I llll ll5IV(' III 'l'hulI11|\ all ll` unll II-Iwn For Week of April 16th GROCERY SPECIALS ON SALE i9:'f3`< E WAX "r'a'-`-"3 3c `+1:-51c l.I.l?I| IIl)lr.Vl`4 Banquet Queen I71/-oz. B01. 5 1 C :1-vs,-1 mm ICSTIIZ Shortening D.....Iu 4 ORANGES Sl l( 7I.-`\l. l3l.()RH).\ M.-\lSl| Sl{liI)|.}*{SS I-}\(IH GRAPEFRUIT She s listening to CRISPNESS }.{2.{ 1 l..4l-l'.lIl LJl.\ Add Milk or Water Only 44` SPEC H at`. "dioce- TEA-BISK A 4.1 LA;lI. ... \I.;... f1..l.. Sweet Mixed Speciai SVVIFT'S SILVERLEAF Kl )5I`.' Ilrn ml p1cKLIgs l`Ill .SS ON! rl I\:|\v:\ uni I :- H1114 1-lb. Tin T RISK FAILURES rucipo for hnkinp: line n he .-:1w.<-vssful with- nd lmkim: pnmlvr. why (7:1.1du's lazul- kory oxpc-rl:: remun- 1V1zu:ic. They know QL1 I/ES ' I 3|! Illll \`l` LOBLAVI GRDGETERIAS 00.. |.|MIT'ED ) -zjj ROSE Drum! '1 II`! 1/ I 17' JL41 7 1-0.: |'.l.l3II IIOLSE .,. nuunnn _. ; i5QIii-iL_A_RD COFFEE VALUES Fl{Y S -I7 I II.-\l. S\\'lil LISTENING, yes. but not for long. Whiltt those crunchy Rice Krispies are still crackling in milk or cream, this little girl is going to get busy with hex spoon and eat every one of those toasted ricv bubbles all up." w.` _L{(llll,` |'.'nilh ' um! 1-lb. Cartons \*_._.__._.__._. ..___.___ To save four of Ann-x`i<-u'.s' fur- l)oz1rers from \':mi. likv thv p:1.<~ sengzcr pint,-on. the US. Bio1w:,ic:1l Survey urges nu hunting or trapping {or five years for the marten, fisher. [Wolverine und otter. * \ !l [uu......u. uuu u..\.. : VVen1hoI' l'i: roslmnd 1 'disturbnnc0s, so that i ....\..ll..... \(\Iv .. Special NATURE S BEST Golden Bantam Fancy Quality No. 2 Tin A.` 53.5.; L444 4 A 4.; `W? -SpeciaI- CHATEAU--PLAIN or PIMENTO ` -_9_P__>g_1 IRRADIATED CEREAL $__peciaI CLARK'S Delicious c Plcgs. CHEESE 1 WU? i3`Tf1)sCERikgs.1 7` AA A A A A A . AAAAAA It's a great treat to eat a big bowl of Kellogg's Rice Krispies. And with them. you get the wholesome good- ness of milk. Extra delicious with fruits or honey added. Nourishing and easy to digest. lcleal for the nursery supper or bedtime snack be- Laiisc. thc) piomote sound sleep. g , u . -_9PC|'1_I CLOVER Brand PURE Liiw H!f!.EX..*- 3 5`; -P,eg__i_a_l D1NGMAN'S BULK u7 .`. t`e Soap Chips 2 *8-1 5` '1 LIlIl(Z\` (I.\I.ll-()l<.\'l.:\ I_)OZ. )RANGES 1 9( -vpvv---- \.aA44LA\An no gaynnvnuu Parks: Bea 2 -.u /-~ :~u~ rnuuvx/.II' 1.1 -Servo wifh :1 Crisp Slice of A RROW BRAND BACON 00999099609906` WELL-KNOWN . . . %Vi`ERvs VA-TRO-NOL .\'0\\' AT TIIEIR Bl-IS'l` Made Its Way By The Way TUB Mxulc" +9940 &O~O~O-6+-#0-O Kt tH%a?J;}y`i`E.? WARNING SNIFFLE l in v1L`(-h'i('.'\l in lhunclor-] II|`lII I-\t grocers everywhere in the Mother Goose story pack- age. The \V';~\XTlTE bag in- side the package keeps Rice Krispies oven-fresh. Made by Kellogg in London. Ontario. I Quality guaranteed. . . .Usc this unique aid for preventing colds. especially designed for nose and throat where most colds start. Used in time. Va-tro-nol helps to avoid many colds. lll|llI\I('I " umlrzunlly I I)L`S})ll(` its name. the oyc-moth has nu c1ns(-r c(mno(-lion with me (`yes than any other moth. P.