Mlcilnml haw :1 1:-;1rl=.m_v. l't`}'lll:\l.i0ll xvhichg permits mm l`c`::iLie`llI 2 lnngzvr pnrlucls 0!` park-~ 5 mg` on lm.-am-~:.~< .s'll`t`I,`l.\` llum zwsidexxts en- { 30)`. This 11:1.-: in vu11.~;l (`on- fusl<.m nwinp. Lu tlw d:l`1`lm1lLy 01' knowing,` \\'` n ma rl<~~r i.-4;-:m\d in tlw Midland dis- . tl`i(`L bc*lm1g::; In :1 Ml(U1ll1(lt`l' 01` to :1 person re- siding mltsticlr tho Luwn. Sucla :1 regulation does not st`:-111 wnrk~.1hlo The only mix` way is to treat all ullkex with :1 litlle leniency to wards x1o11-1-v.~,:'ulmt:; when the 1'eg'ulauon is broken. VERYBODY admires the beauty of the 1936 Chevrolet--the only low-priced car with the famous streamlined Bodies by Fisher. But seasoned motorists point to something tar more important than good looks, which Chevrolet alone otters in its field. And that is the safety oi the solid steel Turret Top root. The fact is, this Turret Top that gives you unequalled overhead protection, also makes possible the complete streamlining of the car. For the Turret Top is drawn from one solid, seamless sheet of steel. There's no old-fashioned insert of fabric- and-chicken-wire to mar the beauty of its smooth gleaming surface. Make sure your next car is safe from the top clown. And that means, of course, choose a Turret Top Chevrolet, The Only Complete Low-Priced Car". Monthly payments to Hull your purse on the General Motors lnstalment Plan. The Only Complete Low-Priced Car PERFECHE) HvLmA=.mC BRAKF . YURKET 1'0? BODIES av cururu VAI .'i m.HEAD ff-UHNE. . . FISHER No. y of mu (_'(Inm!imI dim-r-(I in Frmzr-I1, Priced from 1:nvin;{ nun]:- lmlvh pmfn` $735 M-`Some Thinkabouts 1 (('up1/rig/M) `tn war nu-nurrinl on. It, _fnl(rnv.\'.` nmr!l__v 1- thv U qnnuu ll u unnxu` tax. In` (low. not I mess Lax. [Iv ham; on this Lax 1':-mm turn mu`: (`ulh-rl, l 'I`hur'.dn_v. July 20. 1938 _-j_ Ihv (, :mz1tli:m Master DeLuxe Models from 5864 IL! n|:I_Y 1 `nil lhinus ` nu :-a-vl utlu -uu yuuj rd at juclory, ,()nI (ju'urm- '\ In Sub! nu I HI` .np;uu|. luv m;m_y putt-nliill It In lhv appli- prim-iplt.-.~4 in mrv lhzm lhuy I1: wiIh uilmr.-4. 111- suit-1| Iht-ix` m unarm- , /fliflll and r nlrn (l('.*v`[ I'u_yu(l nu \,.. .. p1'ts`m_L_-; dt`n.\ h_\ Nnlnulus imimlium lmn, and H`! (' zlll 077i cupant. lux nI...I be glzu`! 9.; that. HM` H? right.~; of 1:1: inland \v:1Lv ha 1-. bux Established 1864 A weekly nmvs-paper devoted to the interegts of the 'l`own of Barrir: and ihrr .<:urmunding counfry. issued at the Pox! DH'ic(- Squurn, Bnrric-, ave-ry Thursday, by J. A. IVI.'u:l..:m-n H.`([ilm`J and W. C. Walls (manager), owners and nul)li.