Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Jan 1898, p. 6

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; U|-)- . H E The preposition` new before the New `York sum l.e.glslatux-e to legalize Sun- day Lheatri:-nls in New York city has l t, flieatrical profession, ,.who dislike the * evoked a stormhf protests from the! ..idea~of losing their one day of -resl;.3` They will--ns`k the clergy to assist them iin n. cruagu`le__,1_1geinst the propcml. l (\1,1_._ -c-,_..o.. n should be turned a.\my~ II'0'.IIl our tlgqgg-,q._ LTMLS bill is the cry of procrustimltion and selfishness. It is nno`Lherform of ' _tho mania -of promction.'_ _ GENERAL. `Yenw rver has disappeared from J'nm_a.ica'. _ 5 "` . " ` ' '--W; ---.... T!_.i._.... Din : Ul.I:ll.l_a:I\.u. Dr; Schweninrger says Priunee Bis- mur<:.k`s eomdutmn IS mot serious. us ,,.1_-__- n.....|.. ...... ...:....'.-ma frnm ' wt. > I ` _ V-',l_`he Russian axPr.uy_has "scant a costly V Nswovrd au_a present to Klnig Menelik of I I Aby|:-.s'mi.w. : _ . . 7 G ...... unfnl Alum:-nmHnna nf H15! .c:n'1l.r` lH.lJ1`C-ISB Cuuunryuuu In nun vllvuuu . `* l)isaatrous floods are rponed from! Perpiginnn, on the Spanish frontier of! France. - * -I n . un- Duke Aurei of Saxe-Cpburg-Gothn 3 has been ordered to Egypt. by the-doc`- - lrru-u . ll D) B'v5.|INtlVu V Successful observaations of the so'x_Lr I`e:1ipse_were made in India and ether `spurts of `tho g'lobe.-~ M.`-.. n..t...H.. ...-:..u+' um: nhnt ind. DIIJLS ul we gu)-uu.-\ . One Catholic priest was stint End!` - three wbunded during Vespers: in xx , ' CaUJolic.cbux'ch, at Corfu, Island of Corfu, Greece. .m .__;;....n.... ..,.m ..:nl,I tn Hm xron u, urea-e4 The Autralian gold yiel0 for the `mquth of November was; Queexiiland. 78,024 ounces; West Australia, 75,040; Victoria. 70,177.. ` - ' 2 1 ,L-,._..J. 1... . |mnn~IunH-`nHnn Pnrin vxcnorm. lU,Ul.. _ - Bucharest has been` unifatixxg Paris by having zH`1ue1-vbetwe~en journalists. Beingless skilfulvthzm th_eir French orl`gin_n1s..`hmvever, pne combatant un- fortunately killed the other. ' x 11--..-- .1....m.&..`Iu mmnlzinrr nf Mr. lorbunuwxy uunsu. um mum. . . A Cannes desputchl. speaking of Mr.'s health. auys:-"I1e 3 -ex-- ` trenmly weak and so` dejectml as are---4 sult of neuralgia puins,1ll1u.t l1e'hzu`s ` expressed a dealre that all were mar." _4M9srs. Hlckla and Prunty, ,who s'- 3 leaped the massacre of the Brlti`shsur- vey party which xvaalattaoked by na- tives at` Mekrmi. on January .12.rhave reached Orinara, on the Arabian Sea..~ . There wasp. severe earthquake shock ' on Mondaylat Argenl.a,`1_h1ly,~elghl,een ,, miles soutll-east o_I;`9rrara. A church ` and several buildings were` Wrecked," ._ amt some persqns wer_e- `injured. . n.._:..,.. n... ......m um. Hm amdlxn . uuu. uuu1e~ p nmp awu-uu. During the pastweek the death I from the bubonic plague at Bombay numbered K851. From-al1, causes < there were 1,540 deaths. _'l`he exodus ' is increasing. and business is atag-`:4 rm nf. U4 grant. gun. -- ` _ . ['.h6 vauu an statistician: -, announcs that last year the Congregation ofGzu`-- dinals received 491) applicatibnsfor this ~.nnn`u.'lmenL~ or xuarriage; took alqut half of them intp comsidbm-tion; and ` cut the lx_ms'd:s in only sixpasges. . 4. 1: '_' __._-....t...1'H...& 'r....n.. Im'u.un1-V. cuu um Infuwzv uu _uyu_y |;)a.x`.vw\z.u- V, g It is rep'orted'tl1ut Japan hn's>pur- chased` the,Bmzi1iu.n 1cr__uiser, "Abr,eu, * now building fun the 'I`yne} \ tor 370,000, _m_.Th'_9.;3 also bpught f`.h8,Btl_J,Zi1i`8.I)'i!`0n-%_ /V 1;! '.:AItiqci1ica..'s` n1:oSt`f. V mm pggtdqgs says; $cxfo'f-; 4:13, issextr;at`co:isum1$tiom? Scr9fuIous}%VchIc1rcnA{6f. ftgti` Fbag;z;a;%4;1::14a,.;pe ~u.y~J. - run: In: Iwmua Oggvsuuu AND TOLEDO : r qqu-um: _n_I\l' ' jiuvuel 0v_ -, I.w5_3 WW1 DJVUEIW W um tuusawy 0- _ Taming. In this smcita Settlements. It -,.xwa~aD faetl qthe esh amtbonea _. `weighed Soocattos. or l200poxm_rls;tho , fat 28!} catties, up ontrallr400. rind L119 sword 30 names. `. Aooordln Ito 1 inl des shell to- '3 miivnd rung mrnim '13 sen-otticial- j; _m "ma; Italiazchar Vmber or Deputies on F:-aifi""`Pi%TxiiTT1&1`9:riuis ""di" 5 on Friday, the Premier. Marqis di Rudini. explained tbzLt,tL1e`re<;e_ut' dis- : orders in the [min provipces we're glue to tho, dearness ot food and lack of employment. owing to the ,retrench- t ments in public expenditures. \ `. 3 A 1..n.,... Lug hmn mmniuml at `rms.