_ , . . V . . . _ . . .. `lv\4'l|\. ul. xuuusu AU. Instances of these deplorable conditions were cited by the Minister as follows: .|.'Lll.lL.C 1.`.I\.l\'Vl.iA\A any Llulvull \.v\J\Ill\llVL) L`JAl\J|.|A\l ,,b_q;9_g_ _1_;1t.erest to Jarmers in this district` in view of the vot" which is to be tultun this year on the creation of a TB. free moo. in Simcoo County. ` One i`m'me1' had lost six head and was well satisfied with the treatment uccnrdecl him. Another had :1 clean test and of course was quite pleased with his record. Another had lost his entire herd of nil but four young ent~ tle. His opinion was that he was glad to be rid of ti diseased herd and to ]1i 1k(.` the clean- up complete he lmci decided tu get rid oi` the four that had passed the test. We have found the fzu'mex's we have met pi'0grcssive and pleased with the t.remuent z1c(:e1'ciccl." says the Free Press. APPROVE T. B. l<`R.EE /\R.I<`.:\ Farmers interviewed by the Acton Free Press declared themselves well pleased with the effort, being made to lmvo II::ll.nn County freed from tuberculosis in came. Don't work all your life IA`) make a 1iv1np;, l but work to live all your life". in Mr. Miners advice to young men. __.4L-_._ My biggest. asset}. is my friends t,hrougl10nl. the world. and the `good 11balt.11 the p;oucI Lord has blessed me wlgh. The l'r1m1d.: are some- thing moncy cangnot buy. Some men c:m't count their man y, / ut, I ('.:ll'l't cmmt. my friends. If it. wer, {0t. for chil(lr<-n, flowers. birds, and music -`~13 (especially r-hl!.r.1ren V - I would have no cleslre to carry on". u-s,, _n up . , ,u__ ., n_.:._... -.-- ..-.-..u IV'-I .. .. ,3... Cailcd by Eclg.'u'1A. Cill(`St`., popular Detroit. poet, as the best.{love<`l (;`h1'i.<`.Li:u1 in Amor- lca". M1`. Miner expresses Lh1_s opinion: JACK MINEWS {3IRTlll)AY Congratulations to Jack Miner. f1m0ll:i Canadian naturalist, who has popularized the bird sanctuary in Cmiacia, on the celebration tomorrow 01' his 71st birthday. While his hair is turning white, otherwise no one ezm notice the years creeping on him, hecztiise he is as active and as enthusiastic in his study 01` bird life today as he was twenty yenr.-; ago. IV_II_ 1-14,. A 1-. c-s,;.t,.. uuu-aunt; Lnun um I n-:1 . Anywhere in Canada, $2.00 :1 year; in United States, $2.50 a year. payable in advance. Single copies. 5 cents. Subscribers wishing to discontinue paper at expira- tion of period paid for are expected to notify this of- fice before dam of expiry. nnor INTEnME1 )`I`A'1Vr: scuoom mu. Estnbllshed 1864. A weeklyhewspaper devoted to the interest of the Tnwn of Barrie and the surrounding country, issued tn the Post Office Square. Barrie. every Thursday, by J. A. MacLaren (editor) zind W. C.`Wul!s (manager), owners and publishers. The Barrie Examiner is a member of The Canadian Weekly Nwspznpers Asso- ciation nnd of Class A Weeklies. nu-nnnuvuud-uizx1o`1-. I nun.