The apparent reduction of 15 per cent. in the relief grant of the Fed- eral Government to the I rr)vinee uf Ontario is not a reduction at all. but actually an increase of 60 per cent. as compared with last year. according to Duncan F. ML-Cuaig. K.C., MP. for North Simcoe, who is now in Barrie for the Easter ro- cess of Parliament. The legislators will assemble again on April 27. A letter from llrm. David A. Croll. Ontario Minister of Welfare, received by Barrie Town Council. was published in last week's Exa- miner. indicating that the Irnvince was forced to reduce the relief grant to the municipalities by 7'1; per cent. on account of a rerluctimi by the Dominion, effective April (i. an. vm..rv....... ....._1..: ...a n._ _:: FORM IC 1(l\v'L'IHl'|Il.\ Ill cl \Ullpl\ I ruffled gruust` ncar our stated we were in for a u uuuu v..u Alvlluulul . FORM IE Second Class Honours--Wm. Mar- tin, Joyce Livingston. "|"|1h-rl (`Inca Hnnnurq --- Mit`hII0l [II], -J()yC(3 l.:lVln]_SK.()Y`l. Third Class Honours Michael Murphy, Beatrice Scancllnn. (Doug- las Leigh, Jean Reed). Helen Lowe. (John Milne. Joan Morrison, Audrey Ney, Lester Prlnce). f.`f\1')!\' H A A v.-u. .u First Class Honours--Et-hel Bow- man. Eunice Faragher. Sm-nnrl (flan: `Hnnnnrn -- Pntrivin HIHII. ILUHICE l`l:|l'HH8l'. Second Class Honours Patricia Cotrell, Vera Brooks, George Fir- .man. Jack Hill. "l"1~.h~A ("Inna Iflnnnun-p, ,lmc:n Ilia, man, JECK nm. Third Class I-Ionours~-~-(Elsie Big- ger, Marie Georgianni). (Ruth Arn- nld. Evelyn Baldwln, Ruth Brown. Winnifred Dcnault). ru-nun vv-I ,n.._,, At\..1|.\,| A. . nu... FORM 2A Second Class I-Ir)n0urs--(Margaret 1 Ken. Dominic D`/Xmbrosslo, Genrgo Bauldry), Joan Lauder. Bob Hen- son. (Rose Briggs, Gerald Shann- han. Milford Wanamaker), Law- rence Gnrtner. 'Y`I.h~.-1 (`Inna Klnnnun-a , Ynnlr Dwun rcnce unrmcr. Third Class H0nnur9-Jnck Ryan, . Jack Dytc, Teresa Murphy, 1BeHy Leitcrman. Russ Malkin). nnn-. t\r\ ...-.-..\...uuu. .u..,. u. FORM 2B . First Class Honours-~~(Wm. Chees- mnn, Allan Fraser), Jns. McBride,` Douglas Palterson. (Thos. Rogers, Arthur Ashton). Qnnnnel (`Inca Ilnnnruru __, T nnnrn In my own (`use 1 :iii. rm th" ll\'(`.I`fU(` nhnut thirty tn fn|`l_\ lot- tcrs per day." he said, "mid mnnv In0mb(!I':< frum urhnn ('uii: hnvc nlmust mnrv thnn thoy vim" hnndlo. For (`.\ill1l])l(`. J. A. Mai--j kimmn. Edmonton. has more than enough mziil tn k(`(`p mw girl hit.\') till the lilllt`. ll:-, of r~mir.s'(-. is thvl (mly G(\\'l`l`llY1l(`tll l!1t"ll1h(`l' for Ai- hertn. and that might :ii-vnunt. for it. Aiintlwr lllI'lHh(`l` has about 4t)()j le'.t.u'rs pm` d:i_\'. J. '1`. Thurs:nn. whu` i'epi~o.~'mit.\' Selkirk. Mzinituhn. \\'1\.\' so muvh lwliinri in his t' pund(`tu'i` that ht` was fnrvvd tu tnki` it hnmv with him at Iizistvi`. Mr. Mvt`u:ii;,: stud that his (`l\i'~ i'o.~:pniidvii<`(\ <'m'vr:< :i \`:H`i(`i)' (if suh. jvvts in('luchm.: il[\[\ii(`;lilUl|.\` rm` pn- sitiuns. luttvrs i'v;:;ii'(liii:_: rurzil m.ul t'uurit`rs. [Inst oft`iv~.~:. il\S[\t`(`ltIl`:< nf \V(`i1,{hL\' and !1tt`a.\`\lI"h`. (}U\`l`l'ntIit`Ii1 (Turn to page six. nlmsc: l\FLl1lH' .`\SlH()l1}. Second Class Ilonotlrs -~ Lcnnrrt Laml)er1., Evu Mutt. Donald Felt, Alex. Perry. Phyllis Ferry, (Wilma Campbell. Elma Fullerton), (Jack Garrett. Velma Rnvellv. 'l"lxiu-A (`lace llnnnuu-u _..._ T-"n1nv'l k1HIT(3[I.. VGHHH IUIVCHI. Third Class Homxurs Peter Kearns, (Helen Cheesman, Florence Little). (Irene Dyment. Ted Roth- well, Wm. Thmnpsnm, Bob Parsonse, Marjorie Inesnn. Arllmr Harris. /Turn to page aux, piease) crossed the lake. the sun uziiiw up and promised a real line winter day. We were in splendid form for travelling. the thongs of our snow- shnos gave off merry squeaks and such snow ns fell in on the snow- slmc.-: sieved perfectly. Suddenly the shrill call of a cock of the up .....,In;l n ' n nu n ..lnnA nlnz-n `\\! SIIUUS SICVUU [JL'l`ll.'CI,I`Y. DlI(|(lL'l|l_) wood sounded on an island close by. The call was answered from a cou- ple of other points on the lake. My companion stood still and. said. "We n-u-.._._ A- _-..- .... ...---_. scnoiifm ' 1 LEGISLATION IS M LAW Bell Telephone Co. and C.P.R. Not Included in List An mnondnient introduced by lho |GOVC`I'Illh(`!ll to the Separate Schunl ltux bill. before prorogzatiml of the `Ontario Lc;,'islature at 4.48 p.m. 'l`hursdny last. provides for the enm- plele witlidrawzil from the bill of a section which specifically listed the Bell Telephone Company and the Czinadimi Pacic Railway with those cnrporzilions whose laxes art` .10 he cnlloctml on the basis of gen- eral pi'nporl_v ns.=:cssinent. l "'T'l1iu iq in- in r-lnrifv H1inxH:" L`l(ll |HU]lL'Il_V i|h.`iL'hNlIlL'X|l-. This is just to clarify thim:s;." ubswrvod Promic-r }{t`.phm`n. "I think the sevtinn was poorly draft- or!" `rho tax bill is now the law of the Provinrc. A.-..~.Ikn. nnnnnm-inn kw tlvniv nf NIL` K l'UVlll('l.