vaituation; A To-da'y he comman[da"a,sm_l-M V ary of at xeastssqoxzo. _ . . . it '-Am1 I owe it 9.11."-- he said; not"1o'ng 0 ,f't'()'f'iTff?e f'\'T}; "*_coTh ss"fzx(tE""t rrgtt*:I" t nfed myself out at the old operator sL 6 'room." - ` " . 1 `3 .- I . . .... V MA1>E,_ A p11}fx.a:-Iizirqidrzt- ` ' a.;..~To1n,my -ATh` mg Fme a'or- he_ Iittihev iz ,one:sV; , "V -. . you: '2 - `_ _' "And s`ndA)'0'-1` |,aIone,.eh"!" ` . `" u-an -I___ `T-.. -..`i ca... '33: I.vu1_:, an I 1 `.7 "'All alon--`Jun uni! ma.` `WI dosh: here twggbloeks nndfup pl amimg. ham I ask yam g clog with me? It's bird ellinhin K you'll face what power-thy `cab 10` madivhen kou get to the t_op 0 homief Poor Jan-p'oor littvl-gel hard to be ai(.-k and without eithe otmedicine." . \ ' rv -n , L. _ ___......_ He went with me to a grocer, we got bread. and` fr'uits_ had and other things, and at every he` lifted up his hzinds and excl: lllV__J 1--_; 1...; 4.. h.:..1. I-E lI1fDCU HID 1-|tlll\A~) llllu vf-v- "Good Lem, we to think Everytl`;in'g is for Jan-poor sil Why, sir, when she sees all these she'll `think Heaven hz:.s`con1e. dc her." , ` ' ' ,.,,A. ' -2 ....`__...-. 1101- , It `was a _tenment of mu`-rov'I _ and ste1stair"`5Bd su'_1 a1[ rooxxis. was the odor of sexier gzis-`-the V some small of poverty wherevo nha it. You felt the.da.'mpne; you, cxnpectlad the/faces peeri a you t6 reflect the degradation place." ~ > uv- . . . . .....n ..:1 vv\n air" I `uuuv. < You won't fail me. sir, v\v 1 ed the man as he`sf,ood in the ` lighted doom"-.1y through which `y \had pzssfaed %an(1_i-epassed tho of times. 7 ' K "\\'hut do you mean?" Youfll gb_ up with me and_ s 1 and help me tell her all about i gellu" ' H --v... :m'..}. nu" 1 ea. ann wn1sp're;.1 Lm my ear; 2 "Tell her that 1 ll soon fine fnml things will go. all right ugai lgot a. clean frock laid away ,chest_,_ zmd perlmps you'll com 3duy and take her to the park % knows how I love her, but you ya word 0;`~.ts\`0 about thszlz if y ` Poor little Jan~ --1:061` little gel ` Al Mn nnr nn Hm Kixth fl ` 1'00)` name JaI1~--1:001` ume gag , At his door. on the sixth fl Vt wuii:ed.- for-` a. moment-, and _he ' nyra-rm, am! pm: his-mot_xh~c_:lo:_ ear to xv-hisper`: V - "She s` waiting for me to co: with a stale loaf, and I1er.e._w ` all that a rich man could wan? :linL1s1!_SLeL1l;LrL\gh_L1;L9_r1 wzmt to kiss you, and your 1 ,` mind it. Stand here in the t I I light the Ht of cTundlv3`." ' ' `Ha wrmf. hi` rm Hn_|`.nA nml`! > _uxll9v1 5' le chercheu llllll. . . .'\\*as it ])08SiNe`U1BLHli8 ro1!fxbora.t ion with this X rays ' {rpm which 59 much 1 : hiul been hoped. would prove a failu be? I Surgeons had beeh foxjcd to this con- _ clusiou much against their will. when, 1 fo rL\'1nateLl'y n youhg miini.M. Contra- mmilins. of the Labora1,o'ry of M'gcro-" 1 1 l'1ot`ogfaphy." under ~the direvtion of ` . M.-Renny. member` of the Fm-ulty of irfedicingu in Paris, came" to the fore and quieted-the fears of sc ienL'L~xt5 and atxtgens by inventing an a;':pam(us' r de.p1'-ojeqLiles," or ...|.:nI\ kn ' 4,-Ls|_.. u .Il(l S1110? _ - _' . "fL_ittI.o Jan is asleep...;-.AIn_' h>rave~ gall not to cry out 'i.dgzrkiies_swvlxen left alone? 00 and 'we ll wake "her uxrapsi tell fgdd ne\vs."f*'~' ` *1 . .- `We wnnf. mmr to thin hm} {goon news." . , We went over to the bad I And` in the dim" light "of the V - saw a. -`skeleton fofm \vi,th"g_h< ! lying on the old pieL1es.0f quilt ` pet. Hands which had wasted . ``cl'a.\vs were" .fo1 child s-1>rea..~.t, {ind har~.'~su.n} `,\vere- tightly closed. .5 . ' ' "Inn! Jnnl xvhiqnalrlad Hm T ,\V01`8- uguny ulocsell. .. "San! Jan! xvhispered the f 11! bnt over'- her. _ She madam: mov/es in 1".esp'o`1 - Poor Ja.n-poor little gem siqkamd ' hungny and does me. `Jan. father is home:-.0 um-nu!" ' V .venfso._ See? Shh. `ms , xx`-ithtxut ' a. `struggle. 5 ."o'uz _ xie\_'1sr, l`:no.Vf siklxexsg` amt '.'**T*" ' eyes!-" 3 7 W _ ._ . There was `not (die slight: ment from the xvastediforx 2 bed, and thg man" hn.`I1edjb Jsaid; ` I,` "Dunn 'l'un-,,'hnu'-. 'aiu' \\ ]iat,. _ Jan 1Ie:1d---1'an-~d -in th`d.:u-kness and alone mlpstshoubed, as he 'laid_ 118 1...... .' '\1'lQv3)\ 1:'31fP_QlE'l`. ` AUWLI . 11: uuvxuuuun uo.1uu_,u_w...,.., .. w'5\.I'"i)'I`~ fox; projectikw` which he "claims is .c-agrzmle of mveaiing witlLf.he ~ asolute. precision if 9. ". deu1i`mil|ime- ire" the exzrct location of a tail in the`, - ~ ` ., . . - I zuu:_ . _ _ - "Poor Aa\n- hqw- 3 souml ' s "Ja`n xs :\slee'p"`in"dmth;" W , _ = Z . , . ORIGINAL FAI;NT_ I now: __. V/V5-9!- xguxe Jaig ` pug nmuu. ` , < _ _ Th: {Faculty of Me`dici_ne in Paris was not, in possesdiou of the necessary funds `for stgrtin'g"7T?fT11ai_ntaining,a ra`.io- ` graph laboratory. and yet such a lab- >o_ratory exists and owes `its existence; . -T..n}"'%:.'..::;..$.71 t The: ' I. Qratury munu: uuu Unvn nu u tBT1f_I `contremouun; anztjimy; The` ` .formv_sr. fnscinatgd, by- Roentgen`a--dis_- ' M covery and foreseeingits Innmneraple M applications to 'surg`cry', procu'1'e:l_ uthis - nwn"exnense. `with the assistance of M. . "such 9; lgboratory. applications to surg'ery,procureq (LL-um owmexpense. the Kenny, thz indispensable` apparatus for `mu constructed at his own expense, "such 9. l_l)0l'3.I0l'j'. `He cowtructed ' m apparatus still embryonic. butwnhicn . nowever, indicatezl a_nd discovered with _n perfect precision any projectile in- troduced jnto a. brain. " E rum. nu-n.nI`imnni'. fi'rsit~sntisfnctori1y lroduced into mun. This experiment. first ~ stisfnctorily I 1:e'rlormed.aome six months ago, was most milogistically bp0k8n"0f by Pro- fessor Marcy. in "a-Vlectiiro at the Act).