Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Aug 1898, p. 4

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*axRIE%`ExumER.`4; }LI3PQ:hrIUvIPae. I No surremer $1`! 5 pm, Barrie. .. __g1_d Men and Kldnoy niuale. w --L _-:|..L -We are having a great run of lugki with` oui_"sacx'ici'ng sale -of Summer Stock, bought at discount, Its like the kick of the Klondyke and the pupie are striking rich veins every time they buy. ~ Let no one stay away. '1rp}n Ca`shman & Perry s while thg salg is on. _ The stock is" to beprailrpozided throimgh at express speed`7y;7'1'h fpx-ices fomahawked to the scalp,` This sale has Won the _of way and the campaign will be sharp, swift 7` aid decisive. `n A _ GASHMAN 8zFERRY, ` innwwivgop. Jwnlee, _of~ Barrie, was .?A. Brownlee, recent.- xvisited Orillia last umywuuvu w vnv yuan... ....`......- ..,~ tiosf `is Tdiecidmilly gratifying. _ The` 'iu0erst throughout the Nogth Western ;States._in the Canadian Npfth Westiam rapidly increasin ,";and the agencies " :_ ; l1i ;1hdLW`l`B'iLi1i._.l1?l_V_&'9_::hLL1i!1. f_oic1lentsaasbn a business; Mr.- Pedley` Lnndnbundant evideneq of the'_spIendid uunnn I A nnmann nl` s \v\`so$s~o~s.\. is at the u U L ug-.u. R Au . `. 3-Don t forget the garden party at J as. Ignaz on Friday evening 26th. `A`_g0od time is expected and all are welcome. - " Wm Sinclair ir. met with an-accident on time is expected am! an are Welcuulv. Wm. Sinclair jr. `Monday while preparing to thxesh.' `As he , `was going to draw water for the engine the horses took fright at the noise made by the barrels As he was endeavoring to unhitch them from the Waggon they started, o'tak- ing him along with them. he being entangled inhr harneswnnrfbefore-they-couid ' he- stopped `hwasi badly bruised about the ` head and back. u:.., 1': mm" ..+` Mirnand, is:'\'isitinE at heatl tum Dacx. Miss E. Chw. of Midland, _is' visiting T. R. Sanders` _ vm... 1:u....a.. Qonaru in viszihncr Her hunt T. K. Sanders` . Miss Rhoda Saudersis visiting her aunt in Oriliia. ' - ` Mrs. Bonus, from I`ordnto. is visiting her ` daughter Mrs. John Metcalf. The meeting of the Ladies Aid and W-. M. ` %-&h&44LGumLchmii', Wednesda3_ 17th, vvas largely attended. ` Mrs. Cameron. of Allandale, secretary of W. F. M. 3., was ' present and gave a most interesting pddrss, which was Appreciated by all. Mr and Mrs Rubert Brown. of Midiand. which Appreclatqa By an. Mr. and Mrs Rubert Brown, pf Midland, are viaiting `their daughter Mrs . Alf Cara- cadd___2_u._ ` _/,1?` 6 Ir TTM-oh hm: lwnn vlzina frinnds in b 1' V'I'he`repo_rt` which of Imm_ig1'aion,~ makes of his trip of impaction _to the United States agen- ......,'-:.. -.I..m.-l...`l'Iu no-ofuinrr Thu Toronto and Lnnqon. - __ -' Mrs-Wm. Todd and daughter `Hazel are visiting friends in Peuetang. v "nu? farm:-rs amund here` are verv busv cauun._ _ ;,n' F. -Darch has been waiting friends in P'l`oronto and London. - 1.-1.... [Um much! and nvunhfnr 'u7DP'-arm vnsmng menus In reuerang. Th? farmers around here` are very busy threshing just now.. V contained in two certain Mommges, wmcn wlllbe roduced at the time and )lace of Sale, there-w [be offered for sale by Pub c Auction, at the Queen ; Hotel,.in_the Town of Battle. on will be rouuced at me time and nace or sale :1 Queen ; Hotel,.in,the ;,,n.%aao1n mi sepiemher, % \ hu Vlnlnu {`u-nml`m- t. vince of Ontario, containing together ten and a ' I composed.. are on the . \ 1 '11 "` ' "V .