...-...v - -_ 7-my--._ * ,"93.:A1a2u1: M conrimtto '- I : T V.16t%31337VoU 1`oi7DYePsPTIuV . L ~1x_;O:x'r tu~Pouu~.; 1'mi oil}. ~ ngpxcxiidi :mvoir; ~ - % ma1ou1rv*L'1u Q$JALITY~;` B_`!lVa Qi1I: l'l'l'3l)NRIVAI_aLED. ma m~.rAims Imps A an.. ma . ~ In the_Gu1_dum_2_ppo , T on Monday ' Named gtmlty ft} - sla'l1ghtor,; and wag; semenwl :9 ma 0* t;eon-5yui`s" impriaonment. _, V ~' Oh :5 II / I ._ I._._ ,.A..,,... `Q, __ " gmeers, and tfapmln r1. 1:. wulua. m the harbour tug Atlas. Up to `the ` M` time the letters left Kingston, Janu- *B My 7&5. them had been -about 10 ) cafes of yellow fever. `with nearly 50 ;. deaths. ` ,,_.v_..:._._I.. .;....'.lu Fl`}nui-mfnv in. u yuan -nay. .-.........-..-. _. * Edi-thar time has boen uivon?IyY:ha L` 7 U23. was Committee on Commerce fix` the bu.ilding{`n`f`tbe propmkod bricige over the St.` Lawreme {mm St LEV?- `renee 00;. N. Y. W;"u_;.s__._;:...... c.....- 1...... nmnlnhs on}; mum uh, n. 1. _ A "'*fIn{stmcions have been sent` to co}- le't'.01fs at Ame;-.'Is~:m Ap0I`t:_l not to in- Lexjfem with sea;-bzin garments itahown ; to have be'en~purohn.sed beforo`I)ecam- `bar 29 last? ' .. ~ ,,,_ r, 12,- .-..._2,.:.... I- u..n.u'ni_ 1 }nembers~o! theft tribe. 5131'` `at maw . -. A mrious Indian uprising in mpoit ed in Oklahoma` Territory. wharp the Seminolaa ham gone on the wargath to avenga the lymrhing of a. couple 0! idnannlf tu- ,~...-..... ,_.... u ; memlmxsox uzen` u-me. _ M An unknown man thiw himself, or the \Vzusi.in;~;t6u triage into the Harv hem ri-vex`. how York; on Fricl,aj,(._>gljg ` -tmre of M? feo.t--11332.5 shed out. buf .: amtaogguently dind.` I vs (\jA`:L`_- L- 1-55,.-. n4nA:l1n/` in Nnw `accidentally fell, from 3%" parapet on 1 au`9ao;umuIy umu. ` Ancordixig to letters received in New York Item Ki-rigston. Jamalm. the latest victims of ysllow fever in that {city are M;I'or Slater, of the Royal En- lninmrx, nn (`anlaln E. R. whim. Of {city hlgror smear, or we twyzu nu- gin.eers, an Captain ' Hm hnrhnnr hm Atlas. UD [the tunnel 101` 'cne>Ixu-me m-._ur um up- lu-r "zmating works in Anacmu mine, _` 1Hutte. Montana. dQ`5"tl'0 6d the tim- Tlte best minors and timbormen are , mmt at-work urning athree-foot drift ~near-Lthb side of the tunnel. When {this can` be completed it is hard to say. Them are no hopes of the men ' 1...:-up aiiun baring and entomhel five workx;1en\. (ICULII3. . Two expIosion'3 |a1"l5j Thursday in the tunnel for-cne>ixu-me new the up- 1.~.m- r:n\;~Hnrr work: in Anncbniu . in Gui DIIIJ ll IB'I'Wl%!.s veuup AND Tou-:no w\ G. :. B..L|l`{E.f' A - -- - ._-._\ say. J. nun: hung ahve. I u.|i.n L)AvL`A.l.n Dr. Jamiespn intends heooming 3. cnndidawfor the Caps -Parllizunent. . 4,.A._,...4.`I.. ...'.-n.-nu nu-nus: mmrm'r- vulxunuuw IU1 LUV Llyyu -...`. An extxmmely rigorous press censor- ship has b'e3e.n put in force in Huuuua. ` Max't:a'a law whi h \vasprocl:1'uned in ~ Pmgu($.on December iZnd,__lms hnen w1thdrzr'.vn. - m. r H". .,A_.....,...; ..4m.mm- Nwrn` WlLll(Il'5l-Y1). ` * I The Jayanese tr:1n~:p:>1`t.'SIJ3.ill11.' N111 \\ :1; wrecked on liecemhor 24th. and o'ghty lives wem lost. . I 'l.:\ A... .:..I AF nnn nf Hm lvlnlucca Q11-'1K0 EH11 lllly ILHJS WULU 1u.w- ` Great Britain has it pledge-1ro_m King M"em:le?<. of Ah_vss;i11ia, thufhz \\1 lnnt ,,Ho 1: the nrkanco of the Angl0-1gyp~ t'on expedition. _ `them was 11 riotous d4:monstration in Hanna. on 'l'hur9dny against the Vnitcd States and there is tzlik 01 an armed intervention. ` .1 . [1, ,,.......'.....B- 5.... Am-1.1. '0 gnny uvcs um um. The capital of one of the Moluccas Islands has la-n sited by unearth- qunko" mid fifty livea were lost. .' D..I6..i. ha: u n1nrlcrn.ll"nYYl Kifl I'II10(1 mun vuuuuu. The l"ren.h (io'c1`nnie11t nus det'id- od 10 1>rr:s12;:121(}_.\1. 7,013.. the I)0.e`.i:~',t. on il'.'('.=`l!ML of his` conxw,c.ti0n .x\'it'l'1 Lh9,_ J .storhz1zy-Ilrey{us 3' andnl. A . /\ mu i : hall singer ind sswcml aw- coxxxplices have Ia`-u um'e.~1te Buda- rovt on. U19. 'l1:u`ge of` hlackumiliug hing A1G.`.`.'lI1(k"I` of Servin.. .'~.`tozum\rs which have just zn'1'iv(-.tIa1. . yd`ncy.'z\"S \\-'<.; report a trim} war 21L, 'l :1`nna._in U10 Nm-' I]e"rid33. !Vlxe-re 1% .=:1?(l to hire hce1.cm)sidv1`al)`=e blood slxcd and the nnt'x\'(H were also caus- ing the . Lru mu h trouble. -v .- 1.`... _,...A......1 r',.-hHnn- in Hn-.' Illg LUV: .llLt\lGlo ulu Al any-..-. _;Ne\\'s,o,the renmvenl f:g11lim,r in Ugf ztncln ha`: Item ro:~}:i\'t3xl f1'om'1"m`t Lub- wu.-; in the Usnga country. Lieut. ;\:Inc= 1 dunalrl. hr [h`er of .\1.'1jor N_n"donz~.ld. the cmnlnunder of `the l_1`it.i<}1 forms, and Mr. l Ellcj,ngt0n. the` mi:~:.siuna.ry, s....,.. hunn 1,an,.,1 (wont Iii-ltx':lI|'s Prrmler R-~_:?'n|r-ut lo'JOIn _ V we N In liuwatlllou. I A despatch from `L(l'i/10011 says:-It is ,' announced that. the First Battalion `of - (henaiiiers, the p1'emiergPegiment of ' Grnt Britain now` -a.t"`Gibra1tar, has been Vordred. to get in res.d.ino.qs for service in Egypt. Tufo ot~'he_r battal- pl ions are under simi-la)` orders; . .m- 24 _..:.l....x.. Ix` u.