`. ` Another concession. by way c-fl amendment. was granted the On- position by the Prime Minister. Hnn. Leopold Macaulay strongly rib- joctod to the provision stipulating that the taxes of :1 Company. one- fnurth of whose shares is owned by any other corporation. should ` be paid nn the basis of general property assessment. At his request the (}ovcrnment p(`rmitt(`d the one- fourih to he Chzingod tn nne-half. The original sections. Mr. Mncaulav chanted. were merely an excuse for the (`mvernmont in throw all the big cnrporatinn im-es!.ment.s intnl nno pot" sn the separate schools could not thvir share. In Han untn nn Hun cnnnnrl rnarlinu Ul7l'liI. illlll < ruprvsmnls F 1' .1... 1 bill. W. E. N. Sinclair. K.C.. form- CUUIG HP`. lnrxr SIIHYC. In the vote on the second reading Of the svhool tax bill. the hill ear- `rind by .1 vote of 65-20 at an early, hour Thursday mnrnmu. S('vent('en! C`nnser\'atives voted snlidl) against the hill. while three Liberals `R. C. C`ro0mes. Rainy River. J. F.. (`rawfnrd. Fort William. and Dr. George A. McQuibban. Wellington North -- bolted their party to vote with the Conservatives against the er Liberal Leader; W. J. Gardhous. Liberal. York West: L. P. Wlglc. Liberal. Essex South. and Sam! Lawrence. C.C.F.. Hamilton East.` were absentees for the vote. rr-|...'n...-.. Cinnnnn (`nuntv mom- were aosemces mr me vuw. The throe Simcoe County mem- bcrs-Hnn. Dr. L. J. Simpson. Dr. G. E. Tanner and Dr. W. D. Smithl -311 Voted with the Government; for the bill. 1.. H... mu. nn tho Pnngm-vative! In the vote on the Conservative amendment which preceded the main motion. Dr. G. A. McQuIb- ban (Liberal. Wellington North! and J. E. Crawford (Liberal. Fort` William) voted with the Govern- ment. with R. G. Croome, Liberal. Rainy River. against. and, thus. the total on the first division was: For the Conservative amendment, 18; `against, 67. , tor the bill. ! CARRIED BY 65-20 FORM ID ' DFHl1CIlL'S (II UH! L1L'):lUll. - Hall and pamded tn the C(`ll()tilph at . Orville Fleetham. and the National Prior to the banquet, the ex-ser- vice men l'm`med up at the Leginn Post, Office Square. where :1 l)enu~- tifui floral wreath war: Iznivl. the men encircling the monument. The par- nde was in charge of Past, l'rt-siclent Thomas E. Shepherd, while Adjutant Arthur J. Whitfield. chaplain, had 1` [charge (if the service. After the . ? lng of "O God Our Help in Au:-2; ` Pnst,",. Adjt. Whitfield read the Scripturv lesson. nnrl repeutx-(I thr- Lnrd's Prayer. Last. Post" and RH- veille" were then smmded by lhiyzlr-:'_ Anthem was sung. Wnllrnuinrl n unnxntnnnn: h:\nr1ur-t The nineleenih mlniversnry nf 1h;-J Battle of Vimy Ridge in which the` Canadian troops played so glnriuus a part, and the seventh mmiversary of the founding of Barrio Branch of the Canadian LC-ginn_ were simu- Haneously marked at a large ban-b quot in the Canadian [.(-ginn Hall, Thurscluy evening lust. About mm-l hundred and fifly vx-sc1'vico men attended the funcljtm. iH(.'lll(Iil1,'.{ many from the '1'h0rn1nn and Vvspm Branches of the Legion. Th-inr On Ihn hnnrnu-i '11- r\v-' AVIMY RIDGE ) ANNIVERSARY MARRR9 HERE, Wreath Cenotaph` Before Enjoyable Ban- - qugt Held 3 LARGE ATTENDANCE I 'I`vslim.: of ( in the (`mnntuvs l.)urh:uu_ Nun-1 lurio is hving ( follmvmg flu` -uiu-inn ..l`l I\llllll'Hl WHH Sllll. Fnllowintz 21 sumplurms: bnnqm-I1 provided by the '[.mlit's:' /\nxili:Ir_v uf| the I..-ginn, :1 number of .- were marln. Major W. N, Knnwlns noting us chairman and lU1l:~`l.ln5lSf(`: . I Two minutes` S('l](`(`. was nbsm-vs-(ll in honour of tho fnllon (-mmvnrlr-.<. ll "'T`hn (`nu-u-Hun Ynnlnn" 1|:-in u-n, In HOHUUI` (H In('. l?||I(`H (`Ul'lIl'Ilfl('.\'. "The Cnnndlnn 1.0511011" was rp- spundod to by Prev! Stevenson and President, A. E. Allen. The latter in- l t,mducCd the guests at. thv ht-mt` tnhlo. These ln(.'lur|r=rl Sgt. M:Ijvn' Wallis and Sgt. Ituuhcs of (`Jump Bordon. rnprcsvntlmz thv R.(`..(.`..S., and Bnndmastor A. F). Sumg. It-:ntm~` of Barrio Band. the mu-mt)!-rs of which were gutrsts rm- tho l)(`(':ISit)!). M|`. Allvn pnirl trihutv to tho hmu-t_v cnnpvrntinn of tho Band which had turned out. 100 pm` trout. and n4.-vvr I , asked for n nl(-knl". `I 1\Il`uiau~ Klnnuylnn n-nynn.-lnnl Mud I SI(.lL'TII.. i A roll call of tho Lzntlwrtmz tndi-1 catvd that mnro than thirty or thum- presont. actually fought at Vtmyl Ridge, April 9, 1917. ] 1 Roma nf fhn \/irnv vr-|nr.'|n= un\rn' H.\I\l'(l I'll` 5| HIVKITI Major Knowlvs rornnrkvd the splendid turnout. spnku ` for the wonderful work of tho 1 sident. A ....II Inn" ..r `|\r| ....aI... Shepherd led in 1h(- singing; of AIOuotfe". T\lI`nn- I `KY 1'1. .... "Inn .`n -. .-kn.-I. OI 'l\l0U(`I.I(? . I Major W. N. Knowles. in n short | acldress, tnuched on a numbor nr, matters of interest In the Lzntlu-rIn;z.; He regretted that the nations M the 3` earth, instead of settling: down M11 p(-ace. were arming tnrlny. "Tnrln;.'. instead of Iiving in pnuvn, wo nrr-1 living in fear". he docl:n`nd. Not one capital in Europe was t'rm- from at. tack. During tho war, 12% tons nf` bombs fc-H nn Lnndnrn. but if war; came about tnrlay. 