Established 1864. A weekly newspaper devoted to the interests of the Town of Barrie and the surrounding country, issued at the Post Office Square. Barrie. every Thursday. by J. A. 1VIueLaren (editor) and W. C. Walls (manager), owners and publishers. The Barrie Examiner is a member of The Canadian weekly Newspapers Asso- cialion and of Class A Weeklies. SIIBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada, $2.00 a year; in United States, $2.50 a year. payable in advance. Single copies, 5 cents. Subscribers wishing to discontinue paper at expira- tion of period paid for are expected to notify this of- ` (ice before date of expiry. ' THE ~EARRlE - EXAMINER RURAL IIYDRO ON TIIF Fl _>--. THURSDAY". MAY 28. 1936 n'K'| Llltlll Ill Anluu n 1H`[')l i..(` ospovially : 11 vuuncils who ;\ 1`fir`ulLiv.~; of fiuun` 15. Thu` laltvr w<~1`<' i`u1ie\.~ I: 1 EDITORIAL u Uh: |_Y n.LllA\r1|f, nu nu... .. > are fully <:0;','211".: um-mg um!/or p!`(':`. we xxttvrly at u 103: u r(`.~:ul' could <~xplmmt.im1 is sim aw mu.-n g1`e:1Ll_v I.-.... 0 .u ..~.1.\ . 1 '~ ('h. lIT','(' Ln tho far~ r':p;m time. and mm - d+=v(-lopnmnt that, V. Many f'.11'mc1's are Llw npportzmity 1,0 I` f:.1rm.:. who 1`m`m~ W12". tmfs (-<' am! I :ru_..; _.4a: HUHll' lklbl IN ~ nf business ch: unumpluymvnt". _ .15.... ..|.|.. s.. lixr x.. Illlllllll II I nr From :1 lausinoss st,z1nrlp0int,. it. will be en- r*.0n1'aging news L0 the rosiclonts 01` this dis- trict that the development of hydro electric .<:orvic<~ in the rnrzxl arezls of Sixncoo County is showing` a steady p.'row1,l1. The in(`re:1se use of hydro on the {mung means :1 corres-- ponding; ixmroaso in the 1150 of all types of ol<=ctrlcml equipment. and zxppllances. and L119 movement is bringing life on the l'zu'm 1.0 n. level (`C]l.l{11 to or nbovo the level obtaining ln towns and allies. I\.. 11...... Vdn.-nun Hun I-n nu hln c:nn0l'll`IY.Pl\- | . "r u.-H`:-: }ul(1 bu ; smxply return, being pulled down to avoid taxes. to in mm" nv-nf'Fvh1(r fm- n mmr-in-,1lil:\ l'CLvlU.'H., Uclllg puucu uuwu UU avunu |Jl.lal\\.\J- It is very gratifying for a xmlnicipality to i be able to point to a low Lax rzlte, but if it is secured through conditions such as (!(.'s('.1`ibe(l by the Ento1'prise-Bulletin. the result. will hu- the reverse of bene1`ici:11. Victoria Day. the Queon`.~; Birtlmzzy as :1 is still 1'efe1'1'c-(1 L0, is one of the yo:1r`s most popular holidays. With iclnnl \vv.'1t,her. Lhn throng of 1)lo:1suro sookmns` this your was the lzugest this holiday has smm in yvm'.~;. IL is ost.i1n:1Lod that rolivf ox1)nn(liL1n'v.s' for the 1m.~:L six years by Ii`u(lm`:11. Pruvim`i:1l ;m-fl Municipal yrovornmmmts made the SL21.`.','; ,`C1`il]! ,' total of $GU9,153.000. Suvh fi,,-`u1'o.\: mu!-:4.` vm'_v plzlin Lhv truth of the sLz1t.t=monl. that unem- ployment relief is C:11m(l:1`:=. bigp,'o:sL problem. Mr. John Cow:1n`s 11isL0x'icn1 sliotcll of I ro.~:-- bytemmism in L110 t.ownshi}) 01' I1mi.s1'il. sinco it was (`St(1b1i.\l1!