- 2 ,Aooordlng to special aespawq _r6- _ mind from Bg_1-un,, is. _ ly announced in that city that.GI" ' many will got object totho avvoinfr ` l.;ment~ofLPr.1nea_Georg0 Of GY`f? 9*` ` Governor of the island of Crete. PTO` . ,:`.e..-A n... 2....-. mumm unanimouslr ` ; Governor qt the island. on urea}. L pm- vidd the other powqrs unammously / ` rnm=iA'ht." V 'ul and lenlen_lo mm ;- mum :1 Girl Becmua lm ltcruml In illupr. A despatch from" Buffalo saysze Throulgbn. broken panelled door of a room in the Yuleowitkoh block on Com- - mercial street, on Wednesday morning, & paerby saw the " blood-Spattorod body of Kate Clark, wife of Ed. Clark. a. grain soooper. The police broke in 4 the 1ocke_tloor. The walls, bed, floor, _:.blood. The woman had been beaten to { death with a. chair. Neighbors heard |?i1_nd firrnlturo were splotclxed with 1 1' the couple -quurreling the previou ' K 1 night. Clark could not be found by the police, andthey are certain he killed whar- E I miuun MURDER m 3UFALo. Following closely on the hrutal mur-i der on Wednesday morning of I_{ete` . Clerk, by her. _common__.1aw '1xyslmnd, I 1 v,cbmeS a. do"uh_1o tragedy. Mummy Bun-P dy, thirty-five years of e`ge,_- married, and the father of two children, \Ved-if lnesday night drove out to a road-houae I.` on Wv.1den_evenue, just ever the cit 1i.m.g _1`here he met Mattie-E. Van g Sickle, a. woman of. I11-repute. with whom he lied. been infgtuuted for some 1 time. Bundy had repeatedly asked the L1 - woman` to elope wLth.hixn. but she had`? stea.dily- refused. Wednesday night. E ` he` pressed her to leave the city, e.nd1 . upon her refusing to have any..tl1ing}i more to do with him. he .dre_w-~a~re- ; volver and fired two shots at her. Both ' bullets entered! her body," and she i ` dropped to the floor dead. There wereu` severe1,`_eye-witnesses of the shootingyll but. before` anyone could makes. move ` Bundy placed the revdlver at his head, ~ and ' sent a . bullet. into his` 3 nu-n inx '. .. ~ I ( 1 as ; puugw `her. 1 I n` * her. Later was learned that Clark tied the hands of the woman and than; b:aat her to deathwith 3. acooper slmv-I mmk of .VlouI'ren'l Bills Miulqliy Wholesale ' "In New \_ }wl:. " - r L11 It u.wtH5Iu1u_y ugvnu-P uvw-w _\_u~-o--_ t `street, l_\Vest'_Hpboken, P'o1rivia .0fiAeer ( Waltter Nash tin Thfuraday night-found_ 1 $65.Q00_l:n_iommterfeLt 81(lL;\Quna:d.ian Li lila. " '{5l`.l'i91inaney jwas tmly printed on ` one side. _. I_n hhighgum, in Jul-y, 1395, :.WiL1iu.m B1`ox>k'w{s`y, the 1fotQridu:forgL er, and Mx7s.1Abbhe L. Smith were` axi- - .1est;ed`by.Sacrgtz `Ser`v"LceAgent Bagge ' and a.`1ur'g " pii1'T1i t*nty * at` pounterteit m_oney_wag found. _mo;*.k\vay`wa.% tried; ` found guilty of`6unterIeiating,;,undsen V _ tanned to?a.;`lq1_igL'ttm*m=NeW.Jersey;, { V , While `the `gwom_ii.n .receivad*a`Sen4' . teunoa of. gin: ,}'1\1mw h:.duao!' la: nciiv L: Oclpi bY`ljFi11`W.i3?E1r13i]i`31il1_i0V n.~ :l-5`~ _ V`-`the `cu Sc3iLrady`*Associatinm : Lia.-wt night -Mt.L: `1~`ia_V0E `next .1door.._ ; aaccamximniad ~l_)y the jtymirtor of-` thec1`u_h,: Lswrhe t.:*;.ynd.fomifeqnweled` A A daemon , from Mr` York says;-_- In a, twoatoray'fra_>.me house _on.Ann' 4---; mr....a.-n..|...I....'. DnM.n`n Cnffiz-m~ `uezyu, ` bI'B.l!1`. Irscxuuwtsu yulu , nu. Jnluuu quuuy.-_wu pqtween tn@V1?:{x:o: . thsa'ilioo;"ia1g-:`th!aj ` co11_{xt&rfei:f1~::n,(inay Aa.ng11>1.tVn`;i 'he:.hi!ls. - wnrA'- lnnn my in $5.000.` co11{xt&rfeht~L:npn:ey cangt pmpas. 1'.ne:.mus. ware} `(ung up id; aol:qgea"0f*=`;.V$5.00D.' 5 ~ wnclvereim WW9 rproot .":..='hp ~ -hula` iam.axv.t1vb.;Bank1,of7htuncrraa.I Ag: :3 ; oi1t:*Ba!gg6.'ufj\t&a Sedi6 r`S6f_ioa ~ immetea;_ an;1V~-wa11:V1;ake: 'a;ge._or` lbablyi: pe,Lthproq _.. i ? Tf1i:p1ab i$hd"bi;l18 ;`i_ .Thi6';hoIu ivilliproa` .\_t1`g.g`ahn jT $65.6ooT1VN pdnbs rm.-Ls. ; xn'iSansfina rIe';s".w_mcn jam `.` JUST mu q;sqov3a`3_n , T ` luv-`nu win navel it. lutwtul -' laulnol for $50!! _ 'Bxpe o'edlolbro!t!||nn_w-' L interesting hots hive just . `coma tqnzgu so rosaird to An`dr_u_ um his balloon} and _froin~them one can ,"'ty-Icpr Inn -4 It um lo. readily aasvwhy th`~ fate: of tbs d&1`~_ 5 i..;. ...:......a-..`....- 1. mn g mnmrv to IWEATLIS mm rm: had come tram Anureun Iluuvvu, ..... Incident oeeuxxing . to `the west at , Phipps Inland." me af_the moat north- ern pqi\nl:s{ at spitzbrgen. Aymonth into: this news Sweden`, using , 3 carried fhhhexf Quite re-f . oently the seal .huFiwa: who killed the ps m1m. and then- the contents `of the message which the 7 bT>jf'm'3 `bgcunrknuwn-.