_,__V 1 _ tun. nuuu.'.uJ.v.uq_m:,.v uuny 1.4.. H ~ said Mrs. Grmmfb`; as sheiawud flier !)ord.tz,nt1 .magter a. pint/'u.r9_ of u"hatL witlg, pret1;yL woman`: 'fnx:e,..11~nder` it, Iuw 9. srizlmvwoultl me a. hut like yuu----: ' "No, I):1vi(Ison; Pm not. Don't run away with any itletw of that _kind,"l`hat endorl smxie t'ur_1`o hgo. I have justgot to mg on llens and help mys.elf." 5 "~".l!1it' do you like it. Mr. 1\I:\uric4-3! ."(':|ndi(Hv snpnlrinn-, l'mn f"~unv I (10; lll1E_I10`.(1i>`s IIHXSL. you KI10W`. 7 Davidson `looked unsal.is'[ic v"It` `doesn't; secxn 1tight." he `was beginning dolefully. I 'l\i..`rlUI'lI'6 inioriplezl his lanienlalion. "`lt s no 1151-. crying over spilt milk. n1 i)0 . Tul~:c in `a. solemn warnm r .`7 3 by iny_ca.se, uml d t. slide into crook- ` ienl` xvnys. You don't slide lmck again ` as sm0o'tl1ly,=by a'n_v means.--No\_V. draw up your chair, and we will have some tea." V ' '~ .lSllL' (10 HK6 1:. Mr. 1\1:\ur1c4-.1! -"Cundidly `speaking. Ioan t'say I do; b11t,I1ee`.dp`Iii\1S(., known ! ' Dnvitlsdn `looked unsniisifiml. ."H.` '1"l1al. \\'as`l_.he first of Davidson's vis- > `its. They continual regularly all the rex't of thewinter; through the hot -: stifling .s`ummer. when only dust and '_ heal, spolm of lhe`green'glory that hov- fered over the whole land beyond this ; \v_il sa of stone and `lime. Maurice ilongezl as he had never l(>ngtszl `in his life for 0ne.sigl1t of tossing waves and l1re9zy*n1.uo r-s; mrly there was the ! lan, an-'l the hulchear and the h'ak- V , er. and :1. whole army of snmller satel- llterplunlzed between. barring the way. ` .'1`o Ba Continued. '- AI-llliiclnl uucltuore Lmiiillg m ... the J i\'muraI. ' V Ti1e_.co1nparatiV'ely durability of dif- ferent flooring iiinteiials is` s_et forth in an ,urtic1e'i'n the Scientiiiq Ameri- - _can based upon careful. i_1nd_ ticcu1`i1'_(i -1investigati9nBf{1r-these%ests ;nn or- dinamy iron rubbing wheel was `tied. "ii/lie that _employed by stone workers for I'1,\i)i`)_i'[lg,iSII100`ti1` face on inurble `or `sandstone, and the samples to be tested to hlucksvoi sandstone. laid face down`wa.1`(i on tho I`li.i)l)8!` wheel, which i 1-e.v9lvml`ut the ijutn of: 75 .rev0liitions` a minute," beingisuppiiedy with shah: ,iga,nd'i'r!1i1(1 vwater. Thg blopkg tg which`"- the floqrings _were cemlent f dd warts. _o,.fp equal *_weigh.t.v jsoithatt i the rtiiiiiing was"e'ffe'cted ug1dei`_n9arly. the S8.l11(},,[)i`9SSllI'_6 1_x;_aii caseg.` Curi_qus- i)"`l`g!10i1g`il, the matmjiui which _re's1st~`- `ed`~he:~:t_ t,1iis_sei_/era trmi, was-India ruli- E_ iieraiilmg, `Which o.it9r-n~houir`:s ru_b- `bi_ng i0.$i;(miy one sixty fourth. ofan" inch of` its thickness ; a.(i_d. next to this, {English one.-austic tile` gavg the . best? `irosulua, `losing onlg runs` at hth ofan inch in an h`ou r,'s xieatmen . ;'1`he ar- tificiai stbne, i;now.n_ as `_`Lgrano1i,thio ,wa.'s thirgi. loam thzfee eighths ofan, iIl0_i1;vwhl1e Narti River bluestone lost I nine sixteenijhg of an inch. 4.11 than marbles "\mre ,.o.\vu,y _ver_y vrupiiily; 0.! iace qt marhlgs mo_sa_uz-d1_sappea_rgd gn-. 