Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Apr 1936, p. 14

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hall. The Misses Catcher have retuluwd from Toronto where they spent the winlcr. ` (1:-nvnn 1"Im...In.... .-.r 'I`,........o.\ ........o Geo. Falconer. S12. is indisposcd from a severe cold. 'l\/h`!:, `R `Kr-llv Knenl n fnw rlnvc in Ll`0ul)JC. Mrs. H. Middlebmok of Glen- cairn, is visiting her niece, Mrs. Stewart. J H Miridlnhrnnk nf Pinn View trom com. Mrs. R. Kelly spent a few days in Toronto. taking treatment for eye Lrouble. Mrc `H, Midrllnhrnnk nf (Hon- Stewart. J. H. Middlebrook of Pine View Rondo /.vous held a very successful ianoe last Friday nigzht. .1. Aizuett is leaving the villauo 1ElIl(`e IIISL r'rmay Illfzhl. J. Aggett leaving the village ind moving into J. H. Middle- ')rook`s house at Pine View. Started Work on Land Farmers are finishing the wood :utting for the season. while some Jf them have already started to work on the land. Hnliriav vicitm-c in Rrnntwnnri in- I l uull 3. J. J. Dumond Painfully Injured J. J. Dumnnd met with n very CVCl`C accident while trimming some pine trees in front of his re- sidence. The ladder on which he was standing slipped. causing him to fall on the sharp picket of the fence. Fortunately no bones were broken. but he will be laid up for some time. United Church no-opened Brentwood United Church. being closed for a number of years. was opened on Sunday under the pastorate of Rev. P. I. Davidge. New Lowell, who preached :1 very im- nre-.~ sermon taking for his text after . work the land. Holiday visitors in Brentwood in- ~luded Geo. Allan of Ruvensworth md W. Flannigan of Toronto. at Vlrs. Wm. Allan's; Gerald Dumond. I`m'ont0. -under the `parental rpof;| l/Ir. and Mrs. Death `and family and \llan Norman of Riclwicw at W. T. 3lnrke's; Chester Kennedy of Aur- im at his home; D. Fawcett. Raven- in. with his grandparents. Mr. zmdt Vlrs. J. Fawcett; Miss J. Dcsjardins. Sollingwood. at Mr. and Mrs. I`ruan's. I I I'|..._.A-..I nu`:-1'11... `In!-In-nal Lowell, who preached 1m- pressive sermon taking Matthew 28:1. The church was com- fortably filled and the choir fur- nished special music for the occa- sion. ' Eastlt. H M Easter. H. Moore is visiting` in North Orillia. ,_ Ed Jack is home from Toronto rm- thc holidays. '- ' - Mr. and Mrs. H. Sheppard spent D2! PPR`. The Rev. S. '.\1i1t;~.u stud :\ll`\`.` Beach 0!. B`llu'u' Uzxtteci chlux.` Toronto. spent B7:1sr.u-r ML-nday \\'i'.h- Mr. and Mrs. John `: utPou. `.-v Ll`L;;:u\. street. 1\ll.- cum! NI.-`, r`-av.-.-..n (`)..v.\ ..i thc holidays. '- * Mr. Mrs}. Sheppard spent` the week-end here. . ` Mr: H Nrnm-o is snendmu n cou- the week-end here. Mrs. H. Moore is spending ple of weeks in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. E. Brown of Toronto. of weeks in Toronto. ` visited friends here at Easter. 1 MI` and Mru H, Rllffeu (If T()l`0l1-i visited friends here at 12285101`. 1 Mr. and Mrs. H. Ruffett of Toron- to. spent Easter with his parents ` hero. '4 I 4 4 Mr. and Mrs. W. Rcddick are havk to town after spending the winter `:1: Toronto. John Sappcnfcld is with g `IOITI, I I m "rm- them. :_ Mrs. Robert Canning. who has | went the winter in 'I`m`ontn. has re- turncd to her home here. 'T`hr>rn it RH DIOIHV (If ico On H10] turned her h0TT`l(` hOl'e. There is still plenty of the lake and the young men are cntr-h- in}: some fish. Mervin Mervin Nnblc Breaks LN: log nn Monday. when he :20! foot tangled up in a robe. Nnble suffered a brnkvn OIH` wit h which he had his (`ow tellmrcd. Ilc *nnnmzod 1n not to the hnuxn nlnnr: `Ind DI`. --nuhnrl hiln Shnnnnn was call_cd tn l'lnrrin Hnsmtnl and for l I Shnnnnn t`a|l(`.d arm "nshod him to Barrie fmq X-Ray and reduction of the frac-> lure. 1 md bnhv are doing well. Bt-n Knapp and cousin Mildred Knapp. spont :1 dnv in the Quocn (`itv lasl week. Mr. and Mrs. J. '.