Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 May 1936, p. 10

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"W"!-zm UH`: S. W MOORE Complete Stock of Spring Coats and Suits included--Every size- T'l`wecci.s --Navys, etc.--in 3 great clearing: Hots HATS Coat and Suit LOT 1--14 only (`nuts and some l u1`t.rimn1('(lv ~- .~:~.1m~ : yL`zus .~;t.yl(`s~-{.o;;'. 1)1'ic(~.x' 1 l.()'l` 2-334 Only ('(P:\'l`S AND Sl`l |`S --l"iln' (*`:1|n`ix' 'l`umn:h- un.-I 1n..:.. r<|..n... ..n A l\II-J14 Idvv1'_v ..1*:m- ,.I'(-1'l'(~('1.::. All :;17.v:~;. I 1IiI` . . . . . . . . . . . _ . .. ` C L()'l,` 3---All the 1'e.\:t, 01` 1.111;: l:u';;'v .~:lw'l\' l~:\-;m(`i":i I\/1<`1`<'i1:1mli::v. 'I`lu- I'M-k us` H10 Sv:l::(>11". All .- 1-- si7.o:: and st.m1l`>:. Itvpg. Ir: L -l.1.lI -Irony} `LVllhli L'l'illll.' S VViH'I'L']1 IS VlSIUn}'{ WIH1 relatives in Detroit. Miss Mary Olton was home from Alma College for the weekend. Tinrrlnn Vnn/\Hm' nf ' 'I`nrnn!n (`)1 )y. l"Ul.l.-l"z'\H|IIUNICI) SILK OK (`lU'l|'I'I .v. ../:4: \InI_y \r\-.110 uni! ml`! l.`v -~-!' UH` (`ill)|'ll'. 'I`w0v(l>: and P121111 (Ylul.h: all mi`/.-.4 !2:-.<-h:~-.:.- sl1y1('sv~.x'(>1m~ I-3-1)ir--v E~T\|it\.\' iv cludr,-(I all now nm(l<'ls~ h .<':.*.'1Ii 111` L0 19.50 .................................... .. . B psuasnomol Final Clearance Em-`R w//v Mfg; .1.//ms A lwr~;u1tifulsutin quality. l"in2:<-r In \\'il.\`llL){{llI1i('l(l_\'8| Hl()I[('l n p.'xstrr] slur: nu-u . .. I-A.1L\.I nu-I be obtuincrl by m '.\.\lI' .\ l'(N)l N` STOVES BARRIE *.*9_5'.3L vnu. Rm . Hugh D:nl|;n.l: ('nrm'-rrm, form nrly minislm' nf tho Allzmtlnlc I"rt*s~ b_vtm`1'an Church, has berm o!f'lr-r vnmlmnmr of tho .`~'.y1mrl of Haxnillm n_nd Lrmrlnn. and buok or See our DRAPELR Y and SATURDAY SPECIAL BARRlE--PHONE 74 A |I'<|~- 1|: 2.95 cURTA1N`TsTE12\ki. S FOR THIS WEEK .\K.\| ('lI.\H{.\' \\`i`h \\'1<'r- hull! :1 .1,-`romp 0| -H . 11:11.-; in lhi.->. lnl. F1110 :'.1.x`:1w::. Sprxn -_ shzult-.~;. 1:4`;-;. In 2.5). ; . .... .. --- ~ -----n. . ...~. Ezroon with on: of every \,uu|c'r JITCCI Regular Baptist Church `AM J H tr-1h`.'h'\I,I`u.x':ur 93: S.[)l`il1.:` .\h:uIr-:~ .'1Il .~:i/.<~.~:. i :1 Sllil.~.'- urn 111:: 1.. 1n r.- ENAL` 'I'ill{l`I:\l) ."Ii.!\ PAINT Phone 535 GLOVES Tnn'_esaay. May 7,-'*1936L_`_ " V Pu ([ll1|li|_V. `Hit-:~'.. 55 :1iI' u [oo mm -\\'h:I( .`\l`1 With blund: 1`.x~.1.5-n1r`.1.xT-: .~:vn< !`.`M. I- .\` .