1 Eirely in 35 mmutes. whzio soiulwhite I Vermimt marble lost` three fourths of u an _in_oh inan hours Most of thevi'viood. I J I I flonrings resisted a.br_naioni~better than the uiurhle. thus. White Dlile-iostoniy` scwen eixteenths of an inch under ;. treatment that removed nearl twice as much ifrom ao1id`mo.rble; yei ow pine aiinut iiim white. BBQ oaiyloat more ' than mtl1er"`of_tb0 pmes, . ' . FLOORING EMATERIAALS. `in 3:11:33 `mmmx '14,.` mi. 3 see. 3;ou back, has not been Are you--ure the old plum, I too? justas g.-I uun uuxnnunnn, u/VI DA_L1\m MCCAR my, Q.C., F. E. l JI l`Pl.ER. Q.C, J. A. Mu)/mrny. D. C. Muncmsou. BARBIE. V ; McCarthy, Poplar, M<`(`..1rthy It Duncan, Alliston and Cl`(`(`l1 10l`(`. . . McCarthy. Pepmrdcorimuld K: .\'((-Carthy, 1' 2|. _ 5 but. am-y oz {wrench saunen (`uluu Ame` nrlu `ten-lbly Wounded. _ Inlfebruarx. 1814. th- French ur- my made a heroic stand against the 31-V _ lied forces of Europe and in one week 7 ratrleved for a short but giorioua-pep ' iod its lust prestige. Though Campos-: , ed largely of half-raw rgacruif. it es- . cap-ed from the very "'c I1'lT 6Tquar- . fun A! ..'...21|:..... tmu. ..5b....!,ml nil ni- > LUULIISBIVBS WILII g!0l'y I" The ch:x.\vur blew out a cloud _of\ smoke, and driving his right sgpurvinto his steed. made him execute a halt turn; thenhe said. taking his pipe out of 11's mouth: " AX! ......'.u- .hmv4 .-m. n.:..1. r vuuyvu .|AuuL nut: nu uvuxnxs um un\iuuIb' tax` of a" million foes, attacked an ur- my of seventy thoVusand"n1e`n. won four battlnae and" cnpturedsixty-eight gan- non,' five generals and twenty-eight` thousand prisoners! ~ ` AH. um a....-:m.. ::..M ...I unntmi-` uuuuaauu Pl LDUHUI D I After the terrile fightxat Mommi- - mil, Major Baum), staii-aurg6on to the guard. was attending the wounded a.8= We as he could. close behind the cola - umns stiu engznged. Looking upfrogl; ` one unfortunate man whose wounds he , was dmssing. be perceived within 9. ` short dismnce an old mounted chasseur 9!? the g'um1.`w1.o wa."s-tranquilly smok- ing his pipe and wan-mug the surgeon. Bancal did not at first mu!" -anv at- me ma3or town: we to sznuigai" A ." \yha 1 I" muxrned the-officer. "Ki n t you ashauled to be loafing around here while your c0mm covering thenxselves with glory? Tha (!h.'l.\l`lll` Mmv out :1 r-lnnd nf\ U1 U `5 LLIUULIII ` "301, major, don't you think_ I have got my (`(69 as it is? Can I do anything more i" ' - The major lopked. The chasseufs Ieg.wa.s shot off lraif-way between the knee nnd the.nnkle. so that his left ootrwus han ing and dangling against hisyhorse. '1` 10 veteran's question re- quired no answer`; but it-"may be aur- mised what, cam and attention the sun- geon lavished on the imperLurab1echns- FRHT. - * 11131118 ]|l[)8 :\n(1\vawmng U16 BIXFKEOIL Bancel did not at first pay" -any at , tention to him. By and by he nbticed the man again. Still in thesame pos- ture. tranquilly smoking his pipe. "\Vh:Lt are vou doing [here 9" cried we surgeon. . " Smoking." nr_1s\\'ered thenmn,, "D668 the major forbu! to smoke ?" 2 \Vhz11, I" mmrnml tho.