-Mu riielilnx nr~nnr>rn1inl nil m`- Ulilll EH1) ()UlL'l' llllllll. Rats dislike p('ppm`min1 oil. ac- curding tn experiments :11 the Mas- szuchllsetls Stnlo (`.nll(-go. unu,_ r 4-,` l`ho l`:1:~:tos1 1.{I`n\\`in;1 population in the United States is the Indian pop- ,l1I:llinn." says Indian (2ummixs~iunm' '.1nhn (`nlli('r. HIGHV "A'?..'.`,. PRIDEW$Tli 4!`.4`P\'.-5 Twoiiu? 'Al'RUMPET 2 3`; n l':'uII-nuwxll Family Hlrnnl la 0I1(!Cll]).QI1;_';_rl'.*-"(H An:-Lhcr ........o. v-vu ujuv - H1: Htmd Yum . Thursday, April 16, 1938 v nffm I`(-rf'nctim" ...._-..----n--:z I 1-In. Vac-unm K Tin " 16 O1. Tins . \' I-lb. J.......n . Wn1';L Mure no-v-no 49 I Ml MOTHER GETS A JOLT . . . LIFE Not theirs the pride of place. not theirs tho ; ,llL`l`(1(II1 0! public praises all lhn wnrlri shall read; Yet these have lasted life with hur- den; Who lives for others, he hath livod indeed. UVU HUU `RJHIVC GREGG SAYS you U\N`m/ME cHoc`- - LIT CAKE As ' GOOD A5 HER \ MnTur'I;"-zl cracld they can depend on Magic ovvry Limo. The most doli- cious cakes are made with Magic~-it's so itwxponsivv. tun. Aut.11ally--It-ss than Ix : wurllz nmkos 11 big cake! Order :1 tin r-tu(luy! DI. A. ADAMSON GIVES LECTURE ON FORESTRY TO BARRIE INST. The Barrie Women's Institute held their regular meeting in the Library Hall on April 7. Mrs._ Mills presid- ed. The motto for the month, I! but little good you'll do awntering last years crop". The roll call was ans- wered by a package of seeds which will be sent to the Institute on Christian Island. Mr. Adamson of Midhurst F`m`estry Station gave an illustrated lecture on reforestation, which wns very interesting. He in- vited the members to visit the area. Mrs. O'Connor gave an Irish hum- orous reacting which was much on- joyed. The Institute will` sponsor n l tag day the end of May for the blind. The May meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Mills, Cnl-- lier St. Reports of convent-rs I cum- mittees will be given and eleclinn of officers. A social hall` hour was spent at the close of the meetin;,'. CENTRE VESPRA W. I. | The seventh annual meeting nt` Centre Vespra Women's Tnstitutv was held at Mrs. J. Byrnc-`s, on An- ril 9. with twenty members present. The rnnttn was given b_v Mrs`. H. Dawson, and the roll call was ro- .s'}J(.mdc(l to by the puyimz of I'ev.~:. It was decided to buy 1'lann0JvLt0 1 3 uuwson, Elntl me ron can re- buy to make baby clothes fnr n(-vcly fum- ilics at the Christian Islands`. I`hr- fnllnwinv nfl'i('(!r.~: w('|'r~ (`Irwi- mos at the (.'nr1sunn 1s1:1na.<. The l'n|Ir;win;,' 0fl'icer.~: VV(`I'C` e|(~(`1- ed: Mrs. CZll`I'i(!|(1 Win;:rove. proxi- dent: Mrs. Roy I-Iic.