500 to 1,000 tons`, of bombs would full on that rity. (Turn to page sir, please) U_V L-HHI'l(`5 IVL , n orchestra. and ` Mrvittio with I piano. F. B. l<;t'F:eident Collier St. Men s Club K-llIl'H('Ull. Dr. E. Atkinson gm Ion-stint: talk nn his tine. Musical numhvr by Charlos M. (2. S "I")lunbn.;< vu 1Ir|l'|v 1 $Higher ll\ [l](` (`(Vl]IHl('.\ HI I|-Hll NuI`1humb(`r {wing (`nrriml < \\'vvk.~' mininn ufl`ici:1l.< :1 1 lwrtls. ropn-.\`m11im,: 1} lwoll tvxtoci up In M tv.\'tim: is lwim: (`.'ll`l`i (`Uul\H(`S of llzxltun. 1' lhumbvrlumi Of u u~stod in `.l`S(` tlxrm` u-urn fnnnnl O.\ mu. illnl IHIUFI`. fioiriman of the Ontarm Putntn Growers` Assnciaiirm. Ontario i: faced with the most ncuiv pntmn shortage in years. and pric~r~ rpm- tatinns will xzreatiy irnprnw-. Mr Cnssin is of the npininn ihnf pvIl:I toes may reach $2 pm` 90-pound b:-1;.:, liar Prince Edward I.~:I:mri pntatm-~<. whr-rt-as the prion is now about 151.65. with a corresponding incrcasu in the price of Ontario-gmwn pu- per bag. Arr-r\rr`lin,r: in J '1' (`zissin pmnm : tatoer: now quoted at about $1.25` I Mr Paco ha: inet rm-nivr-d ihna IUH()VVlH),' Ulllltflll] IYUHI lVll'. l.,iI!~.\|Il._ The potato market has strength- loned very much during the D351 few days. Stocks in Ontario are low. the lowest in many`_vc-ars at this season. Prince Edward Island and` New Brunswick are shipping across] to the United States .Word from a.<- L sociated shippers in Charlottctowxx} P.E.I.. is that Prince Edward Island : is loading in two boats. 135 cars for the United States, and they ex-I pect continued shipments across thel : !p8l' Dag. K 1 Mr. Page has just received tho; Hollnwing bulletin from Mr. Cassinz` I Tho nnlain rnnrlu hnu cirnnrvih. ('.\.\3lT_Y. The form I`('ff`l'l'l'(l in i.-' '1']-I035 nr TIA-I935 in cast of f:n`mcr.< and is *'h""`' | (-nmhim-d form prr-,.v.m'il)r:d zmrl nbor nf;m1H1nri7.(.-d hy Hm Minister of Na- :?h('l`|nL!.linnnl Rovenno, Ottawa, and by thrr 5` ``Trn:n.<:uror uf Omurin. It. may be ob- 'W" " ntaincd at brunt-h nffim-.< nf 1hr fN|m'- "T":v . i nl invmmr lax dI.`p:|r1n1c'nf. {mm W """`j,p0st.m:l. ur frmn prnvimtizal snv 0n'?1inL::: lmnk hr:\nrho.x'. from :1? ;..;.\-.1 4-... :7. .-101.... I Hm! I well ` - pro- Hon. Dr. Leonard Jennett Simpson, Ontario Minister of Education and i M.L.A. i'or Cvntre Simcoe, became an honorary Doctor of Laws of the University of Toronto at a special convocation on Tuesday afternoon. called in honour of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Ontario Educa- tional Associatinn which met in 'i'oronto this week. The degree wnn also cnni'orrcd upon three other out- standing odurationists. {!:n~lr\r-rl in nnkne nl` on-n-I:-I nu! '}.;Ul(l. llll.` llllll. Ill . DHIIDSUH; K1. 31. ll. Kennel", I"rin(ripal of the Peter- hnru' (`nllcgiatc and Vocational Scluml; Julm llamlrl Putmnn. Chief Insperlor uf lul)li(: Schools. and Miss Mary Fllon Spmwc, fnrmcrlyl nf lho staff of tho Parkdnle Col- llogiatc lnslilute, received the hon- lnrc I )Hon. Dr. L. J. Simpson ' Receives LL.D. Degree ' At Easter Convocation fblillllllll ('(llH'El\.IUHlSLS. { Garhod in robes of scarlet and .,I gold. H10 Hon. Dr. Simpson: H. R. H. I{Qnh(`l', Prim-in:|l nl ihn Prior- (uh. Sir William Mulm-k. (`ham-91101` of ` the univvr: hosctnwed the de- ::r(~o_ and |)1'0sid0d at the ceremon- iru: T. 3. Testing Proceeds Rapidly in Ont. Herds l\'.`. ` Fnllnwing tho vrmforrimz of de- gu-z,-rs. (`:I(`h rot-ipiom. delivered 1: lhriof :Iddrt`ss in whirh the Senate wvns thzmkod fur the honor it haw` I hfxwtmvwl. It. was puiniod out In l,hr's(- rvmnrks Ihal the four who had rm-rrivt-(1 Ul(,'il' rlegrc-vs had done `.-:0 on behalf nr Hm lmching pm- ifvssinn us :1 whnlo, and that they |H(`('(`p1(`ll mom with 1h(- fr`:-lim.{ Hmt thoy were mt-roly fimzrolmmls for the vast, znrmy nf mm`. and women `whose ..(.`l`Vi('(`S tn the Province had {vrvnstrm~lod tho orhu-nlim1al system luf Ontario as it. sttmd today. I ., ,, .. . EPROVINCIAL INCOME TAX DUEMAERIL 30} Those Liabir Dominion [ Tax are Liable for 1 Provincial Tax ` ;pnsi.mz1stcr.<. sav- gimz.-< `L Mlll)l(fl[)JIl incmnn lax. in r~illv:= iwlu.-re Sl.l(.`ll was lc-vied lnsi yvnr, is sum-r. by ilw provincial tux land no munit-ipnl returns will be? `l`(qllil`('(l. I Hun. Miiclwll F. llvpburn, prim!` lmini:~`lm' and pmvinciul iruusurr-r,` lhzlsz mxilmrixu-ti n(lvm`lii~:r-rm-nts in `llw prvs.< nf Ontario in prnvidv lux- )`payt~r:~; with ininrnmtinn un lmw ml `rnnkv ihc In-(`c-:<.<;ury I`('lllTHS and N`- rnii. lax piuynu-nix, ()nt- nf ilwso ml- V(`l`ll.`l`nl('lll.` will be found on paw {hf Hui: ixunn v I nu x||\;I7lIlL` Iclx llrprll Iluttlll. lIIllU v I I l 1 : I E Onl:n'in's inc-mm: tux I`(`1lll n.`i arr,- |dll(' on April 30, and mzwhint.-ry fnr `It.-vyinu and cnllvcUn1,' tho tax for the pmvint-e~ is ulrvnrly functioning. .Thc tax is f(-nturv.-(1 by the mrnmct. i. and mu (jnvermm-nt, an- ti(:ipn!(.-s the fullest ('0-npcrnlion on `the purl of the public in the new !p:1y-z1s-yml-go policy, it was stntr.