%Iient oux_ic i: has put- a site {or a"}Im1se ox. lndum'j{~ an em the bgixdinyg gm year. sgstimated that the strike Q the I engineers will cost the nation in . 3ghborBood of m,`ooo,ooo. 3 has ; gnd men are Boxxd I frovincial glegagis will pro- 5eL held about F3;_'uary 24th. E36518 With` theirclean record A Ea'n\yA-ve ygars fot pro _ atioii ma gcuomical 1\d}iniatra- have no ruasdn to fear the vggciict @.;1?9P`&` '~ . - . ` _ \__W `W W V I , R - p -_ ` our $%5.Q0(LEashi{mab1ei suits 80 Dulop%JStreet\; Baf1?ie;% om $7.50 CLUTHIN VALUES :--a----._._ ___ but pqfhase e_a1'lj7 -lvjvhilve L 6 50 :.;.3 `50 In: 2:") n-_` pe ,wwpvurv~g: w , `I_". `*~3!.':; vparty;-which vlettegug we have read, these ' C1 19" m farmprs stase. that." only part of M L "L ho{rl'were ebted._ Under ihsbructibns L*u; ;l fChrigmon 7_!0l11` the veterinary ihipector from 4550116 Ii.on;L9n;7whi1e ithey'_IgiI.ld"1ind burnt ,`;.T3_"_db.:`<:u":53"f: ii} fitysd : animals, ~'t _,, :: " ;.._1.e13L__t9,t`. their 93m 9sfa?:i-9 Wei: greemxxt, [gig ~b .I;}e'd'away._ 1`h_is.i just whab`qcc11\f-: us; be? exbede g1A :re.cf1' 1t't3be-".IIgmber: piggeryr 1'1ieseH _. .6 comwyi. geutleipen fur'b}V1rTst:at_e pha tg `any f'a.'r rer` n. fg.__,_5;`_`th, '}g;oul dVh aaily clistingixish the f1_sh_ ofwiny ' tits` gt" (_:!1`{_)1er\*;;- dAis'{nVsqi~ ghog. Iii thlrxvuy it 1. {III .a ._ 2.3 2 50 3 50 Enlqarwuuuu nu. .... ...-.- K. ` V _ llixable. If the cmmcillota -hsdjnl every cm -to iuet this-exIra__a;pendi`Ture themselves; it would make tiigmbp little more bautious about keeping ithin thee appropriations. ~~ m - 4._-_. ....,,.. nr~m~.mis-e exmud- . appropriations. One great cause ofexcessive expuul-l iture is leaviv u the strikhig of the est:-. matee till `a very large portion of the - money ed. As we have before pointed out, it~woul1Lbe "a very great advantage` in many wnye, if the estimates `were prepared i` as early ae Fetiruairy`. Eacliumcorniiiittee would thus kriow the emountettheir disposal, . and u check ivonld he put upon reckless and unnecessary expenditure inthe be- ginning of the your at the expense of g xiecessery ivork th:it"`often` is` neglected g _in,the latter part of the year for lack of`! e funds. We trust that the new Council ' ,9 will see t to actpupou the sirggestioni ' g and feel sure that the results will fully it justify them in making such u change.` ' ` uni proonmi oossrron. or some time the Opposition` have` been devoting almoet their whole atten- 1."*i.l0I1 to trying to prove that diseased E`-)\[`0lli was knowingly sold from. the he Government pi{.'gerv in which cholera` ily `had attacked eome of the hogs. Their 2 ild principal witnessrwes Fred Newton. a all discharged and disgruntled. gove1`l1_`- 9 act meut employee, who assisted in killing" far the hogs. '-He told .1 horrible story of -.--.1 L'.. ,i:.',, oil an BWOYB mun u_u ulquuuuu ........._ ` are so In` tiald.