- -uvu--4 uvv uxnnuulxrl >3 I Figures. quoted by Hon. David Croll in the Legislature on Saturday, showing home sweatshop" conditions. must. have come as :1 shock to the people of Ontario. Yo-nut:-.A-.. -n AL, Page Two THE - eARi - EXAMINER HOME SVVEATSIIOPS THURSDAY. APRIL 9, 1936 I. \..Iu:\:- r\ vvUv:I\II\::u. SUBSCRIPTION ` RATES n___-_1, an (In - EDITORIKI: AIUCHVJ A\I)~7 :1 the over ..r part of would still attmctrive .,-....,-..A A`.-.. wvtu umy u:inpur1n'_v. Neiuler rzulwny nlll('I:1ls not` men spared themselves In behalf of the public. and though the public are heavily interested. financially. 1 in the railways. they promptly forget all sacrifices. ` And that's human nature. cruuuns to Keep the llIlO:i upup. sninelinm: {rum lhmr offivvs. at mixers {mm ways' 9 sluliuns or while an hmud some belated train. I e crews re::pumicd with grim determination. There can`: be much runizuive in bucking into miles of SlO\\' drifts, but puli-nn.~: of the roads were shipping st plies to snow-buunsl dis- tricts. cui`rying pu.\s`enger.~: ; id inails, and trains had in get through. The inomen highw:i)':: were l'(`-0pL`l1l3(]. pmxscngers and height ruy Ned tn inumrs, ienvinp: the railruaders tn wonder why they made such hurculcmi efforts to meet business demands which they knew were only teniporary. Neither railway officials snared themselvec in hnhnlf nf um n..m:.. nnrl TllF.\' FORGET TIIE R.\ll.'.-\YS G0(l&`!lL?ll Star The ;mn;il:: iii` rnilrnzuds will prr I_\' never |`0`nt`d :1 winter when tlieir mvn were 1 with such difficulties. and \-.'hli.-h \\ l l'L` mm`! with hemic fortitude. While stiperjiilemlviits direvti-d ovations to keop the lines (`.H\L`t`s ti-nm \\':\\/eiu ..i...a...... . . ----...--_, - . -. People do not 1'equ!1'c- to be told that mun- iclpal taxation has almost reached the break- ing point and if the ratep~.1yers were asked to vote money for buildings to house this new type of school it is not difficult to imagine} what their answer would be. 1 v ,.I.I\\ J pcvple cm the box` 1` that nccm :`alc:: rcpt ......J.. . ` A q11o::t.io11 in the Ilouse of Co111mr):1.. elk-.it~ ed L119 following: i111`o1'mut`1on 11:; Lo the cost at` p1`L11l.i11g;' the voL:~1's` lists for t.l1<- lust 1)o1ni;1i-..v.-1 clcctioxiz T119 p1'int.ing of the burzic lists m.:I $24-9.561; proof~1'e:1di11g. $33,801; }11`i11L?11;;' r<-- 5' vised li::t1::. $83.'76.0; p1`oof-1'c:1di1'1g, $13,775. And to meet. this total cost, of $385,900, Lhv 1: 1`.1':11t .s;pc~11L S:l'.Z7.074 for new 1n:1cl1i11.~1'y 211111 c-q11|p.1`:1e11L. For L119 1930 nlectioxi when 1,l1.~ 1\'/1111!!` `am! l: 4. L I11.-.1 ::11`1ilI.11 ('.E|1~` .l|1I- 11` 3-~11.`._.`_V. :Hi7lIllN \ l [)1 l11L(~1"; of tho counbry p1'oof-1'o-.11'l and 111111` - ' " ed the vot.e1'x 1131:: the total cost was $223,813-1. or just $15/,0-15 loss Llnm what it (`.0;`.t, 1.311: ernnient 111 1935 \VH.l1t)llL spoliding $127.0 -'l` for new maclllnery and equlpment,. Not only was the 1930 mebliod cheaper but the 1111:.- Lakes in the spelling of 11a1m2s \v01'o many tinios lower. The Govc1'11n1e11L will be well 2111- ` vised to revert to the old nictliod of lizlvimt 1 tho work done in the co11sLlL11e11cios. `"" I It is :1 reasonable Sllg'{E`.SLiOl1 that hunters should ask permission of f-.1rn1ers before. go- ing on their lands for` hunting". Ancnt this the Brockvilie Recorder pointedly remark.