isporg .4...- 3- AL. ". Sacwiis been cisttmau her M . handed but out. 3% her has ' Azluokcd oefuIl[ pallid,-`nah: mum in. glam: um hit: an. Kr. Lmmr . ;;15"i "`51'-1ged,n_ne-dnk._ Ind 601`? T a . 9 .. _T , . A vexuigg aaeimappeain uisdigrw `tint and: punch racoilin `horror; bnq Mr`:`:- n aw `~ ..our1 ~19 Em? 't 5015. waited upon by.Nurse Carry arid ,-ea. ~ _ ~ ` _ _ her underatmppers. The bride scarce ` `It was om--Amy was bride. Thelzg touched the tempting viands; but Mr. ` - V - [M0111 ate and drunk with the nlisb 7 ' , . ` M08?! traveler ' nmwgd wnspntan!thaWd:d|l`I8dY353 Tim nniat mun vmmm of St. Junk `L: was 0Vc!--Am: Iyuu nu-u. ......., was yml ebnsntnlating. 1 who estenzthswgdgiiiis than \\'u_ c1um'gedat the trureling `suit; I the happi pair wereA._in the carriage- * \`sy. . * . V 2 " > They `reached? London that evening. "nd drove to the Grusvenor'Hot_al. 4nd 2 _ all through that tiny : journey Victor ' I.a.toui"s up`; had` hqt opeixed mm 3 dozen (times. Silant`. sullen. moodj, _myi1- -~ L-.- .............a in almm: and times. B1M1ent`,_...,..~ terious, he` sat wrapped in gloom; and` the, light of his weird black eyes mag Amy`. shim like _an. iupen legf. Oh! what wgis ms that had come upon him- on hislwdding day? 1 * .. ;- x.-- __._..n.:.... h\ I-all van. Amy. " I have somecnmg 10 um yuu. _....,,. A secret to tell you--a tertibla input. that `-you must swear tokep. rm... ......... ..r..... in A gnacious cham- o Thy. were alone in a" spacious her. "and these w(er'e,tha tirsbwords he had spdkan to her. His face looked livid in the gaalight. his eyes were blaz- ing` like coda of tire. -I 172.5: I" 425 xunv -...._.. -- _ Vuztor 1" - I " You must wear, Amy! Never, to your dying day. must you breathe to livi_ng mortal thegeerat Ishall raven! AA ..-.. ...\... u... :a A Bible. lav your g, me." There was asecret. then this supreme moment tl1e`old leaven ` of romance th'rille Amy wltlz a little _tremo: of romaLn`lc delight. She sat ' - _4x.Ll1i.Leet,ra_,x1A.1,i,-`3El!_. _; ' few `slowly-spoken words that he ut-I feted. ~ " .. 1 "` `~ `-~t~- Ia..- M`. rafnnr lnfti . Even in living moruu Luv scum. ......... -_._,, to fan now. Her is a. Bible. lay your _ Hand upon it and swear. ,' ' The spectral blsck eyes held her yvim their horrible. Lrresistiblew light. She` coulnllno more have rensed than she: could have fallen at his feet and died. She ln'ul..hei hand upon the sacrgd vo1- ume. and repeated after him mterrible pf sacrecy.- . - . . _, __ nu`-.. on Hm an-rat of my ! life} after him aghast; | warn. at u _ Cl ll!!!/KIIIU. \IL\/ll DUE ll |l`l' :- Ten `minutes later, Mr. Lotour letniof u frighlenedmd. tlieroom. hurriedly, ringing the" b'elll Mrs. Sterling and her so@ere~nm- } as he left He met 1: clm.mberma.l(1 on E-g M1'S- Lafours callers. The lady`: V33 W0 Bf-.r0ng._minde,.l` and too fond lot her charge to be frightened a.\vu.y- by ' gthe l.:ridegro0m s black looks. he `said. "You had '; the landing, liasteni-lng to onswer tlx summons. ' ' ' "My wife is ill," grimly. " I don't tl1ink*Mr. Victor Lo.- , _ _. _ ,_ . four will o;:en the door and order me He hurried W33`- Th9 8* 9kedV out. a.n'.l`nothnglesssl1allnffrontme. then owned _tl1e. I m `not going to give up my poor lit.- chzunher door. entered. e girl. altogether, to la eaten alive and And_ b _ n A n.-.....a":ol1t?li6n;1ron*the*carpeE1Ly "5 bIk'5""d 3h1` ` " TEE .'-ma "r.-ma ma q o;=.'i-Ia. 1"'hh1e*`eves 5 1 ` ':_1I ,lI go there now. and I'll go again _ better try. (gold water and 531 volatile; 3 3" 533111. 9-111 Still 8-am`-D." She mild : I am afraid elm isgoing to faint." summons. . ! " My he'sni.d. > _try. qqld ` afraid sue ` 'a.ter then away" girl lpbkesj chaxnlggr tum,-e; iEh1tir5;s:;~;.[rou thecanpej L lay .t}e bride in a swon. Latour remruuu uum hucu Wu... .......-. The shrill windsbf Octoblepr had blown inselves b1e:Lk1y out in the green glzsdes and leafy arcadesrouncl that statel}? mansion: and the ides of No~ ' vember'lxad comewheu the happy pair I returned` home. ' " ` w _ r1T1ii;"fEE*`tw3y11{tg1ths%oI:beriab-VI1 sence, Mr.Latou1f, for the first time in ;j her 1.ife,'pro}{ed. herself a. bail co:r`es- 5 pondent. She had written but one lat- ter and that of` the hriefst; a.nz1- brus- ` lqgest to Mrs. Sterling. "It was a p6-.: rpite `notice to quit. ' 2 ` _ " 1 --A `I-I`-...~ Q-....I:.."` Hu: hdg! e ' I e s ,1 \.-11:11. Luau. v ;a. ` The waving Vtrges around _B1ack1v`qo Grange we1'e- arrayed 'u_1_' the sere and . yellpw `leaf long before Mr; and Mrs.` ` Latour feturned from heir brial tour. H ,.,:-.1..`..c f\.dnY\n>v- I-ma hlnwn n _his`we any: 1 I have something to tell you. .5311}. _,L L- a.-n ......_. hn-fihla dacmt, _litg__;;ot1ce to quu_.. ` , "`Dv.r-Mrs. Sterling. the bride wrote, "my husband thinks newly mar- [ - tied people are a.1wa._vs.better entirely ` by themselveg; , I 51125.11 regret youraluss ` `\i"o course it mm -_-.5 its n'e'_sa.ys. 5 Nurse Carry is quite comii6tent;v tell` her to take charge. and have e\:'ery`~ thing prepared for our arrivaL_\V'e. shalrreturn by the middle qt-Novem- 9315"", . 