Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Mar 1936, p. 2

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| =' In spite of the com'lil,ions: in which we livc {with so many demands upon 1:wnplo .<; Lima, 1 he habit of reading` has not lost its hold. The hxlnllal report of Barrie Public 1,.ibr:u'y, pub~ _]is`.hed recently, showed :1 very lslrge incx'easc in the circulation of books. Ovm: in Great, B1'l~ Lain the same holds truo. lL.zL.<;t. year more books were plJbli.'s`h(`.(l in Britain than cvm` be-A fore ln its hlst.ory-l6,678, this being` 2:. 1'i.~:c of 7184 on the previous; best your, 1930. 'I`lloug'h iiction, as here, has by far the 1-.u'gcsL clrculzl tlon. the best seller was not -.1 novel. but Col '1`. E. Lawrence's "Seven Pillum of Wisdom". which at :1 price three or four Limos: :1 bovo Iilztlon average 11113 sold 100,000 cnpirws. l1:1\'-3 expressed Lhvnw.olv an Order. while 1'ep!'xo:; outstanding" If the new calendar were put. into efl`r.=r-.L Llmse born on Feb. 29 would be out of luck for birthdays, as the extra day on Leap Year woulcl fall at; the end of June. Established 1864. A weekly newspaper devoted to the interests of the Town of Barrie and the surrounding country, issued at the Post Office Snum-0 Rm-rin our-rv l`hnrgdnv hv mwu m mu-ne anu me surrounding country, issueu Office Square, Barrie, every Thursday, by J. A. MacLaren (editor) and W. C. Wnlls (manager), owners and publishers. The Barrie Examiner is a member of The Canadian Weekly Nexvsmnpers Assn- cintinn and of Class A Weeklies. INIIVV-nlVl`II'1v'I-.rvuv.\v v\ A .-.w-..-.. Page Two THE- BARRIET-EXAMINER X "1:`1T5:;(;TT EDITORIAL NOTES nu. .u `ax... _, us not in In 11:; I'M` Mn` 1.). :. r:l'w`.' (-x1..u? 1- :1:; Lu m'm'im-:_`:; :1(:U,0UUs)00 L`. There is one township in Ontario which stands in a very enviable position. It is Hol- land Township. Grey County, south of Owon Sound, which has no tax arrears. no (l(`bon tum debt, all 1935 accounts paid. and $7,()97 on deposit in the bank. The tax rate is only three and a half mills, aside i'1'om the county rate. It was unnecessary to borrow any money from the bank in 1935. The year's tax roll amounted to $27,613 and, although only the first of two instalments was due. $18,367 was paid by December 15. The tax collector pro tllcts the instalment due this month will be all paid up and the roll l'OL1.ll`l`i((.l by April 1. mum: nu nu |\:l].)Pl`.`3. A I51':1|llr- (`(HlI<'ln lnr uw mum n~. mun. the` Mzlinichi ol`l"ic<` at 6H:nk;1. 'l`hm'o are dining mmns for mu m`u.'::p.'u)er \.-.'urk0r.~4. xvniting.-, rummr; when` 10:1 is SPl`\ 8(l In visitm':' :uulilm`imns \\'l1r`re ll`('1Ill'!`5:, |m`t'l- ings and emu-t*rl:; . `P .~:t:\;;cl from time In time. |`h(' Asahi is also _iuslly prmul ml .~:mn-.`t!1im; hi_-H-hl_v xlt`.~:i1'- uhle in nr:\vxp:mer m`g,"z1ni'/.21linm: all the shur(`:: of tin` Asnhi ]ublishinp,' (.`0mp;mv are hold by it. 1I l' nwm- btrs and0tl101'exm)luye('s_ (hvro lwinu, no uulrtnlo .\'l1:u'0- hnl(lers. 'l'h(`|'v!':u't`, c-.