VI. Llll-lIUULu . I Four men were killed by the upilupsa i ` of an ice house at. Haxulyily. Mich., on I ! _ hlL\`$(]&)'. E \\'Sn:..._. I~,._..._..-7... ....:II:...._...:.. I..... . Q _;Luu.nuuu_, . 3 W illiuul Ca rsonr" * benmui. died on '1 I Claire. Wisconsin.` I The Earl of ;\.v2L.`Ll'1e eldest. :01 Marquis of Uufferixi. znjrix-'ed`i York on Tlxursdy/. -a r n , y - Lug. vng -..........uJ. .\Ir..I9!1i1 R through the I ish P5liI`i0f.S fNiIxcty-Eight." -n m__-,u.. .._ 1...: ...- .L... ..... .,........-/-. ...,..-. " E. Triple t, prexidmxl. 01' the Aluorq` Agrlcull :11 and ';\Iu.:ic:il Coliege for31 _ , , _ . I Colmre PL'0{:}B., AL -f~;iT1 ` mm M n- / ,1. 1-. , lalifll )l.lulUCAl-l: ` 191 e at b`lo<:l(lon. C:1l.. cm \\ eil21es.- vdll ileiarroyeil L\`0 gruzu elcwuturs con~ ' xing l0,lll}!l trans of xvlurat i.vlnnging 0 lhe Farinors Union & Milling Co. .111 z-xpress on the Kansas City. l.`it.ts- burg & (}ui\I_iailrou was held up and City on M u-zluy. The mbbers escaped. Plansior the liuildiugs uf the pro- Cayuga. lslzxml, Niagara river, in 1899. have been awarded to arcl1iLects- (3 race 709,000 for the \\'o1'k. .-`xnother counterfeit. silver certificate of llzo ileuominutinn of 8100 was found in `u Pliiladelphia` Mink. b`o_ numerous , have Lhe_se cbunterfu'Ltb"ecoInn that the L United Slates Government has decided to `call in Um issue. . -. - n , ,L.A',,, 7,\_,._,_ -4 \7....l-l. 'l'\n robbed \\-`thin the limits QI Kali-$88 4 posed Pz1n-;\u1'i:1'icau. Exposition. on ` & Hyde, of New York, {vlxu will receive ' xo can xn um Issue. Representative Johnson of North Da- kota has introduced :1 bin in `the `Unit- ed States Congtgss to repeal the law "which has juabg'nue into effeul. `rela- tive to pelagic sealing and the import- .` I`: at ion pf scnlslsins taken by pelagic seal- , Ex`-King` Milan has bee app0inLe7I_"5 commander-in-chi_ef. rofwiizhe ;Sgr\'iqn' ninrnuv L3: , ` . * ~ W.H'. '1`. Durruut was hanged, at San-Quentin, ('51., for the murder of Blanche; Lamont and .\[innie Wiiliams in~Emmanu.el Church, San Framcisco, in March or April, 1895. The legal hat.~' Us to save his life was one of tho most prolonged and 8t.'ll`)h0l`l'lI}{_-('l)K1tk?t(,'d in ` the annals of` the Un'ued states courts. GENISRAL. T - [}e11ra.IWBh1ncQ W'L~1l take wile field against the Cuban inguxjgenfs; Q....!.. ..-. .. inn.-.. \I*n ' `rnnuI\I"l9` . fai'GoIIl1 of Sim . ._ ! All hm stock 5: at in. cum` men on | most mmmbh erlni. . ' ubuluuu mu. \.'uM:u .nu.._A5....v-.. Spain -is kugime-xxtig its (.reasui'y ` bonds by `two hundretl ~u1iUion_peseLas. 1:.........,... ur:n:..... 1.-.. :....nly.,-I Hm Iluuun u_y `mwu uwuuxcu. u.uLuuu ll\.-:\.\au\.1c Emperor Wiium has invoked the Pope's aid in the passing ofpthe ngval % bill. ' .-.. ` ..-.. . . . , 2 .17!" xpvuuua. Major-General Yea~t,t.111-an-Riggs. \{'ho; v coxnmimdd t.lm`S:coud di\'ir:io1I_i_n Vthe. India. frontiercudnpaig-n. is dead. He ell'a v'ict'uu to'dysen_l`ery in India. Dr. `Scheuk. of `Vienna. University, > claims to have" dist'ova-fx~ed !t1m'-se(f>ret- * -e --.-..-...._.._ ._ :..:u..........\ ........ ....:- :.l.u..lJ. - It is not`in1`yrobnb1e'thzxt; `King A`lux- > rmder of Se-rvja, may retire before Mug. in favour` of his father. w p "n 1 - ll. ,1 ,.I!L,__. .u. ....u...``,. uh: .......... V . It is fe.ure(1U)at Lu the 1': for Khar- toum the Fresnel) and British expedi- tions will come into seriuus vollision. The fustfrm s;$eeches_of I'?1npero1' `-..\'i1- Limn and Prince Henry. whivh elicited uch`crit'1ci8u1 were i:11pr0I11p'(u_1Lt; terzmces. ' IN... 0.. .-.. .. .. ..,~......_, ... ___`.__. Scheuk. of dist'ova-fx~ed!t1m'-se(f>ret- ;. of exercisingpan inuence ove..-'c\.ni-' mals so 0.73 to fix the sex oftheir. xbff-_ - ppnng. ' ' - ' ' A .1~........+..1. 4-..,;m n.\........xI.,x..`+..;. en? DUI I1`lALK'D- >' , '[`;he Spani~ih- Goveriimeut is consid- erirrg the mlvisziiziiity of. asking Unit,- ed States intervention in the Cliban ' ta-oixble. ' ' n_:__ n,_.,....u v-..u......\ n:..;... ..vL..." .x.,....,,. . ` _ A despaich from B`.`I`Il11l(18/Sllltes that the stefmne-I Scotia. has commenced the. work of the cable _which is to establish po:i1mu~nicatioix with gfurkis . Islzulgljtnd Jamaica. mu,,_ -_._ u._..: .__._ _ .1:n......:,.i....I:..I -14- . __Ln..I.uuLlL_.u\.L ua.-1ua~n.a. -- tian in the '1`rzmsvao.-I Republic. Mr. it is sa"Ld_ the `third caudidpte. Hr. Sclmlkburger is tunningtoxpllt the opposing vote and swam Krug`r's elec- H an The}: . are having` _aPresidex1l.ial 91-' Kruger is hpposed by Mr.7Joubert:, amd _ Wustas -1 .no-'9' Plniuu ut Buris` lot but ' In`: aatmxsamtn . nearly 0 peak . oxxgngmnmxg. V . 