w_\' Pz1\"m\\`ski is an forced mm .3 shell , When 1119 la-Her [L at tho nnmnv rhi-2. chelnis`. has in- 11. if used in We '11 . nguvoc um uuo xuuua. V V Menfand vcomeu- use them `alike.-Tlmae, The Chinese arxgt Jap:x11:3 have ;1!-[ x_\~a.`ys_l>een"grezxt 1zmlo_V&3rs. amt Izix_'xshV ununtu uar upon tliein jdecorzmon`. 'f11`S. _are.` of. painted `and emliroidemd sxlk. gilded paper. _oatrioh~`or:1:ea:o,ok feathers with slgiks of violet \`V`obii, san " dal. vor_\' m:`penrl. _ - ` nmmy. 1:1:-,.n-.aH. L,..... ;,.a...z.;,.;.~+ M. unvnu -u vuu ;._.w;\_uwn.- u `Amyla- The EgyptiaJ1.$' used fans of Sm1:nge K shapes made -df 1:arc1u11ent or pluuxed at V their 1'eli;zio'us cemm0uie.~3. The `Roe `u1an. 9. ilabellum, ,7.` sort: of cirru- .IarL- fan. on occasions of 's_tate. a.nd.the ea1`1y.G1`eeks.had mus made of the ,1z2.tj leavas of the' lotus. nu, ru-, ,,,:_,-r,. L, uax. uu1__\ vi, y\:uu- Quen--N Eliza\;th.-i1\\;ned` nlzixmt `BS nmny _fiansxz_x's lqresss. `am! h.a_d_ a" mama for cllentlng them. -H`er-"sub-`pl ~.ec_L1 \\?ex'e. in the habit of""offexfing'" ' Jmsa hdflaa to `their vrem mistrmzs.- V\u-I009 vrruuw Int wnnqu augwt M-Luau-goon Madame de Pompmlout loved La tab, and enaoutaged the art of fan'-1m.int;ing. Her cc-llectioxmof [ans was, enormous. ..Greuzo. Wat. u and other renowned painters did _I`1o' didnin` to lend their art to fan-pamtu_1g. `It vms mcatly ax~ K ecuted on qhioken skm ox vellum. -nun:-A "First he onyeful of your fan: Trust it not. to youth ornmn. sa-n_g0Ii\'er Wendell Ihlules. I E, ' I)Je,h"S{Qr_\`- of the {an ,!L,h1,10s,t.,n/s,_ -41J-&` #J:,a_b.:-Iz` t.1c_L_o' !'Jl)nj1 11ild One T1:1xxr2s:t+ae+ae<=.:>sg~'-9z_L;xa4.s*a;1u. -_ 3.4112 L 1night n,1most imagine ELS-fll\ll1tiX1g' 0. p1`iu1_iti\`e fan 61' palm .Iavg'V_V91` {ea- ihers In the gaxdan o. Eden_. "VI... 1`. ., .x I...`.. ..t` ....m..nn. f% t`"\3-2. EB"EE"g1i`"5f4~3 ;}i27L mesa tr;-flea to`t.ho.Lr regal mist.r ess.- u--.1 ..... .1- D;...,......:.\.... t.......I 1. :..`n Tho sm armanma*Me1*f 7 _ _wlm- Make it." V V sews BO0K8TORE "AH nccountns } wmg to estate of late Alex Spott must be g}-aid at once. ' M A l . 16. G. SMITH. L Isn't Mr. Dinnply...liaht. on` hiaj feet for aLbimam.ahe'u_sked.ot.har ;. e9co{t who mnrdA\ M1fe as. 9. `Iv; . that a *- t.i:o1l`euli htex` Fhnnha inhi-W1 ~ % . V ` Cdmplete Stockof . _ `Books. Stationery %& Paper; Barrie & Sh:-cud gmmmmmmummnumg EimmAsa1mamammmaxsm Orders by t1egr:i'phLo1' teie1\1xone.'p\`0mpty attended to Cotns and Caskets of :11`; kinds kept in smk ' I...-; Robes and Cmpv, and mi l~`iue1`a} Requisites.` furnished D U DULMAGE, I\I;nmge1, Smoud` . `Sh.OW` Roomand W or}; Shop, Collier `St. Barr1e._ T'I+Et:'t1'ti:Z"s;'BE'I":-"rim LARGEST SALE IN"cANnn.n_ UNDERTAKER .--.. _.-_-_._, .. .` ' :0` V "` *' ma. SALE BY H." H-. `0TTON'& SON, BARRIE. E?erE?atkageT Cigarettes b V . ;mg5by R.:n-moored %F1'ie7ze Elsie1's% `In Olive Mix,` 'Bn';'\vx'1,. _ b AFa_\\-'x-1,.=C1areI; a_nd"_Oxford Gm)"3L 52 tos4 Ame: Mv long,` with.6 inch7collz'1r, _ ' pdckets `and ' t1'fo'at tab.,.'-' ;_ with _."` "\voi1_t-dome: -bff_"`-_ Wbutitqns ` can, -be` j1c )ught;5T' xjetil*iji. ev,e41'Vy~.p"VI`V axxgiiu \'Vi'l!ag`. for ' . 3.7 ` 1 1 4 I P_revious1y.to this I hadvtricd nearly-vevgryg i V 1 hduey_nemedyrbu'& umil I '.took Dean`: Pub useruenccdnol the slightest relicl. _ emu AND` anm. me or my long smnamg compLamt.aud 1 am ; lased to acknowledge what Vthcy-have done 3 V or me: _ I have not mkenmor than two boxqs ` .&lL_k_&J. J nu ma BAKNG .E9MlD EB PI`? 53 .4med-A%a ea; .n.m wwr Irlnnw nun vrnv hr-H not WK mm `mm nouns; . an nu... . .. . . ,...... mmg m;..,,en;,- M -ct. vnur Ideas: lY!_PV' ` y [mug you weulm 5 .:m Jonas w2:DD:xu:....u : cu, Patuzt Axrw : ~n. Wasmmzzon. D. C..tm melt 31.80 prlao oxxu ` 3:5 4` [W0 hmun-ed mwa om vunled. I I Sick iieadache; Bo ill`s,' `Pimg! \lllnUUV!\ U U|.U_l l' l\II.'.Wl LARGEST SALE INCANADA. _ I. IKIVC H0! WKCHIIIOIC U131! {W0 DOXQS lv .10 this I had tried nearlvs everv , Egg Loss of` ._, -_ __rr-...- ...._ The fact that it {s guar- ; xghint, ` who can think at some snnr-he g ` Lhlngmpalenu ' ring E Appetite and 1 . -.` `: laundice, ; r 1m .s'rn;_1.me cu...- -suuuw nu) auucu 1:) Bgrdsck Blood 3 Cillilhe. ~< l It semed as if the I,qnl llLll;lil.llI1l'l1"l' erl one wu.