I . ' Want ' to Keep ! our Neuralgia . i Mana V! lune Is KDIUILU uu one uuuu IHUIH. . H I ' Arch. Debenham, who has had- an attack of musculay xheumatism. is able to be at I work again. "_ W ' _ .. 1 James Burgess. of Owuu S0und..is viaitinn .- Ji;n. 25th_7We are pleased to Ee Miss Maria White is zib1e_to be out once more. _ A.-ah n.,n...s...... mu... 1. ....1..... mm. ~ Kmen, nnq several urully. wru uy (ma . L. -J M Baldwin hada bee last week, `drawing ihg barn -timber, "with the viw to erecting i a large barn next summer. Jan. `25~,New Hope Division S." 0..T. appointed t.he.fol-lowing as delegates to the ._ _Distri<.t meetin , which _i'q to" be held at. Rugb'y-:-- rs. . . Connell; Mis`ea""A. Campbell and K. M_cAr_thur, Mr. M. Hunter. The`S. 0. T-. have chosen sides for; another program zxohtest. ,- > ' _ I several of our voumz ladies have invested } work again. _ . . ` James Burgess, of Owou S_0und,.ua visiting ; fnenda in this vicinity`? V ' ` flnnnna `X rn}vniM- ha: ha}! nnlvnrnl nhann . menus ll! u11s_vu.:|uu.x_._i `v i [ Ganrge V! reggitt has had several sheep >ki!led.. mid several bkdfy. torn by dogs. .J M Rnldwin hadahm Inst weak. 'dmwr;Ev 1 `program canteen. _ I .Sevev|-nl young ladle; .ilivested inakatea. ~ - V , . T min I-dud in Hahn` Hun}. Manors. `N Wulhnn fund J. 'Studdart have recovered1 from 11. ~ `severe attack of measles. ;` IIYSKBWB. ` . v , ' I am glad. to beat` that; Mame: V\`,,.. .Va_lke_r M... su...1.;u :. .,:.;,a.... 1..." .....n..,.. ;'.. RVWUK PI I'!]Bl!8|8H._ J ` _ 2 Mrs.,Stanley xa vlemng her`!x_1oth`r`_1nl lfidkerihg. ` Md: 1` nhv and mm ,T3mmu v:n:fnr` work. - . < 7 1`rain~Speira--Ordered, '1}h'at' the sum of $15 be _paid Mr. Richardson for digging; ditch and `building culvert on sideroad 25" and26.con.1. ._ ` Q....;..... '1`:-oln4_(`.ra`nv'nr` 'I`|1-at. Hm. nlerlz "l mkenng. V - ' "` Mrs. T. DRY and you Jjmmy. visited. fiiends in_ ._Gut.hrie last week; - -. u H `nungmnriz. wan dalladmwnv nn Mnnadnv len ll] ,}]\lUllFKI} HIISII WEK.' - _ H. Dunsmor wag 6alled"away on .Mani'ia',y.` ` `morning `to attend `the, funemluihit brother. `Ravi H. A. Fish delivered 9- "van: :ihle' 'HXOFnIn_g I0 BWGHH I6, HIDETVEI-UX..llI_ DTOWPGI`. I ` _Re_v.,, HE. A. End} delivered `a- very able V ;_misaionary aernxonm the Mat!1 adiej;`.chu;~ah .4 hat Sunday evozgiugf ' - _. t r TherLa dx,ea" And of. the; Metghodisb,,1:_h11rch.': man auuua 6_V0lug; '],`he-La:d{ea;' Aid if. Metg1jodi1l':,,A1;:h11r`ch-`i ~will~-mee.t at me. residence: /of . `Mrs,-. - W. Graham on, Wedniesday aftern,o'ou.'. `Minn Annin. Hnun hm: rntilrnpdiin (Ii-illin: }. = On last. Friday_=2I:sz.'inst:,,Mrs..;a `. B1-ophy died qt. her` msidence i,Be`lie ;3 `ix 'EWarb z:_h L.tb& adyval`mdaga of~?83;` 0;; ` Sunda'yh'ex`=. remaiqs .were;faken `to thje ;' at-holic'V <':l_`;\\'n'eh,;,5_13`e1j* ' ' _ n,eta11 $bse; i ,. |"U3}repgii'f6;_ `i urauam on, vveuresqay alsernpoua, -` V Miss All!Il'8~H,0.dg8&h3$i8tllI`1}(_1't0 Uri ;.aft.e_x`~Avieiting:he|t parents. ` 1 . , 1lA,iLa L lnortatnnant -.j13EL_I.'E' J:1_1wAR'r; W `A Ritchie, cedaxhfor ul_1l\'e\:t and `Wbrk. repxiring culvert .'. Robe:-t'M`cGrath, repairing roadwair, am."-mu! 5 am! R unnn; In and I1. . G.UT1:lRJ.Ej DALSTON; age, telegrams. ;ic..`.... 52 85' Wurk. Caretakers. Con`sta-` ` V blea. Gatekeepers. Ticket Sellers. .v . . . . . . . . , . . . . .. I39 31 I " l > y "iTi'1'S"Tf1 BAuk.... .. ; l3 l3 I z. ------. E V .. l..... `.........a, r.-..... , ...... | i i The Jmnuni sxiogting; o-(the Guam}: Simone - Agricultural S.-m;ial.y.wu held last Wednem .j duy afternoon iu Eh: Town Hall. with only `afar altendancp. In thoabaence of Preci- dent Little, Daniel Q 1iulau._ first vice ataxi- deut, occupied the chair` 1 Thu rennrts of the mcremv nd Vhthe ` Ir33.rQI' Wail! [tau uuu IUUPIQU ` K The w-rusty : report Ih0VIed_tht: number '01 entries fur` 1697 as 2338. The amount offerud iu'p|iz:a w :sv5XU`.!5.75, M which 31191.75 was awardcd. l)e~luo't S146 Iur mnnbers _fcs.1nd 884.35 :5 iec0|lulf. I-3913140. pii 0 prim winners ' |J.n. 9. C:`equc-s. 1896, Gr. Bunk, ~ $1000.. Cdeh, 81850 ... I Guvo.