e cent a word, cash, each inser- tion (minimum charge, 25c), five in- sertions for the price of tour. 25c extra if not paid within five days of date of issue; also 10c extra when rc- plles are directed to The Examiner. Store or business advertising (in~ cluding agents) in this column, two cents per word, cash with order (minimum 50 cents per issue, 70 cents if charged). PROPERTQFOR SALE :c.... ...... ....... n In 1-... =.......u....-. NO FUR SALE}---Wll|iS Alexan- cabinct grand. in good condi- Apply Box P," Examiner Of- 9b Il/\Rl)W()()D For suit`. .'m3' 1 l\nI\|\` .1 T7`. \7:n-(`no Flinn. - FARM? FOR SA] E [Linn ...... .. u.. 1:... 1:... WOOD FOIT: Can unu .-.... n in 1-). AUTOMOBILES .... n In 1-... e..r.m|... FOR SALE ... n-nu II |n 1-9.. Eva i .\1\1.r; -ll:I_I`(I\' R. N. H|(`klll1_L`. 'l'LhlUl\' UU/\l1l'l`Y. m<'ut.'1nrI split. I`r(m \1'1'1(` Fuel & SuppI_\' G , SALE in rnmn_ Ill pr1\V':m- non, Five ]"mnt.~:. (`all 1296. .'l' unml (-lm :'\my|.\' Thus, 9;) ' mnplo and r. G. Duns- mw nm rim: Sin mzmln and mun mun- inn upply . N1(`dUl11(` 7-9;) In. or 5-91) All (')l111)l \' (`u ` FARM FOR SALE OR REN'I`~-10f)l nm-on rrnnrl fnrm Innrl well hnilt nn.| FAKIVI FUR SALE UK l`Uh'N'l'~-lUl)I acres, gnnrl farm land. well built on. within 4 miles of market. school and {'hlll`('h nl Rrnrlfrwrl F`nr I'In'1hm' within 4 miles on market. school nnrl church at Bradford. For further pnrticulars apply to Evans & Evans. Barristers, etc-.. Bradford. 8-11b FARMS for sale or rent. your choice nt many good farms. large or small acreage. also some real l):n`;,rains in town property which must be sold to clear up c-slates. For fuller de-[ tails see W. C. How or nhrmt` 1419.1 9!) cI..mN'r's W/\I'I`ING I'm` li-rr:nrr1(-d mnrlr-rn hmmt--: nnrl h(*:nl('rl army`?-; NOTICE I wish 10 take this Impur- lnnity of th:mkin,z: all who . vrl m(- in the B;u`1`iC can1p:ni;:n. W. G. Kennedy. 9p A NUMBER OF FARMS on nur list have been in smnc time. Will own- ers please (-all and reclcs(:rihr:. Bar- rir- Ron] Estate Offir.-0. 9h, FOR CARPENTER WORK. Z('!n(`l`&l| ropznirs. nller;|1inn.<. hnrdwnnrl flumwz or cnhinel mnkimt, phone 732M. V. I..;1wx'(`m'(-.1830wun Bnrriv. Sl-lI`.h| ANYONE WANTING [(1 gr`! wnnl or ran r1u.:s made. Apply to The Ex- aminer Office. 91) HUu:s'1s.` AN1) L'U'l"l'l'.'H rnr mro: ax- sn well broken szlrlrlio hm`s0s. Am)|_\' Mrs. I-Iowartl Dymcnt. tclophmw |1n. 8-10h F.I.ICC"l"ROLUX (`TIEANTCR and run nwnlhl-r Fur rnni (`nrnnlnin vvh nll 1<;l.1':("1'H()1.LJx L7l.r;/\Nr;K and mother fur rcnl. (,`n>m])l0to with : .'|lt:u'hn1('nt.~: im-|urlin;.t paint spr: Lzun. R(.-nsnnnblo. 'I`c1ephum.\ 7.`)5F` 1 FOR SALE OR TO LET 1:... vnu nnw n n. 1-... I :-rnlruu-I I CARPENTERING. shop-work done, oak floors. new, and repair work. Anything in the line of huildimz. Pri('c-5 reasnnnlulo. .7. R. Cl'1l\Nf()l'(I. H6 Szmfurrl $1.. B:u'1'i(-. Ii-[Up OLIVER C`/\RS()N will out yu vvrmd t-x:1('1 length rl('.\'irr-(1. nnv :1 two (-nrrls 75:`. throo nnrl nw-r '7 onrd. Mm-hinv strung and .<:1l'c. Hiuh St. `Phone 1067!. 