nu. vv :m1nuu1uunIu u. l|lll A-1L.u.-nun xu nuyyu; u. The dream or every Boy Scout, of course, is the summer camp, and it. appears that at last, there is I ul!od_body to achieve such objects as ujsummon camp and many other things in- ciclmxtal tio Saenaing its it should be. 'T`|1\n AAVurI:I:r\C'=I\-\ 5- t\`lIl\r\ pl" .~...l.:.-... ..I....... I.` nu.-._y the Imperial Pill'Hi1n10l1L zim-r cm1siclmablc- agitation on Lhls side oi Llw /\l.l:mLic, culnr into el l'ecl. July 1, 1867, and Llm Dominion of Canzizlu set out, on in. united (:()lll'.`i(;`. The Un- ion, at Lhut Lime. c0n.a' only of four prov- inces ~TOnt.m'lo, Quebec, Nova :`~'.(-.0Li:i and Now Brunswlck---but Manitoba was nclmlttecl in 1870, British Columbia in 1871. Prinr'.(- Etlwurd Island in 1873, and Su5k:Ll`.clirrwun and Al- berta in 1905. _.._ r1_.,n_.u_.._:u_._ rs. ___ _v,, u__, 1-, .1 P21` Tile British North America Act, 1m.~:::e(l by Slmcoc` County Council lust xvovk approved 1 the holding of an annual bout t`.\I(`l.ll`Si0ll. It was at first proposocl to vote $100 of County funds towards expenses. but this idea was very wisely dropped. County monies should not be used for such :1 purpose. In deciding that the House of Refuge should lo1e1'ea1'te1' bv known as the "Simcoe County Home". the Simcoe County Council is following the example of the governing body I of Onparlo County. which voted :1 week pre- ` viousfy to make a similar change SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada. $2.00 n your; in United States, R ) ll .0: van: nnunhln In nrhmnc-0 Hinulu comics. 5 CCIHH. Canada will celobrmo its .-;ixl.y~ninl,h birth- day on Wednesday next, July 1 : youL11~ ful as far as m1L10n.~; go. l"o1`Lunut(-ly bn.~;ino.~:s conditions have gwutly in1pmvr.-cl tlu-. Dominion last celc-l)mLecl her nnml xmnivm'~ sury. 'T`l\l\ Ijnll-Inln '\Yr.ulI. Ala-\r\hI`l\r\ And .~......\/I I... The season of family reunions is again with us. With the Iacilmes of modern transporta- tion and communication, these clan get-to- gethers are drawing increased attendance. It is pleasing to meet one s kith and kin in these Established 1864. A weekly newspaper devoted to the interests of the Town of Barrie and the surrounding country, issued at the Post Office Square, Barrio. every Thursday, by J. A. Mnoharen (editor) and W. C. Walls (manager), owners and publhhua. The Barrie Examiner Ls I member of The ennzldian Woekly Now.-;p:mers Assn- cintlon and of Class A Woeldloa. Page Two (`JANA DA'S .'.w'lX'l`Y~-NlN'l` BlR.TIll)l\ Y THE - BARFHE - E'.XA!"\1ER up: uu. ux l.Il\llln Since Confcdcnntlon. Cunuclu has had fif- teen G0ve1'n01's-/Gt.-rmml, sixteen Minisl,1'i-s. and eleven Prime Minis-xt.(v1':;. four of whom have held of1'lc_e on more than Lwn nu-.a.~:ic>ns. The number of/members in the 1'-Imlso 01 C0m~ mons has lncrjuscq'1 1'on1 181 to 245, Quebec's representation being constant; at. 65. "Dominion Day" 1sAour foremost nzxtionrtl THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1936 EDITORIAL NOTES EDWRIAL Premier Ab11erh:u't of Alberta is likely r,-.