-rument Grant. . . Vcspra Agxicultural Society Bmie Horticultural Suoiety Town Umnt_...... . . . . . . .. V `Prucecda of Note. Jm. 26.` . `n -r KL... on - ` uill`, UUCUPIUU IIIU UHHITK > ` `4 Thu reports of the socrem y and the treanurarwene read and adopted ` I The nu-I-, nu-V : mum! nhnwrd (ha mlmhnr uuaa-Ag H1 in, as. ...'_.=#, L "l'c"awn ! 5 . V 1 i` The {allowing otiicera were elected :- j | Presideixt, E. A. Little, Mi P.; lst Vice: . Pres... Daniel Quinlan; 2nd Vme-l res., G. 3 `Love. Directors: C. Bennett, Geo. Liviug- ; atone. Philip Love. Walter Patterson. Geu. : I ........ .. -VRaukea, Dr. Morten, L; Kennedy, Noah} Gmse and Dr. Raikee. Auditors: J. B.` McKe-ggiu and W. J. Hullett. 7?. wus (hwidnd that r.ha'Prnsidm1m nf the I U13 BKUJUUVB. 'I`her-eT`wua considerable` discussion as to the price of admission. 0. M. Hiokling and George Livim:`hton.e moved that the fee be 252.; and D. Woods and D. Bunker moved} that it be 156. Both these motions were. ruled out of order, as xing the price of `~ 'rdmias1on_ia one" of the duties of the execu- ` `H nu. - Robert Mcumtn, reprurmg rouuwuv, sideroad 5 and 6, cons.-10 and 11.. Joneph_Gudd. for Tp. printing for 1897 .5 `C.Huule, digging ditch, as required} 1 by agreement under th D. `and w r\,"A..+ < . mcneggm 11110 H . J . IIKUIBBF. It was decided `that the_`Presideuts of the 5 Barrie Horticultural and of the Vuspra Agri- ' cultural Societies be ex-oicio. msmberg of 'lhe excoutive. 'l"l.m...T ...\....3.I.....\l.l.. .l.. Hk9FWi%&9 PM1!WUUl3l Marr and Drfdacwatr were re-appointed - secretary and treasurer. ` 'I`hn'1:hrmz nrmzirh:.nfs_ with Gen, Living. ' secruary nun treasurer. 1 ' The'three presidents, with Geo. Living- ' atone and L. Kennedy were app_-inted zy- uon'1mitteeto strike the exucutive and report at the next meeting of the ldix-ecturs. I ` `The dates tor the show of 1998 were xpd ! E it lall UUXV4 IIIUULILIE U1 U10 liulllfil. `Ihe dates tor the show of `I898 were xud as'S.pI:.28Lh, 29111 :m d 30th. I T l st. Diary ; Literary. . l- WAt. the- regular meeting of St.:_ Mary's "Literary ` Society on Fridayl evening. last, the following prognnnl was rendered :----Essay, Mina` . Hugs ' solo, Miss Byrne; essay, Ms. `D. Mu-Dongall; solos, T F. O"_Meara,;l :Duba te, R-uolved, Tllah 1ua1`r_ied-life . is more `preferable; "than single life"; alrmative, Mr. 0`Cuuuell, Miss M. C:=r'panl'er; negatri-vc. M-Tr` M<:Gue_v, Miss ll" m.;;.. Mn," n 1:.-_.....n nut` Mb- j is the most. dangerou s`"_o_ all human _ `ailments because, xts approach munch- ;/senzghle. " Its symptoms are commonw, other diseases. :viz.,. Severe, Headache,- Backaclxe, Dizziness; Slee 1essnes`s,j "B1u1:red Visiombavspepsia, e_ ~.---0nce let it get arm holdbn 1`.11e_syptem and. , "V `itiS_d1i0l111}0, dislodge. It 13 caused ` b inzibilif the kidneystolhgr I 1-bu frnm the blood; ' ' V ` L}.:|yal|bCI, llK2`g;uVKV\:. um` u.|.\.v:vu_y, J_.u.I\2u 3A." Blaiin. Misf D. I i_>we_il and Mr: Dvrury as critics decided in fa.v.or ._uf. -!l1'11l.`I;.Ct.17_life.V . ' " i.B!l:EH`E..;;9!.!..i. . 1ao.v;n'gnoxne~ in cm `in navance plasma `A; .mvse1f:. `I htxdtriec aud1toroI'uccougr,g, now. . ~ ` The Reeve named John McEuchem.- M1 ` Lawson was uppointgad usssaor. T:-:1in..Qnnh`E--nl`dPl`P,(`. 'l`ha.t HV. 1 hive had hear-b; trouble for. yam egglur _(uem_ K55 tl:e`heart.)..,Fi`nully dmbems set n. - ctwov ne would make} therworse. Amomr mv appi%i\nei1to\yvork-tol;]xat%er;' What would relleva .- zufu. - _- _` _ ' The Board of Directurs met. Immediately `%%9 &}4nREi!! ![) y>m.3bu1.1'.y or me K10. reg. from the blood; Va!-iif. mn be. r U!3_DU&lCU UK lJl|`(UF'Jl`8 Illttla IIHUIE4 r~&he-elest+eHrbe-tzenerahneetingx 'r nnd D71?