~.~-~ ~. 1898 at 12 o'clock, 110011, by Finlay Crawford, l'sFc`L., Anctioxieer, the t'gilo\ving.\'a1ua.ble oundry and other properties, that is rm:-"-L I to say: PARCEL No. (11--All and singular those cer- tain parcels or tracts of land and re1nises,situate, lying and beirig in the Town of arrie. and Pro uarier acres more or `less. bein irstiy: of {lots numbers one an t West side of Baytield Street. and two and three on theEast side of John Street (W. C. Ross'.Bioek.) shown on registered plan `No. 17. of part of Bar- rie aforesaid. ` ' < ' PARCEL No. (2)--Lots lettered '_`B and E" North of Ross Street or the Sunnidale Road. as laid down on a plan of Subdivision of Town` Lots four and six Vest of John Street. and live North of the Sunnidale Road. in the said Town of Barrie, made b I-lenr 1 PARCEL No. i3l-L0t3 ve West of Mary. Greswicke,,P.L.S., and iei in . the Reg stry 0 cc. for the County of Snncoe, on r . the 28th November, 12370. CASTO RILI '1 (W. 0. Ross surveyain the said Town of Barrie. ` Thereis situate on Pnmel No. 1) a. largc'and ` commodlous Brick Factory. use at the present ' time an foundry which is in, _a first-class condi- t1o_n,and convenient to the runway for trans or- tzmon ~:1nd other purposes ' 'the building i If covers about one acre: Pnrml No. (2)-- l`here me two rst-class Brick !,,the Novcmber,_1870. 1 1` VP,\RCEL.No. x3)-Lots Mary |-Street; and ve. and six East cf Toronto Street ' `I surveyah; the said Town of Barrie. ` (1) -nI}n xmlws, I- iindrfxeillzitiua Vmgdg : It ertii !.i 35'.7nnd the -dues for `Amer. `ha. arnmvl haul "in cs5un5i1' }1as`'b_een_ famed ' ;cipyjvnVtmgrggsn;;` inm` _ . . _i!31iv,*year1j; p'si:qizi_tsTt6j.cut~ - "ood= an:--ties7V;o1i.Acermndued. ' a"`tr'_p 1 _i Inmi6_r__.` 1The_fe e` V Pgxrcel No. (2)- l`here xst-class Resulences, which are now rented am good rental.` Parcel No. (5)--Has erected thereon a large and rented good rental. _P:u'ee1No.(5)--Hasereetedthereon eommodious Residem-e. and in c-.onneetio1rthei'e- with there isan orcimrd and extensive grounds. This parcel will besold subject to first mortgage for $1000, - ` . _ ' ` 'l`hei-c wiilhe:u'e3e1`ved bid for each pnroei. - TERMS :--Ten M31` cent of the purchase money on the day of sale. and the balzuice within one , month thereafter. with six per cent.pernnnum. ~ Further terms.:1ndconditions"-xvili iiggnade tneicafter. with six cent. pernnuum. terms .:1mlcond.ltlon,s"-xvill made known un `he day of sale, or in the mcmm 1e on u_pp.llcntlon to Y W - vf ' ' - Mc(}AR'1'-}1Y. PEPLER.~& .\1c(?-A R'I`HY, V "33-35 V?;n.lor s Solicitors. Barrie. Mortgage Sale. JNDER and by virtue of the Powers of, Sale contained in two certain Mortgages, which Lllbe nroduced the nlace Sale. Children dry for _;._:;_:. GUTHRIE. gvmnmmmnnvvssmmmvvmmvmg I. Fraser & Co; auumsuuummaa Have your Boiler in safe and proper` workmg order before your harvest comes on, = . 6 5, l SUGGESSFUL :usVwi1'suim compouun no; I V '.l`ORON 1`0,L'i'mlted. v cmiu_: nig. '3r_av_l!ord._BauV-1e.!..o/cal Ax: boughat like Y `f . .,_ = ; warepqtnses, aucz` Agreat convenience to fnnners. ' A regu- larlabol Iver; ;S.tron` enough to. ca r'r_\'. . 1ooopo,nnds,onoi1y`n uated`.sim lam conntxuction. com cg, 5:11: for 5.0:). Fametf call an nkcmore money in .a month so, `hu,4:.trucl2lv2h_an they could em-non 3. an in naive. Semi for a.1m.p:e' , qnd term $9 agents to HARVIE & 10.. :23 eemon : mm In waive. for'samp}e' and man to I III: 60.. :z,3_ un.St.