~;h.-r.s: l'hr- Bari-in Exmniner is :4 member of Tim (`nn:irli:m Wm-kly Nuwspnpv.-.-rs ASS()- ciation and of (`lz1r::~: A VV-`I-l(|ir`H. S`UP.S(`R!P'r`YON RATES Anywhere in (':m:u1u, :'.Z!_()() 1: your; in Unil.P.d Sm1.o.s, $2.50 :1 year, p:nya|`l(.- in Zl(i\-'.'H`I(`l`. Sinygln I,-npi9s, 5 vents. Subscnihors: \-.ri In zli.~:r-vmlimw paper at expira- tion of pvriwl pnicl for :n'- (-.~:1w'-tvd to notify this 01`- fice bdnre (11110 of ~x;.i1'y. TH!-`. VYIVIY ITNVEILING "T0 the vn,Jm' ml" Lhnir v ' Great War and in mummy of their dead, this mm1-rmnm, L; mi:;r-(I by the ' of Canaclzt." \ rrn...A : , Au... :. .....:. 1:..- ..._ 41- _ r1.\.. Page Two Hm ' In tho 11111111 examin:1Lim: recall :1. l,nm- V TH.1WJ V, -JUl..Y' K 30 , ,1 THE - BARRIEZ -EXAMINER EDITORIAL Him) :1 Hm I-`r-mus Nr>ws-Record, 2:; :m- E.'~:;:; 1m1n!l:n C`-.m zmymw - whwn l.1.=~3/ v/c-rv 1m;mI:u". EDITORIAL !.h.r~ I`m'(ml.0 Advm o11l,1_\'. in-. Allan R. )ninL:. V`/uultl mntin my H`.l`_'_L _'( 1, repm'l.::; 6,360 pmv ; i."w LQlI11I.nI|;Iv,*!x; :1! `.zLllzmdv`.' "um!-.u_x and Hl!l1(.1'.l_V. W'l1Ll, will Hui will) Mm1 us; vivw lm`. ` ..|-up 1vI\ I In. mu`! nvilln !'(]<'1L|l}-Z ulth whk Wu.i!.(~r.-; ill Stkt` l)(`(.:H$`u will ho liH,:.- the Wuil,m';.' ` ; u\".til'.1b|- I am): m.lw>N1*s .'>3I.:z1.v:;1n:1n p0int.:: out 1 1:1)": rmvinciztl inrtoxnv tn p21) :1 n1nm('ipallJu.~s- m'_!11 tn vollom. :1 1'eb:1to in1m1<'ip:s.Iit,_\~`, which in tn:-; mun Hm I mv'n1ci:.11 U)'l`il N OTES um ])l :l("I,'1(`,(`. ...l.... mu vvnn - run down :1 lr:xlhu!'1l.s`n The public v .. I. .. 0 l\.\ .4 n, have {gone on (,1m:11u.; . 'l`hm`0 w.- nun! -.,\-... .-u.- (H mopping m- 101` via: The Nm't.h sons as \i\'-. l! on (1 I'.:(',l`Hl 32: it be next vvm: `hv will >: LU bv h()p=`i thv 1'vsp`cl,iv<- I mutt on our u-rL1::ing zmu x . lf)u1'm> .-mid imw In bv an 1 be :u'lni0v(~;l Lu ull (Liu=:', : .-. I tummy- r11-.'u'p,v.-, .-..\o.\ in put HIM- in tho - (50,000 1)eo])l<`: \Vhu~<:` unn- `.~:l'1`()}) - u 3 1`1r.~_`.l. .~:lLing;' \n-I yuux ulun \.1IA u 1 may i un}.= and nun .-unuunuu u 01` znmlw. from i,lw Dmninion.-=., l'r-o 01` duty, will ho prov'i I`m', ']`l)i:s would vn:mr= :1 pm'- lnzmmnt. 1n;1rk-l, no (35111-u.tln fur nut. lam; Llmn $25,()(')ll,l)0(J amntmlly, (~.hi(eI`ly in l)m:un unrl h21m.s'. Thu :;1l*(rt*-sszfunl (!()l]1|)lP|}i()ll ml" :;ur-ll un algrr-mm-nl. would 1w of imlnonso in1})m`l,:m<:.- to 1.111.`; (li:;l.ri4-l,, :15 mo l1r:;l. (')u~upm':n.l,iv(- P11(`kP1`.\`. of ()nl.m'io 11:1.-; nnjoyod :1 vvry con- ::iclm':1l)lo oxpm-I, lnuln 1,0 mm Hril;i:=.ll I.