-fMnnwnlr. wnm m.anr H a `U . Ll` VII ` Gate Receipts 615 l9i Concert . . . . . . . . . . . . .. H8 20 "Pnivilegea 6200' Advertisnuenzsnn Prize`List 42 00 Subscrnptidna. . . . . . 317 60} Mcmlrenu Ticket; . . . . . . . .. I28 00! Stalls, 'Aitumlents' Fxckets; F n... W.n!.'-inn rm! 5] Lsemuu on Luluuer, _` 3look(`x) Cheques charged luck ' *"*i;xrx:n1'x-v1:1s:* `BM. due Twas. Jan. 1, Sucwtauy salary. . Trans. .. Rent, Jain: Stuck .'7u.. Bum.-3 It mm: (.I'|Z`.I5 ~ . u . - . . . . . . . . . . 1396 Snudrv Accounts. . . . .. ` J.C.McIl1umI, subs. to `Inlay J. M.BuLhwel|, " `Luugfurd' Water Works . . . . . . . . . . .. 1! LI KY/.I>.'. Hm DR DIIHH, tlullutilll LIUI Fug-~. Eutcieu, ch: Rebale on Lumber, ` 3o....l- (`A I Lawson uppoxnnga assessor. Tmin~Speirs--Ordered, That Hy. 0 Neill be givgau to the 3l:t Dec.. 1898, to remove timber off base line, cons. 1 and 2 . VlV....:..J".mnI\Hn__nrr`arnt That tlm Rmavn. ' wawr worm: 1 -idNo|;e, Oct. N. Grow, ` cash` advanced. . BAH'.Plu|)'l'ug Mill Co.. - W. D. `Vansiukle Acouunc . J. W._ Lowry. Gum . . . . . . .. Int. on overdraft a(:.. Bank Rofreahnments . . . . . .. Axnuaoxmnts - . . . . . . . . . . .. I Judges, . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . .. Bands .` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ` Eleotrig Light Co. . . ` . . .. Printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 tiill puating, postage, cart- etc. .` . . . . Hnllera. . . I %;..:;.; 2281 21 timber on base hue, 1 am 2 I Train-Cough!in-0rdered, That the Reeve `and Mr. Speirs inspect the road made. by ` Mr. Loffs. und_if satia,fact.ory, pay for the: work. ' 5 1 '|'....:...Q.miu_.().-dpmd, 'I`-hn.|' H19 sum of S5` ; l'UlH`l 'll'.p1ll u_u_\' !n(_ICI u:r\H\;Iuc lulu! yuupuguuu uuulu U!!!-VD uuw UR ulwtuu-.u Mme tom-. .SL0.A-L\j Vs INDIAN TONIC. Idid so and have used` four It. has made a great c`h.mge inumy life, and Ivnow rest rind sleep` witl1;ea$e"a: ___jt-. [believe SL'.f)ANM S INDIAN TONIC is 7th_eL bes\ty:;1edic_iuetin`t:}) mnrhl ' . . ` -` '. ` T smn.-'.x.n \'n|]'l"s1h`l'Ih.9,L ` ` V - IV. 1.. ruunpx, .|..lU!.II1U|rUl'. . . L. `3 . . , . 'Chut.lmm,_- Oct. lhh, l'89'f, . ` ` Dem` Sirs :-__Sum9 time ago T was treated by oxie"`b'f`6ur"`l$'sE city,"'d:a:m for continued bleeding at the nose, and the tre;1tment|I was subjectgd. to weak ened my stomach do that nothing I could eat wpuld agree with me am; I ` retain nothing but. buead and mm; which WES n1y"c:1n_ef diet. ` I h-{at} n `\nH]n 'nr gT.('\AN`Q and MI` nnnn `\DlI:\`l)`V".' a- Aumuu -Hummus U\u.> Iuuuu auu uuux Wlllhll wua uly nuipl \u :u. -7 ` I tried a hot.t.1e'o SLOAN'S `INDIAN TONIC and at once begaxxafixv `I improve, and ibh :3 made a permanent. cure in my case, .I can now p9.rmkeo `any food,'uo nmL'.er hoxvatrong, and experience 'no`dist.ress after eating. . - T lmnn runnn\n\.u\'r`n-I` -if fn unvnrn nnnnln nn. fn Anon: mum 1'}: hnh'f:h}Ln Maple Cify _C pex'\xge, ; . R. T. Phillips, Proprietor. A `nu_v_ Iuuu, uu I|.Inlu.VI uulv-_u Iu\lu5, uuu UAPUQIVLIMC nu unuuvua utygx wanna. > y I have recpmmended "it to several pepple and in eveny case It hzmgiveq F grand results,'a-nd a "bottle of it shuu fd be in every household. 7 ~ Yours very truly, ' - ` _ . k I - 12 'r Dmrnm . ` < Q ' "I'4uI6ug"&II 1 \Ii "IIII`IJ T` `V M ' . . ' ' 5 ' St-. Williams, Co. Ne_rf.olk, =1897. _ { Dear Sirs:`-It giv(-;~.. me greatpleasuxe to testify to the Iact;1il1ut.SL`.'*AN% 1 INDIAN TONIC has caused a most remarkable "change in my ` 20-:3-_liti'.o Ifizr two `years?! have su`9rd' ftom idigescioix and w.eakness, and -n6t='*g1di:x g~ . re1i<-f-f1s91ua_n_v miner n:edit:ine until` yqurfageut omnehen mn`e"3 uy`a1\clIadwiseai i run {m h-. QT t'\A.\".Q TNHTAN TUMIF`. T RH un and hnvn end Fm `1n(*.N'am vvuuul ' work-1". aad2U_con.1. Speira-'I`ram--Crdered, That the clerk "give Imtice that feridets for he township. printing for 1898 will be received. ` Cdnucil admurned. to meet; at Plaelnstbuh; ,The Man; _ For sale liy`alMh_h_:ale.rs or addrss the Gompaiiy; a:-B:_an;;n;m:;w`, ' . ' `_ _Price 3|, .6 f9!