~B~..,','roII`to.-~ i . . M Illnllll nlnln-An |?i"|@'"A5'R'Vi:Ef"..IKl . V . . , Up-at 5 rfclock these ne mornings and taking your bicyclg exerclse be- fore breakfast-; suppl mg yourseif wltba Cake of Eating hocolaxe from L jhoanbomdema. A.'Ilu-.Luen _wux_n. Bgrr1e.0nt- -u----:- and drinking T0111) of his Cocoa cold.- makes an experience which it once in- v dulged in. you never want tobream. _ Remnantsjahd Odd Lengths of Prints. Muslins, Dress @Goo'ds,"a11 to be at half price. % Parasols, all reduced, 75 and 85s., for 50c. . Panfasols, $1.25 to $1.50, ror=$1.oo.' -m`T"ll`fiESHERS` Ann MIL-LERS MAKE Mouiav Lusmc - To clear out Mourwh9le`1ine in Men s `Colored Shirts, Outing -Shirts, eta, we have reddcvedihlot, 75c. and $1.00 Shirts to 500. Gents Light Weight Balbriggan Shirts arid Drawers at 25, 35 and 50c. " ' " -F ' R; 1 . FRASER cscco. USEOUR OILS AND PRGKIMS V The_ Wonderful Gheap "Hen. "T ., A. asdasswwsm 7 --CLEVARING SALE--% Gents Furnishings} anxrokm. upwjasgf .;w-. `.....m..' -gm, to sell the '. i0iii{\rief r`za %v_cs;s unuv I13 1 1: `Step Ladder "uh AIAAD ` WUIDIIFEU "It in a usefiil arti- . vcle- euitahlfci for hole} :3, stores, warehqxxses, am`: in u-more A man. ` IIVl_|lVlQ n o ' OOMBINED 5.. - ...-1-:11 ..- TI cosmou uomnii m{AsnEn1Am% MY TERMS .l!1UHU_)I' lUilLlCU. UM Hill! cam ` small sums. Ion or short da em to suit rrowers. 0 charge tor interest, on` tn mlm nnnld mnrmages. II Money loaned.-on real estate security--large for smallsummon or dates, and terms of re- nnvment to suit rrowars. suit borrowers. intereston` inonev arranged [for to take up old mor es. Interest iseharged only ~ from date when actuu y paid. - ' Farm and other. gro rty insured. , Ammt for (`mm a erumnent Loan a.n`d.,Sn.V-- Agent for Uanana rennauem Loan anu.,5u.v-- invs Comp:zny.. . . , * ' iondon Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Scottish Union Fi"e Insurance Co pany. Donot borrow money or Insure 3 ur property" `until you enquire of me.- n R. L.j BARWIGK, __._..;- n._uA:..... The LONDON ANDGANADMIE Loan ANl1__A'l`n.E_0Y;~00.; T ` %UNIcnP7XLIbEB%TNiuhREs; V ?%A.?39%HTA$ED :7? ` ms any Asmssr. roaomos Loans mizde on improved farm property a: lowest currenpratee -~ -' n .. J} Farmers requiring money to meet maitur ing mortgages or fox` any other purpose` shank!-`apply _to' the unidersigned he_for]" making other atranpement.` MONEY . ~'.Ioi1N `e,\ Li:1{7A11n,sa-s'i)N. ? smmmmmmm from date when actually paid. _ _ rogfrqy _ Agent for Cana a ermanent Loan an'd.,Sa.V-- mes Comn:mv.. v ` `Terms to _ uit 'bbrrowc'>rs. -M_oderak:- barges. I Bink of Toronto Building, . . _ V Barrie x.i1t_ Y Apgm; ,' i_seE;_ a:`$l.50 By iho (iov\emInent it is nqt worth l `15i1e`to occupyjrspace to discuss it 1 further hard -`rm the Alleged facts are ;g;absoiutelg'unreli5`ie in the absence 0 ' testimony. from mponsibla parties, may be3\idged from on sauiplestatemeut. 5! CORN in $119 Mail and `Empire iecbntly a ._. from the Segttl Fiat Intelligencer, 3, ~ where it is statd` that Major Walsh. 