6-87. _ P . ' Wl. snd:':o1&n At my rouomble um, 5. Lcheaper, is: 3 statemcnt sometimes; `; ma;i.e'+bY4h;,dx:1,'t when"Sc6tt .s ; Emulsion iscalle, on This.shows": `=Li`l1a.1:t1ie<:*ss`ggi'jsAt_$ghgxxielvgsiegardi ;.`~ nos C , 1,`NI'i`Iv3DJS'['A'1F.-S._ . [:"a_ miniunurie lum--f 'l`hurs_da_v m l~2au& S the won of the t :4 :.. . .` __Ex.aMn~,m1:,_ THURSDAY, JAN. _13, 1392; > lecture | the "Ii`~ (Ml Ul,lU|2 .`in New mu (`entrust pupa In I`oron_II. noun-cu ` ` and Qlher (`men A large English syndicate, 'rep-n-,- I sented by Mr. R. D. M.cGiNX0l1, of M01}- tfoal, proposes `ttx erect hams at Mon- treul,-xTm'onto, Halifzfx, `Othnva... !\'ia= ~ guratfalls. and other points in Can- nin Thu nnnsufxv nf I'\n>}\nfA!.` \'\'hi`h 5uAul':*uA|.)` uuu U:-Ln,` yu.u...; ... ...... `min. The capacity of_tm= hute!s, which` will be under 0116 maimgement and` gcggxtzrol, xvii! _gp"nrrange,d with refer- - I ence_to the requirements of `each place * and thevc-lass oi pat; 'toie 8(`('.lll`* zed. Mr. MGibbon` states that t_his'is] ache elinxinzxry feature ofnthe syndi-ii cute's proposal, Hut Vthaf` Iurtlxei` ex-E ,= tensions of it. would prolxniiny he made. E_im-.!uel`inxz the estxhIIa}xmer;t in [.0114 ` ; don. England. or a hotel which would i be It rnsort for vi:_ from the vari- ;ou:i colan'u=:; of the hmgyixge and the 3 United Stun-3. 'l'he hotels are 321 to ; he fire-pronf and. the plans have heen i[)l'PDElI'6(l by Mr. Bruce Prim, `of New *York. the arrhitoi of. the_ (`huteau > `, Fronthena . ; .4 `ALWAYS FOLLOWTHE use 09 um ] w1L1,1Ams' PI,NK_AP_lLLS. ' mm u; _ -- . 3 'l'Ivo'(7nsr,~ In Whirl: They Restart-cl lloalph` i___V__:-md $11-cnglh .l_er .\ll\0_l!_I_rr ll:-ans [lad |5;i:1Ei1_1Wn.1ii.-y"nm`xsoi.:m 0I5eI`_i'_ Thry yin Dom: nu, "` From the C`o1borne\1i.\'_pness. Tliere are few iframy people in Mur- my towu.s.l)ip, Narllxu1nl:er_lLmnl county to whom the _nu.nm of (`hase is nut fan1iliur.')I1'.lJaool) Cl1zLse.who lms folluwml llie occuition of furmerand fislieruuin and fisllclmller, is especially well knqwu. He has `lgeen 11 grez1tsiii- feral`, from rllmunalimn. as all .his uoigl1`l:o1's know, but l1:L~4 fnrtunzmlly `am-c`ee(letl in gellixig rid of the li>7v:L~:e. To a. reporter lie. gzive the fnllmviiig pzirt.iculm`s._l' liml l:L-tin il sullen-r from rlxeiurizitislui for upwards nf L\\'<>nty years, ul Linn-.5` lzeing confined to the ll\)lLS.0. At one lime I \i'usl:1id up for sixteen weeks, :i.ud.diu`ing :1 par- lion of that time was confined to _ my Led. and perfectly heAlple. I lxzul the benefit oif excellent mmlimil trezit~ nmutfbirt it was-of nu gvail. I believe, l>oo.tlmt [have `tried every mellizine : advertised forthe cure ofrlimunatismv and [am stun Iexpfmded al least ` 8200.00 xuid got nothing moreat uny lime than the inerest temporary relief. At last [was induced bogixe Dr. Wil- liams` Pink Pills 3 lirial, and from t-lmt ' time [date my good fortune in getting ` rid ufllie disease. I conliriiid'iisiiig` llmm if several montlisnnd daily found that the trouble that haul ma-.le my lifts llllfahle for so many years ' was disnppezirixigmid at last all traces nf nnin l\:'l,"l lnfllnn um! l '33 (`.llT-ml. I \\`fl` m.~`z1ppez1r1ng'a11u In. 1:15. am u_uuc:s of pnin had lett; me and. I was cured. say <'.ured.\fo1_` I have nolrsinue. had :1 recurrence of the trouble. _ Au v.-nu:..m. 4-Am zlinnruifv nf irlmhlnu 0[ E118 Lr()ume. As provi-ng the diversity of trouhlas for which Dr. \Vil| Pink-Pills are :1. cur}? it macs also ha mentioned that they restored Mrs. F1`zmk' (.`hase.v a dnughier-in-h1w of the genllenmn ubuvn re`fermd_.po. to "llealth and "skrvngth alter all other means had 31.};- purontly f4a.iIe(l.' Mrs. _Ch:1so says:-~ "Tmxn p.-n.-n-u-siiv {AH w}m'r.'ni\' irrmlble purenily mueu. Mrs. Vhlrlilsti buys;-- "I can scarcely tell what. my trmible was, for even doctors could: not agree as to the nature of it. One SaldVlt\\':l3 ' CUIlSlIlln12ll0!1 of tll8'SlOm{lCl1, w11ile:m- . cyllivr was equally einphatic in declar- ing that it .\\'as liver txjouhle. Qne {hing I do linow, curl. Llaul; is for years _ I ma 8. sick womn`,n. I know that. l was nffliitipq Ww'i_l37i1_e\i1`nlgia. my hlnoii was noon, $1113, I was Hlllljcll -ile1ressing. bezulavlms. My uppeliite was-`not, good (ii. any time. `ant the lgastpxertion left me wen-k `null de- spondent: Alaily l'1`i:-nd{\\`l1o haul leen -lxsnefited by the) use of Dr`. \V'illi.:I-ms Pink Pills advised `me to try Il:eIu,:\.'n(1 "us they had: also cured my father-im law, I detve-rxnined to do 80,. `and I have much causes for rejoicing that [ did, for you (@311. easily see .