~ The ` Z despabch readm-., .1..I.. to ...m an n`hlm-Ir nnm-L ]gtudQ_ 19841111 3 Way uxr Jun w. we-a uny- utventmver is still A n_:yntm-y` to` On the. morning p1`Jn1y I4. a nut. imntor killed a carrier pigeon" which had trgm Andree : balloon. ths --.__....:..;.. on Huh-mnl`. at Shanon City or 311310.": (now) `ute It-Okla" snd`.`stato 0! Raw _York` A DAILYTPIHE 'I`A_BLE. ' __D:ilj, except Sunday, until about ` I Dccembcr xst. . - An .. .. '4 I .. mnvnlgn IN. LI - a. - aespaucn reams:--,, 9 7 . V July 13,~~12.80 o'clock, noon. latitude. 82 deg. 2 mln.. longitude, 15 deg._ 5 min. speed toxvardllxe east; `ten degrw to south. All well` 013. bogrd. This is the third pigeon tliat we hnvepaeut out. _ ' ' :A.unw.-raw. V THE (`18SWV.'u In cuumug nuluuu \J .... .. ment "and a good deal otwypprehen-' M sion in Sweden. The tendons are ob- Vious. When the" balloon tarted for : thsa`Nort , it wa. going, in -the opinion of experts. `ad: tlmr rate "of forty-tour kiloxuefres an hour. Now; mqvixigaf, \ this rabe n ever in the sam direc- L .... ..|.l 1.-.". hwriunll hf Hm` pn`G U113 raw -:_3Kl`(1 UVUI. In 1.1.1:: uuuuu -.9... tion, it would have hrrived at the` Pole tnivantyffive lxburs later. Yet the above despatch shows that. forty-eight hours after its departure. the balloon bud. pnlywreached 9. distnno of two hun- s--.I --A` ;.......+.. Mlnmntrnx from oulywreacneu H. uwusuuu uh uvvv ...... drecl and` twenty ` kilometres from Spitzbergen- or. in other words, only_ a. fifth ,0! the. distance which. Stwarates . fspitzlnrgen from the Pole, and that it wiis`uo longer `going towa`rdIthe ` l north, but toward the east." _ U `_M. EKHOLM S 1`HEORY._ I _ l " M. Ekholm, the well-known Swedish! * 5 meteorologist, gives a. lui-.1d7\ account l i of An:!rere s voyage during the first two , days alter his asoent..basin`g his 1 smtements on the, above despat-ch and ~ lion the information which he has re~_ ceived. from Norwegian fishermen in; regard to the temperature and" winds 'thnt` ,on H18 north coast of Spitzbe'rge'n. If my would understand 1 M. Elrholm clea.rly,we must rememter 3`.that,-wherever there is. 9. barom_etric_ (lepressiqn, the wind moves around.` . the centrein anlinverse sense to that in whix-h the hands of 9. watch move. ' iTh1Ls,-the south wind, whiih \'v9.s.blow~ ' mg; at the timevo.An(lree's depart-i B_ _)\*9.s influenced liythae presence` of `a. cyclonoor thg centre of-`the lien`- D ometrie:Ll.depression`in the`west~ of Spitzbergnn. b " 5 Nnw. uccordimr to M; Ekholm, the, 4 I Now, according to the bo.lloon. impe11e(1 by this wind. erriveet,` in some hours at the centre of the cy- 3 `clone. in-which as is well known, there i lie 3. zone of ca1m-6i*='vax'i_a.ble breezes, and in this position itfremained im- movable about twenl:y-f_our hours. Dur- , j `mg this time the gyo1one,~. which at} |Andree s departure was In the west Iof Spitzkm-gen, moved in an easterly` `direction ecross the Arctic Oeeen. On. '3 the 13th.'-ahout noon. the centre must _ 1* have been near `-FV1-amr3is`Joseph's Land. ; endbonsequently, at the point where V Andree remained motionless, or very ' heremust have begun `to blow 9. westerly wind which toek him t_pwa.rd the eest,"ten degrees to south as--he tells u's~i1'r his deE1SEtch.' ` - Q:.;m Hum hnwmmr. `what _ `.5-.LV'U"11.1u.. . Tim despatch is causing muc1T6xcibe- `~-.I .. ....`ml Anal nf.-.unnrnhnn-' who tells u's~mvn1a uespancn. Since then. however, `what b- .. come or the bold'a.dven~turers? -_; Mr. Ekholm thinks` that the balloomhas been unablebo leave tbe po1a.r`2ona.b and thtwoonsequently Tm news will - be received before nextaummer: Ab this point, Mr, Clgulgs Ribot,--of the Geogmphicm Society. Wisely reminds r us that just as he was setting out. An",- .' Ldruylust some of thfelong guide ropes, . M which were to be.us_d:for`th% purposo ' of stxdering -the vbauoqn and `offender-. ~ may it manuaeabloras `far 118` pn_ssib;e. ` Lamp li1lol.u'ni6_ll}wn l`nv,|Jg:|-:'~._ao a Whole _- l~`muIj,s:Ser|ousIy.~ `T 2 Vlsagc I.a fram\v9is_;.g his `.wii.u,: Ins` 3 p daughter_0'1ive,Laged nintegn,.a_nd hi;s,: ' .aoi1,`t'43_n yenrsioldg w11d1ii{e.;t thgccire: 7 ' ..... .` n.-13.632. and \Vi-'io~h`f. `f.mat$z.' . of sbeexv-ing -the `Dauoqn anu opwuuer-. mg. it manugeablgqas `9: :as`pn_ssib;e. .331, Inll 5'6-L|nl'",\.!_1uV.g w.11\u`anvc.wv yup u.u- Hu11.'We,ne zplfitt "l3, 5VS3Y"e`1'79%3'_.3'b'~1: 1"l'7i(3-.`9r*3 a.i.,1}a_mp.' V exploding.