-r;;u.~ Fin.` Secretary. Bruce Wice' 'I`n-usurt-r,| T. A. Reynolds; Mzuxhzni. CL-0. l.:Iw~, son: lst Lecturer. Jns. Bowman. Jr.:l 2nd I.0('lu1`cr. Jun. Hmuw; 'I`.\'|ur. Fm Christy. l , . \Vvddin;1 (`:11 Thu Exzunim-r. -----__-.-......_.-_.----...__ Fry s Coco; qhe of NOVA SCOTIA KILLYLEAGH OVER A CENTURY OF BANKING SERVICE STROUD >ccca.ntard;1(owz. (Pa.A'Nour! Money {OF l'CpiliI`S 0!` il11I )I'()V'(`lT1Cl1[S` [0 your home may now be had on tngcous terms. Our ncurcst tome: of the Bank to secure this service. !ji.xjJ will gladly tell you how the A in your case. You do not need to be :1 cus- Write or callfor z/escriptire booklet j.--.--' I&&IQ&'IQI! h$'DB DiPli'I!.`2-' 0:863 Pliihbhbmhilly I 2 ,-4 ,,___,, M ` St. J.'1mos' W.A. hvld H1:-ir un- nunl mu('tim.{ nn Wt.'(lm*.~`d;:y, I):- 3, In! tho hnme nf Mrs. Fred. Pm'lrirl2g:- ' l'h(- l`u|Imvin;_ wvrv (-It-<-it-rl fnr 193'? `;)`r<-sirlvnl. Mrs. R. At-nnlny; vim`- mn.-;.I.u..1 1`/`rm m-rv P:.uI.-id.--- ~:(`1-, AU'l`()M()'l`lVl'Z l`Zl.I'I("I`l{l(' Sl<)l{Vl(`l*I 33 Buyfit-ld St. : lh\l{lll'2 ` The New 1937 Ford V-8 lll) Dunlap Stu-1-L Phmw -1!)! It/Htltll-I S0!` thv New l"0rd V-X (`arts for 1937 at the sunw time! \'uL1c:111 i1nprm'c the t'cmli11;<`v.'nIm- ml" _\nHl' Chnp h_\' Mixing CORN with your Oats. (Iurn is nuw lhc luvvcnl p1'icu1wrlmumlml" :21lg'r:1i11s. (`VIII l`lI\I\II*I"l/\I1'l\Illt'V I ! .._.____. ._...._.. Lyows `i`f6fT{" LC`;-c;1:l.|5.3;v'I3ARRIE FLOUR MILLS, Barrie .,C.H1_TT1CK MOTOR SALES CROWN HILL Trucks Are Here ! ln|Q_V vnr `rt1'1d;.:`v: :<< tron. ll'| ._._..___..-.---:.._-__...__._.._ __.__,,,___ , Chocolate: FEEDEBS ulmsuzllly '.1(lv'.1n- - plan will operate Branch nnmugcr It:-ml Chum :::;:;.) 1 stair;-mi Miss I-I. I-.-:\-:1 the weekend lrlughuu. r1....,1,_ A o r`. CHOICE GRAPES Zlbs. 25 JUICY ORANGES doz. 25 Choice Peameal Rollslb. The Week in Cookstown TENRER ROASTS ---.---~._- .-1. -::---.----- Lilli) llil\/L` III) III! mrl ('X(`h(`IIIL!(` lhm 1 1ornlwr.~;, 'I'h(- In 1: snl2st:zminI bell: Hridv Showowd T1` -- 1 The regular meeting of First Essa` . V Womanls` Association was held un ` i T01`m- Dec. 2. at Mrs. Jennetl`.:. with eight- Jih T01"3m} een ladies present. The Dre.~:dent. `his IM1`s. Percy Arnold. being absent. T- i 5D`m`{ "riplurc wins read by Mrs.7Leonard "5 iL,' and prayer for the bt-rem - I-.-;`\-.'b_\` n1 ll,z`m1lu spc-n1 ' Cd family vszns uI'l'01'vd by Rm`. A. `1,n.~.,z ...;m r.:r.... r.-~......1.|M I`-....s .,m~1 NI.-p 1 r-...-rum vrm.` ROAST Roast 1* .1 2 Tissue nugmrs. ` I..In_vd-~~At Cuuksiuwn. 'l`hl|rs(ln}`.} I)e(-ember 3. to Mr. and Mrs. Wnltc-rf Lloyd of Bl`-'1dfOl`(]. :1 rl:m_L:hlm`. ' Ladies Briflgo Club Starts Play Dnccmbt-r H The r(~-m`Lurlizntiun xm-cling of: the lurIit~s' briclgo r-1:11) was held` 'I`hursduy, Dec. 3. at thv hnmv of` Mrs. (`.00. Duff, Tho l'n|Iuv.'in_q of-` fit.-L-r.-; V'.'('l'(.' r-l<-viva: I l`(`\i(l('ll1. T\Ih`s<. 'l` f I1... .~.. \I:...\ 1).. AN` nn.... |FANC\` DFREE L'Ll IxIIllIl_V V'vl|.\ Ulllil L'll U} I\\ \ . fl. N. lucid and Mrs`. 14. (.`url)I.-11. 'l'hC _ycar s l'(;`[)()!`l was rend and ndupted. Each lady drew the name (If twu children 01' the community to don-` ate presents for the annual Sunday School Christmas tree. Miss Mar- gnmt Hayes took charge of tho pro- gram. Mrs. '1`. I~`r:1scr road a very uppruprizlte paper on. "Gm! is L.m'(-," L-(nm)n.~*(-d by Miss B.`:Ill'iCE.` I~`v':mr-V I-`irsl. Essa W.A. Elects Officers Jumhu I-'ill`l.\. Snmkvd. Iiluv .\`il\'vrln'igh'. Salmon. YOUNG TENDER I l(.'S luin ur Rib L I Il|ZL'lh VVk'| L L'll'l'H'(I. I"! l'.