-that they have made :1 well woman of me. l ~ fnnlr l'.l)a| nillsz slzondilv for .1. cmmle Clley nave made :1. wen woman 1 me. _[` took the) pills sliendlly for a. couple of months, and at the end of_ that time wvasrenjoying the blessing of good. health. ll, gives me much pleasure to be able` to bear public testimony td the value of this wonderful medi- n..`n " Acme." . . ~, Dr. Wi1~! I ink"Pi]1s cure `by. going to the root of the disease. They renew. and build up the blood, ' and sl` Ute m=_rves, t.lu1sdri\'v- - ing. (li's:-z1se'fron1 the system, Avoid _in1imtio'ns by iusistixxg _th;1t every lzox `you Ixt1x't:!1:1seI is "enclosed im,a_ wru.pp1ng bearxng the. full trade mark, ..H-. Dr. \V'il1inms Pink` Pills for`Pa`1e Peo- .'I`l{o Ncplnuxy or lung: [mop -1-I ofliel.-ilunu lo b Vjnkc :1 tom: 'l`'mr-. _' _ ` V` The `Brussels, cm`1`esp0ndent of the` Londuu Daily Chronicle sa.ys_t.he nephl .<-._w of Pnoe) Leopold, ' o --Belgium. `Prime `Albert Legyld, t__A __ L.` J~4`A) 11.; III". \ pits. xx: nxunu ucug_u.1uy nu-c, uuu. ,_uv_~ fjumptive to`,the~ B1s.ian`Lthwne- will *__make_. a. long _to I1`r',of_the:.U.nibed 7 and-.Canadxi; : * . n..:.;.m Ailmnf mg Ix)-.. --.y. I\nri lH1n> - l;w1:.\.uL_xuuw. . V ` : V . 5 3 Prime Albert was. born. in April the Tabb. l375." 1_11 is the surviving sun. oi 1. $119` Colmt of Flanders, brotheraf King ` r.mmm: ~-'l'}m Kinnr has no son. 1iv'u11r.' % % [snag ` Can ` ;,c_ocoAA _t;l1e' k.`o_v.-an 01 manners, ux'uL.;.m-.uL mug .L9opo1d;.v;I.'ha King has no son. living.` fund` his daughters `are excluded from _, j_sucne5sion: bg the: Belgianvcnnstiiutionl :PriJ;c6 A1be1`t's 1de.r,Abrohhar.' -Princa; 5 `Bgidwin; died.`,iu' 1891, ~ ~ 2 -; %Iiil14xir,`.harh6r;f Qnabg. ` jmtomn. 1_~:_>`zsesj'ia1 1 .- _-, V3 T A 15RICEi'i0=.VISI;i` lANADA. . In-~v7 Bestf _of Besnltsig A` LABRADOB.KLUHBIKE.[ NEW am. nxsrmxntns Sun HAVE am: mum // _;r ! . A Rcgian xtald-In beasonnd only In tho! Klenalln - manual mu-y sun Nu :- (`uh-nge I'.xpcr.. l . The TEmes-Hs:m1d. prints the lollow-1 iing 61:6-:`iU.i dgspxtitnh from Ha1fax:-" D... 4 .4. ... At. .. \"n.-A Qmnin 3 --a -aw`-c-A `Lulu:-vuu AL!-ran; -..u--7---- R8pI`e9}1AtiV&S 05 a_..Novn_ Semis; lumher cmnpauy mcantly Visimd La:-f bmklor' fun {he pixrpose of making ar- I 1-a`ngem$i>xii:s to erect`sawnii1ls at vari- ous `pvirxs and engage exnensively in `tho 1umber\~b1Lsines.~s. It is Slitl that the pmjett wilf not be carrind out 011;: so large a scale as was :1; first con-? templated. but it is likely um` thci;-3 visit to the oou,ntry will be productive of muixh mom imporLam{ xmults than} developing the waulph oI\it.s forests. mm ........._...a...... .1... ..;_.:u..;. r..|...,_ .m..,....,..uB mggu ..u...,,.. U1 .... ............ Thu prospectors {vho \'i._~:it,ed; Labra- dor stqte that they have guod reason; to believe it contains de[x)ijts' of guld of greut._'ric.1m.ass, and is (lestined to her.-oma`a minidg countny. ` -1:1... __. _._:.x..... mm; ...\I.l ....\ vi`3UPEf3I0I1Y;;.; i?.;.` QUALITY-' ; m&2C0MI 0B.'I,`1H,G"- . ,1 `t.l1'g.,:1i_IYOU3"`b;".D1 8BEBTIOg. V_ 3! If} \K:l`EQIInA.I'r`1 l:s?Il,tnVI_V-`ALI-ln.:v In hnvtnnhnnnd` min: amhr W-........ .. -.,......._,. I Them are ei.den.-:35 that -gold ex> ism in quantities that zm-, e(u1x;Iel only? by the d=.`p Klhnikoa l_n' rzmtzj `it. \{"a5 wrted that the deposils inzi Lexbzador am in tshis mm'"rnnge asi t.l\.u :se uufthe Klondike. i .:,u.L `__ -.--.... -.. ....~ ..--.._..._. . I I Those in the Secret ufe qumtly ax`-1, xnnging,:L5_1_ e_.`1=,s:iti9nJ;w*;9,!1!1,t.1`'- u ( ' `Fhey pmpose toe"speml"L\vo or three] months prospecting uud than to take up av large number of ula`una' in .the!g most; promising sections . I ( ' which, they a plan: sooner (3 rztugemellts f is to start. i` city, haw-, :1 : the llows of Awuf-,1 Au\ up. nu uunu \.\yxu.uv.. .. .... .. in the spring from this already lea-n lxlrlilas. ' If l l10;:es.of the prmnntcr.-9 are re.-xl-Q `i;'.ed,` it is ___p1`ol.2lhle Llmlj :1 nu\\"l Klondttq will :1ri.~'.;-. in llle wslr-+~'llirl1l inuy eclipse t,_l1e. one in Llle um-rill-` \vest. , ,, I - I I 1..lm...~l...- ]::\n l~....-...n. H; "f+v"Hn|Iu \\'e.s1.. ` l.2xhrzulo1' lies lseL\\'eH1 `tho 'f'rfTiuLl1`_; and sipzty-semnel parallels north lati- ] tlmlo, and 73 but :1 few` s9}1j;_l1_ of the lilonuilm munltry.` giving jlxesu \;\\'o sections of" Nurtll .~\mo1"ivaL `.1 uli-M mate pravtil-ally the saxne. "Its area is about 4;*0,:m0 square'n1ila-s.` The At: lantic'()(-ean laorslers the country on the east. Hiulson Bay on the xv-~-. nd Hudson Slruit and l.lng:w:L l`::` 1;. {us -north. . 'l-`Ila Guliof St. l.:1`.