-d Iin thn :1nlmllrwt-rru-nl. iS.Sll(`(l frmnr I]):1y-z1s-yml-;,-n puncy, II was nmu.-u Im the znnxmllnct-rm-nt from {Queen's Park. I Yn 1| nnhzhr-H Ihrv nl`nvin(`i:Il lI`I":1-1 {I.ueen s l'1II'K. I In :1 mitrzhell, the provincial tron-I .s'urer`s department explains the op- eration of the tax thus: If you are liable for Dominion income tax you are liable for provincial income tax. |Flll out only one form. Make out 'only one cheque. Having filled out the form. take it. or send it to tho l1'erlm'nl income tax office in your ;rli.s'1ri('l. If you have filerl your Dom- 'inion lax fnrin nlrvmly, (`nn1pl(-lvly filled out, nnotlu-1' will not be nor- t~ss:|ry." 1 'l'hr- fnrvn rt-fort`:-II in in.` 'l'l-l,`lfl.r1 rn` l |.;nn:|_- nu! prrny I`~ll'illl|l_y. , z: ""l'ho gem rnl npnniun ls {hm pnln-, - tut-s will likoly be scarce." he said.` 5 "Supplies are low. allhnugh lhr-rni imay be some balm: hold back, but I -Hhink there will be enough to Sup-| `jply the local demand until the new.' fpnlatens come in". , 1 Allhmmh lrm fnli lhnv fhn nrirn nfl NIIUUICI UL` HlL{H"T ll] IUKIHHII Explaining tho lm-nl sinmtiun. Mr. `Page told Tho Exmninor that av-` vnrdinzz tn :1 .K`1lTV(`y of Sim('nc (inun- 1_v rnadn twn month: nun 75 per com nf H-mn nninhu-q hurl ho:-v1 rnnrkt-Ill-d p()l5ll(`nS C0l'TH" In . 4" Althnugh hr` fr-lt that the price nfi pntatrms would hr considerably im- E `pmvcrl. ho thought it could hardly; `be expected that potatoes would `5 `Jrcach an unreasonable price. Thcll` Ichief reasons were that if the price ,h lwas considered too high by the 0011- H sumcrs, other vegetables would like- i` t ly be substituted, and also that new 0 lpotatoes would be available before fl I long. > E IlIIl`('ll`(1 \\'llH ll U`lill HI .l|J \'(| mndvmnvd. Pool. with 515 hon-11> : (H132 cmtlo tosh-(1. has `.2218 rnfw herds and .1 mm! of 1.1111 0:1 vundonuwcl. H.1lIun has had hvrds and 9,022 canlo 10. \\ `.-`.36 herds shmvnng infccliuu fu` total of 1.037 roactor.<, It is L`.\1i1`. ed that tlwr-3 are belwoc-n 225 and 250.000 head of cattle to in these six counties before tlw will be complete. L. E. O'Neill. director, Om: Y inn Qlvnnlr Drannk .~n-\.\ro.- vu\n\.\- `gnim: nut I_V' YUHHT` [VIN n1Ul"n HR ) 1.") [)|.`l' CI`!!! of fhc pmmncs had hrwrn mznrkolc-d.v and since then. that they had hm-n pretty stmdlly. "Thn nnnl rnl nnininn I: lhnl nnI:I-r RAISE $6,363,000 NET de- u :s' 1 has H. kg 1 n\..:.. ..In....n.... Ln ! pl...-.n That lhr,` (-hildron of the commun-A. My should ho intorostod in horticul- ture at as om-l_v an ago at which they might :lpp1`('('ia1(` flowers and 1.:urdons. zulvrwntecl by W. Perry Bacon, ()riHin_ who gave an (address, illuslrulv-cl by beautiful co!- ourod slidns. hvfnro Inst week s monting of I`im'ri- Linus Club. Presi- dt-n1 Oscar E. Shank was in the chair. Dunn-nunnlziunu nf Ihn Rnrv-In !Ynr._ SUPPORT URGED FOR JUVENILE 1 HORT[C_ULTURE W. P. Bacon, Orillia, Sug- gests Formation of Local Body Rcprosenl:n1ivox of the Bnrrle Hor- ticultLu'al Sn('i(`l_V, and of various young p(`npl("S m'[.`,:ll1l'I.llll(In of thu town woro in :|l1m1(l.'u1Co at the gntluorimz. and all cxprossecl them- svlvvs as well plmst-rl with H10 in- fnrmntirm supplivd by M1`. Bacon. u1.._..I..... V U r\..: I......4n.. ...|... nuuuu.---u .u.,,..uu -r_V u... .,uu.\..-. Wardvn J. S` Drinkxvnter, whn ucvmnpnniod Mr. Bacon. paid tri- hutv In 1lm.v.x- imwnslocl in horticul- ture. and rl(~r~l.'n'r~d that those inter- (`stvd In hmnltifyimt tho town und (`(IllIllI`_V shrmltl ho hack:-cl up in Ihoir c-I'fm'1.-:. Uclnllnw I2 (`nnliu ulhn inhvurhu-nr! `HPIT l`HUl'l.`1. Wnllor H. (faults. who introduced Itho spmlu-r. said Mr. Bnmn was an :Iulhm`ily on flmm-r::, :a director 0|` the (`mtarin l[nrti('uHurzIl Associa- tion, pus! prosidvnt 0!` the Orlllin Horticultural .`~`.m~i0!y. and :1 judge in hm`li('ul1urr- at 1110 Canadian Nati(m- nl Exhibition for u number of years. nn,. n..___ .. ....:.1 |.,. `urn/` ........-. nr -- Ill ruulununru nu u nu-u-n.. nu _y......~ Mr. l .:u-nu .<:::izt hn hart cnme as .1 rnis;.x'inn:n`_v. Thu fact that. there was no juvenile .~w(-tinn nf the Ontario /\ssn(-intinn hud prompted the Innu- gurutinn or n juvenile programme. This had been rti.a'(~1:s.\`<-(I by the As- smtizttinn for tho |):1Ht, three years. A t(.'nt,{ltiV(: prrm~:urun-- had heon drnwn up, and .\'t'VI'l'Ill mothods SUE ,- ;:o. "Wu fw`(t(`t1. {mm you your moral support", lm said. "We have nskr-rt the .*`.t'hnnl.~: tn t'r>:~`.ter hot; ('ultur:nt Sllt)_]('()tS. (':~'.S2I_VS, etc." m.- n_-..-.... :.'ulri that thn t.ent.ntivr: Wl|| U!` CUll1[JlL`lL`. Ontari-v Live Stock Branch. reports ronovrt-d interest in T.B. cattle testing in On- mrin. with nmvexnents on {not to ex tend the restricted areas of the pm- vince in the countiesksf Lennux-.~\:i~ dington. Victoria. Hastings. Peter- boro. Simcnc. \Vontwurth and Lin- coln. If this was done. said Mr. O'Neill. Ontario would boast a 1`.B.I restricted area extending from its! eastern boundary to the Niagarr.` river. ' -.u..x. usI5AA|\_ nu- zmgo Hall. Churchill. April 24th. ad_ mi:\ 25. 