~:tnbli.:lw(l mart` than l'il`Lv _vv:1rs: 413:0, tho /\.\':|hi mm vlnim in he "iml<*pI*mlt'nl l in:\n4-i:1l- ly and puliti1'nlly."` _ ,...,... .......... The O.-::nkn Asuhi and tho 'I`nlI._\'n A":1hi, nv: lmmlrml miles :m.'u'l, nro dir('1l_v (-mmm~lr-:1 Llfrgrulnnd l~Iv|)ln \-.'irv.; fur llwir own ('1- NSF. Bram-h nl't'iv<`.< in utlwr vilivs: urn nlrm w with l';u'si|nile lr:n1-:milt<`-I':;. Bl !~:i this -quipn quirk 52 -1'vic-O. lho A.-mini has :1l|m.-,r-H1m' 111 mi wight pn::.~:omv,m- plzmosz and ion .~:pr-Pd mm-hin mu'|u::ivo l)(. .\|):|])P.l' wnrk. Thu Mninivhi hm: ilur fleet of :~.irpImw.:. Smno nl thv :1iv'pl:n vquippml with \-virvh*.~:,~; zlppizlrntus fur nI'w:~: plnpu::0:;. Al the /\:::1hi (xl`l`i1-(rs: in ():::1l-tn, '|'u1r. Mn;-,i_ uvor three hlIn<'l1'ml -:n'rit`r Di;{(-011:4 are r(int'nrr'e the m-wsp:Ipr-r`.~' zzir .x'm~vim- whn I pln_vmt"nl 0|` .'1i1`]l:nw:: is: \lilTi(`llH. 11. would be pu:`..`:il`>]t' In rm-ounl 011101` rvm: I`:-nluros: of 1h- smvico ;:i\'t'n by .1.'Ipnn':< _!'.H`.'It A 12. up mma.-.n r...` lhn hliml i~: mlhli |\ilpt'|'.`i. M Dl.IIllI' mun-L uu nu O.:nkn. 'l` wni sm'\'e(l vi.\'itm'::. nrv fr: sn 111: vspuper Ul`g.`_'z1ni'/.1liU l|2 Auuhi n..hli\hi-m (`nmmmv nro I The Oppo:sitinn in the Leg'i:>.l:11.n1'e did well to fight against having" the r1"i:stril)ution of in- come tax funds to nl11niCip.'l1itiE`S left to be dealt with by Ordel`-in-Council. There hm; been ample time for the Governmtent to 19.` termlne what proportion :should go to the munlcip:1litier<, as the provincial income Lil)! nieasure has been uncler (-on:;i(lm':1t.i<:m for .=;overal months. Just now the municip:'tliti<`-2; are pi'epa1`ing to strike their 1'ato:s um! it 1:; :1 matter 01' great i1nport:1nr'0 that they ;\lmul(l know to what oxtc-ht they :m.` to be 1'oimbm'.<;- ed for the revenue the G0vm'1i1nmitl1u.~; L:tk(`ll away tram them for its income tax. Not hav- ing this ihl`ormz1tirm, llllllll(`.i}J(1lll.l(`:~`. will be colnpellod to lnuke their levies without allow ing for receipts from this .~;m1r(-.2` zmtl th-:2 mtv will be c0ri`espon(ling'ly high<.-r. With the 1..:w;~ i.~'.1:1t111'v in session, there d()r*:~: not 5200111 zmy valid reason why this inattor should bu l.;tl{m1 out 01` the hzmdx of tho l`L ,'l5l`.1l.f)l':`. :1 ml left to b(` l'ixnd by Ol'(l<-*1'-in-(Jmmt-il. .... ., .. -.........., V , , There are 011101` rlnily nDw::nnp0r.~; in .I:up.'m 1-) -nm pan) with the big` p:u.wr.~: of tho Unilml Slums am! thr- United Kingdom. but. ii. is 4'1-'mhH"uI wh(*lhr'r z-ny Wf`.':l- orn nc'\v.-zpnper vullltl mnnpznrv with Hw h/lilinirhi and the Aruhi. for hrvndlh and \'.'u`ivl.y of -uxnnnunuly :'*I'- vics-. They urn 1-quippml with tho mun! mm]:-rn mn- rhinery, inullulim-_ it-I0-plmm app.'Ir:IllIs I"-Ir :`.l)||ll! pictures betwovn l`u|I._vo and 0:431-Lu hy 1hn- r:n|ir: mm (-0. ` known as I'm-::imiI(2 tr:u1.-unis-`.s'inn. A pi:-tllrv tall.- l\n ..p... :10 ....n.. In Ihn nilnw .