\ a---mu flows between Immulor .135! "n\xl`uumllam1 , on .l;l1e south. qnrnxnnr lnulc rm... vlm m:.I.II.. nrl ` 011 L110 SUIILH. 2 Summtsr lasts from the xuimlzllp. oil Juno. 1.0 Septemlyer, when it-9 he-gins .t.o form-on me many I`i\'(I`, l:1`.~;e.s' and poud_s. The `coast. is frozen L\mlve miles inland during the suuxum-.1` by he :1 rvLic uurm1t., but within iihisline there is an xxblxmluuce uf vegetmioxl. The mountains um11zLin nxillifs 01` tons of iron. The gI' part. of the in- Hxrim` s !:1}\Inlnnrl '. 4ll|lI fmli. hicrh. 0L lI'UI1. me greuier pun, UL um u1- i(`X`lu1`. is tuhlelund. ;. ,lIuU fvei. high. \\'l1icl1 dovlines lo\\=ar;!s 1-luil.~'0n Bay. The country vunmins :1 chain of rivers and lakes nmkiug trzwel L`(}ll1[.'(l.I`!lll\ (`~ fish, lake and brook 1rouL, pike and ca;-p.__llIucl1_[r_uit. grows wil(Lcranbe1:-, , ries being al)`uudani., while rasiilimries. strawberries and blautklmrries urn also found in most pzirl of the country. I`hn Wiulunn Hnv f`(mnmnv wliin-ll ii: ly easy. The mm-,rs are full of white-I I LUIIIIU H1 HLUSL .`ElI'l-3 UL H16 \IUllHll_y. The I'Iudsou Buy. (`0m1::1ny, which is pruclically Lhe only goverxlment knmvn to the na.t.ivu lmliaxxs, has posts scat- tered all /Lh1'o1xgl1__t.1gg p'e`ni11s11ln. l2`i.s:h- ing `is, of, course, Elle grealast. indurzo V try. I * .\ Clerk Steals $l0.0l)0 l`r0'm the Anwrlcnn ` ` I-2\'ur(`ss Cmnpnny. _ A xlespntch from New York, says:-- . Clark Braden. jr.. a night clerk em. played at the lzmffin-e. of th:{.~\;1n- ,' ericu1 1-`._\'pr'ess Company "on 'l`h1u`s~l day stole f'1ver$1,090 bonds of the Con- su111'ers`_Gu.s, Chicago. Braden :1lsot.{;ok $5,000 ,in cash making H1et,0l:1I of the, V robbery $10,000. The hrnmzh uffive where this toak .p1a.;e M. `$71.11 street" and Mmlison avenue. Braden had only i been night clerk thgre for 3 nights.` ;There were $40,000 in bonds left at fh J off'u`e on Wedniesday-night, which }3r:1- , `den was (to have tmrned over ixgth `messengers (or. shipment on 'J'lmrsda._V morning. When the vmassexngex` ar- rived they found Braden and H19 $5.000 fvorth` of bonds and 5,000 in ra_sh miss- , mg . . . _' _ - I, I > | 'V1|lD"i$laD`Jl_$|l.|CV C` 1gI_a|A:\.aoru\qA:> ylagggmg? ,; . Indizzcson; '1?sH`erwtvLE=%stin:-_*' Ayers in i`.f9ctrmedy%f*?i`uihsi N Bj;_i;. ` a gnesg, Bd.'1Ta;;t'ehithMcmti1 Oaihd`-Tofu ` , ggmm :1; s:a;V.T9Rr;D:LwEm3%`V. 2 ; ASTANDVARDH , LIFE 0 a,illI'=!II:`I_.!'.I!I-.% ;; . yI.I.-I,wsII ?"`*f;`i:jfiftmlIifPrr;:#j :dSnb5%%tu.W1* A ` ` J. 9lI~.!$!;.vl;. vulanzau II; In Lime V 'in.;xse;rn}ve.15i.m.e.sV?:em~x r..',::......;::.... `..'.'a- 'I\;-.;. r.rm;..;.. 1.`..;:'v... V |. BEFORE THE RUDH. ` _ `) say. will inm'i't.'1\5l_\' " take! uoner gr later. l`rMi111ix|u1'y-z3r- . . . 4 . uellfs for this expt-ml1(m whlrh ..L..._L :._ AL. LI.:.. EEEEE/SS'ROBERY. LSUME LATE [}A`BLE N_EWS,j iBRlTAiN S TRAD`E-';`HE LARGEST IN ITS HISTORY. A bu nisa 1 Q nmu-uue .uunmm_ui to ma Address-.-III 3 Q tanner om: - A Den_y|ng amen -Afar dIm.Wnnhun s l:epI)'-~-,\nulher Canal- buuou In the Anglican orders -- Inc:-!:mdc-rn fur l!ic_Klond|ke. \ `g A despnth from Lominu .~sayu:-'l`he ifumsignqmlo of Great. Britainydurigg . 11:97. \\"i1. the" its history. ` ` Tlw tom! '.\_;urt,3, imports and re-ex-` , `E ports ':1u1'ou11Iml"lo' `7-5.4;13,0(}0. The 1il_1t=rea.$&e was entirely in imports and 1 '1 re-erq.-orL:;, the decline in eworts - N aumunting 14': ,5,'15,(KlL,Tha.,,;zromt_.h,, `i 01' the imports. is almost enti1'e{y due 5 t.o the Vlmge ofproduce in 3' the. Unitedstabes, ~.-unounting to ll4,- `. 600,000. The greutes "quantity 9f the }'exports~>\mr textiles." - k I :m_, n,,, nu, , an ,- . ` . I `...,.v. -.,-u uu.- vuuu. I The Pz1_rn<:-{lites will ixxtrodi1ue' t.heir'\ I cuscmxmry aumosty mnendmenit. to the Ql1`:0u 3' speech at the opening of Par-A Iizuuc-nlL \\'hila")Ir.~~ 1-Iuvelock Wilson has been 1 toxurjng in the United Sfntesks the re- _ prt-sexxtmive of British 1:11 or his own pa1';_ic11lur lahdr orgmxizatiun has been ` - gmiug luvtlre (l6gs.`Mr. Wilson is Pro; . .sidont. of the .b`euma.uzu1l _l-`ireman.`s ` ` Union. which atone time ha.d.u ucmm- ` ' bership ofj10(I,0l)U, bu -t. now has less than _ 10.000 and its press organ. The Sea - ; men's Chrm1in:1e has just stogiped publi-~ l cation uwing Lo lack of support. - An riiniuinxr insimmn nf Hm divnrurnnff i I [Ernest - Hart, editor of The British `Me(li-ztl Journal. is deu.d._ Mr. Hurt, : who was for, gsevernl yours ` eflitor of ; I`iw Ixmcot, \\'.fl$i ?`u1'n in June, 1836. I nu-I.--ar n ~x I `tr-I {Ui|UUll un rug LU IIIKK UL BLIPIJUIL. L-\n riiiiaxing instauice of the divergent` i views; `of, literary uritics is afforded in" lSa1urday's .