-\N(} 1'71 .l.`.' _ u . ' u\r\\1\C I. n. n -1! AM.- Pa:e.'rrn , First Baptist Church 1('lnnnm'h.)n .\`h'm\l| `It'll -"~ Rl"(i'll\':w BlHl.l'L SL H\ lllllI`6 llIUIl' lVII|'liIlIIv EIJIU uHIN`_\'. :vI= Hm u-nu uml 4-nrl~: arr [wr- ft-rl~ ~(lu~ mo<(. :Id\';IIwI`l lIH`l(Hl'u in |unnu.ur-nt.-2 rvvr prmlm-ml. /\ .-w-I-n|nu- Imir rm-omlltlnnrr with all lmnul` [H-rm:u.m`nl.-:. I Ill Lru'rIu*l \-IlI.lI\.II Ilappm-nan Sh`m`l\ REV. W. K. R. B.-1'l"l`)'. nlivristev ` MISS M I(AII\'P Choir-1.o'uder. and Organllt ."5UNDAY. l\lAY 17, 193$ UNI`.-\\' B.\'X 1Nl~..\`I);\\' I`: `.4 ct. Qermac 3eaut1( Jalon 5*` SUNl`H\`\'. l\l.*\\' ll 1\.X\l. .*\Nl` ' MR. l`.\l.-I |'.Y Collier Street \ Gospel Tabernacle > ("MI I HWH .'\['|H`.l`"l` lumw llm(. UH` [hurtl- . \\'.3\'|'-I prrfnrm won- : h:|.lv_\' Hr. u I"I _v. r lI_\`!'(l lmir. II. in ll1:Hl_\' 0 hrillizmi. and ;;ln.~:`_\-. H\'I |H`l - nos'(. 1| .1 nu-n Warren is visiting n Dnlrnif Eurlsfxm Dm nlc DlLl(`h'r it an s,1{gA\ Ii REV.lOU|S mcxmmc, mmmn 1 ` \ Burton Ave. United Church} Al.l..-\Nl):\I`l'2 l all " `Eu i:'u'zc'i"1*` 'l E REV. lOU|S PICKERING MINISTER I _ . . Church School /\m1Ivcrsar_v Thu` l'NI'l'i'ID (`1Il'R\ 1`. \ I s n I \' [ Lolher St. Umled Church ]*r:\' +:n.\'r::1` F rm\'<:. R .1. B U i .`.y_... Him. DUIIIU l1L)Hlll. lVlily .20. Harry W. Payne l<-ft last week fur Owen Sound to rosumcr his :;mmm.-r position at: purser on lhv Duminicm 'l'ransp01'talim\ (,'mnpzmy':; Groni Lakes` steamship, (,!m'ibmn". D1` Wm Ri1'hm'r|v:nn rmrl Hr I l.4ElK|.'.'i i`SlL'iHIl\'l||]). \.:dl'lDUU . | Dr. Wm. Richm'cls'nn rmd Dxzl Randall R'u:hard::on and Mr::. Ran- dall Richardson werr- in 'J`m-unto on Monday attondinxg the l'unr~ml of Samuel A. Ri(`h:nrcl':un. broll1e1"ul` Dr. Wm. Rich. -11'dsm1. 17nv.nv-1hln {` A Y\Ifnnl|.~.n Au-n1. , lur. vvrn. mcnaruson. Venerable C. A. Mnllllnn. /\r~h-- deacon of Sim--no nnrl I'0f01' of Trinity /\n;{li(`. In (.'luu`'l1.V H:n'ri". went to '1`m` nn 'l'ur~:`-lay In at tend the mmual Synml xnw~linLz of tho Church of EnL{I:m<,l in L'.'m'-(1.2. um, , . ua ... --. `l'\I -n- . JUL Edmund Hardy, Organist aw Clayton Gosnoy. Puyntz SI. Is: in New Orleans, 1.11.. atlcndinrz a non- vcntinn of the Order of 1`(nilI-uuri Tclograplmrs. He will 1':-l`urn In Barrie about May 28. Hnrrv VV I:1vnn Ir-H Int`-I urrvnlr fun- ST. ANDREWS Presbyterian Church REV. J. .5. SlI(>l\"1"I`. M.A. D.I) 1lnxSfl'I .l........1 H.....1.. m.,.. ->... 