-.'lm. whr-re the quality of its ]5n'n(lucl,s hut; luuntl | much favor`. nu}:-In nun/nu: In the r`0111'.;o 01' an odii,n1'iz1l, \vr-1no111i11_1.: the m11vm1I.i)11 111 L110 C1l.ll1l(U11l Wnnkly J\Ic\w':;pu1)o1':; A.-~;::m`.i:1i.i011, tho 1`1'ib1n'1n, Wi1111i~ peg`, .~;ui(l, Pr-nplo living` i11 L111` citier; amt! l.i)Wl')S i11 which tluily 11ow:s}_):1}1P1':s 11111 uco,r?[)L- ed as :1 l1l1l1.l.I`l' vn111'.~;o zirn likvly to UV('1'~ look 1,110 il}l])()l`lI_Ul(`.(` 4.11` .`i(}l'Vl(f(` which i,l1I.` weekly iivwspupew l'(`ll(1(`l'S in :1. vm111l,1'y : :15; Cniizulzi with its v:1,:~:i, 1'111':1l z11'e=:1:;. Fin`- l,i1e1'. The Tril)1111v 1].`x`(-`U 1.11939 words, "An hon - est, wel1~r:o11dm`.L(=(l 11mvs}>ape1' can do more t.l1an any other single agency in building up local pride and :1 spirit, of se1'vioe in its com- miinity. Tho wm=kly 1)1`es.~: of C.`m1ud:1 i,uk<=s myvoiid place in 110110 in this 1'+1s1)ect.. 1.01113 Ulily it :7111'vivo." \4\lA u AV\ nu \.l| LJIIIIIAIIL) runn, \.lll|;., Iunl; Wl,',(7lL In .ll(`C1 `.1 highly r:.I's=(lit,nl)ln .s`1)m-1:1! i:;!uIr* of 46 1)z1p;(->:; r(>pleLn with news. illu.~;Lml,i0n:s, zulvm tisixlg and :;pm`iul u1'l.icle:;, l11:~;L0rin:1l :1nr.| 0Lh-- mwvise. that should lnake the munber ol` vv,`r_v meat, 1x1t,e1'(>sL to presel, and I`m'mm' 1'0:;i.lm1t.~; of mm, live Lawn. IL ul.-an it; :1 .apIr=n ml- vm`Lism m*nl, 01' .`T`.n'.iLl1.~: I-`ails 1,0 the m1t,::ido worlcl. A. I6. 1)ohl)in, who :1:s.`m1nr=d M1z1n'p;n of tho News-'Rh<=<'m'| in 1934, in 1,0 l.)= 1-.o11gr;Lt,1|~ l:a.l.e<.l hr>m'Hly upon Lhi:-2 sxvellmnl. mm1l)(=.r and upon Hm (`mo .`sup])01'l. givml him by the; mnn which math il. ])n.w:sIl)lr=. F A 1m'hnI,r-11 from (ZH.l.a.wn. .~;l,21Lo:: that. one of l Lhn l`(>:-1t,n1n>-; )1 mm 1'4*vi::ml lnulv ))za. whim the Hon. (Ih:1rl.r-:-; Dunning, now in I.mul(m, 1:; n(w;I,'),' 11-l,wr>.~n (lnnzldn, and H10 Unil,u(l K1ng;d i:=. Hun, Lhv <`~rm1.imw(l impnrl,ul,inn nl' 'l`.`\l\f\.' I :-uh-. hn I\nn1'.ni.~..1n l|u.(\ 1.!` .l..1.. "f I So far we have ::ar~n no explzmations of where the I'n(lr-ml G0v(.rnn1e=nt,, sL1'ugg'1in,4;` with a huge. debt and hip; annual dpficits, is: to get sufficimn. fumlr; to pay all rnlinf c-.0:;L~: as dvnmntlncl by L110 mayor:; of (2I"l`L. lIl1 cities. This is :sr>.mni11;:,ly :1 n1:11,lm' of no con:;r=.qur=,11(:o to tlwsn 1m1yor.'A:, their only concnrn bnixw; tn shift the bllI'(If`l I from Lhoir own :sh0uldo1':;. If th01'r=. had 1)l`E`.l1 rnorn honerst. r,=ffm'L to solve r,hr>ir own 1n-nblmna zmd 1:335; inclination to --n-nl l'1`t\~n.-1 ..n.I...- vb r..~. I`\n .-muv- nr ....x.... A... .