S!-:| RE.l1DE_D.AW:|?i_E.AI lll'l'. l'l'|(' (ally ur I` I.'1.' mu |'ilH_\' 25( 5:50!-',_ _[h{__..NADAA- or CANADIAN wHE'A'1_'_ I thought I couldn't own a Hudson . . . until I asked the price ho luxli \\'o(-In-ml, \'(*r_v \n slnmy. l>m1|L:ht, (ml :1 l `lcvt. Inst S:lHlI`(l:l_\'. 'I`h('r(' HI` f|'t'.~:h \'l*s.::'l:u|>|1':~: and 1'. I`ri(-0:: uf llw lulu-r \\'(`|'(` 1 ll" ......l..\...:...l a`....... ll. 1 : your subsc-rinliml paid ? .._.._..% STRAI'(;vHT TE I-G-HT! yum Niagara Falls CST people guess the price of 9 Hudson Iiight far higher than it really is. Nluny of our own owners, right here in tmvn,l1u\'e told us they didn't think they could afford a cur so ne . . . until they learned how little it cost to /my and run. I.` 4 I ' A I . I 1"A`, TA ...... u-uu nu, nun: --~u --u-v -nuuy In w\I.vn `I! ..-_y ....... . "- It's :1 natural Inismkc to make. \Vitl1 its new, zulumccd styling. this 1936 lludsnn lunlcx like :1 high priccd car. ln wlxcclhusc . . . all-over l'l.C . . . rmnn for heads, shoulders, lcgs...it is actually hig- gcr llum Higlnts costing hundreds of dollars more. [I I , __ I I'l HI 1 ,,,,,"A,_ Gunlnh >511! ...._, ,,. .-- . Hudson's low price is even more aurprmng whcn you see sworn (mncr stulctncms rcpnrtuul, _x-as ccunmny equal to most small SiXL'S..-\l1dfU!u/ 1|1i|ca_xcs of |5U,00(), 200,(K)0 und up I! I . I uI\- I\ 0 II . I y. nu... ..-,.,.u.: yuan... uuuunyua `Fl .. - . . . _ . . . . . . . - . .. Hudunn power sounds like big nmncy," tm) . . . 113m` 134 hnrscpmvcr. But the truth is, you can't get nu.-r 105 horsepower in any other Eight priccd 3.300 /:ieIu'r. Nor match IIuds(m's smmntlmvss at uny pricc! II.. I .__`.. l.,__. A-_3._, 3., .. _- __....... ..........Z.I...( _.. _....,.,W ...... ..,.. Come in and take a l)iscnvL-ry l)ri\`c" Incl-ay, in :1 Hudson liiglnt. Cmnpurc liigllts . . . L`()lllp;ll`c prices . . . and you. too, will discuxcr how easily yuu can own 1) lludsun. M. 1-1. l.l\'l.\'(}S'l`(3.\ Hudson Dealer Barrio PolTi<.:e Aoked Keep Sharp Lookout IIHILSIL` ll ccmnlry. "Imagine a car like this . n c u n FT Some reasons why Hudson rules the Eights Wheelbases up to 127 inches-'1`hv lniggmt. run: mu-r prm-4| M) 1-uw . . . more hand 1 Bodies All of Steel- \\'.1 Thursday, May 28, 1936 1l3 or 124 Smooth Norsepowet-More pnwrr Hum :m;.' nth:-r lnght. within Q-HIM ..L...... 0|... Iln.l u... ...-L... |r\JvvL| I-null nu $1100 1lb()V(' the sa"Jiiiu'Ii{'};$J'ii6b'ii'i'; ruin Radial Safety I nu u/4]..-4 Rhythmic,- (uptionul 1 iGUARD ROBINSON ;*iPW.DW3E. ,.;'?5. 99'1" T The "Built-in Wntcl\mnn" . . . .1 million-dollar inven- o:. . AII"l"l'\l\/lA'!`lf`Al Sol: Canadian manuluclunm and diml- bulon ol Jumeswav naullvy cqulpmcnl. 51 n\IIIIUI1-Clllf InV(`n' tion . .. . AUTOMATICAL- LY safcgunrcls your West- inghouse dlml-nutonmtic re- frigerator against extremes and mm-rgcncics. Nu fuse: or relays. No attention Plus ' . at a price as low as this!