`(l there :1 century :1.p;o_ will bv read with i)1t.(`1`0.\`t. by n g.:1`o:1t, many 1'v.x-i and l`m'n1er 1`(`.~`.i(iv1H.\ nl` tlmt, tmvnship. Such 1'o('o1`(1s are of much value and 1.11030 who (10-- v0t.(= the time and L--.u'o 1u~co.~:.x`:11`y to }`,".lH1(`l'il1:',` and compiling: the inl`m'm:1l,i0n are rcmloring-; :1 real service. events" should be 1'ogu1:11`ly t,:u1g'z11l, in all schools, the Wnt.m'10o Cln`oni<'1o .\;ay;~;: Tm- chors in Wat<\rlo0 svlmols have made 'cn1'1`nnI, ' events` :1 most 1` s11bj(`Cl.. I1. 1 o1):: the pupils thnmu_9;h1y in t.m1('.h with the pro- gross of world :1t`1`;1n'.s`. Cmnpln-Lim;' 1,111-13` school educ-.1tion. boys. and [girls ont.r`1' upon life's duties with :1 much l)(=1.1.0r l~:n0wlvdg-,'n of } world affairs." 1 In 0f1'e1'ing,' the s1xg2 p;os1,i0x1 Lhut, c111`ronl,i The town of Simeon ocmipios :1 vory 011-- vinblo positimi with i'ospo(`1, Lo colivction 01' taxes. Lhoro boins: only 23%: `i of tho 1935 i.:1xr`.~; now oiitstancliiig`. It is cioubtful if this rocortl | is si11`passo(I by any other l111lI1'l(3i])llilry in On- tario. The Simcoo Reformer 1`(`lH:]1`l{S that this c0opo1':11.ion on the part. of t.:1X1);1ym'.:! has ])1(1y(`(1 an imp0i`t,:u1t. part, in tho stoztciyl 1-oduction in mill rate which has been v1'1`v("-,- ed during Lh(- past few yours in Simcoo. An ext,1`:1v:1g:1nt. and 1n1wu1'1'anl,o(l pork l)a1'n=l proposal" is the way the Fil`lfIl1('i`.11 Post ; describes the schmno now before Pnrli:unvut. to link l\/Iont,ro'.1l with Albany via u czinal. Surely Canada has le".u'no(l its lesson rog::11`(l- ing such public works. If polil,ici'.1n:; for t.hoi1' own ends are allowed to put over such an un- vconomic proposition. it will be :1 sacl blow to those who are honestly on(le.'Lvoring to so(',111'v economy in public business so that. C:1n:1cl:1`:: :1f1`uirs may be put upon :1 sound footing. CRIME DOES NOT PAY Norman Red Ryan. Cnnac1a's number one rnfo1'n1ed" crimixml. is dead, shot to death with rm companion by police officers aftnr having held up the liquor .~;to1'o in Sm'ui:1 at closing` tirno Sa1.111'duy ovmnmz. .. . .,.,_n_. AI-.-. O--nar;n nntlinn` nf n vnnn I Apropos of the proposal that n:1Lion:11 . scho121rsl`1ips should be v.sLn,b1i.~`.hed in (7;1n:1(1:1. to give the clever poor boy :1 chunco. the St. Marys Journul-Argus says that until recmitiy `i \ posts in the British civil service przictically all went to the g'mduatos of Eton. Rtiuby. and ` ` such inst.ituL,<`s for the privileged tow. But last ` year the compeLi1.ivc exa.min'.1Li0ns resulted in i thirLy-ninc out of forty places going to ymlnp; ` men from the country schools. The ('imi15.`;(- ` has been (,`{111:4(`(,1 by the inLro(lu('1iimi of in . tional S('h0L'1l`.ShipS for brilliamt. sons of the poor. By this moans young mm). formerly , ] luckim; in oppm'tnnit,y, have mkmi thoir pi-.1c~ 1 (`J3 ail. L210 lxrml or the li..'. in :xc:u1<>nii<* pursuil...s. wu1|.aIIwnn' ].'|\v_,\I I4.) nu ...-.\ .,.,`~.. \l .. and cli.