` It` is` feama .:th_a,`t nr or` Br;dgu. aJX - mam,- L. t1ie.ix~ ihbjjle on v\S.edneBdayv-ev(_'ai1iug.,by- . mas? .Luramhoise>may:{ie> `inL cause. M yqupnm. off the. inj \1'ryrshe' Xeieeived. Assumes I cumpmv. `am yuan: Fwy? we V1425] CCUM . 32.3% tr!-6-'#:* WW * . M e , e j :f`ii,i'_,_""f` 3 = 40.,_ in, tzvdaupsteh mm&law:a.,n:!:--Antl- 4;... gm gigging in in] an "`iid;;`_ ;f 1 us. .cooaoam.a Alebenas n Jewii`Ii_}i6ts were hare-.o"zi S5 _A e mi.-1. fr-simob mm #59 59% was mat `for me as n i1uaixtar=. u`u! ;:lin-;d*.txsc`1Iehv. it! $.56 wagmi:, f _.n "mam" vutil Ime.Bv;bmnm. drivins`thv*3Wi5E. WV` "and J. J; Ltiux. who `sinus? sh-nta into me .t=~~A 3*1??*..` am: to am who mm mum nhasaeurs W6I0 0i`f11`9dl th B98330 `$15. M " V L ` > . `urivil erce l)acou::?a5!7. chased tbp mob;w1t11 dxawe swords Ii`-1:. mdf Ielt.` with 0 main! tor". Hit; 1 butith i1iob'n>formed~ turther4,.-01'!.; #35 [qt seen oi.tho;;I[_; ` o,!!Berinz elor ha."a.1`I1r. Revolvers. and "9" A` may "1d-t`m W t~"` daggers were freeiy, One_ man. far l D7AiL` fags wer"nrtmaeth _ and Fruity 9. party went `up the xnqun-. y .mg(:ri-`ia:"smbbed my the bgck Vmd ehot tzafim d:i1_e]:t1L;zng am. I ' the head. died` on tam gm. Many ;s , .;awe wry _ % ainig ' :.en~aerieu3." Stabbed. one numb?` Ca!` "1 wmhd` *3 umkmlth an 5 013. dying from his wbunda atamcxoox ' in the aiernoon. The rrowd. ;h3.!'i1\B iubin was not struck and in-it worn. found the men : -coats. watches, mom ox this, became jdahnigeroualy -excited. , `shouted. ""I hey` a1je.Inu.l`dorin8 333' e:.a.nd agzppliaa. _ H ~ - -`7.WD:IAi li"irS lm J awe. and reemmbd I231- ! , . . I ~ e an to_ Cure wsxun Diseases lnging. The fronts '0! six `shops were : I u at 1; "3 oz t."Ni' r~.:",.-eI,t3*`?*I: '5'"`*I*.`: 'a....` "~=*'~ ' . p omega 0 an nose,` . leuvin 110 ukhx clan`. whim nd healthy. 1%!` gale: m 1\nd,c:1`;ativAe0wers`I;repoL:et8a ylo etrtvm 3 your ru W+mm_mm;d$'aw3i.. ' deatroyevl and the loot was burned. The police rape ' . *1`... "1. Madly charged the riot ).- `"11 " `""\I`\':{1"I'!"'i`i"i"Ilt'l" ` `the troop; errived.~:Severa.l` policemen _ in the rioting were Christians and their .`ountinued throughout the . ' eche.rgedAthe,cro1V.d with fixed baronet. `Jewish authorities recommend their vu. II In unuwr ITKIICKI llBl JUILK u B _ 'l(ontred.WholemloAgenifiv qqbautntng were powerless` to restore order until _ ~ - : . um pwrce n'.ycm.ev.1y umugyu atirnnenshizrusr 3' were e3vereIymultreeted.Many arrests _ D ` for theft have been made.` The Steamer cum tulle from iliriii orowdegl Wm: Pasxengen and Freight A deq3tch' tron; Eortlnnd. `Ore, sa.ya:--The` steamer Oregon. sailed for Alaska 0);` Sundey night with - four hundred and fifty passengers. and 1,- 250 tops oi general merohnndise, end baggage. Fifty hear! of live `stock we: nlso_pa.rt' of thecargo. liq lees Tzil three hundred people who applied "to! ppssage were refused, and hundreds of toznsznt :rrei'ght" were" lyiug`on" the ` docks -e_waitin g_trensportetion to the gold fields. The `demand for lumber in Alaska. is_ enormous, but steamship: reuse-to carry it, preferring to take less bylky freight. le-`Wing the lumber folj aailing vessels. . ' V J ' W ' . -Fnrf` bier ftv Yam-1 in- killed to- remain the ` menv 00.-religionists doors. Both companions have sworn to *e,veri`ge them. Disturbances and the rlgtiugof evening despite the eeftortsyot the troops to quell the riots. At 10` o'clock in the vevening some.Jewi,sh our stores were pillatged and their contents thrown in- to the streets}. The Zoueves then and dispersed it. many persons being injured. At the moment this despatch is sent. 11 o'clock. the rioters'-reea- semhling on the quays and setting fire to the Jewish spirit `stores. _,T1:oops are being` sent to the spot: ` Already there -have been 150 arrests. .The maintenance of order hzisbeen entrust- .-ul fry the; m.Ilil~n1~n mwurteuuuce UL UIUU ed 60 the military. General I461-dv Wolselry on `Cm-run Pessi- ` mm Ruunollrs.` I A duesxatch n-o-`In London says:-.C9n. Lord \V'olseley.' Field Marshal and Com`-'. 7' man-der-in-Chief of the British} a rmy., speaking at, a. banquet; in London, on `Thursday evening, minted whu.t/he` `called pessimist , rumours current ` about, the a;':11_y.," Lord Woleley 9.5- ': \ sorted that if Endlzund declared war to-mo`rro`w~`shs could have two of the T finest anti must fu11y'equippe. army `_ corps inreadines for auymitists port ,2` b-e`fo_m sjxips could be prepzyvred to em-. r bark them. `He said fqrthermm:e_that `_ if the men \voreCbetL;er paid there _ would be no di[fici_xlty,!u _obtaining're- | omits. n i. "am n ,_ .