1 I has lied the power to vemitiroyaltiea uh` :_ gold take}: bait of Klondike ciaims and . that liq has been exercising that power-' - {Major Walsh has absolutely no such power, th regulation requiring the i coliectiqnsof '10" per cepL}o)'alt)' is as "'1 definite as ll um other regixlatioqs. and ' is being administered without qu&lica- 1,1 ti h by this -o`1cials_L"to the bst of their in ability. - I ` Another allegation equally without I B '3 any shadow of foundation is that Major \ l Walsh has resigned because heis sick Y Q and tired of the wide~.=prend corruption 3 wand general ditliculties of his'pos1tior.. . While this stnternentmay lmve origii1- 2 ti ated in the honest ignorance of those fa who started it, it is now well under, I L l stood thatthe Major only accepted his hi commission fora year. Administrator he Ogilvie had been practically selected as d his successor long before he went to} England. and the present reorganization of the governmental machinery is l3 siuiplya carrying out of the general 9` A schemewlriclr has been gradually form- ic| ulated by the Minister of the Interior lsl as he has become informed of the re- 3 quiremenls of the case. So tar, how- is ever, the Conservative press, thathave so` 9' iuduatriously ..cir9u1&te5!,cclh mi91e3_1_il`E , l',.,,] A. stories before referred tg, have failed tot. rise to the rruirements of honest jour- nulism hy correc_ting -the error into which they have fallen. ` , , 8 Y n _ understand why _they `persist in making We can Iuntlerstand the natural efforts of the Liberal administration to give practical eect to the long existing ` desire for closer union with the Empire, V more particularly as shown `in the adoption of Preferential trade and Im-. perial penny postage, but we cannot themselves the laughing stock of the incident of 9." year ago was considered chagrin of extreme Conservative parti-i sans at the unqualied success of the _ i . cohimu`n_i_ty. The l`,`Willi\am_Mulocks * U w 1`! H which the persistent attempts atridi, culedrew to the Postmaster-General and his project, had the exact object which he desired of making the country and the-Imperial `authoritieseso familiar `with the idea that when the wentito `London this summer to clinch the % matter it was comparatively plain sail~ iby those whovcould not look very far l ahead as a most excellent joke, but as 4 a matter of fact, the amount of attention ; Al iI.1s- ' 193. Theuagain, the manner in which Va: laig number of` the"opponents of the &' Government persiatin heir-attempts to n n 4- ,,,',,L!.` L.._,1- :- ..-.... t........ I \J\JVUlALu.|vuv r-..~.-.\.... ...-_, . fggyj Preferntial.t1jigl_ funny i Ulythia week the Mail and Empire treated its readers tma columnleading article to demonstiate that f` the policy ofthe Liberal Government is only one_ of drift from Grat Britain towaids the iUxiit_ed States; It is deziigriedq keep` * British and Canadian interesmasunder. I ` _~1_`__- A-...\L amt. ,to_i hr1nn.Q@ i _ 1 1u.'.,._ ,L\l____|l__l_l_l_l_____\L|_l|-I\IAIanA . V...-. .. `States intereststlin closer. touch?` ZAlm_0sLLh;au1e day that this granular -1-----'-_._..l.1.L.L.l. . a copy of a cable sent by. Sir Howai-d Vincent, M.`P., on behalf 9f~the-Unitdd ; `Empii-e Trade League to_ {Sir Wilfrid 1 Lnuri:,. xpgc ssing the 7` "undying T gratitude otthe. British race of to-day arid forevr to their brothers through- oututhe vast Dominion for their patriotic` and lial inaugurhti_on._of Prefegential V trade betweeix British kith rind. kiu*{" ~ addiFgV4M`a_y.