-Ian n`Al It is pleasing to note with what unanimit_`/ the proposal for pensions to :';ig'litle:;s men and women over the age of forty was receivecl fav- ourably in the House of Commons at Ottawa on Monclay. 1\/Ieniber after inembcr rose in his; seat to support the 1'eso1ution askim: the Gov- ernment to rstunly the feasibility of extentliizg, the Old Age Pensions Art to include an un- fortunate group of Cana,di-ans. Finance l\/lin- i ister Dunning` said it was improbable lo ;'is1a- ; tion would be passed this yo-ar. The Govern- ment was i'avorable to pensions for the blind. he said, but the praticability of inmicecliatze ` legislation this session is very doubtful. If every blind person in Canada over the age of 40 were given the full olcl age pension of $20 a 1ho.ni_,l1 it. Vygiilq cost $627,361). of which the nnminir-.n'c chnrn w()'n-Id 130 $470,520. 11"1Q.m_,h it, \ygx_11q cgsp ::su;g':,.snu, U1 wu i D0mini0n's share wmfld be $470,520. ....,. ` , .... .. Nm-.'hm'0 a-1.-:0 in the wurlnl urn Iht'ro d:1i|_v nPw.<'.~ pnpr-rt: In cmnpnrv with J.'ip:in's I'm <-in-uinlinn. Thr- "C)"=.']i(. l,-fiViIIil]iI'i1i ha.-; .'l clnilv l'il'(`Ili.'Iiil)I1 nf well nvor illn'm'- i`nillir)n. 'l`hc- Mniniu-hi'.~4 big 1)rnt|1r-r in l'ul lhn Nichi Nirhi, has (I daily 1-irrnlulinn nl` '. .,-1(]().U()0. With mic!) lm1'- ilnily Inc`-\'v::p:1pi`-1` I'i;un'o-.-4, mnw \V-*.':l- 3l`lll'!~2 wcmlxl he im~lin9vi In \v-mdvr \~.'hn'-lhu-r li1I"l`l` could be any room I'm` any nlhr Iii;-, (lnily pnpr-r: we-H. Hie Asahi, puhlishecl in O.-znkn, Tokyo mnl Mom. lizis: iaisn zi Cambium! pnivl r-ir(-ulnlinn of nvvr lhroo million. Irma .\...m.. ..;` ...... on in one oily 4-an I that ii is available \ N paper nffin-e-;. 1 rnu ._ ;\.. pins of over $20,000,000 on 0rdir1zu'y '.u'.('.(mnt. for the fiscal year ending March 31, says -.1 c`.c.v.putci1 from Ottawa. Of this. $15,000,000 it`. (luv to inrweused 1'ovemu'-`. Tl1i.`~i is m1(-oiir:1g`in;.: lmi fzom Lin: L1L`))lL}](x`i:' viL`\v;.m1ni., Llw 1110141, iinpurtuni i`eui.un- oi Uilii ::m';;i~.::; 1:: l.ii~_` 3:.-.-LN. 1-rvut.v(i by saving oi` il]1[)i`().\'.lii1'ii.{'lf/ :S'} _()(i'.).(|'.Ii'\ in (-xpemiit.ure:s. If this L. in f,'t`1, (mi, in` ii.-'. pmsmil. iiX1filV0i`iLbli` -l11'lLI`(.i.`i|r1 po:.`'i. p;uvm'nni(=nt, 9Xp(`.Ii(HLill'(`:{ mu:-tl vm11.`:znu- L.) be rvriiiveci. While i.iwro ix :1 .~;ur;ziu:: 1) - i1`.i!ii()li on the 0l`(Ul11Li`_V ui'l`;:.i:`.:. iiit.111'vs, 1'ui1\L`uy(ioi'icii umi 1'.)`.l'i:. i will iliillii` :1 dvmtil. u_:i :"1(:iJ,fiiii)mii) L`. 1 in 11".`. i I The Dominion oi Cunaciu will have :1 .<;ur-- ' ,[):Ipf-R`: cmnpzn 1 lhrm- million. '1` Nivhi, DI`nDI'l.` uunnhl l\n .'.('n \\UUl(l up|J1~.'\.`iuIe tltut }IHUl|.'{ rcisc Kl lltllt .\t'lI- , si`.ci'iteco. and rrliain from iniportuning their P(ll ll.'l- tItz'lt\;1l`)' l'ep)`(`5t3l1l:tl.i\'`$ for ll!\l1t`Ct.`>`.\".ll`_\' ll1l|)l`(i\`('- ments, it would help. The l! L')llhl(` will be tn di. in-ate between ll(`L`t`.\'Sill`_Y and unnecess:ir_v improve- lnt.`l1l.