2 1 M :-n Sfnriinu smilad hitterly'Qver'1 '-- masters .ha.nd."'--~ = thismefvfusion. * M . You might: havelwmfd. yourself the. trouble Offordiaring me out. Mr, Victor La.ton1:. ii that be your name. I woutd not have dwelt under the samewroof with you, for kingdom. Oh. my poor. little. Amy I` You a._re the va1_'iesf; 1:up- 3 pet that ever danced helplessly in its. `\-fra -Rfm-lihn: deuarteal to St. Jude ban: -. ` i .. Mrs. Sterling smiled` hitterIy'qver`1 this nfvfusion. u vm. miohf: have `snared yourself .001 , w u gripped sg-temy - -- ma.ster s .han.d-"'-~ , .- .-_ _. _1-x _ _;\Irs._'Sterli'ng departed. J ude s-i g.11_c1,__@o_ok up herabpzle in the bachelor `E gwaartmehfs at her son`; Tharp came no.` 1 more letters; and Amy hi).t1&1\\`ay begin} a.ddicted__ to note scribbling.` 1 it -"But what- can `you expecisj.` saidfi .Mrs.. `Ste2`1ing,j.'with It bii'.l:er hii1gh;,ig1 .`_.)S.!:m1p,ed as `she is in `mist.-nuptialii b_liss_`!'The scheme of the;,univ.erse,ho1ds 3 _ but M1::fYictor Latour:j_u,stv at prey` :5 " ysenbx .11: is to };e.h.oped theillusipn wi11";" `shave worn. 35 before` her return." ` g! s -n* .33`: '16:: hi; hosed H13` ilhlsianp will g ' ` * ;'E['B'rj hi?-Be1i:"1m`1itt1e `hefmszw ` `~ t ` fawn: ~ tn 9: sa\`:recy.~ " And now listen to the secret of my rDII muS EWQIA` bu nevi ' r. were S h` . .. ,, A_.-. n... !:-cl-Awards he `CHAPTER V11. , I:a.tour left: u. _. L'..`H 1 noftthar.` she absolutely-.qua1_Igg1 uemreu.. g -33,3 "He looked like a. demon !"&burst; 1 .j'- ' io1xt.'to he1'.`sq_n. Tha'Iight;of those egg `Sam fierce black eyes wus'a.bs_oh1tely .h.or- _ ,1 1;gug}1_j_irib1e.` Gooti Heavens? I donft be1ieve`~ .t.-nuptia.1 thow-1'_etch is human? , ` .- rse holdsi ...He is` a. bad man?` 9-`13W1.'9` Dr- T. V at pl-g.`;Ster_ling,' _'`and a.- my`ste1_-iousf man. .330 >111 There a.re_..dark and deadly .secrets in - Lu}u_*- hi'_s'; life, _La:,m sures Ther isfa look in V Sim-w{11.;his_ face that regTts,me xv,it!1.,]a}_3scIu_t3e ` :s{e`;;_ng, horrdx` "at. timos I l:a.va_-4Ioubter1-- -'?- in... my ...amma .. day to see the happy pair ut .chnrch.: oz 3 nungry t aler. v rm quiet u? viltage -at st. {e was on the qui via the touowms -.`=m- * Mr. ,1.-atom had resigned his office 91 Organist. of course; had he and hm bride walked up they ais1e\ the 6:110 lxnre nf fnfn nf owns Mrs. L31 our shone: [DUES WEIKDLI U16 8-ISIS` um u`:-av sure of scores of eyes. Mrs. Lntour anon resplendent in alhthe gfory of Load. miilinery; her dress was exquisite. he-1' ' mantle a miracle; her bonnet 3.` per- ` fact lave; b`ut--St. Jude stare! \\`iU{ 3* Lita eies. What was the matter with , Am)?! The Christmas snow-drifts were I not_w;1;ter,nor.._c>1der thin her" face` Those gay. smiling \:1ue_ ejeg. 0n *`- 30 . " sparkling and starry. lcokedout of that \ patxidhce with a tixadvlocik of unut- , terable tear; she stood before .t'l`.em the wan shadow of the r1M.i8nt lime Amen Al (mu rhrD|[ h'l0l\ -* V U16 W811 IBEIIOW 0!. L116 4 , Amy 0! ten months ago. Show hm: an-nkpnml." El Amy .0! ten months` f " She has awa.kened.." said Mrs. Ster-- ling._with a mdmntziry thrill of 33:31`- it. notwithstanding her 'com?9331*1- " The.-delusion is ave: ;- her ido1`of gold has turned. out potter}; clay./" n. Jnhn Innirnd nE"t.ha altered [ace vga dog." ` I! The num\erous friends of Miss Ami ,=EarIe began at gmce to call 11:10!) 39:3- Latour. ~ Mrs. Latourvreceive;l. them In ' I her 3;-ucious'p.'u"sonrs. 'exqu':s'xtely drafts- ` {ed , an ! Mr. Latou: was there `to ass)?` sher. C-all when they might, the lathes `of St. Jude could never. find he_r_a10nE- Near her. bending over her chair. the dark. handsome face, and tnthomless black eyes of Victoix I.atour' shoxge. Lfreezing every attempt at confxdentml 1} conversation. He was scrupulously P0` lite, but these ladies went away wxth I no courteous request to tegzeat their ; | - calla. And Amy sat iike 9. white aut- 3 Iain", of chatter-boxes. no_\v looked {ID at her husband with the wild_, Wide 83'?-5 T of frighlened_ child. I 1 Mrs: Stm-lino and hm` son Wel`8`1lm` omaton. and talked i11"monoS)'"3"1959 _ she"; wh' z{tIT' x}themUst 1'nveter-v : has turned. out putters clay./= John looked at"the gltered of thvgirl he had loved; than at the dark. impenetrable face of the man. beside ha;-, and his heart hardened. - [In 3:: n nrnnknr villain than GVED uesme net. anzi ms neari. uzuucucu. He is a greater villain than .even I gave him credit for.