Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jan 1898, p. 4

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_ Genefal 'Agent.7 V= ; jCo1Ii;;Wo] Iv unto: 6 51? 2 so *1 50 2 50 E EMPI RE. ERIGHER DN4 T DELAY 'A1'i_% m6re thn3,`n1one-'y s'wo1'th,_ made in di'essypatterns, prfect _ _ [t ; the best ever shown at the pxice; [Are`speciiil1y"tvai1;1'i1 by` the very . best t-;1i}o1`-bax1g,Vls.' I well dressed men, Vhave eXpi"ess{ed 3;he111se1Yes in the most con1p1in1enta1yVlanguag` about them. They come -in the:newe_st . ` co1o1`ings'ai{d"shades. ._ A T%fE`e7U"Ist1-V veryone talkin', is pa_?r,a1yiZingV :1_;h_e_ c1t>_f5l1_ A` V ` ing `trade in towpf; it s.a1':1'`barga:in5` 1 ' " * L `Is. fv;<)n?<"1A:e`31_f?-`kill fc,'oa,t _ :Hea15;{ freiz, % J % ; enema on Saturday after mndi%`a "lii `V ayqundar1}h'eir.pI`aut`0QfM keklg . Perribazid Sitryuittdrq. 1: "\l.'.u...i'a mrninixlna `nmmni: t. ' mu `nishing "atumpingA 5; N binge Imwook-` M_l'd'X'5p0l'*,k3{|.\_Ul:p_1-. . M i1;1:h:re:VY\pV;I`v,us;r' n. ` Than thoselwe o'e1'.this week have never been sen in this o::n,an_y Qt.l1rtoWn.. -The gaIm_gnts_ are new, stylishly made, fashipnable' in material and olors, In a, word, ' the}? are up-to-date in every puint that makes clothing glesirable. They` can t last long at such prides. Our $5.00 `Fashionable. SLjits 80 Dunlop Street, T Barrie. CLOTHING VALUES om-$4.50um but p1`1'1'ch:{_bse early Mile sizes are_com;;lete.x7` ` m\nuruay`aI.1,WBpenv illlly ,Wlm_\M, Nd] ahdv-fangiJ`y.d vihi1ei\iv31xte.ii.a3rtau him accompany .,mgvz `i . Vwj * hf ` Mr.~aud.Mm itonin nwxiutta`-21$: W `days With'LMrL`ajndl m`!A.` A1 an ~Bar.ri?y1%.AWi6*6: W as-ion an mains; ` UJ:00Inpg1n6Q3l1_|,I!l_ vgstwa Vwun s'0_eph,'1' `_ Mr.;_gud- Mra; I).2"0l.it21aa,'u n -1, --w. v_I `way, vuvg- 5!A_V< Goulber. 42$ Aurbgg {$6, - :1lJIDl"l!) aux guaepcamxjwxm un:- 1 uwyonmmentmy not hm: elections in; tho: . , oid naonythoi-Tune, but they will; hgithqlumaolduuun.` .~. - ~ A ....- In..- ,..__ -- :tt__..-...._L:..-\ . T'"&'Z.I.T .(~;,...,.% A ;.;.,.),.: I reoplo` n_ny.mU- at Hon. A. S.`Hardy` as 5 any piano. but the record shows thutjhu uymptthiu udiarvioeu hue nlunlly hour ` ahmlftn mnninimiitim nnrfindividntln in Iympuinlu nu Ismael nun nlunuy wen` givonto municipalities nndiudivldunls in` the right. as Axum. cgtponlkms und `capital in the wrong. .,n.._.....'(v.......... In I.-- n..I.-.. .....4Il...| IN `IIU Wlvlrlv ' ` '0`P!A\A-_Cl`zK5--It hue taken _lnodicnl{ scienee I long time to diaeaver, or nthqr to agree. that consumption is infecting: Md to insist tint the-aprnd of the` diueuo . be rented by the Itricteut quarantine. Dr. yea. in is said. will advise the Ontario Government toldopt manure: to deal with the dread disease 3: a provincial question of mnmnnnt imnnrtnnnn. In dnimz so ha will the dread disease provmcm quesunu on mnount irnpomrnce. In doing so ho . doing A_ fuhlic sryice tbnhu been only too long do nyed; n.-...~..... 0..-......-n ,c.1`n..m. .5. mm. IOU mug umnyuu. _ CATHOLIC Rzoxs'rx:3--"'I`hero in _ little doubt that Lady-Aberdeen : historic _ball ` will long femuju xnemomble with a consider- nhla section - of Toronto's noner crust. mu long remap: lllelllumunz win: as uvuuuur able section "of up 1' Ciiutte|mort`gnges upon houaehoi furniture, and promissory notes at high interest, givn in a hundied auctone ones where the his: ` toxin ballets happened to have already ex- 1 hauatedtheir credit in the town, as w_e1| as tailoring and miliiIiery.bill"u contracted by" ' the loss unfortunate ones,f.viil constitute for many a yoara my tangible rominder of a few brief hour}: -in a mas uerade. and the subsequent 3cruciating peasure of seeing their uumerin the gossip columns 01 the new'gpapera. ' ---:.::-.