\'In*1.oHnn and two children and Mics Roulah Cnllivr came back with mom to spend a week with Mrs. W. Knapp. (`CL Mr. and .Vlr:;<. C'.~x:-3;-rozx Clue vi Allistun and Miss Doris '.\1u:`ix`_\` and Leslie Hr.`dgt`z' uf 'l`o:`m`.!o \'xs':tvd with Mr. and Mrs. Jaxnxvs Hx`d:\`X` for Easter. "Pkg. I!-`uni;-In rd"). .\v\ r\1-I u LEI-.\ Roy Travy uf Bn_rrio, is . 1: few days with his parents. (`nnr1rnh11nHnn In Dr. and Mrs.` with his parents. Cnmzratulatinns to Mrs. '_`.;mmbcH (nee Miss Vera Mt-Imam} `m the arrival of 21 ymnn: son in! the Allistnn Hospital. Both nmlhvr; Ind hnhv doing well. 3 Ram Knanr) Mildrvdi l"m'merS are usnw. nxunmucv "lassifieds to buy and sell. Why?` They get results. ` I 3 MINESING STATION I ' Miss Helen Baxter was Home `for iinahar | BRENTWOOD BELLE EWART `Ill IAIIII IXAHINII. IAIIII. ONT CANADA Phone 229 ring IUl' Enll5K\`l'. ` The Baysido club x`njuyt~d :\ hike C n_n~Tuosd'._v tu "1\Iuum Jimm}"' on _.u the 14111 con. Thvx-9 \\'urv c~i_::!\t Hi: the pzlrty and. though it \\'ns :`:x:!\cr dnmp On the return journey. the open air dinner was vory appvliz- inn. 3" 'T`hn \7h-alhln Inhilnn Qincvr-I-c n:nvnVn with Mrs. C. Ward. Mrs. Ag,nes_ Ward of Tm-onto. spent the holiday week-end with Mr. and Mrs. C. Ward. Mice Ruth Wnllin nf 'T`nrnn1n iv: Ilvlr. and lVll`S. u. warn. Miss Ruth Watlic of Toronto. is spending Easter holidays with her grandmother. Mrs. R. Wallie. Miss Phyllis Williams and Ivan Thompson were Easter visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Mills. F. J. Greenlaw, who almost lost the sight of one eye reccntlv. is rc- ported to be |)ro[11'Cssin;.{ favourably. hlfk-u Klfinnifrnd 1\l[nuInHI1 nl` \A7nnrl_ l |)Ul'l.L'b| Lu uu |)l |J];lL'.`IhllI[.', nuv\Iu|uuI`y.[ Miss Winnifred Monteilh of Wood- stock, and Mrs. J. Cameron and children of Toronto, spent :1 few days with their mother. Mrs. R. Monteith. F`:-mi Miles is moving from the Monteith. Fred Miles is moving from the Forest Station during the month. He ~ has bought the property owned by H. Alford. who has bou/."It n I'ew extra acres of land and a house quite close to Minesinxz Station. Transplant Fewer Trees at Forest Station The Forest Station is beginning to look like spring at lost. This is one `of its late starting springs. as it is impossible to die trees in various compartments yet, owing to the frost. Only one million trees will be transplanterl this yam`. compared with eight million last year. but it is possible that approximately one hundred thousand trees will he ermunently planted. which will: elp the spring alone consirlerul)l_v. Almost five million trees are ex- pevted to be shipped. Easter Services Churelies were well attendecl here nn `wziclnv Rnnrlnv R1 Paul`: /\nr1li- - `Mrs. unurenes were well auennen new on Easter Sunday. St. Paul's Angli- can Church held its opening ser- vice at 1.30 p.m., with over forty people in attendance. Holy (`,om- ` .mun1on was administered to quite a number of eommunicants. Rev. Wm. Newman officiated. Services will be held each alternate Sunday through- ns Sunday school at 10.30 am. The United church was well filled at. the evening service. when people of the village joined `the ehureh. The choir. under the direc- tion of Miss M. Wnttie, reiidered a very appropriate selection. St. l`aul s W.A. The Women's Auxiliary of St. Paul's Anglican Church. held their meeting at the home of Mrs. `H. E. Fieldhouse. on April 8. with eight lmemhers present and one visitor. It was decided to have a series of af- ternoon teas durim: the summer months. in order to make money for the ehurr-h. The first one is to be at Mrs. E. Ward's. Election of UT- fieers was held. Mrs. Pierce. Sr.. Mrs. Row(ier_V. Mrs. (".rai:z. Mrs. Rohi. Fielrlhouse. Mrs. Pierce. Jr., and Mrs. Fieldhouse. were re-eleet- ed by aeelamntinn. The results were ,=\s follows: lionornrv l"resident. Pierce. 