-nffivafr. "[69,. . 5 7 ` C(JN\`1CYANCER, mg. MONEY T0 LOAN. ' 0Fi`1_Cx-'.%:--Bank of Toronto Build1'n%:, Owen street. Barrie J [THHILLING masonic. A YOUNG LIFE sAvEo IN A REMARK. ABLE- MANNEU. Lure. Lranquuxy smoxmg uxs mpe. "What are you doing there ?" cried the` surgeon. \_- j Smoking." nn<.\\'emd Hm man. "Dom \ " '. i-`Ion-nnc Sturallvanl. of G:-imlstnn Island, Saved _`_i_-on: nu liutlmely In-m,`lx - llerj : l ar-nls Snw llor Dangerous l'r-dlus mend. llut were llclplcss to .1111 Her - llow She Was ltcncncal, .\ A .... .. . wx-'..ny|u Eu nun! III!" mu: Inna nvnuuuun, \ A ...n;v, Has '1:,u:L,>:x1:,L `asL'x1m.s is mm X , . , K I . cznilml Gri1ul,~sl0ue. It, is seven milt-3` long null tlxrue wide` 'I`hu ix1!u1L:it-.LMJ._3 of this nul arezxwell-iu[or111(:1l class of p(`0pJe who devote their otwrgies to farming` and quarrying fur xx .ivu,lihood. In Hus lxmn-cl of one of these isI:u1de.rs 1'\-sirles `FIoren-:'e J. Sturdivznnl, the. f(>111'-year-nwitl of Mr. and- Mrs. \\"r'.`li;n.n1 II. Stllrdiv.-u1L. In Feb- ru:*.r_v, 13,96, shp \\':1s.l.:H.re:1 with sea-r'.eL , fever. and after /the usual run, of the ; fm/ex` she. \\':\:4 left, xxiggx :1. weak l:u'k' :1.n:lgmdu:LI1y l,wg_.1n to losuslre11p;H1, u7nl,L`L finally, (1:-spite l.hehests>ffu1`ts`, of pl1ys'Lci;1:ns, her Life hung: in \he1>:.l- E amne -1t was at this `crisis, wlten :13! .a....:...:.o ~n...I .... mum: . . `:1-[l.\'T[3."+J.l'. \V1lS: {H I/HIS CFISIS, \\'!'.L`-II HA1 sveuaed tiztriiest, `that an atlas} of- lmqitl; a.ppez11'ed on the scene and re- 1`1`,1lS`_`d liitlu `vTl:ure11'.'e frmu pain and suffx-1ir1g and restored` her. t.()`stn=ngl.h and hv:1.'.i.h. 'l }2's 1`N1s:I1`k:I.hle,_ c:c(:ur- rn-I\l`n_ M haul . Ind in Hm wnrn nf 'lu\r . I'("I\(.'() Lt fzxtlwr. J. an nun, LJvu1uI.I uuu. Mr. Sur said, _t:zke-n _s1ck \v1t,l1 scarlet fever um1\`.e nnxnedlattuly called :1 patient: the l;est.o[ czfre. After two _ \'vueks'the feve`1'suhslI1e(l, but lforence _ wasle.ft with avery weakback. Sevxfre pains were consl;anl.ly in the backhnd stomach. We did all `that possibly could be. done to relieve oiir liltle sufferer, but to no avail. The diffi- culty seexlxed tmbatflo the efforts-of the. physician. ' ' ' I+`in.n.llv at Hm) and nf fnn-r nmnnthn "Elorence was _ [)}Lysik`.i:u1. _H.e 5 p;"escr_1.l)e1l for lxerzlml xye f01lo\\`c(jl1ls 1 d1rec_t1uus_ closely, glvmg our httle l [)Il)'BlC|llI1. l Finally at the` end of four months of treatment` we - found our p21tie_nVt' completely prostmted. At tins time ~ - we called a.noth_er pbysiciu.n; who agreed wltbllle dla.g`I);0}lS of our own .(l octor,,zLmLszu(1 that the troub'.e"`re'.- _' but .~'rnstond of, improving Florence vfailed. ' l "l\/|'v-u .Qh1rrHvnnl` and nurcnh um-m L9ulate; 1.Irom.thez.,sca.r1etJexzep.;..7IIe.pre- - sorlbell 9. -6ourse of treahnlent zsnrkwve - fo11owelr1_iLmi,t.l1ful1y for three months, - Iaueu. . * '.