'1`. ll. II \lU`l{. F'l`lH.\`-`X Hmn H.un~. `.- ..: By J. MILLAK wA'n`I" Page Fly! P. c. LLOYD & sou FU N ERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS r \\'n \`IA`.lI`I` _______________ l"l)\\`l\' \\'Il SON, l!..~ |\\"l`|N(\1\'!`l||(' l`Il\'* G. C:gi\}1.lTH & co. ll'Nl-TR \L lHl{l("l`0RS AND l~II\l|!.-\l.!\||-IRS ()l F?N I).\\' AND NIGHT Molar :\mlml;|m'o in cunm-Minn f\LV IJ l-I'IlJl II-4l'l|"`* (H'lfN l\.\\' .\Nl) NH`-IIT x" I.'H1<.lu-Ih \'n ` l'hnun~ `lli BAIIRIE. 0N'l`.-l Il()1\ > \'IC'l`|-V'.|{l \|{l .\\' .`\(3( 30 U NTA NTS z\Nl)l*II{.\'(H\ .,\' (`( ..u-u.| A -:m:ul:un\-;. ().\"I`lC()I` \'l`l| Y ..-:_-._.___._..__ VD. ('. l`. |'l.I".\'-l nnd S!1l`:`n'x"` (`H1 ..nu uanvnnnua `an. lC~t:\hIi\ h.'d I869 NEWS OF-ELMVALE '.\MI".lHH\'. Ha I`.-n'|'ln 5) (l\ mmum HI(|_v,.. : <\`l`\`n`os r mp.l\ doom uf Rnvonnn is Mrs`. I.nnL!fn|'<| .\ Illll I l'hum- `E18 `.\(`H\\j.'ll`.\`lH} :'I`m'untu (V irvx ' 123 ` .Im1n.Ilmn .\'l:llI(1lll_L1 HI lm` l)unnn|un Fm` lhu` }'c`;l:`s 1`J`.27. 1928. 1931). 1930. 1931. Sludm 27 Bradford 81.. Barrio. \ I-Tl).\|l'Nl\ ll.\lll)\'.Mui.Bar.,I-`.'l` (`.M.` |'x':n'?wz* nf Pmnn. (`|n::1n. Vnvnl null "|("I`()7IH \N |H{lll'I{ (H' .\'|'l{\'F.\`-- (Run m I!" am-hr \\'. r`. H:nP'\ (`I nu` I`:-um ',` In 5 \~'.vu'k n\ m'\ I-'1 I.!';\' ,\_H gmaslvr I `;(`hurch. *\l`l'\ 2l Inr i `nu. w. A. Llzwls, Slxmt-1`y and l)is-` j('.'ISL'S ml" \\ umL-n. A.~;.~;m'mu- ('ul'nlI\'|" :(`nun1_v ul` Sum-m-. Phunu U1. U1`t`u'c, :38 L'u1|ior S1. Huurs: U-U u.m.. l`.1.1iU-'.:_ (3.30-M p.m. Ilium `llc, : 1 `\\'.~\l.Tl`IR M'.u".\'l'T'I`. :\.T.(`.M.. Bar- 1 "rim '1`c:Ichcr nf piano. nrp.-znn and lhc- -11`): sxxuqimz conch. urg:mist and vhuir- ` mustvr of Trinity Church. Barrio. `Schulnrslxip student for four years at ['I`m'nnIn Cnnservxatorv of Music. Ad- ELLOYI) 'l`l!I-`FORD. Organist (`ullier |St. Unitvd (`hm-vh. Teacher of Piano. ;Or:'_:m. \'ni`1`. 39 Owen St. Phone 232. ;|'R0l-`. D. I-`.. WEIR. Teacher of Piano "and Violin. Plano Tuner. Phone 614:- . 33, Barrie, Ont. uu_y nun .\]:\lIu -A \\.\:I'|\. Wt-(`kt-nd and Suml.':_\f \'isil.(u's in- :-Iudt-rl: Mr, and Mrs. M. Hendrirk of Pnmnto, at A. Lawson's; Mr. and Mrs. Will Dean and fnmny of ']`n- I mn1n_ at Jnhn Dc-nn's; Mrs. Wnltm | Hunt. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dent and H1110 Nlirimn T..-Irnrn nf Tnrnntn :1! vu` Nu u.-\Iun'. Rl\I$.l1a`..l".'l'('.!\I. ' -r vi Pmnn. Organ. Vnvnl and :I:`;1l 'l'hvnry. Orutlnist and Choir- :1:`r u! S! Andrvw'.