91:: Presirlent. Mrs. Rowderv: Vi(`e-m'('sirlent. Mrs. Ward: 'T"`t'asnrCr. Mrs. C`r:\i"` See- "etarv. M'rs. R. F`ieldhnuse: Dorcas. . 'lVl'rs. H. E. F`ieldhnus(`: Asst. T`or('n'~`. Mrs. Pierce. .Tr.: Orxzanist. Mrs. R. Ffieldhnnse. The next met-tine is to be held at Mrs. Crai;.:'s. June 3. out the summer at 1.30 as well ' ten voune V "Next nwcnnu at rlamm l ()l`l`IL1 S. ' The W.M.S. ITH`? last Thursday :11 , Mrs. Frank Kcll`s. A verv fine !F}nstor meeting was onjnyed. Mrs. G. Neshi gave :1 very nxccllent innpvr on tho slnrlv hnnk: Mrs. Bed- )|f(_ll`d Lsuvo the life 9101') of a mis- , .sum:n'y in Africa` Nh`<. Bnrlxzcr snnn ` la: plt-nsinq snln. Tho Enstor offering `, wvns lakr-n. Mrs. Kell and her hos- [ {loss sC1`\ L`d :1 srum)tunu.< supper. 1`iNcxt meeting: at Nlrs. Frank Sle0lC'.< Elmer Ruthwoll is spending the Easter holidays with friends in Hamilton. '~T\/lieu - Annin 4`\vi.crm. Vi(`.1.m`l:I Hamilton. '~Miss Annie Avison. Vit`.tm`lII Square. visited ins`. week with Mrs. Frank Kell. _ 'I`.ri, Rnthwell and Miss Elizabeth Frank Kell. `Ed. Rnthwell and Miss Rnthwell. were at the home farm over Sunday. Vigimrq M R (`.lemen1.`s I'm` the Sunday. Visitors at R. Clement's week-end were. MI`. and Mrs. John Tnttcn, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Cle- ment. 'I'm*0nt0. and Miss Mildred `Snoddcn. Udney. . .T A Nfm-I.:n'cn_ Harrie. is ex- uuz. The Virginia Jnbiioo Sing:-rs gave? one of their delightful cnncnez nnl` Wcdnesdn_v in I`.u1'tun Ave. Uniiccif church under the auspices of tho`; choir. This group of entertainers nlwuys draws a good nit:-ndnm-0 and ` their pmm'nm includes ciassitwii; numbers. spiriiut-ls and planiniiuni songs. _ l T\/Innv nf H10 ulnrlnnfu nf ihn vnr- lpecled tn zu;1dr0s.< the W.l. moeumz rm Tll(`SdZ1Y'. April 21. :11 Mrs. Geo. Nesbittfs. All members are urgc_d to be r)1'nsent and visitors will be wel- |comcd. 'T`hn VDR mm in lhn llnitcrl Sn0d(1(!n. udncy. .J'. A. MacLarcn. Barrie. lpbctcd tn z1ddn'cs.< the W.I. meeting mm Tuosdnv. Anril comcd. The Y.P.S. met in the United Churc-h on Mnnrlnv. with :1 small `at1(`nd.'mc0. Mr. Butt nave an inter- Ecstimr talk on missinns. Harold i-Purritt, was the r-nnvcnor in chznrge. {Next nwminu at Harald Pnrrit1'.x'. Thn WMR rm-1 Ind Thurednv H1 I Mr. and Mrs. Jnn. Mrwattcrs and -family visited Inst wook wilh Mrs. 'GaHin. who is in f:1i1in:( health. 1 Mrs` D. Quinlan called on fri(`nd>` `here last week hofnrn lenyimz for H1?!` now homo in Tnmntn. Nflix [Quinlan will be ;.:runtl,\' miss(.`d ix` ;lhn rhm'('h. gvale Am-H 11. m the 1'cr~Im`y D)` IRl`\'. W. C`. Slnhbs. 5 Hr-lid:l_" \ i, Mr. nnd I\'Irs. F Iindlo. m Mr.< W. H. S(`urlelt's' {Mn and Mrs. (`h:u<. (`nnolnnd nnd imvn. and Nvlmn Mr-Muhan. a! Mrs :M"TW:1lmn'.~': Mr`. and Mrs. I`url!< and r-hildrnn of I`m'nntr\. at Clarke F`I`(`n<'h'.s'. |luml:m Will itho vhuroh. , Cnmzrntnlntinns {Grunt Dunn (nee molds) who wcro Wale April 11. nt lnI`\ `N F` Qlnhhc DL` [.1 I N[is< Joan Hnwurri RYV("nt Sundzpv wiih Miss Mnrinn Miller. Mr. and MN. Eldon Harris and family snont . with Mr. and ;Mr<. Joseph Tiffin. ` There is not murh (rave-llinlz dum- larmmd here. as the roads art` in prmr shzmn for cars. Jake ]~Tn.<\\'0rllw has rvturnod home from Tnmmn. Whvro he has nsnvnt twn \vN\k: vkmmr \SDl`l\l twn weeks vasmmz. ` Mr. nnd Mrs. (`has Muiri.\'c ifamilv spr-nl Easlnr with tho I |).'Il`t`nl.\`, Rh` nnrl Mn`: \.\ nn H .MlDHUSLT WAVERLEY songs. Many of the sluclonts at the vm`-; inns colloutrs, Normal schools .'mrl| also public school tea(:h(`rs wcrn' home for Enstnr. Szmdy Ncss of Normal, Miss Velma Chapman of` Guthrie. Miss Isobel M(-Quay ofg Grnvnnh1u'st. Mzmrivrr `ark ofl 'Rrcntwoorl. Miss Marinn Wisdom.` Jack Pm'c_v. G(`,nI'En Potts nndi 1.1....,: ml...- unn nf` 'l`.u-nnin n. .l1nn GlLFOR~D~ COLWELL n 'l'nv~nmn_ "'h(`l weeks vismnz. JFK (`ha-4 `Muiu ms 1n Mr. and N on Miss Freda R1 ro m:lrri('d in El the rcr~tm`y hhc V!:I\ |1~a NC ` mt-D Hnlv (`um-` son and ~ lat1t`r`:: '{n\rl"< Mrs. John Stinson is ::L`r1(>usIy ill at present. Hugh McLeod. 