`" 112: said. "He begins the work of breaking her heart Jietimes. I would jhava arm-ad` him for .her sake if I saw livmade hex; happy: i now I will hunt him down as I would la dog." ll The n|rm\arnI1--iipnrik of Mis Amy` ' gy uns ma.cK-eyen gnoui; " V ~ 1 The; itale "(Elie tin e.i" hh1B<"eyes 1 of the little bride lit eagerly uh; for the - first time. at sight of her old friends. j {She sprang up to meet, them with 8 ! low cry. but-a. hand fell lightly on her } shoulder from behind. Its touch \V~-Si. light as doivn, but :1. mailcyl grasp could not have checked her (_1'l1i(`.ke'l`. ` u -n.r,_ L-.. A __ n 4.1.-.. ....n ..n:.-n nf The black eyes Io($I;e into the - ' blue yes, and the bride cowered before the ride-groom. as a whippprl hound. -_ hemLi1s,.mz1seL_EheLl1e1d_Qu_-__ .. . ||h_and to her old _friends, with a. few . `very coldly-murmured words of greet~- 3 - inn - ,, uvh mm, uunvnvu ..... .,Y...`...-.. . * My dear Amy," the soft voice of Victour La.tou`r murmured: pray don't excite yourself ; l.>e'ca.1n1l You are glad 'to see Mrs. Sterling, no doubt. Tell her so by all meanfH\h.ut don-`t ma.f`.{E"E niann " mg,` ~ J ~ The interview w.as__short a.n.d- e_min- rently uhsntisfmtggx. Strong-minded as lMrs. Sterling was-.~'conversatiou was 1 . impossible with that.,frigi' fzice. and .those weird an rk eyes, .s_taring her 9ut_ of countenance behind `Amy s chair. K Y nknll mall urn} mm uni] no-ain`. Amv-. -'I` :1 wor kn: She s in the n enunn got countenance Den1nc1_Amy`s cmur. [. I shall call and seayou again . Amy-. -' L she said. 1:0ifxtv_.dIy~._nLs she-a.r>ose to go, " when the honey moon ends, and there `is a. "prospect of my being able-to see ;you alone. - I" .- i Ainv lnn}rnn-a1`. Her with a. startled Eyou alone." I 1 Amy lookecr at her with a. startled fa.ce.gbut Mr. Lntour answered for 11317 . with 'a.`short:. mocking laugh. . 1 'r.`.n- "mm la-ind nm frimi. Amv: that .` with a.`snort;. mocking Iaugn. " Tllfyour kind old mend. Amy: `I our honeymoon has not yet commenced. }As toseeing you"%a1on`ev. tellher you have nosecrets from 'y{)ur ihusbaud. not he from you, anc1.tha.t he 1`ea1ly.cannot separate himself 1ong'enough _froI_n_his - -charmingebride.-e#en~ for 3- confidential gossip _with,Mrs. Strng.`,'_ ` Ha lmwed her bvlandlv out, as he gossxp _wxt-n,D11`s. ar,ernng.r'_ He bowed her bvla-mlly out, as `spoke; and, \\'onrIorf_uI '.to'. relate. Mrs. ._Si'erI,`ng* went. without a _\-cord. " She `flanked up into his tu._c_e. defiantly, but ;.the blak eye.s;}>ad*-met hers with so 1` = "str:1nig e a light in theirsinister depths j that` she absolutely-. quailggi before it. + ~ In 1m1.-ad mm 9+. dnmmi !?hE bursLt: .&Te worliy -'Wi$n&;B ` ' ._:l1ii`)\fJ16&` f lllllli I; I] la lgor tin i . l 351'. and `Mrs. Latolir in so:ietY"311'~ i` Latour" always . da.rk,- `cold, - politely ri- Kid. an! impenetrable, as if that band-*1. some face of his were an iron mask; and Mrs. Latour always the; same gale. scared, silent ahaylow. And last of all :_ llmre was 11 grand party at Bla.-.-kwooli Grange. .to wind up these entertain-; ` lents--a very superb affair. inxiceel-;_ ` find. after that. society saw lime 05 '- the newly married couple. Furtlier in- vimtiuns they decline ' health. Mr. Izatotxr said, precluded the} l Bdlssibility of gay society. December came with high winds and " snow, and Ax1iy:cea.sed to appear even` at vhurch. Mrs. -Sterling grew se1`ious- 1) Uneasy. and rode over to Blackwootlg Mr`. Latour must he: in the hull, and} told her his wife wzLs suffering from; n .-s....\,.+... and :-mild see no: Mrs.-Sterling senoua-3 - ly rode 3 mt in I wifeivas - 3 chronic headache, and could 1'10 1 one; and absolutely. froze the blood 1n hgr veins with the glare of his 1>13L`k' : eY0s~and. cowed and conquered. =-\i1`S.i ( Sterling left. to call no more. _- Christmas human. and )8 N8? `I9-3351 vt:Lst and the vn'nter' wind_ \miled- ID`- "'side;*fireligl:'1':'- anal lamphght and 3= aterung wit. to can nu mum. V 1` Christmas came. and the_ 19? ! with their festivit1es.._Il`- 33; Christmas eve. and Mrs. S`te`1}I1S 5} alone in her little parlor, waiting for her son. Outside the. son fell thick and l bright little supper 2 charming picture of- home-like -com: fort. ,, 'rn.. ,L..... 1...}! .-...-m "Inlnn at last. fort. '.lTL1_e_, door bell rang. "_-T9511 at ` said'Mrs. Sterling. and nsmgy 5? 1 nT1 ed`tI1e` door. ; , . n... -u _.\+ mu... .A lifa fuzure. uwaun iv. worms. cmm-n- 1-ow'x..P E.I., lays: "I IIIVI mod Dr. Chnartixttxfrh Cure. tnd it not onlyuve renal but._ made I peunnnnnl cuxe.i?\\` ' as - nu . .,___g_' p_;. . side. fireliglxanfi lampuguu uusn, Ohmuvca M... ...........e ...... bngm. mu`? 3' ithe threatened end `of the worm, rush-I gharmmg IJICUIFB hm9`,hk `Com ed to the house, and, knocking at the ,`i_t U l t,_ door, cried out. "Get. up; mused; the qaml~l.-Idf,t be, .m`gd .J9h :1 ; (: `*::!'1_ Angel Galgricl will have done l)l()\\'l1l'.i.`5' c; ;d th Li` `~ *5` 'g- `"1 "5`' . 1' . lytrumypetif you ain't uil soon.I How- u "_,` 9"- ` _ f. ;ever, he assured them that there B `t'```'5 `mt J`m' `Allme. `%.r E was no-cause for immediate alarm, and E it-5lv `$53332 i$i`E {?g iL`;`;;`>i %;l` ` `*` "3 `~ nlmmd *1 1 _ _. , ' _ '.