-`uradeiny, whichlnlely ex,- -1)rr.s:sn(l the inientiun to crown the twp books of signal merit published lasl. year and re\\'a.r the autliors. 11. run- Sullml u number of critics. and um ria- plies of eleven are tabulated. The dit- fereiwu uf opinion slinws the difficnylty W nu-,1! .11; qunuu. r rum. gmunlulg nu- liwn mad up his mind HQ he would j give the story to the public. and. he sent for Mr. Cook. Writingmuterlzsl:r were iurnisliexl. and `gt Allison's dio- mli-`gn the f.rl1owing"_wu , writtu '(lU_VVu:T' I ` ' ` . _r 5! vmm. this who `at. once made" pub- lic. 1 hold it to jibe zuuthoritiesisgune time ugo. 1 never at any time mad ' ` nf finding out excellence. ,Oxily[)roper_propo?1ls- to -Mrs. Orr.` I Md's'e innntion t.wic'e,nnd all the). made up my mind to get evenwith the - rest are wide as the uol_e`s_asun:ler. l`uwlim\l \'m1:rhnn An`hN<.hnn nf ,O.r1-5 fpr things .`;lney;'>,aid and did_bo ' `um. Thnl . mnrnixm I tot mad linraiim 1'!:`l5l ill}? \\ lllb ilJ' \:IlU |lU1_U5`3UHU1`. ; L`u.rdi11al '\'anghz1n. An-hlfmhop 0)`. U \Vostnninster. uni the Bishups of H19` 3; . .. !HI`:*`-all x Tfamge rejuinderto ` fheu1et.fe1' pu|>li.~:h~u ` March by the A11geliLj:u1.orders-. The rejuimler, Xvhch `is sign'cl-l>y sixteen Roman (.VaLh.)1i_(`)'7' prelubes, um.inta'ms- 'Lfh'z1t to-deny the` Pam's cu1I)peteu('.._\' in decide this q(1es- '. is to strike u.t; the .v(`,~.ry .rm.-ts of" the : saor.-amenml syzstsxux. ; ~ _ Sir R0`.:erb Hury _\{e_ade, permtuxent lfuder Se`-Notary (_,~f-`SY11!x\ fur t;he.(:'.0}on- ies .s"uxc~ 1891. .is dead. . K J` nuw (M Uuru, zsusannu uuswnnua. usimplzrapply Swnyna`s Ointment." teruul nwdininc required. Cufes Letter. itch, uuzeum. ex-upione on the fm1e.1muds.axosa, 3:u., I lcuvim: the skin clam`. white und healthy. Its . gum; healing and `curative pow_ar< are possess- od-by no other ronnsdy. Auk your drxnggist. for S\VA\'?\'E S 0!I\ T_\i1 Lymzm, Sous 8:00., `M nrrmal.\VIml0<:1loA2zcl|l-*. Avoim1s11b'.-stillltea 105 .5'llXC lblil. .15 (16310. -A despmch from Cope-nlmenvto !`l1~:-.' I,-onidnn I.?:ni1_\= Mail suys:--A la.rg`e- 03- peditiou of Luplanders is s.l:o1Ltfo staljt` for New York-1' mm Copenhagen, (.`l1risg- tinin {uul Tmnlsoe. to go to t:l1g3`KIo`n}-_ 7 dike xvith` reindeer. ' S-'A\'1\'E.'t 0 1 N11` _\i I*1_\'I`. Lymxm, sous &.uo., `M nt1jm_aJ,\\' I\ole<:11oAgcm-~'. Avoid .:u1b'sLiI\|tgg ' ~ . , I " -PECL'~.LIA.R` BRIDGE. !.. i. I_pecu1i:u' bridge over the Seiiijxt Rani-"I -ture Eiffel to*s\'crs,'k>ne hundrgd and` Fr`-nch emzineers are cb"nst1`ueti1ig .1; an. On each` bank `of "the `river. mini:i- , xnevunty-five feet l;igh.'have 1ieun-e_re=t- _ ed. From tlxes 11e&Vy' eteelr uables will support .21, tf::ck-'bd,`1v%1_icl1 is` to he ' {suspended one lxundram and sixty` feet ' u,Lve the $url axiei.Tof the water. Mov- ing platforms onwheels are tobe ru_nV tmckxvaml anti.-farivarcl over the truck.` Laq"on mils, .n.nd'fx-"om them willghang huge cha`ins,~tpI \vhich_ .wi}l be attah- : e_cLmonste1_' winging c_ar.i`_iag'es'. `I l. IAME 1a1pjw:t_fm)s,f 1. " ` uovian AN_qn:_R.;.:o,;` --_ V.-- __..., ---.._ ' M:m.`\\ .xsLow s. sooruuxa Lsnnglras banf: used`.by?1nillions of mothem t'6r_`llxeir7cml new when teething. Ifdisunnjlmd nt._n1g.hcnn(_! hm, n M;m.`\\ $oo1`uu~xa_smm- lmslzeani - ns!ed'.hy?1nillions of hen - teething. Ifdisunylrcdnt nxghpnnd br9_ lot mu; nesmy a,sic_k clnld sulrerlng zmdi crylng~ =*f.='* `.*f*':'--:e'*t_'-"":' * _lT6lrdl.11Q-~"1:1f|l',3?,\*Il2W8r s < 3mak;A.t1m`pgs:-xvxm` 3 Mr-"Hebh m6ek-rvxt 1 bank: of Airs; Winslow's Sonthin Sy_1fup. (`QM -ehllrlmlx teutljnug. It wll_l1;_ inv[g.____e, pggr line 3.. isuffewrinnn ialely.-rife _ _ upon. its Iliutilixr. E them is no mistake about i _Cll1'tS'\\'illd colic.,x _ ` . It`, cures dlnrrlmum . .xe;&1l1`amstl1ostom:1c1I bowels `so is the umns. `reduces "inu1n\nutd`n-. -:'\nd:- `.1 ulutcstl1ost0m:1c[m.m1 bowfgls _curt:s-\\'Ig_1_u cone. so us the gxuns. roduces n1mmnutinn-. : was mu,o,u1uI 1_w3g)1hl3 wholcsvamn. `B:_'s. . ;" VlnFslc\\v s Sootlum;,byrup" for chililr-mtvaetlllnyz . ` I /is pmnsmu. to the 'taste'- and is the ptescrlpdon `Qt ~ :4 me of. the oldest: :\;xgi;.b:;=;;femala myslx-hum suulg ,- muses in-_'tl\e Uniwd Smnyss, Bree ,2z'o.centgns ,, `hottie._~`So|-1-bv-all .dr_;_u.ygis;`,s throu ho1nH-.1.- worm. I3e~sura and-ask. n` MR. lush-\v'3 w0_1`!d. Iso~sum : $oot!\in'._r Sy urn * uannypeux. Loomngrup. won: as /g+"1?1ii}r:',wniber says that WK . .~\n3vAn.fV"' ' - ES-` Hsrx` In '119|!31PlS~'`?--,1`?*!'uY~. 'm3`.:`1~1` a. ou:cm hymdix mg` to:dia:,jus oxgdgmjtozvnigki--mso witqo 1 T ;""`<;`s`;.1%*.`i`s\`s`"xa; V m .33`. AW. ' ;`t0c;o:1li;1i;e;.ts\Ir01` `andLqlm3nms:_be<:3;)B > Oxrmt wk-$0 -. _ .5. A ;Mr;`H?I33PBk."A16oki3rup-Willi` _ mnAi nm;;']?