-klin_L:. first \'i(-(~- presideni: Mrs. Jnhn Wnllwin. .<<`c~ und vice-president; Mrs. H. D:u-:- :~:nn. : Distri:-I Dirt,-z-tnr, Miss M. Kenny. l`hr- n0\-9 mvnlirm will hrx hvlrl ..ann :4 call it life to seek with mad `_:_ endeavor v _'e gilded prize of wealth or place or fame; `light the torch nf toil and then forever s onward, breathless. guided by 'ts flame. 1)1rr,-urn`, wuss M. Kenny. The next meeting will Dr) hold at Mrs. Geo. Lz1\vrCnce':-4 on 1\'I:xv 21:41. Mm`;.{m'ct Anne. Fmn'l,m1n-mnn1h- old daughte1' of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cnwdcn Whitfield 01` Orillin. wa.'< badly scaldcd nhnut the fa(.`(`. and nmnn: Incl Qlnnlzuv u-hnn Ihn l'h,'4I" UiI\Il_Y SULIIKIUII IIIJIIUL l.llC X(l\.`l7 illlll arms: Inst Slu1rlu_\/. whnn lhv chun- on which she was rn('kin_x{ m`(`1'11n'n- ml and hit the slnve and poured the kettle rm herself. Cl". "nu. -....kn.-`I In Ihn Qniinu-u` KCLll(,' UH fll.'I'Hl'lI. She was rushed in the Soldiers` Memorial Hospital for lrentmcnt and later was allowed home. and is _mukin;z :1 sal.isfnclury rot-nvr-ry, HI CREAM Tell the advertiser you saw his ndvt. in The Examiner. I.IT l`I.E GI] SURE [U Uh ' MAGIC BAKING POWDE R FOR 'BES1 RESULTS aura ruu Ivmnu vvunvLl\_ FUL CHOCOLATE CAKE.WILL' you owe ME THE Recwz? r , J Sold by leading merchants STEELE, BRIGGS 5EED_ CO. LIMITED V BADLY SC:\L`DF.l) T plilln. "IVS H10 Kmd \Vh(.`1'C my H Mdvln Cnd ` band deposits and I check it out.` _______:..._-.. Illlil, \`/i|.\ r ruvn.-O 1 Int` Six thousand miles of travel, part ' of which included a solo trip across the Atlantic on the liner Andania, left only smiles on the chubby [ace of one-year-old David Ian Bland. who arrived recently at Vancouver over Canadian National Railways to find a new home in Canada. Grand- , son of Sir Arnold Rushton. one time ` Lord Mayor of Liverpool, England. David has been adopted by his uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rush- ` ton, of Vancouver. He crossed the `ocean unaccompanied. and was a popular pa.<::en_z_{er. At Halifax he _ was met by his new mother with . whom he made friends immediately. For 3,000 miles Cl`05`.S Canada he szmilcrl his: way into the hearts of fellow travellers and train Qrews `nnrl ramped home easily a winner. David's new daddy is an official of the Union Steamship Company. lYear-old Baby Makes I Trip of 6,000 Miles The Young Women's Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Church. held their April moctime at 1he Manse on 'I`m-_vrIn_V xvoning. At Hm cm1(`11l5`.in1`I n1` the ro_L-,ul:n' mnctim; :1 very happy 1 social hour was r~n_in_ved. \/Vllill. KIHCL I am espe(:ial]y interested in one particular kind. sho (vied to ex- { plain. IVS the kind where hus- J band d(`nn. nnrl T (~hm-1: if my! " RIIUBARVB CONSICRVE OR. NIARM/\LAl)E (By Mrs . ()li\'(`1` Wilsrm, Mine.