- "-iamy `of -Medicine. ' - ' - Wtanaw` became a." queaiin:-0'! con- damy or -Medicine. `It-~naw` becamb quisgbn`-'9.` ~' knew that he was doomed. 4 msvuctigg l_1e.app9mtus of`-wlnck_) 4 7'Co ntremou1in`s_ had _made th9'1n0(181."with la J-auntypa-.9 lwmeg. um ohieg; `of horror on his com1;anion`s me-e. he _ As he Extepped from the washroom ` _This called for an out1a.y`of.2.500f. Thisp .1 Supposw. said M, latter". ,--you . ax_hoi:nt'nnt torthcomingwt-he construwam ready` to express your personal 7 t..!0n01Lthi. U9f.`1.U`~I P1"`t5 Wcmm 1" opinions in" public as well as bend * rffddond V.`3"" -V""t".d`-`h,',I' Ma" your vi:tim a back ? . . ' 5y ma,d`eVthis." S-'1 1',V9`,t ' '3 h The opemtor never wavered aha;ir s `culled'it},Pmi`Yn 33% 935"` *9 U999 breadth. . _ ~ J . " j ' that in showing. thv: 1-enury 0 whwhe --1 am. he said, amilingly, "and 1 . scieucs V was x'educez1_ some generous can add. a 1it.t1e,to what I'al're9..dy< `patron might be induced to come-.for-`sa1(}j' And: with thatxha expressed l_1is wM' d0NW_ th n"_"53`5, Bum` opn`mn of the chief in still more vlg-` ' "This muneal was Inserted '0 L9? r8mI 3v-rurn n1g lzunnuinrm took his hat and stalk- ,`7'.`"1.r'`1 `" . - "."`"3, "' opinion of the chief in still v1g- Tms _'1 9'3'l W ".`3rtd '9 rm"3'r)ro us.langduge. took his hat and .and the next day a M. Desst;ux`sent ed out. . ~ - ~ - the` neceasa.r3 ,.2.Wf- to M- Mmbh M- It xvas`the first time he had been ah ~.'9.m" mu3 `ms the 1 numsmon idler since he was a..boyI He felt a `0 -Vlmh U19 .1'k ahgud on 1,1; 3'p`plI"" little dazed; Then he resolved on aluold sh `Vhmh W dellverei. t`h'm "3 stroke. H`eNi ou]d 86 straight to an- ;fA2ts;`1'erfected state; the brat of last other c-lty._f- ' A . ' ' nonth, ~ o_ _ ,. ' _i. BU_LLETS,TAKEN I<`R()'M~_BRAINS. {in a wee-.k` he `had se.v,ured,an.ex cellent .~.=... ..; __.g_.._.;. .. ~-..-..._n.. 1,... ..m_ To-da`y commnnds`oas;L`l- / E Tlmt-night` he wsis on his .wa.,With-t \* " as toilowrthe V4m.:.i..* ` ` V . .a ' ' ` 1 _ f lh ottt%iI "v 737m` ,,V ` , rtdioirnphin { , inll permit`:-d tha _ u,6t_1ncating` "' , `otthu bpll caJls.\f:or'-ithev 1 ' lholntn:-,.a,imi_nobi!ity; or v the cghohes I ; tuba inponnaetion with the \sensitive i2z'P}IJ3.' With this: am! in vigew. two ,3 81110.11. thin pieces of wood ntmseglatl in` iplaatar and placed on the upper part '?of`i`ha~ patient ; head. ml to them} is 9 a_ac:rew_ed`ak\1i1e`tal plate. 3 ` \ ` L; Th -pints suppora on one side of; {the h -nshutter. in which iasuo-lM massively * diapomci mo .phobog1-aphio, t `iplnmd. and -on we otne} side two mm 1 ` proved Crookes-L tnbex. joined in such Va. L manna: Is. to allow ttinm to be, moved ,in`any desired poaitidn. V L .a rxunvrnfznnpnrnr: 'l`HI-`. RRATN, ~ V . . In any an-siren punuuu. l I ; PHOTOGRAPHING THE BRAIN`. 1' Besides. .this metal plate) has on its: outer surface three jqintdarml. whose . xlrmitiea are placd on` thazthreein _ guide` marks onfthe ]`utient`s face ; these f _.r.mprks are. goiiox-ally. one on the fux:e- h .,he`A and twoou the. cheeks. This ' prnnry upparutx_1s bong thus dispos-*1} 5 ed, and t-aHe<'l`_the senrchi11g a;:par- I - Mug," 1; photographic plabevis` slid into :i r "(.110 shutter and is Worked by sanding 3; t current `from a very igowerful Rhuma i. korii coil. giving a thirty-eight .ce.nti-3.? 1 me_tre spark, through one of the H . Crookes `_'tubes.' . I - yi A1 lkn and AF 1: H4 f an h0ul`C` CTOOKBS `_'!lll)E8. g I At. the end_of 9. que:He:~o an hou_1_`;~ n'.rndiogm_I'-h is` oblainej. After, this g 1131;; is duveloped, the Shadow 01' tlwgr` ball will be distinctly seen in the in- 4 terior "of the brain. The operation is m- j newell by means of 8 secon'l nlate "am! a serond Crookea tube. ln_tbis way two pictures of the same hall are ob: :1ane_d, occupying tliitgren positions, .3 1 for ihe re~a"sontha:t the Luminousocus.: : of the "two Crookes tubes, occupy dil- feront position? in ro!at.ion to the hall ' and the shutter enclosing the plates?` Wm run!!!` nlnh. in Hmn r51.m(wHd`fl'0lIl amt the shutter enclosing me p|uLua.1s The metal plate is then rexnovedhom , 1 ` the 1=atient s heud.i\vit'nout disturbing ( . If, we now prolong the focus of each of; the diffvrent parts of the apparatus. if the (frookes tubes, mid the centre Q2! the 2 -ihadmv of the hall n'1Y`the corres-I 1 ponzling rnztiograptfitc p]ate,s"hy Ineuxlst 0H.hremls,\\'e reconstrlict the path ofl tt1e.1'uxnirio11s rays. The mint. at which ' ` t.hese~ threads cross is the `1:oi_nt at which the luminuus rays had but amo- menl before met. This, then is theceu- ' -tre"of the hall, and the point at which 1 A; the ttireuds intersect each other gives` 4 the exact position oftha ball in the ` brain, at the moxm-nt the radiogxmih, ` was taken. -This nppnratus M. Co'n't1'c~., munlins (-alts The co'x11;'as.5chcnm." ` and by it regulates the compass o op- - _ efutiou. . . `BBIISIHVUV IUD. . f There was Evan-ant rofn that had- i u ! been occupied for a long time and s the chief one day took possession (f it ` as a sort of `nriyate. office. The ; ator whose story we are telling` didn't ; I glmow ai.out "Mtge. and that veryi "`d:iv W-lieir he he in-`ne*l*`t.o `be inthe:'; _ washroom-\vit'u (meet the .hoy.