16h 1-`.uchrc and (lanro Struud ()ran::c= Hull. Wednesday. April `.22. mixed dancing: and lunch. :\dmis. 250.! Big dance at Craighurst Hall \\'cdno. April 122. Good arches-. tra. Admission 30c including tax. Refreshinents. 16b { Wednesday. April 22, 8 p.m.. Mn-I sonic Hall. W.A.. Royal Victoria Hospital. bridge. Powell's orchestra. - Phone 24 or 1102. 16b . \IlI|I\\ . ('ultur.'H .~;uI)_]m:rs<. 4-sszlys. cur. Mr. Bzwnn ::.'1lri lhai Hm lentnvrr pmgrzlmmo .<:ug,q.:v:;1.~: ihnt. the child- rvn bu frum nine in sixlm.-n yt.-:u`.== HI` am-, uml thnl, Hm jnvt-niln y,{r0up:~`. bl: tmdt-I` tlw :'.upr-rvisinn M the parent . 'l`h~:<( ;.{rnm).-'. should 1uk<.-. in ten lu twnnty pvnplt! as a nucleus. S('l(*(`M?fl by `hr-, parent socluty. "H'rn-IiI~nIhn`:Al unr'ir-H03 BYE Ul`ll(`(l `hr pnrenr. society. "Hm'Iirull,ur:nl Hr)('if'HOS are urged In adopt u rlnfinilv prugrmnmc: ul` m'.l.ivi1.y tn inn-rmt` !h(-. children nf thv cnnmmnily in Lzardenlng and 'b(.`IllUH('FIH<)l) in 1;-mrrnl". the speak.- cr ~"il'('lHl'(.'(l. Tho Ontnrix) Horticul- mr I /\.~1.~mciul.irm lmlicvun It should be he iI)h(!I`H,I.n(.'(' of r-vcr child to Hvn m hny9i)y-`lurnyuv-x'\'m\ . (hn'in1:',hIe4 juvnniln pr-rind he should nxpr,-rioru.-v llw lwnuty nf woodland . and Lznrdr-n, Wh(`I`(,' he may receive - his first ll'::.' in tho knowledge n[ ' flnwvr". nnrl 1\rmIm`liun of brlght. ' v'nlmH':~'. ' 'T`hn iv zulnnll nu unlinhln 1| r-mnurs. Tho ;,v;n-zlvn I`: about as suuable 21 pl.'|(`(' rm :1 my I!) .:tm'L hlu creative wnrk :15 (`an hr fnuml. Let us in- I S] )il`r` 1-vvry ()nl.'n'in child to a low: fur an nmmw-inlimx of gardens and nzmxrrx This: will lc-nd tn better cit,- izerlslnip lhrnnnh an v-nrly awaken-iv llnpz in prirln of humv grounds. civicg improvr,-me-n1, and (~nn:wrvati0n 0lYj nutivu Irrvs. :-:hrubs. wild flowers. and H1in;.{.\' nf hc-nuly, Tu this and u prt`vL:r:Irrunt- Ii: uffvrd us` an indicat- tirm of what lm':I| :~'.m'iot,ie3 may fea- turv rlurinu thv _vnnr. "'I'hI.- :xIH':'`:iH of mix programme will in- rlvpe-ml:-nl upnn ihe intern-sl. rli. by luvul s:m:it.-ties. The l"I.1`~ (It-I`.-ship and initial "Jnstructirm szlmulri hr- lhv wurk nf mi energetic ' .....6II.... lb...-uuli,--.l u-.0!-'~;.o-Ina... .. ` . I `rho Turnntu Cnnsvrvatory of Mu- 7:;ir- announces that the midsummer {local cxamin:m'Ims for 1936 will be hcld throughout Canada in June _|;md July next. Applications and .[fccs from Ontario candidates east or Sault Ste. Marie should reach the Conservatory not lace: than -._.. 15. FOR BoX1D GIRLS V ~. 1 |'.Il..\.-mt: ch-` Jmwimz of inimit- ml hm!-1'n .`|l'i"'- which hn s;[)e:`\kuw -u an-. -.-:n- - !-`qxliulmll. Mr } .:wun was thank:-t `by P.'1'.1 Pr:-`uh-m A. F. `Pugh. UPI. =(` nrnwn. `sum-p1'm.IdMlt n{ the Bar-' :Ii:- llnrhrulvuml Sncic.-1y, added his gnppx-m~i:ninn fur !hc- splendid ad- `.r1re-.~.-:. nml riwlnrt-(I there was 8! w:|y.~'. wnvm-thim: mvw In hurticulture. Ho Inzndo a plum in behalf of the B-3!- rlv Sm~n~9_'/ D:1:ald F. Macbaren. :1 I'll !-("fur uf Hm luv! Snrioty, alsn_ ;uh.`-.1-:m-II Hun um-re-st he prnrnolcdf i;mInnL1 vhv uuw-mlm. Miss Franc!-s Hurlhn mlrlt-<! :1 ward of thanks in bu-hnif nf Haw lmhv--.' Curriun Imuzmnn pninted nu! (hilt _fH;r~rr- wr-yo tun.-n buys` present Wh-1 .h:nd :`p!r-mlid horticultural Whitby and Douszlm . dun!` wt-rk I_.:n'v1v SH-phc-n.<, (".r-nngv (,7. Brown told nl '.-zmnv of tho hnnnur:< the-so boys harl iwrm, invlurhngz Hm fact that Larry Whitby had bu-unnw um-. n{ the glari- ;;m1us ':.`(p(`l't\` ut the Dominion. nut F; .sp(.-(rialty lnnly in rnisim: ;:l.1dinli from bulk; Hzut in hybrirliairuz and ('rnss-bre2d- ;in;z. Doug. Stt-phc-ns had made :1 of tuberous begoniar. ' |"'f'hr2 Hun vnnn ml-n are n crc-dil IYIITU` IIIIIHIL: llll` _Vl'i|1. :-.Iu':'<-;;: ,'d-rs.-hip `zlnslructiun |.~.hmxIrl an lr'nImniH:-v- I :-rIn|xr`:|l g:|H.?tt`,'nLl:` U }Jnninr p,:ml-nu-r-: : be ,u ;nl`(lI'r tn xzitm fn~:.h r-n<:r)urHl' `I and ir1s:;;:x':.11uL run us On xnaintnln ir gt:-rs~-.9 HuruIu'_|mI|1 lh:- smnnmr. i\'1.~'.iun may lw m:ul~ for 1m nuhl shnw v;h<~1r- thv flnwo-rs, vt,-m-rL:|bl Land lnrrl hun:.-2 may be t,=xhibi1r=( I an 1., .1, x , .HTI('('Ia'llI_V (H IlID(.'rUllS UI.'Ull|EII`_ ["'['lw:~'(- Iwn young men are a credit. 110 the town", he declared. ;MlI)Sl.\`lMP`.R I-EXAMINATIONS OF ` TORONTO (`ON-SIZRVATORY 72nd Year. PAGES 1 to 6 SECTION 1 No. 16 M.P. S IMPRESSIONS + EXAMINER THE + BARR] Mr. McC1mi;,r explained the situa- tion from the Federal standpoint to The Examiner today. 'T'hn fur-In 1.!` H10 r'!|I:n urn lhr--.-n" .., ....\,..u-\. `up... u. UL , UH lH(' V}U'lUll.`5 U|`])ill'lHH'l infm`tnatiun. and :1ns\\'m'i onrr(`spnn(l~nm`. whivh. (?a:~:'<. is quito vnluminnus. hIbux'L-u1u.<|.~' In linnl \'. ~ | -...d,\I\I\l In U331} ' job Sun 0|` Mrs. L. E. Ball, 112 Brad- ford Street. Bzlrrin, who recently completed ten years in the drug business in Tirnmins.