-e:: Common courtesy would, of course, requir:.,- hunters to follow such a rule without the nec-- essity of having :1 low against t1'es1)2Ls.s'ing'. Ii` farmers invaded the cities and walked all over people s lawns and gardens, there would be indignant protest. But there is in principle no difference between such :1 practice and the other practice oi` townspeople xn:1kinp.'| their \*.'a`/ into the country and trimming :1: ; i`7iii over i`:`uln*.r.~`.` property witiiout ii;'.v1n_~;' 1.11;,` (l::c~ncy t) ::':;~i<: 1>e:'z:1i::::1o:1". ,..v,.....w |J\J U-lllcllkl ll.-D .llLLl1lU Act 111 :1 mamier that shoiud put an effective-0urb.0n cl-irunkun I drlvi!`1g."1"t31`*`the 1'ii'st: oi`i'ence. it is proposed to lengthen the suspension of license from six V months to 12 mdnths, and 1'6! " second of- fence from not more than 121116" ths" to not more than two years". Such` biinfsliiiieiit. wiil I be much more productive. of i'esig(`.s than l'im~:-'. or imprisonment. 'I`he tliought bl` :-:uspensi0n of his driving privileges for a year will make :i man think twice before he gets behind the ` wheel while "under the influence". I The Legislature of Prince Edward I.~;l:uv.l proposes to amend its Traffic Act in :1 mmmor that shanlrl nu? nn nffnnnun numb. .-..- -x....-.I-7- In I~I.'1milt.on last. week :1 15-your~old girl, whose family was on roller, l`0und :1 cusllim-`s purse containing $450 and was lmncst, m10ugl1 l to return it to its owner. And all the rownr-:1 ` she got, was $5.00! | pu.-u.-1 \.Ib\?\.l . Such ex:m1ple:4 ul` fnun s; inlnmmnlty Lu mzm. us those quutorl, call to mind Hml. im- mortal poem. "The Song of tho 1-3h|rl.". Wl`H.L('H by Thomas Hood nearly 0110 humlrm _y~:u'.~: ago (In 1843). the 1'i1'::t. four .<:l.mx'/as uf which are as followq` unn. r; Hull lll)lll'h"'*-Cillfn. / Ahuther wumun wns getllng l 1: (ll. pvt` yard for lace. Anuthur was [, l'lHlI].-.' llllc jar n llU7.l*ll lmby cuuls. It took hr-r nn lmumml :1 half l0 muke u cont. ' u That women should be nsl{c('l to slave fmm plccework wages that yield mly :1 mr.=.rr.-V pit- tance no matter I ow long t oy work is .<~:0m0 -- thing` tlmt shoult not be {pt-rn1ltte(l In thl:; province. Mr. (roll pxjbposes l(~gl+:lnt.lm1 that will stop ;_cl1lsseling practices n! this klnd by requlrlng pevrnlts for such work. said permits to be lstlbjct to cuncellul.Iun H` decent wages are mil. palfl. Publlc oplnlnn will be strongly behind the Mlnlster In his ul'furl,.-.' to remedy such :1 I-altlnul.l(m 51:; rr.evr~u.lnrl by tho cases cited. ` /' n....L _.. _,_.,u,,. .. ..1 urm lam uxr uccm dim: reported. ~ to drink m-mms OF OTHERS ... :51.-`nu; \I\ Al-\l\lA |.:l\ L. IVK/.I|`~l \l.)U IJKT llUlLV_Y AK! )3 ` in county xmcl 1m>vl:u'1u1 ;~`m.x`:: and *.h.r..~ hsxul of d.cb':nl.ul'c.s zzml tile ;',1'u:1`L .1` of tho presom nmlntcmlrzco r:l:;;t,s v.-xmlcl have to be c:u'l'le EVUEI tE1uu:_~.'l1 :1Ltr;v.`l-lve, grants were held out :1". an inducemsnt for nmniclpulmes to lntroclm,-9 t.l1-suv int;.