` Mr. .Harris- \\:hL"bo.ug_l1Wt_VT13's b, new 1 animals) thatNewt0n said were diseased, W _ ' < coe, wm {ET01Wpf9the4iargest:~hegAealeifs in gamda; > l ' . ' ' on the Toronto. Hg pmd the hxghest price fqr 1 which is these llogf -\vh>ich. he` would "hardly to \'_-,[`y hav'-d_on(_a` had theyvshoyved any signs :`;nec`;{; of being: minted, or ofi;1ferio`rquality emu; ; Vzgin any respect._ Thqse /hogswvere sold `he . : - - meexmg by. Mr. Harris in small` ms to retail Canadia .,`()gt.chgx's throughout the city`, and we fI"o'm: ;: i- b.je`ytto 11garofanycompair}ts frou_} Edwz b M19 purchascfxs. This` itselfought to be i uary M A ._:___' v eiso K` L _...t aL..+ nn Auannunrl nnrk E Y, m_ I ) `buficiedg proof. that no diseased pork. `was sold. V _ 9. _ I ` T'h6.0ppes_itio1x431`yt'c>make oufthgg with chdlera. `in the herd, it would not \ I. l.__-: htghwlass; przmww "W m 'f:`.u,.9,`!'wer'. .bM In tpny`o s'ug1ov.!r.af}:i `. ` V . 03593 (he aldlhd l' Vl Hart. have returned no nracuumu. .. Bllmll PTl5Q1`V-Old; THE EDITORS .,.AB}_~ Miss Sanderson, of Muskolra, is the _ e hogs wen nah i In 8. recent; nnnilierofV0mvar(l, the paper llzluestrof l`el`.l'um : MW J S``deS- l ' Friends here we shocked to hear of- {;}[[`i3' a wholesale ! oi the Met-lwdistz Young Periple, wns rlm_ This man Newton following reference to the Montreal \\nness: 2 the death pf John Slum on Saturday I\'o_\yliere we think is there a press of - , . . about t.hig_homble__ higher moinl tune thin that, of our beloved iilfrfllllfg; xlrfhe dlaceaggd` whol lid: Ont) _ ` " d - country. It possesses, we think. the uniquo *9 393`? ` M in mm Of -5 Wt 2 el 3 3631 an no distinction of hnvingu leaulin 'ournnliu its WPS :1 I alltl 111919 best Ol l10llll- _ . N _ _ 8) Pl . oi the Government lgxrgest Cll:y1\Vlll(`.lldfUr Olflel` titty years has .i}l'h6'fnneral, vhicli took place on Sun- . nora cruan \- -. - ~ ' good mug 1213 ran; one or to Gum I {eggd agaiusig [he liquor, or t0bucco,`or thentricol advertiso- tn`? [awash 9"? s.een`11e"l1the pIe8mn' - l ment. At. the are-t sacrice of much money | being nearly a mile long. Amollg the lit ll "f`'j'`? `P lwlllgllllrlllcipler lfnd llornl tributes was it beautiful wreath . .Willi:aiiliilliiia?iiiiIiiv3` 8"`" g"" ~`L*br1*3dga1'DiV- 5- f'T- of which 3345011111, lllltl M fgfrhe January CANADHK, Hm'I.E_J%mAL ilecensed .w_a~3 ii member. The family ` dent of the P133913 : i has two features of special interest to Canu- mwe the sympathy of the nelghbolihpod . Seased Emma]; were (lions. laesides the usual (.lepzu't'ment~s,`w_liicl1 ii`: their loss. . P ` ` ` i ` h ._b Mt th, i1l`eS)0ll1lp0l`Lallli-` Ono is,anart1clov_vr_itten ' Our S of T, intend visiting their ;Ll;l~-~e~--5 1`V_He"y. bl(;(`j15l'l`3 k DJ)" g"gf"' } Haivkstone` brothers and sisters. on U tracts reongfanho 1.;Iy(vi ept by Mfrs.Ubim- ` Friday evenim- _ ~ . _ coe w _ e rs overnor o pper o` _ _ V . gesvhoggdealors in and the sgcupd is another fun pagg An open meeting under the auspices orge.nizati on of `the Canada Club, oi `the Sons of Temperance Wlll be held in the hall, Friday, Jun. 218:. James deuce as ' tliis,-_ In~ ;lie'liigliest price for . , _ , l ~ M .h (H 1sai1iabter`of home interest not only riewon or ; ~ - `i __ _ _ 3; l :3 `E:'::;`:;i;g,( i`::;:`:1~':cl;l:'slllxmf Hart, Willie Fillingham, and Miss ll of lilferlol Clmllillf. at present hardly realized even by G._D_ to `)3 held at Ru b ` Jan, 25th, . 