'I`urmItn. Spent the ` week-end with his nnrenis. I Hugh MC[.C0d. Toronto. 51' week-end parents. 1,... Linn...` In... .11.-nncr-pl \`Vl.'l:K-L'n(l Wlln III): |nuL'nm. Joe Hutton has dl. properly in the \'iHI}_!c to Arkey, Mic: hnrnlhv Th-H. Allvmx olilL'K I.ln_v(l`. mum. Qnnu Miss Domthy Tit-H. /\H(`n\vrmd, spending snnu: time with 1v1r.<. Ht McFadden. Mr nnrl 1VI'r,<, I..'ll1('(` Rumhlo :1: McFadden. Mr. and Mrs. I.zmt-0 Rumhlo : Bub of Tomntn. : the wt-ck-( at their hnmu here. n/n.... nun` r!m..... rhuhinf ..r ' ill. uu:n nunu: nunu. Miss Ruth Gzmlnn. rontn Bible (`n1I0u1-_ pzlrents. Mr, and 1\Ir.~'. (_-n~I\.v|n Tvfm-n(m:|l(l pill`L`nLS. lvll. illlu lV|l.\. JV]. \nII|\Iv Carlyle Man-D(m:1ld. nn lhr` of the Bank of (`mnm('rr`(`. U: ville. spent the wt-ck<('nd will parents In the villnuv. I4`:-in-uric In-1-n \l'l`I`n cnrrv 1n |)zII\:III.h Ill nu: VIIuIp;\. Friends here were sorry in of the death of Pt-p" T`.'Illvx`.\ Hzuwkcslnno. former nwmlwr : stuff of the local bank. NI:-u W Rnxh nnrl (lznmhl \':Iu:. uy |u'\. VV. \.. .1|unu.\.. The :~:unim' and junior mi band. trrmdtwleri by tho 1:-urimz Hosking , held :1 rm-ital in llw 5 day school rnnm Fridav niziht. pmgram cnnsistod nf untht-m< solos. rc:1(lin',:.<. r(~r-ilnliuns and 0 nicnu Walker sgores, Limited` j1fus.c}\N Nnfr _tJnrA;_;~Is WEW N3T_.ViT5`" 'w--_- _ New and very smzlrt are these new Tuscan net curtzlins, ccru shade and :1 good full size . . . . . . IVUHIU. I Stmw of tlmsv whn s:p(`nf F.:\ out of town were: Mr. and Mrs. Frorl Lowe. Parry and Miss Fdml? Hunter in 'I`m'nn1n over Sundnyz` /rrr?\2\`. Wil::rm_!n-\`%mynor for u fnwl ( D111`. nnrl Mrs. A HP-naflm in`. Just the Curtztin for living romn or dining main at :1 price that will appeal to the most Careful lmyci`. ulflils Nzvnlntii vRfrAIN$ For hcd1`()()m or sun main or for cottzlgc use these cross 17:11` mzlrquiscttc curt:1ins with color- cd spots of blue, gold, rose or green arc just the thing, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . j1fusc;AN N1;:`{if t%rbu-mnniu wj vi 1:-:---u:---j "-"`j`j Frillcdcurtztinslhulwill wash :111dwc:11':1mlstill 1'Cl2llI1lhCll`llCWIlppCll`IlllL`L`, in while and cream Str011g, hcztvy mesh 'l`usc:m nut in ccru only, inches widc, priced at ONLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . % sit!-KI-.vB.%RJE1`PT 45-inch Silk Sluh Rcpp for living r<)()n1 or dining room drztpcs in shades ()1. red, h1uc,gu1d,grccn and rust. Very special at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . we Wu:-:nn_.!n-\myne1' rnr rum (.1, ` in /\urm`u and 'I`nrontn: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nnss with tho fm'mor'9 hv`rHt1- 1"` /\lt`x. in T1-'I\('k\'iH"' T.(lt`l`Ii'\I`1` Chapmzm and Mary Bishop with`, rnlativus in Now Lnwt-ll: Jack AI`-> rlnll. Sl`\"`|`!ll rt:1_v.< in (`.nr-hrznw` Miss`! Ilene Fvll in Hlmtsvilloz Miss:-.<; Irene Cnmpbotl and Eva }}}ll`t1lt`dt with tho luttur`s l`(`l2lliV(E.\ in Lnn-1 Mrs. Wilbur Mullis s vnsilixuz her pa1r('n1.~: Miss Olive Grc-L-nsid Herc is real value in curtain nut, 36 inches wide. An opportunity that the thrifty shopper should not pass up at: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '7" . L: (Copyright. 1933. by The Bell Syndicate, Inn !'ME5?.`r'" D."AP`.5"'Y DRAFEFY f~> %1 T'-."L%1%5.i.-F VIjT} TC` jtut -:--: For Chesterfield ()1 chair enveriiigs or for drapes this new cloth is just` the thing. Shades 01' rust, gold and green. 45 inches wide, at . . . . . . . . . . . . : -- :_-j. Here is :1 C1()U1 th:Ltc:u1 he used fur hcdmmn drap- es and is also vcry g()()d for bed swczuls. All guud pastel shades in slnnrt new dcsigm, 45 inches wide and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . suAnow`"Tw%i[ Sun-fast and reversible S112lL1(_)W cloth in hrig'11t, cheerful colors, 45 inches wide, :11" . . . . . . . . . . . . ~'l)t'.uth of Willinln Millrr ;..;,_, ...;..,.._ . . . . hp Ionu nous}.