- this P|f6f6I`_en`ti|l trndp i grow ~an1 gmiv ~`in_t07tiY`fE6'?iiT5I`th com- } imlexrcial fi1eratioii?of.the British `people; nd pbaagsiqns the _woil_d o.vr.V A ' * * ` i rnunsxm, AUG_. s,.'1sos. V Atrgg ` I\lr,Ia'oWzLi|v_ai11\M A {hi , , il|5ddl.' gueabof her 'aiam=...Mu..fLit,u1e.[1i;;meek;, la. '- V _ - _V , " J. 'Laughan.viaited- !rie1'_1da*a%.Mt. Sl'.;_`Louib3lustVweek.M " . Mn. Welsh-and_family of Elmrnke, were gneutraz `;Ev ergroun Qotme last ,Suudny.*x _ .. ~ ` }: Mn. McDonald audn-on. of Midland, .T ..-...o. .....`....1 vluimina Irioud: `he:-6-4- ` " ne|t_,6f1ieg;ier,'V`Mra; A.Saliabury,_of Mu." Cunxiiisgham. -of. Barrio. "win the 1 ` `Min Miggie Oonixi :.WM :hDm&,.O]l.,!j - ` Mm. m_ouon:uu_auq luu_u: nmuguus nu-1 mtg prenutviuitnng lrionldp `hex-e`-- 1! Che illdi. . _ V g Eve?! foxye ig xuirprim! at this mpidizy V nnd_,gmo`aoy;_with w1xic,!xjK;ervi\.i_ne~nerv;eV 1 ' L ` "nu ` yxnd Lrbeun ig Vfox-V-avll; WHY THEY>ARE LAUGHED AT. ANOTHER OF` TI]!-I BASE. A; ORR` . LAKE. nu`uLoP,s'r. --SI-{OE sToR-- We `are now readfor business and extend 2: hearty invitation to all to` l,visit.the store. ` ` OUROTTAWA ; 9- - LE'rrER. ' "$ "Will prpvail to clear out the balance of summer stock. Here are mo lines. our 7 $1.75 Gpnts"Tau Boots l'or..$l 00" $1.35 Ladies` Oxfords for .. .99 .7 . iH. B. MYERS; ` Aug, ,g2,Ms. Hudson, `or Ping` Rapids, W, S. A.. 18 the_ guest vf Mrs. VVC-bb. ` 105,. n C1L.....l.... I\` l_|\.`1`I:n urns: fkn w coo. A . Miss S. Stankey, of Guthne, was the ` guest of Miss E. Perry on Sunday. `Mr ml Minn Mclntvre of Edgar.` Dullklily V Mr. and Mrs. Jae. Gallagher. of Guthrie, were in Otjo Stgtion -on Sun- day; - - v Allmu Dam-mil : nmnv friends here lgues: OI 31153 In. 1'cl`l'_y U11 uuuua_v. 1 Mr. and Misav McIntyre Edgar, `were visiting at J..A. McArthm s on Suuduy.;` M- ,...,1 Mn, Jnn Gallnahar. of day." v _A1bertPearsall s many friends here are glad to see him back again. .?.. I Aug. 23--On account of our. pastor, Rev. Mr. Young being absent on ~a visit to his father in Prescott, the_`pgjpj was occupied by Rev{ Mr. Ingraham, of.Minesing. Mr. Thos. Smith, of Barrie, is expected to tgixe the work next `Sunday. `H :-.,. \Inknl'hun11ar unnnf. `Rf. \VPHk next unaay. Miss Mabel`Dwyer spent last week! W with friends in B-xrrie. `L. _.J hf..-" An.lunm;p nut` fnmnv With menus In 1)'u'nc. Mr. and Mrs." Andrews and family whrisit-edJT:Mis8- Smith, Painswick, , 011., (` Sunday. `In: T} Qfnuia rnh-npr:l fnlmr home - FOOLISE hoe noon roux. K . If Mr. _Hugh_ John Macdonald ever hopes to occupy "his distinguished Aiather s place in the estimation of the` Canadian people he `will have to exhibit 9 more of the loot that was so character- _ ietic of the old chieftain. There was a` ` `Victims when it appeared as if he appreci' -e~~ote6rthat tact and, was encleavoring to ` cultivate the suavity for which Sir . ; John gs. Macdonnld was nioted,but his` _v recent exhibon of personal feeling in` 7 `refusing to preside at the banquet given '_ 7 .. by the Manitoba Ilub, of which he was ` ggpreaident, to the Governor General was I _ V "H ehreoh that has attracted considerable ` notice. We don't suppose __it bothered Lord Aberdeen to any e$ rtent,butit ` has causeglno little annoyance to Hugh A :_ohn_ s political friends. Distributing! `legal advice and services `gratuitouslyl ~ fgmong those from whom he hopes to J "receive futurlq (svors isell very well, .p butit will not take` the place of the `L ordinary amenities of public life. i $4 e 8 d n a I T t c l I 1 I _ , imronmox wop_x_.