` : u unT:-v-Us 1114'). Plus nu-v-37l.."`./or I: :1/pa. r/r/nrrnl at ulur . `I; - $74.62 . n:,_., ...... ...u....5 . L`. . . . The Hluctri ml! extra cost). - With su,-zxmlt-as roofs . strumu-st body cun- wntrnl (patent applied no Sn-(-ring . . The ` I'II\'('!.riC llund II ...A_. , A\ muting room. Page Three NOW in Um lime to rupnir your buildinurl whirh lmvu lumen un- nvuitluhly nu-ulcutt-tl durim: lryinn duprmminn timun. Gut m-ml ronlinu with in: m-rnmm-nuu nml low upkvup --und nuvtzl Emalnrn SI`:-ul Prnrlucln um-rn lwn grout vnlm-9 in Metal Rcmnul Rib-Rnll nnd 'l'iIo-Lup! Euch hm: uxvluuivu fa-nluram Lzunrnn- tut-imz wuntht-r-t.iuht.n:-.-m nnd 4-may ll rplicntinn. Th:-.v (In not wnr1\_ 5 Irink, crnuk. curl. nr hulmx. Auk nlno uhnut. ..S.l . Iinrnx .. . mndv hy tho fnrc-mun! (Iunumny-Built Burn mm1ufm't.urur in Cunudn. th .(Iunumn.v-Ha m l`.'!I Dunlup St. ......3`.N5N M`W_.A.!?. 7 Dunlap M. 91 Elizabvtll St. Why take a chance on paint of doubtful quality when you can now obtain the undernoted top quality brands of white lead paint at this popular figure? Insist upon one of these famous time-tested brands for all your exterior painting. Any one of them will assure you a job of outstanding beauty. long paint life and economy from first to last. There is a store in your vicinity that can supply you. W. A. LOWE 8: SON Lgwtlj LI_nit\Iiy _FpR_NlTURE DEALER_ \\'l`I :\1\`l 1)IS'1'R1HU'I`OI{S FOR .\l.\l{ l`l;\`-SliN()l'l{ I'.~\lN'l` \\'1`', .-\HI``. 1)IS'l'I~T1Bl`-'I\)RS FUR .\'lIl".I{\\'l.\'-\\'ll.l.l;\MS l :\lN'l` AA.i;~:. "sMi'rn Preston, OM. .illi.'i, Mrs. E. Craig; Oro Siniimi. ru u_\ lV|l.\. vv. ll. nUuI(':~, (H Ulllnnll. l District, Dir(~clnr.< worn cnnfirmocl `as follows: Clnwes. Mrs. Alex. Mc- il\':i_v: Culrlwniur. Mrs. N. S. C0u1`l- `l1(`_\'I Cnlrlwnlor Jiminrs, Miss llclon Walker: Cnulsmi. Mrs. John Link: }(7rnwn Ilill. Mrs. J. Ch1lD|)l`]. Mrs. `W. SWil7.(`l'Z Early. Mrs. Grnnl Blan- _~_v: Erli-,'.'iI'. Mrs. W. M. Host; Guthrie, v, Mr.<. Wm. C`:1mpl)vll: HIllnD.\`l`liI'C] Mil|.~:. Mrs. J. (`.il>:4rm: Hzirviv S('lil(--- lmvni. Mrs. Riissi-ll Il.'irvir~; IInbzir1- :(`.':rl(-y, Mrs. J. V. Jnlmslnno: Hydro | ;(l|(-ii. Mrs. Ali-x. Ritchie: .I.'irr.'itl, Miss Anniv Jzirrxilt; Lake St. (`zonrgi-, llvlrs. Roy llvwitl; Mt-lduf. Mrs. Mol- vin M(:Kc-uwn: Mil.(~lu-ll Squ:n`(`. Mrs. 1'1. /\. Slvssur. Mrs. T. Flclclivr; l\ i Mrs. J. Ilm-l1.'ui:in: Nnrlli lllvvr. Mrs. Willizim Durnl'm'(l; Or- |V1UHHHLUIll.'. Mrs. Gnldstein, the 1"resiclent, ask- ed that the branches consider the District project of having each branch send a girl to the Guelph cnnferenre, and that the directors come to their meeting in the full Welcomed by a Man The address of welcome to the convention was extended by Mr. 'Cow(len of Vnscy, speaking for the community. A neat acknowledgment (if the welcome was nmde by Miss: prepared to give their decision. ! Eileen Gratrix. representing the! :l)istrie1's newest brzineh. C0l(lw:11.