> run up against serious Sli1{. ,'S in mnnoi-.tion with his "Prosperity Certii'ic:1tes" which ho plans to use instead of real money. Geo. Wil- kinson, chairman o'f the retail section of 0:1!- gary Boarcl of Trade, in zunmuncinp; that thu larger retailers of that city would clr-clinn In accept these cc1'i.ii'icatos, poin ts out many (lil- ficulties in connection with this mothml oi` b |`:"n,`, ii1`11&. iil(:i:.7,' lipase is th'_pmblmn oi` thv i"__pnhlic cte1_11zLnd-i'ng"`1'c:1l mgney" or nrozlit in ('h'.Lngc for (-,crI.ii`icatcs. "Mc1'ch:mt:: will find it i'in:1nci.'.1lly imp0.s.a'ibio to nivv <-,l1:m;.v;o in money on cm`til i(-r.1tns cm'1'y`m_0; :1 l pm` ("`lll weekly tax, hc 5:-.1ld. l.t also :sI,:1t-, nnin l labor men in the Dl'0Vil'i(':- will `ms nnrlur nu obligzition to fl.(",t`,(.`]`lL on-i'l.ii'i<::`: 1.0:; :13 \V`.i.l','\"` i'l.'0m their vniplcoyors union". they r-:m.<:r~nl.. The nmltcr of elmaging r-.lmrl,m.w1 nor-uun:,- ants to audit. Lho books of the Cmml.y 01' Si|n~ coo, nll,h0up,'h Lmm)01':11'ily b2Cl.Ll(`,(l on ::ovm':1l occasions only Lo bob up ag-.1111 ul, xu|).~;~qum'lI, sessions. will ugmn come bol`m'o Lho (`,o1mLy F'at.l1e1's at. the November S0>:slnn, :u:(-m'r.lin_:-; to notice 01` motion lilocl by Irwin II. l.u(-l<. reeve of Oro, at the Juno Ses.<'.io11. Thu l.nwn:; and sovoml of the l'.own.x'hlp.s' in l.h<- (`.m1n!._v have already (1(10})L(}(l the system. :Lm):lrnnl,ly to their m1l.i1'e .x':1l.isl`:`Lcl,i0n. I`l11`0ug`l1mll. H1!` province, in incr(-.z1sinp,' nnmbcr.~;. municip:1li- ties are z1clopl,i11g' this type 01' lLll(lll.. As :1 result of having: its (`(]ll1LHZ(`fl :1.:.x'`-.~::s- mom. raised $505,000 by the County (oum-.i.l. the town 0|` Simcoo is seeking: lnl'0rnmt.i:_m :1 to the :1(lvisaI)iliLy of .~;op:11'," 1'1-um Ln.- county. Norfolk (`founty levy on the nvw I):1.~;`.-; will Lake $52,000 from Sirn('.0(s_ and ii. is ('|zLim 4 or! that the county us :1 st-)):1.1':1i;- ed town would b(- p,'rm1L|y 1`c-(lllovd. On :~v<-ml ncca.*:i<:)ns (:mLui1'1 towns in Si1m-an ( tmml,_v have mlkcr-(1 of .~:opu1".Lt,im.-; (`mm the ('2m1nl,v but nothing," came of it. Now p:u'kim: 1'm2,'l1lnl,lnm: 1111- nw~(l<'- rm Buyfiold St. botwvr-n Dunlap and (`fnlliv-1' S!.:;. At presr>nl, nnp,'1v p;1rkim;' is allow:-cl on bull) sides, and frequently l.rm~l:.<; an plzu-.1-(I I.-.u,kv U1` over :1 third the width of Lhv :~:I,1-ox-1,. 'I`mIr'u- from 1~Iig'hwz1y.s' 26 and 27 pmux-4 down l.hi:L-. st;reet; at consldc.-mbln volume and ('.om','(-.x'\ is f1'oquent;. Pzmxllol 1):u'kim;' :;h0ul bu put. into e1`1 ccL in that block and p:1rkin1;` slmultl be bznmecl on one side as is (10110 on s:~vm':1l other st.reeLs that (-.m'ry n 1;":-0:11. (Ir-ul Ios.s' I,r:1.1'- fie. The Secondztry S(`.hool Tr~.:1ohm's I`oclm'nl.im1 of 0ntm'io, in .