}`w-wnifar mum. that W111 Haw n Cure, Allskln Dlseas-es. u........n. c's=.....m...`. ninammu -- wn 992 :::::::<.o M ; .-... . -. ._. up- {t1of?oa'uc cEoT Y(m1~ mnoma ` ~ 3 S` j v."""." tr `-7 jW`*'>\:'mr/Ikfrgi excsttzncz: us in: 17%: uenmmn. nszta-v ` ' Poweg_.1\- m~rn- PHRITY`-- M-R&L-Qha '..' v L ` .n_1-nut \I `- ` ., ' n over an,-z\~ m.rn- PIJRITY - arm -.n& an-nn5~om.v~ mt no? hunnxTna-'dt' us. on K ` mus" now an um n`; ' . ` 5 - . fh0| `I6 Wanna From the W t VShe,Wu llllung am: it `v Work With the Ax;-. A. despabch from Berli~1`3:_I`|js:-V-'l`bI confession of James, Allison the ` dgrer of Mrs. Orrxdn. 9th bah ' umu un'n.In -.-... L`..i.l...-. I. l!........._-. ,....._, ...,.... .... ..._ ....,..,,........ ;..........,....* `ock. of my jail. The confession was. ` sat; down in wri(ing"a.i{ noon. bit` in * - mmcy Allison. it om s xxi`ontTx"'" 7, Inge. showy axtagxu was senmnqsod to 189 himgeil. Asis"fd'bon,th'e casfwitF' t-mmwmr&e~- w4' Z . > it `ixnlxxssihka bu Imp. the ....... ,_L I rot any longer. aml `he had to make a ` `confident of sums one. Governor 5 Cook was thh3`\'erg;?f1rst1aer$0a.Allis0n spukn to dbuut crime. Since` then. ."\ lye has made to others. but 5 that to the Govyor was the first. -. Mr. Cook doas'ntfi2, mmembernxusrtlyz .._ `what day it \vu.s_. Exutzsit was 011$ day V 1 about a. month he had. occa.s- ' - ion to vi-it Allison `in his cell. Thom ; was sometlximg on tlz` boy's mind it, ' . was quite avidant. D Presently` he be-. 1 gum 142 talk about thdninrdsar. and `_: -'s;ail i;1mt the Orrswerd entireiy 1 wrx,-ng.about his Inn-'i ng_ 'u'iod'.\tb gs, V ; sault. Aim. 0r1_'._.,`1t. \vus nv:_>c'ha_f,'_/`at- - . .au. zxe`sa.m._ Mr; Cpok let him um; 5 and by putting in homfand . ' " . `them and making he_ga.t 1 the whole csto. out, of t_ %nI'ni3& marn. Allison did nutlgnt him, to_ mrzkmit public. ho\mvexZ,a41xd out oi comsidernion for him Cook agmed -. _ - U0 keep [it quiet." ` Fridn. i::m01`ninZ ALL " :: ' Iisunv _ at _ _I to the public, be r '. - 1' (.`ouk._ \V;1tingmnterlai1r*r fullo\s'ing"7Awa% ~ -4lown_`-, V :"L.. 4. n.-;.. n. x..',..~ ....M. ..{..;x..'.`....1. ` .~ --- * What Pro-n tho, A II 4 Ber ` _ I `confession Ja:amarAll ` Mrs. Aumlt 931' ew` jnmle -on .v..1;`1n'11a;m...t;n eonfosainm set; ll:-V am xxi'q?ili Vgo. z-zhortfly scum Ll. .1324 hilgad. Asisiben the case` its -""I~\>."`:1 z1t. to,b `ant. mb.(la' the tme nave} niad .-.i1m1`oper_propo?1is- ` made un mv mind net evenwith the LLLISUM numsslnn; mmsnn" fmrz STILL mm am x.` ,l.{l'l' LU_l", Llllug Jfkiyf -`.'ill(L Hull uxu 1:0 fme. Thai. m_o1"ning I. got mad` hegaiise they wo\11d.h_ot._letA1nte gd to Niagara ' Falls. -After hraklasl. I left my loaded i gun in the woodshed. ' I ldid some =0-bores. M;s.'Orr was milking about Ltweuty. feetimm the; w.oods.h.ed.,7 _I.. went` into the shed and fired ather '.through the door, She fell alt her semi V a;n,'d uuvl=r~ moved again. Ah zyxeg lay near her. I'took it and struck her on, the head with it. `i had the grave in the s\\':unp ready wine days *before.. _ but it was too far off, so in a hurry I . magie the grave in the corn z;.u.tch;:1nd . drugged I115!` to it by the .lm:nd's and) hur- .` hid hey. I hid the-._g~un a.u`d`_ra.ked'up{- . the tmcks with the <);rk_.;lEbei".I. ` 1. ._ back from Bnrrie's=.' This is. the truth, ;" ; s6`h lp me.God. l _ .. X: _`_L;___' 5. "(Sig`ue(l) _ Jg\h'1'mATTf85n, ~ $` "Berlin. Jan. 7,~1898.. j; ' - .. \\ it.neases (signed) J-. Cook. jui{e_r`;l. flioinzis Tracey, t'.urnke.y." ~ . -It. .. is :1. peculiar cimmnstaaoeihizt. Ale ; .a1$vy . the "L;,ent.1re`. ;00 ';:oye` 2 'un~l~ "I ` 1 1110111513 1 l'`lk.`6`)', uurunsy. I . ' It... is_ a. peculiar,. A1,- .lism'1 shnuld make 8. coufessionidn :t_`;hu;,._ dny: 1_'uur weeks oxact1y'trcamwbhis,uh/hey. is go he hagnged.` The jail; pg glen say" the"3l1_;d is greatiy ehnnggdi latgl;_y';.jn ' they "exp6c_!; him ttrgq'..lI * uhdaui1ed.. ank! withglgt fgaxg-.fUndp the adminfistratimi of spirittmli vase: Allison to.fhii}!_e cli%IQgdd"" from astupid. `ugnorantn bpy to _a`; % , thoughtful fyuung ma.i,1,.,;"gi'Vi_1;g1"`ejvi= deuce oi, inteliiggnce. `. which. .lcyy do 7 i mam: so lung - a v time; amt: *whil1a] had it ;bee11__`c_ultiw;.bad beqm.;,Y(9uld'*Lh&v; v `saved him his g 1'aen_vafw_a:lisih-._ uutiovm - . h Fan; wig; or we u ` _ lbaungulvi me :;`i.[Az:"a"A_'r*ift'14.vni,s,T 1' ynm D IN CANADA ':8UM L41`!-2D FUNDS -u AL A.URANCE... V T L etand. Music, .Biiillng-' A a spgiizglty m% Wqpk '- of ' ali .lind._ _l_'roLmpt!y' Executed j_ .; As`. 3-. onawronn `X-V3393? -'W.