<;in3:,) 1". oranges, 8 lbs. rhubarb, 8 lbs." Hll;1l1'. P001 lhe m'.'mL{Cs. snvim: thv rlnds. cut intn very small pieces and puur r)v(`1` this half the : Pool H10 1`hul).'u`b. cut also in very, small pi0('(`.<. put. tho remninrler nf . an it and let stand over night. must. be put in sormmte clislws, in the morning. Put the m`- 'm.L 0 pulp and pool in the Rome. (Ir-'Iin U10 juiro off the 1'huh.'1rh boil tng<'ll1r`r 1'; h(|\ll'S. lhon add rhubarb, boil the mixture hull` hnur 10111301`, and then m:n`maI:1dc is (lone. ` LIMITED ' Canada's Greatest Seed House" 1 TORONTO. HIMILTON. WINNIPEG. REGINIL EDMONTON By Mrs. D. Cznmmoll. Minvsimz) 1\ l:Ikc :1 1).'1kin_x{ pn\\'dm' biscuit dough us fnllm\':<: 2 cups flour. `/2 teaspoon salt. 3 l:`nS|)nnnS bnkimz po\v 3 l:11j1Cs})m)n:i sh0`rtCning. and milk to muko dnu_a_:h to roll out. 13-11 -..4 ...... I_-u- :.....|- :.. 41.1-1. HLII. Roll out one half inch in 1hk`k- n(`.<.<. .~:])rv;lr1 mm and one half (`ups Puld cookod n1iIu.`<:d hm-1' over the ` dough. (lot with one !:1l)Iv.~4p0m| , lincly minced onion. salt. pepper. ` and bits of butter. Sprinkle with a little flour. Roll into low: roll and bake in quick ovcn. Sm'vc hot in slices and surround with thickened hoof p,r:1\`_\' or lomulo S:lll(.`C. Tomato Sauce 1 : onion mokorl. in very small piv(`o.s` in very Iiltle water. Add 2 cups tomatoes 10! come to boil. Add 2 teaspoons brown sugar, 1 tv:1.s'p(mn l)ul.1or, pepper and szt In lnslo and 1 IL`:|S[)unl1 (-urn s1.'u'r.`h (liS.\'Dl\ (`d in little cold water. let boil and serve around Oriental Roll. II uuuu IIIAV up So you wish to upon (I juint : count \\r'ith your lm. said 1 `young bunk clerk. "l1cz1so tell what kind." V In r1(\v\r\1I;r\`1vv ind.-nun.-In! In r 1. u: v \I| .1\.\; l`\/\4l`l\r\`I by 5 Women of District .| Favorite Recipes I ST. ANDRFZW`S Y.W.A. A GOOD` KIND me .'x_nd minvvd `ti nninn cull l1l.`l\I\I"l` n---n_. Pige Four unu was U1llL'l'L`nL mun tlll.' v()ltC.\` buc:iu. it wzis stiff:-iiv(l with 4, tSLl}. ,'ll'. Tho .\`llff(`llll1; slinwvrl up tliw - `ilizind wurk boznitiftilly and H11` mitts ,st:1yod clean \'(`l`}' l1Hl(`h lciiiw.-i' us in damp cloth. Tlioy xvvrv .\`n1l>{(`(l in t {in :1 pi'<>pnrtinn of two (`ups ut` sugar itn one cup of wutur. The sugar was: ,(li. and nut vimkiwl. Thi-n . just as \\'v us:-rl tn (tn the _ll'- ` tnins. Ono woman hzid hm` liu. linukv :~'ti'ut<~liin;: lniim-:: if \\'niu. l ing` puints. The ntlivr SUI \\';1> m:i ,fr0m lincn dish tnwvlling with `bright v .\ll`lp'.`.\' i`unuin_`.: ,thi`uiigli the centre. The lllll`I`<)\\' width to\\'(`lling is just t`i;_'It1 14: I`]i"l`:\` ;the loiiiztli of the mat. Those wort- li0in. (is \\`l.\' thv lung: runnx-r .;md they made :1 i-l1ocrt ul iH(`XDl`Il- sivc ltiiiclimii wt. . 1, Rhubarb Pudding- ` Il (`ups 1`liiil):ii'b cut in pii'm`.~=. l icup s1xp.ui'. 1 1&lblt`.\'p l)Illll`l`. 