--I h0to;5ravurc cmwtcsy Pm`(:upine Advance. [COMMUNlT\(/ 5 cool) FRIDAY 5 SERVICE HELD! lRev. W. K. Btgy Preaches [ on The Place Called Calvary I A hmuliful community service was lwlrl nl 11 am. Good Friday |m Cnllior Street United C`hurch un- mm` thv :uI.~:pir'vs of Barrie Minis- tt.-rinl Assut-intiun. whr`n :1 1:-u`/.10 `[Inn-(ll`lM)l`nillillinllill pmtllorim: at- Llcnrivrl. I ulzll. r).... 1.1 rv 1/.._. , 3 I A- l.lIIlI'Il. Will: Rm`. E. E. Lnn_zz, minlslcrl `us the ('huI'('h (l])(`IliIU?, and (`losing `the h'(`I Vi(`L`. Ruv. N. R. D. Sinclair.` ;mini.' nf E. Road I rcsbytcrian. `Church. Allandale, read the lesson frnm Luke 12:32. and led in prayer. The clmir of (`nllicr Street Church. |unrlur tho rlirm-timl of Lloyd W. "1`u|`|'u>rd. I'm1rl(-rod two an\hcms.l :Cn(I so lnvod the world" by Stain-I `I`l' nnrl lhn `j'IL`k`;l\II (`|un~nIn l\ I M1N1sTERiXf Ausmcas Grant to Province Still 60- Per Cent. Above Last Year 1 nuvn. | 0 Rvv. W. K. B.'1tt,\'. minister of; 1"ir::t. llnplisl Church. in an apprnp-1 Lriuto I1u`<*::1;;(` on Thv Place Called `1 |(`ul\'ur_\'. sand: In Ihv qui(`tnL`ss of` this nmrning hnur. wo shall rcvvr-I `vntly try In x`t`h'n(`v lho st,(.`p.< thutl llvd J('.`~`l|.\` tn the Place called Cal-` \':n'_\'; and pausing there. may we? fvzm-h lhv (iL'0pm' mozmim: of his i , A I :n:1< I 3 "Thu mm! frmn Jvru.<.-ulvm `umhu is vullvd tho Viu F HI. HY-uv Ht` 0|... {`I`l\ru Al; |DEl`:IV(" i Hzwlx. V hr... :|lHl' V\ II) lll :r(-nd tho Snviu ;.\'1(`y).< and hrul` trial. \\'(~;lk(Iun I rl....,.. Ln nun-nu. ll'IllIl'|l'll [WU 2uunumS.j " "md or. and tho P.'1s. (`hm'nl(`. ()> Szmrwl Ilvnrl. nuw wounded" by} H:wh I Notxcos under tms hoadlng 3c per word; mmunum charge 50 cents. \ 1..O.B..~\. cuchrc and dance. Or- mission Orange .H:11I. "9 250. h:... ..i......_ ... n..-:-|_.._.i4 1v..n .. ,. - 0 \'ur_\'." "I1 hnm x'(`tr.' y; puusin `h F. V. H. CHIP BALL rv\r,, 1 ~n.. .....~ Former Barrie Boy Private M.i . s P-ut in Busy Day; New Members Active ' s1|I\ I\'\ll \\ul||\\'lI Id hrulu-n hoarl. :';1k(m'd by .\'(`()lll M 1|... Inna-I` 11 of mlr lhn -..-qu- p(`2lt`(` was wilh his stripvs we \\'1` llkv .\|w(`p have .- h.'1\'c turnod |`\'(`l`_\`- ` 1 \\':L\'; and the Lurdx nil`. nu i I 1 -COMING EVENTS -4 - xxx,- ' wullu-(Ii V n l.n....I V they `vump(`1lv<'l[ rniun who passed) ` A poor black ` 4.. ..L.. .. H... ..r IIVHI Ill In DuInl`()!~`il, ` KJIYI` Alum: this I with heavy ' Faint from urging. bow- -Jnu ..l` . ll\'\lI LII: lure the Little ...\..I;.... I. Robinson MacLean to Tell His Story at Two Meetings Here Arrangements have been complet- ed for a personal visit here on Mon- day, April 20, of Robinson MacLean, who spent five months in Ethiopia as staff correspondent of the Toronto ` Evening Telegram. An nnrnnnn mnpiinrr uzi1I I-m hold Inn nxnmmcr many. "The facts of the Czlsrr are Ih(.`.\'(`,' the North Simone M.P. snirl. The Federal Government inc-r(m.t;vd th-e amount. of relief grant, by 75 per cent. for the mnnlh of Dr.-('cm|)oI', 1935. and January. F`cbrum`_v and March, 1936. There was no s11m.:0s- tion at that time that the gran! would be cnntinut-rl hoynnd Mart-h 31. because it was :~:trir,-lly mr:nl.i ed that the grant would he only fur the winter months. ""r`ln.. r<..t.:-,.o rv........:1 .... .\..-1 DVCIIIIIK 1CIUgl'ilH1. An afternoon meeting will be held in the Collegiate Auditorium for the pupils of B.C.I. when the chairman will be Frank W. Dobson. chairman of the Barrie Board of Education. He will be introduced by A. W. J Bucklnnd, assistant news director of the'Telegram. Mr lVl':mT.r~:an will hn thn HIIDC. nf UM." 1UlU[.;l HUI. Mr. MacLean will be the guest of the Kiwanis and Lions Clubs at a dinner meeting in the American Ho- tel at 6.15 p.m. when he will again deliver an address. Representatives of other local organizations are be- ing invited to this ;.zatl1orin1.{. The ladies will attend the meeting fol- lowing the dinner. n- .... ..:.. r:.... ..... ._ ..I.1 ..:.. A-....L Twenty-five years old. six feet tall, with an unruly mop of dusty blonde hair, Robinson MacLean, through his experiences in Ethiopia. is in a unique position to tell the ` story of the strange life of :1 strange people. His keen insight into the hearts of Ethiopians led to the high accorded him by Haile Selassie First, By the Grace of God Kim: of Kimzs of Ethiopia. Conquer- ing Lion of Judah. On the eve of MncI..c:m`s departure the Emperor, who harl chosen him to interpret Ethiopia`s affairs to the world. sent him a sword and shield that had been His Majesty's personal adorn- ment since 1911. Tn.-SA . 1:\ lv`\;(IlA Tfnlln Cnln.-.-in IHUIIL SIIICU JUII. Inside the shield Uaile Selassie had written in Geez. the mwient church and court language of the euuntry, a sentence in his own hand Hmt. tr:n1slnted. said: "Since the day nf Adam gifts have never been giv- en unless they have been deserved. There are other ways of fightimz, than with the swm'd." ` mr..,.r ...... 1...: ....\..1,mz I`...-.4 fur` `i Due to the fact that :1 hnx (`:ll` ` `lmidvri with pulpwnnd went off the " tmvk at Richmond Hill on the Baini .snhdivi. about 3.20 n.m. lnsti `Thltl`.