` $5, ` To make; ` ;5v\I,u_',nvx mum 5 -mos?.v'.Dik?s:;LBtod: i3mi_r;_.i" ` From a Leading chatham Manufaturegj ilqw much of 1our`Sl1de ,--1J. FRAWLEY,;MS6le Locai Aggt, 3arrie" HANg5KERQHIEF$ " Embroidered nanakercba: is great`: variety . ` Q Is entitled to thefniost for that money, If you ` ' vvorlg hard you aremost likely jto watchihe dyol-E _lars closely. We want to help you in making` your money. go as far 'as poesilflc. We hive some attractive barga`in_s` to show you` in Winter S_uitings and Ovcrcoatingis. You can save. money on`every_ article of clothing you buy from y , us, and what's more, (you yNllLbe satised withg l\I .. . I. ~ . u A.- us, allu W our work: ` is leather,--work:ixonshIp~-`and ' A how much of iris profit ?*The_ Shoe ` youv should buynand jhu Shoe dealers sell, di'e_r as. these proper tions,di'erL Yur next pair` will . ' have more leather value, and less` \prot for the dealer, i_f_ you see that itfs Goodyear 'Weltcd, and stamped on` the sole, 33,14, or 05.`. MALEXFMILNE; .Butter "one must have. . good n11i1k_Vaxi:dV 7 M ' ._t1iisco1nesonly `from ,;1 heahf; 7" cows, __ ThVe"-- V blood must be.-3 : kept*c1ax1. axvadg .>pure,_ax1V`g1T :h'T . ;ud_ig{$tiQn- gm `V to-j'en$urc`b-this _ 1 C l I 1 1 1 4 1 4 I 4 I ! T'eui1xa.;; ._Tlre;, y>.~_ . >_ '_ , . * .15: -nothing-= so; 1; 'if8.09;;1:~_,fOr this .5- Ian- - 1. n._..:.. Worksf For His) Mbney: LUUIQ VVIJ mun , . _ R._T. p'mLL`1Ps._` astiam Fa*manent|y Cured r 2 `Q4 `X;"I|nm;- n Kxnilwfnnz R, I. FRASEF*& C0,] lam ` The S|ate1r1Shoe3 % oueme.nna._ . . 7 LChiE1_5,t$A-'$t "moms andba;ain , `_ -.mod'.ern impromfm gt ; If ' ;EIiga=l)et_hJS R9. I` m` rov,eimanbs.'.' 4 ' I-IR!-H: 'H-an . Uvluun uvunvqv;'-'J:_u|c= ` `house rafiiif ht 91$: V , ;0qi__1bIa: `Brik_hous.:6j._rohgna.` 3 I euemenha.` .. - ' ,.: "4 : u 4 . `V 0`l"`.t-h share 2 LDun1opV;stre;-3;-1'3.-ric ` a5'611i:`StrepI4E:n dwelling mbmv.a`m`anhs.`. prmmng 101` L595 wm OB recaxveu. , Council adjourned. Phelpstou - Feb. 19th, at the hour of 10 o'clock. ` 9 . C. S. BURTON, Clerk. { LUJJLU no I.u_u `|J\\U,`_u_v\,|Iu_Au\4.|fs.y I mu.-'x_n, yours uni` `, _ - MR5. " ;;.1>Ri0E'. . _ }.ja.,ssu: uncle: Sue}? lioj,`f,6rjAtIi ms; " ' _llesl1erate`{3_ases: .- Th1s~N_most Mifaculdus Gure;Ha?:V'asy4` - Indreased `the Fame of Paitie :s Celery` ' -5 -A C_oIn.p,o'uh_d in the'Ma_ril;ime_. ` b "Province'a.` ; * ..`~ m- - "9 `meuxcnne. nxne's- uener; uumpounu. , b_ T; ~_,I*-wa_s~a*}ie&`by #h1_'eej_complainta that j" mad myglife armigsezy and a bu'ic1en.. I`_ 1:52 gipelas_ for'.%fort.y years, bleeding ' pi`lo'e; 011; .f iiTyears,_ ;o._n d? acigtig gwhejp uwis fox: oTv`er`9. ye_ar._- _ .hn, rhmtnirn am} An` nf` 1I_lr.w'l`; R. Baxter says : After! ._tlie Use of Scvenllottles of ` Paint? Celery Compound -I was l?ert`ctIy Cured anilfed-Youlng Again. . Tnerealmeaicme nus afjuaemual mail? . Wm S5 lcaanmdk Co. _' . ._ DmiSms :~ 1* desire toletvyuon kzipy} V aboint; my .w.ondeitu.1cure by your px-ec_ions.; ` medicine. Pam e s- 0_,Bh)l`_f Uumpound". , ,_ I-<-wm 9/hum` nnmnlnintn l.hnl3. ii `isoflaudsonitiostumes t Grn.atIr9RuIuc$. rPri1ier* I00 Diltetenit Patterns In Bloue Silks LHN3i Y'MAN.! `nos couNcn.. at Rgasongble Pr/ices... sensible, Suitable Presxents {JUL ' .55` 00 mjo Silk Hilndkerchiefs, AHem Stitched, a 4 . . ~ ...._1 !1I........ ,, The economics] Bud wise woman, who `hasjhe management of a" home, knows.` from experience. that when the excel-t lence" of any home necessity isestixblished ` and guamnteed, moneyand time are . I nr nun L. enecns wxzi Iouow. .- _ .,A numbe1'. of foirmers in- this 'd1strit are ~ ! getting ready for building in the spring.{ `Semi: houses will be built;` also, quite_ a.- ; uumbr 'of stone foundations for` barns. . which is now the reoagnizedmhing for ata.blea_ and shelter piucea for came- in this district !\ Dolls `Toilet Articles,` Cushions, G_8_LY_&!iL_. ` i 2 I E `,*..5l_n:`l.