~:LricL slm'w'z*d that, he fully :1m)r:~<-i:1:.w mo 1'( spCnsib':1i1i(`:`. of living" up Ln Hm`. mnttc A good I1L`\Vr$|)1}`:(`l`l11:lH, lw pnblis11r=(l :1 ;7'.11`.0 that {;L1'\'` vvizlmwv of m1t.m`pri.~;-, '; :: :11 mt`. Livv in :1p1)v;1r:11u'~ and vxvvllont. in nL~\v;; um l`(liL()l'i1l1 (-nmzmt. Fm` y(`:\r.\; he Lzmk zm :u_-t,i\.' int:`rv.<( in th- C:1n:1cli:1n VK/ookly Nz`ws;):1p<: A.\`:s0(.`i:l1,ir)l1 and had l)m'n :1 di1'(-r`!.m' of mu ` or :`:u1':'.;u,iun, in \\'l1i('h hi; L:"r~ni:1l m*v.~;<'-n.~ ` and :`m>! Hmp:mim1-;hip w.1l bu p,ro:1l Iy mi:.:s ,..1 I\.||\ 1 ll.l|U\\ Ill}; lXI|l|K. .\lllV\\ ll) |ll\'Il ll'lll|V'\ Hli\"|.\ ll |\lH\- ` m..<. :1 luck :21` Unit m'din:n1\' c \`L`hi('h n*pi`c- rcntx` ulnmsl :1 ps_v('hUlogic-.11 condition. Cnmmnn polite`- * does not permit of races with trains to level crossings. uf cutting perilously ahead of other cars in 1.rai`fic. of crowding lights and signs. of speeding on town streets. If, in a word. we would ml-:9 to the highways our d1`a\ving-room manners we shuuld save many lives, and much suffering. OPINIONS OF OTHERS EDITORIAL NOTES (I of his own y :'n_)pr:~<-i:11.w' ,:> Hm`. motto 511ml ;7~.11~.m -. '11:: :1tL'.`:u*. u and Mn` \;A \~ - m:u_~.- In l!)U2 the first (`able fl:L~:l1r(l :u'l'n:<.< lhu` hruzui 1`:u'il'u' lw~ lwu-n lhu /\n1ipmlx'.-< and Nurlln /\Im-rivzn. Evvn In-!'m'<' lhv. (4-In-;2,r:1|h hurl :u'vmnp:1I1iml Ihv |l':llI:~'I'Ul||ilI- ontzll l`&|i|V\':l\' :n'1'n.<.~:LI.'1n:1 lu\|i<~\'- vn: in lnmvrml unily lmd (lI't`:lIn<'nl of .'m :1ll-BI'i1i::h `:n'il'i<' l'il|)l(`. lm'v~ must :nnnm;; its :1(l\' \\'u:~ F`: S:lmIl`(>r(i Flmnimz, I.h:- p,|-mt (`mm- dizm vm;im'vI'. 'l`lu` "All-Rv(l Linn \\'.'l:: to brim; lhv chivl` ('<)lIII1l`iI'.\' ml lhv 1".m])iI'v inln (iirucl vumuni :- tirm wilh vzwh utln-r, mu-r win-.< which did HUI much upun I`m'oi.-5:. tvn'ilur_v. I"`lvmim;'.~: rznmpuigxn \\'.'I.< am uphi!= nm~:1;;:1in.s`( ph_\`.~'i(':1l dil'l'irulti1-.~'. in fluvnlinl nppusilion, and :lbu\ (' all 'Zl;`_`.'Iin.`~I ihv :lp.1l|1_v of (}n\`uI'1InwnI.~ . '|?ul :1! lclmllx hv wun uvvr in HM- t':m.~`v I)-nth publiv and nffi('i:1l opin- inn in (`.:m:u{:L '|`h- lh-ilish (luv:-rn. (TIU-\Hl3 blink` LJlI.|.L|l\|u._y \_ v\ .....,._,. Undoubtedly. the tragic ending of :1 man who was pointed to us. an exzunple of what the parole system might do for exemplary psoners in Canada. has weakened the theory Hxat n deep-dyed crnninal can be ef- fectively re formed, if his release and freedom occur under favourable auspices. That is pos- sibly one of the saddest features of the Ryan episocle, be(`.'t11.\'e it may set back the legitim- ate need for ynson relorn1 by at least ten years.Itis very unforhlnnte for other fornter criminals who are trending: the straight and narrow path and endeavorhuztn nlake good. and for those of the future whose case will be severely prejudiced. The close of Ryan's (`.11l`(`(`i' was as (lr:un:1tir: as other incidents n1 his hfe. Tlue crinlhlars desire for showmrmship was filled to the 1'ull. but before U10 dranla had been cnnneted. the Inc of another ntnocent nuun. a pohee ronstnble in the performance 01` his duty. was 1 1 taken. -v1`..nv ~n...