-r, Juniors. 1 A .nm--urn ml` (fur: x7LllIlUX'S. ! A messagze of greeting was receiv- ed from an Hmmrary I resirIent. ]Mr.-:. Albert Walker. and the Secre- |t:n'y .v;1.s' in:~`l,rucl.e(l 10 write tn Mrs. `Walker and to Mrs. D. M. Harvie, uwhn is ill in n 'I`m'(mtn hospital rc- gretting their absence and sending. them greetings and warm guod wishes for restored health. I llinnnuv unrl L'In\v\nI- I|11\Iva\. .-. VVllIl\l.'I . \/lllllhllll. }(Yrnwn ` I {`.Vlr.\'. Cznnpl :Mil|.~:. Gibsu `Y .f`...-Ir.-. 1\Il.... 1 `I es signified their desire to take one or both projects, and more will join them later, in all probability. Those who decided at this meeting to go ahead with them were Coldwatcr. Uhthoff, Guthrie. Cnldwater Jun-1 inrs. Wnshagn, Lake St. George, Waubaushene. Victoria Harbour, Orillia, Clowes. Harvie Sett1ement,`? Hobart Carley, Mitchell Squzn'e,`* Sparrow Lake, Helduf, Edgar, Price's Corners, North River, Rugby, Moonstone. I 1Ul'.... finial.-n:.~. ll-.n 1`lun..-I.u-.4 ...`I. Phone 3' 3 l'|mn0 llHl) I'hmw 52%.? u'x_ .\]H|R\L` H)! il ICW rn1nuu:s U1) H10 J')1".u1mlic l*'csU\'u|. He rul'L-rrvd 1. lhu d(`ll1Un.\'\I`2IIit)l\ givun at the Cuunly convcnliun in Barrie lust lull, and Llrgvd that (ho dvvolopnwnt of drumutics be fu;'lu1`vd as t'm'_v lpl'()\'ldCd am cmuuonal outlet for the gmullg pcnplc that was cssculinl tn `nu-ntal huulth. He also read soxllv sLxggcsto(i rules and 1'ogululinn.~ \\'mvh might be uduptvd it the fus- Hival was nuuio a pcrmzmvm foznltnw Inf the Cnunty or district work, Em- [plmsxs was plucvd on thc impm'l- uncv uf v;u'cl'ul propawulinn ut Hu- .nlu\'.~' In bc 1)1`L'sm1lmI \\.'h:I1 I \\':a . Mrs. J. W. Walker; Price's Corner, Mrs. J. J. Dunn; Rugby. Miss M. Strathearn; Severn Bridge. Mrs. Lee Davis; Shanty Bay. Mrs. H. Martin; Sparrmv Lake. Mrs. W. J. Clip:-zhami Uhthnff. Mrs. W. H. Seules; Vasey Juniors. Miss Pearl Grcenlaw: Vie- tnria Harbour, Mrs. J. I . Schissler; \VZ1Sll(l,L`,`t). Mrs. George Hart; Wau- baushene, Mrs. G. H. Hall. President's Address > In connection with her ripening address as President. Mrs. Golstein referred to the message which had been brought to the County meeting last fall by the new Department Superintendent, Miss McDermand. She had emphasized that the funda- mental idea behind Institute work was the diseuvery of new things, and that now, when the first pinn- nering strugxgle was over. the time` had come for the securing of great- er satisfaetinn in living and for the development of some of life's re- finements. The new Institute pm- gramme, she had said. had been (le- signed to give those things would brighter. fortable t that help create beauty and happier and more com- homes. .