8-1 GANI')I'}R, W/\N l`|*`.D. or will vx- I'h!lI'I!'l` :1 HHINI` fur :| l`:l1'l(l(`l', I. Tho Examin(:r's .x`pocinI Lump Your nffor oxpirr-S. Saturd:1y. 'F`obrn:n`y 29. S00 pn;:e 9 for p:11'1i<`n]:n'.<. "` |HORSE AND CUTTER for hirr. 2:!- -:n uvnll h1'nL'r`n unrlrlln hnrune /\nn|\' I`lLI\/ll\lI` l"I.AI_ 'J`LI(~s(l.'1_`,'. M.'|rr`h 17- Nnrn `Dnmw. Im 21. (Rm. 6. I"..<,-nu. snlv of farm sltwk nnrl nu-ul< Kain .'II `I n nu A1\.r nn\l..4 a\J \.n\n.4nzAn\1n\n.4 N()'I`IC`F. is h('l`Pl')_\' _r.:iv(-n pur. tn !.h(- Tl`ll.\'C,(?(` /\('1 thnl all pt-1-suns hav- ing ~l::irn.< :u.:nin:<| tho Fslnlv nl An- ni(- Kt-ISQV. 1:110 ml` thv 'I`m\*n 1-!` Eur- rio. in llw (raunty of Sinwm-. wirlmv. rl(-r-m1. \\'hu diuri um nr nhuut lhv 25th day ml .l:mu:u`_\ . 1936, am` 1'0- nuu-utnrl In our! n:\|'lir-nlzuru nl` 1h(`iI` :9-111 NQTICE TO CREDITORS] Zhlh rm)` nl .l.'mllnI`_\ Hmh, (|ll(`3~'1(`( l In svnd p.'n'li(-ul:n'.x' nl` 1.h(-ir -lnim to thv nndm'siL:nvrl on or Lu?- |m'(,\ H10 I811`: rl.'1_v :11` March, 1.036, af- ter which date lhv (-xx-r'ulm' will dislrilmle the zxssvts of the Cslnif` among 1.hn_ onlillod tlu-r(-tn. Imvin5.: l'('L{}ll`(! nnl_\' In tho (-l.'|im.< of which tho) shall thou h:1\'(- nr1,i(-0. f"f\[`bI"\I`\Y\V I5 I.`f\C"T`T."|") nus: guys; a \/ \rA\A4lJnA \lnI|.r NO'[`IC'E is 11011-l1_\' p,i\`<.'n pIn'su:m1 In the Trustee ./\(:L that z\11.pursun5 hnv: , ing claims mgzninst theEs1.'1l.e_of Mar- garet Davis, late of the Township nf Essa.` in the County of Simc-02>. widow. docoasod. who died (an nr nhmn tho 26th day of ()('1t>l)(`l . 1S1.';.". nrv rvqlwstvrl In st-nd p;n'1i(-ul:n'.< ml lhvir (~lnim.< to the un(l(`,1`si;:n(-d on or h(-I':-r(- UK` 14th of M:n`('h. 1931i. ;:fl('r \\'hi('h dnlo H10 ('x(`('ulm'.< will (IF:-~ lrihutv1h(`nss(`l,snf tho (~. mnnm: thnso onlitlod thc-r(`l Imvinu roL{.'1rr1 ` nnlv 10 the claims of which they shall ihon have notic-0. ALEXANDER COWAN. Ex(`('u1nr.<` Suliciinr, 9-111) Barrio. Onlm-in. NQTICE TO CREDITORS KSIETIQE TO CREDITORS; GANDER, Wl\N'l`l*2l). VVIH (:hnn1.:(' n pznosv fur :1 1;:1mlm'. Dinwnnrlic. Phorm Ivy 161-12. Hp Iil|llll'I. lll`l`l'Zl5l'(1. \\'H() Ull'(l UH U1 about the 15th rlny of Dovmnlwr. 1934. are I`om1v. to send pm`tiL'u- Inrs of thvir (`IEHIHS in the under- . an or lwfnro lhv 14th day of T\/T:n~r~h I0 !!! nfInu- uvhi:-h rlutn Hun n\'. Sl(\Kt`l` Coal. Tenders for Co the best qu;-x1it_v 0 h:Ili\'nv*\' n? (`n::\ request of the Chairman of (`oum_\" Prnpc:'t_\'. and tenders for the Cnal for the Gaul and for the Court Hmxse " to be Qivon for deli\'er_\' nn .=1eighs- `and also for deH\'er_\` in 1\`Ia,\'. ._. u A H u..:.,:... I l t`ll\`(`l'}' (`I LTUIII I0 D0 h1H\'1L` 111 UK` 2| .. 4.. 1... ......v,\4 idI`CS$`0d I0? - D. H. COL}-ZI\IAl\'. $ County TreasL1rer. Barrio. _ W.-\L'I`ER E. DOWNE\'. `8-9b Chairman of C0un1_\` } ropert_v. I Dated at Barrie. February 11. 1936- 3 no gxven I01` (1ell\'t`1`}' slexgns nd also May. All Iofmders to be sealed and ad- 1'e. tn" MISCELLANEOUS - .... n In `rs... :w.mx.-.....v ALEXANDER (`OW AN. F'.\'c\mHnI`<' Qnlinih l\dIJ I \I \/I\LlIfl I \JI\&J F is h(\1'ol)_\' given purrzuzmi lo 5:100 Act that all 1wrsm1.