-.---_ ;_ wnlounizo humanism. ` .` f_.Km;f1m_13gg 15.4993 not mater `haw E Re munyxna avmaphbod s_u rage 'lector__ -"had his nalxmoix thhlist, he [must go feisber sir he gannot vqte attbe coming pmvf cial elections} Be certain Vyou r\e tea; ` 1iat. This' is `a new law addim .9 tn" 96 p9w"in A0ntatio- . . Than the ght` to vote was. conned an; gap 0 f1mLrs:,TtIiant8 or_odoupauts of Ireal pe;ty1.g Lhegvalue of 8400 in gities. ta " ns,`and_$200 in townghip, A 3 `*9 &l?"i`?`P19~9fV`.5'<>Ii adhe}'(1L 0, _.a'i1d' the_.A ; ; M ` V," A3!` "_ -` l'ono1"-to` Swab. (Independent)--"I`m Ont-f win Ganmnent my nothuu election: lni IA Commission Makes a Report as to Thei" Cost--'Royalty Recommended-Prots are Not Excessive, Say the Commissioners. The report of the committee appointed by the Ontario Government on November 12 to en uireinto the price of text books used in I Piililio and. High schools was brought (`own [last week. The coinniiasion consisted of Judge Morgan, James Bain, junior, of the -Toronto Public Library. and C. Blackett Robinson. resident of the W estininster Company, imited. They were instructed to ascertain whethe_r any reduction could be made in the price of the textbooks, having lregard to the reasonable prots of the pub-7 liabei-is and thetrade, as are warranted by ordinary business practices. I.`he commission was also authorized to enquirevrin-to th'e'_v matter of royalties. and report the extent to _which the payment of such royalties uectsd the cost of text,-books to the public, nud . wlither it was zjiesirable to substitute the of ii .lurnp sllm.i'.0 the`authors in `. place of further royalties. The coimnission 1 held twenty-one meetings and examined E i many witnesses upon the cost of text-hooks. ' l - PRO!-`ITS xor i-:x<;ii;~is;I\'i-;. ' 5, Bl The commission nds the readers new ~ 1 {muse-in the Public Schools are oi excellent U E and durable quality as to paper, typography, C` LLilinatra_ti_ona ,,wl..l2i.nsli_I1s:,_n1!1 ;,in_additiu ,, .1 i have every attractive appearance. iirliich is" ? l not to be overlooked in the get-up of school a l` i books, and that the retail price now charged g 8 f for each hook is not excessive, lllld should d ?`wlJii2ii3ist3 .l`E`i iu Zi.`E i`3.i";.Ii;`l .`; l the recent agreements reduced them. as the f ; publishers and the trade generally will not i` ; at present noes realize more than n fair business pro t irorii the select those books ; in connection with the other `school books , ;,~; published by them . The commission further] I, 5 says that from their own examination of the _ill'tBll and=`Ainericnn readers, andfrom the if -sti=ong-4ipinions_expresse(L_hyL.Bwfessors Ll |Alexs.nder. Reynar and Clark, and Chan- cellor Wallace, they are satised thatthe 3 1 Ontario readers are innitely betteiyadspted l for use in the schooh ctmm gs either the Irish or Amerioanseries. In the ~ case of some of the remaining textbooks in - the Public and High schools, the nrots are l pronounccdnotm, hare been excessive. and ` the prices should therefore not be reduced. *7 l Reductions are; however, recommended to , ,. ` take effect at the end of 1898 with respect to ~- theifollowing, hooks: First Latin book, 51 It 75 cents; High school bookkeeping, 65 g ,.cents t0 60,CeI1t;S: Publioschool geography. 