\je of hclnuty on all the-sm-nc; : and it hung and swung from rock and 3 bill `and oleander. Roman gentlemen '_ in pleasure boats sailing the lake and` counlrymen in fish slmuzks coming down tb drop their nels pass` euch i'ot,her with x_19d and shout and laugh- jLHr,.01' swinging idly at tlmirggor-y gings. Oh. wlmt :1 xwntlrftxl, what: iii i te:1uti'f ul lalgel It seems as if we shall` have aqtlietg lnight. Not 1; leaf lwinlxed in the air: V 5 not ;1 ripple disturbed the face of Gen- ` nesaret. butvtlxere seems tobezt littloi 3 excitement up the lteach.. zmgl we has-l I f ten `lo see what. it is, and we find it` : . an embarkntinn. ' -` n 4. -_ _ n;.:n.. REV. on, 'PALllA'G`TfLi.S or THE sm us A swam. ' A Blllo Ilnry `Hm: I1 Full of Dranattg Interest nnd Power-The lucidem I':m| N! fail! I Slinilc In line Case of IE Ordlnry Stormy Lire oltllie llullvinnnl. ` Rev. Dr. Talmnge on Sunday morn-; lng preached from the text. Mark iv.: 36:V "And there was also with Himj Other litt!e.`hips. and `therqaruse 3* ggrezxt storm of_\\-ind. `And the mind = `a causal! and there wzis ix great L-aim. ' ` VFII. . l".;HI...\ 1!.-`nu Q ;-`nu ,_c In-on 3\,7I1`]?UX 71'4:1cL`1Vl`X18711-|VI\"l1cX 6 V """` I Calm night. starry ni_:hi.. beautiful; ' night. Run up all the sails, ply all the ' ours, engl let; the large` bout and the small boat glide over gentle .Genuesu- ret. But the sailors say the-r4.~~`is go- ing to he :1 change of \_\"euLlier../ Anti "even the passengers can hear the mo:iu- - I l. ing of `the storm as it comes on -with l v long stride, witli all the terrors of hurricane and darkness. The large boat treinblevs like a deer utbay tremai bling'a.n1ong'the ch-ingot of the hounds; ` great patches `of foam areflung into the air"; the sails of the vessel loosen, and the sharp \vinds'cre.ch like pis- tols; the smallerhouts like petrel poise ` 'on the cliff of the waves and then 3' _lunge.: , Overboard go curgo. tuck- ing and 11ia.sts..a.nd the drenched dis-- ciples rush "into the heel: part of the b_ boat gind "lay_hol`d. of Christ and say J unto Him-. Master. rarest Thou not? that ive perish 3". - That great person-.1 age hits His head from the pillow of _ thevfisl1erman s`_ cont . walks to` the front of the vessel and looks out into the'storn1.' ' `All `around Him"ure"tlie" s1nn1ler`bon.ts. driven in the tempest,._ _ - and through it comes the or * ofdrown-1 ing men. By the flash.-o the light-i ning I see the calm brow of Christ as! ithe-spray dropped from His heard. He ', has7)& word for the shy and another word for the waves. Looking upward He .cries, "Peace l" Looking down- . word He.-says.-~`-`Be-stilLl3-~---,,7 'l`lm`\v.:i.vos fall flat. on their fm=a>x.-m'l" I LOU-3CU lIl\.L' LMCIU `HID-3 G 5LLxlu \.nnu;. l`ihei'ias. -Galilee, UenneSa.`reL-tlxteel . n_.'xme.s for the same lake. _\'0 other gem evexf had sqlzezmliful a setting. It lay in a scam; _of_ great luxuriauce: the gsurroundlng hills high, terraced. slop-D led. groved-, so many hanging gzmieus; of bezxuty; the 2\'a1e`x`s rumbling do\vn5 'bexween rocks of `gray and reel `Limb-. gscone. (lashing from the hills :1ml= lboumling into the sea. In the shore- fwere` castles, `armed towers, Roman baths, everything attmx.-t`i\'e anxlhcf:1u- ltiiull; all styles of vegetutiiin in short- %e_r space than in almost any Other!-`p1l(`,e. I in all the world, from _th_ p:1lm\.1ree 'o[ the forest to the trees of a rigorous : climate. ` . I 'A 1, u , -2 u , r-_) I........k- ` You `-_har.{<:no. right. in `new fin'ancia.I..`enter1Jrises.,' I "Ind ` 'V0_u-g'00d.',6heB1`. Do all` you can .d9.'Do M `gt ch as` high 9." glane as ;possible_. _ or bi), :1--;'sto1' in "the.'ship.. if `you can b`_`o;tx' adyziral of the: nzw,y;_ You. haye no _right to ba 9;-_colong1`of`_.,_y;egu11entIf you can Yjcommand 8. bugade. A You_ have no right to be e_ngi,nee1`.~of n. =h_oat`on river. banks or .neiu`I, the cv_oa.st17` you cgm 4 take thdoceaxg steamer from New Iofk M to` `Liverpool. All yotl Vega do, with ; utmost ta sioxro botm`nnndvan.d soil L and to. do: but oh. have L , yhrist in every Qntorprisb, ,Chriat in , 7 every ship), I. ' .. K 5 . '1_`herej are-. nun wli0l~a.sk* God to; 0113` *them,:vat: tlge,;th.nt of great 9;: rpm sea. 1.] 