< hm - nims .'\;:.'1insl lhv I`:\\'11l1(` (:1 Davis. late of the Tn\\'n.\'hi|y in the (`mmI_\' nl Simt-n(`. dorvnsod, who died on or [hp 1511`: rlnv 1:1` Dvr-mnlxl-r III |lIl'I| ll4l\ l` IIHLHK`. GORDON R. FOSTTCR. Solicitor for E.\'m-111m". Barrio. Ont. W/\N'I'l~)D l ucrt-s, with I State rvnt. inm` ()ffi('(`.. nro Inv H1 ' which dnl rilulte the nn rv` Ihncn , mm 7m- 71 $2.11.. I I'llll1 l\. . ('l`('(Hl im1)l1-- H. A. LHL' HILL` 1V|l. EIHH Wllh. llillllh IIllII' son. Her l`atl1or died in 1907 and her mothcr in 1929. She had resided in town all her life, hoimz married in 1891. She v.':1.-s :1 mvmhr-I` nf SI. An- ldr0\v`x P1'vshyleri:n1 (`hurt-h. i l Ailing for the past 1 the rlonth U(`(`lIl`l`('rl or Feb. 22. 1936. M` Ma EH2 1.0` 1-xuvutiu `I1\1x` I'k.'|). 4. Ii!-IU. IH lllnl l'1| son. wife of Jnm('.s` Hm slrocl. Bzn'ri(`. `She \' Barrie 65 _vo:n`:~'. zmrn. :1 the late Mr. and Mrs. H...` 11.... rnoI.n.. ,J:...l hu:;bnnd. Surviving: h(.`l` mu` are r1.'lll}I,hlCl'. Mrs. W. A. I\1m'ph)`, Win- t('1'l)0uI'nc: four .~:istm`s. I\'I1':<. W. J. M('Kinl(`_\'. Rznrrirz. l\/Irs. II. A. ]" Phil;1cle|phi:1, Mrs. '1`. R. Millvr, An- Lznln. Inrli:m:1. and '1\/hzx`. (`..'Pzn`r. Mir]- lzmd; also one lumtlwr. John I-ludsun. B:1I'ri(`.. and 0110 }1l'lIl1f](l:lllL:h1(`l'. A snn. Nnrmzm. (lied six \'v.'u's ugn. UIIHHI LI'H|l'Il'l_\. Hu- lwinu: VVHIII-1' Hunk, ,Vc-rnnn Hunk. H(H`\ ('_\' u |.Im1cs and Lc:~;|iL- Hunk. |lrl\ u::.; |\ j_;u|u \Ix|I_\ \\'hi(-h he shall Hu DATED Foh1'u:1r_\' DONALD (I.11h Tv`\`(-r-I Cl..Il'IN'I'S W/\l'I'IN(i lnl` li-I`r:.')m('(! 1 mmltern h()ll.\`l!.`; :mrl hvzulvd .'np:n`t monls. Bm'ri(.- Ron! F1: 91)] 1:: hw 1 ___'__.j_.___.___ NOTICE TO CREDITORS mm- 3 __ WANTED RELIABLE AGENT ru.'n1v 2.1. 1:r.m. Jnllll \\ mxo .I.'I his 74111 )'<'::1`. T"1nu-ml Inn 12110 I`c.s`idt'n('t'. In 23. (`mm nisfil; on SaLu1':1:ny. Fob. _`.Z.`). p.m.. with servir-0 :11 T'roshv (hum-I1. Strand. Yntm'm(-n1 i Iinv ('<-nwlt-I'_`.'. Tnni-<!'il. nn 1 \V`IVY`\' A. u 4 on w .. - If you have 1 or over. Iyimz` _v uu n `um u teed. and 5 investment to 20 _\`ear.< to _\'v'.x:'.\; but '.`x'\T`.I.`t`1`.1.{L`L' :11 ymzz` cull. I<'h`;)11-J!`;~` rm. a1ppoiz1:`1on:. N. .\l. 'l`ll0.\lSO.\' 16 Collier St. Tel. 1572 tun-......-. I\IL mm T1. 13'$i'aIf'e1 Greenhouse 17!, _ I. r-jtujj jcc :c--: 2 ('.~\Rl.0.\l).~1. (:00!) Y()l'.\'G IIORSES Jl'.\"l` .-\RRI\'El) Sv\`('r;1l _::uod n`|'.&l('!It`(1 towns and :1 number of good _\oun_:; nuxrvs in foul. if you wum real horses 500 these before you buy. G. W. ATKINSON, CROWN HIL ':,`,`,;`fj,";,ii Potted Hyacinths and DAFFODILS FUHN I.`-ilIl'Il wnnlt-rl for 1-ilv unnlr-rl age] All seasonarlle cut flowers. INVESTMENT ..'..F!9_..3f9!!.M:FZ..f., THE BARRIF. EXA-MINER. BARRIE: 0NT.. CANADA MARRIED BORN funds of 2 Lg idle for ` lHu'1':|| n-um I115? 9."`I l'?11 v, Fr=h._`.Z.`). z1.t.';}3_-,;\..; T :-oshytcrian _| - {ntm'm(-n1 in (ith |' ll.'!I'l'_\' l|mL_ Jones. Philip two mumlhs. nn Suiurtlzny. Ii /4;1l) Hurl- mk 54 Dultnn H l..... any. tutu. \\iI.` IJUIII Ill 1 (Iutu:,h1m* of Ilurr 9 Hurl- ~ 1I'|l\ 7 nu ! Innu- ,uu; u`. Dfitabl-' __ _r 1.