~... uvvu u\IAIII 111.1 44.1.11: 52.1.1 xllhlllllblplllll I11! "gm I'1'nm 11m1z1'," on the part; of 1111111y m1111-- ic1pr11iLie:.;, tho wliof :sit.11r1r.Iu1'1 would he 111110/11 ]f".`:"1' .*:m'in11:; 1.111111 13. is t.mmy. To mark it.:; 1 ift;ie1,l1 :11111ivm'."m'y, the Re- (f()1`(.1-N(`W.`; of . .3mil.h:; Falls, (f')nl,., lam, week is- A .\ 1.:_.l-|-. .....-.u4..|.|.. .`_A. ~ an ` 000.000 as compared with 4,010,000,000 five years previously. Cigar smoking is steadily losing` favor, the consumption last year be- ing 124,070,870 as compared with 152,159,300 M ve years ago. As yet the fair sex have not tackled this type of "smnke. The Wing: ness 101' me` night on H; (`h;1l`xu` {.0 rl pirns, H L.'ug Llrzrc \-.'<.:m: and \`.":!j mug. gnu` lt`1H|.)\-l'.ll)' l`t`Hl`I lu uerzmlung In\In1c1p;unxe- but uIlm13lt`!_\' the repair nf m\'ic 1 i11.'1m'n= in the llaxuis of the r~m'1,exu'_v. That repuir.< ram be effecterl to the advantage m munioipa1n_\', t:a.\p:1_\c=r and L):md- holder is illustrated by the Grand Forks example. It leaves no room for doubt that even where there has ` been a bankruptcy, municipal finances are capable \ of complete repair. OPIN(Z)I*{_S 01$ OTHERS .-XIIEURD, BUT IT I\fl'.`\N3`i mm-" 1-u, mfoI'I 1* ...-um 'HI"l'. I)l'Hll in Q|1Pl2(`<'. \ 0'l`I-IS |[\H_Vl| IVUIHI \Vl.'.`xl, l\ll)lHlll`H l'lH|('|'. Juinim; that famous l'm`cu at its in- cvptiun in I873, Stvclv In.-Id nnmy vital r-mmnmuls, imrluding that tn the mo1mt:1in passes} during the Yu~ kon gold rush. It was his: training: with tho pnlivn that tted him so I ---n : `rug; 1 un: 4 )n'- ml (":n1:ul;1`.s' nuns! lli.*:UlI1{lli.\`h~ ml mldi31':1 \mI:: Sh` .`.i:nnuvl Benifia-Id .`3tm-lo. lli.--` pmriml nl` m-tivv :;m'vim- duln.-; Inn-l< In lhv I-`vniun rnidn and (3Xl(`lI([.`5 thmuglmul lhv (iruzll Wur, thus covering Inorv {him half an men- tury. Stn.oI(- took part in the sup- ])l'('.`.`Ii()ll of bath llw Red River .'m(1 UH` NUl l|l Wu.-;[ R*l)vllin.| 4)!` 18115.` l.)mim.{ lhv Suulh Afriumx Wm" ho: (:mmnzmdn.>d I .un| SI rnllu,-un.':'e; ]I)l'.sv, whilv {mm ISH-I In 1918 ho hold an imptwlunl post. as hand 01" ,lhv grvnl I-mm) ul Slmrnr-|iff(-. Eng- land. In f` I . . . . . . a. u `|<.` ..." (.`I,...l..Y IHHU. In (,`:nnml.'1.|m\ is rmm-rnbt.-rm! n..l llnuun In IL. ; \,1Ill\\` `-Ihnniuiu will 1:; \v|nu::v 1 115 lhv lit wiil I ..I 1 .~.v. ... Tln=n= ll-_1~: brm`. zm enormous im~1'c=ase m the C.0llSUnl})li(.m of ci;.':m=tto:< in (.`anudu dur- ing the past five _ve:1rs and this is mainly at-5 trlbuted to the growth of cigarette smokin- among women. During` the last fiscal year tlub ` cigarettes sold in Canada numbered 5,31f!,-l Ol1zI\\':1. .Inl_V `JR VVI1;-ltwm` fm`InlMil`--t y. (':In.'n!i:m I,n|tu\'o-l` :4! lnvuh-.n |.n-r Mnnininn g-..