1.":-,-n. All M i1u's:r-r--~ Tim OI`gani.s't ~ l..l.OYL) Organist um Dunlnp Ht. Plumm- 0\'('I' ('I'u:~;.\'!Ll1I(l'H l .\' F!\'lN(Z .\'!' 2\'HIN:\'l'IOT \\ l'l'l\|}' 1 L'I11ilHUS momh~` on account now able to be am l`l{\'I\l; T0 (.I-I` \l()\'I'\' .\|n' \I(|'lll |{ HI \I \\lH:l) `the annual The gymnasium of Barrie Colle- giate Institute, attractively decorat- ed, formed a delightful setting for school damre. held last F'rida_v cvoiiing under the alispitrcs of the Stuclvnt Council. with Jolm Rnnkc as president. Most of the m'ran;.{r'nmnts for the dance were ('21l`! iCft out by a committee under the cnnvcnm':;l1ip of Misses Mm`- ;::u'(-t l :n':;nn.-". and l\/la1`x.: :1)'cl. Webb. The walls of the gym \\'(`l`<! (lune in blavk and while .`lih0llCll(`.5. \ or_v clr-vorly done In portray all sznrtsa of dil't'eront l`i1l!`21ClO1`. ~; and tl1im,':~'. Colnrccl rstrr,-anicrs .~:hadcd the lights with a (lzish of rod here and tlmrc. Music for the 15 dam'e.< rm the prr gramme wn:< proviclctl by Bob Pow- ell's: or'l1o:=.lra. '1'|1n I\'\lIu'\I\r u-`pl 1\/I.-u Ilrnl-A 1'\.- UH .\ Ul|'lll'I*v|lEl. I The patron`. wore Dr. and Mrs. R.` J. Spmtt. "Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Drsh.<'m. and Mr. and Mrs. A. R. (iird\\rrmd. who rm'(*iv('rl H10 ;.:1Ie.~41:<. Ahnut 75 (`nI1plr`!< worn |)I`(`'.rml. in- '<'lmlim: m:m_v ml` the g1`ildlI11(`.\'. nml N(\1{`l"4 .'uHr-nulin.-v lIl\i\'hI'K'H\' II u"\t: :1 B.C.I. Annual Dance Held in Gymnasium l`\llTlZl \._.()ll(.`g(`. I0!` IUC V/CEKCHG. Gordon V.'mAltc-r of 'I`nmnto spbnt the weekend with his parents. . /l\/I`:-p I I4` ( 1nnrH'nl1:un I-nan 4011 | A/71?;/////2/5'//Z/5? I GIRL sinuous - are required to keep them in workmg order. Have your grvvzs examined today. If {,`.`11lh`.`$CS zmz` 1wcos;.s:x1'_v wv can supply you in HM` l:1u`..s'1, st.y1o.~;. E11111:-;- m" fmlnor; nt. :;~; I..`3U, : r`&:.)(;, $10.00 and up Lu $15.()i). `._____,.,._. _,_>. . x--u nu.-\-In it '5 rnmplvtt`. .53 Dunlup St. Phmu-. 80 50 Dunlap St. Robt. H. Smith Mothers tell us they get the greatest satisfaction in having their children's feet fitted with these size-finding shoes. They have all uncertainty con- cerning the all-important matter of fitting removed. Let us show you. Hnur!<' l'(1i(-.*:nf1'n u intlirfni . 1-? 12.111. -l.IIYy' E\'(`ning:: by :q'uj):>in1'l'{{1i-`x1t' -r.` ulivnnlu mu. nu...