`Mrs. Stnpclivant and myself were ` ` completely`-.d1scouragg:(l._ A, irother gt my wife, _wl_1o was visiting us. advise us to-use Dr. Williams PmkJ.?illa for Pu`lo_People, and I purchased 9. box. of the pills and began to give them" to 1*`loren'c:e This was in ,0(`IOUOI`., 1896, After using the pills a short time we could see, .an_ "unprbveme_nt. Her. stran th lseg8.n,_ to return and` she - wuul sit up in bed. Her jippetite H I wag matured tmd 8he_jute,h9artily. ,. Waulso noticed 9. gradual brightneq ; in her eyesrq` " .i Q ' -`."\Vn. .mumrlv- -n11rc.hasml'n fm\l-l~l m- . Av :- 4141.1.` a.AAI\I'u `10UIs TY CLERK, mm 139 at n`ia*omco' in . _tlne Court House. l3m'm., ovcrysaturduy Residence and P.().. Coulzstqwn, 1n 1101` @3887? ` v ~'wasb "mg wrbugbt daily. ;F1`~q mJsit- an-zlut times`. ,ato,nd_i_ng_'.ou herM_-Me_t`; \ Florence iinall im;>ame.s't.;'on __n;mgh . tnq. walk 9. `litjz e. Sam gugnc 11;; flesh, ' aqd `st~rena`th "*rap1dl_y` an1I _th6 pains .,g'riiduu.lly left h_e_r. In a monV1;h`a: time ;_|ahe_had1 rcovered her health, and ustrength. -~ , _ :5 . L : \Vn nnmmt mvaiae too hml'1l`v the. _ -`-`We, ..eo.g9rly~ ;_purcha$e(1 _auppl y* of pnlla a-n(1.wat(':h ed with de-. . light. Zhe change foxy. the" better` .'that` V ting up*r'm lied` at, times during';t'h'e day ` 1' scrangm. vqlue Qt. Dr. A l1i_ama`~Pink Pi s. I co.{lI_1uV,31t1ve'.&hat wnthout their_,1_1se our 0 . . name sad_oondzltion`9f her early sick- ness-a confirmed 1`nvulid--if indeed 1. We oanvnoh {mine `too th"e} would have been: to-day in the" ` she ha.d`ha.d~the strength to withstand so Ian`; the.ills of her u.ff1io_tion_.*f `Signed. `William H.Stur o;nt, L . Subecr) `I. and awn` 11- to befcre .me ` {Mn uh-H\2 dnv nf Am I. 1897. ` -` * ' Subscribed. emu awn to were this sixth? da`{7ot Apr), 1897.; M ' - _ iE[. . Morao,_Notury_V_Puhlicj..v mug. -um. uznuuuu u\,-.. ..u nvtl [I51-Ll h':1:li.i1. is best (1 in the words of her at run) ms nos: " 1~`10re:nce |.s' 'Sft"u f(iivunt. ,,_L 4 :1 um: `Kilns. T. Mzllntwy, 2 Gildm-sleeve avenue. Iforonto, Canada, says: "Both Inysoif and my husband have used Munyuns Grippe was sur((ring exti mne-pnin:= from the dis- ea3_e,_ but after using the rm-nmly for only pletciy cured. and has not berm troubled xfinve. ..\1_\' ~tx[a<'iii'f1['(! "119 similar`. h:u'e-nl~`q nsc-(1 .`Jun_';on'.-1 (`ronp'Curo for ie one six xnontiis ol1l,.:1n(l again we had the best 'uI results." was very bad. but afxor this treatment she completely recovered. We have implicit mm In Munyons Ih-medles and keep them \ constantly in the house." \- .. .- _. ,.., pL,_,`_-_u_,. ..n_ A- .. We i . Cure with spleudigl results. .\lr. lilnloney` one nl;;hi, :zv.-nkcvtlxe m-xt morning chm-z The child '. Hmps of and` Sufferers` ' ` Yell Their Glad Stories. MAI nus PEUPLE 53: same. Collier Streets, Bnnio ` _ -.u up -4- u.-.--;anv HYBICIAN, SURGEON did (Late o{_Drs. uarvic & Smith Orillla. - OFFICE AND RI-:um:N(?1; :--Corner Owou an ........,......._, ... ..... ..w-... ,, ' \ Manon : Rheumatic Cure seldom falls to no Ileve in can to three boom and cum in a few llayn. ' Price 25, ` ., Munymve Dyspepsia Cure positive}: ure_a1l i A W1-slu-n llnn. l'hlnk.