__.,x':_.-.. J. 4.1.. _ The Daiumaxx. comm-a-zgtinvgr an :the recent M=i niste1'ia1"speeches and the propoenid. additions to the" army and 1` navy, thinks it all proves that / Lord ; Salisbury can,be resoluw wl1'e1`i' neces- lsary." . > _ ` ;; f run nrnnimgw I191:-n! Nixvv -LU` JLAL4 I`. There has" been 8. responsible `meat that the Gqve1`n'ment has decid- led to add 7.030 mien to tnemvy, and snvu-4.4-u.v.u an. v the Iinst-class batthaship Hazmi now at Portsm`outh.}-is.'to be: put at Gum into `commission, l`~1xm1is. how- ever. no officia.1_informatiun or con- rmutimh in-eithpr cases. ._ i -- sfate ' ;vvAu. ._L\(r\ vv um v_..... ...... get e.stima;tes;'_`hae,aa1Lg,thes9L wou1_&f* ` . WTEK-Fthe Government wasj fully_ _i\1i.V'o-to,_`l_;gpill8 up the staudardLjio'f: 3 -th.ej.ur1nyA. and navy. -thorughghe V; (ha ` y1are'tl. it was not creditabl,/to_ Cam` .~ baa; (r fair to Eng 1ishL'ftaXP&)'ei`s`tb);aIt. *. =_s`us;`h 0} colonskshuldv fprb_tiqu11y,oon~.. L-V --Eilxte nothing to thenav`al d_efenLe`esT f (115 the Emx`>ixe.Ha 1,1o`pedCanMada would . _te`r.; .aaame_ hate? Ll1f6..A\\a.3 jmnvintvegl that I if ashe`. `not the day would come` scan turn` st 5.a.ttent`1oCn`to.thisi,mat. .SIr Mlclmei .llIrks-usqIcl|- S'a;n Cnnmln ` , `Should Pay fnr Naval hefencn _ "11" _ _ A `despatclkfrom London; sgays:-:Si~f 2 Miohaegl Hioks-B`noh.-.. Chancellor. of _ tho`Excheque r5. speaking` at '.Bristol on: n ~Wdngsday evening, ridiculed Ltnn .no- tion of providing g`ranaries;."7~- been imggestedjin ao1n'_e quarters] Her ' Anid "he was ponyinoed {ha :Briti'sh navy wa str ng' enough` tj hold` its own, `and in ny war England would A r..:........ `mhan I-.. m.m.r. .. .. -; ..__ %me_' ma}-i n_:_'. Luau; L.|LvJun: vs-u`; vu -31:-kn V: Zoom. V Bogirring to the coming` bud.-` ....Lr ...~&:..uv.n.g-. `HE 'm.-QM ~ fhnnir wrmlzi` OHNSO EBB in I not from gliingleu, W I!` Si-`vex Plate: on q nn1ixy. `ma - mm 2 93 .`.ter.;,a(mt l1`a`1,\'g_al.|k3_:\_\`,,1`5.,`~5l-l11Vl1lUt3 93151.; if aS1lfQ:f(1>i3. l1:0t awiouldfcoxne` whgni f&ha5syou1d.have"i``Tr\Td?2 _\.va.ken-`-- .iugL.3vhi,ch' would bemxtirely her own ,l.`a.u1t.:IuL0(m01!1iinE his sge'&`_(:h;A the e;d4thgpt1`CI_,1:1na1`V_ ha:l` ap[>1jo:;_Ql;ia,d` E_ng-Iv . 'l`t>;nd,fo;;`ass1stancot0 pal? .th`e**Ja'paIisaT , .inem'hxty.-.;and1.jtha,t ,the'.n 8`l,iKtiin$ L were" still . pending, M u~:q `}\c61l(>r" qf`thevExchequer 2`m,noun`u- ' ;9rixq mxneigks. ARMY woupu BE mmnr. .'J.`0.INC_RLIASE THE N}XVY._ {o_m_m T9 CONTRLBUTE. -1 Jinruu` (I, _. Q35. 'An'oaau-_-{non u .._u_. nu. _............ ...~...~ ..... -an H... ........:-...... r....i friends *re'ady u). _ suppry -5929 digging anuurulido~',xt' the .Conaodsta'} ` mines {mm hand. my ;m*o:= 8pnkmo;'wd J, Luna. }`1K:iS`ZDv; ' levb *`.? vwtrom E-`M-bi-.A .'1Hh1;. qrvid Hero` A Ins. Ioltj !m" .tIa`u_ `mine. flhlb was the; last oi.tho.ln_}_ um; As may :ai_1ea,wcm their mail.` warp arzmaad. moan-. Lain in Unit minus. Timvifmrnnd nenhnr. % (Mien Wagner. V `man . vsrnaI`meatc1noroqultd.v Curse toner. xu-an ocxamubruptlous i_:u`tha tuna. uandn. noao,a:.o.. my And It: and curative tow era are WAYNE38 * `l(oI'm'ou.Who}asnloAg,anm.Av A` gqbauhutun that , ed .3113 youuiruggmst Olln .4-3 Soukgv tulii infi Pasxefrgen . -" sa.ym--Thektenmer E , _hundred . man `.3.-. A: ...-.`_......y ........-L.....I:.... ....uI -_v- -.-~ ....., _-..____ . Mxz..`W_`;xmow s Soomnxa Smur hasbeen used by millions of mothers for their children whgn welhlng; If disturbed at ngglxrnnd broken ot &onr restby,n'slck child suffering and cxjyln wi pain of cutting teeth sgml at once and get bott1eofMrs. `Wmslow s Soothln Syrup `fox children teething; lt,willrelieva.t 0 or little .-uiferer immediately. Dc-.p4end upon i, mother more is uomistnke about ;t.- 1!: cures dmrrlnm mnnnlatmuhesmmaclx audbbwels. cureswmd co - sonens the gums, reduces lnamnmuon," anc ves tone and euergym 1na.wholos'stem. Mrs \ 1nslow s Soothing byru " for chi! ran teething is pleasmxt. to. the taste and is the pmerl tlon 0: one of the oldest M34 best female physio ans ant nurses in the Uulied States. Price 25.;-entsa ` hottle. Sou bv all drugtgbzs throu houzthe p;Syrup.~r._ world Be sure and ask For Mrs. inslpw : uo,mistnke' about 1!: diarrlnm mnuhatestheswnmclx audbbwela '1-ureswlnd couci softens the reduces lndamnmtlon, wives euerzyw tluwholesystem. B`ob`b ie--There was L9.`/new boy a s)noo1 to-day. ` ` `ng~o--\Vh y should that make M so late" coming home? , .