`1'1m~.:i.- late schools. ther: would be ;':1`-all l1e;>.iLn11cy upon the part of the rut3puyo1's in udoptlnq the plan. for people are lycgluuing); to 1*e:zll2:-3 that all gmnt,-5.. though lmnclecl out by the government. are In reality prcvlclcd by the taxpayers. r\__._u- :1 .. nun`. us IJl.|.VVLL'lI :4 null u) |:l.'I|lh illl lllllll`. A wtmmn on Jones Street was m-rwlu-llmI_ baby jackets nt. $l.65 for 1: dozen jm-kvls. Slu- wmked from 9 In the murnlm: In ll :11. ni:zht. Thu jackets were finished in about ten um! 11 hull` huur.-+~-etwh. Ahnuw IIn\|r\un um ..:.4n.... 1 ..-K: ...... _.__,.n mum on nuusprencls. Another firm paid 45` cc-ms fur lwvlvn pnlrs of babies` buutecs. It took about fuur duy.-z for u home-s'wentslmb" workm` to rm Hm nrclvr, M n wage of between 2 and 3 cmxl.-4 Hll lmur. A uncnu... ..A. |........ nu---` .,.... TWO women worked for 5 ce`nt.-i an hour mak- ing bedspreads. The spreads cost $1.44. They were sold for $2.98 and $3.95. n Phrlann ed A 9...... ....-1 L.x.. ...:r.. ......... _....o_ n-.u. nulu Aux .pa.uu uuu .va.:Iu. On Christie St. :1 man and his wife were mulc- lng 30 cents a day for the work of the two of them on bedspreads. Anhlht` firm nnirl A5` I-mule hm Iumlun n\nI|-n () men. with sister.-: (.lt`Hl'I 0 man. with xnulhc.-rs um! wlvex! H. in not linvn ynu`rv WL` ll`ilI out But human on-uturc-s` livvs! Slich sliicll-~-slilvh! In poverty. hllIll'l'. and dirt. Se-wing at once. with u (lnul.)|:- Hm-ml, A ::hrmul as well an; n shirt! Wnrk work wurk! Till the bruin In-;:in:'. In nwim: Work -work -wnrk. 'I`ill tho 1.-yes znm ht-uvy nml rlirn! Smm. um] mussel, zmd luuul_ Band, and pxusswt. nnd .-u-um. l`iIl nvor lhu bnltun.-: I full n.~`l(-vp. And sow l'h:-m on in my In-zuni "Work! work! work! Wllilo thv cuurk is rrmvhu: nluuf! And wurk- wm-k~ wm`|'., Till Hm .-:lm'.~x .~4him- llu-uuyzh IIII` I [Us uh! lu D1: 11 .~:lu\u.- Alum: with the lmr|).'n'uus 'l`uI'k, Whurv wumnn Ium new-r n .-ml In If this is (`.Iu'i. wurk! 3 Aululvvn. Wlth fim._:-rs wt-.'n'y mul wnrn, With <-ya-li(|:4 ha-nvy nml rml. A wmnnn .-:nl in unwum:ml_v ru;-_::, I'!_vIn/4 her mwtllv nml Hm-:u|: Stitch! szlllu-II! slit:-I1! In nuvt-rl_v. |\ungt-I`. mu! dirt`. And still. wilh n vuivu ul` rlulurmn: pilr-h, .`-ihv .-mm: lhv Sum: of llw .`-ihirtl | 1h.\,'.- .~. .. 1.. cl`. DlU.\'KlN'(`} .-\':\\' IHQBT Daily 'l`imv.~' `It hm hcrn lllllkh "'l| [IRIS 4 r \`.':a,'y' tn the [ _|`(1\' rm :1pparemly can In thv fix-'9 mom A noble and V1` lhv Govermm`nt ~ u ""K?"' While such 11 s.'3t.c-n1 would have :1r.lvsu:t.r1p;~ cs. we cannot see how it. could be put into ef- fect without adding very con< i-;lr:r-.1bly to tho ` burden of educational c0;:L'.`. alrr-udy weigh- ing` heavily upon the Lz1x1;;iycx'.~:. In Barrio, 1'31 example. public school ;:I.ipi)-.n'tei':: l:1sL your paid 18.21 mills in school 1'-.1t.os being over 011-?- third of their total municipal t.:1xe.