- ' $1.000 * w11ic`;1 Ylll Thurs :n c `\\.Hl |)|' ll ;lll.\' lIl`.\X \"('(`|i. 3 A. P.. C.'n`I(~_v has rm"(-i\'(`d :1 pho- '1`m;zmph and ch-.~:crip1inn nf :1 hu;:u.' L-sailfish caught at Palm Bench. 1 Florida. by his brother. W. F. Cm`- <|o_V of Long: Branch, NJ. The fi'~'h i\\'.`1s P. fvr-1, T13 inc-luvs It-11.11. I1 \\':usj riru\\'m-cl and hzmlvd n1m:n-(1 in 1'.`0| ',mi1m1v-:. 'J`lu- wt-i;;h1 was 722; ll>s.| T .. A . .. , 1 CARD OF THANKS I L J \J:I`IJII.-IQ lgc, 2 for 25 Vanilla Ice Cream topped with our 1mn1v1n:1clo Cl'(`:1I11 BuLLc1's(:oLch in We pk;.',`s. or in 17;. ` 2-Ih. lmxvs at 401: ll). l.i(-mice Allsmts` 251 Chocolalte Peanuts 23( llumbup;s .......... .. 17c Special Gums ...... .. 19 Pcarlt-(1 Peanuts .. 23( B_R;Y$0N S Kai} 2.1 F. S-Tk)R~E Phone 39 WE ARE IN Till . M/\RKI*`.'[` fn` nrl l':|f1\` zmzl Hl'(`(`(| wrml fur ()l'[`Y l)Ali{Y l .Rl(`KS 250, half 13c x :~. \v.':s Ash VV(-(lnosd.'I_v. W. O. Mz'Kmnnn will have an- nu- I"1l' nf` `*un~L-Ixu 1\/Y-nvnlu 4: r\r\1l '7 LOCAL NEWS Butterscotch . U1.`5`?A'.5_ kl. l\'ll'l\llHlHH \`\/HI IIi|\'L' i1ll' ':n' M I1:n`.<<`.~: March ti and 7. u'~n'.s' Wurld Day M` I`r.'1_v-1', . lu~l)1'1I:1x`yu 28. ul 3 11111.. in Sin-M `mplisl Chlnrrh. H. I\,. . ..r 1:... LUNRCH AT Homemade Chocolates `Till DIIIYF HRH TUII LVJCH \lSL`F`.. lanncd to repeat in another ht ` % _c}L{1i13Y_ may U] I` I":-h1'n.'I I`_\' Andrn-W's nu. WI`) IHH`; IN `I III`. lV|l\l\'l\l`.l ed `aux nml l'I(-(-(`H \I.'rml I 'I`m'unlu Mill Sluvk ('0. l.imi unto, R. Ont. GIRL WANTED for L{(?n(!l`:II house- work. Sleep nut. Apply 28 lg'1i'/.n- bclh St. 913 is not fully advertised tice in `Coming E\'ents'.l III- . 250 ll). s 230 lb. 17c lb. . 19(: ll). . 23 ll). .\\'I VI|'|'- n1 8 p.m.. `.\'1)yl:-ri:1n! - v.-......... V. uxrun u-nv-1.-unv The funeral of the late John Sin- cmir. prominent "Barrio industrialist and Mason. \\=:Is very largely attend- iod last I~`i'id:r\' nftemmm, Fol). 21. g 1936. Sorvioo \-ms conducted by Rex- Dr. J. Shnrti at his late residcmco. 42 Tm-mmtn S1.. at two o'clock. Dr. Slmrit rCfcrr(`(l foclimzly to the sterl- im: qunlilivs of Mr. Sinclair and the great respect his friends held for him. He told of the many unknown thin1{.\' Mr. Sinclair had done tu help p(`t)pl0_ how he \vns :ll\Vi\_VS ready lwilh lSSlSllll1(`l` fur the needy. (`nrinlhinn i.nd;,10, AF. 8.: /\.M.. trmk the : :11 B1ll`l`l(} Union '(`mm`iv1'y. lws1nwim.: lust honors on Mr. Sim-lair. :1 thirty-third dog:-ox` in/r-u-nu '1*h.. n-1H_|\r\'n~nrc uvnrn nll ll'H1"1l'|',\'. l)('SU)\\ H]L , IEISL IHHIUFS Ull Mn.-nn. The pull-luonrors were all iprumimznt hmlhor Masons: Alex. !(`nuvnn A Y Rnailh _T W 1\/fr\rrir~k u mnrkof. . ll)r. R. J. Sprntt. Rzn'1'i<`.. '1`. R. W. mm-l<. 'I`m'nntn, and D. C. Patnmru. Orillin. l`h(-rv was :1 ho:1nliful profusion nf l'ln\\'0r.<. inrludim.-; tnkonx frnm lho l'.I|nwinp,: Hugh (`:n`.s' T.lIm:a;z(~ (`u.. '()H:1wn: A. R. Clarke (`n. T.td.. Mc- -Lend. Ymm_L: and Weir R: Co. Ltd.. I`rl|<`h,-min] Insurunt-n`. Wnml, Gundy &- (Tn. Ltd- Wickolt & (`min C0,, R:Inw. 'l`1-mplv. Alhvrt Kerr Hido l(`n.. Turnntu: /\n;,;lo-(`:Inndi.'m Loath- vr (V1,. 