~3_ he o;:eu- ti ed upon the chief in a particularly,` ,` gevage fashion. The washroom was-sop-_ ` .3 "grated by" the thinnest kinl of iarti-vi; tion "and every word could he heard ` glistinctly on the other side. The `o;:= . `orator dipped his face over the wu_sh-- H basin 211121 (is he sputtered oml splash-! h `ed he blessed the chief in` o. shockingly 3 ` ~ left-Ihantled wuy. The -mztn~with. him " " E tried to stopthe tim he could-2&1 'n t catch his eye. nor could he geti` y near enough tojhirn in time to shake" *5 him. Fimxlly the other man exhausted ` " himself and turned Meg witxlx in tow- ` el in hie hands, Then he saw the look`. his_com1:onion`e face. He ` F was 1-` washroom `."with jaunty.oir. '5}, ""1 9` are T` - '_ 39 Thu nnpminr never wavered other city. . - . . Q, was way._With- {in secured. an.ex'cellent ,_ 'l`o-dz_1`y` L 1e`$(()l20. .- . . -~-~" it C "g'bif"t o: 'Li"fi`e'1I;`""Tn0i'7th'e'fb;(:1f"t xrat*:}' 4 .?a_ n. tired ou"t o1:emor s G it. M` T V ` ' ` eu 011B. Eden V he flfhen hqreaolved 8. hold H`e`wo_u]d go stxfaight_ l 'I`hn| nnirrhf.` hn W '14 on his wnv. `Vith-I i 'EllI'(3l)CI'~ tor pro_1ecLiim,' wuiuu uu , _ _-- claims i'S.( l1'.l)l6 0f`l'x"VL`:l.llng An III-Gunram-I: I.[N'N`lI l.r_d_on to mg: in we h1'~l' "0 ML) 013 U19 0l_>-1t1.'- ` m"5O1ul~e' of demi_mimm0_ 0;u=rnIo|:'s l~`orl(uic._ V .'lh6. day before u l.l1I`.Shing 18 an un- . ire" 7 It isn't Gas) . t0 W M100 Fill m`M5!1 i `"16 i" ""9 " h1`1 [ 0' lT bmm V > My ; well by `:1. mzinf Some of`lie'r apji'urnnt- former. The \\'0lI10ll knoxir by past ox-u V _._\._I _ STORY OF `THE; -INVENTION. ` lg-I liiirrlrist knocks an, all for. tho vie-1;eri(-nee wliiLt_ appotiteg are possensod '|'< ' is ammaluB' which only Mt me ;lI"S`VLV';O0d. It crusliing pieoc of 11.1.18-Kill) those who are eiigagecl in t.l11`eE:'t}l1lng , ` ' lltlndfi of its inventor Jifteen diiys ago, Ii vtzgttfsqlrfayone ttl:I::n'5 0?-:1-`unt; e}T?(img.h' `:0? 181- m.?k.e:1.,u&n1`11 Lit` *~-~--ha:}-a-lristory-oomieol4id7\,.x\1iic1i_..f `gr. 6. . r, mm I-:1 0 `is I) 6.94 `O e`e"_ J. m ,y'll; I is worm muting Itfimvention not `orts. 1.1 no in one castrto aver,,-A__hee;HsrnearlgHiJAo5.killni.Llho4g!1-L. m3 d93 hr L *3 1n'ldg Owl u;:I[l(5ty\:?l'llS '9. telegmiih oreraior and ii. ` fO:e"lul1'qjlo?St mP`['Au'E!;dlS(li:1iflv\(:"l1Ell`!f` -- "t`"iLY fl M` C"Lm5`"5 um good `one. bulzlie wasn t'.Ii-n favor \ViU1& l\1fI\81I"`.i: `Zoo, are vnmdef ! ~_7-*`#_>mW.Rmny" but it Msomoves thiaubere Me 1 tlieicbief. I.n fact, the chief didn'l'. L~os- . by "3 d7`9' and l Vldtw` knives` ) t slill `some 18l`S0!18 in France intirest-3 A _ . . . . ` , and f-'>T`n mill Othlel` t8-`J10 M9 3-Y3 emu h `in Scientific reseamh to w_' .53 _y.f"`d3 ` U19 L053` H liorrowerl from near neighbors to 1'10`. 3 ' i ` -l was (llS{:0SB'1 to be sharp and quick with , commodzile the ox;:e:-,l,ed helpers, The t 1 courage them" 8nd` to %i1egn and telegraph operators drg '3 3.}.`S0, threshing X113` t whenvsucli asaislunoe has been deniedisensmve lot i 3 . chine is driven into the barnyard and 1 ' l c by N Sate I V l " " ' l , " - - . - - , 9 ` `"f' mom mt in the yard the old "horse-power`f was` T135 .F.a'3\ _ M96191. m, Pam M lI set"1fp and connected by an iron rod_ w FBe_3\\E` f le neesnry 11253 look "1! M19 I110-`v`11in8 iDSi(18- HWVY P03 E` slotting an?! maintainingo ra. .io- miyamomce. wero driven down to_keop tlio ,li_o_rso- 1.` to. 11 lalioralor , st . , , _ . , .. . l?0\i'l`-" in D13-and 3 '93 in 1'9 i"l 3 P 3' 3 arn zlinn l: new for the m"0.._ - > 4: -....i...... ....:.i`.. nml nudu `Eh: nvisilnnm lrnnuu n` nuf` h'.. M r` ' ~ - ' - A . -.~ ,-_~. ..,-n and llml varvi rim. im.....m..u-`icalf umsi ' - V - - .~ .2 .. nnniotliinu fixed in place on.i.ii o bari_ilflo'or. Oul. LUCK IN nxisauxst. mm!%9rWORifAW 's`*-ifss @n8t%A%AI;{%?{%A%l` ~ _ fcouurnt ra1gn.snxxe;'f ,__l luv II : an ;.:lnug;- _Pg\i: A Vllrltesl 3-. rgugiagis;-1g_uon Axum 1nn_!rIn_.aOn`.In`-_ ,' 1* ' The oiqia ho:-do poworthrshing Iachine wag` doomed `tronwc1_n day =1 when a. smokestack `(la invented which `f ipresxexited sparks an-om` `finding their ;!\x*a'y. ham thir _t'u-a box to the traw Some "`bomTpuwra,;nay still.-` be found. but for thimumat part tbs! `* have`ben_ displaced {and _t_ho ktm wfhistfu governs t\.he'\hour's of gtarting and quithng work-at fiall-thmahiiigs; xv..." .. u.......|.:-.. .:.. .....o nmut Hm nuu l`llIl_|.ILI3 'Y`VUI'B |0 lull` Fl-l5W|l|l-l`l` I Now a threshing.