--..uu vvnuu nun ,_u.u\,uL.`.. IVI'rs:. J. F. Gondfollow has re tLn`n('(l In Windsor afu-1"visiting re]at.ive:.' in Barrie and Orillia. 1|/In-u '1` fl Dnll ..I` 'l`;..~.-.p-On "\'\r~ ..n I . . . is the must mmplcx single organ of the body. Mzmv tiny nerves and muscle`; contribute to vmu seeing; l`c;_'.ula1 exam- inntmns ~ glasses when needed nr(_ en..urn:-l tn ','n:\1\ \A\rv'\ Qu Squihs from ()l"l'0 M I'J'l'R I 51.` 'l`HE..BARRl'E =EXAMINEB. BARBIE; $N'l`..-CANADA (iUl)F. NECVVS 1(` In` Crossland l5z\Rl{Il'I'S I.l'I/'\l)lN(i Fsllllli h'l'UI{I'J 58 |DlTNl.(:"l' .`%'l`I i'2'l'I I` I.'w `.l('h l`UJ'dl.lVl`l.`v HI l')'rll'I'lL' HIIU \JI`l|ll'(l. Mrs. 'J`. G. Bell of Toronto has re- turned after spending the past few days with her mother, Mrs. J. N. Cartel`. 'f\/hm Tn -r-in Innrnnn -,nrIrJ urn-. Allan \`l u .-. (mt whi! Qlavner V/ins Award ` Y.P..`*'.. Drama Contest; STRAPS----TlE.S OXFORDS $1.50 to $3.00 HEALTH SHOES I-.. L-.._ __J \I-II I JI l\Jl. for boys an` girls. The Barrie Women's Institute held their regular meeting at the homc of the president. Mrs. Mills, Collier St.. May 12. The roll call was ansxvcred by paying fees and the motto An(l they all with one at- cnrd began to make exeiises". (Tnp-| tuins were appointed fur out-h w:ird to c:u1vz1::s for the 1"lin(l. i\ I.1_v 30. H(-ports ml` t-mwon(`r.< \vez`c) ;.:ivvn I and the District Diroctm-_ Ivlrs. /\.u E. Bell. !`(`[)(H`l(,`(t on the meeting in C` Mrs. C. H. Wilson took (tlizirge of (>l(`('tinn 01' nffiL'er.~' whivti ' resulteri as fnllnws: Pro.-L. Nlrs. J. Bcleskcy: 1: Vice I res.. Mrs. J. M. Mills: 2nd Vice Iv re.<.. Mr::. G. I`). Jmnc-S: Sec'y. Mrs`. 'J`m' 'I`re:i.<.. MI`< W J I\/l.~I..1..q|.- mo ' ' -nu|u.'.\. DL'l.'_Y. wnrs. Jumm: 'J'r(` ~'.. Mrs. W. J. IVlcInln. I)ish`i<'! I,1:' ('<.'tm'. Mrs. A. IItv;.:zIn: l)ir(~(-h'.< - Mrs. I\/I(-Kcn7.I(-. Mrx. l.<-yzezlr. Mrs ` I{ovlo_v. Mrs. IIirl('lw_\': (TmI\'(\m~r;:` \ nl'CmnIni1l<'r`:=: Sick, Mrs. Hill: T`ru- m`:\nnn(`. Mrs. CzlI'tvr: /\L',I'i(`Illllll".`.` Mrs. H:1Iwm'1(' ].(`!'i\'l.'IHnn [VI--q ,r~._ Mrs. (J. Beleskey Heads I Women s Institute mull 1 (ml). [lVIl.\. L)clIH`l!l'K. l.(`,L',L\'I.'lIlHl1. ('u|)>'2 Iloalth. Mrs. I4-y: R('.'~\"Zll'(`h. Mrrz. I(('l('(`_v: F Mrs. Rinitm: (' .- Mr:<. Fdith Rmvv: Pianist. 1 Rim-h:n'd. Au(liInr.<. I\ Ca\'m1a;,'l1. Nlrs.