-nnuv-n+nnn fnr zmu mr. Inllqngv have been killed. / lulu Tnu; 1 noun. 1 - Daily, except Sunday} umil abpul ' 1 `December 15!. a.~xn.u. Lv.Clevlnnd 6.01 H; ` ms. Buhlo. ..rr. Gleve1and. 8.3013. Arr. Bum; 3.30 ms ` us-mu rmcr mo mu. ' > '1`nkethe``C. & 8. Line atoamers and enjoy 1 ' ~ making` nlxzhfs test when enroute to Clove` And. on ur.sbuI.0laou-nan.1'olodo.lndla- upon: cmuo. Den-on. Iuokhnu u ,. iortbun lake '1f,ourt:t return. my" or lo , Inbu. or eoumwmernv point. ~ and 4eu_m_1n:pomge for" tourist pamislnot V W r.mn"nuAN. -I-. r.m~:wu.m, Gd l./Pun. Agt. `Gen ! Manager. . Cuvsuxmonxo. ` IUIL3 u This-is evidence of 1:reparn.tonsVfor an important campaign. The com- xixaritlsr of um"regin 1mt is Lieut.-Col. lb uuucx nuuuu. u.uu.u. . ` Hinton, and the off'1cers.inc1ude mzmy ' members` of -the aristocracy, among _,l11'_e_ _I1'1. Lieut. Lord` "_Ed\vard 'IIerbe_rt`_ Cecil, fourth son of Lord Saiisbury; -and Lieut. Lori John 1`{1ke_nham Joyoe -Cecil, {L brother of the Marquis ' of .Exelel`.. It" rhiunninh; fn Hm ' Tmilv. 'ChI`0I1.1C1f`. of .1xetel`.. ` . ` ._ \ A1 despatclr to the'Dcci]y. Chronicle ` from Cairn says `that-Osman 'Digmo. principal genert of the Klmlifn. is nan =.1Im-eastern l>21nk,Qf_,the Ni1e._ the principal general 01 um muuuu, 1.3 on `L110 eastern we25tern 1uank is being _muin_Iy occu- pied hy.the swuepings of tribes. . [`ho. dervishes. saw the desmtch; are pied hymns swuepmgs 01 Lnueu. The derviahes, says desmtch; d-ascending slowly. Serious ulouhhs` are entertained as ti) whether theKha1ifa ~ intemls to attack Berber, the `extreme southern British post. . Persiient` coughs%\ iz`-.*g: ti o;,;.:,x; whim mg`: on inspitc of.a11Iktgq remei,d!Ies_ whit; ~ `you av`; ap L ca-tany nee s C E`3!I$ii_I1f1'Q3fmct; . I For '-twe"nty-five years that `stand-. 1 a;rd_-praparatio_n ofAcod-liver `oil. ` ._ 2 , 1 has p:ovd'.it7 cffAe`<:tiv`tgei1[psTsj iii-Vu.1~ T. lug thg` frying of. ~"thc V throat `imd i.Iui92wx:d. ;.th1si the fmson Whhl Vthja od41iy_c?r:1Ls;1LP&frf . _ tia1Iy'_:=-digjcgtcdr? trngthi'-ins. And` A - . ` `V C ~ vit0.1lt~l"th(..`5V3.101_`5y~` V '_RENADIERS FOKEGYPT.` `r"-M-~--------------_..~_... . RA " - L` ~All0row:.`3aTh?`hnd(k` I` GENERAL. 5 {taxi `THUR$DAY;V;_;'L 56;" 11891 % -'cons"r1umr nistn 1'0 -mot.-3-` Ltauywsarnna. r ---w Io hm ur my mum u|Iuu-mun ' and Kindred 'l'nublu-Afwcnly Venn` Bnlcrcr lfelln law in Foind lcluso rm tho Richibuoto. N. 13.. iioviow-. i Mr. Wm. Murray, of Cormieisvillo. N~.B.. ism oldand respected farmer. and mpioneer enttler of the thriving lit'tlo_villo.gn.he mow nmkas his home. While Mr. Murray was `at a. young man. he. gather with h 5 father and brother, founded ono of the best mill . properties to be seen in those early dnys. The rnills vonsistbd of a. sawmill . and griatmill. and` were operated and. ,. managed by . two brothers. Labor ; SaVi=11g"`a.ppl was being then oom_~ pnrnuvely unknown, the young men _ were exposed to, dongera and diftioul-' ties almost unknown to the present ration. One of the greatost evils in connection with the businessliras exposure to wet and cold. ' which though. unheerlozl at the time. havo crippled its victim ; with rheumatism. In a. `late conversation regarding his cl-isoaso, Mr. Murray told the following story `ofhis `long misery and final cure h the use of Dr. Willizims` Pink Pills: `or over -twenty yearsdhuve been a sufferer from rheumatism. ,I attribute v the cause of the dieoasn to. tho time when as a. young man I worked at our "mills. In the winter we would haul logo on the pondwhore the alter- nate thaws and frosts of early spring would imbed them in the ice and slush. \\ hen the timorame for starting up tho inill Iwomld go out on the pond sometimes in water up too mylmees and` work away from morning till n.gl1t"ohotpping- logs out `of the slush gnzl ice. I was `germ-rally~wet from i`9n to foot, a.n'l_ ovary se_ro:'nl night of the week I would, without changing my -cl ihes. Stay up and run tho mill "till So you See Iwas for live days at 9. tum: in a. suit of parti- ally \V0i'._;`Ci()'i2h8-`3, and this would last 3 Lill the 106 hull meltezl in the_ pond. d After a. few years rheumatism fastened .i.~,wlf upon mm as a reward for this in .9 .liscretion, and ever increasing in its |- :nnlignil.y it at last hecumn so bad that for weeks in succiission I could only go g Zl_ll0l1i. with the aid of crutches. `At .1; other times I no nhle to hobhlo about ,. ihe house by the aid of two cones, anrl ago n at other times it woufld enso off :1. little and I wagr able to (lo. a. little work, but could never stand it for ;nor-:-. than a couple of hours at n time.- 'l`ho iL`J1':i". bit of walking in damp wea- ther would overcome mo_zuul homem- i' l`o`rons= ."7i'2-Tllly Ight when Itried to t: wallr from Coragno Bridge to my-`home h ll. |il.