<:ookinp,' to prove that. Nl1lr~.:1l.ion C0:;t;s are not, rm excessive part of l.h`- 1woplo'.~; l expenclil.u1'(:.s, pnbllsl1o.~; L'lyz11ros to show !,h:1.t tho mine wm-km'.~: of Timmim: .~;1wml 1t`s>: l.h:m 2 pm` emu, (1.73) of Lht.-Ir mu'I'1img':; on wlu(',:L- Lion, while 3.32 pm` cont. 1-;uv.-4 For (.()!)z1<*~<) and 5.75 pm` cont. for liqum'.~:. An ef1'm'l, in l):-Ina, mama by the I"o3(lm':U.im1 Ln -,_r,'vl. :<;imil:u' inl'u;'~ mutton from other n1m11ci1mlil,lo.~;. Traffic lines are being painted on the pave- ments this week and motorists will do well to ob:~:m've them. A centre line at the ('.lll`V'1) where Louisa St. joins Dunlap St. would be :1 big improvement. It. Is 21 wonder that :u-ci dents have not occurred on that. bond. (:0n:~:i(l nrlng the speed at, which the tr:11'1'i(: (:onm: V down Louisa St. \'x!\'li|\\'. U1!` ut the s;unu lln-l1|se1\'es. FOR THE GOOD OF THE BOY" Ba.1'1`1e is to be congmtuiutccl on having nu active Boy Scouts Ass0('.i:Lti0n with un execu- tive_' committee fully reprc.sent:itive of the town at large. and the Lions. Club and Scout~ mz1st'e1's are to be (:0n1n'1(`.H(l0(1 for getting be- hind the p1'op0s'.1l and at last bringing" it into being. Dr\v1rI1\rl 6-rxtvnllanu En I-I-un Ivrxrstl 1-.6` 01-. "\l\ll" 5-um: ul Almunte (`.u;'.otte--A dearest p0s.\'t`ssim\. Th 1an;:u:u:e- but they are riglxts of the` Engllsh such e.\pvn.~;ivo nnnsel Nn nu Inuvv-unhvsm annual events and the reunions prove very enjoyable affairs. uu-m anu cease men` aggT`.~`s|m1. Politicians at Ottawa on both sidf`.-= of the pnmiczvl fence spend fax` too much time. make um m:m\' mn- cessions. and subvert their mvn prinuiplvs fur mu otten, in order to appease the insatiable p appetite of the French Canadian politicians. This s the rotten part of politics. '- OPINIONS OF OTHERS TH.-\T lHl.l.\'(il'.-\L .\l()Nl-IY I` l v ll I'IHl'l"`.("l`A Ll-I VAVD AIS xnauon 0! grade crossing Trans-Cmmda highway. etc. 1 Amendments \\'Hrn nu.-ma `xrilrls-Lm1II(l3 highway. Amendments were passed following Acts: Customs Act, to Harbour Commissioners HH]}ll'lIl(`I||.\ \'c;.'clublcs'. In(-rL~.'1. : Ollznwn. Junoi -mu-ludvul was I . uunnnb. Banded together for the good of the boy" is 2). mighty fine motto for any orgu.niz:1tion in the 'commun1ty to have, and it is to be hoped that parents and the boys tlmniselves give the new Association :1 full measure or support. ,r.'1rh- :x;.:rr`m Reduction ln.- ...-u.l.i n puunu works sunme wan; iuunched to create emp10yment,`: wruviding for work in national parks.n an roads: leading to mining areas! an mining explorations. the elim-`. ination of grade crossings, the I`r.'ms-Canada highwnv nu- ~ 'ron%1E`:b`~;sporsK `* 11139 ?;J .E,J&T.mW~' u nu no .1; ucuuc lmbliv works :~:cheme wu had tn vwxzzhz nunnlnxvnannt Public Works Scheme . ..LV: . -rm: mmmt 1::A'MrNi:R. n-mm. om; camma A Wookly Rnvinw of N:11,i0n:11 Affairs BY WILFRID EGGLESTON u;.;u\'.al)'. BIC. I `j'j:`--1 for the` Send a copy of this week's Exam- Town-iiner to a triend. For sale at this 0!