`i ime. V .L Mrs. b_lerling' dropped mtoa chair.Wlth Probably no display of tolling` starsl F . ,f`h` k-H ' ` has` ever attracted `greater attention. I "%7111Yl _ _k h. _ If `than that which tool: place in 1866. At: `as, Amy, but so unhe ersihgtimes the whole .he2Lvens seemed 1' so like 21 spirit, that for an instant cl ablaze with stairs, and I have heard} \- . mmmn ruoiled` ` ' i lone who '\\'il'.ne$ (1 ti " w d sc 'l`* "H Li` ht ' r 2" `l the: l ` .. ``* ` 8134-` ;WuRE'6iE,1:{Y::1[:f:0t__::;gGg_`&Lthe meteors as great. balls of [in L ' . gfalliug from tiie /Ky. 1 visit from me, did you ': Butit is so . , , e - , , ,., . long,` oh ! so long` since I saw you` that! XLLDL II:-.101: BJNLX. l I could not resist the temptation." l At present the great meteor Shoal _."And Mr. Lntour-.9 Mrs. Sterling", of the Leonicis has already `accomplish- ilgasped, "where is he i" ' `ied Its long journey, and the year i899 `""GoIn_e '.to meet the ca.1:ta.ins at theiwill again bring it to the e.1rth s. Citadel; I mean to (line at Major `Mal-` track. The shoal is,o such enormous ; If loy s; and '1 took advantage of his nb~ length that it will take; more than at |:, sauce and stole out, I" have but amo-lyeur for the mighty procession to pass 1' meat to stay; I don't ivish him to dis-l Lieyond the earth's track, so that in r cover this visit." ' i ` l9l):l another hrillirmt meteoric shower " He plays the tyrant we1_ll _' may be-considered probable. In the sgid Mrs. Sterling, rbitt-erly. " And case `of the Leonids, the meteor swarxns You `the subniissive slave. Oh. follow the comet,. l.`emp1e s comet .of., Amy Earle pluck up a.'_ lit-; 186$,` with which they are associated. t1e"spirit-defy him! Don't let himlwhiie many believe 3:32.: the comet. it- _ y ' ." . . {self is simply the thickest; part of the Y\CBV6redherfa.ctr'*- \vit1r?~l?0th-rl 3`V m"J331*hl)1~n-thi&_[1LQL, E _!.Qf.., , hands, and burstnout crying convuls-,$Falb founds his sinister Pkediction. " ively. . ', {Even so, the chances :1,re.-slight of ` ',`You don't. know! You don't the earth actually colliding with the I d1:._re not tell you! ,0h, ,' comet. .__ -;.....w>. A6 H... inufnnnn nf Hm Gnvm'nmPnlZ reuu nun-,_ mum - r-w---'-' *" I Dr.` chas'sfca:mn' Cuiff -.-enter. BLIP` TA FIT: NEVER mus T0 cnine in the Had, Hay Fever I ' n'_|..l .n........h.| ' Price, gs ccntg, g Lgaspeu, wuere 13 nu: _ I ca1:ta1n the`! mean MaJ01f_ 3131- ` I took _but a.m_o-l ` don t mm visit." _` 1 IL. ..1....n Hm hvrant well 11', V plays \Ve1_1 VT`! sgid bitter1y. "Aud'c 1 lit-g] `t1e"sp'u'it-defy himgx Is , . , 1 ` TmVd"h6rfa.CB"" w 'ttlr'~~both.,L: _ convuls-.!3 ' > j You don't know! [1 , A; `_` You know! t know! And dare not {C Mrs. Sf/arling, ~I7wis!;J were 41LzLd! "Amy, for , tell. mez_.!t What is the secret of this ma;n s pow- [f 13. wife's feariif ":1" Efiil I1biii'dTTTei ' or over y_o_u?. Somethi&g~more. thai 5 me: "not -too late` "to save you 1 , ma-n _ ` _ , I118; ,.;l,:_}.':' um: um: uyua vu uunvv _.;- . yet. , _ . a ` Too. late! too late! too late 1 }s cried Amy, wringing her hands, "I;c have sworn", and I dare not break my a , ' His wife? I an1"no wife! Oh! c . byl what am I saying! I -must go,. Mrs. S_terling._ I` shall betraymyself. have seenuyou for a mom -' C ig all I wanted. `Good-`by! -Good-ll `aim nisihp frail` the room like 0116.? `She rushed from.` the room (me. insane. _ Mrs. Sterling followed in 49. panic of fright. _ - ., " A`mv! V Amv! for` Hea.ven s~ sake," I. panic of fright. - A`m_v!.,; Amy! for` sake." come.`-Imck! \qg will perish in the` Storun . I \.\\V__i \ . But there wasno rep`y.\"1`he\ little figure ha.d.iluttere `Info the ,- chi.1l_`blast, and there was nothing to he-_see`;`1 but the blam; night,:u1d`.the* Vteaseiess.` snowV`h_a.t` was falling, fall. hmr _ lays. .' " Swimmer, Tim`. " Injiew _ot' the destructive effect of ` suAnl;ight,;v _;aspecia1Iy_ of thehlue, to, the ' ultra-violet rays; iugon bactexig in win~ ter, Prof. H; Ma .rjsha.lI.Ward wo'111d}x- ;V jplain hecomparati've- freedoxxroij river` , A iwwitgers. nngier tun` hlszing` hot snm_mr b_sun;'_rom bacterig.-zis~ against ___he mom , almndant. ` infac!;io__1_1;o' thje gamgg` w9_.t.6rB7 A in 1~?intr%~1398**?*e W1: `Mimi `om Puillj} 1_I`t'Ii:e:-A -rtB`|r,o1'Tn in . ' '_` ` '1 `Q . son by nu dnhn. `ax . Rixnuuon..Bu}u A Go. !'r ' KILLEDTBY. `.aE'AE To be (.l`<`>ntin}x.c>i. , comolte with biower. - ~,.;....... -- . 9303:3303 nu; says ms ~ ,w;LL nun IN ymkea thy liuth .. tum: an Mull `:i`: 1 he Intfinaen limos: -- In-mar AI- "" pianlces. ~ " H the - - oI:e.'_w Pxotessorfalb, oi Vienna,announcas n'1g(_:em ,tha'c`7n Nov; 13th, 1399; a comet. \viJl. xt_= sh-ike the ear'ti:,*anaiAl:hat tj1e~end olv tti`:mcc the world -is to be the Ifesult. Meaty! us` an Zwhile he is probablyf makinclwnlculaei the C4 gtions to ascertain wheighgr the. vioienxg u`18:ii3tt-:1 ;.of the shoek__-will reduce our` plgumt to; Eh` ,.dxm, or whetherit wink: envelopedf the E, in an mtmospherexof [poisonous 8S.or qt`! 