`.l."..ll('v of five miles.tha.t Iliad to it dow.nl)y the roadside six timosto r `.`Il/`. !(li-ill) lerribl pain. that had seized 1- my legs. During all-Wthoso years of ` .g agony I think I tried all the patent medic-ines I could get 0. lrvld of, but 11 thov `did me no good at all. Ioonsulted ([0 )rs l)u__t_` _'in_y ..L1fl'e1`ingS remninerl ii "'i'"`l'h5.' I iTL'll"(A)f"iR95'IA' A Lumtiermaws Lire. b_rNL.(_)_.'_tg_x:,_WI)\V1t. my .~uucmngS remzm_1n(-,u ur1=n1Ex)1i1i1E3,"(T.~ __Ihm1 E5? f.II"L5f "I895'I" wont. to adoutor. in Buctouclm to see, ifthero were any means by w11"w.hI nliglrt at least he easad of my suffer: 'ng. ; 1`J1o doctor said frankly, Mr. .\Inrru_v..3'0u L"a-ua:1i_l:e.1)_.!`5 .1- nbth;-DE I-rm cure you." I was not _satis- fied and Chen I" to tr'3;~_ ` F`r.\V}11iz111;'s' Pink Pilht, 1 yam-\'._md h&}F n Jnvrnd hmm sum"! ltmr n mk- Hen arm than _l'(1m.eI'u111n'rs LU or H Pr. \ViI1ia mLs' _`9ill,`t, `s`0'\'._*~`(`.d brilf a dozen hmw; and 1;`.-g nu uk- ing them at once. I soon t'e|t.- an rrhzmge for the l`et,te=r and after my e:npp1y_ had teen fi`ni.shed Igot an? other half dnzen'boxe's and continu- ;:1_.t_eL`._ them. an.-.(rording__t`o direc- ` . H.m'n 'Y`lml zln-tun Ivnvnc: \l"i Hnn: LIUHIS. .Lnub uunvu I-\IA.\.\1 u..u._u an .. vvvu uxxclyou see me now, Is am alive and smart imd can do any kin: of, work! I did my farming this spring and would follow "the plough for days without feeling any rheumatic pains. Yes, Dr.` Winitums Pink Pills did me 2). '\\'0If1(1 of good, :1-ndl st1',(ingIy`re- r`omn_1end them forthe cure bf. rheu- matism. X hp \\rminm.u` Pin]: Pills: nroata new` I.\ \ E8TED IN CAN.-\DA...... AC U:\tULA'1`ED I-`U.\'DS..... ` " AL A2-&`i[1N.\2\'(2F....... INCOME. UVER............'...` ;]__;{_3_.'-_L[1_[ LIIGUI. u.':\ru1 um um tions. That; dozen boxes was 0. .....l mu can ma nnu" IL-um :\.liv mutlssm. ` . Dr, WiIliams`,_Pink Pills create new blood, build up the nerves, and thus drive disease from the system.-' In ; .`~,unrl1`eds of cuses\ they have curd ` i aftdr all other niklfins had failed, thus estahlishing the claim that they _ are-a marvel among; the triumphs of : .modern medical science` The genuine Pink Pills are sold only `in boxes hearing the` full trade" mark, ".Dr. 'Willizim.s pink Pill f<>W ale'1_eople." Protect yourself from im`posil:ion by , `refu-.sin_q any. pill that does not mar ~ - the registered trade; `mark drouncl the I In? q.-.- rm Sinuln, tn; AL-Iiiiihsua mum -low l)y`t_h ' _ Wln1l'u |`u~.r (-.oA Fol-M3. -.A_ ofclone passed throug Fort Ark., atll cfolock on Tuesday; night. Th oyplonecume from the nort_l;,__>gx_1 passed: through Fort Smith. 'betfwe_en J~10th 1xxdr13th `streets, glemoliahing `.'o`i'4 vbuzuo Uuxupu. `_ _. , ~ K - Bi 6fTiei3;d {Hid 'W61'1 nded a'rebe- .in'g `dragged from tho; ru_ins' o_f'C'the s Fd b`u71aingn_t1r3rt Smith,` 19 is_ thqugnt ftnc list afaeaai may reach '50 or" mpre.-1 The-gratestl dzun~ age was .bg5Lween~E.ig hth strs'et~an(1 the .- Chofic .011-u-;~oh,wa`nd it fsIaI'E'rIhmt.:: _ " building`. is "left Msta`nding;_~ !S'e`ver.l . brick buildings at Nintsh anK1\Gax~rioi1: , 7 .,;{ven;m were` crushed" 1Vlke*gVgVah{3l!s, ax:1d*a.S't1_;e aeqgndstOr9y&,.,vvr`1iS?5d 7 for living` purboses7ma umuzht.-`,uiat,- liarrof --Fins b1'okfa.out; Xnfa Vti1'_- ' -.b91`;9`f_i_("1e,s,d. Eire I , ' b6.t` 0` islhcga, '..f1\|t1lnil'.!1 . ` ' feirxthfing in; its, jfmLL1_._ I'M -ma In;-pdrn nu} n1 01. 5 nuns I u _ I Ly. ..m_~ '~:u.x Fii/ma broke out in Some Av-e1fe _ki1lgd I by ' others burned. as. A ----1~-r 7'1 .1,-.2 ; !`1'oua_a:_;df~dollar,`-?wa'9 levglgd`. ` ruundx?_'1Tba6.stpr1x1. oan .\e.;Muy_ V mm athn mnth..waai:. atnkiim {the my L *fxiToi~"h{ .Vpodia:;s'* Were` ctiatad.v . The. haudsnxno ahigh mhooi \l3?7fhi1$.b6df `W8 `.5!8f b"nehu9dre =;buiid_in;'g; rrom ::c1m aauth;w_aat. amkihs Rroilhd, _'1`hs6_ storm. came; u;:,_ elln my at 11114 1:. gm, Xaggiv almoah sinntaugiy {She ity L at 1axfL..porf:on .0 :oi'.ty"wafs__ gxf gums,-..*: ;1:qy.sx~.y yhioldh in we, at y. wan summuned. gnaw are. now. zbnpy TonN_A1$ofs l21iA.D1+Y?W0R_K, ; ' aAM'_e_s anwkxrms GHNSON & SARJEXNT,-' DEAL `7 "E113 in UOAL of all kiixdI.' importer Jirect (ram thejmi gs; also Lam and ~ shingles, White and" ray Lune, Planter-er-~ Hair 9016.. Pipel, Fire Brick. Fire Clay. -`{`1u(o:.of Purim, Cementa,_etc., allot bent V gmihy. and sold at very_ronomblo ratoa, _.'.)nroy.: 23 Elizsbeth BL, uaar ' . amncton r{at:z1.+-.---5-2'r*`N~'~ .03 \\'.L5 Unll J. LUUR ahve Ll. A1 -m.-unlrl i all `(lir<$_o`ojx1s. tgulfmg _ houses; In gin fungi 5.2:. Ilnhur Irv-int _ Main | oun_i lcIl|l'_ V A db`:-patch from Londan, Gays:-`-Tma Po`r_Q.1r'Ll3r pverahadawed. no movi-` 1, ,., :1-I. yvQ;_1AJ Mru;nu-anarfuuo .5411: u.-wvv manta at the Exench on` the Upper Nile ah; Again beoamiang lmpleuantly pro- . xzidzent to than whonngimd {hat | Great Biitluin Md undisputed clainu up: It I- -....._..l.._:-I In ._ AL--- _.