-ii fjnstg about the` 1 imoat important'w0rt,\:ransacEBd turn I Marni` in it year. When arnxer gets : %hia`grain a.1l`.rxix'el)' garnqred i1_1`hi.s big , `barn he naturally`--wanta-rm-know hbw -1 iinany bushels of wheat."otc., tie, i5~3o,-~" 3 ing to have for hissuiim_1er`s"work, and g {he also. ivamts to be in; a position to {E ghke p_rompt~a.dvantuge of any high 1 ;.prices _ot.gmin which may be going 1 Qgzhortly after harvei_qgrSohe-rm3!ke8 1 L '_ arrangement" ith the Ffrietor at a , \ Exhreshiug machine to give him `mums viof days and turn his shaves of grain I into a marketable commodim N9\V:;_a % glthreslling machine is, or was :1 my ` .Iyears ugg, seltlonroxvned by 0. single . proprietor. Two or mom, brthers i `A we fx'eque'ml3? joint owners, or s_ome- ` i times there is a Irarthersnip of others ,` than kindred. >And"~it is -asily~tha , I. hardest life ig the world whi_le masts. =on1`y a, man who has` stood the dust fiand hea._t. and exertion of a hard day's ,n.. I._.... L... Len-.4 3 threshin`g_ 1` the work ` LUIS WUIA I5. V I _ E It is an unwritten luiv amng farm- Iiers that they will. ` at threshings. Apart frbm. the pro-`. _ prietors of the machine. and the or0'1n- ary farm he1p,_eig1rt;or `ten men ara required, and the}: are gupplied Ihom V the neighbors round, who reeroife help ,4 A...... ...n.-.. u\..:.. nvlvn Hu-ndhinrm L110 uUl5uIJ\uo Lvuuu, nuv .,............V, 1 M in turn when their own threshings come Tit. Bill Smith sends overllis. two`? boys'lo help Bill Jones thresh,zu1gl \yhe}n k the*B'Lll Smith threshing cdmes off couple of Jorfs` boys are always foundv pay obligation - n.._....I.:..... :.. on `nu. 1 ' The l1o1'se.go'.\~'er~ self wassomething. for the ` `;`l'1ke (I.cTfcuT:1f"1'Hiil form. f613aUT"'df~T)e- Hug turned urouxrl upon u massive 1 rframeworkv beneath, At intervu1s:'i . Llxcrq projected` from it long pbles-~. .5 some half dozen in i1u;nber-'-to which ` Hhe tcztms were ztttziclxed. Upon these 1 Heams being drivejx around in-a circle? "I mum rant 1'.` DT_A'I`Wnm\1' 1 .'l"U,.|`4' \VUL:lS .l, 1.:AlJ!LjL\.Lu ! turned-around also and caused the rodv t Ho revolve which `connected the horse. power with the threshing inachiue. in-i " `side -the bVarn.v'1`his'waa the motive Lows ; V `er .'wh_ich caused the machine to work.~}.i and which has rdcently beerr*'super~i ` seded by _s_t'ea.m~ po\\'ET117Tt1TrB1.xhing : mochine- it.self=.\:Iassuolly` pjaced cross- \v,ise of the born f1oorVbet.wFen~the two main doors. The\1:ower_rod eamei in 4 through one `of time; and the "jcarri-%--( era" ofthe nluchixio took the atmwg. ` .outathrough tho other ..u.x_xdv.de11osited5 ' ,_ it in the ya1_'d.'wh~ore*.tit;\v:'1.s lpuilt into` I { attack. __7 ` - - _` 31 A... nnrlv nlnrf. in ahmvs made ini '11 `u &"SCB.0k. V` . gm An early start is alwaye in; ' threshings. vAt half-past `six or an,` - quafter to seven o clock. the driver; " of the liorse power took his`-stand upon? it the platform. the teams allhavingiu lgeen hi.tuhed.'to the poles, and with 9. 8 ~ crack of his =whip. and 9. prolonged`: A whi.etle,raturted the machine going. 33` The driver of an _old-timxi horse power, ` was always `looked; up to in country.. districts, ~'1`he amount of threshing ` done in a. day de_[2an`de largely upon his skill, in {lin-ndlin.g the tezmis.. and` his whistle was al\v&'y8~t-118 same-whee I; "oo4oo'-wheat--em1' was -always- 61-iv , lowed by :1 crack.` of his whip.-bsoma-1 . times he-ahd a.e.o1L1@_'i42_'1..t u1:o_n. more"? times he had a. chair to sit upon, mare 0 . often an old.box_ and `he u.l`\v.v.ya c-.he\ve_d_V'_g -mt;acc0.;:und..om11tl,,&L\3e'0%1Y- 1iL=.i.B.}_19R' 5 .. m. ..~...A.m ha. 1. mirat10n~of. 't`1rv.7sauqpu\gu mg over. 9.1 h91e33f=F;1i.AA "vwa: awret. bein .dow n_ then; `x`0&VdLand_1a `er. He used-to bet-he o.-zimxrapmn-Lon .tmus.s._<: .. _ _ - u,|1"if1;a small pays" at 'thrthrash_m8- 1""1`heu`,s'w11ere the old Ylixan-_.coma_ . Imaging then` as mow 'F99k6d-fli"f Of *iu.-M1116 always did in any real emer-j -1\.6fWT ~$h911V3`1`5Si!l8~ high on either. jenny. He was walking. around ' 13, side o.th_:3 re:1: 11a'i,xtedthreshing. m`a- ;.:/ring, vrmmrback 4()f-the Mgiraffa. and ` chine.. In this .ui0\i(_-a t_aIl`(1E'.UI1'ee or .a1.o ngs!de*ofIhim. n`d.kegaping zysruxosot fogxr stuycly sxin-1iurne:1pou_r'utry`youths to 11imi8.i3he' op1x1d..iu1ti`wa.iting-forgx H ' or-ymen with piu;horl:`\n"')m1'(1 - 1c.nanc o.vj Prgsen-:3saneragtegtash '`.'-VT:`. - .'.`.fD {Eon E'J.`I~IE 's 1>Mw:-2~ in'9H`-he`grea-.`8.9 .6 .aVr o.vcnL in 6 air. - V . .2 `-my . ]::`e'[xf1:.k[ed::i':I1+"VAf;l i `.sxa;;:7aie.v2ga,;a;x;. Elia: an ;.Wcti.on'V%6i>uI>1d" :-arn.-m_id: L'TTH'1*`*}`3H` * V " * L " ` t}xeJ>6I1tzje;I10s10t`- Hunt .1: vend.~:a9. V -the)` um)` readilyApa;gf&I1ll$918i[hQ0; W .haa,ata` ieI,1t~' (list.gi_11`ce8l fx"(..I, 11""`eei..5`,J1V'v 011t'(s',t`, `so tlm /mu t1ie'&ntu>'o ng xrcifii`xi1 . -aheavs;'~!1`liHna}>ia*+>t4e- ` -_ ~ ~ ~ V - = a.iz.ed=..:1~neI1furteax:Mo'E1;1`"...V,~, 1 %`e]3?f}3t~s?3Z`?g3;"Em an fc$es1-5 3? t)3 `:*.t1`9 z` ' Lhoardgwyhara`;Wqn;.;tttio" lxe`< - 9 ' ;outt.o.x`. :. ;. I111 h3';,ol(l (lag ` * was n'o_;; kuown 9.I`i'('TV$l.'1e'_a_vI 1_ . ~vi.t'1\-izrtvwv barx `<;>.nV 52116: 9;` ?fi`e141,_VAa Veitgcgh` `ahnti . ' _ ~ ,ned~ upon. the boirrl. was my .3 with.-ne-.struk9.0t a lye.` ` x' .h6V10I0Se#10i17mB64" L teadefr who st`9oc%.j . 56,-V 1.10,`-`C . "5jllt1,.;. Wh,'u`1i,E , the; hcira W\v`a; -9, aid 11; mplyqfthia Iuyiqdex *9 5_Pik3`.39th ' bggd HELP EACH OTIIF-`H. I UB1-Hg ULIVCLI pxuuuu nu u \4 THE WHOLE PLATFORM .,1 ...........l n`nr\ and nnnuml Hm uuu U101 l-Lvu VI. a noun us-_y .4 . can really know how hard 1,, >_ 5;; `x:;w;`\ W : >, 7 V x,m!Un:;mv1;nr1on :2: V wanna!