'Huni.x'vill(`; Supronw Cmmoil, Scnltixh mw; R:n`1`iv Union f`(\n1(`- .l1m'_v (`mmmnyz Smnvt (`hnptt-r, Mn- ;. 1`vn1pI\ I.imit(-(L former mn- !1Inyr`os ml Barrio T.-nmim: C`r>mp:m_\. (`m~imhim\ I.nr1;:', Wlrrio (`urIin_1. (`luh. Bzmk of Tnmnln, I"n\vvII`-4 Or (-ho. B:n`ri(`; Robson Lonthor Cu. O.s'h:n\'n; Davis Leather C0,, NOV :[Jl' Hll|llI.'llL lH'(llHl'l' IVHISIHIS. 1 A. Cownn. A. W. Smith. J. W. Mocc .- . .....v.~.v x\ Hll'H|IJUI III (`nthnlic (`hurt-h ifnlumhus. dvvcns uni sportsman. I ` .`.ric-kt,-n with pncumrmiu. fnnn wlnirh ho .\`U(`1`(`fl for less than :1 .\\u~<~k. John Bzuptisto CElIh])l)('. C. 111.11. SHI1i(ll) (I)_ .('l11 at Bzlrriv . {July 1. 19152, pn.<(_-d :nw.'n_\' at. his hum. 123 ()w(.-n S111-ct. Znrrie. alum! 7 pm F1idz|_\'. I"(*l'n`uur_\' 21, in his 66th ) ('1I`.'. Yfn xrzm inc-1 :-nvnnh-(inn 45 vnnrx -~--- --~-- 1 .-u.u:"r0.\' BOWLERS 0RGA.\`l7.E} At the annual meeting of Allistrml Llawn bowlers recently. Rev. W. M. {Lee was elecied president: F. S. .Hackett. vice-president: and E. %Cook. secretary. J. I-`. McLean and TC. F`. Clark were appointed secre- itaries for games. HOUSIFI W/\N'I'|`ll') St'\'t'n ` mmvnt-rl nnnrh-I-n Inn)-:0 :|\':1 I-`UNERAL OF JOHN SINCLAIR VIII .1 LOBH UARYJJ I"n| Im\'in;,' nu-:nn.n\i\ 15115` 5UI'V'l\`(`S I()g( l|'I(.'I` \Nl`.H >l.`( (.'llIl(l- _ren: I\/lrs. J. L. O'Lear_\'. Tottenhnm; ;.1, J. Cumpbe-ll. Barrie`. Miss Auclmy iCampl)c-ll. at home: S. P. Campbell. -Palzrave: and Francis and Konm-`h ltwins. students at Holy Rosary Nov- |itiate. Ottawa. One brother. 'I`. J Campbell. Toronto. and two Misses Mary and Katharine Cam!)- bcll. Toronto. as well as seven igmanclchildren. also survive. JOHN FR.-\N(`lS M4\IIONIC\' )UHlL.\. AH olcgmph 1 nnrl in F JOIIN l ..-`\l"l`lS'l`I`I (,`;\I\Il`lH'Il.L Additional obituauries 05 page 6. '(`.'1l (l. in Barrio in Docembcr. 1883,! 'd was :1 mm of Nlrs. Muhnm_`_\' ' u Into I)<-unis lVl:1hnw_\'. and mix <-:n'I_\,' d:\)'.< hart`. :|11!`mlin;; `_\".\' Svhnnl and T:n`1`i(- (`u)ll1~;;- -mm:-. 'l'hv f:nmil_\,' moved in n nhmlt twt-nt,\' }'t`:ur.< np,<). In I. ......` r... n\'n\\r vi-alrc nu |)l`l' (ll bl. l'\'|l'l .\ l\.Ullhlll hurvh and the Knights of . d(`(`L'()S('d `was also an urd nan-. H()U5I`I W/\N'l runnwrl nmrh-rt nr lw|`m'1- Apri Bnrriv I*2xamim n\..; u ........- : illvmss from m Fr:1m`i.s' Mnhnm-y. HA ..I `Hus-win r\t\Hn~lIr| l.I'U nIII_\ ui. III .71. . Iiurriv, \\'m'u in` `ull-honr(`r.< int-lmlwl 'ri(-. an old friend ml" V 41. HI lll.\ UUHI _Vl'|'-. `urmx.-lim,' 4: ) _vr~.'n',~ I Trunk and C. `IL. - retired on pension VHS lHHllZ|l'| ||`(l. S1. P(`1r~r`.< Run . "I H". Y4 : uhiu Quality Meats at LowPrices SAUSAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 lbs. 25c RED` SALMON . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 lbs. 25c ROAST BEEF . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-15c lb. Choice ROLLED ROAST BEEF . 16-19c WING ROAST BEEF . . . . . . . . . . . . 17c CHOICE DAIRY BUTTER . . . . . . . . 