< Presb_vlvriuu Il`Ch. (inld Mvdullsx '1`-xrcmto (`un- .';mr_v of Music nnd University nl mm. 113 Wursley Sh. Barrio. N Rpm` inn-1` L`nIxser\':lln I Wnrslcy 1 '|Il.('|I, ('|\.|1lA _ L l..-\l7l{llC. l..M (` (3.. I`h_\'s- -rizI|1.~4l Ill (h.~:<- xv.-s of chil- L-rnnl nu'du'1m- and minor ()I'l'i('c zuui l`('Sldl'll(?L'. 20' Phulw 487. rll`.-\l`l.l`l\' no and TI e (`hun'h. )r mur 3-_e;u ' ., phone 151 .T.('..\I . u-V. Onxn` i B:1_\'I'1vld hn|m`I' h_\' 1VlI'::. Wm. I-rzlnmn nu In-hull of lhv Instimlo. Mrs. K:|1h:1rivw M:mnin_r:. lhn nld-1 ('51. (}r:|n(|nml|u-r ]rI`(`.~`u`nl. m.'1(l(- HIV} draw for tho winrwr of tho wnul hl:mk`1 and wnnl vurzhinn. ('. nnl Swan won the hlzmkvt and Nh.-x W N. 'Fh`:1dlv_v lhv vushiun. Alum! t:Z .lJ w:1sronli7.orl from the sale of 1i:~1-;<-Is. An (`niu_V:nl)|v snvinl hour \v:Is spvnt nunr Hun 1:-:1 l'IlI\\` An (`n|n_V:u)Iv .\'l)('l.'lI IIIH nvvr ihv 10:: ('n]).\`. The Late 'l`hnnm. S(`VI`l`.'ll Iimvs this hm-n our .\ :l(| (llIl_v In 4 tluulln 1:!` mp ml" lhv pin district. and this time it of 'l`|1nm:nx .\'|1.'m:|h:In. '|u':|\' fll Hun hnlnn ml 1 \ mo Elmvnlo Women's In.-:1ilul(\ (`mur- inim-rl l\M`nt.v-vi_uh1. ;,II';nml|nn1h(`l':A :11. tlwir mt-viim; in tho l':\ri.~:h ll:1|l_ I`lmrsrl::y :II lvrnnnn. Mrs. J. I). Smart |)l`('.~:ir`ll`(L In :11- tvndnncc wvre twelve vi.x-ilnr.~.- and l`iI'lu-vn um-mlwrs. 'l`hr- husilw:;.< purl of llw um-(`ting im-Ind:-d tho up- puinlinu ml` the slnndimz mmmiovs us l`nllu\v.~:t n(`l'l`:l\ (`Illl`ll1, MW, 1'`. (.7. mm! Mrs. E. H(-:H'x|.\`:1l|; (`4m\'4'|u~r:: Ha-nlth. Mrs. A. Milligzzmz /\x:rir-ul~ Inn-nl MI`< Nlnniio Rilrhit" Hi~:lnI`- HIM lVll`:~`. M lurnl, Mrs. in-ml Hum Hvnlln. |VIl`.'~`., /\. Ivnlngzzmz Axzru-u1~ Muntiv Rilvhiv: Ili.~4lnr- ix-zul lh`su-;n'4'h. Miss Jwm Elrivk, Humv lv)r~nnnmir`. Mrs. J. 1'). Smart; I.:nw and I*It1m`n1irm. Mrs`. /\r1hur ('np<`l.'Ind. II was (ll`l`i(ll`l] In uni! .|ul\' nml (1.~'\l\ll.~2-I?;)_`.\:\ (2 Hn|imIuI'\;, |'l1`__ mm-lIn1,'. 'l`hv |>m;.-,r:un l'u|lm\-ml: Rvmlinu. Mrs. W. A. Mulcnlmz piunm snlu. Mrs. W. J. (`.rnr-vy; rvnrlimv.-4. Mr.~: Juhn Mm\ulv_\'. Mrs. E. Mnnl_:;mn- 1-ry mu! Miss Joan l~I|ri:~k; \' S4110 hy Mrs. W. C`. S1uhh.<:. n um-nrimr Imr :u< \\'i||) sum by Mrs. w. x. hnmr On :<'\'t-rim: hm` : `.:m~i: lhv hI'.'|m'h. Nlrs. '1`. D. . nrt-.~:m1l(~d with n hvzmlil huldvr l:_v MI'::. VVm_ (I Mnnnin; I\|'n|l.'nI nn u-nnl 1-lmhin ul` nnv ul` |)mm'<-r~: nl ll-' it Is: the h`::1h \\'hn |Hl.`.."(`l' uwzly :|l lhv hnmv uf his dull-~l~Iu~ Mrs. (`lmx l.ofIus_ Now l`nmnlu, MI M:m .|mu- 8. 