3H9 has 'bsenw1it1V1. t G!X_lfin t as tn.` {Nos trouble our, war brow` he '4 worms. VxViz!%l.xVts- some dam o,m~-.th9 top Vat Mount ~ 9&.`1llOn`-Gntlilnlit ,G9nnem?- . `etc, into foam-. anI1:*intoV ggnngm 13118 it " f9`9uld,~`nq!;} xllziuujt .tho1:1_. Lliiereh we sump. muny- 013 you in mesa days MU lflLl|JN.l'l\U.ll\|. . ; I``rum the western share :1 floiillai 6 pushing cut: notya squmlrun or (lea-.ii_v Varinzunent. nor clipper with \'21lu:xhie mervliariiljse. nor pirzuic resils ready to tiestroy ererytliixig they could seine. hut. aflotilln, bL\{u`ing rnessengers _of - I life and light. and \jf)Il'.`8. K Chri'st is in \_iil(! frunt; of the bout. His dis:-i[)les are i in a smaller boat. Jesus, wveziry with much speaking _w'i:irge muii.ii.u(les. is} put into soninolencelj by (he rocking of ` the waves. -If-there was any motion at all, the ship was easily righied; if the wind passed frnin one side. {rumi the stzirhoarrl in the lairboard. or from . the lurbuurd to the SL8.X`l)0i1X'll, the bout g the motion piitfinghe Muster asleep. And they extemporizedvzi pillqw made iwuuld ruck, :u1d'by the gentleness of ' l gout of n fisherman s cou.t.2- I think no `sooner is'Christ prostrate-and His head touching the pil1c_)\v`thun He is -sound asleep. f'1`l1Ve breezes of "the lake ,If.un"their fingers through the lorlrs l of the \\'or1psle'eper. and the `bout rises land falls` like a. sleeping child on the bos6nrf--a-leeping%nuLhe12- .~..r... ..:..m ..+........` ..:r`.m- imm.+:rnI ward `ne:-sabys.-~-&5e-sL-H4,-:--_------:-- ~ g The w-zwes fall flat on than fnces,`the"' ' foam melts, the extinguished stars re- xliglic their tor`ches.,f1`he temptest`. falls dead and Ch1=ist-s{:m)ds'\vith His foot An Hm` ntmlz` nf- Hm sfnrm. And whiin ueu-u :u1u_ `|..'uPiSf,-Siiallus Mun nus 1o_oc on the neck of the storm-. And while the sjxilors are bailing out the boats. and while they are ti~y,i_ng to untangle _the, ,.corua.ge -the discgg;gs' stand` in ` '7 amazement, now luufkkng nut?) the cafin ` sea. "thn.`int'o the cgxlm sky.',th,enpinto, _the_c'._xlm oi the Savlourfs countenance, and uhey.cry.out. '"\\ lmcrmn.nne1'. of man is this, .thngc even` the` win_ds' and the sea. obey Hun X?" The suhiect in the fxr.-at nlzma im- we ouey pxmr "1`he,,s`uhj_ect m `the. mat place bim- presses me with the `fact that it -is ve_1'y important to have Christ in the` 'sh1p,' for all those "bouts would. have . gone to the bqttom. Gexiuasuret i_f Christ had`n`Qt been` present. Uh. -whafb a lesson {r _yo1iAando`;,j_. me; to ,ledl1`11!- Whatever voyage we -'undar- take`, .ii1to w atever .enperprise. "we "abut. '1et.,u's"_ nNmys.;hc_tv'e` Christ in `the ship. Many o`_you in these days fi11'ancia.I,.`entex`7urises. -' " ind Bloodsitudhas nast mturalact1on' an the stomach, liver, b'o'w;!sand blood of my medicine known, hence its effects are promptlaxgd lasting. It without fail, 4.1` such diseases as DysfEg_az' Constig n, sm: ~wms.%% is_' anotha; man who starts out - inibhal: are going to be ,of gouge to it." woijldly enterprise and he dt_ I`~!l|18 [Am1\he_\' are affrsghtew. whem>veMhey {won the uncertz1iut.iesoft):is hie Hejie a raviui taking hld of H16 1hagvao-Gocikrbeiphim:-Afterwshilegcvhurchea. ` _ the storm .comes and L(JL~l."n:Si.r)if ngei As though-a ship capiaih with aaooi u_1a.'~;ts of the ship. He puts out _13:;L_u.shes of wheat` for 2! Hugo ahouidi lifeboat. The sheriff and: they ;;ucuon- ;`B{i_\'. some day, coming u;-on, d.e*k., ear `$ry to help him off. They can't5 "I'hrox}.' overmfiai M1 the cargo." and` help hi off. H Junst go do.\'n. N0 ;t\hlTs.'n!ors should say: "`.\'lyy, captain.` Christ $1 the sh pi Here are )"0}lI\8'h3t do you mean? ifhmw over ail. E men just starting out in life. XOL1!`|:-t`-118 cargo 3" "011," says the u.pm;u.; kw life will he made up of sunshine arid : _ We have a peck of chaif `that has goci 3 sizadow. There may be iii in asrruclmto this 5.000 husheia of wheat. and Masts or tro;.~ir.-.1! Lornzuioes. I knowzl, Only way to get rid oi` the chaff .{, riouwhnt is-before mu. but I knowis to throw. all the wheat 0ter!;oar.l."` -, if you have Christ; x'it'u you ail sh! :30? that is a great eai wiser t_'1:zut- he well. `the tank of 3 great. n`a'1' Christians Vm. mr... .._..... 