~\ in Good llenll I J . L. Edwards. a well-knoi~vn mining man and capitalist`-, who registers from I; a1t La.ko'CiLy, but whose home (ii- i vided between the locations of his sev-_ Vera] go1d _m_in"ing properties in Mon- tuna, Uinh u.ndvCo1o"rado, was recently 'interviewed in Buffalo. Asked its to ;whethur he had any intention of going to the Kl0n(1ike region. Mr. Edwards said: No, I. am not going to the K10?)-'7 =dike. but I hzwe_just from the i | ' ` Anna: 1:. ` | 1 Lake Superior and Rainy `Lake gold . fields and the more` 1 see of that snr-` prising country, the more I feel that -1 do not care to go to Alaska. I think . that the new country which is being open9d.._up north of the Minnesota line and Luke Superior--the Lake.of the Woods territorynnd the Micliixvicoten iti--iS'> this most promising cOl1Di$1`)' for paying mines that I have ever run across. I am amazed by it. [have ziimady secured some options and have ' made some giurchuses there and am z Yhat his lzxzprhved Hammgathict S ,~'si`ai:I Has Dnnefurt e k Pea;)_!f:L@ada. I Munymve positively cum an (arms at ludlgecuop and stomach troubles. Price 250. ' ' -kxuuyonw Cold Chre prevent: pqeu_mou_l_a and s\\'e:xu, allnsgp soreness and xpceuuy nem we lungs. Prlro 25. . ` Munyorra Kidney C\:re_speed|ly cum pump 3 In the lmk, Mus n'r moms, and all forma_.ol . kidney disease. Pr!vc,25,.~.~ ` - ; Munynsm Nerve Cure_ntops__ nervousness and ' i*'r'(6e' 25%. -k!uuyon'| cm-e.prevenu neumoula irnka up a com in a few hours. Pm: 23. Munymra (`ough ugha. night and `speedily heals: the . _2_c. _ I sIi:K iEEwLL. Munynsm Negve Cure Mops ?.ml!dn up the system. Price 25:`. _ .\huxymx`s Headache Cure stop heudachr-..1n - coma BACK `FOR MORE. "The mines abgxg Q10 Lake`of the \Vopds. amahowving `lb surpxfisingly. I W , who havemade our st1*ik.$ in the west, havorbeen rather skeptical about" 1 tiny, mi.n__9__permanent_,vulue, or ,.9f_ 7 great; number east" of the Rbcky Moun- tnins;~But my trip to that country up north uuZ1" Il*orth-wfest of Lake 5811- poridr has opened my eyes. The Michi- picolen _fiId' has not been much pros: pected as yet, butls making 501116 splendid showings in the 1itt Ie >(l'ei'/elop- meathzt?@3sW d"m ` men are going in there every day. '1 saw some samples of decomposed quartz ' there that Wexje as rich ii1 .g ` I hayg ever seenjh my life. The r0l_{_ is V;e`1'y[ei1sily \\'orkable- and there will. 7 be win big plies made, inure on small eapitall 5 u n:.1 ....g. - ......1... .._... :.....`;..,.\...'... 6!: ` 1) ` N 2'A1tlF`S--(.`0XV;\ J Owtiixaz-Om`. Dunlap a{d C ... o ,..__,_ n n. 1- Lffntnrrh Cure-price ?.m'l'!iI"sV'\'xy>' inc s'y3teu2. Prlc .\luuymx`s _Cure tin-re mizmtoa. Price 2.1:; ~ ` zm-.ny.~su"a Pile Ointment lpoaltlvclyucum at .'mr.'.;`. at piles. Price "250. , . Mv.nynn`s Elm! Cure omdicates an Imnurmea ~ nt the Mood. Price 250. . _. ` 2-!un;.'ou.'a Female Remedies are a boon to an 2-:nn:en. ; Ihmy6n's Cntarrh Remedies never ml. The 2l'xc.--c-rnmcatea the dlsenm` mm the system. and the Catnrrb Tablets-*pn-:0 ?.":L`.-(`I`~_r.nce and heal the pans. Bunyan`: Asthma`- Romedles r rxtnntes and cure permanently. Price H. uunyrm'a Vmglizur, a great tome and norer of vital, ul:1=_ngth ts} s_v_cz\k people. 