-.n hnp! n11 nn-xr.1`lnnil\i 1.0 111111;!` ||'nlll.\l' UUIH [JHl)II(' illl(l lllIll'lilI IIIHH inn in (`.:m.'ui;l. Tho lirilish (3n\'<'rn mvnl. l'm'mm'l_v in l'in:|l|_\` fol] intu lint-"and co-nln-rulvd gm)- .\Ullll'L' Ill .\l until 1110 U: limo a~l'['(-rt . . . . . . ` A ..4 4,. 1 ;mhli.<}wr~'. tn ohnr;,'c- them duty nn Llmzmu sot-(inns. Thu u-nnpl:1int.< in the Hnuso v."1'e not based on tho` rcnnnmic or employment angle much as the moral and spiritual. Mr. Bennett doubted whether the} lk QIHZIUH. Hit` L IIHIHIIHH l|k".\ .`|)'.||J(1 perusal of the Katzenjammer Kids or Jiggs was suitable Sunday morn- ing_ reading for Canadian children. (Hlnwn. May 2.--'I`ho prior` (`:f arm impI(-m<'n1.s di. ID) :11 l"\'l l\l\l\ l`lIlI\I\.'\I\\.' `\.'I\.' ('l\II\l\ l!I\\\'rl (`omit-4 and (`hildrvn THE BARRIE EXAMINER, BARRIE. ON'I'.. CANADA I '|lIl|'(l I` . United 1 n. Y. lllilllj HUN ('UlH(' llU\\ll ` to $13 |)(`l' implt`mvn1. ` tho rvdurliun nf du1_v r` z'(`l1l. in 7'. _. per -vnl. null! I 1-nnnnil . n :1 Li 'stI}{2lL J:1nu:n _\` . .. ..~ J lllll Il|i|_|`|l 25 pm` vvnl. < tro:11_\ t-um!` n l- Hun. H taken. "Rod" Ryan had an o1)pm`L1111it.y Lo niako good that no 1'eIv;1scd 1)1'isono1' ever before has had. and he failed. I-Iis f:1ii11ro to live 111) to his trust may now he explained by some as one of the fmilties of a m1L11r(~ such as his. but there are few 1`ogrot.s 1.1131 Ryan, the hypocx`it.e, "got his". The Province was there- by saved the cost of :1 trial and the 11311;:- man's foo. l`(>HlHlll- :ul\'i. A legal investment for Trust Funds! 3100. and Upward: Accepted fat 5 Terms of 5 Years. 3` Unconclitionally"Guaranteed , I _________:_.____:_ ON GUARANTEED 4 7 TRUST 0 CERTIHCATES THE STERLING JRUSISA cianl-}:Bu ronomo THE u}v_1vrug;I.'I -n.._.o-_.4L_. F you were 10 buy a car costing {wicn as much as tho |ow-priccd Pontiac, you'd still want Pant}.-3c's nw my `fcdlures. . . . The I936 Silvnr Sfrnak Pnnoc 0:-rt. yvm the finest foaiuros money can buy -IOI of Hu-m mu.h om: contributing to your muinrinq ph.-dsun.-. Tale PonHac's biq. Ttiplvxr-alr-d Hyrlrm r-xnmplo. You'll surely appu.-r,i.yM Hun ,1 quick stop (hey give you wiih a (nu;.`1 of y: pr.-dal. . . . Sh.-p info f onQi:n;'s rrmmy_ Inn and discover a new type of rnuturing r.nrMz.~r the reach of every novncar buyer. . . . over the roughnst roads and got a new Knoc-Action gliding ride. One ride in a Ponkiac and you'll agree it's the big value of We low-price eld. . . . Visit our showrooms and drive {he new Pontiac. Ask about the Gr-nnral Motnrr. lnstalment P|an--month|y paymunts to suit your purse. r`- M Lowns ana (ZILICS. T As Harry Tideman, the capable superiuten- \ dent of rural hydro in this area. states, the curront your gives promise of being the big- gest year since rural hydro was established in this county. The rate of growth has increased t year by year. but, still the surl'ac(- 01' potential bmixw::s hm: only been S(`.l`Z1L('h(`d. The obje-<:- [ Live is to hIlV'(` ol."cL:`ir .