5.. _...\. ..I...... ..-hlumf ; \\'hn nzxnl. tn u...,...V. nn` H the we wen. You may seem to get {dong wit1~. the reiiqinn of Christ While everylhmg 5 ggoes snmdthly, hut;_ax`Le_r _ awbxle. H i.,\\'!;en s0,r.x-uw *1zo\`ers over the .-:`0u1.: when the \v:1`.`es of Lrhl dash clan`. i nvnr `him Inn-.~:.....m rhznlr am} `the' ` ' Ti-_ `5la|\\Au _.LCllJt'l-`JD LlI\}L`Ua L" . In all ages very good people get very mixohuffrighted; It is ofteuio `:ifoui~ lay. and men say: "Why. look atthe -1; bed lectures. Look at the spiritualis- -! tic societies. Look at themvnrious er- yl 1'ors..going over the church of_God..- We were goingJLo.o1mder. The church is Soing to perish. She is going*dow`n." Oh how many good people "are utixright- ' ed by triumphant iniquity in our-day. ,.und'thi'nk the churcirarJesus1=hrist' V and the cause of righteousness are going to be over_thro\v_n,' .'md.u.re just; as` much effrighted Jus ,t_he disciples at my text were affrighted. `Don't wor- going 'to _t1fiuu1p.h over righteousness. u ;:,l.ioni.gc:eis._-_.in.to ,e_,cave,r\n` to sleep: V, - covering the pews. `Meanwhile _the spiders spin 8. web across the mouth of the cefvern. and say, We lmve cn.p-. `tured him.";G_oeemer threagl after gossamer threa.d- is spun until the wliole front of the cavern -is covered - with the spiders` web, and the spiders _s,a_._v; '-`The lion iedone; `the lion; is foe ." After uxvhile the lion has f gothrough sleeping. He muses him-- 1nto`the_sun_light;. `he does not even self, he shakes himane, he `walks out` into the sunlight; he doe`s_ not A even knew the spiders web is spun, ' `and with his voice he-shxikes the mountain. nsome 'men1spinni,ng their _sophi_strie's end `skepticism about Jesus Christ. He. seems to be sleeping,` ,The,v\ say.-` `-[We have ca,pt;u_re Lord.. He will - never {uonie forth. again 1,1903 the no- _ rye don't Qret, `us though iniquity were ' He lies down. with his sha.ggy.me.ne,. tion`. ihrist is. _ca'mtured'&ni1 captured) = Eoifevezj. ;H,is religion will never make A feny' oonqueats among -1 xnen\'_f.- ., But.` after awhile the-"lion of the tribe at -.Tudzi.h"..will xousehimself andoonie I forth. to shape mightily the netione. WWhe.t.l is the spiders : web to` the mmnaiaaxlinnl Givn tnth and Air!-nr v 3114; were are _ Mlgpla will `go; stir` uaneota. V'1`he.v are ,3` gm, :1` ey aumanrou. In out any,` ~ - u; my vain. '1\hoy my: "O& this : V`i?ar1$`a?1`S2li``3:%`.i`i. 1 `nnin than an oi.nm~`to.hosl:8rantA ` . .II fuhfaldblt` rohotendin 1` t. fupaet. :`toLb:xru.(\2. mmmy phonic brpuch , us ,tl;q_-dsuroh L I 35:03` WTQIIKIOUI 3315: WE nun?!) we or Lrux uusu unu- `()\'crtI!:e hurricane deck, and *9. 1`-oxvsprit is sixivered. and the halyardsi rv swept intu the 83. and the nrfil-1 w-a_v is crowded \vit`u pirxtival d1s;is- tm:`--oh, what would you then d0 u';(',~nO m...:.. ... u.. ..|.:..I \'.mmv ,i;W -`='!1~!-I he `.\ ell Iorever. uIt":t`u 31-? that man who puts in the Lord NW trust. "He" shall never M {.' j founded. ' ~ ' . [Inf m.. ..._L- ; . :-._.-..nm.a nu : I5 EDS B[)l(18l'B'- WBU LU ELI`! 3.roud`lionl Give. truth and error` Ta.._fuir grapple; a.{1d.truth will come 61! \ viotur. " wuutthe` ura.mzratnann:7T _ `cw Lpluwilli 'l$tLs.ttr hted ml, or 93: ` m-maa "Nun"! Ann h'.inhi'nr1`in mm an -.5 -.-uuuuaaoaovoua Biliousnes, Bad I-\;A_V lb` CI'0\\'(l(1 Wliu [)lI'il[l\".n cumin- \\'i('n-IL Christ in the ship! Yvllfll, mun. mks God for you? ,purli`ou, t-0:1 H0!` your guidetiod for your he_`1 1 i then an '1s'we1l: all is wet! for ume., :7! 5531.123 he ell {Q1-eveg BlE`( 11 HS thzaf mun mum ...u.< in tho sumocn siulinq? L .But "11! E0 to history \\`D9`n 1 furl all around men soie of illustra- ` -"MUS.- man iq the storv` trying to serve Gpd while his` emplover scoffs at`C1l!`iS~ _ 2t:ux1it5._ the yOlmg`m9_n.in the same s_Lc.re zintagonistir-. to the (`nrisiian re-} lllllflon teasing him. tormenting him `almut his religion, trving to get him 2 }" Saying You're. :1 pretty Chris-} ,t`9,~." Does this reumr man find it, 5'.1 Sailing: when he tries to fol- IOW Christ? Here is a Christian girl". P_le_r fatlior despises the Christian FF _ 1 _8'1un. Her mother despises the Chris- liinn relirrion. Her brothers and 513-; ora scoff at the Christian X`81iE!'1011-"; _~`lm (`an hardly find a quiet place ini l\\:lJiclx to say her prayers. Did she{ find it smooth sailing when she tried ; ltq follow Jesus Christ? Oh. no; All` jwlm would live the life of the Chris- tian religion must suffer persecution. HW.