__ J Sunday. in Toronto on Thursday, after spending sxstrs, the Messrs and MISS Gibson. \ 'K'fnm-m Allnn urn`! Rfhl Rnvnnlds. Mrs. D. Stone returned to he>TFome several weeks with her brothers and" ` Two doojx-s West of Geo. Dry Goods. Est~ablisk_;meut;. [ sxsmrs, we Messrs uuu uuaa Uuuauu. \ 'Misses Alma and Ethel Reynolds, Cmigvul, are spending a few days I with Mrs. Geo. Dyer. 0 a M':..-.... '\V.u....'.m mu} Nmuhm-ru have `I wun nus. ucu. .u_ym. A I Misses Warnica and _Ne\vberry have }_ l`et1i1`Ii'd'f0'T'fHandal8 after a short via I with friends here. ' - 13 ,| IA'.....:_ -0 1T.......1u mymnt Qnn_. wmx menus nere. Erauk Morris, of Knock, spent Sun- day at the home of J as. Lougheed. I Aug`. 20-Mr. Pim, of Tofonto, `is spendin_g.his hglidays with John \Vgm`~ derburgh. . . _ Mn 1?. Thunnsznn and hm` son Foster uenmrgu. Mrs. R. Ferguson and her son Foster drove from here `to Cartwright" Town- Vhip, Co. Durham, 611 Tuesday last where they intend tq spend "a week visiting friends. . n.`u~;nnhIi:- nnhnnl `nnmied on 15th Vlslung ITIUUUP. Oi1r=public school `opened 15thl inst. wishfamaix._[a::er:d;:99:Lans! all classes fairly represented fnom the first to the"fth inclusive. rru, _ \ _..-.. -3 T,....: Rfnrm umn nmnan to me mm lucluxuvu. The home of Levi I\Iays.wasT"mada ` happy on the 11th inst. by the birth of a little daughter. Jr TIT- ....,. ..I...4 in lnnrn f.h'. Thm. * alittle daughter. V . We are glad to learn that,_Tho:.% Henry, of Thornton, who has been . suffering acute inammation is con- 2 Avalescent under the skilful treatment ' of Dr. McG re_goxjZ M:m.Annin Mr-KAnzi}a`leftr hem nn ' . Ostnwa, August 20th.-L-Provincial ` Mpolilicg are jabsorbing attention in;-3 `Ontario just noiv, all interest `being tenure} in Toronto. The debate on * tho addresshas consideraly clenrdlhe I ttmos)here~ and the` policy of they `Government before the country I in black and white. It dilfers in nah miferial point from that outlined 1n n ' the discussion that has been cc_\cupying 4 in large an amount of space in the press o for the last. month, and there is practi- D. cally no question that another month 1` will~_seg;_`the new legislation `upon the 1 .1 'n ...-- ..,!:,,......mI k IIUIDIIIIVV Ina ,-`~horhoo.d.~-'-i Minn l\| I OI U1`. 1VJ.cu1'qgux,'.' , ,\ Miss'An.Die McKenzie1eft here qnl Saturday 13th instito take charge of a ` school near Toronto. `I! -...I XI -.. Tnunmnhnn AF 12;."-in` SC I100! Dem` J.U1'uuLu. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence,-of Barrie, I were the guests of M1f.`and`Mrs. R._ Little on VSuudayA 14th inst. . 1'.`......I. D......m Ilnu1vm~\ Rnwnln in - ~q0ru9o.uT.~-~~+~- -- ~ Miss Dunn, at Chit:ago,`isVA'w}iai`Vti71z17*1;7 * Mr. Coughlin . { -;A~lar'ge-crowd of,youngfo:Iks;,gather? [ I edt the hdme of Jas. Muir on Mon- l dayvevening and} ple_asant`_u;e_ was spent, whexx the light fantastic wag I Vtrippod until the wee emu hours. 1 . nn ' nt last week one of our L the guest of` Wm. `McKnight. .b1EIal6 011 ouuuuy rxun luau. Frank Brown. (lawyer) Buffalo, is ' Aug. 23-Miss M. Irving, of arrie, . Spent a few` daysrat Mr. Qarrett a last week". " ' ' u-__, 1.1...:- n.u:.... ,, `no Vn..II:.m.`..MA ' weex. V \ ` - Miss Essie C`ol1ins,~ `of CQlliI;gwood,' iarenewiug acquaintances 1n'.th'fn1g`T lm..L.