`1f`I`ViC(` on every form in F`lir.i~.-no (`.mmI,v. Tllt` 1':-(1u(`l.ioli in .-;rrvi(`.'~ l~li.'11'r;r- mor.~; last. full (-mm` at Hm l`i`,.`j]lll viclocl an impetus to `Lliv dP` (`lU})Ill(`llL lirid not v~'::ist,v`cl prvviously. now l.:ll(lll1!_' :1(l\'a11t-mo of tho Lo` lmvr liytlro .\`l`l`V'l<`." on Llw V H13,` 1241!, Hid . tho :;('r\'i(`.` W-.2 : vrm: Loo much in the lll2`.ll`;y' <'l:1`=.:-;. Tliat, :1L'.ii tum` is now (`llllll[."l`i\;:'.. But. l.hI'l`L` is :=.lill i'.':nv.n fur 1'f`Clll('ll!)ll in rural r:liv.~:, which urn ltir llb?l\'L` t,lm:;v ('li'.1i';',(~:l \1ll):iii ('()`;l:x".lllll`.*'.. I-`or ."2'.ll'(`L`." and (`()1lV(`1llt'Il-"P, U1" 1l:;<- of hy- (lm rurrzmt ))0SS(i\'i`ti m-nwnclours :ul\'zi1i1.1;-,~:~ uvm` Mil` old ~l a.x'liiom~(l .`i_V.`-`.I.(`ln ol' ro'.11-oil lzunp.-4 uncl l{1ll1t`l`ll.`. und lhv lt`.'.F.!1lllL , of U1" fir lm'/.;1i`.l on 1.11:` furni. Wil(`l'f` i'i1'v~!'l1;litiii;-_ f.l('llll.l('!: urv not \'r'l`),' .-_`r-:11. is :1 :;l.:p in llr l'l`.hl dirt-rllmi. AYERST & HARRIS 75 Elizabeth `St. BARRIIE Phone 128 FENE MESSAQE I , BY MQDERAWR ; m.m mind Hyrlmulic 1 Cidfn shuiq I your Q s luxuries; EH Tagiii ` . 5.". um: I In ri|| fror (`hm (`I1 'I'hmIuh | H u--u< Thur.-.dx1,v. 1 B0()'.s"l`lI\'G -'\SSl~`.SSMI'ZN'l`S T0 u.'l"l` 'I'ho zuuumncomcnt lam. \m~ek that. (`?ulHm.:` wand town (-m1m`il had : :1 tax l'L1t.f` 1 nulls 1n\'."vr Linux in 1935 mrvarainxxmi :1 :51`:-:1 (l(`:ll ul s1n`))l`i::x~ zmmm-I mvnxbvrr. ~ lnuniripnl are ('<)g',`111/.'.\u 0! lhv dil'fivn1t.'u-.~'. 1'm:uu'mg [\l`(`. .t`1`. nu. . 1.41.. . ..oo....ln no u `:'\--c' \\' be free of debt. luv (`hurvh has done well, m.~'siblu uf much g1`C:1lcl' u:m<-inlI_v and nt|'mr\vise and `1':1lm' h('.~:puk(` :~. deeper um and (`lIHlI):s'i:lSm in pru- It>(|'.~' kinudmn. . .. In . zmvndveo TRIPLE-SEALED HYDRA uuc BRAKES Amonq Pon t.~,.a....u um.` OTHER BIG VALUE FEATURES Syn-`I0 Doubln K-Y Frame Cross Flow Radiator Full-length V/aka: Jachh F mm-I\I.hnn nr! [)9 Lum I; Modoh) All I l,_1 nhqr Nubia Ventilation . May 28. 2936 an-no Iurrot I4 nriy by Fidmr fl _. 1L__ _|. , . No one in tfiiliiiiiuxxxiii is better able to din ; (`i:::s municipzii :\I f:m's than i:~'. the editor oi`! the Enterpi'ise-Bulletiii. he hL1\`i11g; served '15 Miiyor and bolero. that as cliairiiinii of the i`in'.mce cunimiuee of council. His contention that higher \".\il1:1Li\)l1S 112': not justified in either business or residential properties is borne out by the experience 01' other unini- cipalities. Real estate is supposed to be as- sessed at its selliiip; value. and it is :1 rare case ' indeed that this is higher now than it has been during recent years. High taxes have depressed the value of real estate and it is not an uncommon sight to see good buildings. from which it is impossible to get even a fair i 3 a ; hrouqhold A,A`__ Page Two mdiliu