1: icup sugar. 1 egg. 1 lilbl('.\`pHUl| 1t1L`l`.~ Led biitivr. 1-__ cup sweet milk. 1 run iflnur. 1 teaspoon baking pr0\Ndt`l'. iF`ut the fruit in a deep bzikingz d$!1V icover with 1 cup Sll).I11l` and dot with butter. Sift flour and baking pn\\'dc!'. `l\Il?( milk. woll-beaten mg. and melti' lmttci` Stir into sift-`ii fluizr `nnrl !ni\: li`.IlY`(lll!!lll_\'. Pour m'r`:' i'!n:-- barb and lxiku in :1 inoili-i`aiti~ Il`.'l'l`. of 350 dogwos fur nbmit .1 hzilt -limit`. Sorvc with cream. l C`1In(`1I I_ ll.`-llxil : ltlioy only required wiping off with` :1 solution of sugar and wat(~r maid:-I ltlicy wvro sti'cti`lwd and pinned into ` '1 lwith lino nails to makv tho . -`l Dominion Drama Festivals There has been an amazing growth in the drama in the last few years. It has swept Canada from coast to coast, not only in the cities but in the small towns and the hamlets. An iurge for expression lies in most of vus and because of this the drama has lived through the ages. The de velopment of the Drama Festival has been a most interesting experi- ment to watch. Each year they are producing better plays and the act- ing has improved so much that it is _lalmost un|)elie\'able.. It is only by looking back to the programmes of the first year that one can visuali:I.e the. change. The first. one.s were very . amateurish and decidedly weak in spots. All have improved and sorne are almost perfection. The plays in the drama competitions are confined to one-act plays but I have seen two full-length plays that have been bet- t.er than most road shovs and sur- passed only by the best of the pro- fessionals. The adjudicutors il.'l\ L.` had a great deal to do with this im- provement as not only the players in the. play being adjudicated, but the other players liave pro- fited by the comments. Seeing the same play twice. before and after adjudication. makes one realise how much a play can be improved by competent teaching. Canadian play- wrights are having a chance to see their plays produced and although some of them have been feeble there have been others that have been very good. The production of ama- teur plays is a hobby in which a. great many can share. Not, only the actors and those sometimes forgot.- ten people who work behind the scenes. but the audience share in the pleasure of amateur theatrieals. Per- haps it is a good thing that we have been starved for living theatre for years because now we find that we can produce our own. The Dominion Drama Competition is doing` good work and is filling a long-felt want. A Day-time Sleep A day-time sleep is desirable for small children up to the age of 1 five. Few children will sleep after they are five but they all should have a half-hour's rest. One of the h mistakes often made with this day- It time sleep is letting it last too late. I. if children sleep until late in the`a'f-t ternoon it interferes with their night ` sleep and keeps them in the house when the sun's rays will do them good. From one o'clock C until two-thirty is the ideal time. lfor the rhild's sleep. One of the ll)est ways to help a (:hild to go to sleep is to put it to bed immediately 1 lafter the noon meal. There is a I t I .1 1 I I .. l t 57 0 t 1 .