27c FRESH VEGETABLES, OYSTERS, FRESH AND SMOKED FISH s11(:cv.:sl`ully npvr:xI,v(l by lhv laalv John (.iillu-mnvy fur :.L mnnbt-1` of _V(`:11`.s'. WILL BIC ()I~`!lClH".I) I-`UR :s`.r\I.l<`. HY l'l'l .i.l(` 1\U(7'l`I()N. ON 'l`lIl'1 l`I{l.\llSl l.\' 'I`l:,\'l` \'ll.l.:\(.`.|-2 11 Dunlop Street at 3 11.111. French and Welsh cobbles M(')DF.RA'I`l*.l.\ T'R]( T`.h HOUSE wnnlt-rl In rt-nl. wnulrl t-nnsidr-r lm_v- im: lnlor if .\';Ili.~|':u`lmg\'. Apply, st-.11- in;.: |')HI'li(`ll].'Il'.`:_ rvnl nml st-Ilingi |)1`i(-v in Box V_" li`.x.'nniI1(-I`. THE Bl'.`ST COKE, Discg (Clean and Smokeless) BARRIEFUEF-&$F'P.PLY.9.9.: FUEL - Builders` and l":u'nu:rs SuppIi(ts - ll()l.S_l'2S r\I (\(\l\ Specii%%Offer ft Lep Year A In urdcr tn incrc:1.~c um" ;:l1'c;nlj.' 1;1rf.:c IN ml` sub- . wc zurc nI`I c1'in2_' 'Il1.: Iixznnincr (which rcg`u|:u`1_\' sells lrn` .*`3.HH and ix wnrth mnrc) Also for Paid-in-Advance Renewals SLll\\L`l'il`L`l`r% wlHll1ix111 p:l_y1l1cirsul)- . In :1 llzllc in :1.pl\;1m`c :1 l"c|>. 3`), Win, :1lsr>:;'c1 Illc mm-til ml lllc Ircc two l1]()I1ll1.\` givcxn in llllx Don t forget that this special "offer expires with the special Leap Year dlate, Feb. 29. Subscriptions mailed, ii" mxniflcll cm Sutur- Llzly, Fcl`. 2`), will l~c;u=.`;j,\Ic.ul 111uu}_'jl1tl1c_\/ do nut rczlcli tln-u1I'iyc lwy 1.31:1! llzttc. You Get BIG VALUE If ,\'Hu want In N w-.-11 int"--ramul an wl1:u'>` .'4'UinK nn in Sixmuc (jru1m_\;. rcmi The iurric lixzuniner. L)(m t miss rm1`spcciul utlcr :18 months for $1.00. W/\N'I'F.D II) In cln.-:.-4 x.::n'rI'n .-nil. well ilH|H`n\'('(|. ulm'.~:. |nw(-:;l r.'n.~:|' Q" n.-..-.-in I1`. 5END-%Y0R WEAR TQM! `mu m;:\' gut ell;-:11`.-1'; lvctlcrmlllcilx1hc(jum;. Up-to-the-minute News < THE 1355}: woon, ALL KINDS The Big DaIpce_[ _`a;vili0n ,.,\,\- pup-.{ \'i(-turi:L St. and ll:|ilw.'1y Subscriptions r\u\-.- rwwii BLUE or BLACK COAL 8 Months fm ne Dollar ON SATURDAY, Your Last Chance C'llI'('KS from lllt l_V nwnvrl flunk (1 rod Rm'k.~:. (mlv 115:1-rl. T"I't'(- l`('<'(l a phone 739.!` M. J. BRENNAN EBERTA co_1__\_g. OPEN TILL FERUARY 29 IE C00KST0WN{ TO PROFIT BY . M. I{l"'I`l.I'lI)(El'I, 1\ll('UOIH`,l`|' MARCH 7, 1936 }`1!`p<`!'`~ MI! _`.'-nu ;;tn't get :1 .\inm`~c. \\ c i4i\'c:- of Blarrie and District Phone 50 or 51 Every Week BABY ('l|l('l\S 1'('.'IrI_\' Im` fl(`ll\'(`l'_\': nv(`I'_V Wt-(lm`srl.'I\' t'nnmwn('inL: Mm . H. H:n`I't'rl nnrl Whilv Plymmllh` Rm-ks. Whik` I.m:|mrns and Now I-[_aIm).~:lIi|'(`.~: lRv(ls>. Buy nl hnmou whm'(- _\'uu gm-I rmnl .~:m'vir-(9 fullnwim: ymxr pm'(-hast`. Ten years of earnest (!l'l`nr1 tn pmrlllvv tho lwst in pnulhv ` nnrl lhvro is mum lu-tlvr in Ontnrin. HnI'r_v Mnrron. I} North R.'H`l'i(. 9-H \ Ehori` (?ANl\I)l\'S ()\`V.\' I"lII'2L Page Nlnl ! u .\'lll`lf sun (': l,\'|1 ,\'n|n'.-wl I . rlm-Ix rm" 1-Inch-n Ix` WE WANT T 1.0m In rvtnil 200 u_u:u'.'n nl-nrhlnl-< In l\\'l`l` HM I01` (I01 I"rmlIu-` Mnnlrv; Llvr. nuwl. wnm a nu ~ ;u;,v,nL-st rice paid. P|_mnc 334 or Wl`ll(.` Box .42. Barrie P.(). 8-12p EXPERIENCED ('OOK-CENI".RAI-. umnfr-rl, Mung! ho frmd nf (-hilrlron. (lll(`L\` Mil ('lu. |l'l 1 itcd v:n'nm fur d('l:nl:: T`rnr|Iu-In I Y LEGION H.-\I.I. FUR 1`\F.N'1`~Smt-I able for d:1m`o.