1936. Ho hnd ezpnnl the \\'ixm`r with his d;1n;;lmw. Inn uunc Innkinu fnrwnnl tn l'(`llll'Hill[! tn lull. Slu 01 Inc rnzlrl. 'l`h(` t)('C1|p:InlH' of thv .-emnlhlnuumi car were Mr. I~':u4an and l.o1mox Sproulc uf 'l`u- mntn, They (:sc::.ywd injury but Llw lcfl fOn(l(:r and from what`! ml the var \veru turn off by tho inmm-I. (H-urge Lvnnnx r('veivv(I :1 :~'(-vero cut on the chin. while his hl`uH\I.`r .lus(`p)h_ hm] .\L'\'(`l'.'l| ribs broken and Mr. ('r'iH|1lun r(`v(`i\'ml htwul. wrisl and elbow inj1n`i<`::. Dr. ("cm-m':m ml` Y-Ilmv.-nlo :Ill(`ml(`rl (ho iniurwl men and hnd Mr. (`rviullimi lnkvn In R.\ . H.\'|)il5Il, HZIl`l'il`, fur an X-H:1.\/. l'r::l'- fir 0fI iL`m' Lvwi.-: ml" Bnrriv inv(*.-:l|- Lznlmi lhv . l(`('i1l(`ll(.. Gr:uulnmth-r's Day llappy Occasion 1a`|nnr-xln \lh\n\nn'.- Yn.-HInI.\ nnln:-. Junv 25, and ISI In 1114- prn;grnn1.1 A lotion` war: l'('l(l frmn Nli:~x-: l"i: or rogznrrlimz tho spmlu-r ma-vlim: In lw hold in 0<-lnhvr. Tho hmnr-h :l<~r'i('lr`d In ontvrtnin lhv (`rnig;hur.-;1 Ilrzmvh and Junior Tnslihltn :11. mi.- Innniinur 0nc-Eycd Car Causes Snmsh and lnjuyies About three n'(:[m-k Sunday mum- ing :1 car and trailer carrying :\ bum was ditched just south of Con. 7. Flos. on Highway 27. in which the occupants ()I the cur. George Lon- nox, J05. Lvnlmx zmrl M1`. Croig.,l\|un of 'I`hn1'ntm1 xvure all injured. 1`kn In....n\- ...... ... .. In Anuuuuru \\'I.'|L' uu |u_|uIULI. The Lcnnox car \v:Is h'nvvl|in_I: north nn Hi;:hwu_v 27 when it mvt :1 cm` g`uin;_5 suuth with only one l`.(). |d- liuht. lr;wellin;z too close in tho left side of lho rn;u l. 'l`h(` m'c1|p:1nl.s` car \\`('I'U Nhzl \\'nm`r wnn : hmk1m,' lurwn xvnlv ANY USE AT FINDING GOLF Mrs. W. N. l31'nrHey spent a mu- plv nf days in 'I`m-untu this week. Miss Wilma Mnnmmnory has gone to l .i_-.-. linv Puinl I'm` the s\1nm1er. Mr. and Mrs. W. (`. Hi:-klimz of /\l|t`n\\'mnl .~:|u,~nt Hnn(l.'Iy all l`lu\\'0s. Rnhl. Hell and Rob Stm'(`_v s:pu`n`. the wt.-olcf-In`! in '[`umn1u and Hum- visiled Seven Star Masonic Lodge at Allisum, on Friday evening, on the m~cn.s'inn M` the D.D.(l.M. s visn Mr. and Mrs. John Cummings of New l`urunlu are n('cmm)unyIn;,' MI and Mrs, A. (`., onrrlsall on 2: mn- mr trip tu Mnlwuukvo. Wis.. where lhvy will spend :1 week. `x rn1\`rlIu\11 un-`I C`....l. .. P : |H`1:|||;`_|1|.\'lH`Il" rlwl Hm I'mwr:ul wi"i:I m l'orl": .'I\' .':l1r:'wmn Jun: \ nz-rvurr: 1| -:1 | ht':mlHnI Ilnu Ihnm |c':IlI`l` invi1!`rl H1!` nwotin_:: um llw nrmzrnm. ms. -intinn \\'xlh Jrmvs \\'Il.