75,<:'ents to 60 cents; Public school writing. R .-.m..... '7 mznlii. In R ",n!\YR.'>IIl"ll')'i!Il`VI.l1l .i `(scents I70 DU cents; ruum: uuupux wuuug course, 7 cen's~ to 6 zenta ; primary Latin ibook, $1 to cents. They also Round that the system of fBrEIt$ii)etwcen author and j incr3ase_the coT6f .tcx`t-b'oqks. publisher. tended 10 decrease m.Jber.thau s.u}u.I; mum T0 mu. nu lYl0lNQl'UhY. . _ I "In closing our report, the committee says, We may properly`noti thatthe contracts with the Government under which `the yierioua school hooks are published, eon- _ toin certain` provisions entitling the Depart- ment of Education to. make arrangements with other-publishers on similar terms for `publication of thg some books, so that'ther'e " 'l , . cannot be u monopoly. In fact, some of these books are published under those agree: ments by more than one publisher, but competition has not reduced price; allowing" that the original price was not exce`_eaive. I [full] 5 HWJWUK U1 qlllllyg ' ` The anhool_ truwtaes meeting wag not held at the usual cT_1_ oi account of sickness, but at 9. meeting held since,-J3. Canton 3119.11,. _np .ohn" Ford` 1'e:`l:i'riug.: . . . _ Mr nm-rnl MIR fnmv rmvmuml lvn"R3n-rin - Jan. 16 -'-Mrs. Alex A0}ids" lfas. _ V ` {mm an attack of quinsy. ~ -~ V The school truwtaes meeting was not held ` o - _ V ' _ " Thb Marklelv. Curvy} dog show exhibited b hero on the-.l0th.._an delighted ,nll with ' their Wdndeui futs,'show'ing.good traip- mg 'a rg [Llntelligenca, : the`Corhett and -Fit~, :.zin`im0nn act 'being'vary amusing. The . ' monkeys, goat qgnd bnntnm roosterb`nle_o' did . well. _ ` -. - + . rd. n......;.a..n;-..m .vn...1.....;m. ;...x:L... .u.. reurmg. ~ * H ` Mr. Cdrrol and family reindved o B.`xrrie to `daw. " " ']`Hn Mnrklnh nmvvh} Ann shnul nvkihhnd wcu. " _JB3.,0unI:ipghEw1. -b'1ackani.ith, ananmaly are remo ;to`,Ke'u.rney. "Mr Cun- yningixnm has alpen. v gone m.n'mkgi ,pr_epam~ _ clout-for the family`; who Wil1f0f1f2w_nhorqly.` Their , many frfzndah wyah; tlxem sucnssfs, .iq_ " "new tin't_i1g;- ., _` __ K: ,v - ~ -' Hhur is: few` vtixrn mif. .m . tlm .evni'ng3: Elli!!!` new hm. H6-gv isqiv-Athatto ffw` '1}`i'll'I1', (lI;\if :L Vvto tub}; K .mee'bing_ofChgipt.ia1I Epdasvor on Thnrhdav be spntV1nor6rpra6,tublyL, ~ Kmanin la.nt'rhv_en1mtainmnEwap ViiiAv}a:f' Em aura an evv111hg`qbuid`ngt . lip, Wnllb llm!`|:.|l\l0l W $'l.|)l'r , V` ` ' -~'1A`h; vl`nt,erNary minty met on Friday evens L `i1_ng`.'mbja'ot oi d6bM'V `JWhioh has more 'xsli. aenip' in . the L mirlda Woman; or mow?" 1mtniusivb. G.B`rv eraudli. Mif1t{):NR", ,. 113 1: v;:!o1:n- Earth .Le.i.Iini1N , alive by one atrium. ' udipgoa by in ma gr-: 1` _ ; _ ONTARIO GEO0L BOOKS. * CRAIG Hm{s:1_%.4 omen`: Germui Pelt Slippcrl, with felg and leather soles, pnce was 60. W_ou.en n Bhck Felt Slippers, red. shnet linpd, lsmherpole to 65. Guild : we Buhtoned Boats, in. ma fqxingixen 6 to 10, waxe 7 . . . . Mon : `lino Lealchevr `Laud Boom, , wed soleu, ooinxoe. were 81.25 .. _ Boys Fancy Moecuins, were 6. >.c. . .. hlen'o Black Felt. 2~buckled Boots. Ia-iknp fnvnrl warn II N} , , _ , _ _ _ _ `Gin; Ray `York the other day, i 3!rV:';.Ktck,Tg'old-biooded uiurdergsv, ` aauteuced to 15 years in prison for 1 crime. Afovrdayq before when 1 n-,;v5vlf1o tried to killhis wife, was" ` ;7g'ion .30 my: in jail; lbs: week a "hum-y_boy, yvho stole some caks [rem ` in_:fmn'of 1 baigshop was givexour _yem,and oi: Frid.;y, Gavemnr Black {afroin 15 6410` yam the sunba`nee'on 8' youth, w}_1o`six,y__ears ago. "ii`a`i`I gdriikikmslole $1.15, Canadiaq . ~ law mv be dufective, but it ceminly ;, anmud comparison witb_t.