9 . . ` - .- 6 . . ` - whichwwxlbkxll al-L hvmgg; ixungs. box-ai`-1}`: tamntely sbiene reassures us its t,oou_1' ti`; 8 '-pfoasiisle fate, the cbanztqs being dne;`;a',5 ;in fifteen million: that the: earth wing re-rm be destroygd by cdllivluing \\'`'1th :1 roan -y!tv.'i {It has also taught us to lo)l;.fo_rx7\-11rd e`: -; tomhe n_ight_*of.Novemher 13th. .1999 _1-93;` tbe`date.o-E:,u.l;1:l'y occurring 3 {event eve_ry thi'rt;'-t`hre,e years. 0:11 And `thig night the` ezirth will encounter Lea .. I myrinds of__g1eteoriu: particleitravelilli " } along the same path as-Temple's comet r. fo{1B66, and the two are probably cl0s_e- I 15' associated. We shah be undoubtedly `K: feuted. to a grand display of celestial GEE e: reworks, and the history oi their ap- ` J1 peurance in 1833 and 1865 has prepared us` for the glorious s}_:_ec,t:Lp1e we mziy TM! 11; look forward to in 1899. " V 9 ,-_ IV. `Always kilbfvlll `nu Ill `CIDOI Every`: azamx. nmnaxs.L Q I At their Efrer appearance the un- icultured, far from bebolding the; sight gwith admiratibn. c0usiJ'r"dmi`E' an [ear- .ful p,0rtent,~}TJ1rbE"EE5 end, of the iworld. .',['his fear led to many quaint scepes and sayings mi the`e`ventl'ul lnigm of xev. I3th,A1-`333. Wlxil travel- wing through Sough Carolina, in 1884, ..-:..n..... n:..1......1 A `D.-.'u-fur mnt. ;I.u_y luI.ucL, LILULIIILIA u. ...v~-...-, _r 'ome of the pIant.ution o\x~`xs ,' WHO ` %told him that` they hgui some ado in ` : conlzroling the . ezu-itemeu ' among : their slaves on this iglxt. Hundreds of i them cried for mercy, praying that the 32nd of the xvofld might be put, off L` 0. little longer. A Southernen whose g%slznfe_s were ovgrcume wlth terror an ` rm ,,,,._.n) ........ .g-c.omer,. - C At the instance of the Government the `French Aczzdeiny of Science cure- '1 - fully estimated-itheri-hances of r`:oll'Ls- I. '1 ion between the ezgrtlx and; these -eel: , stialfwandemrs-tbrough~-sp&c&+--1n- 1 1832 some` of the people, of Paris were ` almost frantic with e.\:citement'in c-onL V` ` }seguonce oi the tLntxouncem'enl:_ that a ` Egcomet _}s'1.s about to destroy tl1eert'h,1 9' zL__gl_time-and time agaim the dangar`, o t s collision with` t.he`ea.x-th has been serim1sly_considere.d. The 1 great. `French astronomer, Amgo, es- ` iatewthatvox1l;-eE-281,0l)0,000 chances .-4 there was only onevsingle chance for in. collision. ' ' ' ` ' V . .n . 1-:71 1-snnn1'nYt Y'|VT.? A A D:1.LI.|.`A l.\n.1'Ln;uAux;. _ This axno'unT .to*lit tTe"1nor_e thzm a . bare possibility: "Should my collision V tal;';e`fp1c.e e\'r'LlIxEesu_1ts might; or might V . . > _ no 0 osv.- lm nucleus.e1,1coun~ \ . . , teritfi was in mass 3.x\d_ solidity equal; h"AG_NETlC` P`4E_NQMEN0N' `to t_l_1at of Dona.ti s comet; as esLimat- ' ` " `ed by M. Fa.ze,_an(h Prof. Pierce, \ its N..- ...... M. V- -._,.-,._, . __ _ _ and occupies a.,sen.port..` France v.'1;J fol-E .._l0w suit. 1 - . ' _..-..,._.....___._...{ I::X[Ix*I'ilMi'lIl`s in (`Mural Im~`l::. ,-'I mw 1`IuIt impact with the earth woul develop` f"""&i"`. `M "- ,"m."_""""" `*'5'~F". heal: enough tmmelt zmd- vaporize the] "~ ` '~ . .. hizrdest rocks. If the comet; were com-l A defgpatch from Moscow s&'ys;'..`}j;- mam of sma'u'met Pamgms the eri`anents'that'ha1ve vbaen n1a'l result would b a.`b`rillia.ntshowe1`,,,ex:. P .-. 4 *_ J * X ` ` ` ,.cqiIIi1ig' such showers aa__we h:1v_e.Se.en'. `55`_f M F":9`.TT""`,`t71V-'0 * only in deg;-gs, j xvg-,1-_e, mg co1_1i'_ding tion w_1_L_!l the remzxrkable` dretlectionf b_ody a. hydrogen C0m 93 1-1I1ffi'`iut_gthe.nmgnetic needle over? anylimmense _stze- to enczlqmpass ,tlxe euhre globe, it.ara, 1&1 Central Russia lmztve givx might so mingle with the oxygen-ofg.` .. ` it = an ..,.t. . _ -_ u__?tmosphere a~-t0__fO~r-msnfm>an._9X_;ctr1clus resu 3 _ emo S\l`\ d.` plqswe? compouml that tSs_ngmi;.lg o2gconrne thutru? oi-coxxnhrx-be-: . asxnglexnatch `mild, 1J!`0 Moscow and'.Kha1:koY= is. dis_t~ V ll face", oggtng a.-mm. "Still iurthe1.~ rxrce'*}*t`*S ""13 \'-`{f--* }*;*-`A Lf`~*l*~.t~*v. "131.*>__; ;Wat_ar is the msu1t_ Di; burning hydim _- ounce V0 xura` , xv an, m_ enort_h_ * It was. tleflectecl: 2.0 degrees. .-~0na~l;un~ ;~ -`ml 3" Li `5`"-*4" 3*"` '"` dred.zu1dA[itymi19s soutneastwan1:the.l i 1 -`M "" 1"- `````` -5'`: ` ` 5 * d*'- `deflection excgediad 96 .-`degrees, `th6` Ifpllovmd by 8. mighty*de1n;'geoEwater . .. ` . . itway I. was A thl `water is the r.esu.u;- or. l2|1.'1`!1l_X1g uyuw-, in oxy'gen,.. this,same fierce. _and tprible. flztmiafvsbuld be speedily ` ;'olL0wnd -mighty`(1e`1u,'ge of water," 7 enveloping `av_ent_ix_e-surface of` our ` '~p1angt,,,'If t e,_bod`y-`of the comet wereg .;not .o'fi an *iinfIzu_nmab1e.`natuxe,'_bnt `L'.0in130B8'd: ' onoxioua; gases. it. (would minam,.`m;r.Atmnsuhare\.` render it: tin-2. 