- Commissioners Act.`!ice and at the news stands. n ('r:p_vri;;ht Amonclmonl Art, (`nnmlu| Slppinp, Art, Dairy Imlu.-4l.r_v /\(-I,` AN. Regarding (.`m'ri:n;;u- nf (iuudtw by Water, the .ImlgI`.s' Act and Un- Jnvonilv D1 -linqu0nls' Act. . I"m`n|is:s:ivr- |1';:ixl.'n1i was ln*uu;!h1 in via tho S1-n:n1u which would m-n-11.. -. .-m-1... ..r 1.....:.......| :|r.'m pnru:u:m Lmnpzmy .'In(l Ink] `Ow:-n .'~'1uund '1`r:1n.-zpurtuliun Cum-} 'p.'u1_v. bath of ()w-n .}nund, are bu- ingg <-pu-ruu-(1 undvr joint pool ar- `rumzvnwln. Mr. R. V. Mullny. gen- --rnl n1.'mug of tho Duminiun 'I`run.~:pm'(ulion (Tump.'my, and Capt. :\'urm:m M<-Kay of the Owvn Sound 'l`r:znsprn'l:I1i (.'umpun_y an: jnim nmnuum-:4. ` nunnnuun uu Iuvvuuqgna an AI: nnnuu-u no. The Association is already making plans to hold u hunum-.r (tunxp Lhi-v. yezu: und it would be :1 nplmxcllcl tlmw; H u 1wrm1uv-nL ttzxnming` p:1'0un(l um-.1Ll be n(-,quh'v(l :11. raunv` point, with- in reasmmble m-.01-:s.L; nr the Lawn not bob ('l0.s`9 and nut; mo fut`. An lnl,a1'o:si`.l'I`1g` ath- nouncement may he made :;lmrLly in this con- neubiun. The new m'gun'm:1Llun fills 1 l(m{:;-- 1`:-ll. n(~.m.1 \ - --that of b1'1m,rmg the 11111'(-mtod Boy Scout. troops in I3m'rle lUlLlf`l' (mo lwzul -~ and it ::l1oulcl make for more and bot.t.m' Scouting,` in B'.m'le with (`,o113e(]\u`nt, lnmwficiul effect upon the y0L111p,':1' genm'ut;l0n of boys. V H u N wuu x n; be sclfis * One L ` IILIIJUXI U) LII Ulnllll 1` The order of 1 gxnan should Cunt Hlhu order ` I A m-Min ~.n ! I` L'.llllL" ,mostXy :1 lister. I la -urn `JCCLB Llldll wnvsu nu d5'lCL`>. :? In the work for tenmwruhce. find ,.what the liquor inlermsls want, then _Igo opposite. is safe. ' Tho nhnvp is :1 nipmv nf "Raf.-iv _;gu uppuaue. I: saw. 1 The above is :1 piece of "Safety .}First". _?\Inn Nnrnnlnu l.`lL`X'. We are safer when the devil ob- I I :jects than when he agrees. } In tho ulnrk fnl` ti-Innm'.'ahr~a fivul I [III I `_ Ste. '1`h-.4 Some Thinkabouts 'I\v.1:r5:uhl l INDUS'1`RlES FOR THE 'l`()WNS J. O. Herltay. Illclustrlal (!()rx11`ni.~;sl(>11m' for the ally of Bollovllle and furnmr m-w:spupel' oclitnr, la Stbtatl ti.|Ia.L the best lucntlon for ln(lu.~m.~y in in -850 lovws and small clt.ic.s. In a 1-e-cmlt addrems he urged that the towns make an ongaulzud orlurt to an-cure lndustrlen. which would be to the mutual aclvaxltage of ` both the l11dm\t.rlc-s and Ella town. 'I`<.)clu_v in Gm-ut Brltaln and in the United b`Lule*.-a ln(lu:;- try is moving from L1 cmlp;vsL(~(l cities to the towns where labor is` u lllgher lX1LC11`.[, ,`(l1C(`, nmrv loyal and ul.Ln.('::l'\m'| to their lumles and Wll(`1`(.' nvu1'lwucl (`usliz ure lo\vor", Mr. I~Im'lLy sum. un.:.. : , ..__-1...