}iat of the "-United States. 01 __t_1;Q,llper1ntendent or Farmers` `In- stitute: in Ontario. If any proof were needed of the great im- provement which has teken lace in every `department of agriculture in ntario. during the last few years. itwould he found in a competition of the Report` of the Superin- tendent of Farmers Institute: of that Pro- ture 20 years ago. The Report in question ' is B moat excellent one, covering all depart- ments of farming, and is, without doubt, ` the beat and most practical publication ever printed by the Ontario Department of Agri- culture. , . In... .........a `nmmml lw Hm Farmers Insti- vicce, j"uet issued, with 5: report of Agricul t l 1H. B. 1v1gm1;ga.3 culture. . The ground `covered by the Farmers Insti- tute system is now, generally known. i It aims to provide a common meeting ground , for nllclusuee ofngriculturiats, and, inorrler totsuit all the different branches of farming, the meetings ure made of a varied character. To tl1ePrcsident of the Ontario Agricultural College is due the honor or inaugurating and organizing the first institutes. They are the direct outcome of the work carried on . at Guelph, being an attempt to give the agricultural community the benet of the results of tl1eii'oi`k done there. l't... mmminn imnnrlvmnn nf H16 `flliiitllii I of the work done mere. \ ' l The growing importance of the Institute ~ syelemtseon mode It apparent; that, success-` ` fully""ns it hurl been conducted from the College. in order to produce the best results. it was necessary to putwit under the care of | no energetic man, who could devote all his time to it. This was done in 1894, anti the .\1inister of Agriculture selected as the first Superintendent, Mr. F. W. Hudson, who ! has shown special capabilities for the work - required. thus fully justifying the Minister's l - `. _ selection. 4 . _ | fl"..n nt Hm*;1l institute new mack Felt. z~Ir.Imuu4 leathgr fgxed, were $1.50 . selection. The mtendzmcc at the Low! Institute meetings during 1896-7 has hem moat en 1 couruging. hi 1885, the rst yeufof Insti~ I mm ufnrk in Ontario. 12 meetings were7he_l, ] ` couruging. In 186.`), me man year or J.uum< . - wute w'ork,,in Ontario, 12 meetings xyeigel ` _l and 2.808 persons_ntten(lod the seso . - Lnal: season 659 metmgs were held, and 125,177 persons u.t"tm(led, while 3,277 ud- drcsses on agricultural topics were delivered, , and 15,452 persons paid their membmahip. fees. During the previous season, 9. most sucpessful one. 102,461 persons attended the .meetings. 2,637 addresses were delivered, and thetotal membership was 12,384. The` V increase all round in I896-7 over the year fjpreviousjs thus `very pronotinced. The` average utlondaiice per mcetiug has been ` about 400, while at some it has run as high as 1.205) To South V\'a_terloo belongs the - `Cfdil:`ofhawingtheiargesb membership,465-~ in `all, its nearest emp.petit`or lieing North Hastings with 390 members. An intergsting ` fature in the present Report is thabit con- L :4 the ratjannual rcport of the first \Voxi1en a lunt_itute formed in Ontario. It is :. ...........o:m...,:+.h the South Wanbworthl of several others. ; A most gratifying fact in connection with the excellent work done by the Institutes is ihet it is carried out at such a. triing coat ' to the community, and_with such moderate grants from the Government. The results are; therefore, all the more