\'d'1_V. C.N.R. southbound trnini 'it'rnm Winnipeg to Toronto. was} Wrniitod on the west side of Lakul Simone through Barrie and Allan- dalc. An auxiliary was svnt out "from Toronto and the track was` vvloawd about 10 a.m. \ LHIII1 \VlLfl LFIC SWUl'(l. ' Macfman had worked hard for his skill in tming the pon--zmr1 type-` writer. Brought up in Winnipeg: and 21 Lzrndualc of the Universi1.y of Manitoba. he wandered thrnmzh the Western Provinces working: at. all n'\!)nnr\r nf inlw -._. mu-ur-vinn diqh- VVCSKUFH l`l'(.)V|l1(.'L'S WUI'KIl1).', Ell. EIII manner of jobs survcyimz. dish- wnshing, plurnbing and learned to know people. Then he turned `.0 newspaper work, and for Wnstmn papers covered all manner of slur- i('s from round-the-world flights to murders and political speeches. Lut- Or, he went to Toronto. The Nmtnwnszigzi Agricu]tur:_1l Sn- ` cicty and the Great N01`tlmrn E\'- V hibition take ple:1su1'e in annmniviiu; . that in cn-npornt.inn with the On- V ltnrin D(:pm-tmcnt. of Agriculture ar- irnmzomon1.s have been made to cm)- 'du(`t :1 Standing Field Crop and Barley Exhibit Competition for the benefit of farmers in the district In run-rl1\r In knnnw... o. ..`n.~.I\. make application in O. G. B1-rnlmrdh: !Ol'|)ll'HlUl,'I'. \ Those interested are nskx-d 10 `,Cnllim.{wnod. Ont. or in F, A. I.ash-I `:l-_\'. Agricultural Rvprescntzulivc-, Al-I ilistnn. Ont. ' STANDING FIELI) (IROP AND B/\R.l.lEY EXIIIBIT (IONTESTI LHU WHILUI` YEIUIIIHS. "The Cnbinet Cnunr-il l`n(`I., nnrl nftcr cm-cfully ('hnsirlr~rinL: lhu whnln qua.-:tinn, it was (|(`('id('(l that instead of eliminating tho urnnl nl-I tnuethcr. it shnulcl he 1-(trim-nri by only 15 per cont. In nlhor wm~r|.<.l the T rnvin(`(~ is still rm`:-ivin:.' ($01 pm` rem. nmro grunt nnw ihnn It did Inst. your ht.-fnro tho inm'(~n: was put into effect for the winter mnnlhu UUIIUIIL U1 lHl'HlUI`S H] H! UISIIICI. In order to become :1 member each [cmostant must snw three acres .with Rcgzislored O.A.C. N0. 21 bar- Hvy. lake reasonably good care of gthc crop. and make an vxhihit of lnnv bushel of barley produced from his plot :11, the Cullingwoud Fair m jsvptomber. x Thncn inlnrnudnrl urn uclu-A In `FREIGIIT (`AR DERAILED ` NEAR. RICHMOND IIILI. y . I {stx`v(`l. they say :1 ('nlnur(`d \\'unmni `shmd upon the curb und lifted her `little sun us: far as she could reach zlhnvv tho heads of the Crowd and: `was hoard in say to him. `Take :1` him: lnnk, hum`y. he died for you." Sn, if I (`nnlri I wnnld lift nn vmxrn nun; IUUK. xlllxlry. nu (llL'(l _H)l` _\ `Sn, if I could. I would lift up _\ spxrit to sup Cal\';u'y. `Tnko :1 E lunk. H1` divd for _v(>u.' VVill _li\'o for Him'."' -{Hun auc. mcluues tax. om)` .\ Keep April 2-1 for the Oddfellow. - `Amatvur Night. $20 in prizes. Hear: .'Jim Hunter. Master of (`.ere1nnnic.~7.`" 3 {.Iitnc_\' dance after. E1111` :5 to Robt.| - ?Dutton. Sec`y. before Ap 20. Cooks-' 1 town Pavilion. admission 5c includ- ' `. -ing tax. ' ` 15-16!; I T) xQa_\ Alan Dawn '1 Culd moat supper and conco.-rt.f` Stmud Presbyterian church. May 5. in connection with the centennial anniversary. Further details later. b Hm~r=`,: (ha nluma tn an Dzanvins unnxversary. runner CICIEIHS IEHCI`. 0 Here`s the place to go. Dancing" every Saturday evening in Oddfe1- `lows Hall. Barrie. to the music of} Bob Powell's Melody Men. Admis--4 1cion 30c. includes tax. 61(1),` k'nnn Ame: -7.: rm- um r\.4.u.n1.n.._-1` `-`What (10 In?" asked ' --\7nu Ln 1. Bl-'.'.\Rl-'. OI Tlll-I EXIT Smile a While Federalelief Cut Actually an Increase D.F. McCuaig Explains See Also Page il.\ ].;UlHL'. IU IJUUIIH HT!" H11" in his lifv. and his frwndi :ivin;: him a fow hints nnl In and whore tn go in the. I ...-. ...... .3... I Dublin for thu `-530 . frlvnd `I`i few nn ihl`E!x'I` \I-n On an in (I-an tho _vuu| 1 long \n\I 2 the 1 urace uowmnn. . `Second (Jlass Honours -- Helen Butler. Marion Allsopp. (Florence Couch, Donald Mills), (Lillian Ap- pleton, Dorothy Cooper), (Edward Bray, Howard Buchanan, Monica Flynn, Lavina Moffatt, Lloyd Rol- ston). 'T`l~.hul (`Inca Llnnnnrc _ Wilma Third Class Honours Wilma Switzer, (Murray Duckworth, Arn- old Crawford). tMai'/.ie Barkey, Wm. Dc-nault), Vera Cumming. FORM [B First Class I-Ionnurs -- Elizabeth Graham. (James Hamilton, Hubert Hampol). Sr-nnnrl (`lace Hrmnur: -- (Leah nampon. Second Class Honours (Leah Lowe. Joyce Sanderson), Evelyn Ivey_ Patricia Gorrill. Russell Hinds. Elsie Leitorman. Ethel Hipkin, (Jean Hyslop. Brock Lawrence). Third (`.ln.<!< Hnnmnxq -7- (Marion L \lA\.lVA u. First Class Hnnours ~-~ Emerson Creed (Patricia McBride. Scott Dun- bar), Helen Anderson. Margaret Bnldt. Helen Bell, Wilda Frick. Grace Bowman. -Qzmnnrl ("Inca I-Ynnnnr: 1-Tnlr-h WES [MIL months. lUI`.. II l1yl0p. l}l'()CK L4?lWl'(3Y]CUI. Third Class I-Innours (Marion Lowe, Stanley LcGe.'u`), {Phyllis} Mat1.he\vs, Jack Lawrence), Elea- nor .Tcnnc1,1,_ Jack Koarns, (Betty Grant. Jean Hutchinson). Beatrice Johnston. I wnnmr If" ` ; \;.uu nu First. Class Honours -Mary Mc- Cuni;.:. Helen Spnnis, Beth Sarjeant. Rm-nnrl (`Inca 'Hnnnurq ~-- (lonrue L.ll:'ll].