`0utl'oW lihkl it in "one" W&.V - Y0 'm L195 it in zmother way. Tlm mmeH..n ..;..u ..`.,i...,i --wim are 1 tivns of the truth of this subject? That s iall these trials.` end He will deliver 3``* Ken in in another I The qirestii-n was Asked. W110 RF3 ' those nearest the throne? and the an-I S\\`er rnme back. "These are they who came up out of` great trihulat.ion-- great flailing as the original` has it: {great flailing. great pouniling'-"an d,, 1. had their robes \\ L':h8d.llnd made white [in the blood of the Lamb.""0h. do { not,he disheartened. 0 child; of God. I take courage"! You `are in `gloi-ions com- flmnionship. God `will see you through J I you. '\I'_ __,L` A I` - ,,.xL\. `J`."` . 3 1 M5` Suhjeet,,a.lso impresses me wlth the fact: that goodpeople sometimes get Very much 'frighfened.~In- the {tones of these disciples as they rush- 3`8d into'_the back part of the boat I find they, are frightened almost to |_deatl1.' They say. "Ma-ste_r, rarest Thou ..not that \ve.-perLsl1V" They had no re.- =, son to be frightened. for Clmst was in i -l the boat. I suppose if we had been" ;_ there we would have been just as much l affrightedv. _Perl1apsmo1:e.' 2. ' L. .....z. uni-1'9 K T. all ........ ..'...... .......: ..... _ -... ,. `J. was U(`.El.[8!].` {0 (LL-um ~- jfllllers vluh, St Thomas was gtrlxvk itjxrousrix with a Speap They did go! find following Christ Smooth s:\H- . `"8 ? Oh. l1o\{5thvv` were all t0S.~`e<.\ in: UN` tempest! Johh Hu ; in H10 r? H1181) .\{cKnil in the hour of mz\rt_\`I`- Hdom: the Albigeuseg, the \\';11d0nFtf9- . I0 S(`()t(`h C()ven;1ntQr5...did they` smooth sailing? : `whv 0'-n fn Eiufnrv \\`h|>`n (`an get} mt ntpu ma, yuner re- ,`!e_`v, mobbed. 1:) day, v nln. '1\hev Ann "Oh. this` . ink` mluxm EXAMINER, TiIURSDA_.Y,, day. d_ecK.l 5 1"hra\}: cargo. ' 'h xyj-t`.he u.pmLu. :_ got 1 ;mm 453, 5"? throw E3 great xieai {hint- great many Christians .; Whu 1wa{+-9-{-&ww- os'ex-`board all} 119 I,Ui`0lSands and tens of Lhoxxsands If `sou.s who have been lfrought in .,1I`0ugh greh gwakeuings. ' Throw ,-3:111 overmard beause there is p pefk ,vof chaff. a quart of chaff, a pm: of shaff! I say; let them stay um?:!.L12e 412:5: sia_v'. The Lord will divide the - aha from thewheat. I ' . Uh yh-n nu... M. .. ;...m h '~'UHH'II. 01 11011 is not. in X`0\`l\'Z'HS. ' .-\g:1in. my subject, imprsses me with -_tho fact that Jesus was Goii and man In the Sm-ue icing. `Here He is in the .l):1ck part of the DOM. Oh. how tired He looks. \\'bnL sad dreams He must have`. Look in His counteiianvez He must 1 gthinkiug of. the cross to come. Look at I-Iim=`He is u, man---immj ,of our ;|,one. flesh of our flesh. Tired. He fnlis S1t`&D- He is a man. `But then Hind {Christ 3!; the prow of the hunt. I flienr Him say: "Peace be still." and . 51 see the storm kneeli.ng at. His. feet. _ an the tempests foidin gtheir wings !in His presence: Heis 3. God. i H I haw snrrnw and - rrnnhln nmii maul [mm tne.\\'heat. Uh` that these ga es rorn h u'-'*-`!1 `might sweep -through-mi! our .-hurakes`. Oh. for such davs as Rivlmm Iiaxtey saw in Eugfand `and Robert I\IcChej;ne SIN in Dundee! Oh. for such days as `-onalhzm Edwards saw En .\`orLi.r_nn`~' ton! 1 have often heard my fathv!` alt! of the fact that in the mr`:_v gar-I-` 20f this centurv is revivai trpkc out in: ?Sozuervi}1e. .`?.IT.. and some [H`oph*`~\`<`Te v'er\` muuh :lgiHLh'xd nimnt it. ThP.\'* .J_.j-.L---- ""Co.1ted Tom V-mumnm-.. _V..t.. anu some pi'upxI"H`l== "'91'.\' mu.-`n elgizateii airout lb. 'HW." -said. Oh. you are goiiiglo `wring (00 ',nmn_v people inro the i-lmrch at onc:~=i" .:And the cane kept on fa'.linQ.; and they sent. down to .\ e\v B1`un.~`Wi\`1xf to g`oL John Liviugzsmn to srop the ie~ rival. Well. there was no `matter .~`.oul= in all the world than John Li\'in_:3-_ ton: lie went up. He looked ii: the; revival. 'l'hej:` \\'enie:l him to stop it`. He` su, _.in the pulpit. on the .