satisfactory, and particularly so. inasmuch as the benets nrn" m gwonned to 1 \V0men llmtjtute Iormen in 1; us . in connection wim. the South Wenbworth Institute, and promises to nner several others. A ...m,: nrnrinn fan. in connenmon the benets ' are" F gwonned members of the Institutes ouly. Anyone can attend the meetings, while is copy of the V annual Report. of the Superintendent, which contains the cream of all the papaya read at the various meetings. can be obtained from the secretaries of the local Iiiatiluiej. mm. nannrn in the Reno: to htind are most -' "L531 week an acengpt" was made tn .`:.pnt__tbrongh the Asembly Municipal ) I Cdmile, two bills that wexe evident-l ,:ly- xfompted by the waterworks nnd_ '..slczm._l1gp ' ' ht cgmpaniens tlu-cknughout M Qntsrio,` who lire becoming father Jlgrmed at the growth of pppular xgpinion in favor of municipal control of . illsucli franchises.` The bills proposed Jlxat ii hny muninipglity vent into} lilghtxinlg of waterworks "business, it` _ should be compelledpto` purclms Elm . plant of the`. companies, that. had .. prmiioualy upp_li_e thm_witl1 water or \ light-. The Hardy Government true) to " its principle of standing by the muhxcia palities aniagninst cqrporations, had the Hill throw'u_unl.. -l, W ' `a x't~'v'v' of the writers auilfeir gaumecca. _ _Lt.~.Col. McCrae, Guelph, treats of the i importimt_question of Cattle ForageCrops; ' Prof. I. P. Roberta nf 3ornel1University, 3` cakes for his subject "Five Loads of Manure . l. 'p_er'A<-re Enough; Corn and the Silo re- ceive attention from aeveialwriters ; P. _A. Crops is dmonamzted by J. B. Reynolds, at: titer" in Agricultural Physiqg at_ Guelph. while W.'S.- Woodward, Lockiuorb, NY.,' discourses on "Barn Buil_dlng:_s."` * Lehmann shdwing fiow toBuild an Octagon , .Silo; "How to assure a a water Supply (or; -rm.'..... :. .n_Jmu. uhla mner on 'l`ubercu-h secretaries at the local 1ll5i/lll,l,PS J- _ : The papers in the Report to d6tinEtB 0f the farm witahvwhiuhthey are concerned. Luj:k'of spice pxevients us giving extracts from .|:hem,_and we can only mention writers auiiir gaubjecta. ' conveniently arranged under the eizerai > 1. 1m Mnnmu Gm-.lnh. treats discourses "barn nuuumgs. . Josie" by F. G..Hariar5u,` actenologiat ofthe-' . Ontario Ay1`igg1tura|Cr;Ilege, While duirymeu .' will bq_j_gtqreg_t9Il " _i>ub Parmriu A'popl'exy in Cowa,' by Prof. `R'd;T"0fth" `Fame vment Smion. writeaon "Poms of Excel-._ lence `in Beef CatI;1e'."i Among the a_rtcles on; Horae'BIeeding may he 'mentibned~ V those of Prof. John A,-. Craig,-'Riae. Lake, Wiao'(msin;'andR'ol1t. Neda. Howick. Que. _W_.' C. Edwardsz, ,M.P_, V Rockland;7g'ivaa~. . ailbful-infurmatiundn[`Feeding -Wonk Horses - _ ind` C9lt&.__ 'I`f1_0s`~iu,tereted_iu;Dairying.` . , Horticulture, and ,Po11_m'y,j_\v1ill~Vnd suma- - `var maotical papers-(Sn thugs gsynhjecta. aw and imDo.i'tant.brau':i1eia of _,fa`rmi,ng J 1`h en._ is`-ar4ery able '-perm} ;l`ubercu`-h : College. Pros. Curiisa, of thelowa Experi'- , `vaxrptaotical papers -on tuogg _2sgm3ecta. e w. and impoftant vbrauhhei - ..t,rea.ted, of.ii1 this v';R`(}p(il`-Vf .Foresm' mid 1 {Eta}:-Cum.1re.' fln .thi;L1uttcir VDe`pnrtment hhre al" Erticleb by three Canadiah`ap`e`cfgls- `_ ism. Dr. G. A.-.McCuIhzm.`. C|\uirnwJlL,9f" the `0`g1arI o 'Ghme `an_c_1 Fiah Oommissiqu ':'.,P:[of.`_ . I13.:E.~Piin0e. :Gmeru.l `lnLspeobo1'of,FTi`ihriea -for Canuplagsnd E.d_wmfd Harmirgj Eiprih `Dover. . - .. : . . . v rrxm mm], mmiher oi names in the Report ta! Ma 56 members. - . : 4-qt nxroh.