\`. If the ;>olitic'ian:-: saw that the people were inal-zing svlf-imposed sacrifices. they might recognize the fact that the time for a change had arrived. and they would legislate a few of lhElnSl\'S`.'Ul(l their relatives out of political existence. With the ('mnplim0nI.~: ml` thv .I:m.'|nt'.-ur l.m{:|litm in Ottawa. The Citizen hns her--n privilt~pr_ml tn rm.-I`i\rn ng:1in this _vunr's annual I'IIn:lish .-znpplr-mvnt nI` tho A<:nhi_ mu: ml J:1p:|n':; _::H':nt tlznly 1m\\'e:p:upr`x'.s. R(-(-:-nt- Iy the annual snpplmnvnt mt" thv Mninit-hi nlz:-.1 r':n1u~ tn The (.`iti7.m nl`l'i(-v [mm Jnpnn. 'l'hl'l` is nnthin_-.5 on this continent quitu to v0n1p:n`<* with lhn rr`mnrk:1hlr' :mnnal.~; of HM` Jnn:uu-:;r n(`W.`i[)'|}J1`l`S. 'l`hv2_v :n'v tin;,'nish`r1 as work.-`. nI' ('Ulnln"l'(`i-`ll art. hr*:mlil'nll}.' il- lLIstx'nterl, pm-lcml full 01' int'm`m.'1ti rI'l::tin;-, tn (`lll`- rt-nt .'Ifl'.'1ir.-:: Hwy ;.-,i\'~ pirtum--: nI' the Ulll and n"w in Jzxpznlz lhvy :n'r- v.'1lnnl)lt- :|:~: \vnr|(;; n1` 1'<-fr.'r0m-1-. nu Persons of least merit demand most in others. ()PNlONS OF OTHERS Japan's Great Newspapers (Tho 0l.l:1\vn (.`.il.i'/.t-n) _ u-u -lnuun '|`n|L_\/0 ( t-.-:imiIe tr:m.-:1 n he r:=nt at n :3 within :1 |'P\` J \vn||\. Illl` Au. mos. vlo.~:.~: `\::.'1hi ( mclrml ('m`1i -r pi .n.-ui -xn\\n EVt!l`_V0lll` knows that me -ample of Cm`-1L Britain are the worl(l ;; g:x'v':.l.e.';i. 1.uxpuyo1-s". :;:::.'.-4 the fmanclal editor of I`oronLo S:1lv.u'clu3.- Mglxt. ()vm' !.hc~ro pl':1C[i(`:.l.l1)' e\'c-ryozle wlu.{ l:-4.; any ulcoxnv all all pi1_V:` some invonlc tn`-2 : an W('l| us lot.s oi ulhvr tux:-.5. E\ Pl`_\'1hillI uml ; v-'.'-.-rybody's taxed. Tlw Gove.rx1rnnx`.: noncls the: 3 money and gets lt. but the Iluxm: are fair anal * Lhv collecuon ls bL1six1e.'a.r;-liko. so that um !.'m;llr4hma.n pays his taxes promptly and does 2: mlnlmum of grouslng. He feelx that wlmtl I I no does is done in a good cause". Coxm-astimz, this with our situation here. the writer says: "Here in Canada we don't feel at all like that. Paying high taxes makes us mad. not be- cause of the amount. so much as the convic- tlon that much or the money will only be wasted anyway." (l[H`l'.` 'IIl' .\l'lVII`I' \VI|"l| III!` 'III` :1 blv rPm:1rknl)l0 ico _r-,rv:It new `.ili<'m lm` thn hliml is; 1mh|i:'.lnr- in \(t i`lH\|\|\` ..\ vm.n.-.` ..m. .16. I5 UUIHHIIII \.`\'Hl'lllK`l' lll|_Y 'v'Vl` )ll1])1ll`I` Jmi <-mn|numl_v ul -phntn ::4`nrlin1', u - trzm.-:mi.,. on. 'nt nlwv In tho nthvr rily .-:4: n l'P\'.' minutvs in bath no`. `sh u nn\m:n-unt\r-4 Hm-nut. `l' Hl:llI'I".`w, 'Zl)I1ll' WI`.'I- A'm1dI'r I l |.!I|'I Il'IllIIl (\IIIll\ p:m':< nvw:4- ml `re lIH (`l- imv him; its 1:1I Ottawzl. Mnrvh 10 A (`ummitta-r of the Ilmlso of C`nmm i.-: to main zm inquiry mm tho ri:;in;{ ('03? nt (`arm irnplvmvntrs`. 'l`hi.< pmn1i:sv w:n:= mndv by thv Ministor uf /\_{l`i('llll1"` ul thv cmwlusiun 0!" :1 brix-I` thihult on the snhjr-vt. l`ricv:; t'm' 19:26 urn` fmm $3.00 to $18.00 highor for :1 wide rungn of farm implvnwntrz, .'IF cmnpared with prices fur the past four or five yours. The Ilullw zap prurcd to be ununimou-.4 in .