~` Y|' 8! Y3.-3 ~ 7 .- ciad Jbhew doc`tV9ts V and 'n1l..kinds. of` V uh n9*~h'elP . 91" telief ,wa l = qd MIL9u1 alBpI:' ` Will} mourn Ill IUBW. A bad` ae9_q_h_us to. be recorded this "Week. Miss M. Hill, while walking` to church, and being entirely clear Of the road. was run into. knocked downnnd run over by a reckless driver, who was not paying- uttent-ion to his horse at all. oreueh an acci- i dent cohldhot llave. happened. The young man's name ie3rArthu1_' Ward`. Miss Hill is. doing as wellhs can be expected alter such" an experience, but from the way. she V3 -'11 , biuised; and her coat born. it is a wonder she is about atriall. We. hope no further ill effects will follow. - - ` A .......x`.... ..t C.-............ :...'a.l,:.. '.l...L..:.'.L ...... : Jun, 24-A number of our young people want; no Churchill rink. on 22nd inamut, and -spent a good time at the rink, bu repurr Iaaya more fun In-the sleigh-ride than skating, Minn Meta McConnell has returned tu says more Illl] in-we alulgu-rluc Luau meaning, Minn Meta McCunnell school invforuuto, after along vacation, by whi5Tfshe'aeems so much impfoved. In-urn nmrv tn rennrt the lmuh nf J.-nnm; Wnlclrsue seems H0 lllllll l||llJlUVCl.Iu . We-ate soxry to repurt the death of J amen Thompson. an old repidgmb and reapeutetl _memberu.ud_ elderof thePresbyterian church .\ here, -who died Sunday 23rd. abouts am. He was 21 man who will bu greatly missed in the community. and wehxtexld our sympa- thya to the remaining members of the family who mourn his loss. A l...,I- tI.\:l,t\t\` 1,... 9.. I... ...-..m..rl..l n.:. at me . g ' The Diamond Dyes for home dyeing have a world-wide repumfion, and stand first in purity, strength. fastnesshnd simplicity of use. When the-=Diamond Dyesgare need, qld, ifaded and dingy _ ~ - garn1e'ubs*aI:mmadefto look as good `as new at an exceediflgly small osi. ---- ~ I ninmrm van [10 an nmr nnnunn I Woman s's Idea 01 Ex'cs`lleu'ce:.1 I 1114 an eaucuutclguy llllll UUl!h- "`""" ` Diamond Dyes, like all other popular aud perfecl'.lgdods,AKre largely imitated. Do. not -allow your dealer to sell you ' adme inferior make of dye; risk for the "Diamond" and_aee that" you get. them. Spud tn Wnl'u X Rinhnrnnn ".n' "IJIUIIXUUU anu Hd ullla yUll g{_W uuem. Send to Wls ` & Richardson. 30"., Montreal. P.Q, for `valuable book of ` directions bud sample _c_a_1gLc_Ql6rs; sent flee to, a1jly_iddraas._ - I.-Ian. I'-Miss.Ida_ Ferguson. of Barrie. spent Sunday in OroAS_tatiou. . V . Hernm. nf Rhkntv Rm: nnnnt Qnhm. spent. auuuuy ll.'_I Uro-Manon. r - | =Alf.Herron, of Shimpy Buy. spent Satur- ` day evening with-Ja.s.' Marlin. . { Minn A, .T. Kirltnntria-If numb .Qnml.n.. in Holiday Trade- Oro Station; , ~ Miss A. J. Kirkpatrigk gpent. Sunday` jn _ uuy evening wu.u'Ja.s. marlin. 1 M`. Qhhnnnh mm! M. "I..L. n'.{.1.-..~ :. .'i.oininz b Ul'U ncauoxr. 1 _. " __ I Mr. Sgencer and Mr. `Jas. _Ma.;lin' intend .3 _ e_ I.0.F`. o_n Monday.evehingjno_xt. James Bay. of` 0ril}iB.; visit/ad_ the school J -Inst week."~' ` ' M... .m..Im;;~ ...'.1\...:,....L.L*,..... C-:Q:`2-11.4 L... IIDIDB Ill U EQIJXBL on Dl_I7|lI (lY. 1385. v_ ,I_ain ven;v' much pleased to bar M_r.V J35. Johnston 11". is recovering-from_ his illness. 'He.had_g agvere atgtackofv inammation. ` -[Elli W085. ' >`. 1 T min vars) rmmli rslemied tn kph. M. V `IL; Mrs;-Waluoinwho-has.',-been `visiting hef V daughter Mm. Jas. .Man__I_in, n_:turned- .v`0`h0l` home inleniel. on Sdturday last. * _ In Evr$ Elundred Ffroh:"0a!arrh., Rave. 7 1 ` V a, `L,l? ri1T[1nd.eed.V i_1pDg.Aghew a Iwas ajmitarrh victim foi=1ay_- yam; b ; TDr7-_Agpes3 s "(3_'utr_;*h,gil_ Powder haaA"djxm _ Qn;:rrha1:1?u w' `r:` ua Lsuuu luv: vu hm! Fancy imzilmxdnry Whugf sUFEERi_- `GLOVES?- We sell the celebrated Tefouhs Glove: Also Gents Lined `and Unlined - \.. FANCY GOODS _ CRAIG}.VAL.E.'