-r" `THE :TIU,B8DAY,- Jim. 2(5, T"`1s9Ls. | . \./Lu-u.u v nun. . Jan. 17--The. anniversary services and." festival in cnnnection"with Crnigvnle Presby- terian church, held _on 9th and 10th. Jan., were of 9. highly successful character, and it is to he hoped that the glorious "weather that 1 prevailed during tliemeetings may augur a " `yearotexucptionalprosperity*and'auccess-to- ~ this ouritliing congregation. On Sunday the Rev.J. J.` Cuchrane, M. A., of Barrie, assisted the pastor, delivering two inset excellent, ealnestund practical dieccnrces, V which were listenedvto by large audiences, in the evening the church being lled toits utmost capacity. 011 Monday evening the ' ` vhotlowl supper, which is now regarded as an annual event. was served in the basement, and we need only add that the arrangements were carried out by the ladies in their usual skillul and orderly style. The bodily ' .appe'titee having been ministered to, the intellectual feast commenced in the lecture rtnnrn nf Hm nhnrnh Hm mlv. Mclnnm _howed excellent taste in selection. The . enjoyed by those who had norhefore had lnteuecyugr wunu lzuiuiucuvcu Ill Iluua uuuu .. room of the church. the Rev. W. McL$nnTT fullling the duties of, chairman. .The music by the choir, the Stroud -quartetle ' and Mr. Peter was well rendered. and speeches by the local clergyman and others 1 were interesting and witty,receivirig rounds of applause: 1'he roceodings were vaned by_Mr. Criapiu, of arrie, giving `an.exhib1- ticn of the phonograph which was much ` the privilege of heolring this wonderful human invention. At.,e lute hour the .' meeting was brought to A close by 'a:selec tion bythe choir and all repizired tojheir homes fully yatised with the entertainment, by which the funds of the Ladies Aid- Societv were augumented by almost $130. 'l`hn fnllnwino mmnimz ' the "Sabbath augumenuea by almost mau. '_Ifhe following evening aleighdrive, and.we vfeel assured from passing -rezgarks that the. young people Hy enjoyed. this pa1'li9f theprogrum. .___.-_......._____.___.--. Seholpupils were tiented to 9, free tea. and ` . 9 'OR0VS1`A 1`IUN. L , L _ Jan. l0;--Mr. and Mra.,Robert Stratton. of Uxbridge. paid a.` ying visit to `menus here last week. - - D. E{oid'aworth,_oi Thoruton.'is't__hehing clover-in tins vxcuuty. . v Miss Annie Bell, of Crown Hill, spent .part. 0! last week an Axthur -Bell's. . H.- Johnston,-'6! Penetaug. ia\the guest of ` Wilfrid Todd.` . I ' ~ _ . - Wm. Brook and Miss Olwe Crawford, of , Colqwgter, Aarg visiting at Jan. Cruwi0rd's. mm ;`:A. Toddid H;'.TiShn et 0n"spint a ahlaa. Uruwiord's. ] Mien H."`J6h1Yet 0n"8p`Dt " part if last week in Tiny. ' M _ ' '[No'rE.-'-For some 17d`ason'unku0wn mine, the above, though dated the 10th. did uoi ' wach this ofhoe will Mojuday evcning.-`--ED.] T Jan. 17_.-Arthur Bell, Crown Hill, 1:! visiting friends in tL:i 1nod. ' ` `James'Johnston, jr,,, i_a_laid up with a Severe `attnok:inamma&E;Q;;J-,4v;44;~;:; V .' ,The;p:xr`,or a_o`oial`h'eid`5t`71us';331jawiordfa, ' _ passedovery p1aa_anb|y>Piqueeqqabout$8. V Mexgars. M . and L. Nlarfuf Aiiandaig. skated out to Om Smiou".n,d spent Sunday with their trouser, _J&_lI_|6!5 Marlin. -- V -' Mn`, nud Mrs., Overend, of Manitoba,` are 9 (Elm guests of Henry Cr'_uwfqrd.. " .- . 7 `Mn. '51. Gilchrist, nfi Manitnhn. in the ` .g|it of Mr_s.'D. Muvimig. > ' `A '. v- .. _ - >- 'r..AlSg1uiasey.`ic~f_- q.`i|3y. is vi_aitin~g W. H. : `Miss Kati 1-a,tt_'ei-m,m-ia_ tho; giisof Mia - i `Mary Cmh,e_t-. " .. ,;.; V 3".