\r.-u-n:.u4n( '1- .'UllI|ClHUl'. wno meet at uuelph. Premier King and Hon. Vincent. I ('HlI` ngu _ \ luEi`D x:wL-xJ9`*?*;>+ l|I)l,`l I` '0 In ' ul'HI Ilun` C` THE BARBIE EXAMTNEF, BARRY!-'1. ON'l".. t"`.;'\.\1 .-U).-\ THE OTTAWA SPOTLIGHT Unveiling of Fort Steele Monument lIH\`VI'Vl`l. C7il|ll -rd (|l.'?u an ;m in thv u:n'l_y s!,m'_v 4 \VI.-.-`I. I\ ln1mlm| I fn nun... fan-nu -.0 Vimy R.i(I;z;(- I,hul,.-;1mI.uI ( .`:1n:um in I?'mn(~.r~ --~W11l be :1 |::,::l,im,-, nu-muriul Ln mm 01' 1.110 most g'1m'i0u.-;. and 0111- nl :s:ul(l(a~;t, n;')i.~:0de.\: I of the G`ro:LL \/Var, :1.-; l:u' :L:: (7:m.'ul:1 wm; r:0n~- l cemecl. I A Weekly Review of National Affairs BY WILFRID EGGLESTON `Szm1" .`5l(n-,lu- impm'l- v-thn-v nl' Ilu. IICII, VVlIl,'ll` HI` ll'HIiIIH7"l after thv war as In-ml ml szlulbulury. .`u`l(.-u-I:-`.~: mum- prosurvt.-(I on (.`:m:I rn: 510011`, by HM` K 5(:llUl('1lSlL`l'll lh'iti.-:h (`ulu .~aH(- |)ring.. luau-k mt-mnri Lmlvnt fr (!n_-,v::. 'l`hH HiI Hill-I: nu fill Clilllllllfl l1l.`lIII"|U .'\|l'l' (7.. C.l'3., M.V.O.J with 111' 'l'. Woud. (3. F. A. Hunt. . H. Powell, unrl Hw mm. vi.-4i(m. The p1'(-.-con:-u ml` H fnrcn. uctim; um]:-1' Hu- mctful cmmnaml ml` SI--c-I pvuce uud rn'rh+r in Hm mu rrriliml time," pvrfe(-lly for hi.-2 wnrk in .".vm rlcn, Wh(,'l'|` hr l'l`IIl.`uin-ll Fur ox.. uH:.o~ u. \|r-nv -..- lJllll'l|l IllHIIIl.'l {H 1'. ` The llislux'i1' Hit:-Ex Ilm.-nts Bnurd ml (';In.'u1n `n 1 u ul h`:.-I K` ...I.. fm'l1i.-:wm'k in .`'.uulh ." 31'!` I) Ii: * lI|'- (V. y. law in :| m:[.': in I"! )y |~1'.`~~ .urn (.`ulum|n:.. '1 gs`. nwm-uriv-:.~ HI` I! nndnun .ln.... STREAMLINENC s'6L'I*D"sTEEL sAP`iiT%Y Ad(h'e.<:;'u1:` Sales (`hm rm he Imp:-(1 xm ` t`X1l11p'.(` 01' In by ixxvxw-1: us 1':11nilie.~:. I-.:r;,w Ayerst 3: Harris Ltd. ...,, ,, ,E,';2I`"AS.iuE His Majesty's Speech at Vimy Unveiling .11 n} Hm Kit.-q'.~: .~:p4-:(-It (II Um u l'im1/ lti(!_t/c-, (hr _Iir::! pm`! I run \-'t>!\' p_r:x1r-l.I| In yml, Mr. IH wxlh mm m H11-nI'l`nsinI1 of tmln 'l'hr- ;:I'o:-"hr-u 4:!` lh(- [ !'4'.`i(l(`1lf ~p|<-_ l"vn' my purl I (:nmgr:m|luu: `III IlcI.`\ St-pl. \-' `y I r-.~;i(lrm1, for having: in I on mp ,1-c-u.s'inn tml:|y's r-err-many. nf thv Rt.-puhliv will tutu "or rn_v. thnt yuu huvw ;: rn.-n thn huttum of my heart In the I-`rum-h nutiun '.;1|r-r1."('.'I.`..'I!t:t l`m' llw hu:t ynu huvv I t-r thnsv I. : vx1(:r1(lo-'1 M1 30 next the 1 'un'm-iling Sun(lu_:/ of -rm of whirl: he (lvlim-rt-(I 1': p:`\'ilt-1:9 nf (lww :I!|.~; ()H.'Iw.' The Pm that if u