-. T - :4`- ; . .-._ Sud ` Tin` Circllnl'l\lI( (`<.ANl!lI(|I',{' Ih l.o.w'ol' n Annromln. mg _ _ . _ 91, ! We lost a lag analronda once, saul ny_ tl:o.old circus mnn..`fin the mod; singu- LUV lnr manner yom'ever~he_nrlro{; =you m__lL-BT11??? 'gF'If6\Ffi'f"y`6u' should guess ithsfor forty years. def " .l`l\is was at. the time when we had V03 ' he great eighteen-`foot giraffe that live - t: told yon about and, by a very singu- lihe ` lnr boinc dence, this anaconda was just ma- the some ength-just eighteen fast and long. Il.,.got.` out ot its cage one day, ` liow nobody evsr l:nevv.a1xd strolled rgd over to where the giraffe was lying. ostsfoutsillo the;big;_ tent. `asleep `on the 1'5-_`i-grotlnd, What under the "canopy could 5l_"lxavo possessed the anaconda to collar 1-mg"t}:e glruife, I don t know, unless fit .1,r`jvasj laecaussritwvas thefirst~'-`- living * sive tl)ipg it came across; but it begnn coil- :_1_3_:'ing itself nround the girnffe s bond; hick. itliad taken two turns, `I " guess, `when hose thogirnfle woke (113. .- ' ;...I..! uLI..:.'..1.L-..-...w u`r..n mm! In... chukk- the}_{.,!ieV15e;;g;ViIs iV.e:n::.t19 min _he no mB.'~: _ 3dguV`hg";d 'Wu' "3 with. o;,,u{u awn is; min;carrxiug_4meVmet8, rfbilya the ber w wn3 f wxtvith a was 05 am: ; I ' 57311! I . tnl!*iL.V?ih s we vtchi:~1, !T*!% 91?*{ ? ' ' was stfpmeh to}ll 0%. V Ater * _ grainbaabgon rim straw 33.. up mam at my ' threshing machine and `xtalia L npog 3 ' platform. whence it is passed along , `into another xixowr, unless it is the in- . entionlo build a atuzltaiin th'=._> yard. " But; whatever is theanntentxon. mn-rs rrlnnndm Inn "39) VII-IHUUVUI 1 VHS V , was HA1mm'2 JOB A. ` .l_r0'hM;l xrfhreshing" machine is at the head of the carriers. Thehmen in the Islin-`J-av-van; . eaves are heavy and hard yo get out, b but fo1"downright,toil. the man at;the A head of the carriers gets by fer the worst of is threshing. In the first and ii: the lsecbnd lace he worlgs` in an atmosphere at duet and `chair from _-mor=n'mg~to .. straw to the man whostanjs next to him,~3nd then it finds. its way through -qtauck--.=.:Bui1ding \~,a`etas;k in rt`-yard is a nice job for 2: man who understands hix.w6rk, but it is got an easy trick to build it symmetrically and proper- ly. and requires both skill and experi- ,_,,m_ . . . _ . Fret mow have a. hard time, as the V p!Va.ce-the carriers keep piling straw in L fr on,t`o him in : n ver-ceasing stream j -night.- as moveealnng the , many hands to the.aecon:l mow or they UIIUUI _ V _ I: And` so all day long at a threshing t the horse power turned round. the , sheaves tell from the mow andiwere fed lnlothe- " machine`, which tnrnorld them into grain and straw" an-'.l chaff.` . Taking away chaff was considerecl a good job for no small boy `or on old man, as the work was light. Long be~ ` fpre noon the `whole barn wo,uld'be full of dust. 'nnd when tliexlinner horn ' sounded the -. times of all the men V would be black with g'rain smulg At a , threshing {or hour on hour the only ` air hreatlied is lalen with fine particles of ohzrff. ziii the very lungs of the" . - men are filled Willi` it. They-come out laughingnnd "jollying" each other _ about being "l>ushed, all the while coughing up saliva that is hlm-k with v the (lush which they have inhaler]. "I'l'iE'Y`wnsl1 .their grimed faces and` hands in tin basins fillad from rain `mater h:,i1\rels. and maybe" they ,il_on't ' - do justie to the dinner '-1'>r`o\`r'i_rle' for ;;them! Usually some girls from..neigh- ` 1 honring {arm houses come over to help in serving the tah1e,zin the young men banter each other about these or 3 . other` girls. `But it is all good nnturo )`lat.a threshing. good nature an'l~the I-llinrilesi kin'l of hard work. When the `;'Ul`fS?}i1l1,P`lS*0\ P'*H)_e-f3I`-!]\BP- is in, 41. "H:osiii'on to sell his grain, my off his is` help.` and count the profits for the :_ season. . - {TOLD BY THE ow cmcus MAN. ; Mung, gnaw bun. . . . _ '1he_ people didn't know what" to - ma.k_e_ of it; first; they kind 0` thought :13 it was part. of thsshowy though they` Eiucted us though they thought it has 3; 9_. pretty skeery pai`_t;' but in-about {le .,secpn(ls they realized what it. was, and . _, then they: thought `they'd had theii` V `}`_lI}0n9y's worth,`-`and they. wanted totgoi ` n dud they didjgo; dropping d-:mn"'rpii1 dv the buckaoi the -se9.ts`,Wg>.i1d. dc;\\'h` :6 through the se_>._ts,5 and. getting outtanf 1'-E wvaythey cqruld; and leaving. `the -big` " = giraffe thb_res "1{astlingi with} the ana_. }g` 0OD(ll:&nl{ thrzishing it around and :d's1att_ingVit *'do3wn,' and making _eIvery Q'7:TiT)i`t`T0"shgke' git, but1V'i_tl2out :zu1 y, . 3 - -(`5ff"t.,-..1: ,`,,.__ -,_ _' :1 '."'I`hnv\`a'u'1hp.rn Mm Md xman-some 1 J um ,5.,`...u Ivunu ..,.. Frightened? Wen, now! The shdiv was going on--just. started for the at- 'ternoon performance. -Thev clown was '_w`a1king :arVound th ringvpracking his 3 whip, whep in_%r_u's hed the_gimff_e, sway-A `ing `his long neck undnracking his ` _` whip, the lashkmade of fifteen feet of, _' anaconda, which` theg giraffe lashed ` around in the air and slatted up ;.agai_11st `the n 9.n xza.sTroof. gnd slalmmetly 4 :"do\\*i; on the. ground. ju`m;.ing around . lits1i,mgd. rd been in the `snow bus}- : miss some ti-nib; but I d"Ee}ver seen aigb-. ithiug1;u u ._ _ ` , .