. V030 srmon; nu F116 WEB lml nqura. - `Mr. and Mrs C. B_u.ck2ey.. Phelpstopf vinitmf-'Jaa.;H1yes lut Sundiy, wbu; w_: are glad to say. is recqveriug from accident. ~ .. . y Mm Jat." Robertson in not geLting__gs good health us her friaizds would like It) see her enjoy. . ~ ' ` r..`s-u`.......a....t r nI.:..n.. 1.--; .... - m-__:- um vJ\aJ. Ltsimrdny. Friel`a bath on` Stone : farm was completely destroyed by`re. he being in Barrie when it occurred. Some of tho: neighbors unceaded in saving grant, of the gain. How the re originstedia no. known, 95 it was burnc in the middle of the day. The insurance wga light. . ` l M I'. Prim!-nan advm-tins! hll lun lnnfnrn` 2` Jan. 3$-A'[1Va'x;ty-ai`\ )'oun1z' lc7oI\ki" fx-om` Ilillndnle spat I moat enjoyabla evening at _W.\C. llichniisonk Int week, when they were enterhinod in than usuai 'hunpitabe' mxyumar. \ [ A sleigh-rick part from the 2nd. line `yluited Mn. N. Hall Tuesday evening ' fund on doubtnnjuyad themlelvea exceedingly I ' l the wee mu hqurs. ` `Mr, In!` Mr: D Runkhuv phnhnlnn - any. we maurauoa wgmuznu. Mr. Primrose advertised his magic lantern views to be shuwn in the uchunl house Tnursdayeveniug, Hut he did not appear, \ consequently quite a number were disap- paiifwd and It is rumomd wereltaken in also by the bnyu. _However we hope to enjoy seeing Mr. Primmse'e views in the near future. ` ' ' M... ...... I..:`.... .....1...,x `:..s.. .1... ...:n .wu1un JK. uumg..nI.Iu.up UV dz`:lS.,,131`1lIlN.l, md will bejn opsratioi: shbrtly. This will undoubldly add to the actiyity of this eytgr `active neighborhood Premmtibnn are hainar made hv snvaml MSHVB lllg DOTHUOU _ __I1rgpg;:;;jf9_x_1a are being made by several for putting stone work under their barns. Yea. times are looking u I ` Miss M. A. McEvuv visited friends in FM Coundil met Juuixaxy I8, pursuant to.! Statute"-go rstmcetings of Tp. Councils. 'rh.. mnmhern made and subscribed the. `Kftar momentarily expecting for years that death might snap the Vital cord at. any minute. This is the atnry thoimhdn could" tall and~ha\'e told of the almost _ Divine formhla, Dr. Agncw's`u`ure for the Heart. Every day chronicles the taking away _of many whn have not heeded, u:uure s warnings that the hear; was tired out and ngeded the-helping that this won . derful cui-e givrs Heart disorders are insidious. Dm trie. Thisgreat remedy attacks Lhediaeasu inqtamly. ` gniri szfgnxucrnru J:-my uinrn nnnnairnl I ulnlnv Orillm Times, J.m,Ml3A lovely day, a warm beautiful` bride. and "21 dainty bridesmaid; are happy conditions -fornn ideiil weddillg. afternoon at St- James church, when Miss l l Dora Dreyer, the eldest daughter of Gerhard .Dreyer,-wssled-toi the altar and united in imnrringe with J. A. Jamieson, of Tlioruton. The weddin ceremony was performed by" _licr`brother.Eiiev. Wm; Dreyer, of Ivy, us ' lsisted by Canon Greene. The choir sang. , I`h'e Voice that brcstliethfer Eden, and l ` 'cliainted the Deus Mi`serezitur." The bride made in lovely picturfg o\vned in white sillr,' and wearing the `bridal, veil. as she..stood ,-undei D3 beautiful wedding bell trimmed with { smilax, attended, by her two pretty brides-,, _' maids, Miss: Marguerite Torrance, of` Thornton, in o dainty cream caslimere. and I Miss Edith Perkins, in white muslin over; ' pink, The bride carried white. ross.and,; smilsx. and her maids clusters of `pink i - eernatlons and roses. E. A; Little, M.P P.. I of Allandele. sunnorted the groom. ' `M. P., for his generous gift of a splendid And such an one was witnessed yesterday l 9_ Mlle lid 90 3 W139. W110 bid The 1` the, Bodrdi were Esq, "ch`a"u'1'{ of expressed to "Dalton McCarty assisted in providing this entertainment. The proceeds from this entertainment were over eighty dollars. ' Anti Tobacco League. ` A meeting of the Anti Tobbacco League was held "Friday afternoon. Jun. 21st, at I the West Word school. President Harry Smith in the chair. There was s gcodi attendance. As this meeting was the first