\`. rurd p:~ru.`s. after-1 noun tons. public lnootim.-,5. Kxtchena facilities a\'uilabl0. also phone. For ratos. apply A. E. Allen. telephone 654M. ltfb Thursday, February 27, 1936 rl B1\Y\'II<`.\\' Inn R! (`IV APART`.\IF.N'T`S TO LET Threel heated apartments. complete In (`vorv detail. ha1'd\\'ood oors. Choice heated apalrtmonts. complete in every detail. floors. (`lN`tric range. refrigerator. blinds and fi.\'tures. one or two ht-dronms. =I\'m'lable 1\`Iarr`h 1. For fu11 infnr-` rrmnn can V6 1" `Haw nr 1':1H} In1mum:uc pa v _\'(`:u` ruund. rein-.'o1`:u1 . and _-,:m`:\2v.`. Info: janitor nn promi. `. .__._____:___._. nnmvnn 1419.7. In r(`l:nI ZUU L!lI:u'.' `.)l'(Idll(`l.\' In (wvr I0 Vulll` town and rlislr I .\'lll`l` .\':I|(`, Unusu: nhliuh 1| unnrl I\:|\ YOUNG C./\LVI".S WANTED for vcalinu. Phone .'ir2. nh y H In Thu Fugnnilu-r\ 12.. .091` AND FOUND 'i?f{i{i4:l:iE'1~i" ?i~ifui?1~' [Qua 31-I|| _.... u an Thu Fx.nIIIl.nr` HELP WANTED uuuuuu um. II In Thu S-nmlmu BABY- 'l'() RENT frnm 5 In 50 I lnir Iunilrlinxrq fur :1 ll-run WANTED n unu H In Thn =1 l'() Hl'2N'l' H`( Izmir hui|(limz.~:. Apply Box ` `Hm lnlnnrl 1v.\:I('rl m'i\'ntv- '|u('.k of lu_'_(`(|-ln-l:1_\' n.'u`- ()n|\- 221': In mm!-n (`v 5' .*\I`.~\R'1`MEN'1`S. 215 Dun H` ;u\:u`tIm`nt :1\`:\il:1bIv fw p(`.\`.\`(`$i0l\ Hot \\':1tc: d. 1`ol`ri;(`1`:I1inn. v.`10n`Iri l"\I"1l\'AV Tnfnu-vnntinn frnn EXPIs2RII9NLI1;I) L`UUK-uI~;NI-;HA1. wanted. Must be fond of chilrlrcn. 187 Brarlfnrrl St. 9]) TS 'I`hree BULLS FOR S.~\I.I~`. -- Dark 1-od~ ilvdrtmonts. Shm-thorn bull. eight months old. etail. vczisteredz dark roan Shorthnrn ge. hull. seventeen months old. regis- . Jervd` also man bull. 5 we. old. rev ' ` n`r`*1 infm would exchxmgzv for hull of about: W. C. How or c:1H Jxhe same age, D. J. Miller, Utop`.~1 . 9b 6r2, Ivy. 9;: ' CIIICKS n In `I'Inn Cvnnlln` U('. \l . S/\| .l`2SlV1/\N mrzmlm-d n(-<-(`ssil.\' l(l(l() vun.-:\Im('rs in iclrir-I |'`.\'l\I'\' hrun-` VW\N'I`F.D In `I'D... E-nsnnlnnll ll.`:(`_ ,-,\-H /\|)}1|`\' 1HH(`|l('||1L{ lVI1ll'. hilv Plynunllh yrns homo -rvivo wars Hz-r in ntnrin. .2. nunr-(~ (`nus H. Ollmvnv. I 9|) I lllll [ml ./\mn|A\' vs of first ` nf T:n'rix'. 'nH n:|I'H1'- 'l` lur mix- fnr '.'I.'~'h. ni1('rl. I`nI`- !Ll.'ln LIVE FOWI. WAN l`ED~ Ilighcst m-ico nuirl. Phone write or (`iuhl-- .'ul:nhl(~ on Huv `|"" .. m ..x. :1 It-rm. Exam- Sin 'l. 'I`m~- 9- l.'lp l'2lll\S' 9.111. ?ll'H(`- `(H'- 9!) PIAN dria tirm. fice. 'l'Wl`jl,.Vl'J-lNL,'l`l HAND SAW I01` salt`: also small wand turninp; lathe. Apply I'I;u'r)lri Hill, 55 Eli /.nhcth SL. `Barrie. 9|) SEVERAL ELECTRIC lNCU'BA'l"- ORR Pnr -.-nln Annlv AR ("nlIinr SI SMALL SUMMER, CO'I"I AGE want- cd. low rent. near water. Bm'rit.- Real Estate Office. Oh brgvmkt/\I., l_'JL.l`.L"l'lUU lNk,'Ul75l\ 1`- ORS for sale. Apply 48 Collier 251. Phone 1409. Sltfb AMBER HONEY for s:1lc--Up to 100 lbs.. 50 per lh.; over 100 lbs, 4`/ac per lb. Apply Jas. Rix. Crown Hill. 5-9:) 17-I-ANo FOR SALE---WiIlis Alexan- rlrizu I-nhinrii rrrnn in rvnnri mindi- HONEY FOR S/\LE---0nc forty-lb. pail, white $3.75: two for $6.70. Twelve fives. `umber, $3.60. Twenty- mile free delivery. Maguirc Br0s.. Mincsinu. 