1 -poi50i1~.ou.r:tmnsphe1:e~, renuer,,mgun- ~ ' fit drtrespirption, and`threby,fexitLai1. 3 thz_;l!iO8t;sgr1g'us '(_=0nsquQ'nces_. \\',e,_re 9 I ' Fm "-ii.7>xiu9~~ $4890 bndiff.-wing - ' ' Vxtrame1;ghtuesg,icxy%outgx;..t1oat- V-5 Q u;pQ_rJ', `n-r s,mosphere<;4as _,t_1o.1 t11a .` `iclotiixlsg zthont;`reachix:g*L. the surfaca' ioili ,1 u 1 . . . f3 ?l 9I>'.. vim mm 1a9ma1::x'isk., at the destruction ..4'_h3 3.-f icome :; xx :mie;I._. - ,_ 2 A zen mania .:('-0iIl]_)08B(1_, 0I,I10_2ll0u. ; gusua, up .\vuux,u. -poison~.ou.r:tmnsphe1:e~,` rendenitl n! _ M. enrvmanimtinn. and the::ebv:"exit3. ,:lS`.V6!'.'.1-1_il\_l1g`:>l1xu\:-:,u-V , uu:.I.ru5u_ uuuuu `H..- .... .., _.. __ "father. Rich:;rd A. Prctur, met :1 22-1; FORMER ABPmRAS'c1;s. 1&4 `A43 ; - z-r1..:.1:. ..m.... REF POSSLISILITII. .3; WT ;_ encounter; . rm, Qhowvez. _ he vary f 94!, Nothiig which is known about pom-. cumin genargl. or about 'empIe' comp" at in mrtim-in-r. summits `_thesI1srht-;` enzsm genary. smut umpwa cum .. L J et in particular. ngggati `,he sliglgb ` " , est linger 1.0 the solnnfystem, though` . ~ everytlng. lead: ua-"to inf_r'hat the i _; V c-,m`net's careetulanindegzepdnut body! ' comet war` was` a `\dangemu.~1 El its lcgnregr. it isevixlxmt sucllinterrugr `l us, and therefore the final throes of. I ;~neighl:orl1ooxl, of the solar system it ". '*-----*-T` `:3 .. qne.;owing* to the concentration-of its ' " =3. _ 1 meteoric com;:onenta,ic is not so new T H E A B B \ without harming comet need not vtrouhle usjn the ~ . 3:. T A` G ._ ' will before very long con_1 a-`tos.n end.) - _ 1., If`it rea,lly has beep ever checked in _ _ ` 1 `mm cmm W l Osickness and the 3" least. At. each successive return `to the` ` ls s'norn.o art of_`i_ts spleulonanu p l t BElN , the end of its career, w`*(,-,t~'aer far. of Li or near at hand, will in` all yrol:a,!:ility ` ` ltqxke plane in gush zi v.'z1y="t :a'z; `teres- ` h . I - ~ , ' 1.; lial s.stx;onurrE|Iers-\vi`ll. xt1;>,rer_ know 1;! Fran)` Thousands -. - . 9. even. mvever, mre are a- ' - , .3-"_ ' ' E ' ways people ready `to irr'ulzz m ciisxml A ` , - Am` cmih" `.1; ` : eports. and qssert that the lime ` ` > . V H . L; xx wrnyvinq near '.\'l;vn Prr.\~Irer0'+i Pft`- Hr." W. J. Olen. bxikunst: cnjthl. , di diction is to he fulflhul. tbat-; 'l`rux:_l!a` Rallwaz`. l'`: s1ltl,Inz'lL:.:.!;Ia2,",1 /` The great globe itself, ` __!{`-`E t'`lIF0n;'~ 41113 t:&3!3.n=!t`~ 9'l-Y'~`3e 941 xflnv-ll ll`. '1nl1"1"t.-~`h."`-9` R1; lsee$x.' 1nfa?;{o!:atl'sfat:?)r;. II"l_i.l7a K solve, ft`l'.'ib omullrlon when ! cahlultl }`;:;*;%*`S %`S_`>-Win wnei,z';~mall;:et..::g,':=:'1.:.`:;`:.:.:\':e*..*%?a?5l' M . ' ls tbt.'1`l1 sh: lb n"" " not a ask me. :m:,,`:;.m_ :n9.x":..c.;'::'..;x:`l.% ' ' ' ` the floor for hours.` F llli. 6111391!!! .8? mil {ALL WANT HAIR. GREAT .BRITAIN AND rkmc `DE--` S{_RE CHINESE PORTS." V the. Press on the stnnaIiun-:-Rramn-n` fur the 1 Occupation 9; Pan` .lrumr ~ linnslu and Germany Co-operating In [hum-rn Asln. Japan Wllh linglnml. ` A despatch `(rout Be;{r;in. says:-- The Paris correspondent of L'ue Cologne Gazette` telegrzpha his paper that he learns on reliable authority that the Ru.ssiu,u 05.-cugzation o_f Port Arthnr \va.~s connected with` the visit Lher of the V British ship Daphne A week ago, when in sisite. of: the pi-oLes_t. of the Chinese ` the Daphne entered the inner harbour, ) , s . allegedly to ascertain whether there were Russian ships there. ='Chin:i com`- plained of the incident io Vthe repre- sentatives o['tl:e powers of Pekin. " The British f:i-1`-Eastern squadron is` aid to: be at 'i`a.ii:-,mu:in. and, ac- cording to the `co'rrespoud_ent` men- tioned, is `shortly e.\`_[.e(:I-ed at Port .Arthur. 1In- , n,|_. __;.. r`. . .., Hm nn- C-u ` \`ll`l.4ll|1l'. 'l`!'1_e Cologne Gzxzeue. regards the oc_- ' cuimtiou as merely 3 _coutinua1nue.of_ the co~operrLtiqu ` of` Grumny with Russia in Eiistern Asia. ' r :#.,...s: An uhC.0YHl\l reyhrt is `current in - London part: of the British far `Eastern squatlrun will-_i;e stutionexl at` Wei;Ht-i~Wei, this \viu1;er,"'IE frue, this iindi< that" Great Britain is `xvprkihg; ivith Japzin, The lzitier 4_s_till __(x:cup1e:-i Wei`-iLni-_\_V,_ei 'pgnding_ U{l'ine1i_t of the` Ciiinesa iv2i'fTn dTii`- n1 ' '. ` A I Tyhn T.nmlnn evening: newspapers I Inn. ` The London evening _ne\\'spapers are much -disturbed over_ the :situa'.- H...` tion. _ = . ` "\`v' do we , get? 15 the burd`-D of _their __c0n1;J)z1i_n.t, zmgl t11_3'._ in`. " sist on the necesslgy Eur unmedmte ac- tion, , . _ "mm Tnmlnn l`.In7~n =u1.vszr- "Russia non, - The London Glohu sa'._v_s:- "Russia and ,Germ.-my now the two most `imgtortaub strategimz_.1- posi- tions in Norhern China, and Great Britain, `whose Couunarcial inter- ests there are Len tinles greatenl "must be content with the crumbs; from the St. Petersburg and Berlin`; l'.a.I)les. . ` ,,_,l, rm. mu xvrm 11:.