- 1 . u -vvv v-.,`, -'For mower knlvuo. around tho i l1omo.for the faxmor. bluclumh. muchlnhl. qaxuqotnun. Mada of fun! culling. long wuqrinq Norton Cryalolon Abrasive . . . tho but |you can buy. In visiting the branches clurin,u the year the Pre. had fnunul them all in .1 very healthy condi- tion. and had noticed that, the ma- jority were shuwtng a great deal of interest in public health, also in the teaching of singing in the sehunls. There had been some doubt about `the qualifications necessary. An_v I teacher who had taken the five \\-'(-(-ks` umrsn. under tho Ontario Edncatimml System, and who held the certificate from that cmirse. muld teach. or if there was a mnsie teaeher in the eummunily who had shown a willingness and intention to take the enurse. t.hey eeuld make Ia start at. the work. 1:... (V 4.`... ,,u Over 200 members :ntt,end(.-d the annual convention of the Idust Sim- coc Women's Institutes held at Vasey. Reports prc:~:entcd indicatecl much active work on the part of the. branches and n keen cntl`1'.Is1':1szn in the projects being carried on For Home and Country". An invitation from Mitchell Square to hold the next (.-zmvenlion there was accepted. I"roj(.-cts for Enszuinpt Year After consideration, it was :1;,{r(:e(l to undertake two spe(:i.'I1 projects fnr the coming year, one to be on administrative leaclcrship and then other on gI0ve-mnkinL:. the (late wt was far October nnd the C(.'n1l1.' chosen was Orillia. Twenty br:mch- ... um ...\ mu... Mrs. Gnldstein also tlrgod that more interest be taken in the study fund survey of municipal affairs. and gm-:11:-1' care taken in (he election nf qualified persons to the school boards. She also emphasized the ad- visnbility of getting me permission of :1 sclmul board before xnulcrtul-:- iin_4 any lint` of work in cmnxvctimx iwilh the schools. Inn, u . . . . -. 'l`hunk.-5 were extended by Mrs. Gnldstcin to the members of Execu- tive and all others who had (`0-()pt`I`- ntvd so lnyally with her during her tvrm of office. especially Mrs. How- itl. I 10 A'\l\lIlt' I... .u\.y..`.-.l\.. `Ill. I It should be 1'ornemb(-rvd Hm! wmncu st-1. the standards and \-vorv In-zuh-r.~' vitlu-1` towards the thin;,'.~: ilhzlt were (lusirnl_)l- or tnwnrrls thu- lun(lv::ir:1l)la-, Evm'y \Vmm'n's Insti- tute nwxnbcx` \\':\s :1 lczldor in h(`l' (-mnrnlnmly. and Mrs. Goldstvin bv- `livw-(I, a lender in the righl dil'vc- Minn, Slvwurt 1.. 1 :a;.(o cxpluinvrl H11` `nm\'mn(~nl to make 21 '1`. 3.fruv :1rx`:1 lin Simcuv (`uunty and askvd the cu- (\pt`l'illi0n of the Institutes. Should Emsuurugc Drzunntics Rm . Arthur Ilnrdon. of CuItJ\v:1- 1101`, spnkc tor in few rninutes the J)r'.nnuI.ic In- ut l|\.. lh.. 1lA\l\\l|l\m"l Hun uh... handy Fl [E :_ _2;r lO_0_0 Jolgsfg !@ou need this i I , : Novlon Company of Canada Lld., Hamilton, OM. _ ..___=: IIIC ./Ill.` wult INC I `REED HANDLE 4/nnnnf 439)! Incl .........,.,.... Work for the Girls Miss Pollard cnngrxmilaled the executive for having given a p1ll(`C on the pmgmimne to the Juniors. and she was also glad to hear it suggested as 21 District project that .a girl should be sent from each (Kc/I` 1/Kmlzr 7 JIDI 2" r ; -...,...........