__ '- |. mm... ......`..I.. Jul-"9 lrnmxr whnf fn um x my--Iuum 4 ` ` rudnexmumeiummn 12:3; with lei A)punuI'n':~ In um `I; ieteucr. `g ` .3 E3 rs . It tnmldjunot to :urg- I ~h`u bean cane one batter. Science more pertocbaystem 9! ; ":hfera1in1ng> npo`-n {g Veagvapt location . ,. . ;,....:....",n)mtnnm in tin hnmani 3.. ._. '- pbnndn 'o'ta:gn, Mt:eaIx,bo!.phc,o 159 I = k.*h!eI& mar ~:m1,L.wit1Y:, . Lat it oomn_lmv1y nu ma b6i1iug'p ", LhenLausonL to Last: vritlusl MW?- ....... .x......... ....x ..n...;'.... .9 IR-hit, l~l1UlI_I6GIUl1.Ml IJIIB WVIHLIDI mm. cloves and :jllaV;iiVeo` \? ikia .`.:.~......... ..n.._:... nu}; :..'.; n :. .n'.;..-In" it c_xuvus* um glaugfvu wuxfm. agu I aimxjnmxowx thtggiitixinlluin .2! nacessa ' r * Va *- clnselyjzylxat g dBa:'1;?hu_jrn. - Wm ' done ichon sny 1ce' 1 and um itintow. ormoldc .un< praaa_ hard. wm perfactly cold ~ out uni auiiatter and, gnrnish ` wmthmld alioad gggs, lamon or purslay. I = cbic`xen`Pot;1*i_e.+-cue-`up a chiqkan e and ste'w'` done. .' Season with pa I ; ~pex}, salt. butter, andxicksn thegravyzi ; with o;1ittlo- our rubbed am`ooth ~jn:i 90111 watcr.` , up dough airfor b1s-` wit, mu, thin. -out in small .aqunm_s 1 va'nd'.d`rop into the gravy. Lehborl fifteen minutes. ` ~ ` " . 5---..- 4...}- ..... "V ` unsuuwu -LU.Il`UL.--DI}|IpU unu uur TdiIiIn4sii:$ cnr1: 1theiI1 and slice very `thin ;; boil until_ tender in Vsligh tly- salted` water. drain addua lump of butter rolled `in our. one-half cup ofsweet cream. silt and pepilpet: 0 V. to tpstau Letrbpilup-:rnctsers2e Rnnlr _.'I`wn tnmcuns nf'lixzht bread |-U l.{lB|6- ` L:Gir}J-u up'-`auu mu": uvu. Rusk.-Two tea.-cups ofV!ight bread sponge. one_`cup of sugar, halt`-cup of butter, two beaten eggs. our enough to make a stiit dough. Let rise-and maker into high biscuit, let rise again. sift. sugapaad cinppggp, ovggj Wtho _t9p g_ /a.nd"bsko: " T . M n_u:._, n_,-__ n-\_- n_,....... ...... ....... Q V953! Golden. Cream cup of sugar and one-fourth 'oup of but: tor, add one-h:i.lf cup of sweet mitk, the, beaten whites or three eggg, one and one-half cups of flour with one and one-half teuspoonfuls of .buk-ing powder sifted. througndt. Bake in layers _be- tween whichTaprea,d a cream made. of` 7 the yu1ks'of the eggs, one cup of ugar andltwo tab1spoonuls"of thick sweet cream; beaten together until very light. - Flavor cake and cream with vanilla. . ` ' ' A4, _:_L 41` ._..L ....._..l'- milk. one and v0Il'hc').lf"t&b168p00l1fu1S Vj Hell V aunua. Cocoanut` Pie.`-One pint of rich sweei:' of `corn starch, four tablespoonfulsi sugar,` the yolks of two eggs and three! tablespooniuls of prepared cocuanut. Bake in one crust. covenng with af mer- eggs, sweetan and flavor to_ taste. eggs, sweet.e.n and-flcwored to taste. u:..)....... mun M.....n-mum _.`I`nLva mnnhx U555, a\vl:cIxn nuu uunuvu uu twawvu I Hickory Nut Maca,roons.--'.l`ake meats` of l.1icko ry-nuts, pound fine and mix wit round spice; make frosting as. for c ke, stivin enough. of the spiced iiiaits tofmnkeix-onvenient to handle;t flour the hands and make the mixturei _intobal|s the size of, :2. nutmeg. lay-. them on buttered tivns,.giving` them! mum to spread; bake tn. a quick oven. `run. Au.lnn Du'IIn and 1-Ara 1: Raw. 1U_Uux pu opxcau, uunu In In -inn... v....... W`. Iced Apples.--P.u`re and core a doz- . on large apples. fill, with sugar and M a little butter" and nutmeg; bako inn-13;: 'til~nea~rly done, let cool and renrovoif to another plate if it. can be done \v1l;l1- I out breaking. Ice tops and sides with icing as (or cake. brown slightly and Se .ser,ve,\vlL9_1rtiLI1-_..A ._ I ,1, __ __. In in 8!. M.ince_.J3iL`..'-_-J`3t1il.....ImslL he.L...QLlK19 . and. chupitine. Chop two and 3. half: pounds of beef suet.. two pounds of fat U salt pork.` Reduce tho gravy that the ' a] tongue. was boiled in `to one quart. w : Put itwwitli the chopped" tongue} snot`; in f and pork. and add oub"qu'art of boiled? 1* cider, {he pounds of ruisins,.five.pounds v of currants, one pound of citron cute hi 1 small, one pound of bandied _ora.nge. peel out small. a quarter of a pound; 1, .of_ best ground oinnamon_.,, `Let this; 1, come to a; boilnadd a little; salt. Put 2 ' away in sealexljaxjs until wanted for 5_ 1` use. Then to abowl of meat adder, ` bowl of chopped sour appl'es.Agree.u~-; ` ings, a. pint. of Madeira wine, -the juic ; foTt\vo lemongfiifeil riniI"'b`f1\vo lexiii lemons. Put _sma.1l bits of butter on . 8 top of pie and gadd oxtra, raisins" and} E grate _over`the top a good sprmklin ld of nutmeg. and onleach ie pu l .a. cooking ,spoon-of brandy. ' ave 9. 1 good, tender qrust. and you will have ( an excellent p194`; g ' - `1 1'\......'.L.....l~."3 0 Anna 1 Ann nf enn-gr nl 'g%QX m.1N!I,F"` P`-. F*~.*'% ? "7"'"`:;o V mtouixn `mu:-mo in the human 3 p ` --.i 2...... A. vmmt nmlmdad in 1: Illlvu `lIII`1wo Qreamed -Cfrt.-$0Al IpO iohr um` .. 5.7" ` V 1. .. 11...... um! exceuenx. gxga_ _ ` _ Doug'hnuts";`-f2 eggg. 1 cup of_sugar}; `shorteningihe size of an_ agg_.