-me echoes the? , .... icknesi W, _ L, , The `Fall 1\I:1'.l_ Gazette echoes the} 4 ' "Stun-in;-cvyenqui1y~-a&t@Ame;iL::a:1r4,;__J titude. and rema1`ks:~"O course, the; ' partition of the coast, which is bound? to come} will. not be conned to R1is~T sin and Germany. Every nz1va'1vS`tate` 1 in the-w_vor`uI is actively concerned in? V the disturba-rr<.-,_oE "then equilibrium in`, the far East--G1-ea.t B_rit:ii~n,m,-l*'r_:n'nce, T and Japan espe<~iziily,_ But the Unit-!_' " H m`mm&nw:vwan 3 . . , . . my to be ignored. Fame acquiescencpg _ ' wlitlx these seiz\1res~i~3 nut \\to1-thy of; L our pastvana.l is. fat-at to our future. x remark "that jxeishall` not be ' without`syxnputlxizexfs, as ;he Japanese; : will most j`o_vu1ly' back any sche1Iie,,.t,0, ` redress the bitter humiliation they-i ' have suffered at the hands of R_ussia`.'-' Advices r~:~eived in Lo-udon fromif E Paris show J:'ra,m:e"is. wai'ting~Great Britain's aetien. If Great; Britain fo1-;-1 ' lows the lead of Russia and G_ern1:1ny,; 1 a._sea.port.,"France wiil fol-E u.. low suit. ' " L 5' , Ilneeglle pmnnngv east: gum wus1;_.. zngiusucrg ` pi iffth` and` south; -Engineers` Who: .- are eugageqi building raikrowda. intb`at' M [ ?'pa.1;t__oii th`e_';<:g>ixp._t:r'y_'~ are much-int;e,:esb~.L ` ed in thge experiments.` ?'IheyL'specu.L-.; ' L ate _:g.;;fsQ*>ho\\f'.-11.11%magmzhiztion Willg; :_;tt4e.~.tV gin-La` -1mcy=;:a~AT;t1ieg m;xi1s;,._, {jg 5 .. .auru-"9 W; `W -` .`3`,`* :"`": ,- ;in. other diJ3&GtlQ'15n_,H18* from mac:net.ismt`bax1n`& W ;ii'r1.&'n.:na.-3'1: niltli #9? seine mm: `lttwl; k land: &~xm= at TempIe'a"com' .' {ggsts `ghe snggt-.." nf335tem.th9u3h 0 inf_r'ha Ldepegxdent com; to an s. at centratjonvof iY.*,_ ' is is THE. BU ~ = . at Mchout imrming~ .- of trouble ti:e` ~ V -@--...-.-..-& eive to the- system ?&:f:s3x:`:":.:i:';1 same. "LH1/`rF?. |> 39'1"! nrM~:L}:iH'rv stherx Sash be very ai:ou pom 'nnI9. si rnm-` he game e've got h _for;his and -with thegfunyou treitmentlor. .1:-rribh mkemsi: an: and ' Trunk Raklway. mddjn'lL`.:`J 1: nne, Tnromw, Canada. says: H3. ` has been.1m-.5: latlsfzctory. il rm: I way; im bad In Ref Vi :9: better. The pains In my I: cahmittl 31*? _. yrm. I was so bad In fut with sin anr]..he;uI.zc!1(2tIx:1tI nevaex , drove `me MM. and .80 I wag cmp! ' badly and. my stomnc In |1r_ 13 mghtfulfy after eating an tnml the xmteuaxony. `I ,__l;!l_ I testagony. _d and: . . n19d!('in9s' n the eurt to get R316. '35 . ., kvnt getting woysr. Since I began v, Muny.on's Dysrvepsll Cute I knit no .` felt In better health. I cln, `alt Ihn `I anything and feel my bntfnfter nll. am now '11; splendid hulth Ind attribute _ am "to 3hmynu`s treatumrnt,-.-and gm 3!! mecommeuding these wondertnl i _ "- Kunyonw`. Rheumatic Cam Ieldon hill in us- :1?-g1%mg:emmmmammnnv cc ' ` Drzpepdi can nlltlwil H3313 I i i~:"x}il:}"nizd7 1i1y' sfomach '!_o!!ur hoard! -thtqt tsu_. , goglngte Indfgauoa nu I munch mama; .u . . . . Il_nnyon' Cpl! cm mmnu pcnnonu an6 tyrants up_| cold lnt:vI Mill. Prim n I Dough @0081. .. s\\'e:?lr.IIlI1I manta |n.Xu:!t!dl it` 1:1nz:.- Price 256- - ' _ ..,, ____._ ...n-- 1 swenll. man autumn Ina spun lnngn. V `V "" Mun,yon'I Kxdnry .Ct5re.upeed|l3 emu-pa III ` , In the hack. loin: dtggzzlm. and at; tdrm kidney disease. Price .~ ' uuuyonm tuferve Cum mp: .ne:vomneu1i:I bums up the Intent. I l l 25. Munyoxfn Hudnche_ure OH Ihndxcha-In .......,...... ....._ __-_ ,_ _ theintem. Munyoxfn Hudnche Cure Ihdxchal 1 three minute Pun e. ` - Mun.vnn`I rm omtlggent possum: cum on " ;.;.;.. . am nn`n' men in I } (orm.q otp`1les. Price 251'. . 9 my . Ilnnyoui Blond.Cur! edlcl til IDPITMQ at the Mmd, Price 250. I . ` `. Nuh!0n'a Fannie Remedeo\uI I bani In on` women. _ I ` * - --- -_-_ An. 35., uxmqvu u on--... -.-._....., --_ _ , Munyonm cm:-rh nexedxes um, um` Cam-rh Cnre-px-ice 25.-andicltm the {mm the system. and the Catlrrh 26c.-cleanse andheal thq putt. - h!un'yon': Asthma Remedies renew II minute: and uxrepermanently. Prlcp Munyuxra vmum-,_ _A cut came and mun; vu - undue.-Hr-e7|'>ernVaaIient!:. . Munyuxra vmumr, I agm atomr of ma). menxth In want A umratecnre ml each disnp 2311 Gilli -._._ _.-..1.. on mm: : vial. ohmal wen: peg dismay clsts. mostly. 25 cents I vial. Per:on_nl. utter: tn Pro gIEs:'hikisz_1&. viii. .- Perionll, letter: Pm, Maine`: 1! Al meat, Tomato. ont.. maven-_ed wt me I can advice fanny dueug. 111.8 DIES {they that ES 'p'ixbTlc bi A notice given mo 9: anus! 1!! 3" zizutificggwttit v..m.. Q-In-ulauon of nut scientic mpeiitfht ` _ _ ` OGPYIHQIIE ~ lfor information nnd fme`En.ndbm write in BIUKX sf: C0. 31 Bmnnwu. lw 9n.- . Oldest. bureau for securing pntcntn lnune . Every pmnnt taken on by In in brmxgm. her 810 public by 3 run mo qrchaut 11; C7 .9, . ...L'_f:A Q Au:.|As:llIlI` , _ basin PA airman umcxmt. Writ"&:iny to: v!ulillusti-atedBookoxxPatentsaxi tho, fsscmatin story` of 11, I109: Inveni or whiz: made 8250,05). . Send ustrronsh-sketch ` `or model obyour invention auvo will pmm y tell you if it isnew and . `oroba ly patent_h1e., VA _ V - _ -,- .n,,_,-,n..