-: FURNISHING % SPECIALS KILLYLEAGH HILLSDALE student 1 iu \'i and I-cm! stuff i Hun. . lull- hrs: im: at hm` humv in K(`UI|.`l)_V. Miss: Vi1>l(`L (Zmhmn of CInV(`I' Hili. \vus thv um-st of Mr. and Mrs Wm. Wulkur last week. Miss Sklrliu Wunch uf 'I`m` is .with her pm-unis. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wnm-h for the hnlirlnvs. 1931 Ford V-8 Coupe with radio 1931} (`ht-.\'rolvt (`o:u'l1 193?. Frunu-nzu-. St-dam I932 Ford (`mu-h 4-cyl. 192:1 Durant ('oup-. 193:1 (`In-vrulrt S(-dun 1935.`) lur(l (`mu-h I928 Whippet St-(Ian Regular meeting of the O.R.C. mi l}).m., April 20. in the '1':'ainmen's mil, l wmwr. George Pout.-her of Toronto spent Easter with his parents on Cumber- land street. I nnnnlntnpl Wuonin Dnm-u Inn" Lurunvs Chittigk Motor _$a| 110' bzurynlop St. 2~2I BARRIE F[.0UR MILLS USE -TO GET THEIR MONEY BEACH S VITAMINERAL CHICK STARTER u'S By J. MILLAR WATT Brown & C0. lVIl!-4:4 .I(.'s:~:u' Mr. illltl Mrs it-r In-in); fzu n.....`l.. `:1 ll'|' l)l'Ill),' lill' IIIIIII \'\`\'I|. P(`.n])Iv hvrv W(`l(`lIlH(` Mlln rm: and fzunily tn Hw vnmmumt thvv hnvim: mnv('rl luv the Le `IVI.'I,V('S I`:u'n1. . ii} 98: Pr. O.A.C. Fi hoice IN! Iwtir I57!" A I"|'I`I"`I" \I 11 L; I. luv \/llxrnvv ciiick STARTER 1932. . Ford -I-cyl. Light Dc- II ..ou -u-1.. . nu u - `J-. . livery 193] Ford Stake 192!) ltuglxy Stake l.`)2(i l)ml;:(- Stake: l9.'.") Ford V-8, I57-ill. 2- ton :~.tu|u- USED TRUCKS OUR Blue [rand Baby Bee! 2.00 Pr. 1.69 Pr. _1?ETd- Thundsy. April 10. I 79c yd. L989 1.19 Pr. 69c yd. J. D. WISDOM & C0. A B_ECH S ' Wire is :el.:I_vim.' wil :. Arthur Vvivv, the lat ' from wt-IL I ..| 'l\lhu\ P30}; 491 119 Dunlup St. l`hum- H3 is special this week NEW Maple Syrup GROCI-IRS - lU'l`(`llEl{S , Phone 117 - Essa Road FRUITS AND VEGETABLES LI(',Ul`L'l` x-nus nnn Mm` isnn of 'I`m'nnl,n, Royce,` . I`ickcring. Ben 'I'urr_v. To-|` I, (`ll|(3li M1\Sll AND (`lIl(`li S('l{./\'l`(`ll IHHG SLTCCI. Ernie Berry has been appointed agent at Hnwkeslone and moved there on Saturday. hl.-n 1)..I|..-. !\:f........._. ...r Il.._a....:II.. ABOUT A LLANDA LE . FEED BROWN S x x x um uu. I nun wuun Hanna roturnvd Inezt. ["lm`i(l&l nftor spending 2 wlntvr near 'I'zunpn nn Idon. Ont.; Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Pet- ers in South River. '1`. Henson 32 Years Caretaker Thomas Henson has been caretak- er at the Prince of Wales school for 32 years and started his 33rd year on April 1st. Gravel Trains Soon to Run Preparations are being made at Walker's Pit for hauling ballast tn the Bala division very soon. This will be welcome news to trainmen in general. Hauling will start about April 27 and will continue till May 15, ' .4--.u..-.... uuu ....u,\, A very successful brir.lg.'2 pnrlv undor the auspices of an Easlnrn `Star group was held on Worlnosrhy Mxiglxl last :11 Mrs. H. Norton's. Brad-! `lfnrcl St. Mrs. Alex. Dnugla:-2 won `!l'st pri'/.0. Miss E. And'crE:nn. con- vsolatinn and Mrs. F`. W. McKay spa-(-inl lucky prim`. Mrs. '1'`. 1.011;!- xlxovd. Mrs. A` Floothnm and Mrs. E. .;Ki_t:hth-y nssistod in serving daimy 'n-fn-shnwnts' uftvr play had been (`uncln(`lod. uu-nunu so .v..u.. ......_, Ken Rayner thought lie was sec- ing things when he hauled up a (`mo specimen of a "mud puppy" while nshinp. in the Nottawasaga River recently. It is now safely pickled and on display at Steele's billiard parlor. Of a light grey color, it. seems to be a composite of sh, liz- ard and animal. .-. ._ n. .. .- .......... i...,.,.. .. ` l-Tastm` was observed at St. ~` (`-vnr.:9'.~' rhurch by smviccs bolh| (`ll Sunday and Good Friday. Spoc- izxl music was given on Sunday by the choir with Miss M. McAulcy at: lhr` oraxzm. Morning anthems were "(`ln~i. Our l`assovcr" Iflaslhaml and "l sun .