8 .Ya members of the club. Reports of their The Ladies Aid Cf, Zion chmch hem Canadian Home "Journal, and will he looked . _ , . " for with , intereat.-The Canadian l:lom_e- M19 3 .lybl9 um? was Spam by exshmved Sign Vance the=intere'sta of their country to an Mlllwlm N `l'{0_ be dalegats 50 the hem In etin s will be iven ever In tn" Th ` 9 ' g ' g y-` on m e a social art Mrs. Wray s; Barrie, Fridayg ut citv` a ('1 o . , . . . X1 , W Journal. MrKmnou Burlding,Toronto' Can. `those present*.$~ _- `Looks _ Edd,` doe sn. t `I`t.?;' ! Show .B.hta .'__.\..T. a` Anonrnn CHAPLEAU, I ` " ` -`eusomir EH. B. Mmnsix Barri.e S Greatest \ %.;D_rug Stor.. % I Lnmsrv-Nam: -our good: 98. 1` `hu_I_>un 1897 no longv the new`. gure lg 1 um. um e. - We mu Jnlheil hmilhr. In mat of the New You we II ! marking Ion ox 4 ~ ' Q People out of every hundred" are looking for a_ tooth- brush itha_t-.. will- not shed ~+'ts . bristles, but they re hgrd to nd.- Wcvc got atooth-brush now ` `that we will guarantee for three months. If the `bristles come out in that time we will replace it with a new one`; . - $5.05 wouldint buy a better one. SEAGERS\, DRUG STORE`..._:: V 11:1: < befor: Christmas were `"9 31.25. new osc, T- ` as t .8250. 1.98 ""53 th:: 3:2. 3 50, 1%: $3.93 ssoopng mo saws. -Drugs, Stationery. Sphool Bopks . are written in aysomewhat informal way. and McK'mnn'u Building, '1'oronno,.uau. ` Edward Everett. Hale begins nu the Jan- Magazine Number of T he Outlook 21 series oi twelve urtlcles upon "Ja_mes Lowell ' and His Friends, to wllmb he hasrgiveu` the greater part of his working time during the `last summer. Dr. Hale was .a friend-_ol Lowell from ` boyhood up. and has many speciail'sourcos of iufomlutinu. There articles nrn full of nersonal and literary anecdotgnr, v~ ` ' " ironuli uo11=.sW la-te in asomewnsn1nxorma_x way . uuu are fun of personal anecdotes" and reminiscences. They will be elaborately l illustrated. '1' he llrst.i_nsta1meut contams a. ns reproduction of, s crayon permit __of Lowell now in possession or ProfessorNo1-tou, of Cambridge; portraits of Longfellow and ra....m..n fmm nsiutinas by Euacmzm John- of Lougteuuw and Emerson from paintings by Eastman son; a little-known eariy 'cxayon' of Lowell . `by hisiriend. William Page" rspxne views of < Elmwood, Lowfe1l`a home, taken` for this` expxess purpose`; and. other equally. inter- ` `eating piomrea. ($3ayear. 'I`h_.0utlook - Coxnpanvr-~l3~Au9r~Blace`;K&uLX.ur,k;) The Clxrbtmas Number3fot,l897 uf tlufold Fanmmds Anvommkni Igondon, 09%.. and \\"in'nipeg,M&u.. has set.` a .merry'p_a'we.fm-1, ` Vug"riqultu1'a\ -journals tjveryyvhere `oh ` Elie : globe. and has `done a good thingv!orvtl1e" mmiaenf farming in Czxnadg.` A poweifu`lL 1 1 YHg1'l(_}ulLurn1 'JU\v|IIII~g< --~.._, :w.., > ` _ good thing !0:"l1' ; -uuu&e 0f_ farming in_C:\nada. powerful - ,pl'e1\ is xnade_forlh: e"xtiia`Ion_ ui`improvqd~= ~ ,}.live stock rearing} and the objecn.les'son in - the way ofengravinga are `unique, A mug- ` nicem;"c'olpre'd pht9`;ia`givan of Mr, H. D. `S_mit:.h a (Compton, ._.P.'Q.) W'.