` i _. Y ~.'1`eaqhers and 'utlioe_rai of the-'Iy1eb,hotiViat: -- ZSa1_:hLu;h whoa! f0lf;l__8_93_u)`8i$_f0HbW1'AgAi ' .. m1i.i.n'..'m\: i\1rs; AJA-Bvl.i.` ugihnr ;(}Lf,k_fy`e, 0! last week Annur-neu 5. H.- Juhnst0n,"6f ia\thev Wilfrid Todd.` ~ \.\In\ Rrrmk and Miss Crawford, Belt.`-sggpj; ; Mnjs. A-`A Bal!.';s:M2k:a_r ; Qj`_ye, 4 `Bib1e'oIwi~_ tgucxer ; ~;_\),1_aaes' A G1'a3w.`m.`a:.d ' Smile.` `Stanley. ttwuol\`rs.; 699,. `J.`_vE. low.-L f0T11"_`F\"I33;~" W"1'!1d.. V C 1, .' -_ ee. pawlbrdi. Cherry Grove 1`av)*lI ),;V'(J;fo" $3ts)5;ou,~ .hLs_vpurcl):ubd .1rnm'A," Mc'l6ggart *4: Shin, Apin.__t'ln,o _wel3k_lsnp'w>n` Ctydeu,d]u.16\ T `.1i|l ;M_oaa Auk`, airedi bv .TI,*`n`\L`:`n:a:_* -3`; Rrikjie,f anrtha fto.:l,,he Vdamthyuotagl ryze-wlngtgif V` sl ..\ of 0ru'Statlom_ , V llsahhmi foI>;L898 are Q._l0l;0W6:~1:\g.n 1 $4 91 7 2 sq %% : THE WONDERFUL 4CHE`AP MEN, K Rogers 016. Staghd. - * `- I-"ive Points, Barrie .l.` `y: L 4.. gj-aha-4; :1 Qnmng -n jlli Alfx I ~ \Lv ":Grea.t~J1a.nua.ry Sale w p: v P f ' THE Toronto Saturday Night (Inde- 4.pen_den't.):.aize`S up the two Parties in_' ; this way: ---The Ontario eloctionsivill hi nodoubt be held about the end of 3 ` -`February. rPremier._Hardy s prospects}: have been greatly iinprqve by several --exhib'ni_ons..of.ogoorL gen~.mlehip_ oandiil ` newssary `iegiotioii. He is proving 3 himself a leader. ` The session. is over h ..ra_nd the_ gains that haw}: been mz_x_do_ "are _1_i_early* all_ in Pieni%i'er 1{ari1j. s __liands. He has soorod'b;min`afler point by`good `g i geiiei-alship, andithe average _ byazunder ._;q_d_mite that Mr, Hardy lias been more . pgogrgsixe than was Sir Oliver Mo\vat,.; ` ;ai_1,d yet quite as sur-footed. To hitter : iaway knob 21 sessimiias; this talkihg` of `fone pig and some pork was ill- -zidvisedo ` i f the Opposition, 'and- .proLubl_v _Lhi8 `( wiiieie Igst` appgraixce of` one:hog_ 1/ Ontario." c M Thiswstook" is.sor\nething extra, so now isithe time "to replenish "your wizrdr'ol)e. It consists of 1'eliably-mad: Suit_s,`Ulstex's, Overcoats, and Reefers fol Men, Youths, and Boysiof all : ges and sizes. `A L '* = We till doomsda about-these goods, but unless y this store; yoti ll never know how good and how cheap they really are. e are striving to make this `store indespensible to rich` and--poor, and nothing will emphasize this idea more tlian the following samples of, closely primed prices : ` Men's Heavx Ulsteis, were $8.00 and 810.00", now.$ .... .L. $6 50 Men's Suits, in `dnu[,|e b,eas{ed and sink style, were " - . A 5-50: 4 - '4 50' I " 8S.00to$10.00 ..... ...... .'....; ........... ..$ 6 50' _ -... 11 I\ 1- 1 , _A, L-.1, nn n . ....._.. 4,,` ,_',`. S Fine Beaver ()verc(_mts, satin lined, very stylish. ere $19.00, now... .. .1 n `D;_..__ A ...... ....I Uuvul \.IVl`vIhUul4`, ll xuuu uuu ` $8.00 and $10.00`, Vriow Boys Overcome, were`$4,50 and $6.50, now... Reefers,'were $3.00, how ., ........... ..T. " . 4.50, "Men's Suits, in dpuble breasted ' . $10.00 an} $12.00, uow....; ....... .. 18 Men's Suits, only one of a size, were $8 0 O1_1rJ1It`uary'Prbg\raimti Destined to be the Greatest (Sensation t .in Clothing Ever Knbwnein Barrie. t K A A t A - cI GLOTHING PRIBES m nnzsouvu ..... .. $6 u -_ 50 ?ine vlvere now.................. . . 8 50 Baver Overcoat, in Fawn and Brown, were V ,' 0 .... ............... .. 5!.` Dverconta, a:1d$6.50,now. ............ 50 Refers,'were ............. I .............. .; ......... .. . dpuble and sack style. were uow....'.." ............... ., ..... .. 