~'|i!` `lVl,.I_u -I gnu U,-l-3 I, _V Anna; " 11a1mr~!'onv,\d:. Tina qnly. V . ; _ )3` &'`0o.. Md . Lennon. - _ _-mm V: 13- riimP2s:R1:iq T0` no A_LL- Kmns or I Assunma comrav. Ill . r Ayctloacer and Yaluato . Jadtim Ec-J+('u :aSo* lRa..u..nn.. A null- 8fjifBl uju uxz sgrrwmllr uh mun m\m~TnI :5?XL9~%.TA. `lo'.nk of T01-mt.o Baildjiz . . ' < 7 Owen S teat. -.-u.` wi4!%L=WA!=s`. | son? ` :*`;'sAI.-zm .\.N'r, -DEAL g in Umh-`at sit kinda. imnm-tar; fltl` Ilvvilig _ Eslwance Agent-. Fin and Life. ".\' ~'7a".~.-.2 av -' .- ._t|IQ., Ztonowlng bRU._,LlNG.- erg.` - V..,..._.. Pan. Agt. Lie CI.Iws;.A2m. onto. All l.'l_n'I Stock Ella 5 mg: maombh oi.-ml. BARRAEV: SRO? II! nurmo ` `P. *0. Box _'14.- BARN-in ' / CLEVELAND . J 12,500,000 . . 5.450.000 IRODA. . __ THE VERY LAIEs`F"PRom _AIJ. THB:WORu> OVER. g I I ` llten:stlng`ltezzn_Ahout Out Own Cduntry. . the United sms. ana- All Parts at the Globe. Condcqsed mi l Auorudht Buy nding. ` ` A . ulu OLIVELAND AN:J~ToL$oq A V'lA "c.. 3; LINE." ' Mr. A. S.` Abbtt. ex-City Clerk London. is_. dead at the age of years. `f 1 c....:.: L-.. 1..--.. ...l.l...I L... Hm lie!- | :COIIDc ` ` ' Spain has been aqded to the list pt: countries entitlpad to. the pyaferputlal ; gtmxr. * -' nu - at :3: L -_l f- ' Krill UL- mily have'um Regina to Lieut.-Governor '3~fau`kiutJsh and. fa?! ` 2 Vicboria. " II`\, , _.,._-_ u. ._ L..- ....,.x.:z.:e:.... vxcuum. _ ` , The plebissibe on trial prohibition; will likely he submitted to the Domin-' ion voters hext Oytolrer. Sir Adolphe Chapleau will likely be; `appointed Canadian Conlniissioner In" the Paris Exposition. V I ru_..u._.._ 3- I.._:v.1:.... .. Lfnuum. nf l n_i ` . um I uxp u.\m.r:uuuu. ` . Chathmn is building a. House of In-! dustry, `to cost $15,090. and 6 a<;'com- `modafe 80 persons. . D 1:` cL.............a .'!`.......!:-nu '1`r;uln unuuum nu pt,-;yuun._ _ I E. E. Sheppard. ;(`amud?.zu1 Trade Commissioner to South America. will be In Victoria* o.hou_t'I!`eh. 15. tn- , ,: 1- rr rn...-.._..n....) A . `slmu uo Iu In-evxup nu...-uw -...... . The rm of J. H-. Blumenthul & Suns one of the largest efuthiug dcalersof Montreal. hafs azssfgnezl. J I Q7l'l77u3n ma 1 ruLunu\=m. um: _mn15uu.. u _\, ` , 3 (.`. P._ R. earnings dnrjng l8Elc were} `4,016,792. an increase of $3.305.195` over hm earnings M 1996. Ann-{mfg Rnnnlnm nn.l'Jmu=.nh G:1u~ Wily k'ULu.`.I\)lL'u.I. uh. .l.4LuY.(;L n... ' Three unloads of dogs from Lab dot`, for use in" We Kltzndike past: have arrived at -(ktzmvu. ~ `p n 1 2 L /\.r<.._._,_ ,_____,,, 5,, UVUL up onnuuaa us uuu. Augusta Bourdotn. undkloseph Gum` .dr_y offoutnml were; killed in u_ r: way collxsion-at St. Lamleart, 7I`L-`Me. nu-I'l\n:`u nf r'1vr(.l.(I`l`In'I Tnh fl-1 Lind`. U01 napalm land. No -G12e7l1)'1T, had his leg bruken `1&l.\G>u'AAlV\4IA. .. ,.......... , Mr. Patrick O'Connor. cur (er. of ' falling T1"'om,u roof that-hue7waa sh` glingz. ll`(?[11`lL rum HHLL-LIE \\u-` an uguug. Customs duties oullecte at `Montreal duriuq,the your zimoun all to $13,992.- 360. an increase of $37/9.959 am 1896.` Over 30{\,4`20,`00 feat of` lumber have been shipped dlgri the past` season. {the largest in the islory of the. trade. I A ..........'...Hnn hf `3uIV\`;cf\: nf l}lIlDl`- -ULIJIA/Ya. A/valuable collwhkxm of coins, the Lpmperjy of Gzilnuda. \vu's-.sto1en romi Lhu Nutibnul Ari ; Gallery` in Ottzuvgl om Tuesday night. ' - vur... n......,..'.... a'....\u-. .-. ....Im-ml. Jun- lam: Luuu. umuuung. _- / ._ V -Very few more Healers wi1l~g~o nub from Victoria, this season _unleas` cheaper labor '01` higher prxces for .qsk'rns are Obtained. 1 but: liugurn. nu uu; u-mu, .1. .,..... .......\.. A comntion f B2L;3,{i~'t:s of Que,:eu' Province and. he enL;lT p`ortiun of Ontario is lying arrun_gc=,(_i. It will he heldin Fe}1i`ua.1'y.. rm... ....:A~......L.. rnu-. 'a..nnIn fnr Hm B610 Lu l:C/ll1uuA_y.- V The contracts I01" `supplies for the permanent military corps throughout - the Dominion have heen_.n.wa.rded at nn.....'.. ' - ` V L113 -L .0tUl\/v A ._ ix. um Luunuu._y uA5u'u- . I I -Mrs. Georgina Scott; a colo1_'ed~ W0- mnux of Hamxlton. who was burned by the_ explmiom of a. lamp a few weeks ago. "is dead. . . . (Lam. R')\`m+n\r..:m,n v-ur Nfnn rd I1 nu fn'r.c nil). us uuuu. Gent. M6u1_tg`o-mery` _M0ore `, hats. for-` V warde to the War Office in England a. large. number of a[1[)licahtsfor Fen`- `izm midmedals. _-/ ~ `V--- t'~--- MN. ..._I..... L..:II.....'....+a Thb Miitrisiyr of Public Works has `exbezmded the time for receivnng models for the nio-numenhs of Queen Victoria, and 1 A Tnvn nrlalm `M'n/vlrnn -pin t onl&;mX:;ar in Bulk. -;-.-.- cu..