~.`ril`l~a.:l1`. and `i . ` over the sole-mu nnditory.. and he shill: "' `his l>rer.h.r_im. IS in FE`-: 1`il..\' like work of God. Beware how. you try :0` amp it." And l1e_\_v_n;i an old man leaning` heavily on his staff. 41 `f0F;~' id man. And he lifled that slain :1 -.l took hold of the small end of the 51.i;`f"i1l1(I "begun io let it ~{a,Zl[ very `sloxvly through. `telween {he fing-, fir tlnil the thumb, and. he said: "0 thou _ Eulheriilent thou art falling non-\--fnll-f mg axmy '-from . life. falling oxvev from peace and lzeamn. {rill-E mg as certainly as that cone is inllingi through m,v.hm1d--falling ~. certuinlyi though perhaps falling very slowly through John Livingstone hnnll. The; religious emotion in the ziudienvr \\`8-`3 overpowering and men saw a type of their doom as the cane lrepn falling and; fn!ling until the knob ofthe crine StLll'. i{ Mr. Liv.ingst0n.'s`hnnd and he s:uspe,iif it Stdutly and said, "But the grace of, God can stop you as I stopped that` `cane. -' and then there was glullness all i through the house at the {act of pardon `and peace and salvation. "Well." said ffhe people after the service. "1 E11955 -Sou had ltetter send Livingston h6me. . ) He is making the revival worse." Oh. for the g:liCS from heaven and Christ. ' ,,0I1 hoard the ship. The danger oipthe (`hl1I`L`ll of God is in revivals. -\rr:1:n vnr unmnm ivnnrnocna Inn \\'iHi uuuunug \-nu _u.u.ug_l 0- M: vuv &l\V\il:'Vn the storm you see the _ harbor gust ahead and on are makmg for that hm.-hot. Stri oei ht; be1Ia.`All iawell. Intd the harbor 0 heaven now we glide, Wnlm homnrnh last. "home at last. . ' ._\\'hy, all the st91:1_,1_1,_t_1;at ever tram- - ~pl9(l.-with~-tl1eiAx=--Ll1umler~s.~ all. the vslxlp - wrecks have.|19t been worse than this Loryou. Yet you have not been com- . pltely ove'rt_hruwn.Why.l(`h1'istlmSh- - _ed the tempest. `Your little one was tmken,n_.\vu.y (`mist says. "I.bave that, little One. I can take care bx;-filial as well as _vou"c:m, better than you can. 0 bereaved mother 1" Hushiug the tem- `pet! \\ hen.5our property went'away. (G od aid, Tlmre are" treasures in heavy en, in bzinks Llmt never break", . l`l\`.ii-n is um: slnrm mm \vl1ivl1?we 111 banks um ureax.j', - _ I.`hfe is one sLurm 1nio s:hic11. we will" all have to r_un't;lie moment, when- ..we-let go"o`f this life an(1,t1`3l",l';(_P take hold of f.'l_1e~n_;3xt."`\vhen xvaxvili `wan all, the g1`aoe;`\ve.can.- have. "Wg wil want gt all.` Yonder Iase.e.:&.,Chr1stian' :soAu15 roc1(in'gf"o'mthe surges` pf dg&th{ j All th 'po,5vers of dnr_kness_~seem-let `(nit against. that soul --,.the' swirling. ether. but thutysoul `is mt troulwled` ' Ienty of teaxs, in theazooxn at the de- sat.is'iedI peaceful.` l1`is* well.-. Jesus you_see just- ahmd and won are mnkimr for that ) \va.v,e, '*tlJ ;t.hunder' of `the- sky. they "sc-reaming-`wind, all seem_ to unite to- ~ partzure. but he` wee `s nu tears, calm. - hashing the tempest! By the flashgof . mto the name: at neaven now guae, ,We,'I.J19me:.t_it_l%..Ih9m9 aLl.as,t.. J \sg[hLyxe drift. on ms bncht, silv'ry. 3. -V . ' ~ ` ' nae. g We're "home at last. honz_e:at~la.st.. ggloty to-God. 9.11` on: dangarq are o ar. We nband mum on thoglotltxod shore. Glory to}. God. we will shout overmore. L Wm`: human: lnatioma at last.` in man: an uou. a UOKL _ I liezirn once more xrom this suh;,er\ that Christ can bush :1 tempest. It-- did seem as if everything must go to ruin. The` disciples had given up the idea of managing` Lhe ship; the crew were, entirely deu1oi':1lized: _vet/Chris? rises, and He puts His foot on the storm and it crouches , at His feet. On. yes-I Christ can hush` ih-3vtempest.. e You hum: lmd 1.1-niihlo_ Perhnns it nu ms 1:19.13 uoa. 1 1 llmvo sorrow and !1`oui2le and lvrant. sympmh_\'. [go and kncel down . "'0, Christ. \v0zi1`_\' one 01' Gennesarei, S_\`I]lplH.l1lZt`~s\\`lll1 all my SOI`I'o\ of .V&Z1!l`:`lll, [min of 156:3 crosj H man. :1 man). But if {want to run- quer ziiy spiritual foes, ; if 1 \':m.t, to I tome to the ironi. of the boiit. and Christ, Thou-who dost hush the tem- pest. hush all my `grief, hush all my ,tamyt.atix1, hush all my sin." A man. a man: God, God.` l I lhnvn vlnn Innvn tunnx thin anl\~'m`-l *3?" the burl; '}>;\I`t of the -i`0:1t.. and s.