-., `I-Z.\'pcnsus for xnvoling .0fl'icc1`s' s.'llux'ivs. vx; l`.\_I '\ -1.. MRS. J. R. BOYD, PREXYE K I-_ u I I/"\ IV IJ crmnof gt ! lost I/OIII` (Imlvr G 1,`... I I] Q" `Ll'lp]`HL`l1 ('Hll(H'L`l1. UH ' fund. vtc. Shelter and Rm`! Rm SundriL\s ... .. . . Dis}rict (as per sum Balance on hand .... .. From your 1: xpcmiil urns .- the `$10 with the r-I\ lIALIl'\l m"s l'.\})I.'H>'(`S and pcrindiczlls |h`\` tn `nn\'m\li.m suncmcn 3 .................... .. pl l'Bl'HlL'l1. I all was v mung pen] -(ilinn dun u~x, L'.\pcn Il1l(inm`I'y . ud\'crt1. \..n.~.._ l NORTON SCYTII ESTUNES INSTITUTESO? EAST SIMCOE ; IN COMJNTIONJ l*`un('lm IIIIHHX ()1 lIll' L What wzm ; worth duing nplc who vu- nould gu in H $2,858.27 IIl\'llI. l 1VIr.<. Mchuwcll vnmplimvnin-d lhv] Di: um! br:nu'hv.~` nn Ihv vxcvl-| lcncv nf H10 n-pm'l.~: tn whivh shvl had but-n li.\'h'ning.{. and said sh.-i hoped the District would take up the propu.~'vd pmjuct uf h:n'ing an girl svnl {min each l)1`unch 10 HH- Conforvnm` at Guelph. Victoria Hurbur (`n-is G:1\'vl ' Thu pri7.<.- wt` :1 h.'mrl. ;!;l\'n'l. ;.:i\wn by Mn`. Stm'kiIu.'_ tn 1|).- hr.'m<'h l.n'in;:in;,' in 1h-.- lwsl rvpnrt. won? this _vv.`:u' tn Vi('lnI`i.'l Hzn-lmur`i H u--x. I\I'A nnhul lnr Y\.1-~.- C0,... nu-I UH` l'l'Sl Ul H15 lIH'. lHl'l'(` HUI "i :1 condition lmr un :m:1r<-h_'.' he built up :1 well ordorvd cnn1Immi- ily nf ))lll'l`l mnrnl.< Hum 1u'rh:m.< any nthvr in I'Inmp(', Ho nlsu .`.~`-' tzlblishod and dirtwtocl thv ;,:rt`n(v.~l (.'nl|v;:L` nf I 1'0l('.s`1:ln1 l<`.'II'nin;: tn` mndorn times. 110 was the fntlu-r| b`:m'h In lhv ('m1fcrm1('o :11 Gm-lph l o.'u'h year. It was (mu piece of work! xvhich would m-vvr he rc;.:rvllod. "`l"lsn T.. .u .u,..u.x uu. -.nnu_nn.~. Spt.-ukin_L: of the |)rnj0ct.<. Missl 1`oIl;u'(l said lhnt lnsl your llurru w.1. lunly (mv pmj(-('1. bui mum lhzm :1] H1nn\':|nd :h'1~cI:r-0: hnrl In-nn n'\.'IIh\ in Hilly UH!` ])lU`]('l'l. Ulll HIUFU lllilll il thousand dl L`SS(`S had been xnndv in, about 200 clubs. This your. nlrt-:u!_\'; [here were album 32!`) clubs m'1,{.'mi'/.-, Cd. though. as yrt. there wcro hum-g in East Simcm.-. Any girls taking! two projvcis rucx-ivvd an il\\'.'11'(l. zmrl the completion uf six prn_i(-(:15 mud:-5 her an h(mm`ur_v girl. 'I`h1~ \\'hu|(` twelve prujcris of the Junior cmn'. could be cmnynlotc-d in six yo.'1r.<. '|\Il VH1 . ` .. I`..n.... .....J n/I.. n, Reports Show Progress;i Victoria Harbor Best; 200 Attend uvulkl ux. \.\)I , .\.u. .~..\ _,\..... Miss Mary Comm and Miss IVI.'u'-` inn H:u'vi(_- wen` vullod on in toll S0Im`1hiHI: uf the Girls` (.`.nnfm`vm'-.-| :11 Guelph. and Nliss Ii.~'h(-I`. of Hm`-| 1'i0.. kvuf thv vxhihiiiun gzivt-n by: the M:I(:Dunnld Hull ;.:ir|s on conn- omicul m~llm of buyingr. 