--_._ -_.. K macaw .I.uutuuu uwu uu-uwyuuvu up-,~_nup my ~ u M on regons. It is immaterial to Y discuss. the_ exam whgreahoutavuf tho 4 Erenoh It suffice; that, 4 ' according to tho bulkpt evidmcohey 4 have penetrated 11> Ba h.r-ol-`Gliazel, the moat fertile province of-the Egyptian Soudau; `with tho distinct mandate of their Government. `flt this be true. and the declorotinna of successive British Cabinets meant `anything, M. Hano- taux, the French .M'minter for Foreign Affairs, has brought about a mans helm Thus far M. Hnnota.ux.9ee.ms ' to have the`advanta'ge. but the game is dangerous. Fear of war with France will not stop Great Britain (tom re- covering the whole 01 thellgyptiun S-oudan, and driving- out any Erenc-h " ions which may be found there, xyhem, in the opinion of the Marquis of Sz}iabury_. the proper time has arriv- nl. ' ' 5` ` ML In" the meanwhile, Prince 7 Orleans is fitting out at Marseilles, and evidently winhlthe approval of the: . ~ , I Henryotl l Govermnent, an armed e`xpedition`to i subdue the equatorial provinces, which 1 the Negus presented. claiming they" be~ Iougod to - Abyssinizr in prehistoric 7 times; but in reality; theseprovincos are idmtical with "those Great Britain is seeking to restore to Egypt}, S0 po1haps,~there'is some truth `in the story that "the acthvity of the Briish is due to the Egyptin.n- intelligence de- ` pa.rt.menl learning that the French * Abyssimian troops have reached Fnsho- ` da, t.lmtvKirug Menolek is proparing re- ` iaxlfordeanenrta with the intention of {ol~ lowixng up this sucm-s. and that 9. com- mon policy, which is morally support- ed hy Russia, unites France and Abys- nilnin. - - _du1ng...,.zLnd_ .cla_i.xned_.. exemp,tiQ,n.,,,,But\ ` Qfueen`s dog is dqualIy,dangerous with- r Ninja-sly [Ind to Pay I-`!ve Shillings for ` ` 1 Ilzurlng an I}: munled Dog. Ajmputch from London says:'-< There has rem much good-xmtred omit in thq newspapers at thv success- ful claim of Mr. Henry White. secre- tary or the United States Exhbassy, for "diplomat,ic exemption." in the casd-e of. `his son, Mr. J. 1i._}\'hito. and Mr. Spen- ('or Eddy, s7c:retar-3' to Colonel John Hay. the United` States Ambassador, who were chargd before theMniden- head County Court with riding their .hicy<,-[es on sidewalks. The papers have pointed out thup a few` days ugo- a man who was Ieadmgnn unmuzzled dog belonging to the Queen across Windsor bridge was summoned for so the n1x1g1strabe~eaid:--"1'he bite or a. th dog"; `of. another. The Queenmust nnv :1 limx nf fiva n'hiHimr.q.."~'l`he Queen the (lug 401. anuuwr. um \4us=uu wu5L pay a. tine of five shxHmgs.."~`l`he Queen paid the (me; - - mnrqnxln of .ulc:lu1~y's Dflghlor Mm-rlu `_ ' ' n Sn\lm_`. L1_1dy Ernestigte Brudenell-Bruce, eld- es daughtef of the Murquis`o Ans- 'bury, has just married at Liverpool, 1u'-..L_.. ml',..__:.A,(.. n ......... T1.-;.A.. t]'....L A43 JAMES 1:nw.a ups; .% * > nonvm ANGER. am, - .1esucr oi AM!\l'I"H|2'8 lacenes mm (nrncu uuummo. BARBIE` - A uuny, uu-.a Ju-;u u;uu...u... vvy u--u.yvv., Master;Ma'rinei` Hurry_ Brady Hunt, of Limeri'ck. The parties formed .a.:ro- mantio attachment through meeting at n 0. nautical school in Liverpool, where ` the lady. who` is '9. famous -yaLch'tswb- man, zW8. studying to obtain a . Board M of Trade yanht master's certificate, which the board,--howe'v`er. declined to . gfra-ht. . ;Hunt had been an` appentice, ` K and mate studying _for a certificate and has been appointed master of a. sail- 1119` vessel.` The marriage was cele- brated in: the quietest. manner possi- , hiB.'iLl1Ki it_is said that Masher Mariner V .- Hunt's wi;fe._intends to woompany him '5 `on; his ship. " - V. no-Arrmns Are Amiln 1t\Vork l`l_l'h_:;; upon Escorts. The Earl as -:e:1g 1n'-.'vioeroy` at India, . _has.' w3m1- the Government _the}._t the Zakko.4Khb1 Afridis ha.v_e freoccupied Khyber` Pass, aaml that thejbutting. of wires and firing upon eSc0rts'hav' re- ' comhlleumecl. - - . The_,_n.ews that General.` Sir Wil- liam Loclchurt, the odmma-nder- of the British - forces , on the` _India_.n fro-nt`1Er, `has postponed his jour- n'>y.{ho;mew~ard im. the expectation at a. vsettltamenrt with 'theTAfridis, who are `semiuxgl-y " desirous` ` of `submitting: points: to_ the early conclusion `of this most serious of the quartette of little wars"1in which G1`ea-t"Britain,- is ten- ` gag\ad,.a4n-d \3y.h`i{rh will probably the whole of the *budget sxgrplus. v--.- ..-- m-o-mqvrn wwaanwoawuuu - ,_,:._........._.._......... l,m\uc x 6:} rn;,?LL. n V` wfslie .ex6o 1lonh`0R6 -uuvuI`III_-In-In ue: 1nf1.M " ` > '&3.xi nn om ` `. -'-1id`n`mn'A`n'm ROMANCE onus SEA. mi THE KHY sh mss. THE QUEEN man; .4nro1_v.: 2:; [W1 Wdllington H615 rw-Iv . `lie Pnisiueit lnllaetn Ir. lulu \ In lithe`: -Ila Igellglt lII|roI_ -- loo `f I $8159 V A `A special cab1o\Irom Logdon says:-- The Ubroniclupnbllahes a vivid de- 1 acflption-of the torgure inictod ill Thi- bet 011 Mr. Landon`. the British explor- ~ or. who sought to reach Lhassa, and T his two faithful Hindu mvantmll thq r 0tlHer.,_mamber of the party having . desert/Ml their leader- The'(o1Iowing is n` L.,..A..