in the year, the election of otiicers took l place in which thefollowing members were ` ele'ctedr2_---President, Roland Slephens;,', Secretory, Clarence Griiths; _Reporter,4 Norman Rogers and a committee of ten memters. After that Mrs. Rogerson gave D veryintereetiug reading, also Haines Bone `and Roland-Stephens gave readings. Harry Smith having been promoted to the Crmral snhunl. one the chair tn Rolnnd Stenhens. F:f;g'Jsre. being mshed `into Avhlch ix. being..Ltad.u'p by Jaa.,, nul will he in nnnratinh nhhrtlv_ laluh LHU UIHUHUU Illlfllyn | .,Sold at` Seagers drug store, oppuaita qpost oice. _ l:uruuu.uuu illlll TUBES. !'`1. 3. ].JlU'H3, KVIUL f.- of Allandaie, supported grobm. The 3` _ bridal party. accompanied by a. number .ofi the` bride`s most intimate "friends, drovc to A the residence of$Mr. Dreyer, Coldwuter] street, where a dainty luncheon was served, 4 after w1"3ha reception was held; The gift ofthe gfoom to the bride was "3 bmidaomel ` gold wntoh,'wil:h o'palund diamond siantings. . Mr. andirs. J amieson left on the 4.40 train l for Wahpaca Wis _ II.-n In-..:n.u.._`.. nintnu `J..- U`....-k ll... ;7L_i . anuaqm*i_;;;;Ti. 1,31: IIILHCH IITU IUUKIIIE ll N ` Miss M. A. McEvoy visited friends in Barrie last geek. , - 101' V\ BU B03, V\ 13,, l > Mrs, Jarnniesonfs sister, Mrs. Frost. Mrs. Janiieson was known and loved by as large circle of friends in town. having been born and broughmup in Onillin, and she ,go.es to her newhome in-Thornton followed by their _best wishes; Mr. Jamiesonis one of. Thorn- too smost useful mid successful young men. _ .Am)hg the `friends from a distance 111.13%- * Mrs. (Dr.) Law-.; Beacon` , tendancs were: _Mr. and M1js:C .1`orrsnoo. Miss Torrance. Mr, and Mrs. A . Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jemieson, A. `Fletcher and Miss Maud Flutoher. Mr. and Miss Lennon, Mislunt. J L Jamiesou. Misses M. and -A, `Soytbes, Thox_-r1_,ton;A___I_S_vdr. Ziind "Miss Lsunox, Ivy: Mrs; Meiuardus. Gravenhursbz, ...__.__, __._%...., -..--.._.... j__......:.., Skin 'D_iaaea relievd in a fevimiimbea ` by Agnewfa Ointment. Dr. Agnew.'s Oint- mentrelieves instantly and curea'Tetter; Sal; Rheum, Scald-Hpad, Eczema, Ulcerg. Biotchea, and all Eruplgionqof Aha Skin. It is aqothiug and -quieting and acts like magicju all Baby Humnrs, Irritation of _ `the Scalpvor Rashes du`r.i'ner teebhijngtime. , .35?cents a box. - ' ' ' QJ.) ..L Q ...... .. .-l..;. ..a...... `-L.-._:;- V. Statute-go tjrstmceungs ox Lp. bonucna. The members made and the declarationa required by \law._ _ "' `A.'rnnIiI\I: in M10 vnnumnb Of {OP WOYIK I -_ V__.._......... i...__...., Hon. Mt. Baldy i':itroducEdaGave;nment f bi1H:o.amendthe.Elec_tion Act by providing : that the personal -expenses of as 'candidate, " ;which.mayf now be paid, by him" directly, aha}! iI,_mluda- the rent of hdll -for publi 3-` "meetings to b_'e1a.ddrease`d`by thahaudidate, . `this payment _of j tons by . the;nndid'ate,- and the necessary and` o`rdinaryhotelexp'enaes`of ~ `one4sp`euker_forr each meeting up); iunludihg , [axpenses for: treating. anyonewho--accom'- L tgmies the omdif1a<:l and travfgr ,,v.iuh~hirin 6 1;h G`pn_ _ipaaeo a 're_ssi_ng ,u, iomeetin` ` " 3_\vih th&' 0alTt_6ste,_ aIsp.'~neaonabl_a`cbarg:~ ` ._ 6:-hh. hire and heap df`h _. :fDitli&j1je'by~_tb,_.ghdidIile`-'of t1i:;`tea.m`ah,i: ' ` nonvgygynqg-;a9d} driv` .1,p,0lling* da.y.;; Wind, j the rfriI*.8.8..of: vfqtgrsmo ApoAll-:bycandidat`a.V " b',uo1w.eyancs:' isms` tq:be1zv.i9lngtion'of ,' 1 .he: Acbrprnvidejsv that the, town-'1 ` sh '[:tity~re_pu`mingV * M he`ah'm1b:' V, uovcennsa nox.-` _ Sold at Seagera _drug store,`oppoaite ' poa_t-i oice. * 3 '_ 4. . ' "H9 I2s?9.I=w: fax 9nn.fp%polli " ~t % = `HEART Rmscmiz IN 30 .4411 Urns mums. cmpug. cfawugg BLI... 1\::.;.-.... ..-I.-.....I .._ .. E-.. _......L-. Wiinx-roiu. rushed. ` into 5...! ..'.I 1... 