-3 the most natural soporific feeling after one has eaten and it is wise to take ad- vantage of this. lf a child plays nround for some time after eating: it has lost this natural feeling of ` sleepiness and sleep will be more diffieult. There comes a time when children lose the desire for a day-n time sleep and there is not much you can do about it. It does not tap- er off gradually but some days they: will sleep and others will stay a- wake. The days that sleep does not come. insist on a quiet rest and then allow them to get up. Two Luncheon Sets I want to tell you about two at-~, raetive luncheon sets I have seen, ately. Both were oblong mats with, ;- t l a long runner. One was crocheted from the usue.l_ _-1irr.....i.i uvith l t `and was different luu--inc. H ti i.n\1)c uni.- ` Fruit Sandwiches ! H cup dates. `-_- (`Up r:ii. '_- vcup pineapple. well drained, 1 1ul)!~- `lspoon lemon juice. 1 3-02. pavlc:n.;:- 'cream cheese. Put fruit through thv chopper and blend with Cheese umi lemon juice. Add :1 little pineapple juice if necessary. Spxead on whuio _wheat bread. in young colt. He patted its head and, (seemed delighted with the animal in- general until its owner cautioned` him to be careful that the colt was! liable to kick him. ` I r nfnr ...u.... lnllihn Iuia v-hnCkn|- .. I Willie went with his father to svv ` llilDlC U) KICK mm. . Later. when tc-llihg his mother a-} bout the C011. Willie said: I liked him pretty well. He's very tame in front-but he's awful wild behind." 3'i}:'}LL Ex E:ERv1 Written for The Examiner by urunnuun . n c In`! I\I\1\uuI|v HINTS FOR HOMEBODIES THE BARRJE EXAMINER, BARRIE. ON'I`., CANADA ome whose feet are set in quiet laces, - lives march nn with less tum- - ultumns '/.c-st, lscfvh.-I`. `mitf old friend.-4hips marl loved faces, 0 days: of humble s.'u'ri1'i(-r.- an.- best. /' is delicious TEA -.' up u\ |\.(lI nch _v,:Ith '11)-ling tho ( my Hho finest `()n1:u-in not (`0l1.<(`il)US 10] ! put their 1' [:1 public 1 _.T__.______________: I MRS. C. SUHAUS lll'~IAl)S . ORILLIA \V0:\`lEN'S lNS l`l l`U'l`E l I Mrs. C. Suhaus was re-oh):-led Pro- sldont of Orillla VV(>1nvn`s hlslilutv ` here for her fourth (?()l1SL`L`ll1.iV(` _vo:n'. | at the rogzular monthly ln(`.(,`UH;: I Szmurrluy nflm'nmm. Oiher ufficvw , for coming your are: Vi(,'(!-[)l`(`.\`i(ll"H" Mrs. R. l_ myd. Mrs". L. '1`. Lem-ht Sc(:'y. Mrs. 131. Craig. l`n-n::., Mrs. J. M('l lwrsun: Dirm,-l Mrs. E. Lal- | im(-1', NI-`s. J. Mzu-Arthur. Miss Anna` l)uwn(`y_ Mrs. H. P.:1l and Mrs`. ` C. Bush; l`i:1nis1.Mr.