~;. EsLab~ lishment. of ilitornicdlulle schools would re- duce nttenclanco at the collog'iuLo institut-3 (there are 370 students in the two lower forms this term) and while thore would be u :;;:\`i1ig in collo;*;i:1l0 sn1:u'ivs with an lnter- lrnzliato school 1.'m`1": wo ild also be heavy loss ':I'\ (`!\l`.l1fU-`lnn:'n~v;.\.\'nI.r:~r1 xvw and ihn n\7.\u- l?.DIT(T)`lil.Al_..Hl.`l6T{-ZS rugs I IIIt.|l\lk lI|.\ (Ill {'k'l|'(I Up- their a_vs' . I crews re be 5! 0w u leaving: : thev mndn -:n(~h hI`I`1-nhlnn 4 x1'(,'ll(`. the mc nf up... u.-rm.-z. . 8. Prtmicr Aherhznrt took the stand that he could not cndnrse the loan cuuncil bu.-cmx::(~ it meant the sur- render of the province's right 9n burrow as much and as oftvn as it >h(\llld dven1advisablv. Hs finzmcinl autonnmy. in other words. 0 Allun-4.. L... -- ' .....u..-uuy. m UlHk'I' words. 9. Alberta had an issue 01' $3,200- ,000 coming due nn April 15!. It ha ! only $550,000 on hand to meet it. 0(- tawa was asked to supply the re- mainder. on the same terms as an January 1st. ,.mu i']"ho |........ mum: :=hm'l lhc-rv they V In tlvf` with I lltwul s1up,u lust week. and an import Otluwn. April 7~ -Pw-xnior /\h r- ll). 'l`lu- n hurl nnd Hun. (L'l1:m. Dmmlm: mm lnwu nil--r cup_i_t_>(| prominent. [)l:1L'(s on the pulii \'/{Is In I;-' ; ul lrr-n.~:m'y nnt"`1.~.-mt! mmrln a "Mall. '[`h`n r'(n`"-'1n gm into I H-:,vmmlr-nrrv In-l\v(-on (_)lInw.'n and} `H Anni, l'3rhnrnf.nn rt-tzzmlimc H10 Alln.-rl;nf;.,. [,,,._,.i,,;. loan was tabled in lhv I-Imlso, and ;_.;,,,,, H W; uf1.orw:u`rl.': Hw Mini:-"tr-1` nt` I-`in:ma-:- 11%|; (),,`,l_,/`. nL'vivt:rl Hw Prc-.-::; (5-.nll(`r_v in l1x`:f,.,- H. I, <>l'l'i(.'(- fur :1 ])l'ulnIl,l',l'(I inn-rvix-\'.'.` This is nn :1p[u`up:'iu1r- plm-v in .:-- ,.. vi:-\v in tlw .-;imp|v:;l. lzn:;',u::;:v u/h:aL!1; luv: l1:1m)v|1ml. 1 . .`|l|' r!;zI!ivu- .'-l':4i4:n -wn for :1 1 I12. llzmn nun` m uvu uuur on r*xpI`C.': 10 duuhts ubnut it. Oltmvzl hzr: prm-or.-(lvd with the petition. . Albwlu had :1 loan of $2,000,000 iuh vzxmv (luv on January 15?) . I which it waz; unable to meet. * l'r(l-rnl gmxormnem came to U};- .-uo. :1dv:nu:ing the great bulk of money. and with no c0nditim\:~' uny kind. But it was indicated t it was the last loan on those ns. By the bill it was proposed that pupils who had completed form three of the public school course would enter the il1te1'n1ediatc schools. and would remain there for four years, or in the case of specially gifted pupils. for three years. In these lnt.ermecll:1`o schools there would be an obllg'aLory (-ours: of ::tudie.". for all pupils. This woulcl c'o:1:l..t of I:)n_'xlish. 1113- { Lory. civic; and c..tl:'.eu:~`.w.i;;. ;_:<*<;:';1':1p':1y J.-id] physiography, m:1Ll1-cn1:~.`..i<::s 11ml :3: 1n`* b1`u:1-- ; ..chos of elementary :;'.:i-cue or :ur,ric.2ltxv1'v:.] pllysical tm';nlng and hygienr. In azlditioxn there would be optional cour:;e'-: in 1: _`.r.1ne1`ci.L.'. subjects. manual tmlxmings. l`.u'm meclxanlcsj and general shop practice. cooking and .-:c\`.'~ ing" and home ocousmiss nml f',=z":lp,`n l.1u~ guages. \vvn.n- _._,\. _ __, ...,, .,__,,x 1 L ,_,, u_,_,,. ,v \`.`l`.`-It'll] |II'(l\.'l!l(Y"` wm uch as indicated above I) their fimmci: :; and vlmblc them to lmdgr:t.