\ m'..I l'lnu'1\I'I on`: svnl $5 PHONE 525 .:- BARRIE, ONT. \ Ask to see these proofs BEFORE YOU BUY. ROY MUSTARD . THE BARRIE EXAMINER, BAIHHE. 0NT., CANADA om.-.., DNTENTMENT Car makers build cars as safe as they know how. I. Mi.~:: Irlu ` visitnmt hr-r I.`_r.-:.-we. Nlrx, Wm, ll But old tires form a weak I k 1 h y p in w mic is our res on- sibility. When you buy Goodyears you buy proven tires. You sec the proof demonstrated to you before you buy. You buy more than just tires- you buy motoring content- mcnt. YES SIR F'nI-`.SIl. ripe slruwhcrrics` and I\'t~Iln;:;_r,'nl{i1:<-. Krispim-1 make :1 null treat for nny 11101:] in llu-. day. Nourislna ` in;;. Easy to ncrvc. 1 ' i 1 Rim-, Kriz-pics are always I pnpulnr. Sn 1-rinp they crzu-klav in milk or xxruzun. Al grm-an-H cvcrywlnorc in HM: Mulhvr (loom: story package. Mxulu by Kellogg in Lomlun, Unlalrio. Qual- ily guuI`mIIc.u.-cl. S0 CRISP they actually crackle in milk or cream Your Goodyear dealer will show you "footprints" of actual tires on cars owned near you, which aiill retain sale traction cller very long mileage. Tl-unnn will nnlmfnnnln `nr vnn Hun Own 1119"`! Xe"-I111 HCIIU IKUCUUII Ullfil VUIY lUng TnHU(l(JU These will substantiate for you the two extra Goodyear qualities which the dealer will demon- itmte to you-l. That Supmtwist Cords retain their lite" much longer than onli nary cords, thus keeping Goodyear Tires out of trouble and vastly prolonging their lite . . . and . . . 2. That the All- Weather diamond txeud stoutly xosiata skidding even on smooth wet surfaces. to these proofs BUY. J\lI|`II\'\1llIlI.`u|H, Pm : Iltnn. NI ix": II|:| \A -um... - ---~'- VI vu sac -av.-5 Ma1euge-BEroRi frbu BUY! See PR6OF of Goodyear Long lK!I____- 15fI_"f\1'5Y" "f\`I`f TSTTU PROOF. . ._ frown comm 1 :\ CONTRACT FOR 1 ~; INCINERATORA .`ullllIl' \'\'l'I'l` (`H Ll(`.\`(`Il_\'. Hnnw rulhrr than :1 Altl. HII1-lIm' r't)y)1iun.-4 nlmulzl I: whu hm! ymirl |n ....,I .I.. ..I.I..'a I.. x (.'.`onIInuml ) /\|vl. 1\/|IlI.\ wE_L_L, FIND ME CANE. I /mm pug!) mm! In -::I1(l lhvv h:ul : . ........ \lI Thursday, June 18, 1936 1:! gm I'fIl' Ixl lH.l,' I` I'm` llmzu` I: :1 _\'(-:u` I -I All. `L.rIv-Cr$I` Sol/'(1 as the (7un[im.'nt AMERICAN A I\Iu;:JAI. compmmv` IS. (E. |l:\\\'l(I\'.\`. Ibivisiunzll .\l:Ill:|L;"r 3'5 lIuI||.up til. W. I5. (`()l"l"I`.\'_ lbivlrirl .\l:m:u:t'r >1 2515;:--jJ n-4\-_ -ua\n-c::---\-_\--u`. PROFITS sou P01!-E;-II-;.)-l.[)EI9> AFJD \rJE.L.L HAVE GAME .7 * PROFESSlONAL I DIRECTORY $2? I