<. 1.. Imzu-1|; ])i:.- I I.-ind I'\imu-4,. 1\.'l.-.- Y? I`---.i.r lJWIll'_\'. [V/IIVN. II. C. Pianist. M Iricl I')i1'<\ 1\`1r.-' 1: n. my nun Mrs. T. N. Willmntl gave an ml- dross cntillvd. "/\lun;{ thv (izmlc-n Path fmvn T"m.:l tn Fx`m=t. H wza.-' (lt.'(:id(' in .'1.:k ihv 'I`n\\'n C<>IIIu'iI I`m"- p(~1`mi.<: in hulrl H In)`; (l:1_v fur the blind on June 13. SCOIHC ONE FOR `WIS/\l{IR SI-IX` (() 'l'im`:;) l..r.......... .1. .1 ... 4|... ...... |\ Infm'mz\li<' 311:: rvpnrt i BIlI`(`;lll of ..n.. ,..... l3Ill\'I|l UI vVlIl|.\lIl'.`w wrnnon (`m|)lH_\'(`(] in (lll.&'ll'_V l().H`I" less tinw n('.-4.: than men. This In in(1i(':11o Ihnl the 5:0- :\n pnu" <\I':\ n..I no call it life to find in frenzied leusure vain years of r2v:mo.~Ir:r:nt bliss; )b each rapt (`Xp(`l'i(`I lt.'(.' of its OKlJI`|"' lllllll. It may mme as :1 surprise to Ivnrn that <.`m1sirlorim: tho wm-k('rs in nll (':1n:1di:1n in wumvn Inst: nnly about two l:1}.'.s' in tho mu-n`.-4 n...,m I.` .. ...u.,.. Hm ..mu--...-.. nmn is.- L'l .\\:.\ nut` I|U| would like Ihvi` think. TO \\\I\V! ruu\\1\ -yr K illlillllllll HIllll.\ll ll'.`x, \\Ulll` ll:l_`.'S th thrr-0. In :1 _vt`:n' Hm :|vL'I'.'1;:u ruff wnrk sick for almul while the znvox` no \\'r)m:In is: :1l)0u1 I'u1n' (l:ny.<. 'l`h1'. fa not be any hm en.~:_v fur Hm I wnnn" In .1- \1H-\(n hnl nl-xu 1|11'r`(`. In _ .lI' Hm :IvL'|'.'l;',t' Innn lh n \\`voI<. go off only f:1c1.< m:n_\' real hu- man" in z\s. hut m-v('rlh(!l(`.<.x' they cannot be r(`ful0(l. It must. he I`l`In(,`ml)vr(`d that wu- mon in industry, us cunm:1rc with mvn, nrv (`mnp:1r.'11i\r0ly _\-mum: mud (-n_'u)_\,'in;1 ihv prime ml` lh(`h' h(`:lllh. Making :1llr)\v:1n<~0.< for this nd\':m1~ mm -urn l'nr nun u,-mnnn -dill ehnw Hut`, :LL:(: IIH u',',L'. wunusu nun mnnw - :1 lwitx-1' l`(`(`Ul`(l I'm` siclcm-ss H1I`nll,L',h- I out Hm _\'(`:1I's 0|` lhoir (`1n1)ln_\'nH`n`..} The rlit'l'or(`|wv is nut us g:r<`~:Il \\'hr'n :1|ln\v:m('u is made for age, but it ::1ill (`.\isl.~:. The real secroi of the (lifforonr-e .s'o(`n1:: tn lio in the tyjw. ml` l)(`(`ll]):l- tion that is ('h:11':u'l(`1'i. uf ihv two` sexvs. The mvn are doing the mum (i:1n;:0|`01Is zmd vxpu.:v(l work. 'l`h(\v : mnrv :1('(-idunts at work. Whon men and wmm`n of 1-mnp:1r:1l)|(\ :u,:(.`:: are dnimz the smnv work. lhe lfldivs lost` their :1 and SHOW :1 re- cord 01' more sic|:x1I'ss than the men. I WILD l`L0\V|'ER PROTECTION Every prn\'inc(\ in Czmudu ])H.\`:~`.C. vs :1 rich ]lL`l`i1lL`(' of native flora. 'Frmn vnrly . until (`old \vt`:11h- `or r(`1m`ns: in the mlmmn um` \\'(mdS `zmtl ;;lm1.< }vI`0\'i(1(` :1 !\`!l(`('l`S2~'i()ll of !('hl'Hlil1_L', l`luwr`r::. muro vznriorl and .`quite as beautiful us` the l)(': gm`- . dons prtwidr`. 1)'nfm~f11nutn-ly many 4.!` Han nilivr-nu nzlrlic-1Il:1|'lv of H10 1 (Il'H!