`Rnhh3n....T .Iid`n.'t knnw at nm tim - _-Bobbie--I didn't know, at one :1}: but I would have `to, be darried hum T80 Late commg 1101110! -runs; ruuu ugtnuug cuvn. __ Sn(Prous-l5Iolsture*. intense Jtc mg; sting mg most at night; worse by aerak ng. If 21 lowed to continue tumors fcmn, which oen mac and ulccmte, Ixeconuixgg` very sure. Swmzm-2` U1h"I3lRNI'_stO)8 the mixing and bleeding`. ho: rrjmtion. and n most cases removes the tumors At drug? 9,91` bgmnll. 50 cents Dr. Swayn $;Sms lkxdelph .A Lyman, Son` nu. Mon-I egd, wholaanle Agents. Avoidvsubstitutes.` smuvm An HIAIAULL um ,V[, Iu. VTht~ Losuddn `Dimes neditrially ( _; Monay morning sa,ys,:-,\Ve arogls _. t0_1eix'r.n from various trustwoxthy ax - mutually indeipendent sou'mos',that_ ti 7 mmonrs (of: Germa.n_y's intention xppen; K_it ao-ChauI- to ithgs world's ' co: Vhmerce are`, well fownded; If this d _C~i_:Si0\n is maintained. `-Kiaxo-Chan, w` l.`0'b9;b1y`hE.CL(!1'8-` _s. gneat; buy. an loumshing entmpot of v the work tra Hong Kong`."" wisdom of t.h:e\1'?Cisio1`x*ct1_nr;ot;_..b(i dquy ed: T`: will taut} to_'improv7ethef. unjm . esS&ri'I_ . strained ,L`al:i,tionS' . bestw Enelarnzl and 'G9.Tm&1y. ; Lt: is~,t..ts}:` "}.10I!:0:`54.'*r11.!`,t' Omr V-nations M7111` folk G-ernxa-ny's example. hand that Shojf :ghegtly s1mp11Ita:;,: 1 ' ,1; A `A duespatch from Ber1iu, says :--'1`! fxilloivilmg saeami~of{i;ia1 anuolxlxceugg wag made. (91VI i>n lay :~-"Tb3 statemx regarding Germa'n'y-'s intention to ope this port of Kiad-Chan to thmominen of 1- this _world._:u'~e lbractigrally correc Germwng duesiresj ghat its-_po1icyi Ctiirna.- should be of-`a. liberal characte not` vi-nterfering withtha oommercg fl otlusr ~nat'~`mnS.'. " ~ " ' . '. `'1 rs`? A `uni n militia xxgs` suowsun DUI 'uu |.'U .l.lD- ` AN EXAMHPLE EoR'bTHERs_. .. . ..- 1.. -Piles} Piles! Itching Piles! ...;..... i,.:.;+...-.a inhannn "u-..M.m- fgxf Owl; ay Year; I Gm;mgw ACTION, : 7JAMEs EDWA ans, qoNv1:-uNoER.}:o.. -L issuer of Marx-lac-.'o Licenses you pmcn Buxnomfa, swam l EBB in UUAI4 or nu Iunan, unpotwr : `root Irom _th_o mines`; A199 Lath and \ Whito and Grey Limo, Plulorer: xx Si-`vet Pipu Eire Brick, Fin Clay. -"Hater o!Pari ements, 914., allot bopt. zsnamyqnd so! at very reuonablo mes, -mos: 23Euub'ethVst., 8n2a;r|y opposite mmnmm noun. mm m umu. or am nnua, J 1 "SW2: I nndhv. ma am an vex-v reuom 35 ISIMIDI woxungtgxg Hour. ,:ru:`e theb"C. } mhlnll _5u-w-av n7h? s-icE: ivhon enruta to lovo 00 "4bI1I.Gloillll1. 'l'olndo.I|du- upon: cuuo-. Detroit. -Iluoklua In Ind It on his `ram-In mm. or my 03119. nn.otu:nthweslgm point. - _ SIM iahtg lnpuuze for tourist pamphlet. W Y. HER} AN, '1`. F. NEWMAN. Gen ! . Agt. ~ Gen`! Hunger. V Opzvnpngnonxo. . Anbnpsa a.cRIsI0E1 URN _pvv;w muuu upuunm azlne and music Binding, f a` specla_lt;y.. " -V51.nim}work~v .,;;;gu; Inna; ~ ` =;.`_l?rompj;ly,'IxeeI1ted ` ' %m!.[ . ma '3. _ Apeuacer an Valuator. l!!_i1nl;T_Boo:k"Mad to jtirne;- _,;_u u:.__.:- ng-_'.un_, % ENGLBH ' * A sasnxrasr ooocm 2 , n.....~.&-,-nm-:~o.:n'h......n....- uccemocr lat. '. Bnxlo; uo-Pat. Lv.Gleve1and tag 2.): r (_}l__evIu:d.\.u. Arr. Buimo. 8.30 1.! Vv .iill'llI11 Ll(!7(\lD-1`_i_ll!.' T T ~ 7 ._ - .. .. .._._,_.'... ....A.nhsv: T_4 `aAMssV`e_byvARDs ` ` ormsou` & SARIEANT, DEAL ; UOAL of all kinds, importer h-mt from tha mines`: Also Lhth t a1ar_Aimp'ro no nix. xmns or ,' ~'o:+_r.#.%*3';?=`~s=-F*s.~ Bank or Tomxicd `Building, `, M ` ()_w.e11_S't_reetr. -I` ll.` II\l\at--`vs , lnsuiance Agent; 01.. ..ul Ill; juuuun DlAnI:_\-nu ..___. o'`(}. t 3. Line" amam_rs nndenloy : Ricki : ms: when hvo . -abnsclnoinnltl. '_l'_ou_a_o.xnnt_a; pm I,;aII_v_ an . . gaunt; span- 2*!- . mvc:nB1I 9? I Pouyiiii-iIi*1oliow1nu' PM-uoytvo Ileutnz '~ uQ,~,i-L) :`u'Ii"`:=n.1n~-nu A IVA! i guunuag :ETO .r_ FIE%;`uN:.*% % Jun uuuvv 1-"! Fire and Lif. P. o. Bpx 2&4, BARRIE I}pI-M- v .KmrmBuh:.~' an .T II 831'] 5-2.1 mom ' ~mwoa1.n om. -. ~c.mAm;- ._ Mauioht {n' ipping `lax-an ,1 qunntltigc at steak to `the Yukon. M ,4 Tho Grand Trunk ?Ral&\_vMty Cmpanx` ` `ggplamo its wheol_ foundry :1; Runs, Welland now hunatural gas for heating, lighting Ind manufacturing Ah igent of-Atho Dominion Govern-g 1 meat `iaht Copenhagen scouring Lap- lmdem and reindeer. for the Yukon. ` The Marquis of. Lorne hap__[gooepte I the position of. Honorary` C`o!onel of lm n` .15:h.Battuinm,,Axgy1e.L1sM In!,e.n_t.r.x.-H; vm.- n........s.......o ml Ynlkm! Rmmnna. 4 .1uu:- nutbnlxuuyns 5; 11?. A415 9.: -.,,-9;: .-:-. .r..'4 ,, and? > _ .