{, l l(3lCl] DDEIHIS, [SCH] Dill'_]L`iIll|.. Second Class Honours George Thmnpsmn, (Phyllis Rodgers. Ver- non Spenrm, Gvorgc Rnoke, Betty Shrubsnlc. (Audrey Nixon. Olene Webb). Betty St.c])l1cI1s)I1. `Third (`|n<< Hnnmn-.<---Isnhn1 Maw. W(`Dl)!. rxmty mcpncnsnn. `Third Class 1{nnnLu's---Isabe1 Maw. Robert MCCuni;.z_ (Morley Richard- son, Bvrnm'd Stone, Gordon Swee- ney, Vormm Walker). (Harvey Mays, Gordon ROZICII), Bruce Wlco. '[`ho wnlvvs had put. on :1 real hrmvst-tn-goodness sing-.-um;{ durim: tho past night. I`ho_v sit around in :1 circle. throw up their heads and utter howls that. send a sort of elec- triv shiver up and down :1 pe1'son';~*. spine. Summmn -.-nid H1(). thrm-, wolves nu; I 1 - twL-nty-sovmi years ago, .`ncruss the mountain from palm]. I inwnlkcd around the and of :1 small "lake to take advantage 0! :1 nice -!slupe of h:n'dwo<.)d timber. }w;n.< pCl`f(`(`t sunshine; ideal n \-DLIl to recall Ylittlc wind; ,Ax I walked alum; I noticed deer` '!nm\'inL: slowly along. moving: tm-.'nrd a swamp below a hCn\')' helt of hemlock trees. There `.\'l`I`(` several sniall groups of deer. l:'I`hvy all nppozin-d tn soc mo. Those |`that lnn'ricd ' ht-mhwk bolt ` 'sw.'unp. I thuutzht the mnvcrncnt un- llusnal. As I wnlkvd nlumz, I noticed `irufflvrl Ihnt Q.'l\\ ;.`i'IIu.\'_9 iSD1'll(`(` (`up.\`(`3. I lnokcd for clouds (I Inui- UIIC EH1 on 2111 whvro 0 in ;\...uu . flying occasion. about returning : There mild: very | autumn day. feeding but the the made for it met into donso Il1dl(`2lI(! a storm 1 4 Someone sziirl those three put on a concert nrmmd 3 a.m. Yo.<.'. Rmmer Curley replied. annther mess of dirty weather com- ing. Wolves never howl as they did 1ast.night without a spell of bad weather following. At the time (7.30 am.) there was every pros- pert of 1: fine winter day. 12 noon found snow falling, the start of one of our worst winter storms thnt rzuzeri all afternoon and evening. H... ._.._z ...t... ......... `\nrI\ nu(,-.u uu u........`..... ....`. -. Men and women who were born and spent their lives in these for-' (`sis alxxays remark when the wolves how] for the fun of howling thcro is bad weather coming. and `:will .'1rmm,.{c their work accordingly. [My own observations uphold this lfact. rrmn ..-....n.n.... ..r rlnnv Inuvnrrl .5. met. The movements of deer toward the swamps and dense evergreen timber from the hardwood hills is always :1 sure indication of had won- thor. Many timvs have I made noto nf those muvcmonts and observed the results that follow. [syn ll\.L' \ ups [hut snxxvuy 1am7ru;u`i ` .r...`.~. nu. uh; IHUIILIIS. I Mr. Mccunnz intimated that hoi had been fnrwardod no protest. by; Barrio Town Cfnunvil or any (Ilh(`l`\ council in his ( zu,-nixmtf the 15 per (-Ont. rorhlctinn. M.P.'s Arc Bll.H`_\' } Contrary to the Impressions nf~ many pimple, the various nmemlwrs! or Purliumt'nl--nnd (hat, im-lurk-.s" the privutn m}mhcI's: not of cabinet rank-put in a busy time of it at Ottawa. Mr. (Mt-Cunlrz tnld Tho, Extlmlnor. My own Rivas rm thv subjm-I hzuvv vhznmgorl smm-what? since I wvnl to (Mlznvn fur lhv S05:-` sinn." hv said. 'I`|..-. nun.-`|.n.-.. ..u....lI.u Only,` `In: mus: sure (0 mnow. 3 The pileatcd wondpecker (cock vf ll1r."\\'0nds) is another of our :`birds that is: closely watched by the . true wondsman. I recall my first ex- : pcric-ncc. over twenty-nine years ..`:1go. with this handsome bird. I had . been detailed to assist that veteran ,i\imber-cruiser. Albare Ranger. to ltravel a certain area of Algonquin !Park. We made our headquarters at lthc Lindias Lake Cabin and tra- 'velled out each day. One evening we studied our maps and prepared . for an early start. Next morning we Heft the cabin at daybreak. As we lHL' L` \\i|.\ (`I un the lovvl. Easter Hondui` Standing Barrie Collegiate Institute BARBIE, CANADA. THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1936 Are Habits of Animals Indicative of what the Weather Will Be? \I,II'\1,', (" (f`7 )9 U, vvlvvvv vuvsa vvsrvvvuvuau 1 vvv -.l`/v Major Mark Robinson Sa3'rs, "Yes 1 IDUKUII [U1 L`Iuuu>- Jt saw 11 e to 1prm(`l' Q. I was about five miles um my (-abin but decided to hurry mg: xmm l vmm` down to the rail- md and mrncd lmmcwurrl. Saw nI`(` r.'rn11sv running 01'! the hills _vin;.' inm . tluickols. About 30 pm. .1 dark bank of clouds ap- :`ar('d in tho s0u1hw(`s1. Soon snow L`E!Ill\ to full and vnntinued until we cvoning of the fnllnwing day. | _ .. .. .I\.-nu.` nnhnc nf cnnnu n nu |\ v. .. Afmr I had nnjnycd the evening ma] 1 related my `xp0ri(`n(`os to x_\' (`ump;mi0n.~'. They. too. had nticcd tho nmvcnwnt.< of a couple r ......n...V Ar o~..H`lm-I nrnncn vmnr mlr (Written for The Examiner by Major Mark Robinson of the Algonquin Park Headquarters staff). FORM IA Slllll. IN` Sill. `; The m('mh('rs u. tnko tlyvv, mnrnim: fur lunkim: up infm'm:lHm1, culling: on tho v:u'inu.~: d(`pnI`lm(`nl:: fur inftwmatiun. :\ns\\'m`in;' ; their inc unrv\.\ nnunn in manila unlunninnnu