`9\!s Heretords; -: fwith portraits `ofmauy otherapgize-winning ;= _ anixnala au;i_`negfa;:n suuuea{'_Agri9nltufal :5 C(mn)iasiohr;. R0be_n.ao_u;' of `0ctaV\'.a. `ex? tends a hoplulyet cqa11ny;a;1a;dn:xl:lagrchxing. ` and J.`0.hI1'~VI)a_p1esa.' I-.l v,S.g_.a,.wll~.'-knovyruq ` gducatiogxist._con:;fi))uVtap u, th,ugbtft_il' pfxper _ on. agticultqiaX `e`du.D.uli~3'n' 0I'~Ll>M11!"6V5tudy-_i_i1j the achoolmwhnh chunky! axvgnku `\_vdaijp reu'd.. I ihLrcst.Q1}'._t_hiui~i;I porbannjsgjgjgcnfancl help to e91ve_- av d_ifdu`lt, `pxgt-1`eu r.;. \ A,m<,>u'g-o*.ha'; axibjecta aft: `V;V`.e,$\.`%'_;`1`I1;.'(5"_t~,,.i1t`_. `R`&'.1i<:`1xing;';" Cqnadiau Min al;1f.eaour' B_.2g1ee'?Feucjapy,. 1, M` BritishAgrzoum;re.~ ugan` h et'3rrt>`_Mzig~: 1.. an nm~`m`a.nv.. Aud:,tliQ;.BxLtiahjOu}gmbu;) fox` Britzialx Agrz0umx;e. m1gar`1_seevurmnug ; in Garitmny ;aud:xa;.Brt@ialyC_u1umba~Q)..1 :. .1901; tonsohx. 1 lL`hi. Chtiitmas ,Nu_mb'ei_`. we L: -uotioeg ,gnea_tQ a}| 1xgvuubgbri_bezg`:` _ ` "f=1S9%_3/,. .. ` and the pgiblihbjera nfqtbe Fiim1e'!,`:`B Adv/Vpgtej : " ' `ier_y,Wo weeks) cgdkb b,;no,nx-m, `ONLY 250. Opi). 7Post Office.-, . xnnin \ VS`HAi\ TY_ BAY. _.k Jun. 11--D1;. T. Calldwell ard Dr. : have returned to \Visc011sn. I Saxxderon, is . ,.: |.-..`.\....> Mn: J. S;mde1*50I1. L`VVrntxasnav.\.a1s`R1, 1:.` ism. i Friday evening. uieeling auspices ol 1 `Willie `and are delegates to `\ Rugby`, Zion A . when an enjoyable time \I\J 1.1-J-LIILAAI 1 Jam. 11--A1uong`th`e most successful ' U11 the l1'is1ory' of Guthrie Presbyterian "1 church -were the anniversary ser_v`i'ce.s A !`.eld'on Sunday and Monday. On `_ . Sumluy, W. R. McIntosh, B.D.. of ' Allandaie, preached toalarge. Vcon gr'eg-a- nons who listened with marked attexmtidn to. his very able and p_eloq`uent.A deliver- l ; ances. On Monday even_i_p_3 t_he' church ,,,n 2"ps;` ...;.4 Hm. um Eamf uuua wuu uauuuvu u.....>.......--_ _ > I evening th was ~ well filled axid_EEe7~t?"`n entertair.m6nt' were gall: that could be " wished for. So excellent. `walks the good - _t;h mgs provided 'by thfladies in.the basement that _it; was towards nine o clock w'n`e?n'the program" cnm1nenced., [- , Dr. Gilehris't, oTUnllia, occupied` the 1.ch~.\i;'- willrhis ~acc11stome;1 gT1`cF' and - _ ease . The, spa1 I fairly` excallgtl L themselves,` an the spe`cch bging .. :unus L1a`lyrlnif`ight V unsi interesting for 1ear-mee;ing _spee.chc;'and csnmijned at thmsame 'ti_'ne'_ xnnch.o}ic1~food for ` - `.u;-.`...1. -`Nu; monlm}-: `were :4...Rev. %- \ >' .' ' `I `I '1: ""\III:IIEI\_.l Iv-I vv-u-u-nu ..._.._, I %*Rogers 016. Stand. - if A - % ' Five Points; Bmie. %%$X%%$%%$%*%%%%%*%%%**%%%%%%%%%%%%%%x%%$%%%%a Cheap goonfs, now, ay Geo. Reedy s' . thtxsame tune jmncu_:_sum;~.wu W. ;go,_ught.'_ `The: _speake'rs were ;+;Rev. .Messra_. Legg2\\t,- Ed3dP;A*v`Leish\_1|ag1, '_ :?A_ng;x`s`;_T1?ish; Hawkafonalg Mclngosb, " .p:rOc,ads'1Ao{ ;tIxg,;.:, uu1 uv p1*- $60.. Ban-ri, and `Dr; :`Him'I'y, v0xillAx,_ the Liberal cavydidauige-in East Sm'1c.p.e.;V .-'1`m `arxz Ss%r;`v.ices. , A .