~':. The I)nmini( id Ixnunuvnv on mu-la n . .?,f;l`A\%;\\0},,l\1Is`\'n i,esPo'rs 3??` `:g;i0M.="_ "EA TOJSE1 ~~- n. ur/T n....l.. nn -::~.*.*-"~) . z'+E-.'-_`:.*.]s. THE OTTAWA SPOTUGHT THE BARRIE EXAMINER. BARRIE, 0N'l`., CANADA .____:.________________:_..,..____..________ ur'L'c'.s.\'u!`_V D2 dru ftetl. Th},- :nn~n.nl .201. A Weekly Rnvinw ml` Nul.i(m:ml /\.l'f:m'.~; BY WILIi`RIl_) I`.()GI.I?1.S'I`()N rm-u u later null it -~---~--~:-~-~-._..__ _ ________-_-_-;__~ ;_______._,` Memorial at Tadoussac, Quebec - nu wcm. nn. to prevent I - teaching in our public school I in my opinion. it is time so: were taken toward this end. ..,..-_-.. .. -r.~-....U. From its introduction. the ma-a.~ was very coolly received by the public. largely due to unwillingness to endorse any new project that tended to increase taxation. u.umn;; \\'nu'n mun` children re- :-oivccl in the .~.c~p.'n';n1.o :;(-honls. The value of such teaching, he said. could not be denied. There is nothing in the world," he went an. to prevent religious schools. And. some steps toward thk: and In in "u .m- ;.mHlI('ill nnriznn as a result In` the .'l(i(]l`f.': of Hon. Dr. L. J. Simpson. Minister of Education. dur- ing debate at the school tax issue in the Ontario Legislature, Monday. The Minister had been touchlng upon the impm-tnnce attached by Roman Catholics to the religious tmininxz which their children in sepzimtc schools. of be denied i , V ._ Hon.Dr.Simnson Plans: Reiigious Kzmwledge; Course in the Schoolsi Illlb l)ll.\`.\'lOll be termed :1 run the political no` on". -.1.:. s_- some Thinkalmuts (('~;r.7/rial/u ) llol I `J _,'3 K3. 1 B_?""' "` ":'.?`b"`:' V . _..... _ ._'-:1 .x_. nu_\' M mblio This .1 On`. I alslln-(I (('upyr[,;l;l) ._._..__..........-..._ :u_v-u I likeliho I hn.-:5.-.. :~uI_ plea The bill to prov1_de for the establishment of interxnedlate scliool In Ontzlrlo. on its way through the Legislature. has been dropped for bhls session at least. It. slid not reaxch the second reading. v-u,,-,, l,_A,,_.I_._LI__` 75 .Eli;.ai);:t; t.,'ia;r-i;- .*f.`..Y`?'*...35_ H.arris_.1-td- `The of NOVA SCOTIA .[N |`|M/\'|'|'1 (l.H'HU('.i:lIiUlI will: the l``,(l'IliI`(',ln(`,YllH of all Iwumslu-..~; of Czmzulian. l;rzu|(: and cnl,:rpri.s':, luring il,s-s mtnlury 0| ("xih'l'Q.I|I`./{:9 has vmlnwvel lhi:-s Inmk wilh llu: ktltnwlqttlgcz 'l`3{.r(`l%h}:"`y for |I(`,|lA>flli. (`.0-UlN`.l`ilI.l()Il. 1832 1 I 40-opemhmz . . !"m'III-/u`i4I4'_/'m'i/ilius in on-I`_y (Ir-pm'Inu'uI Qf Imn/riII;.; ` BANKING} ."4l'I|(Vl(lE Phone 128 .1036 The experience of t41w;: 1`m'mc1's in` Prince Edward angi I-Ialton counties should ha nf intnrant tn fnnnmv: in this district; In 1 Thllrsdny. April 9, 1936 :_; A few days ago We had a conversation on this subject with a man from Prince Eclwarcl County. He said one re:~mlt of making that county :1, T.B. free area was to open an im- portant. outlet, for their cattle in the United States. It is now`-bmnxmed to establish their cattlc more firmly in that market. by banish- ing Bm'1g_-`,`s Disease. the (-:u1r:o of unclulzmt, fever.