1 ..,. deciurationa reqwreu by\1aw. `Avvcnxiutsm tmevamuuut of $14 wdrk on aurvejys uf Phelpston "marsh lghds were passed. The following accounts were ordered to be paid : _ ` ` - S c. `um swam; zmgmsxn, 130330;! /LAN. 27, ms.` the um, I RI-nnnnn . 1 mnnn _na\-mg ueen promoreu to ma muzral i`sch_uo1. gave the chair tokuland Shgphene. ;er of ` Sixteen new menlbcrsjmned. The meeting `vc adjmirned at 4.l5.%` water 1 _.___ | _Of nur.~*e you don f.; so you `should take Scott. a Emulsion. `Ibis a fact this : renmdy ctires it ; and it cures nervousness, | nerve debiiity am`l'IiT7J`fIs a"a`I'a`o"."' . . 1 -ThVa.`en:tEi-i:i-lTI`l B>e;:$ gyffgintiia on I bohnlfof nag hoapmf on 1'liumf`uv In: in tha Town Hall III I ratifiaiua sun-can nan. . I IEIIIIIOI [CID IIGEFIIII Ul_l `LllIlI'N.II\' ill III I the Town Hall no a, gratifying succesn con- ._ sideri rho my unfortunate wnmm. Th: l !`h:llnn plltfoh were tastefully ornnnlenb ed for th'`oEc'u_ion. A numbar of calls for , `the axle of mfmhmanta were erected a'ud\'_ `tho, good thing: provided were liberally gntroniud. ` There was no ehborato program. hohind and the mandolin club provided their choicest manic, Jghile those` present enj-`Pyud prnmensdidg about the huil. ` . Mr. Mqlaod. ohnirmln of the Buuird mxde interesting Imamenta as to the nancial _ condition of the hospital. He stated that it out hoped that the mayor ionld` have presided by on accouutof other eng -goments he use unable to be presant. The expense _ of the houpiul at present mounted to about $87 monthly. Thu-ro il au~o\'or draft due the Bank at present of $312 The reveuux: H1001-d `.0? W38 as follows :--From the Gov. no-nmnn G-um. 4-..... oh}. ....u..'m.o.' C.-. ` |N| {VI `Ivan nu rulwwula--muur um um - eminent, $350; from the payments` from patients. $715. The overdraft win caused by the various expenses necessary in getting `the hospital into treondiliun for the moth to he done. Of the grant from the County `of 8500 only 8250 has been received. the hul- ance will he paid at tine and of the year.~ Therein also a legacy of 8100, which will come in soon together with about Ibo same nmounf of `subscriptions. The .hoapih\l bun received a grant at $70 per aunum lrom the '`couiityarthaeraumm of pnor p Jienfe of whomthree have been treated aiuce Septem- lmp [Va Kano Hm "`.nnn.iI \vl nism nn Hun Wl}UHI'UIl'C` IIZIVI3 UBHII uiuuwu BIIILU ocpiuur her, We hope the Council will give us the. same gran}? as is given to Collingwood, namely $140. news can serve the County as well as that town can. We hope also that the Town Council can see its way to provide _a bed which will be always availnble for any person not ubleto pay for himself. A grant of 8150 would do this. The h9spitat-hns:no- _ other means oivsiippoitlhan those referred to and its revenue is not yet large enough to enable us to `take in non psving patients. The hospital, howev-.r. as was pointed out, . has already been a great-boon to y a number of sufferers. and five non paying patients have already received treatment there, `that. they could not otherivise have had. Besides I -itis bringing business to the town. and not only as a lpeuevulent institution but from a commereia stand point, it deservesithe eup- , place for a sick person than 3 great public portof `ho community. The cost of e bed is threedollars a week and of a private room lromiour to six dollars.` It is in every res- pect a much more home likeaiid comfortable . yiiistitution can be. - Rev. Dem Egan in a few happy remarks . spoke in favor of the iustituLi_on.- The thanks _ Board were ' operating and all |nsei in proceeds I Dy dgl`_uuun:uu uuuc: nun u. nuu -.u vu W.C.`Acb. ` J JoaphGn1dd. balance fqr printing by- law for Phelpston marsh drainage 25 00 Joseph Gudd. forvprinting nqtices for tenders, l helpsLon,_marah drainage 1 00 V Jos.`Gadd, do , mm Lake drainage -,1 50 The Council appointed N. LcCler,e as uditor of'uccoui_;r,gs, I897. - "l`h.. non:-n mama!` Tuhn Mnw.\Ir'hOI`n-