-\lplm and Omega" (Rev. Vim` Hall`: (waning. "Worthy the - l:unl\" lSlnmor\. and "Hark. Hark - '.\l_\' Soul" (sliolloyl. Soloisls woro-- .\li`x E Odon. Mrs. W. Bavliss. `Airs G. Brunion. Miss G. Godcl-311. . ` 'L`l\ri.<. l`Jnn\ ors. Robert Taylor anrln .:\lfrvd Page. I-Injoycd Mlncl-sing Comedy . A \'or_\' ont(`rlaininL! comedy dra-| ma in throo acts. Wild Oats Boy" ` :was ably presented on Wednesday A nnighl in tho I..O.L. hall by a group lwprosonlingt the Mincsing L.O.L. li I`lm cast was as follows: Aunt Jane. .iMrs. H. Bowen: Della. Miss Elhul .7.Tohnson: Judy. Miss Alice Fralick: ' i`Dann_v Murplw. Art. Jackson; Pat, ;-Miss Arclell Fralick: Eva Marlin. .{Mrs. _Leo Hiltzz John Peters, Leo' "HiIt.z: Prue. Mrs. Mervin Fralick, ,,Chuck. Ab. Graves: Trout. Percy iMuir: Seth. Mervin Fralick: Mose, ..James Pain. v .;u L 1 Easter Visitors " ` En: usually brings its quota of ` \'visitors from near and far and his ; vcnr has been no exception. Hn1i-` day visitors here include Mr. and iMrs. Ward Mayor and family of.` .T0r0ntn and Morley Mayor of Lon- ldrm with Mr. and Mrs. Jeff. Webb. ` |B1~adford St.: Mr. and Mrs. P. T.`. ` Anun nhr! Nice 1'1 Villwazxctnuv .l'- '13I'bIu1UI` at.; Mr. anu Mrs. r. 1;; Austin and Miss P. Killmaster ol'i' Detroit. with Mrs. S. V. Killmaster.| `S1 Cumberland St.; Mr. and MI`s.;l Lorne Richardson and family of l?.t.erborough with relatives: Ml`.; land Mrs. H. Hammond and dainzh-t; -tor Constance of Toronto with Mrs.`- .W. MeCausland, Burton Aw;-.: Mint] * and Mrs. Murray Coornbs of Otta- 'wa for a few days with Mr. antll. *Mrs. A. Hook. they also stopping ov-1` `mr tn Dundas en route; Mrs. S. `?Rawn of New Lowell with frienrl.-': ' l"`rank Spearn of Kingston. at home: `Maurice Trex-elyn and Miss Mart:-I: laret Vance of North Toronto with! `Mr. and Mrs. T. Edge. Burton Ave.;` `,Victor Collins of Dunnville with hi imothor. Mrs. W. Collins. Cnmber-; ,lan(l St; John Sinclair of Ottawa at 5` the inansez Mr. and Mrs. F`. Hodu-t `kinc of Midland with Mr. and Mrs. H. Kell; Mr. and Mrs. E. L. MeMil]:m of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. l.. liightley: Miss Margaret Campbell ` of Hamilton with her parents. M`-6.! `nnrl Mrs. Wm. Campbell, Essa Rr`l.:! .l:u-k Mattson of Toronto Health Hunt. with Mr. and Mrs. H. Norton.` Mrs. Matson returning to the eityl with him after a t'ortni;zht's visit, lien-: Mr. and Mrs. R. Rainey and: son l.arr_v of Toronto with Mr. anti l\-lr.<. W. Fisher. Innisfll St.. over t .iin1lnv I `sun 1.3!`? `Mrs. ;Sunda_v. lI|\.Iv uu >|.LuL|(IJ. Miss Bcllvn Munmc of Huntsville is spending her holidays with Mrs. D. Mnpzlounhlin uf Allzxnclalo. In..- 1|n.:u.. ..-__| .:...._u...._ up...` wv vxtond . In Mini (`lumpy in the r1e`aU1 of his xmuthor. `lwrs. (`lo:1r_v. of AnL'us. Sumo .~'nr`ak-t1.'.cf broke thv luck Inn 11. L. J`nm`tt's gas tank I`hur:<-' day night and hclpvd himself ml Ltns. 1 `gzns. lVIr.s`. Earl Reid and little son. thv Euslvr hulidavs Purrv Sound. at the hnmc of 1\ Reid's parents. Thv l rvsh\'lori:m VVMS mm ;\\':1s am l!1l|.`l't`SIlng prusnmn nn m1s- i _.s'im\s. Miss Ollie Sriglvy fu\'mn-rd` .\\'ith some good music on tho uui|ar.; and sumo vocal solos with _::uil;n`| `nL?(`umpnnimt`nt. ' A number from hero attended tho} .furo\vvll p:u`t)' at Irwin Spe1`x"s. ul` Grmnblo Hill. on Monday en-nin_;.. `whvn friends and noip:hbm'.~` L`.il1hl`I`-i I l -`cl from far and near to bid Irwin. hi: xicfnr ]\Jun\i|\ and mun-in l\`l-v..._ rnu l rvsh_\'u`rmn W.M.: Mrs. S. M<'Qua\"s. .`\nr:l \\'u.~' ixltorresting x)n.\2rm .sinn.<. Mis Sri-_vlvv Home 81 Holiday tor. Mrs. Wanna. Mrs. L09 Banting: Miss M)`rllo (`ox-. "l`nrnn1n. with \'in Mc(`m'mick with his uunt. I\Ir.<. Amanda Lvuns. u'n!'H\. H. 'T`m`mHn. Jonml, Bun1inp.: lv_\'. Tnrnnto. Miss with M1`. \'. Cnchrmxe of 'I`0r0ntn. with their 515-. B. McLean: the Miss with her friends: and Mrs. `M i.'\ `- Ruth 1 aunt. I I x I I Mc`r- ' H. L... 'I'm`mHn. Jonnett. 