\..,1. ..; mn~.mn:1=er LtbeV"aus ;nes of? ' uul9_ull_Egu ,o own" gm. V : LA wvlar. .89 He`. VLa;dAia_," `A 1=1~Lt}:;e`"`as:i ;}.i<:>esL ' '--~be1 dun '.R.oiuse'.- 0.: VD/1,.I.t;<=_m;z_:..>`e* W3`-2. - A; large }"xi'x1n1ber"`f7w>\vb.'Hil1 '.tLnddAVVl1 alxiiivrsaryftv as-j Guirbi ,{hd1':}1 ;l&st"Sund{ ' V` _ B , .. "9.ml`?`-x M f5 j ' qeua9a;l:avLi6;bae'n ` ` `J2he;rgm_p,'qagI.,t.;e1g;g Jo Suits`, UlsAters,o0ver ` This stock is something.-extra,"s3 now is the time to replenish `your wardrobe. It consists of 1`e1iably~mad coats, and Reebfers fol Men, Youths, and Boyshof all ages and sizes.;__ * - A . We might talk till` doomsday about these goods, but unless you vislt this fT5tfe, yon_ ll never know how good nd hoW_oheap.they~1'e:_\Hy are. We.are..striving_to make t,hi.S._BtOYE.iI\,CleSpen9ib]g go;V;_1,{au;1 pQ9;.LanS{_n0thiug Wm emphasize this idea more than the following samples. of oclosoly primed prices : _ . Men ; 1 U.UU QT-(1 c1U.UU, uuw ... ........... _ Boys O\'er,couts, wexe $4.50 and 86.50, n<)}L._. `Radars, were $3.00, new `F "4.50, .;. Mc-.n s Suits, in doubka breasted__ and suck ' 4 $10.00 anl $12.00. now......T .n ",4- e..:.. min Ann nf :1 size. were SSQ ` 0,! 183 n`s Heavy %UIEeis,. were 38.00 and $10.00, no`w.. ....'... S *__ `__` ` _V 7 r 6.50, T " :`-~~FinLBeaYe: ,()I>.r<; ' were $12.00. I10V...._'............k., _ Beaver Overcoah, in Fawn rind Brown, were Annn __.JH!1 `u'1ru-rr ' .:__ .' nannuauuiuono an 1 $1`.3.00_ now ............................ .. \ Men s Suits, only one of a size, were 38 to$12, now... _ ~%oAsHMA OVU 500 1. `vi - ,, `R?-W`rR7I\'?I\'?Tv'I\_wr\`y3 A cLo1HIiiI%uE soup 1 GUTHRIEQ s easily " IDHEYBI` U Vrlvvuwl, un $8.00 and $10.00, now . .. .-..-...n `...m. M an .m.i Jaxjhary Progra%m is Destind to bthe Gretevst Sensationi ' ' in Clbthipg Ever` Known in Barrie. % `5"J;x. (3; 1`s` 1.)... !n the Matter of the Estate ot Ski Cer- nellus liencrrickson Kortrlght, KG. ` M.G..lnte of the Town of Ba.rr1e'_.l,n ' 7the county oi simcoe. deceased. '` ' ` -`-~- -1-... numuqnt M RS_n_ v the Uouuuy on mxuuvw. u............... Notlce is hereby given . pursuant to R.S.0. Chapter 110. Section 36. and-amending actmtbat all persons lmviug claims` against the deceamd are hereb rn utred to fe:-he same with the under- signe Soieitors for the>Exeeutr!x on or.before the`27th day_ot` January, 1898. signed for tnenxeet DICKINSON E BOARD Ur` umxmxuno; President- l`l1e Honorable Sir `Oliver Mosvat, " P.C., G.C.M.G.. Minister of Justice Vice-I resident--Joseph W. Flavelle, Esq. Mann ing Director-'I`he Williznn Davies Co. Lmited, and Director Canadian Rank 0 (`.nmmerce. I _ _; \. mmueu, auu um.-nu. um.\......,... ...___ ,, ' Commerce. - The Honorable Sir Mackenzie Bowel}. P.Q.. K.C.M.GZ;"'Se1xator. Ex-Prime Minister of Canada. _The Honorable J. D. Edgar. P.C.. M.P.._ House of Commone. _, lr __ The Honorable Wm. Harty, Oomnnss_ion_er Public Works Ontario. ;. The Honorable Gen. A. Cox, Senator." `President Canadian Bank of "ommerce. _ Freehold Loan 8: Szuclnvs Co. - - John Hoskin, E. ., Q.C.. i.L.D:, Presldent'Tcr r'onto.Gena.lal rusts Compungn T I A V J. J . Kennv. Esq.. Vice-Pxesi ent `Western 5: `British America A=sura.nce Companies. J. -H.