\:u`. Thu ('u. satin! I w.'Is (m_iny(`(I at the <'lu. LHI'[Cl'. Mrs. .To: Ingram and son Allan 05 Toronto visited her sister. W. E. Partridgic, Poyntz SL, onl Tixesday. Dr .'I' A Ffnmnhnll mu! unrm Jnhn `Visitors Inspect I. the Royal Victoria on Hospital Day: DECK CHAIRS and suMMETR%%iiiRTN7ii`T1fRE Low PRICES n VIIIIIIAVII [1141 l\ I I ni.~:l1<`(l l1':un(~:; um! .\'ll`i])(`(l duck -.u"l1 T110 l'n.rtr(-.~.t and (`:1 550 1'01` Hw 1o<`nt1`v:;I '. l"0I.l)lN(i l)l`.'(`l{ (`ll HRS WHI1 ;1I'n`.- nix-h..:l I.-........< ,1 :.n..: (`H.\ll'I,l-J l`li I()I,l)l.\'(; uml zu`m.~:. (lnublv built- n~.~.t and 1:un'y 1'rin;.'.n-(I r l"()Ll)IN(i l'l..\'l..\ .\l{.\| ( H HHS \\'1H1 . briuht .~t1`xpml (lurlz 4-;u`l1 IHIH`. 1Vl . Bulu-n('k: 1|n.,.m. A. E. SIVIITH 129 Dunlop St. L,ill'Il`TI l\L',l I.(\;i. nn.-.. r J.UU'5(.I'd_Y. Dr. J. A. Campbell and sons Jnhn and Allan of I.ondr.m. Om... spentl the woelmnd wilh his slstct`, Mm. .1. N. (.,Tzu-tor, F.('(:lr.-s St. Mrs. A. F. '|`n_v[m' zmrl Ihron (`him- ren of 'l'immins, nro visiting wilh Mrs. 'I`ay|nr'.'-: pm?-nth`. Mr. and Mrs , `lrnnnn (`nun ran Ilnnuu Cl 9 FURNITURE II. lV'Il.\, -In! Hi.\`!m'i(`.I| F(Iu(':1lim1 V Ar-li\'iliv.< u-:~ I7 I `ulwpy In ,;uul 754- l ll.\ll{S \\'1H1:u`m-.n1;u|:-wxthlw;1\'_\`\.ax` lillul \\1l..`1 I;1`1:',l1tIj.' ' . . . , I 1 l)I('K (`lI.\ll{.\' wxth In-.*u".` L-in :w;:t. 1011;; .\lult<-(1 lcmt. . ('unnpy (`un1pl(-Iv . 11).\lIlI|'l'.\ll.l`I l.Ul'N(i|.\`(; .\l(\l (ll.\H{.\ m;u|e- n1 :.l:1tt-(I w unl1m.h--(I nu-`H sly:-(':;1l. I Ul.ll|.\(i ('. Rut i\'ii|{I,l~;.\.\` INN Kl-Llts :_1'.\x1t`l:.I11`;m(i 1'<'i;--rr-`xx 'l`l'l .l'I.`\l{ I-`l{.\.\lli um! . I-'m1:lu-r! YEN] (H lllHH'HH.`, HIT` VIHIHHLI Wlln Jmnt-1: (Time, 50 Ilenry S1. 3 Miss ()livc- SIm`(`_V has-I 1'(`Lurm-(1! lullnr` aft:-1' visilimz her . Mrs! W. C. J(`52!:0p. Flint. Mi('l1.. and Mr.-4.; 1'}. H. H:a.<:s:ol. Detroit, Mich. Rt-v_._ Dr. J. S. Shnrll. rnlrn'.u!(.~r hf` St. /\ndruw'.L: PI'(r:4h_vfr~x'i;nn Chm-vh.3 is; prnnching lhr` nnnivr~r:::u`y :41-r- 1 vi.c(-s at (Izulvrlonin on Sunday E H:n'r_v Brother, fnllm` nf the Rain! of Toronto branrth in St. Cathnrmn-=-. ::pr-nl Hw wnokr-nrl with his rnnlhvr. IVTl'. ~f. A. H. 'I"m1h(-1'. Cnllivr S111-(~|. Mix-4 Bvtly bmul(=,r uf Ki1t'hr~nm nnrl Miss: Marin Gondrnn of Ptmo Imu: \'is:iIC.*l with Misszrx-; Erin! and Wnnrlu VVnlt(-rwm'lh over the week vml. hm. H...I. n..n.... r'.............. r,......

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