\' pinxiuv. LIlllIlI'l|IIu|\ ._, ......._, ml` the oiti'/.0ns. p:irti<'ul:u'ly `larger (`t`l1tl`(?S nf [)(>plli:1li<)l1_ f(`.;.'nI`d this zibundzmco as n free gift to ho lrnviszhod at will. Wilhnut thought for the porpotu:1tinn of the native stuck they do.-:(~ond upnn the inviting :',rn\'t`s \-xvolc .'il'tvr wock and seem to take [)i(`itSHl`(` in t.',1lih(`l'in_L{ with rock- wllmzq :uh'snrinn thl` IDOSL ('hE1'l`H1il1L1 p.-. rocvnl cnn\'(`nlinn to nrmlsn .:u>ntimL-nt tmvnrds the pm- itvctinn of the native flora. ` - .. .,. ..__ `:un.\n,n:u.\ \u u...~ u. He: My treasure!" She: "My treasury! )l(`i1Slll`(`ll1 ;.',:I1nCI'u1_L-, wun 1 nhzmdon the must vha'rn1im: .. |.1..m..~. 11 iv mxmmv-nr~ixu\` wn/\1's THE MATTITD K\I.\|Iil\\.'il l|Hll'il inn mniznixwrl in Iho mm- i~:uu(`r1 by 11.10 Dmnininn ' Stnlisliv.-: ilI(H('(Hl'.\' Hm! n|)lu_v(-(1 (';m:nli:m in- r- 1hm1IL(h ::i(`|~:- unnn 'l`hiu unnllll xmr-in POINT OF ' ..u l`.'IH\'L'1.v _\'IlllIl3.', mm me (`S . wmnon still show n` (`m1)ln_\'m<`n`.. } do il.\ II muln Illl'l)l|L',H 3u'll`|~'.- ' is \\mul(l 2:<~r.-m 1-(`.`lH(`(l w<*:1k- frnil as llmy ulo l`rleml:; tn Iu'|y ln2u|_y ' IV . ..n.n..,l (Kit Conditioned Cars For Travel in Summer Canadian railways are making ar- rangements tn intrnduce air-c(mdi- tioning into their train services. This was announced in :1 joint statvnwnt issuer! by the mzmagoments of the C`.nna(linn Nnlimml and Camldizm Pm-ifit: Railways, and the coming: summer will see several trains so equipped on the more heavily tru- lw-llt-cl lines of both cmnpmli I vrn.` .. ......I:a l\..\ .. .-nu... u. I1u\lI \....-pun.-...~. Tlw work of nii--cimrlitinning pre- sent cquipmont will be 11ml(.~i"i:1l<<-:1. gmdu:ill_v. so that the types of air- <-.m(litinnin_:: (lm-'i('(`.~' will l)(- the best and lair-.-:1 n|)tuiiml.)le. The air- cmulilium.-(l L'quipmi~nt will be upon"- ulwl tl1i'i>up,lmut the _\'L`ill`. mlcliupz tn the (~uinl`urt of p:is. during` lmth winter and .`?lllIllH(`l'. The object is tn hnvir thv llll` in pzisscmzur cars cl(-an and purv at all times and the t-empm'z1ture :u,rroe:il)lo. irrespective` (if the wlntor or l1ll(l-.\'l.llhlTl(`.l tom- pur:ilLn'v:: which may exist, nut.~'i(l-3: ml` the cm". It is the aim tn oliininntul (lirt zmrl (lust entirely and rvrliurcj lruiiqn in n niiniunnnx l)l.`lllUll`2~ \`VHll'll llIi.|_)' lfxlhl, UlH..`lLl..'\ and tnuiso to :1 minimum. | (`l:n1l1lHl(`(`3~' of m0('hnni(5z1] and tr.'Il`fi<- I)it'(`l'H ul` thv twn C;m:ulizm r:1ilw:`._V sydvxzxs hnvv hm-n quiz-Hy but lhnrunghly making invosH;,r:1- lions of air-cnmliiinning dvvicm for pns:::(`1);_',(`!` vquipnwnl for n uuns:1(lur \nb|v limp. :<(u in pnrticlllm` tine` ' I ( < 1 slut-<-vs.< ubtnim-Ll with thv vnrimls: l_\'p0.< whi(-h hnvo hvvn in list`. (10- 1.v|'mining Hwir I'ol:Hiv1- vffix-ion:-y, 1-`uI\mn_\' zxml t)lh('l` f\z1mx'v.s'. unsure; _ _ atch from every Jny HS hon- ed kiss.