\m-I '- IHPPGLI uutu um vvuu mum uuuu-. > . On_Tuesday at last week one P young men left` the state of _single life ` and joined the army ofbotiedicta when I A.E`. Ganeu. was uuited'ix,1, the holy bonds of. matriuiony to Muss A,` Har- v1`ison'ofQ.0. The groom was aseieted by. his br_ot_heg F. Gerret,~while Miss` Mina Hafrieou, sister of-the bride acted as bridegm'aid._ Theyoung couple. have settled in 0ur i1e_igl14b(irhuod- amidst the eougratuletions and Agoodwishea oi e.1l..:. Is the` mimberlof `our new I Wu1~_uu.:v.uu uuvv -.5. ....... . .1 . . _ _ . ., statute book and the `House adjourned V until the new yezir. \ b V is Bmnsn COLUMBIA. v Provincial affairs in British Columbia are also occupying a very large share of. public" attention and llle kaleidoscopic changes from day to day are at this! ,diqtance -quite bewildering. The one pointbthat certainly appears aeltlgd is 1I._L 1L..`L.l... ..l..\-`huh-nnll Hun (`0.n- . ' '1`oro1itofI' drgtn agggugtioi;, Jerqsale;n\ on the day of tbe`- Cmxcixioxi, is drawing largeAm_1m,be`re of visitors` daily, who all fexpress them " `Ives us greatly, pleasect K wish the magniceutand instructive, v....\...1mAoa animi tn Toronto - With me m&uuVuuh,{aI1\| Iuuuvnuuvuvl View; Ev6nyb0dy*T-:g0iug' to_Toror_xto '5 T slmuld avail themselves ofthe Voppor- 1 't.unit.y;'of peeing" `9Jerusaleni as the -Cyclorama. 4 Open daily from '8 a.`m. to 7 .` p m.` Admis_ai'on`, `adults, 25 cents ;ohildren,.t;uder iteen years,10 F oents. Nextsouhwest cox-new Front. 1 and Yorkttreeta. - L_ . ~ = . V` N|t\\lOl`)W9II|\O!'f\| l ,I.I`tlQr;It.'l.oo_n, . ` In a bloodeeleanpinn. d1nehae~ dpmoying, me. 7 afavlng ooufubinstion of vmin_`mVesl%. wmr, thus * in ring: from the .rook`.,1BrlVns_i ,hea|t4h. >1 xzdpgth and lmnro A upspgakuble; pro.-V H . .`m,~a;._0-MLoon`.huIfvmkel'? , ~ vm-zeenumrx .. om STATION; KILLYLEIGHL. J ANTEN 'MILi.s. V 11oLm'. sAi;n1 < IIILLSDALE. % N25:1fgf'?`2-.Vlaster R." Shortreed has arrived home from Guelph. fr -1 u.- n D mmnmzm have arnveu nome uom .Uunyu. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Chapman have remrned from their trip to Toronto. Y`-7-. \/L. Q`vo\v\n Inna umhn-nnr} from an l'0I.l1!`I10(1 ITOIII mun buy w J.u|Uuu.r. Rev. Mr. Skene has returned from an I extended vacation. 1. ... nu l, , ' n6x pa_1linmeutaxy term. he in the 2 yu1_unp mm wuu.u..._, fry-.- ~... : _ -%ha%-_heLlate~4dminLstratiou4_hhk191: i itly droppei out of existence, and that , `the aifairs of the Province will, for the hInda of4new,.'tho.ugl1 not untried,` men whose past record for pfogress and knowledge of aairs is rm` excellent certicate for the future of the Pacic" Province. . I) ` ' extended vacauon. The brick work on J Rumble & Son s Block is completed. H Jmz.`ma:`haar;'nndar. on's DIOCK 13 cuuxpmwu. ` Tlyi TF'itgBi:HOnT`E>'Bg;:p;@er: going some repairs of late. Dakar}, Pnfhnrsznn. book-.keener ofth going repmrs ux mm. Robert Patterson, book-.keeper ofgth M M rm.0f.ShOILI.6d 31.08. has silec`-for England, John Shortreed, of Guelph, lling` his pluc. . A....;n Hm rlnmrhtm` of B. Burt. of At re.~ 25. , .._.,. _., ,y ` s gwxgg 1893*" X lling` ms pmce. >Aunie, the (laughter of B. ` Burt 8300., is in Toronto undergoing treu.tmetf eysj Why not have a few street lamps? Muster Bert Skene, soprano, was ` r istered in Coldwater on 15th inst. I `*8. . N` . not-vi: W\]"n gh\V \V.S U` tO\VD last: week. - The funeral of the late Mr. Chesley, of St. Thomas, took place here on Sat- urday 20t.h inst. A umm nH1mm, of Toronto. ' regxscereu 1n Uoluwuwl` W NW Hm` Harry Wild .s Show Wis in week. mI,_ :_._.......I -4` Hm Iain M} nllpsdv. 