\__,.f_,__' ..... w_____.___` Tho. Dew! -1n'=N` 1`*P`1 `.`" "i `B . T. De itt cm age. we mtd j effected 215 seizures durum N10 - 9 dixia ot.\Vue;\ingt4:n,`;lnd Mrs. Elmnra . year. a lsrzermmbet NW8 im`_ `Wm"gMc9`utx>l1eo11 Collier "qr Anegneny City \ 1 (`A-nn1'1! nf .`:'hht1\'1 )l th. 5udden`y key atillm . _ were xnared at Pittsbixrg. on saturg Mr. Bear Couusell, C1073 9` "15 day. ` . - I -u--_.... n..|.1.... or M... .........~.-u- bu-ma nf xey scum. . 3 County of -Vahtworth. died suddenly at the family residence. Hamilton, on; Saturday. ' I Il`_ho Sp1'i4ng"`Hi1_l "Con! **Compa.ny.~:o!: 3 Nov a- Scotia will operate the~Sourin' coa1~fia1da, . where they have secured ` tract: of land. Messrs. Siegehcooper, 8:` CoEnpa.n\y `Ho! New York and -Chicago say Lhahthey; mentpl store in Toronto. ha.vo'no intention of n;7cn'K:1g 3 depart-` _ . _` ..` *4 -- - :1,` un:us,.)u.A auuu Lu unvu-.v. _ Her Majesty's ship P1}aton. and ior- pedo destroyer Sp8.l_'ITOWhmVk are at Esquimalt, B.C. -There are now. seven warships in that harbor. ,. ' ` A... .,...l.... :.\ r`.u......:I hon knnn nnuag --.v__V._...-..~- -..- in that harbor. "- - , - . An order in Council has been passed`. -11! U10" United SUW35 V50M. .03 des;g.nating Port Stanhsy as a port to ` . . . _ A _ which the harbors act` 3119,14 appxy, gvmdg nsnaua. spenkmg on the immtgratmn declaring the limits of the port. gbill. said: v iNoiu 1migrn'nt`uota pauper `- - ' ~ : diseased or criminal Owm to th 1: (1 its a ` '`"'*' . V ' ,..,..m, 0,. ::,.d:2nt:: W rerurned from rm... hill 1: nm arv of nrncrushxlntkon ',Thursday_, Senator Caffrey, of Ldu- . uwmg Do me 11664 ? umlus mtfuv uu tha Mournbtsd Police or aervicean the` Yukon. the raznaming tome find it dit-A fiohlt to attend to t.ha~ca.lls made .on ` them. . . _ rs-L; nun. _L 1'_._.:-_ 5.1.- ..........- ` >\`b\\7.LL|a _ ~ The City Hqll` at London, the scene : of the recent accident. is-beiug~ repi1ir- ed. but there is an agitation in the city for the erection of a new ball far- ther nox-th. J. .A ,,'II ..I_`_- ...._.- n:' DUEL HUI D1)- The Government will plakse some.95..' 000,000 Whitefish in La.'&e3- Ontario, Erie. Huron. and St. Clair next sum- mer. The eggs.M`e now being batched `in the Sandwich halchery. ' nu,_ n_,.A_L:.__:.... _______ .,_.'_ ",5 ;_,, uy Luv 0uuvv nun u-I-vuvg, . I The investigating governors of the Royal Canadian Hunmm Association` have u.wu`rded the silver medal to Al- ..` bert J. Cummer of Hamilton fdr saving ` Miss Amelia" Hallfrom drowning. .1 _-_. A_,T , ,, _ _ Smuggling in 6 large way is strtmglyi 8 suspected by the Customs` Department `I ta be carried on over the frontier at Niaga fa`1<`alls, but the: experts at the `t ` business are abX'e L0 mnplua the ottigf ( cefspiv - , _ ( 1. . o q .- I! 1 I,,L,..,_.. hula. A fortnightly mail service lmtwn Awcklnnxl, New Zealand, and San Fran- V cisco and Vancouver will be` inauguxfl - uted on April 1. The Oceanic and Cana- l diazn-Australlw lines will `sail every Ilfourteen days (9.1 ternal;e`ly.. (11,.-- u...`|.-..:............ N: mm "M... n..:.,. `urn; \4I_'/Cull U15`! 5 , UIIVDI. uuvuA_, :- Since the" beginning of the year `Lhir- ' ty-nine families fromthe United. States have taken up their-abode in Toronto." _being `of the opinion that the future olthut city is briglntorthan the out- look in the United Stgztea cities. p I!I{Jwvo1V luv: pvua ' 3'EII6A0Yfior;.:rLAvon_` . V U? IN'.::QUALITYv ' 9.9u;l1`.81?.1I!A'- uwcoxroamxno * - t.I911.B3`?0B5 o.v*2D.Ysea1=m= _il_9tIAIJ1 !!3UN3lVAI-LED mum 3:9 :-`: i9:1:' ma -* 9 V "`n%`I;::l`a`?3"`?;__a`*.`":sg1' ; } G111sAT i`3ii?I"1:}.1N~.7 .-_ ' Countess Russell, widow ot Laid, J ohn` Rusisall. _is dead at Londogx. _ .. I'\..fL'_!._ L . . . . . ... .:.'..1:.....r L;.l L\\-Ifullp -ID `ICU/\l JIIJ JJVIIUV]-.5: `I . _ Grent`Brifuin.. has again declined tbl reopen the sealirig question in answer to a requ t of t_:1_1a Unitd States... `IL L ` ....:.I In Tnnd.-an Hmf Hm flnmu-n- bu an Lvquvqu nu. Iugu uuuw. -Jvlnvv-aq_ It is" Said in Loni-don that the Govern- ment `will ask I*s.rliument'to sanction an increase` of the army by 15.0D0 men.' Ah...-inn vuumnvva I-arrav'iHnrr M :- l1_ll 1A\3.l'EVun3O UL uuu ll uqvuv Luv. Alarming rumors~ regarding Mr.~ ,1a4ag_9ne s;--health are again current m London.-but reports from Cannes. state .th,atV.thero `is -little foundation 01` ' UIGIIL /` nu... __-_.. 'n..;. n..;.... .:....C..... fm, Lu: puma. , The very Rev. Hehry George Lid- dell. the former dean of. Christ chin-oh, Oxford. is dead. He was born in 1811. and was at dub timef q11_apl!1in t'o..the-_ Prigce Consort. - ' V 2 ALL n__ ...;x. 4..