800 -n s Suits, to $12, now... 5 SHMAN & PER 1...: -.--4-_-zzjj-in Men s in breasted and sank wefe $8.00 to $10.00 .............. ......... 20 Boys" Suits, 3`pieces, only one of a sizeT7ere $6.50, - now ............... ...... ...................... .. ` o _ . ._Men s Tweed Pants; worth $2.00, for.....' ......... ........ .. Neckwmr, in silk and satin, all styles, M ................... .. Men s Beaver Caps, worth $3.50 and $4.00, for .......... .. " Baltic Seal, worth $5 .00 and $6.00, ....... ., ...... ` Caps in all styles... Q ................................ W Fine`Colo1'ed Dress Shirts, zepamte cuffs, were $1.25, for ...................................................... .. Y; 1 Elle lUUbul'U .7Y.1 6L$ uneTT ..... .. `Nu: In the Matter of the Estajc-otsir cor- - nelius l~Ieu_h-iokson Kortrlght, Kc. M.G.. late of the Town 01 Ban-1e,in the county of slmcou. deceased. - ~-aNoio&Yis'I;mby~given~apurs11a.nt to..R,S.0.. . Chapter 110, Section 36,an amending acts.that all persons having "claims. agaipss/the deceased are herebv required to tile the same with the under- signed So icitors for the Execut_:rix_ on or before the 27th day of Jzmuary, 1898. - - mmzm9(w.x. Mu:\VA'l"l`. `Dated Sid January. 1898. The Honorable Sir l l The Honorable Wm. Harbty, ;' , DUAIVU U1`. uJ.xu1\./Luna . P1'sldent--'I`l1e Honorable Sir.0llver Mowat, P.C., G.C.IlI.G.. Minister of Justice Vlco-1?resldcnb--Joseph W. Fluvello, Esq. Mnnafng Dlrector~-'1`he William Davies Co. Lmlted, and Director Ctumdian Rank 0 Commerce. - ` Moskonzle Bpwell. P.C.. K.C.l\_I.G., Senator. Ex-Prlme Minister of Canada`. ` - ` The Honorable J; 15'. Edgar, P.Q.. M.P.,Spe.-lker House of Commonv. `Public Works Ontario. Commissioner ` Honorable \vm. umtty, Uommlssloner `Public Works ` "Ihe Honorable Geo...-Y-. Cox. Senator. Prgsident ` : Canadian Bank of |~`~ommerce. A - The Honorable 5,0. Wood. Managmg Director Freehold Loan 8; Savln ` . . g 00-. ` . John Hoskm. L.b., President To- us - ronto.Gene.1al Companar. J.-J. Kennv. Esq.. Vice-Presi e_nt Western & " British America Assurance Companies. ` `J; H. Plummet, Ea .. Assistant General Mann.- nm-nnnndizmnan ofcommerce. . .. .` lure Asgu_Ig_A__i_gi cournni `J; Plummet, Ea Assmmm uenem mzvxnn.-1` e1`Canadia.:)_ Ban of Commerce. . A. . Ames. Ezxg, of A. E. Ames 8; 00., Presi- V dent Toronto tock Exchan e. ,_ _ Hugh N. Baird. Esq.. Grain h e1'vchm1S.-. Dinactor Wstern Assurance Gem Rany. . ~ V -F. R. Fccles, Esq.,'M.D.. F. .C.S ,etc., London. _ n . ' - ~ .7 - > O -1,". 1*;'cc1es, msq., n1.u.. 1- .n..u.o ,cw., uuuuuu. n. . A. E. Kemp. Es'q., President Kemp Manufactm-7 -ing 00.,` and 2nd Vice-Pres (1 Board of Trade.` . F. G._ Qox. Esq"-Mtmaglug Dire_ctm'. . ent `Toronto. ' '7 . l50,flhis Unollditional nd '\Vnrl(_1-Wfde froili 1 . c0m_n1e'ncei_nent. ,. - GUARANTEED-Gash sum`-nd Limp . z\nd`paid' up VALUES.` 9 _ POLICIES Autoniatically. N__o1}" For- feimbIe!afteI"3rdy;`aI`. `~ V 1:, xi. n"0t;.uns. nnnnawl` .A .......4- ` fnVLoNnoN,ANncANAn|nu? " L oaia:ii;a ii.on~;imsfovet1iarkfdperty gt; L .lqw_ept3qurrent`rataa . .` rnmasoax, nu. 2o;.1,aos.= .- in`: mm .1f<.Lrt.e`r;s.ire.qxiiTri%`xi;iz` jmeetrxmxttnf- ' V ga;ea o? for. other` .pm'pqs.e`.; sh9u.It1`La'p`pyL;to tho,' bafpxe: maklnpeutherprranremvnt. ' , M I Noti'to Creditors.- - 41'-tt fnbA1D on DIRECTORS: a. mum trnum-n'mn Qir nllvm at A ashman at Pe1fry s. dU.l.llll|l'_y'lC?!D. '- - V DICKINSON-G: MAc\VA'l"1`. Solicitors. Ba rrie. IMPERIAL _

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