__ tell I'll pmbzgily pa.ten_tah1e., Nunnmbnz, npngs f;}6i5;z1i1 Q Nunnmbnmonestsuvicmspecialty: - Tough` eases redectedf in other hs.nds~u1(I toreism anplioadons. :;_4_Hgnar_-_ (N W uv-rv v-vfvw--_ I'v V -51: circulation or my actentmg PC? `.$'i 3? .1. is lendldi must tr t` .' ....... .|..m`).I 1... wthnut 1:. eat I. il1T;a~.~ foreign applications. Ba2eronms:= gnnr- , able `l`.~. Bcrtlxiamue. Imllkiot f`*I1gPresse.,'f ` H'J1lDl'bI8 D. A . "Rum, Ihev1esd`1ng`newa,~_ . .p:tP0l`3. Banks, Ex was Companieazsn uliem ~ :v:.rry;1geiI1rrAI Pafennmcumci th.1'0 .. 4 our agency are brought beogq the public [ u Banks, x Conspameazan uuenue Patennrsecumdthw agqncy bemro the public 1: s In! notiocrin over 3(I)*n'L~wepape:s.j 4, 081% MARION Patgntxxnexts. ~ TexqQI_c;BuiId_ing1853t.- 5`amesSt..Mo;xtreak V The only rm of Graqnne, V % min the Dominion tmngmzt-ms. mien . axqluaiveiye Mnnhon;hi.pape;. - 5 J ` Largest pgsev word. lend1:.liyillustmt% hr` man a on I be mmout it. an year: xgwqmhs AI!v!rw~\ `V -'5 U` "nus ." `: `*~- ` " JWQL` ` I1` mecca :1 1 l`.; Bcrthinnme. 1 .uu..~.. : candle .ta;.+,' 3;] E- l0l',`I1l3 g,;'and mustn t Innn Hllv ast mare! r"nv\v -H1 Ave 3.1 .163! E0 e ligh some She .. a'l\Iv .. , ~ H00 QJ'3AQK& ` J ` am. soucmms. . B < - xormzms. 2 D--`A E5-uhr nnd TI) ' i ncf heat mm mm U '* bxdxiztshn Auviu-1-. n-`Anmewm. mi - ' :;` ~ ` ', 5!; '.&u--I ` '1 ` uids.` g ;1"&eu-~Iim` - min: `In Igjta Q3.-, :5. Q B. I`; T ~ - yaw j-A ranlvou . R 8 l Ul.W3W*"". V 'eo&i:m M .3'*I-`W B Congo! uduixLunf0r`0l1:h ,. ,._ -.._.... . `Imus! in `KATHY BA_I333'nn ABRI`d vI'El!8, Solffitonin ight Uourto ` Jqatiqe, Notniau Public Coqveylncer mu: Ovetanphol Tm-outo.Bame. ' _ Mom in mm oi 02000 Ind upwards, to bun .l- nu-Mint ` M011! 2:1 Inn: 01, us Loam t. :' H. B Mvftrut. Q.c,,. nun: G vv Iv an,---u ,3.um1smns, -snncnors of the supn=.ine' Qoutt, Proctor. Notaries, Oonwynncors. he. " lidoney to Loam. - _ 0|_1ic-es: -Ross Block. Dunlap street, Dame. \`v mxxmnx Acnw. ` -`Aux Covumx 8:1 n..1......|p..-up nntnrdnvn. mwnv I; nun ' .20. Orncnl:-rlaondon aim Csnvlim Chambers, .03. Bag nurse I r0nto- \ Telephone 2 13: - V--~- .v.uwyuuuu nxsu . lcphombe:-3. sum-dun. H. E. Inwxu. B.A. Jan. I But HAM: uvu v-~-ya B ` V CO'VE'YA`1\'CER ETC. s.. . ._noma:y_ TQ_;4 QAL_______7___ 'omm;.-1;ank` of Toronbo Buuaingii- exa street.'Ba.1"ria _ - ` ' ' halfe `aim: - _BAnnxs'rxm$.. s9Lw1_'ro;:s., Iacmnv. mm a aacamv.` Kb 1 _ GONYEYANOERSJG. 1 = Du.-mu uccurnv. (2.1)., F. E. P. Pt;-Lxn. Q.C, J.\ A. Mujumr. D. C. MURCBIBON. ` - BARR(E. ` Iccmhy. Pepler. M Cm-thy & Duncan, \ ` Altman and Crecmoreu V _lrIcCarthy. Pemeiacrzould 8: Mccnrthy, : 4 W ,.i a_ . : .n10KIl0F.`.:,BUA1w. 3Annxswus,%sn rs . eomrror JUSHGE munms. < V 4 2ua1.mcoz&vu..1m 3... Y. u....r. gs.-1 nk rf T5923: I33 " II--~ I.` wanna -auwun V . VOUEIT QLERK, wiil be at his Oivcein the Court House, Barrie, every Saturday. Bosidaneo snd-_P.O...Oookstowu._` -- - ' Comer 8txeeta.Bo.r11o . _ _ ._ PBJBIOIAN, mmmoultao (Late of Du. Hnrvlo & Smith Orillia. onto: my llnammms :-Corner Owen an HENNOX. BOYS 5 BROWN. }3ARRIS 1'ERS.' SOLICITORS Hwnmou Lrmmx, - W. A.`Bors. , , Gm. E. J. Bnpwx. . Harrie. Atlston and Crccmore. Lennox 8: Boys. Elmvale. H Bnme Ojce-Cor. Duniop and Owen stveehm, ~ Elmvnle 0ice--Opp. Hunt : Hotel. ` v llonev to Loan at lowest rates. ` lfff Ai}lIEB;" 8Ui{GEON," EYE [maxi `arc : door from` Y -`u-on.t and -Non, 40 0o`1ega meat, on a Shed}; Toronto, may be consulted at an: neon : Hotel, Barrie. the Iecond Friday '0 every. month {mm UKI$3ll Inn. 0 B.lfxvuI.` Pt! IEUIALV. EU tsunun. occ- Drncns AND mom Rmxnxmcsz Brown I Dlrok Dunlap Sh. Danie '.I.'c1aDh0n-?7- . -. "b 37. - can say on will. 1!" nm urn plrofilab `Bank nummn _io'ss. 1 iuuusmcn. somcrron, - 1..-.\wvv1n'-rv I `n 3? 15AI;ur.B;" suitamonf tan` -Throat and -Note. College . nu. w.. n. nao1"..Anr}:z." 9] )mm*is'r wm visit coRs`5wT's`E"a`:iir-If . [L :.,..".$;`:?'3;': !..`i,,$``x`x`g.ii`1{3.`.a.:$a3% M I1 . '_ _ nunn---'~" nu:ie..`8tay1ur`Ind'1'*39`*' i ` -`mum To LOAN..' ,,,_ . . ' .hs.:_F!AI. -_- -n-...y n{..Ip a. w". A..i:oSi71; maxi. F.0.P.,London.\ - - " ` PHYSCIAN. SURGEON. &c. s..u~n nm Nmm Rusxnxricsz Browns ;t she a" ;.'. .n.a | 000! lfvlu` JULIE LILIEOI1 '-lvnvuuv, :3 El) izcon :n|econd mu. -- . ' _ etaIARVBI_1AGlLIcl _NslL_rum .. . ff o;H. Lvon * \N<).ItAltne ss,esreqn!`ri3.d`~. ' A (op hx`aoeh:x1)?mh;:ra oxh 3600?)`- . .:tb.o00;tkoIxi.tha1a-ge numberfor mlgby `Ann: 8: cowan. _-_...... ..~.,n,u___._ .5 "H, 7 ' "` Orillia. Mgney to L951} at Lowest Rates ..u .n. an-v'v\:~ L. `n...i. 0. SMI'fH.` :;iima. T u my of each month. nulsmu Er, ewbonellsml Wednaday. > astot-Post`0ic_e. Bu-rte, Ont. ._;_ k ruin.-u:|As mo. [humus qutsriouj "mu mm n%nous7[ msciqtmvsciu oiIm:|AI..`_