11I'(18y .'av|u Lust. ' Harry Oldhnm, of Toronto, ` Fziragher House. `Mr. and Mrs. John McG_i1l,'~of Mid- M land, were visiting Mrs. Thompson. Schoolfis ggain opened. `~Mr. Ches say is visiting Mi.'John Leith. In _ A T.`.......I...y ..:.,;+..A at Mt: St_ Leith. . A H Miss A. .Fra_w1ey visited at lzlt. St. \Louis1ast\'veek.`" ' . "5~-- T--- Ira-nbnn an!` -Fl'~ LOUIS lasv. week, Miss J essie__Hamilton and Will Fara- gher have passed for their 3rd class certicate. A ` V - ; jSEIA_N'1`Y. iAY. ;M1ss. Fanny -"Jocelyn, M Ferudale, visited her s_ist.e_r Mrs. George Bands last Thursday. M..- 1..1..........m11\/Ira T M. Arthur] Hands last mursuay. ME.S.WJQI1_I1sQgn_(1_1}[fS.7T. M4 Arthur, of Guthrie,cu_llegi on friends L6_re_ Sit- `_urday.. _ . _ (In/xv | Wnl`h$ Visited ` 0n~Duuua_y. Mrs. Ahx Brownlee, _: the guest of 1\vIrVe.V A. Bro " }yV`.""j--< _uruuy.. "George Wm*m`ca visited `week. Nelson -Hlart called on friends "A here` onSuuday. u_- u.., nmmlnn. or Barrie. was . .+y,._. .._._. ' B. Grennan, Ollia, is the) guest bf` his niece Mrs. C. G.. Arthur. ,- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fillingham are the guests ofMrs. Wx_n-. Brobwn..Mano,r`. 7Farm.. . . , |. ._.L.._ um,..... ffmwn Hill. wasini L of a ne big. son. h`arm.". T _T_:A_rthur Wilson, Grow}. `Hill, was in!" otn*Tx1lage`c1 Sunday. ' . D. Martin was the guest 6:` Miss_ O. Luck, Cro\vn'BilPon Sunday. . =, I~leuonis happy over Atha arrival 010 men luau Illlnuvg .,.--..--. Agdifperaous troubled with weiik 'bach, impuu-ed kidneys. pain in the back and base of abdbmeu, scalding urine. with an anmlLquantjty~of water at a time, u teu- . dency to nrinatp often. apecial1yat,1iight. * should use Dr. 3hase aKidney-Liver Pills: 1 YouTknow.the l)oc.tur'a eputa%io_n, ya-u. know the valu of his work. and that Dr. Ohase wuuldhot risk his reputation on im . .;..\.......m ...~.,.] , nm.{ed remedm Even, P999909OQCOQOOQQQf--~~f~-~~~~~~~99f9Q9OOOO Dun-1:." V3,. ~ ., (cn'owm:n.ou'r Ll` wmm), Aug.,1.53-Mi:ses Kate a nd.,jMary Mills, of '1`o:_'o'nto. areqhe. guests of Mn. v\'x1m.m `Wallace. ' . V . `T; 1. . Sam. __Dawe' and` Charlie Young {eftfor Carma, Mau.,`on '{:esday,:9h. : V _ V` I . K George Scott, of Cumjugwood, spanb Sun- ,` dew withhisV1M.h|-in-law.7Jno.-Bidrkleyi. ` u_ ' -Mien Berth; Rounnee has gone to spend , -a1c_sw days with fxgiendjs-i\n.fl`,hbrold, ` _ ~ Mrs. WMpridgey`uucl her little son. Willie, 'are_the_ uea,ta'ot_Mrs. 0. Mbcarthya V` ` v - Mm. .n..r.;';n.min ha`: returned from the Chase wuuldnot risk ma repuusugm uu an unknuwn -aflld untried remedy. Every ' dragging In Canada sell; and recommandp them-~ . . 1npression?E&"eT'upoh'"ie newspp er ` jnnn, who_' have just ;eturne`.d_AfrAoman `, tended. trip7t`aken'at thgfeuggstioxi ; fxthe Minister of the Interior nd - wider the guidance `of the` rpxjesnt- btiyga of the Gbveimmeht; VNe`u`Iy- paper throlighouit that vast agri-V Viural` district is "publishing from j to week, imgat "glorious accounts _ teaonrcqs ahd the opporturiitias M jDon1i{1`ion`.`_ He `also _fo_uadA `that }fgj1,:1:_, was 11} us` '33 iqnmepe moun`of;god.% `L .....'.;.__ ........ .0...

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