`\HlV||l. KVIIV5.` '1`. J. Dnwsrm: Vicv-l I'(-: Mrs. J. R. C`mxs'v: S:-(-rt`!:1I'y-'[`rc-nslnrer.` Mrs. R. J. Mc'/\f:'(~. Th? first week- ly moeting will be held on I"ridz1_v: evening. Do(:L-rnl)(.-r 11. at the home` of Mrs. Thnmpwru. Th!` m!`n1b0x'. this year is lv.'c'nt_\'-l`:mr with six .~:ub.s'ti1ut('.s'. and U10 .<('.'l.\'un will close with UN pmpulnr While Elem phnni Night," when ('.'H'h mvmlwr` ulill Inkn nn .'n'Iit-In fur :1 nri`/n fur iEa $:L&JZ{$E *v`E\jL`_~`g$Il-LE3`-Sxhu I'0inl U)'\l(`l`.\. -11 |)HiH|l IVILUIL will take an whit-h 1hn_v hrmw nml (- uthcr mt-ml` pm'l(-(I :1 .~;ul h'onsun'_v. I!- ` lbs. \x\\ l-AL:l\ MINCEMEAT L5HHiRR|s \ '.l!I.!X \ l\IY(' EXTRACTS u'..m' ALMONDS \ LI .1. .* CHOCULATES INF-I PECAN NUTS 1hr` I In w ALLSORTS ll). ' cuiicxiic ` l{(I.\\.\"l`l.\t`. Ln. 1 -. ; Villl).',iHl U1 D|Ei(lllJl'(l. gthc tragedy of war and emphasized `of war. `strive for the \'i(*t01'iCs of peace. Ht` I1l`.' S[JUK(:' EIUUHI the fact that since the young peoph=' would be called upon in the even`! it was essential that they; I zilcn unnlzn nl` thn nrr-cunt f`-4-nnunuiv Don't Miss These GREAT VALUES Tecumseth county xoung Peo- ple's Rally was held in Cooks- town United Church, Monday even- ing`, December 7. and was under the leadership of Mr. Roberts ofi Beeton. Groups of young people. I'1`nm Beetun. Newton Robinson and] Wt-slc_v ChLn`cl1. Alliston. were pre-{ ur,xv'11 I The devotional exercises were fcnnrhu-tccl by Albert KL-1|. president, I of Cooksiown Y.P.S. The lesson wzxsl lnnunl Ln ll?-n Y).-xlxk ruldrl n\|o:\1vp\~u nl` KNEHL. III K-UUl\.SLU\\l| I.l".n,7. IIIC I'.`.'.`hUIl \\'d-` read by Miss Robb and prayer of- fered by Rev. Mr. ML-Kex`acher of Alliston. Mr. Bugden. pastor of Cookstown church. briefly wel- cnmed lh visiting groups. Items` were 1-cmlm-ed by young people of] Boc-hm and Newton Robinson. Miss Mary Kell of Cookstown sang. int0r- i nu-niinulv "I-l!1\'n Thin. (hvn \U:x\' k:v.\' GELATINE 1' 1Vlill')' IXEII ()1 k.U()KSl()VV71 SHHH. Il1l(,`l`- `p1'ctim.:l)'. "Have Thine Own Way. i Lord " l`hr. rnnin pun-xbnv uvvao T):.x~ T\/Ir l4UI U j The main speaker was Rev. Mr. Vaughn of Bradford. He spoke about | `thn ivurrnriv nf urnr nnri nv~nnhnv:i>.-(`ll \'\ |l\llll UL L'(llIV-ill |.l]JVPlI Ill l|ll;' t.'\/Cl! 6 of strive He] also spoke of the prc-sent CL-unun1ic[ crisis which young people are (`no-| I I l 1 iinu. and of the need for (:rou`.iv(* 7l(`:Id(`l'shi|)_ His addro. wzls well do- livorod, intcwcsting and deeply pm- \'ucz`|H\'u of cnns1ructi\'e lh0u}_{ht. l{l)_\\.\'_'|`|N( ~l.l5. .... _ ,_._. __g. _.,__. ._._.. ._,_ \.'Hl.|\H.'lll CRABMEAT \ .lI|l|I|l('|| \ l JUICE, 20-4/, 'l'iu In.;1x\u' MINUTE OATS 55 l\Il'X|XHl'HU COFFEE ilnspiring Programme, } Tecumsefh Y.P.S. Rally I Held Cookstown, Dec. 7{ l?IIl`.|H I...'l\ k DOMINO TEA 1-H: ..., \4" ....~..,- /\f1(:r :1 \'(`l`} fine supper. the young pooplo t-ngnged in ,Lmn10s and with the . of the Na?.innnl An- thvm. l)rmu,:l1'. :1 very plc-axing. help- ful and in. vvoning ln :1 clnsv. Such gatherings are helpful and L-rvntive of understanding fol- luw.-hip. There should be more. .))l' Effective Thursday. F1-May and Salurday, Dcctmbvr 1(Nh,l1ll'\ and 1.7!]: BHG .3lUTGa}', IIC 10th. 11th and 12111. i :j?.cHE'1`i*1 - snnn BEEF mu-In II(`F Tentllg;-Eoin FRIDAY ONI Y _I |;g. Isl \*\\)\ I-`:u:\"|`s .15 (.'.(\kL'n Hnnuwi .18 ~ .25 .29 . .30 .2.-1 fK'rEs % MSANUT BUTTER mgvmm

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