1 m\`im-iul l r(_-sidcnt Speaks Mrs. T. J. M('1)uwcll. lhu I mvin~ (rial I r(~. spoke In the :.1ft<~r~ noon. brin_:;in;: ;:x`uu1iI1g';: frmn thrg I Iru\'inciz:l I~`.u.'ml and tho 1)L`|)1lN- n\r\nI uf A\xI`|`imIl||n'a- and Inllinu in prngru mom. 1\/f.. TWKA quickly diuppuu w ZI'ICUITIC"'1'\ whcn the l:_.__ .u:J___ QHICIIY CIIIDDCIII WHIII INC Liver and Kidneys up nmmul hv A BRIEF HISTORY OF PRESBYTERIANISM II: uruu D.-.cw'i':~s (A paper preparcl by John Cowun, Stroud. and read at, Centennial Celebration on May 25) lllthll l`>Uill(l JIIIU HM` lll'])iH'l . of .`\;.','l'iL'llHlH`t', and lL`Hill,L',. in1 2 deinil. something of the now rummc urr:u1g<-(I by the I):-p:u`l on uuu -`nu-II are around by J` I 1 1 T` SPECIAL NOTICE THE BARRIE EXAMINER. BARRIE. ON l`.. CANADA u.-11:11 tune 0| 1.1111. wnnse \\'III 1111 be done: wt1u. 111' wi1;1t. interferes 111` b`l`dIt(i.\' in the way I:t' His eternal p1.11'puse.<. must peristi. while they who love Guri and seek "it-!hl(`UlIs11e:~::: shall he est:1hii. t'U1'e\'er. He also believed that if 11 state was on the side 111' (End and right no power an earth emild hurt it. :1 policy of 1~iL:t1tem1s11e.<.< :1t hnme and zibmzid being :1 nmre true le- fenee than that M . and :1rn1~- i(`s. When Calvin (lied the Pnpe [.ltl\'(` thanks fur he fenreri (`:1|vin murt` than all the other ret`m'111er.< i)(`(,`:tlt.\:e of his ext1`:1m'(ii11:11',\' t:1lent.< and snlute i11eurr11ptihility. Almnt, the same time as C:1tvi11. l.T Knnx \\':1s hnrn in Sentluml. where he _L'1'0\\' up anti \\'.'1.\` e(i11e:1t- erl fur :1 priest. He was ('()11Vt`t'i1-ti to the ret'n1'111ed t':1ith at the, 11:1!` 11]` t'n1't_v and |)e1::1n to preneh in St. /'\nrire\\"s (`.'1the(h'.'1l. but very 5:111:11 he was taken p1'i.x'nne1* and put. .111 ]`hr1.'11' :1 _1::1l|ey ship ehzlined to :111 11:1r:1.< :1sl:1\'e. /\t'te1' nineteeii n1u11th:: he wits p11t,.'1: in i.1mrtm1 wliere he \\'.'1.< lieenseri 11:: :1 miniwtei` if the (`hureh tat I-I11L:t:111(i. where [he 1'nr:e to :1 hi}.:h pnnitirm. hi.-: twn sum: .'ll.\'() heemnin-.1 n1iI1i. in it. When M:11'_v :1.-zeemietl the thrr111e nt' ,tC1LL:i:111 m:111_\' hr the I"r1>test:1nt ienriers: fled tu ti1e enntinent. Knox went, tn Geneva where for five ,\'e:1r.< he `pre:1ehe(i tn the ('(1nL1'(` .!::1lim1 there. l)ein;.{ in elnse tnueh at the sz1n1e time with John (':1l\'i11. 1. All Hm tin... I... 1...,I 1,n..a 1.. 1, m-nu, LII mum-van wm`ro II)!` II\"` }'(!ill` ('(il1LfI`(,`~ ;:uli(m All thv time he had kopt. in tum-h with his native Hllltt zmd in t."u.>t) 'h<- H'lilI'iw(l to find that lhr` lv.'ivr~n Hf ]'l`()i(`.K'iJlIltiHI11 hzul In-vn zit work and imuri.- hy the hlumt ut` the lt1.'tl'l_\'l'.\' into 1| \'i;.',(lI'Ut|2\` i.:|'n\\'lh unit mily required :1 lvzulvr for it in ])I`(`ill( out into :1 r(`|i_L:inus rvvnln- tiun. I\'nt>.\ was L'i1().\`(`l) lvzirtm` xmzl snnn mmlv his ])l`(`H(`H(`l` toll. in tin- nvxt yvnl`. ltit). 