__.. :_ll:..L...l. , uuaerwu Lucu. lcbuun.` .I.uv -uuv..... .. 9.` sample of thytortureg infjicted:-.. The victims were bound ;nakedr:4ao a , '1 _I,,|_-J -._.! I._a:.....A bhnnvi AIM VIUNILD Wcsv Uvuuu I.uaa\-an` .-v .- tree and slashed and mi; ,the!cords_ L-uiting deep info thir wnsts and ank- lex Mr, Landor's eyes wre burned with -red hot _irons. He was toundlor 1 hours on an; ra.cl_:. and twisted and wrencbed out of all" qemblance to a "man. He mm made to ride 80 miles on \1I. L ,1, L4`. -1 .._.lI-`.:Ir""' (`Inn A, _n saddle stuck full of spikes: One of man. no Mun umuu uu mu!) 0:: union: vu 1 these entered the base of bias" spinal columni and ghgttrgd ._:tho narve 5 centers ' His flesh was "'1tedue6d to ` a lacerawd jelly.` An atteugpt T was Iade_ to draw fr6m`- him _or his men: some expression, `of pain, but in vain. Mr.-Landor hast quite lost one eye, though th`e docf.urs say _ 1..-_., -2._ILL ....... ....6..-'n I"ha Mn} 1059 Until (Q0, Luuugu wu`u uv\--VA-4 v-,; in time sight may return. Thq hot 9 irons were7held just close enough to p his eyes not to touch the skin, with '1 the result that they wer8`7;.\\l1h6T8d- v Day after day this was praotisgd, lziith no sign of feeling were they nble to, ; extract. Landor's ankles ` :_1_1nd 'tfutriSi 8 ; x are . still livid from tho oords with i which he was bound on the rack. A \ photograph of the victims alter their` , `raleaso shows them to be unrecogniz- ` v able. When the rescuers, two ling- - lishmen and a Hindu, reached the suf- - ferers, after the thrilling adventures. - Landor was within 9. few hours of death. His reason had already gone. Never for a moment during all the ` horrible tiime did Lsndor forget his . photographs and sketches. His outfit has now been given up andyhis pre- " cious diary and mom of surveys se- cured. Many of the instruments with` : "which ho was provided by the Royal- l Geographical $'0ci{`ty he was obliged to bury in the H`ign:Llaya.s.T There, they will he for u limo" until some brave . man u-nmumu-n fknm Tun/lnw himcnif W111 116 [OF H. UlI1k5 lllllll MJLUVI l)1'U.\`U man recovers them. Lzmdor himself will probably -never be ahlogto return. - ~ N, .to1-uni medicine required. Cums miter. itch, QUW DU \IllI'U -EIADLIH A-VIDUIIIUJ Simply apply Swnynn'a Uint-menlr." No in- ucz.-.mn. eru'pLlons on the (nice. ixniiqs. nn:e,&c., leaving the ski.) oloar. whit: and l|8i!.l'll) . Its great healing and curative were are possess- ed by no ntimr mnudy. As your druggbt for SW AYNEK`! OINT MENT. Lyman, Sons 8:. Gun. Montreal,Whgiosnlugonv-<. Avoid substitutes ._-...__-L._-__--v fB.K;EEIEl Jinyar Telliuleton of _Vuncgnu'(-r Dick Sud- dehly from M: Apnpit-cllc Stroke- ,A`despatch from -Vzmcouver, B. C... V `saiys:-Mnyo1`7.:@`enp1eton died this af- ternoon of _an apoplectic stroke, `the result of tha overwh;eimmg `defeat at the meant municipal electiqnss His deatix is mbre tragic since two ex- ` IVIEXOFS died by sudden dea.th`s--ex- Mayor Oppanheaimer. having died a. _ fortnight ago h_are._and vex-Mayor Cope _ a few \ veek~3ar;-o on Skaguay trail, by drown`-ingv accident. ' \ MR5. \\ :NFLOW 8 Soornma Smn> ha.s been ' usred by millions of mother: for their children when teething. If disturbed at night and broken nlmmmstby nalck child suerllig and crying wi pnlirof cutting teeth send at once and at a ' bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Sootilin Syrup for children teething. It will relieve t eigx)or`.lilt';e ' Y ~ufl`erer immediately. Depend upon mother them is no mistake about it. ll: cures dinrrhmsi. I mmlntas llmstomnch nntl bowels. cures wind colic. mistake about it. It dlnrrnma. r ulates bowels. xotteus the gums; reduces inammation, and szlves tone and enertty to the wlxolesystenx. Mrs. \\ inslow s Soothing Syrup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the presctfiptlon of one of thenldest and best female physicians and nurses in the`UnlLed States. `Price 25 cents a- Vhottle. A-Sou bv all druvglsts tlu*ouszhout`the - world. `Be sure and ask `or Mra.'Wixnslg3g:sL S0othingSyrup., -. . W -t "Two Tovinnhlpszzohllterutd and Settlers .1 llonclm-el_ llonwlss. ; . despatch from Melbournosayiz .' "Them haze bgen destruptfye `bush fires ` throughout the cqldny of Vip_to17ia,;_a'nd E enormous dp.mage.hv.s been done. epa~ - cia11y*in the Gipps1a.nIF&iStTit`,t, in the - *.;,outh-easterngpart.- Two townships have been obliterated End hundreds` of . settlers rendered `homelss, There has _ t been 0 great loss oflivestock. , _. ruus; runs: Awumg :.uui|_: / SYu_Yronl-Moist}u'e; intensg -itching ; ann- ing most at night; worse by_ scrate.hin$`.'