~upp.n`l- ing an in\'vs;t,i;:ut,i()n, nllhnn::h thu mombt-r for B1'z1nl.I'm'd. W R. Mn:-- I')0n::ht, 1n'gr'd that tln-rv had horn plenty of invo.k:ti:'ntim1.-; n---ntIy ` that the averugu incrv:1:'.0 in H privo of implmm.-nts w:1.~: only |.[*l'\4. per cent. and that it was impm't:\.m that \\-urkm`.- in the implvma-1.1 lum- turivs should rm-2-i\'v n 1:1i1' #11114`. It wns:.'1lsn bmught out that tiw irnplv mt-nt (.-mm)unit-s had not hI.'l`n mnk mg any profits of rvcn.-nt y'.'ll`.\`. Unr mvmber urged that tho l'('(!l I`|`:Is<'In Hm` thu plight of the ilnplt-xnvnt mmpnny was the dostr1u:iim 0|" pur- rhn.-im I'm\vc-1* uf Hm fzlz-rwr \Vhv:\ .-..- .-. . 1| .-, ....l\ (`::l:n':uqui. whorv I.:lll.I' ()n1:II`iv) n:n'mw:: unto tho Riv--1' Ill. l.:n-/~ l`(`ll('4', was l]'|(?_ :-:(*vm- ul :1 l-ulurl'n|` :21):-(-lz'u-lv in lli IIl. I-`rnnt(~n:u'. llt*\\l (luv:-rum` ml` kT:m:ul:n, r:nm= In p:u'lA_y wiih llw lmquni:<. 'l`hi:< 1.-.\:pm'im1(*wl ::nl(1iul' km-w lmw lo i1np|'u.-.-s:; flu` >il1Vi|l_`,'L` mind. His slmnp, r-xpr-(Ilium nppm:1('lIHl in formznl .~;l,_vl0, lhv rm-n wl-nringg all the m-mm unifurm.-4 that tho ('nlrm_y cunld mlI::lu|'. l*'nur ;!,1'mm.-; of (`:1I}u(`S in military ::lip_n-- mvnt \vvn- lhllmvml by flullmal-: gnrisllly painlml and l)(`lll`il1l(`:lllllHl|. Then ::n`m~ llw Guvv-rnur him:,:-ll . :;m'1'm|mlv(l by :1 pvrxcnml bmly--l guznwl. and finally axmllu-r,ln'i;.:mJ nl mlxurws uvting as :1 rear p,u.'ml. 'l'lwrv, :11 the site ml` the pn-zwnll l(in;,{::tun_ l<`mnton:u- built :1 furl Haul fur m.-z1rl_y :1 N-nlury was In lw .-a` vital l':u'lnr in l"r<-m'h vunlrul ml"! what was lhn-n the "west". (`:ll:nr:l-' qui is (.'l0S(`1_Y ns.~:u('ialo(l with tho ox-I l'Hll.`|H} |lU\\ ('l Ul Ill\' lnl2l.'1"l, \`V :.g.~;ri<'ul11n'nl pl'i(`t':4 rum` 1|-.r 1rvntin:' and otlwr mm-:m:. Ihu m:n.d for impln-nwnt.< \\'nII(I u and awowyunw wnuhl I.u- in-Hr-r (V I Want Aid for Su;{:n' H.-a-Ix A dc-lvy_:1tinn uf nwlnlwr.-: rv .~.e-nlin;; :n'1'.|:: \~ In-re SllL:il' In) In- -qlu-1-4- r:ni:nul urrnivml 1 `nanllnllutlg. HII UH` |l'[..',l'\ll|lIlIl| li- i\'nlt`l'>`, \\-hich was :t;lrlvd ulmnl twp .\'u:n'.-; ugu, has prm.'ml \'v|'_v t`\`})z-H . and will pml):abl_`,' In-2 ub:uul..r- ed. ln fm'mor (lays u [WW list wu- mmlv lwlhrv n`*:u`l\ 1{(`lN.`1`:ll olx-slim: The `;:l):`.v.'-,ntuc \.'ul(`:' :.'_vstvn1 has .I1>u |px`0\'0rl m.~;tly. No More ( ierrym:mdors`. An attempt will also be made to get the whole question of redistribu- tion out of party politics. Every Iv!" years. after a census, the riding.- arm altered to conform with the changes Es` _f;',o1a*z 7E7jn`.L`,Asmf`kT/TY? .3;EROBf.='f.. EA To xxsmu `**-- m m'*"n....L. n.A_ .i.`ii-5' ......... ...... u. \....u.. .- Iv-.I.|\||\..1. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada, $2.00 a year; in United States, $2.50 :1 year, payable in advance. Single copies. 5 cents. Subscribers wishing to discontinue paper at expira- titm of period paid for are experrted to notify this rif- fice before date of expiry. Barracks Gateway, Site of Fort THE BARBIE EXAMINER, BARRIE, 0NT.. CANADA 4" _f,.