1VI:iry l)(`(`. ll1l(` Qtivmi inf Svntlnmt and thou ht-L{.'ui :1 struc- uiv fur the StlDl`(`I11il(`) l)(`lW(`(`l! Pm!- (`:'t:mti. .'ll1(I Rum:Ini. whivh lust 'v fur over :1 (~vntuI'y. Durimc this time wv h:1\'(- thv ;\v<-,rk rut" thv \'V('.`~'lH1illK't('l' /\.\'.\'(`IHl)i\` Wit` ])i\'iiws t-imsistimz nl` nnv |1lII1(il't`li ::n(l t\w-nt\~..mn- vnil\in-hII\- nu-ll ml... |Ill|lI1L', IHIS I.lIHL' -wurk \rV<-::lmi in!` uml l\\`vn1_\`-nm- mini I<'.'m>rl, ('HI'l1L`.\'l. (`hr who met. (`\ (`l'_V day vvm S'n1ur(l:n_v and S1 _\'v:u'.~' np(\nin_L', over ])l`. I_\'l!I' and wawslnip : pr 3'01` for Di\-'in0 I:-nnI'u~:.nI.nl luv nun Ikl lxlll \ l||ll'('ll l)L'Hl!. , |l'llH(H'(l (HI and :u:1'('v:|l)|v to The Word ml" (`-nd." of which it. Hives in n shovl ?0nm:1s.x' :1 \ i(`\\' of NH` Lzwonliul frnllxs Cunl;1im'(l 1h('r('in. 'I`hvn- also zlrnsc` lhv ('u\'munI`m1'.< sn nzmwd ho- :II'nn.'n Hwruv L';lIIIl\Il H. n..n...\....I.. l`(`d|l.\'l` llIl`_V .\'|L`,lH`(l UV.` (`|'\'l`lHl|H.`~' * many of them with 1l]00(1>(1l`.'l\\'l1 from their own \'cin.< -sn|1'mn (>:||h.\' in \\'hi('h tlnxv s\vm'u h<'l'nn~ higlh ghvnvvn that Ihvy would maintain |'md (11-ft-nri roIi_:,*in11.< Ii`nm`t_v nnrl Hw |Iiofm'nn`d faith. l<'mm llw (`u\'L'n:ml- i:'1*.: :11'n. tho I`n-sh_\'tt'ri;n1 I\I:n'L\'r IP01` :1 ('(`nllI1j\` mvn, \\'mm"v -.-`A I\`\: ... l...,I 1.` n.... r.V..... IL I of the I rL'sl)_vl(!ri.'u1 furm nf church L'U\'Crnmcnt \\'hiv:h over sinrc [ms hr-nn H... .1........ .. :.. um guvcrnmunt wmvsn slum nus been the nwsl durum-I`uli(' in 111'` \\'urld. His faith was in the Sove- l'(`i_L!I1 Rule of Gnd. \\'hns(- will must lm .l.mn~ ..-|...`....u..... ...|...n.....m.- us :1 H- ('.:m-(-his: and Lu: . I On..Z...- I" Japzm n1mntn'Ins,4*'\ v'`. in`- E mtcs employing 3,500 men. and Russia has 841) such institutes with- Ialmost 48,000 men. I Fnctnrien 11190114 Toronto nml Mont rm! ._:.j-j - 'l| l1.!IlF UK lll'l'.'\I K'3Y`1IIIH"|. [HHS "VH9 `. Pmves1:1nti~"n in Fm :- `and and Irolrmd and Proshvwrizm `sm as the Church of Scntlnnd. Aluminum nnco cost $160 :1 hound; wow that amount costs 20 coms. v ... .. . ll'.`\||I| \`\ l` llil\/l` Ul|l' .'3HUI'll`|' t-hism." ("unfL`.<. nl` Fzliih" I.nI`;,'1-I` C`:m~('hism." \.Vhi('h (-nn- `.0 lhv .~:l;m(`I:n`l:: nf lhv P1'v.~4l)_\`- n (`lnm-h hvins: l'nnnrl(\tl on nl nf` 1|-l|in`\ H uh... ..-. 7| 1-I-an:-I I) I \'|'lI|Hl'.V HIV. \\'llHH' Iron had In five frnm thvi: thv hills mu] \':lH(`\' Hm! I .....v..,. ..A` C....oI.. K lll'l.\`l|i|Il S(`ll(Ilq'lY.\. I of lhv \\'(`(`k (`X- Slmdny fur t}1rm- 1 ..un... 'l_V .\l'.V.\IlHl \\llI| nnrl r('.:m't.in_x! in ;:uirl.'nn(-0 wht-n ' hard ])l'()|)]-"nu. vv our .`%lmrh-1' u-.-Sun ml` h`uH|\ I II) All I lill(`11`(`H niniutx-r IIOLII)./\Y \\ l'IFKl`I`.\Tl)- l'.RlNGS I OUT IHH ('l,O\`Vl) T0 M/\ llT`, QV-ZZZL-1-1 - MMEIKET #1:." ::._`i3::_`_'.-%-zl You can now buy` THE 3551 mans on PREPARED HOUSE PAINT 01` per qallon