.. If an lowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed " "iuid m`Ia'te;` becoming L very `sore. 'S.WM'NE S_ ' ` Oixmxur sto s_the ltc;l_x>ing'Vnt1d bleeding. heal` , 11-rlmloumnd q" mosteam removgs tuqtuxnors. Atdmg Isis, or-l)amn_ll;.'O. cgngs `Dr. Swaym ' lzsons hilzu1el `: . - ,Lym-an. -\.nnv1 C9. Monty ; r. eu.1,.\VI1olesu!Q` mg; Avoid substitutes. . ` - 1`ro|:r;;o:|it- co'Qp;:'i`ai .. . lmVa. M I` ` ;$f7.Af';dez.Wpatch.*. Ifrum *Bomba . L gaygg.- - L.mireaghaxs'uem*`te>=}:-iot at; * L V `diskrio . Amslleqiinr Qbel;-5Si6ri5JiisIy u}Iju1`* 1 ed.; an`d fiv'e`s4apoy,sl`haY,i bee, l.I.iL1._.led.`._ ` ` Wu-m hw`mh*mlr amv . trams` h *3 _Th1feg hu*ndxed',se'poy`T troops have. 93-1 and V9 ` 599) ,-71- 1.` VF? W511 v 1.i.*1..lU. ;`:to_ t.h<}j&Bcene;;D__fL tihe'. ' has ./ikiarig ' ,0`4 }' ?%-:Lnm"1;`;N'.1 , 301% .H'mt%'mm.on the .Y1'ikon`bi1t was V75 !-fl`! AVVW Vugggv` t1;b6eII`.0x\ the}-Ynkon*b1\tA s ` am: ._H0;16D&*_3B. Na: 29: .~ Hdwhto Cure Allskln Diseases. -:.....|.........I.. ua...........I. 1\:...s...n...| H H- FRETTED OVER HIS DEFEAT. *on4y_,h .J\; an-mpuwu, :55 we gaming)-av: `qI`v,vvw;au,: , ;.i;s~ ms: Lwavfim HOW %}.?9 , ` ` ` M ao`lImxIa.tog1;~ i W01` Hanging: mzruazs. Bus}; 1-`T1T1T:i=. s" 11~xm_vE:t)R;A.` -...-....-Q--..--.....,.. % s&sTeovs%KIH?E n%%1Nmow -4---q-o-scu-u. files! Piles! mum; P.l1ea_!` rhrn|a'AI.lnIchII'n: infnnan nhlnai! - ;0utLmgPonu4~.:r!nI A . . 0 "$.`&``n?. ":.: :a' "" cxg H 7" \8IIm'mm&mm% }runsponrAnQ-orA rsopaigxtn EFFECTS 1'0 `X!!! KLOXBYKK - . [cw titans In-gulauo n'~' nu: W133 It ,, llharxi! o livcushln; `latch In to lo: V In: the lloresmry heal Bxpuua. A .I,..,AI 1, 111,-; `. 5` .3`-'III "'|-i5lI fIvI BDJUO -In` a. faw days the Tmasury Depart: msnt will makn _lmm_vn SM dgstaila of the arrangement Mrwantfy concluded. ..,}u-IL 1k- r.-:n......~ `-.n..'.....a:v.... xr:_:.4-_. -. urn nrranmnwnu rwenuy concluded Wm . 31:. Sitou"{`Ca',pe.dian Minister at.` this interior",-Arespeeting- the ~tranape:ta- - _ tion~of-gold-adeizors and treiwt fotho Klozidyko. Meanwhile it is learndd _lmne from gdod authority that the Can.- adian IGovu-nnrant is about tn hsaue `new C1mtoms' and mining mumtiom applichbie u that region.-Last-yoar. rich-up` tin.-s. an.` .. ..............L_.I _..nIu palrro-VI--an-tr -up your ava- ;v-:; wmm them wuwgn _une_xpected.. rum to the gold tieldi the Canadian Gov- ernment permitbed the free entry at V minegf blankets, persona} clothing In , use. cooking utensils in ass. and. -100.. pounds 0! food for each person; oharg-- mg dgxty only on exoesg. V ` PBIVILEGE ABoL1s}mn. 5 H11 _ , . _ --._ LL..L __l..!|_._- ....llI I... .L..\. , - .3- This year thai privilage will be abor- ished. and cu.-stom' dutigs leviedbn . everyt_hi1ig~_the miner takes in. except pracbially the clothes on his back- ` The Canadian Government dbes not .`wi~.1h to he_ unfair in the matter, but L `La going to great. expense t_ci nmintain v. ptllico and. establish ooiirts 0; law |`p9_c}t;o.ficas. Ttrgasuries for the an " (`keeping '0! the miners gold, _of"es . wherevdrutts may he obtaind for , old, Wand other conveniences. amim t ob- _`ta.1vn revenue .to meet. the on y. n A \1 A I\I c [T L-nun)! IUD LVDDL` \.s;.u;;u;4n.u >.l\.IAD-JAAn:nJ . ....... Outfits and supplies bou htin Can- ada. by persons taking to Wrangeh and Stickeen, The St. '.M`Lh:3.e1 s Ska- guay. Dyea, or Dalto will be admitted [me into the Klon- dyke, and of cpurse are not subject L to duty when. taken 1n_over the all- . Canadian route from Ashcroft, Kam- ' loops, Edmonton. and Prince .Albert.` A_ NVARNLNG ISSUED; ' 5 _nLn..l nu trml `routes, ` .1...~al an I-1. ' . .-. ~...,, __-..- --'......~.. A daspatcgrlmm Washington any-3:} ..Ior I `am `(Nana 'fhn 'I"v`nanu- TI...`-6 Abvuss ` K; H xJ.v.L\`a1\I ;uuu A4:/I tran.spo1`lL;tmu C() lI1}1\lll03. \v`hi~.'h are $1.30. payable in advance, to convey persons from the Eastern States to Dawson City by Czmadian routs.u"x1d to provide them with food -en `route. This overluntl routes within Cuna .13. are > all controlled by the Cmiadian l u_ci- " a'il\v9,y, which is also upartiting the route by Wrangel _u.xid the Stickibeu. and outside cognpauies have` no author-_ ity whaitever to offer suth rates. Tl here is no famine in the Klondyke but sup- ` p1ies_ are running lowjust no_w,Aand. . thoio ehfering without msufficicnt stock of their own might, become a, burden to the commuuityr The Cainddiau auihoritiiss desire. to WB.Il1 the public against sovcnlled , oiloriug fur sums ranging from $50to . -..- All of Capt. Ilurmn` [50 Followers cruelly f - ilauglm-rml. M `A despatch from .Bombay says:-- Further deto.ils- of the massacre of the - British` surveying expedition unler Capt. `Burns `Ion the coast of .Bu1uchi.{3- L... L...... `\nAn\ u4nni1:n.i'_-Earn PK? uu-rm an... v.. ..... V7. , tan have been received_-here. Capf. the coa.st"o Ms.kra'n_. 