4 Jvnmstl. Still After starlings * Tho . hunt started last s-ununor bv the Women's Institute. for sevon hundred heads. will c-\n~ tinuc this summer until the number onmes in. Pay is the same as last cnnuunr Women's In.~L`uuu- The Wnmo:n`< Institute met at l\'I1's. Hoe~1arth`s. April 8. with "\`el\`- members broscnt. l\Ir.~'. ll. Banting in the chair. The histmgv of farms wax` continued from Hm last meetim:. 'l`hore were some ennd papers on Mher subjects. were very interesting. There was `a display of work clone hv the W0- `vnon during the past winter: quilts. vrochet work emln'0ide'r\', vwmw kinds of fanrv work whivh shnwed the women of Ivy don`: idle `mtwh time. The next meetimz will ibn in the Hall. when the 0ffi<`er.~: 1`-vill ha r-lcted. Lunvh cn-~m`tteo: ;_"'- . Martin. M1`s. S MCO'ta\'. M-~<. 'Y`hompson Jennctt. Mrs. W. J. 1 I which ` and . l '|V| "e_ 'l'l1( MLLeau1. \'ou1's paronls. Thu` } r0sh_\'u`riun W.M.S. WIN S I\4[vQIm\"< .-\nrul \) 1.1. unuh-uup.nunu \u l`|IlllII\ILUl`. | Mrs. Whitty and daughter Marg- nrol rctunmd on I`hnrsda_v from a two wuL-ks` Visit in Bri;,:hl0n. ill.` A IJ I-Easter at St. George's 4-.. ..- -,__,,,., -. Landed n. "Mudfuppy" . 71-..--- A|_...._.LA L`- ...... Eastern Star Bridge __.. ___-_,_a,,u -. ,,.,u_,, vxtond . Mr. d`:1lh nf hi< mn1hm~ 5 ln.~L_iiut- Anri} R xv v |.\nu|p:, nL'|uuv\;n n\;|\:. Mrs. F. J. Hughes and Allan are ,.s'p(`nding this WCCK at Armstrongz. :4`u Wlln llnn.-in. :\I`\ F I*..l.-.I ;.`-pxuuln; | Miss stream, week. T\/I've _V_Vr_n. Cnpclqnd, S1'.. of Toronto. is vlsmng relatives here. T\ITu~u L` Y Tlnnl-unn nu,-I A11un nrn week. | Mrs. `N. Bz1tc'm:m of Toronto, is hnlidayxmf with relatives here this week. 1\/Hue T.I'Iv nnrl Tllruvin ,TnnL-unn nf week. Miss Lily and Blovin Jackson. of Mono Mills, are lmliduyimz at the Rec-lm-y. 1 Miss Nnrmn Pena nf H nll:md tn? Lvllll. Mr. and Nh'.~'. W. F`nr7.l(-nu and son of Elnwzllv have tnkvn thv form- er Pom-her home on 'I`!fTln St. and moved in )'n'. r\I \n__u, _, l"` \Iv.,I|_._. l{C(`lOl'_Y. Miss Norma Pegg: of Holland Lzmdimr. is visiting her aunt. Mrs. "R. W. Duttnn. T3`:-innrk nrn Mn:-I in con Mic: Ann H. w. Uuunn. F:-ionds are glad to see Miss Ann Adolph around again. after her rc- .c(:nt operation. Ilnrrv Quincv of St. Cnthm'in(`.s. .ccnL npernurm. IIzu`1`y Quincy snont Good Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F'crrier. I Miucnc I.nvrninr\ and Tnn .T:\I'\'i<` HVIVS. Wm. I"Cl`l`lO|`. I Misses Lorraine and Inn Ja1'\'i.< and Gwen Scutt. nrc visiting thcii ;.*,i`;indpni'miis at Clziromnnt. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Patterson and mnndpnrmns at Lilaronmnt. Mr. Mrs. Wm. (`..'1therin0. attended the funeral of Miss Amy Lee at Vasey. on Mon- dnv. (`.nrr1nn nnluztinc nn CI`nI\` |vme. `! On rmcrc 1hr:_*o of this issue wil` zhc found .111 Intorcstlmz letter or 1T`n1(*.s1in(!. written by :1 cousin 0' Mrs. Jmncs Muir. Cnnkslnwn. '1'... l'.,ll A nru.\. -nIlIIL'.\ JVIIIII. K.\llll\.`lll\`\Il. ~ Thn f0lln\viI1L teachers are spend line the Easter wvck :11 thvir hnmvs H\/Visa Olivr` Roll. in 'I`nHenhm*n' .Mi.<< Rrwnico Spnors. at Thornton` J. T). Kenny. at Cnnnnnmue: Mr `land Mrs. Mm'm_v Curtis. at Athens 1 The oxmnyzonmont is announced 0` `1H(-lone. dzuxgzhtor nf Mr. and Mrs `IR. .T. MCAfCC. Cnnkstown. to Har- . ford. son nf Mr. and Mrs. Haw.` Fisher. (`nnk. Tho wedding: is H10 take place the latter part of 1:Arn'i1. I Miss Svl\';1- (`nlomzm of Tnmnin ~|i.< .\'n(`ndinz: T.n. week :11 hm` .;hnmc: also Mi.<: Agnes Flvnn of f'I`m'nntn: Miss Vi(`0nri!I I ()llm~k of _|An1n: Mics Mnvv K01] nf 'T`omn1n' _|Mi-_< 'T'h(`Im:1 F`m-hes of 'T`(>rm1ln ;\--iih hnr _ ]\/Yrs '7'. J. h:1\\':n' "Mi.<.