-iv aura _f}y W. 5. Banks, B.A. A\l;llI4IK"l H1 lHL' C`Lm:nln Dry (ii Muntrvnl. he S:nIv.~`. l\1:nm;;er head office at _\'can`. and nm.\' idenl am! Gum company. Heads Canada Dry nIL IUIIHIH) l' I)` Knll mw lm(-mno,-z Vice-Pr:-~'.~ Ileneral Manager uf Ur: Fmntenan 1'. PATTON IS ASSESSOR ma , SUNNHDALE TP. Request {0} of Osc ||v1 In ITHH3. TIM- f'..\.u.. British Columbia newspaper:-2 carried adver- 1;isen1e11ts advising the people regarding con ditions of the payment; of income Lax, due Ic-b. 29. The Ontario G0vm'1`m1nnt nlight well follow this good example. 75 Eliiabeth St., Barrie l\u`lIl l`II G Oscar RC Refused Re-i .e.v<.=r*... 8:, *!arris,.1-*<!-. :-inslatemenl I Rowe ` Can you 7'vmt`mhnr Ihii r.unwI dash "rlumlmul" jmllun-rl by Uldsrnubilc u'u_v burl: in I'll!) L , DIUC` Phone 182 '2 `\ MS un : That, King Edward is going; to take rm in- berr-st ---- --not only syn1pz1t.lml,i(: but active in the conditions under which his people live v/21:; evidenced on his recent visit to Glasgow. After visiting the slums of that. city, where he saw as many as eight. fZl.ITlU.l'.,'l_= iivilipg in one small dirty house, he said, Conditions in some places I saw were appalling". It's about | time better were found lor our people". I Thursday, March 12. 1936 Sun nidale :_...___.____ INT IJL `NI ".Vlr.`F.:u'h- nmr`hinq5. I'h- Slip- fur Bent-h . ..ur,.x_v....\. In his ho1'tlcu__ltuml lecture last, week, Mr. Clark urged his hem'e1's to pick wild flowers with inoderation. The t;rillium, which lms boon chosen as Ontario s flower, is rapidly disappearing through the wanton manner in which it. has been picked. If moderation is not shown in gathering it, this beautiful flower of the woods will soon disappozw. I-I, will not be many weeks before the Spring llowors; are up - nearing. All flower lovers; should keep M1`. Clark's warning in mind and also Lry to dis- .sun.(le others from 1'L11;hl(`SS dostmuction of our wild flowers. In view of the cuxnpzllgn for 1.11:` cu:1l.rr,l ml ` lm \VJ.I`blL` fly, tlnclemuka-n in S'zx1u-.m~ (`.u\ml;\-' l in 193;) und being c0nLimu\cl thus. yawn M 1:: in ` l.m'esung` to note that (`on11)\11sn1'y l.1`<*-atnnom of cattle for me (lesLnw1.'mn or \V`.L1`blt`.x 1:: L) ` mg cousiclerecl in (H9211, B1`xt=.1'n1. A .w:,uL(-uwm, to this effect was llllldt` in Lhn Brit,i:.l1 I1uu:;c- 3 oz Cumnmns. and later the 1V1i11ist.or ml` :\gr'L- \ (`\11t,ure*. {O Show mu` e`xt,c`m of -.xppruv-.11 fur} sttvll u xno_=u:mre. stated that 0!` L110 (`L)U1l- ` =..iv;: in Great B1'tt.ain have lnnlicutval rva.dn1o:3'= Mr vn(m'vc~ an Ordvr rvquirim; the trv-.1t.n1rm: n. \vv.1`b1~~iniest,e(l manic ]J(`l'i0'.H(.`.1`._\1 du:`1n:.*. =- xuu:\t.)1:: of March to Jun : in you; 1() . l..... ....-.. ....\.x .1. \.-. . Tomorrow is Friday the t.hi1'tcenth. a day thought, by some to be lucky and by 0Ll1ers to he unlucky. The last. occasion was in Decom- ber and the next; will be eight months hence, in November.

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