- `A-.. -.':..._ I. LLIJVU Iuvunva v. V `question. 1`l1e'inY13htia._l `ournolla nlll ~Evnts in this far amstlnnfe `turning again into prominence the Pacific cable" poim. out thy:-_,un'g_ent nee of an 111- B_ritishca.b1e ' ' ' , ,3 . ,1. !`-_.1_`. u..|..... L. 1.`... uuuou Lulllvan \ _ The suit againstI.J1dy Sykes `m. Lona . -don, by J;1y,1r_money-1?-nder, has fail- ed, the jury finding that the signatures to the notes wereiorged. L'1`hijs"p_uts . her Lad;-ship in 9. rather-wor3_s Vp_osi-V A tion.',-thanbbgsfor. , ,u 5,. `1 -;._.1_._ A.|.- ' 1.1.... l{|K'II`,V3`K|Ill > |. |}>|`lI'UI ` VV_ -vw `It is rumoured in Lvndon th_a.tE1}1- peror Francis Jcmspb of'.Aus'trm ml} Archduchesa I+1izn[t;eth.. {laughter of the late _Grow n Brinre Ructulph. 19 the .-King. ofSp:m1._ ` V ` V ` V ' I'J;.nm-'5'}-winks hm: lm'nn"un1`nr-`hidrnn Hm` 'shurtlH'21m.ou:1L"I; the. betrothal of -Lhv V ~~-Mr. `Du`n!;-a,r_ Pluixlt V.Ai;a._mto;i; . '5 member of `IV n_zr1.iament' {or the` Mlddle _Divia,ion at Atmagn, l_za.s_1`yeen retuximd` LULCVUI u ~ mum Huse 91 pommon`awitl:outj, 0;; 4 mu-Genetkal tier` A) re] msmon on'.sbis/29.11:;oi:;Atmentiq_`Salim. 3 . -nu1g_ Ill. upiuu. _HenryIrv`u1Q` has been 'se:19cld am < .fdr 1398_.; 7Phe.l+wtur.e3hisp was.Vesmb1ish~ A ed in Henry VIlI. s time -to be devoted to "'Ilufrng.uit)', Logic, and Philpsoxglgf 1tore`ve_r. f 11-, v\ a.,. nu__..|_;.'L _..L-_ fin V Reade `ieaL`urer"at Cambridge Unlvbrsity' V _- J-'tAJ aLW|Fl\lnlflf l: nu`--vv_- `w `-qvuy f`~I`Vvv\1. \ I .~ &!2&nw1.9nn3:ent-3;\9!/ hhx>un;9m2ve_ss:fu1 ; V n'e to `cblrsn z_oi;`Si4a:` V .Luonb.*.n,ow . 11!: Hfyf ` errit `r T. ' .l`~hV \ ;31e.>la1.tem$gw:rti. n M _A We *9'13h91F`9;,9t. 5.51; 'A>U!lruL'l_lCLDl :l~.\`l,l ,4v>:' -\ -, " - `Enl:z`1ug:d.1xar'1akem stc1r*tciWt.rd rtlJ I . hpx::.unau9u9sau V a ; ` ' ` .uohb.*`.now `1-g.4\f2?ryV{;g7`e~-f ;ras(:;115(L;, zny... A I ume:<%K:nmm `f tom 1`, "as an ;`}`el&_.';Ul[, . `ii . ` n`ki'n`zr -s)\11)..Hn`. Jtha c ,V:`i,""- `*"}`?fPWI|_1as gI.s_uy amatad-smnecy` 1 "L ` 9` A what} company By an '. .~ High: um: um killed me 1 xi ougly woundad at Saady'Fo` I .fxn `cards. All were oolomd. _ `a fight w_}aich arose over a]'gun9' ,-V">e; om-we omen :- V amt, Varmont. huv}hb-;a`qg: roy-4 in `6 `W. Gar- ! cmcms been mgmoa by. th;o_,Unitgd Staten Seuato. tntnhlq-:G6nsrM 1 Ky 3 0! 1.! Ixlnounuing that; .5 Mr may 59:99 R 7 T. A h and Auatrihn frontier: at : V'ih)1II_Itl 3. goimd by came an orde*r*f6i"'},mn baa Kiett. ~ - . ' - cycks to be shipped to Hnnxbnrl. away. A - k The nomination of At . L 3IoKonnt L5 aJustioq 0! tbs Supremo jams of he; 8`h'i dmn mdimt in jewels. ( uh tho". \ hug `.Victdrig'a_1Ito 7l!;' rthday prmmtmm khgrw huabuufgh a bracelet pad of an `m_vanT,min1aV `- Ljvur . W, W 4:2 **~m.*a::~ ` pc no thejpor 9'0` -1 , ,V m`4F~m*- V A-swordsh wand-I_ was htelfbrought to the market at wad Ml fan} hunt! fhh flash boni ' . ..Y'- f I L . . "Gray Gables." the summer Mme of 0 emp Qymen owing to we mu-B-aw . _ , l , \ . Pffsdfgn Siigg ;;l, b?`m::"Q% A letber has been received at Brus- `. Iransuzked ihehuuse from attic tobellax; ls` `(mm Arongni MM November 18' ' Mud made 800d their escape without ::;"chkerdpru`tht ma insurgents ham , , . . . - and `defeated 9. detanhment 1 ` itcfawng thtyslightest clue to their |4lt n- of the Congo smtevtmom north 9; the ti "'7' , ,.\:"-"""'*i'Lake. killing` their commanler, Baron D'D0-`*`1|0I1'QW bY01` {M 1:79 ` Danis iiersonally undertook `punitive Y ; York legalize oparatjong from Lakandu in the many. 3` 1 ,,m,`,,'d'3m-M_. mmirml n ufnr-In hf nrntneitn from the; I vuuufo nu_ n_uAv vvwuivv _` - . .f` 0 There ia a big strike Jnntms the -oo_b-V: `Uton piperatiors at New Badlgrd. Mass-. and othe: New Eqglsnd townsunver , the mdnotion in wagon. ` v ` r At ihe annual meeting oitho Boston 0 amber ofcominercb the rwlution 3 A In oring rociprocitywith Cangdn were :*unpnjmously gdpptod. ' .0 The xclevqland Muaio Hall. which W63", 5 bum`. in` 1885. at 5 cost. of 360.000. '15 . ,_ destroyd by fire on Saturday night. It I h.-urn 1-mating mmacitv of seven thoor. Dyna Dcuuwu. - ~ - :4 Eight may r. ri-V` ymwly 8aady`FoW A Ky..3 imfa ght smug" off cards. ` uni`, 1- _ 11.. _n.-n..- .....'..`_.... 4|... .u.bLx' uesu-oyeu by me auuraay nlgun. u. had' a seating capacity 01 neven thou: 34 ~' jl`uu`mu-tuna: nmmunuhhieuu.

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