100 miles from which place Graves, 9. British`telegra.;\>h pftioer had. been murdered a`tew'ds.ys` beidfe. The natives, semedfriendly. bukthe local ch,i_f ma.de_a_ suiden pat - looting wag gqin_g_' iingf arid'.1jo_de_f100 ' `0f1Ei}a_7va11ey77? `Burns had"formed a `survey Cami: onh ' tack -upon` the camp, taking Burns and. `his nativeljfollowers by. surprise-. Capt. 9/ Burns `escaped while the slaug.ht_e_:.nd.\ ' mils to` the? (e1e.!;_1'1ph s!;atiUn*i1I tho . H in. nnw rav'nrhSd f=.h3Lt~tha -who"1`e 1'B- ` Urmma. vanes. ~ , It is now reported t_h`a.t the -whole `gion is in revoltpanrlhthe .ThirtiethW _ B_ox_ninay- Infantry has been des1-atphed to the--s4:6ne.:.: Every one` of C-aptaiin `Bums 150 followers were` killed. . AFTER. THE MURDERERS. ' - Q01. Mayne` with `250 _of.-the Bombay ' A Infantry,`lM'I\`led at Ormara. Ba1uchi_s- _ tan, om Tuesday; He found all, quiet I there. left 50 men; and \;nen`proeeg>.ied Lowegrd Baso`ue._20 miles north, with 200. 1 'Licut. Turner. yvho e;*sca;:ed_ after thd . attack on the British survey party,.isI. `reported-s:,zfe. ~. ' _` '.' -` ONE ,LEI_*"1` TO TELL THE TALE. mu Auvvuuv .uv LIA uv vuv wufuniv CANADIAN sur1>Lu~s ; Dl;`de.. to 0rder , 1",: in-,`__n -' II1__.,II_.. ._IllIIvllD_ IIIIVIID _ luI_lu.. III! II: IIIJI 1; _. speci,a5Ilty`_ -` `Law Work .5: .a1mnu_as _%P;9mpt`_ly uxgcnnted ` alagazlnoemillwillalc` Bimllmz _ 7., i asEe9s::.`.A..9.9A% 9 ,' - 3 0 ' A AI;$1oqeer`n&71lnntor. ` `fvroiuitrhfstmb. ~ mhmswexaunn A1! other ulupn ntrgnmmhhhrl. ` ' _ ,_ _ Assume: cL0MPANY%.T :13 tnniinmn T0 no ALL mung or .. t`,'-B`_RRE 0' Auguoqeer ham` `luntor. iV?2n.r. anawrpana dorm n- l..,..-. nu n P3 3C000A 1 ` IL-uni Iain .- us: IEIWBES ll!-l"A`If\ ALIB Trll W III "hlgg VI Au DAILY TEHE TABLE. L. .._....A c.....I....? uni n` 5 ! ll` Ii`/huI-\.I\lIv lnsurzmce Agent, ' `- ` Fire and Life. Baxnl\o._Toionto.Building, `~ Owen Stvxeetv. .th>oT.,foIlowinkV : _'nm:m1v.a Emu: V .- UETG; Pun. Agt Cuvuuun. Olo. min nnlsnmb lisf "numm cLE`vE{.A1gIn .P. 0. Hox 2'14. BARRIE ._ -1. _ _` W713. S"T7T\TDAB.D f.LlFE. 4. .3 1`. ..'>oo.nro -.l1:',u-.0 . l4..'iu5,uI0 f:.4b0.U.0 mnsam; Ink ` Git Own I _Allhd\fw$l!R&h'.`. qua; Bums. an unm-pszms. us}:-{ _AllPu1:I use gun` ma LATEST FROM` Inwomp pvem Ot'tswoxhud 1.128Ade'Aftbs last" yen.r.3 A youngson of Louis Sggith. fisher-`A gag waascalded to dean: at Victoriyg The Frncfx` `theatlrf I home for} opra, wm be built` in Montreal nut rot: wuuam bushels in 1897. r11 DIISLIULII Ill ICU]. . 6' There were 514 births. 337 deaths an X} 236 ma'rrEag-as in Hamilton during the` lash-[halt year. ' A - .-...If.._ J.. ..--..._h. In-nu `H:-In:-in I . -4..` -----~--`_ V . `.." no, 0` xggo, (AOW) as 0510'? n1lstt!! 0*` N!" 31?` m u'.v mum TABLE. " Illllhlllvl. Shipments 01 `Northwest Fort William aigmgated hnh.n1 in "397 ' ,;~ l|J"'1l|l yeah : I : According iopremrts from Victoria.` 8. (3.. there` are eight Brigisll vessels in the harbor atilzlsquimniut. :1- n_-L........ .....4....... :... nn nnHnnr_ LUV UHIUUI `5\i ll$l{I.llllJIJA.v- - . Mr. Cochriine. xarl_ne.r in M1 gating- bbuse. was sta`:bed 10 death at the Cro\\"e Ngst, Puss. N mam... mu an hwnh in Hus; rnvnrfdl \/.I'U\\ U AVSSE, 1 am. 4/ ` I ` These was no truth in tha_ regorted formadh of 9. Canadian reglment for service in the East. " If..- n............ -...-.. n`nn`nI` o I'I':rh SCTVICG xn um 15u:sL. . Mrs. Bcfomer-mas elected a Ifgh` School 'l`1'usiee at London by tLa Coun-t cil. being the first lzuly who has ever` served on. the Lonrd. V, m n....:u-._ 4.- .r..-\...... ......-n (in- BQIVDU tux. Luu LUAAL .1. ., 'l'wo_Hm_1`.lton shoe dealers wers- fiu- ` ed 81 each fox: kt-eping their svore o;n=n~afLer 7 o'clock in ('ln"tsfnm' week. "AnoU1er case will be appeald. nu , -n y _ -1.- nI\n -n. .. in `\n`I`;. ll1l()U|t`I' cusu nlu uv ugrpcmmu. . J.`h<-,re will be 75,000 names in the`di- Tecmry of Tnronto for 1898, and the [)l1Mi.'s`l1{!,!`:s clailn Urznt this entitles the city `to at xopulatiou of 225,000. In... ..:.\.. 'I`..n..mn-"1 Rn-n-tl lhnsx Ell LU ll ]UlluAu|.lUn um u.au,vvu- The Dominion 'l'regxsury Bmrd `has issued a. (-irrvular wuruing civil ser- vants agzainst hire-puliing ameans of s<*I`urin;,r 1zr0n)ot'ion or increase of emolument. . I .. n ;e,,,u 11-:II:-._. CL.\..-n UIJIUI U111? II II. At I31-nntford, -Wil'.i:1m Steve, a lad 0f'ei yhtcen years, pleadzsl guilty to uttering one dour note`; 1':\i~:- ed to ten dollurx` nml wn.A9 sent `to Kingxston Pelxilentiury for three years. . V I - ' . `Hm Itmm...-.,.r (Emmy-n1 luv; nnnrnrpd viva vuv nu.-.u~.. Thursday nzgl-it ` 1' Taylor. at y daughter of (LP. n f Pnrhu do. wml The (}overnur-(ienerz hzrs approved. oiythe a_lpp'>int1nent of lion. 1- run oi:-3 I.angel'.er as a'Judge of the. Sugmii r Court for ~M(_mtx'eaZ in pue of Mr. ` Ju~L'u~e Jettty :12 point -3.d J.ioutenunt- Gorvernor of Que-l.ec. Mayor R. V\ iiso'n Synith, l1:xs1~{xr(-i1a~:- ed a seat in t"(aM0x11r`:lI Stock Ex-, ` nhlhnge, for ;5,.'