5211'!) WINDMILL. with .'1u1nm:Ili(' irir). s::1lr- or would cxrh:mu(- fur wt WlNl)MH.I.. Wllh nllmmzmc Imp, Km" 9.2110 or would cxchzumgv work horse or rnlllc. Jnmvs W. Monro. Stayncr, 91h line Sunnidnle (Clear- vicw (TYnrn(r1's), 9-1()p IN I`F.RNA'l`I()N/\I. GASOLINE EN~ CINE. H1 H.P.: also Bt.-utty washing machine. in I.{f)()(l (~mdil,irm. reason- able price. Alvin Webb. Slrmld. tril- (sphnmr 18i'32. 9p SF.I.I..IN(`i OUT ENTIRE STOCK nl` tnhlc. radio and her] Imnns at uno- thirrl nff. Prices rnnxzc from $1.00 up. Ml|(illL{ mum for new .`4h)('k. ghmisfil Elm-h'i-. I.(-|`m.v_ {ml TIRE ("HAINS nt :1 hnI`L{.'Iin-- -nne sot hmlvy duly slrrcl t-hzuins zmrl nno SN .ruhl)(rr ('hnin.<. both for six-inch |l,ir(~.=:. Apply Brymn &. Marley's ser- |viccr station. Brzlrllbrrl St. Stfx M( )DF.RN BRICK HOUSE with all ('nn\'m1i('I)r'('s. gum! g:n'd(-n .-mrl ;_g;u~- sum`. d('SlI`:lI)l(? lrmntmn. T ri(:r- reus- WHEAT. OATS AND BATITIEY umntr-rl Annlv D I. Ritzhnn 19.5 'I`(n'- ('un\'('HI('nr'('s. ;:nn(I x,':n'm-r :u.:(-. I" nn:Ih|(.'. Wrilo Box 1098. 59 Eli /.:||)(`,lh SI. TWEIJVE-INCII BAND SAW for salt-: also turning l`R/\U.F.R, I"Ul'\`, S/\I.FI - 2-wl'u,-vh-(I lr.'1il<.'1` with 20-inch wh(`t'ls. /\m)l\' :m H.'n_\'1'it-lrl Sl.. Bnrrit-. Sm (`AR l"(`)H S/\I.I42 192$) (`In-vmlt-l (-nnr-h, privnlc-l_v nwm-rl. C. M. Wis:r`- mnn. l("l'))h(IlI(` lM.".W, 9_n lEF.D FOR SALE -4 lmvo :1 (unmily of good quality split IIUHS. suitable for vntllv. |m;.:s, unrl |mu|l.r_V 1 m~(lin_xt. at 1'cn.~: prim-s. W. ll. lll`.\`|_ uI'uin.<. (-l<-.. (,7.N.R. 13`:-eight Shvrls. R:n'1'iv. ti-lflh I |*'zn'mt-rs |'(-quirin;.: an-('(l |l(`2lS. unclor mum-:u-1.. pluusv (-mnrm1ni<`nt(- onrly. hm-fnro supplies are oxh.'1u. W. H. I-hlrsl. Allistnn. 0:11.. or C.N.R. Il`l`(`i;:ht Shvds. B:1r1'i(-. 6-ltlh C`ON'I`R/\C"I' PF./\S SEASON 1.`l.'6 ` W( NH ilu'| Inn llI\l(l)V\ U()l) mr suit`. length. Apply J. E. Varcmr. Phant- (3(J6r3. 9b DRY BODY HARDWOOD for sale. cut 12 inches long. L. Wiggins. to]- (-phmm 1453. 5-9h SEED AND FEEI) FOR SALE [Emu um. Inn: in In `rs... :......n..... WAN I'F.D-_ H2 or 3 1-ufim-d _\'mIn_u, mt-,n % In I-rmm Ill nri ::h- hull!-:(' PINS!` I0. I W001) !()l'{ S.`\[.lC ll:|I`(I\\'runl. I2 iIu'||(-< lunn T.` N Hit-lzlinu l |unu- DRY Ir-nx-H1 Hllllllk In! ISM-ph`n.~:. `FIVE 'I`HOITF'./\ND l"f'II Lmml t-lml 1nI:n1l< fur .\'2lI(`. ('h(':1n, ./\nn|\' 'I`hn.x'.: QU/\I.I'I`Y W()()I) nru-vs. 4-H. Innu n LQUl\l.l'l'\ VV()()l) .'lI 1'(`:lS(Wl1(lh|C' |)I`l(`(`S. Inms, 1)!` cut In m'd(~1'. Phone 88. The Sm'_i(':1n1 C0. Lid. 5-9!) WOOD FOR S/\l.F.-- Dry I ho(`('h (`Hi from hie, limhvr. nmrv. Barrio, RR. 1. Plum I4 VVOOD SUI`1".I`\I()R (MT/\LY'I'\'. kin(L~'. 4~fl.` or Um and snlii. Pm l{lll(L\'. 4~ll.. dL'Ii\'('I')'. B lI"hnnv 999. II. \Rl\T FOR S.`\1..F. -- 100 acres on llI:;h\\':1_\'Nu.ll.Im12(LVV`:.C |(`Ins(` to \'iII:1_;v and school. A|)pI_\` 1.1115. \' TI:1\\'l<('.<\nxu-,R.R.2.8-12p WHEIAT. ()/\'l'S AN!) H/\m,r.'Y wzmtocl. Apply D. E. Bishup. 125 'I`ur- nntn S1,, or phone 40M.