`1l.\'- , gelmhe victory over sin. d{1tl1a.nal hell. - knoel down :u1~l I say. `'0 Lon} Jesus . Lumsn can uusu um-evwlnpesr... You have had `trouble. Perhaps it was the little child taken away from _vou-the sweetest. child of the house- .ho1 one who asked the most; cur- ious questions. und stood. around you with the greatest fond11ss--zu1:l the _ spade out down through your bleeding heart. Perlmps it. was an only son. and your heart. has ever since `been like :1 dsolnted castle. t`l1e~owls of the night booting among tln.-falling raiters and the crumbling`si.aivay8.'-" "5 "" " Pm-hams it \\':as rm and mother. You um crumuuug sLa11'way5.- - Perhaps it was an aged mother. a1\\=nys to` her with your troubles. She wasin your home to welcome your children into life. and when they died she. was t.he:'e (.0 pity you: that old himd will do you no more kindness; H ms- n-kihx 1.4.11: of hair nnn nan` -xuynv in General Dcbiliiz; ulfil \\'lll (1_U _VUll HU HIUFB K!I1lllJt.`\`S3 . that whxte lock of hm! ou put away 111 , the. casket or in the 100 at `did not look `as `well as it usually did when she. b_rushed it mvay from -her. \\;.r.i.nk1ed hroxv in the home circle. or in the coun- try `church. Or your property gone. you said. "I have so much bunk stock: I have S9 nmuy go\'ernmou't_$ecuri! ies: 'I have so maxny houses; I Imve'so-xnuuy {arms a.l1_ gone;-a-l{~-go11e. U101`! I30_.\w'.0.. we `Will 3l_10!lf-'0VBl'lIlD!'E `We're homut laat.';l19me at last. \ QT'W8( ids. n`!-n -hm :T;RRIBLE 'wnm-K on "L.-_Ks ER_1E. in: mun rauuam-.1 mm 51 Lunar ma, ` _. ..`., 1....` u . I --`1 l1e swarm- iguhaljhounel for (`izirug pavkct freight and an n..,..e.. -.. .. hon! .;m_r1 \\(*;Hhl')`. "Q u .uu_- -u. nuuuu Au y Iche,u1s1 naxned Sinmu Pm \\":`irs11\\'. This (vi scum` 6110111 {\"e1mu1 a new gas. whiulx. 1 LA. x.... ..c` + L,` _. 5...... , I 7 W- ._.V. ...... .. - anteed (6 cure if used according to directions warrants'_a.ny sufferer in giving a fair trial In Run-A11-fr RIA4-ul ' ' .c...... (I IILVI 5.. .. .. l`rIt :<{S of the funlm will pu; an end '10. 'li'm`ri|>le mulilaiions Z1lll_i`{l`I'Ti`7li8 ilEzl1llS"0_ll `the _l*nn`e~fielil. ~,'l`l1e l::nf.los Inf the future will le ilie l1:i1`i1iless ivu1`:siing nf l`:1\'l0\\`sl{i slmlls. lillegl \\`iI-l1 :: gas \\'lii'n. as s.n-011 as .me:ue Ilm axinnsplm-e lb lu'eatl1- ed by the em=m_\' and lull them inn; :1 fifteen-lxoi11's' sleep. from wliicli i lie_\` will not mmkml until H1911` s1an'm`ls have br-en seized by the` opposlug Milly _,a,ml their sleeping bodies I`-t3ln0\`e\lV IQ 11. place of safely`, ` . The gas invomeil hy is a_1m~.-st_l1efi_c wliich is mm m.;.l.. no` n-A ;-nine \`\'h.m xlm ln-Hm` . l. _ V . . . . I freed from us geaaiuie z1;_:.=. will per- l l gas escapes. r0.xme1`111g e\'c1`_\' 5010181` xu the um11'e xhute vu-unty *>so0t.h1ngl_\' un- om1sciuus for a long tixnp. but with no other injury than) to inc tavimiv him ' for the time from \\'orki11g ;1ga`insL `the upposjug army. `I KIAVEI FILES] awulux l'llUS- Smm`0Ms-.\Ini.=turo: hxzcnse itv.-lnn;:: mg most at ni;:'m: wmsc by .=(-mu>hm:. lowed to continue ummrs fonxn which mm and uh-male. he-goxnin: n-rv sure. SW 01.\`rm:.\`r stops xhe in-hin_;' um} bk-edin i1'rit:\1im1. and In xxw rmu)ws the`. :\!dI`|IL'L'i~`l<, nr hv nmil M .-:.m'u hr Q mzmu 01 gavamle. uueu uw nun-r; hursts in Hue ranks of the enemy this ` gas re.x)de'i`i11g evc1'_\ soldir ir mo innmxliute vicinitv `>soot.him:L\' How to Cure Allskm Diseases. Simply apply S\v:m1c's Ointment.` A\'.n'a'n- ternul nxediciue required. ` .(`mes toner. ztch.` eczema. eruplions on the f.'1cu.}|m1d.~.nn leaving the akin clam`. him und.he:\`.lh_\'. Its great heaiing and c\irn't.i\'c away. are 1ms ed by no other remedy. is '.yourdr\1ggist.for ' 'SW.-\Y..\'E S 0I.\'T .\1ENT."'Ly'mah,' S6115 Co.. M 1m`eaL Wholesale Agents. Theme is one, sin. Which. it. seems. tic me, is ever_y\\ here and by everybody. ; undenesnixnated. and quite. ton` _I11i1t`h ovemlooked in. valuation of character. It is the sin of fretting. It is com mon. as nirTa'.s s1>echsQ_coi1ixnpn that. unless it rises above its usual mono-. tone. \\_'e'_d0 not even observe it. \\Tz1t ch "any ordmarycoming tugeiher qf pep- ple. and see how niauiy. minutes it will ` bebetore somebody fX`Li'.S-.