|.; _.n_. ..._,,, (1,, UL'l U1 LICEIIIUII \'ViL\, llllll uld control thv brute, but ' seexns often 1`r-versm]. cism {rum snmc p34>plC` is Compliment to any min- IIUIIILIH U1 able tu turn |o\I:O\v -Nun Nomolns See Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALER for Dependable 4-STAR USED CARS HE sustained, outstanding popularity of the new General Motors cars of 1936 has brought to your General Motors Dealer the finest trade-in" stock of Used Cars in history. All makes and models! Many only a few months old! Most giv- ing 60 to 80 per cent of their original mileage -- at from 30 to 40 per cent of their original cost. 0111 1 1 1'- , ,,__ -_ __-v__ ___v---..- vv--. T`hese cars are backed by your General Motors Dealer's famous ci:IH,v in nrens nltrnctivu In sump- ors and smnmvr cnttngt-m. l.":Ilnl\-\ 4-....:.\.-u,.-uu.u.u.. nun.-3, yum-..,....... ..... ...,. Day" is our holiday, the birthcluy of our great c0unt.r_v and the celabmmon or this moat. clay ozmnot but bring feelings ofp1'ide to ull Cznmclinns. ...u. .uu.uu n \ IrI.u|p.,\ : n. "I ui. I\'_\'` in the worst vvurn Inhlv skin pnizmn nn this (`mllnt*n1. Snxnn nr(- su susr--ptihlo 10 !his pinnl. that tho plinulu Hw hnirs nn tho plzm! nr 1h- pull:-n <{r:nin,-: (`um- inn in I-nnlnni 1 II: Hun Inrll` um. See them today. Remember, only your General Motors Dealer offers you 4-STAR Used Cars -- only your General Motors Dealer can give you the advantage of new lower rates on the General Motors Instalment Plan, with payments to suit your purse. IH',.1I'|I 4-STAR TAG, which certifies that they have been carefully checked and inspected for motoring you can depend upon. %Delegrates Pleased | With Convention [ of District Lions 'TInIr'~d.*._v. June 25. 1936 uu. l\.l . This is uuduubtodly true. (miiciitloiis would be much huppiur were the i1i(iust.i'ies now CH1!-l'0(l in the big cities spreucl over thv prov- izwv. 'I`n thv biggxl-st. burden of relief is in the` cities. It would not be xiuzwly so great \Vt!l'!` tho` populutlmi (livid:-.(l into smullur iirbaii un- it:;. With the tn-rid away from the big (-.itl0.;. the lI1(lll.`lLl`iLl.1 (Jummitl.m~ oi` thv 'I`o~.v.'n Couu~ oil and the Bu.~;lm~.~;.\' M0111; (tlub shoultl be on the ulvrt to try mid ucld to Lhv vxuullout in- (lusl.i`ies Blll`l'lt` ulrmuly lius. Wu have an iclcul situation. rim` living cumlitiuns. :1 guotl lubo: supply. um wull lucutvcl on thv main liighwzly to the nortli, with good .`lI1lp])l11;I 1':u'il'1tius by mil or lilp,'hwuy. lvlauuifuc1.ii1`e~i's 1(I(i}{lIl`,`,' for :1 location will find that Barrio has to offer` most 0! the :1(iv'.uitu.go:< of the city and is without many of its (ll.\`.'(t(l\ :1Ill.'.l.[:t`.H`. The flood of "Cu1m~ on liLm*ut.1x1`v for mm- ! mg pmmutions is at least providing l`t`V(`I1llt` for the Post Office Dep:u'txmsnt. and bu:s'mes:.: for prnmng offices. A | Anywhere in Canada. $2.00 In unueu ntnum, C $2.50 :1 yaat, payable In advance. Single copies. .: ` SlIbS(:I`ib(!l5 wishing to 'di.u:nn1inuo paper at expirn- Non of period paid for are expected to notify this of- fice before date of expiry.