- General Manager Hayes`-.of.the G31`. 1}... has ordered the removal to Mout- `rezil of the audit office of the pnssen'~ ger depurtmeniz. new at Det71'0it. `MU; .....-.L..:......-. .'.~Ji.........l..\.-u. Lnnn rn ... ...w.........-.... .... -.-...V.-. No cusbdms refu1ms* been re- ceived for mdnhlzs from Vancouver. wmd it is Said to be thka intention to bald. am. investigationinfo thevstate of `the offioe._ - ` . 3. .\ .'...'- y -It is mmoredthut tine Gra4nd- 'J.'r11nk b6-It works and foundry \\-ilI`be_mu1$v- ad.1f1;ulm Hamilton to. Lqndon. on ac- count of, twin} former city incmpsing the iccampau-y"s nssssmenlt. - - A...-. ...`....o. n.....\....1\ H... :m. 1... . .~....,_,...,-_, `. u.,A..~.bc:.....w..... I . -Am'ice`b0at went tharoug-_h the_1co on zIi1foTnTBzf37._Ei`o\v_1n`g'"ev'en. people jxfowly smped dr6w\n'sin.g.. gping down v two or -three times before being res- ound.` " .` . imto the waber. Miss Amelia. Ha.11-nar- ` . UJFIGI l\lBElCB 'iUC.llu'(.hSLIl1I 01 |_.1R5 ' poixmtbd ndministmtqr in the p1a,ce_o_f orthwet "1`ernitories has been ap-_ Hon. Charles H. Muck-ii1fL'osh until this 1 1atter's successor as Lieu_t'enant-Gj0ver- n.or'is'appoinbod. * ` ' L -1'..s..4.'......u...... 1.....- L... '`..'....+ .&.. H... w-"~ ->- wry-WW ' r , _ A ' Inlstructions havgs `been Sent `to the unity postmzlsters that in cases ofIo('.- 'ters' for the Unfted Kingdom or _tha_ `colonies 1i1aiVled' with! only _.three `cents ixista.n1p's.the postnmste is;-to"affi\"" 3. itnvo-ceutLMstam:g amt lethe lqtter. go` ;fozn-mrd. V. _ , . Judge Lnugasud Montreal,.nnd Mr". 2 `Frank: BedIy_.,nf 0tt.a._w'a.-have` bean `appointed. commissioners, by the Do- minion'.i'nvestigute the hzprgespmferrd against the contr.act- L men um mo . v.rmva- . 5'51. vuval. \uq_:,uvJ vvwu - - ' `In Acomeqneine of the reiiremnt. of .Mr}"_`.RQuer Roy, (`ii;y~ -Attorney of. .?.1\zI;ontr`s9.].,-' J.,E.thier, his i_a.s- :'sista.i1t; "has -been appointedto thali- ,;p.oa~i_tion aha salary of foi1r~thous"and -.five;h1Ln.t1)?ed` dol] a.r's;_~ o`.n_'d._1VI_1`-. -J. L. LAmh3.mba1xli;.., has been .,:1pp,oint.ed,j. Vibint. 7C_`itvT . Athornejv. at a.s:1larv 9:3,. .uuuuu_;,g .0119. _u_ow:s_-.m3:s_r. was "B..xi1way'. i.a11eg~ed i'll.~_tr3cti3`u'/15:11; of th9i1l11D1o3 ees. ~ " ' ' ` r-.. ......;..-.......'...`.. -47 n... ....a5:..........;.+ ..c'I J.\.I1l:,nu.mA.\'illJh.., ;uu.:s .. we-Bu .,v.-pyunuwu, . 50intVL (;`i,ty Attorney, at a.`-.s:1lary V on `thousgnd ve;liund1'e'd do); ~L \ my _:igc$$:Bem;i1?s im.>.-`i33b1: Vhasj _ ggxhlxsheri &..(;:_.).:Lr!1,1-`3.t`.a.dt`;.__;l , -- mi km}. l?.~hcr3n'nrl- hag. `alvrn. % .*;a&arE.e::v glvlffkl H-;.la. ~|.JI|.l}`biMll`n.V Ll ,. _ gaidthat . E11gIajnd- has "'.1`1~ loan -to, v_.Ohi1_1u._ p_'f(`;`v`en_; gao \Vomaiht'I . %t`sj.n;u;s1t. . may `1sa:3*zikriaam. T ";II:bn:sn ex arbja.chnt;thg\_.1h9w gum ' `mmbit; , iatalilw seals % at qnibtm; gm; gm:{n;;;_ V9333 1113`? v 0l_lI5mlUK|3,'f ml `xi ,.w. er` 1,: im mt::mk's`nn' ' 'I;m Ju stice .m'.u;;sm 6:` mg nnfhura; V "l\...m:-..:M. hue. `many an- ' * i iaceusei` `nlunm `1**5%%?c`?+*d `at i:.oha `_ cA1q;)'_L -Bu ` . , upyuluuuu, at x, Hilndrnlkl (lnl- u Muqpia at Euftnrin; win sn<'tty`~ .... \ proceed to the Klonwkqto look bar: . mining `properties in which nu.:"9'f:"I"'.`;:::":'j!' `'" statue; is interested. - % q `E . _ . .;_;-- L,` ,;,L x- -`r~:._:._.- ____.~*-J A lman En&I'L-ah svndicata re: Th: Ian otwzflrva. thoxost mi oc norm. sYNnIcA"1'K`BoRnt%D. u-u-nun up nugvvuau-vault: E IlA LoViln`d:ont!`:fesQcel'LtQ"I23It`u%;!o far e ya I at e {or 3 ton ma ms been indefinitely pmtponed. and that gf ` Efngland. `as `ushfai. gets the liorfs share tr in advamages .romv mcen:_ments. n..-,u. 1 )_:..:_ | _ 4 . . . _..., ..... -4 n...s 33 u- ... . usndi --5-u . 5 mu; n us ulna u - . .u-- Grecit I-`Britain has annoaihced that , she will refuse to I aoguize any. spa- ciil ghts granted :1 Chinesa ports, L and wilbinsist on the enjoyment of ; thefsgnm pr'il1geS_(IS grzlnted to any} ; otjzer po;s'er. _ ` "1 . ,u... nu-s3 um ....,,..-..,... .... ........._-. . It is 1rol:bla"tliat. Prince. wln gm- ; aassinated \Villiam'.'l`e1`r|ss.~ will L de- clared insane.` - 1 The jforelgn trade-.of.G`ra~t Britain: ; 113?. year. wan; the largespin its histor_v.}f O .n :.. .._..1.:.'x.1.,'..1.`..s n..:...... ...x.\ no - =. . A _f_'Lre in Saginaw nu Tlxuxsday morning destroyed aigbr million feet: *6! lumber. 1 l .`.\.... ._. .. ... -..... |.!l1-..I I... LA ....H....-u. ` Badman: G103 or lnblof Q91)" "State of Ohio" and stats of New Start. ` DAILY TIME TABLE. __ - Daily, except Sunday, until abodt December tst. tr -.,.- u, ..... _ .. u r _. nI-..-I-...l am an 1