-U0, and .-ulvan.-As of two bouszinul [1oH:1r< 0ver'the last sale V7 V _..... L- ,._ :__a.. M... L....\!m.-um. CV1" H. BRJIL lll I/`U A\.lUuug`-U -Juzmx > HA-_ change, .15, -U0, I>I<-4-1` ;,-Qses to go into the. lgwkcragzo business. v~1u| :1 11', r-4.. ll... Inn u.._;...w... _ _ Little Freddie Guorin, Um nl year-oh] son of Mr -$04--rn`-x Gum of Hamilton, \\'a5,u.l011e in tho. Lu ,whcn a. lamp exploled. Ht: L1-.1 it outside, and with the aid of 21 In-vmun exting-'1xiss`x: the fire in houge. A 4 - run :1 , M... L._.I- l,...... ...l..h uol_13;t5. TJ1e.Go\'ornment ham men ndvisml that the Cunzndizm 1:i"inxx`3tx*am:hi_ * C01111any's-.-stagxler j"`n,nu`.e has Men seizml at .`=kag.~.`:Lr forhn infuzcti n rf the coasting iaxvs. Hun R.\V. t <:ut,t is i;1_cornmunir-nt,i::n with \VaVhingt(an Avrnr Hm run i ran- I}l_ iiumluunn au.u over the matter. rnl 1, ,, _ luau J.u._yIuL. LII: u,-nun, \....... Rat Frtage was left alone in house. Her cluthena caught fire some means from the stove. and : was burned to death. rs 5 ,, ,r , .._u__,, t.....,.,. \1'.....l-.-.\..I Mlluxls av hut: uunuuu .uu.,u.,.... - The fire lo3=.e'~: of '1`oron'to `for the year 1897` dmounbed to 9666.879, `of A which $117,155 was on '1mildin_,rs and 3 . F:549, (24 onstock. The insunmce on those "losses was $2,250,000. The four- chief fires were: the Elentric` Light` ' Comp:Lny {; Murray's; Er31;hz1r(H: s and " `the Eatoxfs, which totalled $47900 of . . the amount. 1. nun . m nnrm I viv- VVYL3 UUIHUVU LU ucauu. Exf orts of poultry from Montreal the past smisdn are the I-nmest im the l|is- ` tory of the trad""EIidtt3 of :';(s in 1897 were one. hundrt-.d uni sey(-.nty- two thousand cases, combzpred uithune hundred and forty-two ~U`ous:\nd_ in 1856, and ninety-five thousand in_l893, Largely: to"t11e vUnitcd"Kingdom:" ` . rm... r:.... I nnnn .. AF 'l`nr-.-m`fn fnv Hwl ,The.col1apsV. of` the great Eglish en-_ gineera'-strike is rmpidly approaching. ml... D.-$Hul'n im-nn-um trnvi Fnnndn fnr KUIUCUS 'Ulr1AA!7 lo LLl`.1.ll.u.lJ uyy;vu\.u---5.. The British imports trm_ii. Canada for the past .ycar sho r the -previous year of -twenty-'ive per Mani`... , .' - - ' uouzvi The` death '-is re1mftd.fr61h London of -Rev, C. H. I)o:1gson, whose: nom do "plume. 'w:_xs_ Lewis Carroll. the a`utho1' ` of "Alice. ?in_Won`d'er'|anu." ` `I - ~ , 1: 1iV!II!_ ._ m.._ tullmu U4 YCIUXUDIUL 14|FlUII- '~ Lord:Char.Jes Ber -esiord. Consen*vatLve; was elecbad in York by. majority -of ' 11 over Mr. Christopher, Furness, Lib- ~` iemL 'J.`he. sent.'wnsforxnerly. held by, air Frank Lockwood. Li|_)eraI, ' :m__ 1'..'.I-... -1u`......:.....`u.,..u ......'..' 1)....` UL xxumu Lu _ 1- vuuu; -uuu. * Prince, tlmmutdom of William Ter- riss, the actor, .wasIfou=n=:1 guilty, but ~ the judge'-z_cvv:=n-t'in'g the medical evid-_ - name, sentbxm tn.'n. lunn.tir; asylqm. ' mug, :__.._..L1...-.l!,__. :..L'. LI... ....'....,. -0 uuxuu, ncuu uum nu. LN nuuuwu, (no.1 u....;. ` ;'I`b,'e Aimvestigaioxi info the muse of the Lop]0n.'Englan(1. fire sho\vs,__thnt the loss was >33.050.000{ The jury re: turned a verdictof arson, ' - -r -_..)'ru_..._I,.. I1,..J.........A IV.\....m...mL:u..~ an I.` Lbuuk IJ\IIl\YV uvu., uuruxuuv Ifhe Londop -'Mon'1ug `Post `says -Pm-` si'11ia~nt, M,cK/mlvy rs hopreleasvly _g[xi'E1iI1g . im _trying 6` antisfyi evo.rybody,- that mm 7 mguft.-`x-sm1 e (:lxaus in the II`(epu11I_ivoTI1 ;camp,`und`t,I1e rapid growth of Brynn-_ him. It [further says ithat the Ding-. . lay turit is 9._1'uiIur; ` V . ` . rmrvmn rm'nArn1a.` W; wuu.-3 m w_-u--u-.m - _ l .- `_.UNI'1ED 3S_TAf1?Eh _ -- .. V` 3 M31` Bnlljhgton Boon; imieclarqd (Jul; .- xm- .`-nIr....1. 131....-.'ml'11nn he.nnVn1AI`t1`.Rd ` M19.:"Mr.i:rk mu: leifteci V` ~sa;naeor-raromo-.-. .: - . .~~ irxru. ;...-'....:.l}n..n1nn M`d_ `nepawr. wt umu. - Luna. V cremuqrle -:;ce}ii`ss-j ' f2erii$q o .80;aLFra.Lncisco wil.I}mko*_ the Z .bod.3,`*'vv,s:"`IJ:1;,ri"a&n2t_.' Mm mupierer, _' ' I)}m a5Amhit"U A `T.nrav"nf the ghitb `BA. '.|J_|}l'l'llllMlq `VIM? llyll-I_`I|lWl~Vl-"Y_ ; .1;-egmgniw; A`, `.Lzirgy;" oat cne._sta}a utpe 611- lrueday- _ it)` ha'}nrnnIn.' (`kn I'll dated o.t B I; _gggm`gg:Ba dk. of Mnnt'o1i1o`."waB u_s w ; nhi'dn`.`. WI: WI tuwpuuyu A, ~ _ . ha-dipube between the tin'de.`-`- 9 ;'aa;tqhr and-theicanadlban Pac1tiomi4l- V was hm. amicably ztdjustsatl. ;1,,..mw..x:an1.s;, nk -tmnf. a mag`: ` IVY `N355! Ill `hihmtucklul -"N1-.," """'.9 '~'"',",*,a "~'W'"."`r' V .v.,",P;~esic1_ex1t.: bIoKiu1SeLhaBj- sent ands"-` I 111334: tQ114:s_ Unit_ed tea Con.!`.h3a" W1 ` vpoinmaudinz paymeupomhe. vwgiagq` ;; T elaltgfm V` 7' .fi5v1&15tah `sir1%`t;3$`i`FI I50A'ie&5* ml l`i0d-[til Mm Marry -. Ksmstaiyfwes =~Bo,hm,uuu ; Lyglpgv Hxeepew J ~ki:1_,,.M'.` 0hlgpaa,nuM 1: uuw ~ GIiEAfr BRITAIN. ' cA1zA1iA_. zght the three-yrzzn`-old R. Section l:`m'e~ Upsulzt, cast of wbezit `by E 17.6oa,ooo` nim=.~ W1 Gumin. 1 Luuw 11,. J`.--nu - l Lll`U. 1 she 5 U` the