-|.11i\'t is,`i:'kvs ! - morn og__1s _cqxnpi:;.u;:iig S1i1U3.In0nt,_0i- - ' -smnefirmg-urohHa-;4ihi}-3ba13i3L32v: 1. am` one ml the room. or inwhe can I `S\)III!3T?1IL[X`g"`l)f'O'[T."I`f\\: LHC K.\"p'1 UU1)1j"_,\: \`* _ery or on the slreeticornel`. it may hei -knew before'.uud probably nobody can help. Wliy_sa_v anything about it? It _ is`co`ld, it is hot, it is w'et.i.t. is vdr_v,. somebody has hrolieh an zippoimxuent, ill-cookedh. men]; stupidity or_ had fiiitli SOn18\\'h0I`e has resulted in -_dis- `V comfort.` 1`her(\are\ plexuy of things to fret. about. It is .sin1p1y astonishing. how much annoyance may he Eound in tho._coume of every dz_\y`s..1iving. even . of the `s`Lu1p`1est. if 0116 keeps in sharp'e_ve on that side..oi things. Even Holy .\\7rit says. me, ,ure. prone t.)_}' truble as' ' sparks fly_ upwards" But even to the - simrks flying` upward. in thiylalackest of . smoke_ then"; .'is a blue sky" ahoe. and the_ less timta they. waste on: `the road the sqonerithey will reach it. Fret- _ .is; all jtimol wasted on the mad, 4-.--_ :\I(II`lI`.'$.'l=lS. or by nmii & Salli! I E1i1:1 L Deal, \\ l1oh~,~alc .-\genl=.. WARFARE THATVWILL NOT` KILL. V Bunny I'M In i`!N`-p-l)} Axnneuuaosla luku-ml 0_{(u'1`llh.|;: IH (l'lHl llll lllIHI`l\. The greatest. l_:~ene.f:u~mr of modern` times m:\_\' be fuund in :1 poor VG." ' ` . . I3... Practical bakers are" so exposed to extmmes of texnpemture_Lhat--i% is not sn`rprising- thzil hey often suffer from kidney `and othgar trou- ' bles. In many cases thcii; work at night_ gon- , nes them in.a heated atmosphgre for hours. from which they my form _through the cold night air to their well-earned rest.- lfu l`.mun-u Dnknra imlm. I`..- ll... 3 *Mna.,W.'.NFLOW 33 Soorilum Svhr hasheen ' used by_million's ofmmihers for their children when teething If dlstu1`bu(1 at nigzhmnd brokcn ` of om`..restb'y ask-k child suffering and crying w'i pain of cumngt teeth semi at.-once and get;-y`_ J Home of "Mrs. `Winslow : Sobthimz Syrup" My .children teething. It-.w.llLmljove the poor 13 t mftbmr Immediately. `Depend upon it, mother ` them in no nnistnke about it. It cums dixwxixuxa. ?~eg`_g(x:l`:`:teathestnmnchax1d \vels.c\n`aswil1d colic. so I-Lth e.3ums.,.mdu innxmnution and, ,, "xrivas tone anl`0nAmy..ta tlumholosystem. ` Mrs. -`holds. gold lav all yggiglsw .ur:\wl1:ut (lug ' `Sdotl1lnssy_r_up.. ` \ . -.~w'l`lens= .sums.,.redu&a lnmnmaon, ml, xrivas ` onawg..tg tlmwholos stem. `wlrs. Winslow : othlng qrup"for olnll ran teething: la pleasant lo.-_tlle halve and is the,pmam'l lion 0: one or me oldest and beat amtle |1hyll(\!.lB_&l1(! nhmmlu `the Unltm Bums. Price llacequnl world. Beams uni` - 'or Piles! Piles! Itching Piles: nrnuc _\|.\i=vn.-.5. i..m...~. :o..i....... THE SIX OF -FRETTING. "rvar ogrmmy Years` _A __._ n _ "VIi8':' capm l`\ \\).H'Il \\l' [l`l1H* Ihe*_\' feel mu! In I 111:-ir (`I-1pl:liIl:ln<'1 ~ worth living. ulsuu an Lv uu.u w\.u-u-uuun ILDM Mr. Georgo Roberts, baker for Mrs. S_. ` Ranahan, 257 Dundas street. "gives `us the, `following facts: l have suffered so much {or the past fourteen years with kidney disease e Ihat it gives me plensum to tell of my changed condition for the better. I hadihrfnl pain in the back and right side; the urine was red in ` color "with n.reddishD'st_ieky.sedinicnt, with ` brick dust deposit. At- times severe pain in the region of thexbladder, causing me great` Ifelt tired and worn out all the time. Work became an drudgery ; itwasan effort to do any- thing. .au`cring endrdiscon1Iort;-_ Appetitqvery pool; , and much troubled with sleeplesncstarmght. ': I was low 5 iritcd and discouraged. ` Hearing of'Doan`s*Pi lsl wont to Mr; W. T. I Strong`: drug` store,, London. *Ont., and 3 ; got one box. -From the rst dose` I" com- ` . menccd to improve, >B.Y1,t_3_,J10\V my back and ` "side an aim ht; the urine is natural in color; the sediment disappeared; Ibave no pain `er any kind ; rcstwcll ;_ appetite has retumed; - I am stronger and better in every way ; {or the First time` in many years I now feel that life is Donn : Kidney Pills have cumd of long standing complaint. and I nleased to aclmoivledee what thewhnve done