~Plummer, Assistant General Mana- ger Canadian Ban ` of Commerce. A. . Ames. E .,of A. E.`Ames.& 00., Presi- dent Toronto took Exchange. _ Hug&N. Baird. Esq.. Grain Merchant,-D.irector 3 The Honorable 5.0. Wood. Ma_nag1ng"Dlree\tor _ ll estern Aasu`ran`ce Comeny. _ n .1-.%I%ceies, Esq,,`M.D...F. _.G.S,ete,.London. . . n_ . . ,3 A. E. Kemp. Esq., President Kenn Mun factor- - .in2 Co..' and 2nd`Vice-Pres_qeni;~ orouto E. Mccles, 13341,,` 1\l.lJ.._I.' .Lw_.v.u ,w~,. ., ..... _. Kern? .ing Co.,' ` Board of _'l`_mde. . ` ' - F. G. Cox. Esq., Managing Director. ` THE v`voNDI-:R:FuL CHEAP % MEN, II.-a-v--..~ l Uncoxmditional and World-VWi;1.e: from commencement. ash Sur1`endr L(ra'n_ "an paidV i1p`VALUES_._. _POLIOI-ES . AutonmtiCa1ly_ No1A1.For-> feibablc iftQP.BI'(1_xa1f. \ '___;_ _ L . 71:. |:..;no;nns;. ` ' n;...,.....1 Anon ` Notice ticfeditors. weuonomneAnAn.u { ... u. --uu--n-'u-`u-..... ~ style, - were 1 V him -.-_A_- . .' Jmm:uy,1398. DICKINSON & L\1AcW_ATT. _ Solkitors. Barrie. ` voins if -.l'I1II3\- . General Agent; M v Qollingwdodl .3650` AKA wu uv 450 8' 50 L *0? 1ast~?e(r`a h , v j `L _!i`tuwlay'd}w aha men-` L tivixgl th xiiiizillurs tn the duuger of ` '31 9'xpI3dLt`nIL`a. be%yo`ud`the tr op!-A pgdptiuiana. II. seemav tint reward of }t1.\fm :niti3isiee thug spent A` onoyvwitho31\*4tw!nl% mtliorityto db 1 V ;soA; and new the rnnyoxt imes that ghch `vnldczmaxi whowaa is party to shah` ttagsaciios wih" be he1d*,mon._uy -3` I I 1`: n._ .... ...d||nn Ind in (very . - , 5 . _ ~20 7Bo_y's Suits, 3 pieces, only one of a size, ivere $6.50, Men s ilrdnuble breastecl . and suck" style. were $8.00 to $10.00 .......................... .; ......... ..S now ......................... .., ...................... ...- .'*Men's Tweed Pants, worth $2.00, fnr\.....,....;........A....... Neclnvear, in silk Kind satin, all styles, _ Me;1 s Beaver Caps, worth $3.50 and $4.00, for Beltic Seal.'wortl1 $5 .00 ahd $6.00 .... ...... Caps in all styles : ............ ................. Fine. Colored Dress Shirts, sepaxate cuffs, we1'_% $1.25, lOI'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. KRICHER` /' -_ - - '0 . A":-e mQ_re"t.I1a1I-. vi1.1oneTy s `worth , mzide in'dr;$s.y }dti`hs;_pe}f9` _ ;' t ; the het e\i_er`s_how\n at}t.he'p}ice`.',. 9 . L _ [Are especi`ziytai1ored.hy the:%*ery,.bet` tailor -ha1;qs._3 I _ar_t}icuIar:' men, well dre$ed men,. ha\3e_ exp1`essed'._th;mse1yesV in` "the; _ complimentaly 1a.ng.uage about them} 7 'l`b`ey-comes.ir1 thefnewet" ' , cO1O1`i0g9,!1dsh9.ds;` . Is th'e|Ulst_e14 eizlerxjohe`is_l ki1)g`a6ut. ;=i " " .. t ` ig1gi.h`a eVinVtQWn_-; -_it s syntax-e`.barga1 f A <>Z:ey.,_ f . -4 *:ji-i1w2vL7>6Fl ft'x`xLr;xgis` agncjlpe; Than those Wn,..Q_'e1` this Week` have never been seen iii this or any other town; `The garments are new, stylishly made, fashionablein jgnaterial and colors. _In a word,` `they arre",11p-tq-date in v1'y.p;xint`th;at u)akes_g1oth_ing desir'ab1`e.h They can ft'}as?t*1on_g ag such. pricey \ ~ , ti1\;iri>ug