-1 map of; gydet milk. onedheaping teaspoonful of` baking powder. V flour to make a soft` dough. - `P,oll -.thin;. out_,witl1, a. cake cutter which has aholoi mthe center ;! .f;vyi_n V fDon t gbove-a`ll`things,`. says` the `gir1_wn-k;no,vtsh all ar,ouc= it, e"_c i~oss the,1;mings (if your sh99s_from_t_he first holps ' nearasg thmog all an Vyqy up, . {line first five pairs of -holes ther "lace-should. go ov_r. To _do`_it haveeae `_` 1 string: alittle lpnger than "the othaxj. Let the shortstring rest; in: the centre M on tha tongue insidethe shoe and?-`ith V the long strihgh lace `over and over V those rt ve `pair_s_'of ho1e_s.. eah tixiV1g_ _` '(:he'stxing is,ciu'r_led' across, crossing ; uhgier the;idle'-qtlfing. With 'thesixth .:_ ..'`!L..I.... Mn... vvm nun ul-rlnrru anal. uupuu` \vl1V.MLl.U `ucu5. n wu vuv_u-.-wu zir of holes tum: ma txvqstrlngs \,D.d;- . lace a.(>r * as IS` onstomar-.y.. There is nothing a` ma_n considers so stylish`? and what wo1n1,im t~ aE*woman- do not - to be styIish?-'~`jo.,s'a :,shoe laced with the_ .t\vo/vstringfcroasxng each Votheri from - toxrto toe. ~..Tnv}. next`. time you age in_a., room or M in a._ '_ can: with a `number of men ify,ou;Lw|l.l_ noting .t`heirv _sh9es iqugxvill {Ind-that if Qheyure wen . v `r3d"eYeryshoaftIas*xa.-!aoecross~ ing over. and '/over. .g"t'. the `first jfive hn1m':4L~-An.r-~whnn t'.hia`-.crir1 who _ ing and /over. .31`. um -ursr, , Iwe - hQ1e2'1ii?;1i,Antfwha1j. thja:.gir1 `fxvho , =ws.s" `first Initiated ino~ thia T being in .ths:1eQunr;,ht)_ _8atT 5' x1ow1\;t11en;:a.n<\ them-tn - ft 9 . country ; `road and .lao9(1` h,e.r~.s_h0ea jn, the proper ` ; 'n1_a.`nn$r.W, mgsistp pan them `;~tx[e\1,xxg : .lAop1;`acma_:e!5g;. , 5`-"l(f3};j_i20;k'16, of w _ `ityimn eXe9.!leq V .t)18i'1f_})l{l,y:t;1\i_!X 3 L ? 1 ' \--11 `Sputum Iu_uAv -um... H >. v.u;-ig bullet mpejaaea 7.; , ` `tin btiin msyfnowbe rembvad without ; `tug nu Wot the patient, 2; `.5319 mrgeonq Wer :_th9'tirt. to com- . -pmnsiul. ,th_e`prwtiqg1;igportancg ot the i ` ~_di,lcWQrj` -01-the X rays." But,'a,few.. , his Jkpgad cite;-the never Vtg` be for , ~_ qommuicatiou ly`Professo3:Iio- -,- ` .untg'enf botaro tho_hospiala of Paris.` fvnn using the "mdiogra.;3h`-' or the "_mXlosope" for l0cEiTxTg"(oreign*sub- ` stances -intgoduoe~;1 - intd _th`"l_n1mes or tjasua of human bodies. n..s~n.. `nnrcmnnn were not long in Mme . 1ayzv- -~-~v~--~-~-~ ~-~ ~x~~-~ ~~.~--r- ~ guuv _ _. _ .vi_ug_`tlle1n!e(l the cu1:i:lit;; of the Rand `lsrigamls --Yes 12 go upy i)r`eF'1 ~a:i'(3): w21 being carried up to the point? Au`d,pr3ig3 h9;,';.;i;-,`.`-be wh ""_h1"3 U10 @1'Tll'3Y*_`V3$ '30 ,9 as he put i). band on my arm . bake um` Mr. H(_)ll:}n(1, un lmpoirtzmt otlu-ml; tell her She-H get um. of hers `;ld rmoveuiof` the mine, accouxpanxed by tn-o;u.nd |_,e(;ter.times-. Wm comm done with fribxxxls. _- i fmd her _s1cl; an(I~ hungry`, bgt iisildtels \\;`i!t '1`he.y carried 1'evOlvers.'1-glt do uotf:*}3;,:: 123:2 i`;;1t`?_d fm 8` 3' seem to have had the slightest appre- At the third (mt wh:.e'w'e M " hensiorrofqany danger till they urriv-itfor1, 3 mL"t"QKu_:'I`WiflYi`ffv`n`uh(lred yards of thel if $0 make-3I11`"H!Tt'-"'1hiif} l$`S::`)hfa,`lt3aumn1it 6f the mountain-,. where theld= and 'm51"'`1 in` my 9` .ruu.d too` tn` `Slam of the letter 8,: "Teu. he ,`5`t` P " n! ry I and Mmfe mflhwgyiietween the high thmgsmll goal! r_1ghtuga1 waymen had \\'a.'llu4l in th space be- i 3`; C193 Mk lam, 'Va'-V ongue} suet`; tween two toulclers, so as to form 2). 9 h5t-v- '1 !*`1 3 Wu 1;l;3fpk;:lill<:lt: lFastu'ork, thus` ol)taiuin{ at good 11lli(I)\`fv`;;nIcllO`tf1%;e]lltghtlci lm new in l:-oth directidns; while the`: _ . _ veldt, beving`dei1\uIed_o both, deprived `VOFQ ;Llxo1_1.t tlmt If Fm-`on cut` the g_old-ludeu party of any chance of` P0 mu ']1 1' hale Ed -0173183 ` cover. Both L .o.~:.e who were about to` D``.d : l)eJ'l1e.Id up,-" and tlaeir ussail:mts num-.[ moment he W21->ered three. 7 W T putzis-m01xth'_:lo:_ Put. The robbers wera very iptelligently t d I earqtoxv-hisper`: Willi 6 01` S. - . l ".he s`waitin to thetfmtzf-CE` liyfa ti-l;:aS.kftd llimm with lggaf, l1ere.w 91133-"3 e."`i" .9 gave 11e"bl? 1.m or `e J < by a all 1-i<:l.1ma.n \'va'u" 15 cmmg out, llqld up your..1mnds. Mr. rdimlert She, Hugh, and Cr: *'o"f1;j':1"*Holland~ :_tn(l""hIFf(` sma;H-~ese0rt~ _mad&-~a:-`Emi7(T1---5 183--7u:~A .` .f ontgallaut ght; lhe_ nmslxed h1gh\vair-=minl it Sta ` . Yum '. g1nu__g m`un_, hoIw_3ver, was quite equal. o_ H `M {hp Htnof .c.""'?u`?, F I spnpklm ydealxug wlth _tl1e,whole_numl.:er, -Ta\nd1_ Hg ' `:31 t-. d 8.01) 16 he actuallyfkept tl1emqqu1escen?"11d"l ,",l1pd{. " W` .3 ` y. hisvgrifle` for some` hou,rs--iu.fact, till; ma d5.``i- `.3.htI- th`199'l I W111hlV6 dujsk came down. Then courteouly` re-"W `PE 3-. = 1'k9` "41? `: V _ lieving. them ofthelr load, also of. t"'*ble- '-Hm,` 1 b-`k5`d't m`_ up _of_ sugar. ; their horses" and revolvers; he.admon~ I isgfgdntgredi 1 `k`.1b~P _,g$_..1 of xslzed them to make their way\toShel>a. ,.,Lim0' Jan-is Asleep. __Ain., Wu tl".:'l T V. , . *"P."`` ,9F.l1cx.}.3nr olf.)l14:nnf1f.ll1nen. Mr . ~cuz:itt.. `)mY9` 89 11`, E? 0?! 9'1`, arihtt 3? j V _. >y "-ah?`-3154 ` hii` has utslimi -;;*%i4% t?