~' (`.a7._v Kidd of Orillin. with her -4'\I't\.hl\I` (HIV. Gordan, Dmuzlns and Gran` Dnwsnn are snondinq `lhis wool- wh their nr:1ndpnrcn1.s, at Orange- ville. On hnnrn 1hrnn nf Ihic i-:' wil` IVIISF u2l7._\' J\l(`1 ()1 urnlm. wnn ncr ~hl'01hl`l`. Week-end nnd Mnndny \'isi!nr:= .wor(,- Mr. and Mrs. Elrlrm Nnillcy. lwilh MN. M. Gallup; M". nnd Mrs. .WIuvnu-rl Qninrlln 1\/| v~ nn NH`: 1431`- lwnh Mm. lVl. umlnp: M". mm Mrs. |Elwnv`d Snindlo. Mr. and Mrs. Haf- vnv Fninr"'- and Dnnnld. with Ihmr nnr('n1.<: Mr. and Mrs. Gm. R006 and fnmilv. wh lhv fnrn-mr'< nar- |r`nl:<: Mis'(`s Flnrcnro and F`mn(~"s 1H`:n-rig, at their hnm(`: Kmmclh 'Y with hiz nnronls` Miss Wilma `|<`Jr~dd'~v-1. with hm` mnlhm" MI` zmd vfvs, Frnnk Agnmv. wiih H10 form- iv-: nnrr~n1.<: Mr. nnd Mm. Ivrm If`n1om:`n. at hi: home: Mr. nn "i\/Twz. (`:1m(`|'nn T.nh1:\'v nd Juhn "'h Mr .-mrl Mrs .T. M. Pustslcv `|`"m. T,'mrr~ncr~ n1 hi< homo: A ;1\/luv'I`.'u-_ :1! (ho n.'u'.s`nn:w(" Wu .'rh.m.m.m ..r T<.\.1..n \riH\ ha. vhn unu up-.uu ...u. u. -u-hm-nun. M1`. Aldnrsnn, who hm: been spending the wink-r nl Kearney. is back again at the "Y" this week. 1\.I......:.... 11...... ...u....__._.| I._..a POP-Ma's Briidgci.-7 Dispc;si:tion Gefs An Airi l" V........., .,...`....... Picnic ................... .. Pure Lard, 1-lb. tin . Sweet Pickles no __ .,2 Roast Beef . Corn Beef 1|- ___- _ -.,_ \/un II 1191.: (home cured) l2-l6c Swift s Premium Break- 4-__; I\_--__ nn IIUIIILIIIKIIID uauo large .......... .. 2 Copaco Smoked Iii.-main fast Bacon .......... .._.: Hamburg Steak, 2 lbs. Homemade Sausage, lortrn 9 `Mn Art J. Brennan u vv um. v I nvnxua 28~oz. size .............. .. 250 Phone your order early for prompt delivery PHONE 58 WE DELIVER 17 Essa Rd. : Alla: CLEANING and PRESSING van.-\ uh:-nu u Maurice 1 week from I most of the ~ the Gulf. M.- mm m 109 Dunlap St. FIRTH 8: MOORE WHEN I ADPE.AR ON THE STAGE THE. PUBLIC \/~/|L_l_ SIMPLY STORM THE BOX r OFFICE. (Q . A F, COOKSTOWN \[' Am-m"\_ M hm` lmmv: |Vl'~?" 11* Hnnpvr of Hamilton. wit?` mlhor. |;.', llllb \'\'\:ur\ (IL txIlu.5LlUII;.:. Ella Henderson of Cold- , visited friends in town this 1 Olive Divkcnsun has return- rnn frnnx 'l'n|-nntn EDENVALE Goods Called for and Delivered uurv \\| nu _- \..-u.- u 1` 0li\'(.-1' Walton. C. Vvulkvr. Mrs. W. Henson and Miss K. Brown have gone tn spend 21 \vovk with r(`luti\'(-s| in Des 1\1oizws. lmva. Mrs. John '.\lus.~: (lied sudck`nly in` the Royal V'u'tm.`ie1 I-Impitzwl trIda~_\'.; 'l`hursden_\'. April 16. \\'hvn- . had?! been taken for treutnwm. * `I . nu , c1,__\, - ,, ,.u ,, . .uau5\,, lbs. V 141 Allandalc 12-150 pun. - 25c . 18c . 15c It is expected that twenty mem- bers of Barrie Lions Club will at- tend the annual convention of LI- ons Clubs of Zone 6, District A," | which will be held at Pickering Col- lege, `Newmarket. tonight. The of- I cial voting delegates, appointed by President Oscar E. Shank, are War- ren Wilgar, Edwin N. Ineson. T. W. Cuthbert, R. N. Bibby and R. G. Maskell. '1"kn nlnkp uuhink quill kn nu...-., laawie Delegates` ! at Lions Convention 1V1i:lSKL'1l. The clubs which will be repre- 1 sented at the Zone convention are Burlington, Brampton, Georgetown, Newmarket and Barrie, but it is ex- pected that a number'will be pre- sent from Toronto. The business ; meeting will be held at 6 p.m.. fol- lowed by a banquet in Pickering _` College at 6.45. The chief speaker ` at the banquet will be Michael A. Mahoney. a member of the Ottawa Lions Club. prominent lumberman and prospector, who in his earlier days, actually witnessed the Shoot- ing of Dan NicGrew." The address `will be broadcast over the radio. n mmnnni nc nan '7r\un I\r1t\r\`I-I! " VVHI DC Dl'0(1(.'ElSL OVCI` [TIC FEICHO. On account of the Zone meeting. the regular weekly meeting of Bar- rie Lions Club. scheduled for last night, was cancelled. vxvvu nan`,-.. s\'A ..\..-nu-. Mr. and him Prank I.nn_::hurst` were in Chttrchill on Saturday at-: tending the tum-r.'L~x1 of ms nmtm-2'.- who was fwme-1.`l_v :1 l`t`.\'ld\`!1! ul" Barrie. -1-... m... Q mm... -.m.: \ll`\`

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