` c6nI1cIertR!I{ nacqlsiiiirr `0Iihm8h A M. _and women, `who-"eir,ez$6,_=Jn0t thxi 4 lay. calling mentioned. ha:mho1gjrs are ken `educated lggroupisot gen,`jt13__l_18jIIlK no b?an_gnnd thetbestfx}ui2:!ber I3; - o.)t:mnng-t e~ xgheq 1-0 1:: no: 95 : the parrot tho pupi ' .p Arrangement. ' ;.ia made wherebygiila can `study for 4 H; _a week, pad then; work for as wsek gr 1 ho more, andthen gzgnin resumr them `A ,ed=ucati`on. A The te_x13':xre also hrok- - - en into other tens. In order ((3466118- ?` tom eacn scholar to the sensatmn. or and necessity. of m_;ki;`x?g new acquaint- - ances all the tun, and at the sa;n_e ` 8* time to"prqvent.~t'!1ei: losing the spir_xt 1 km of;-iv9;11-y with which they_ hegin their ) 1., work. Al; thg and 0f_ Qll 1331' $119 `bpoetr scholars are var) x3,i`0fI|811t- [he EH43` ' are taken from t,welva to .exghteen,. "ad while`boy_s are taken at a. xater age. 9 Besides cooking. mm-"keting. and h;_ouse- 83 !`P***8:h:; :*':;:`*:.`r.;`:::."3:"..;: an In regs: c 0 ms}. ` -- - ;ain. repairing, and other matters 0 `domes-. top tic osonomy. - =..-Im1...:. 9.. 3... .m.....:' 5.. .gi..+ 5;-q _ Ihc Trunuvnnl. - E The Sheba goldlrolihery, of which an M Afrijin correspondent. sends: some in- 31 teresting particulars, has `maria an im- ` h. l mu: Turpin Ilolils up n lllnlna rnriy In $ imensa sensation, amh_it is said to be th? most during affair of the kind that has ever occurred in the Transvaal. The Sheba. mine, itself is situated `thir- 5, teen miles from .B_zu-berton, in a (leap fi ` vnlley, surrounded by steep mountains, yl `and egress frnm.\wi_1ich can only he y obtained by zigezug footpaths qnt in P to the mountain sides. Accordingly all the gold taken away from the mine", el had, till recntly,` to lxi-conveyed uwayi H I? in (I very primitive iashion by...i.lxoso`>, .' responsible, `who, with their precious` 0 ` burden madc_their. way\ down to _the l Elephant s Klcof, from} \s\l~.i~:h point as (!:ll`fi@) cgg _ve.yed.t.he gold iulo town; 1, ..l On this occasion the spei-ie which urous-E Q tied lrrigandsi - was up to the point; ; where the tramway was be met; hyi 0 H(_)il:ll1(l, "an import.a_nt oiiicialit of` the mine. ' accouipzinied two`; 3 `friends. I : I if 'I .,L ,1, _..;%S :11 T i\utnout Loosmg round. _ ; -~ 1, One of thelmtlemen, 1\Ir.`:Cu2:itt,_' had a. smallparcel with him. co_ntain~1` ling` partof a. costume he: intended to lwmw at n. `famnrv kh'e$ ball .u.t' the !1ng`parT._o1;'s. eosmme nus mwuuuu LU`k a. `fancy dress bail .u_t' mmnngmmp next evening, and he ask-" ed. `the f`boss 0f"t1Ye$'Shk).vi;f"he wgukli ` mind',gi'ving him the parcel. , `"011, no! 1'.ep1ig=;d~the geniak Hgh-wayyman; tgga; `your dress, I- am not. going to a` ball.' _ - ' - rm.:u' :mHu'nIn-al jmnmk tn! hmfn hehxw- ban." ~ This` individual seem" W have behay- { ` ed in~t_hemost approyecl Style. He tv.Ik~ ~` `ed cheerfully with his tempbmry _p'ris .~ wars, and informed them casually that I `he had another pal reaclyvwith fmxr horses,- iryorder _to`facilit.ata_his els " cape with their mony; also he inbida ` eutally ol:sarved.thatq If he g half an ` - h=`our's start he d'a'ied all the pplica ` `of the country .to catch him. So far '&w'seen.1s at; liberty to pursue his` op-. erations_ on .9. more extended scale, for` tbouglrhe hzxsbeen! actually twica met-. ~ -with. fact} ta. -fade by -those who are ` out after him; he jhzgs ahvays`, man: aged` to be` in a\ ` position 'i}0.VC'-0V~ 91} `with, aj f rie 7 his duteiriilined pur- " ~ N .;?::' " IV V` .`-., According Itrtlge stones Sgt I.Itl'|`h(-m'l`luey . . ----- ~iv~I`.~1l~3lvIlb!_|:V!`-3l_!aIVa'l.v1L;1:.,_.;-. Qlsueu ox uumuu |l\qun.u. I . M B_u".thia `surgeons were not. long , ;dis:oming the met _that Lt was im- - ` grudanf to exact tpo much from these ,x`hya._ They d'u1.not a1{vays indicate the. ` _ precise. location of these foreign" sub- imnoaa.` and the opetatqr sometimes miakat! -the patient s life` by depending foo copnpletely on the ipnsuftin-ien_t in- ` diCE.U0l1 gfen by the X rays.- n _...- .:......~..s..:;....1 minmuf )1 num. ' `5`?V`.'1 }.- _`1?*f-`T1 -35,-.A In far; Ye1;.\;;.;_fxmet1iy`;st,` i{n Vcopg `remzufagldf ingto `Juggite ""`TI""``""."'.f"`V*L"v"."V`-..V"v"* sW!:*`"- "-" . The enchanted`of the G _ i 4 }\f!1._S`.`A5_5':`H,.!t16l".}.k)I1,}. and ai; ciajbsweres formcHpf_thegems109M t.t>i.t;hj?- ,0`~1.<=h~ 3 3 % %zm easV3&1$LE?E.f:n1*i;*` ""* V . :'!3 -v;m n ca1;; s}iH1a(1-`- ` ns:'iL9f: ` coon no1-znxyf .......-..._..a.._..._.._. _Rx`xQ s1GNxFicAHQi.`. 5 0i,iiy,'5, 3 ` . Led; sham sh5}y ,lm_ tot; at kaala . -...-x. :.. .._.:.. :.... mus. .-`.':I ,&ii'i ind 1 llgl; um 1:1}! 01 cupuxv. ier 1. He wcint i_n' on up-toe_ and`: ml ; .matcl5 ai1d,11`ghted_ the` place 01 njmptandlng in broken cup `table. ' Then he beckoped .to'me on` I softlg entered-, he pxpkegl up ` am anclszudt ' .. 3 ~-r.:Hx.. 1.... ha Iggy. -.A:n' %~~mb:adis;iVot!or noidouht true; * `L tic Jan. ea: intereited.` `who 1;s;3t.:1.':;a M: E611. six-`my ee , oigof the fimily ten ma ; with 1.-- 1--.! ....l.. ' 1H4}: ' GICEu0n`_g 1Veu my tux: .1 ...,.... , Itwas iscertaum1,w1tnoutaaoum : t`h';at,thn-fadiograplg. even vi\Hx"t1_1e aid f `of clinicxsignp, -ws manifestly im1:ot- _~ent,-_-this, fact. has Been giroed by reg T peata'd' exparimenls-to msitively lo-A Mc1la..n hall which `hml_bee-n_'fire',I into H11) brai by a. murd,erur`s br au_ici!e s ~ hand. ' .~ ` ' In -A ,,,,-u u. u_a n.:.. ...-.H.|m.-nH`nn