81. ,.. , ...n .|...,. alien in three " x I'e- j WRB 9.SsK6(1`0[ Mr. .|1a'(1W&l`(lS. "_Yes. I bought an intemst in one - wlaun and secured options on a couple thenerare not" ready to sell for any .13 t,;l59s;,;119i:yf...t9;I3I mmes- `After `afizune. when the fi _ discoveries wear` off, and ngoney is needegt to won}: the propertxeswthen the. gures wi1l_cbmo down, Mihipi- oofext is a. good countr - for the pros- mom. Butas u generurule thgminers . inodnerate ngum. The .thinlk they I have 8. good thing. an ..f_orget thaig . E "f1i}isT"?>Y`i`i"lf unactor now. but it wil `be better for`.- w,,.u.,.. - ." Did youmake any investments?" asked-or Mr. Edwards. "' "Vac; .T hnnaht an infammxf. in mm Mun'r>xiTVVX:n1iEur, and uiwngth tn weak A separate cure for each disease At all drug- jdsts. nmstly 25 cents :\ vlul. . ' Pmonnl letters to Prof. Munynn. 11 Albert t~.-eet, Toronto. Ont.. answered with tree medl- -.1 mlvlce let any dlsease. ' E$'3r 'nc'*"sv .wt`:' J[therca1e~j:ea4ise- . "Up in we Rainy "Raver undLa.ke~ of the Wood.=.`dist1'ict liouinkthe most tempting field for present investment that I have at struck. some of the mmes there. ave been d_e\:e1oped*loug egnough` to gxve a. _`fa.i-1' wtlmate of their` rvalue. Something can be 'udged as to the ohumoter;.,of_t}1e davie.o1zmenS be- . u9ath~the surface showing; a n_(1g ighig, `Elves uchance"to_figua;o.~some\vhat my 9 the grobalgle chu.1'aober 0:fn,$:ven- pi-oa~ . peotsln thasznne country-.'-New` claims we beinrcoutdnuaally mum; andfthere` are many enticing locnking ro'sx%eots'_'fd. be hadthere at reasonably aw gures`. .-Of Vcpurse. one cs.nn 9t_ go out t&1e_x'e and _1ck' up u goid mine that wxll -'~ y andsomp _, ividen ds'.nnlesa `ha novvslxis buqtnsstvbut a good zninmg} man `can ` get holdjof .,spune_ Mandi mpgrgieg. there 'n_ow. I have` ght M wo dlaims noon the Lake at-the Womb: ropert3.e.s~ were n_ow. .t nave` Domgnt W0 cauns u n the Lake otfrthe Wqods ` which I Livl - _a.mble.< m.' It funny -1 oifm tr ; tmrju ment';tok'4no`swA_a. good prospveo when Isee it. `Inasmuch as Mr. Edwn.rda.h`astha 7 la Le mm!` an I * tn, 33va_t$`ao<: Hoigbgxg hvigv5: prospect wnen 1 see its: ` - _ ; Inaaxnuoh as. Mr. Edwurdkhas vthe mputa.o_n_.` of never having been con,- nected wLt1\`.na`.,unsucoesanl mine. his but statemaent may be `stilt! ts) go. TWELVE MONTHMRQM Now. `DR. _,I A`L1`-IER, SEBGEON, EYE. EAR Throat and Nose, -10 Colhge street, Erd door [mm Ymxue Street. Toronto, may be cguaulted at tho QuI'Qn'B Hotel, Barrio. Jqecond Friday of ovary month`_ [mm 1) mm. n\_a. at Vusuu Ivullvvuav uvrvuj 4-&-Avnsya man 18 pros-, actor now. but it `be better for m-ns'H=+iE-913:9-_. - V . RnINY mvxzn DISTRICT. The Republic menu the much: or Ablly->-('IOlI[lIc Indian Ie.lIef_I'~ IIdi I` D cllngln Itrmxi F.porn. [ 3 _A despatch from Lomlbn ays:-A de-E spatch from Vvashingioh quotes A}-. torney-Gengral M;-Kenna assaying that % `i he has fexzeived no inquiries through ` tube Unitgdstatea Cotmse`;-Gen. or our, , ers in London in regardxo the pm-chase_ ; the Lni <;nVl u;.-ifi: road. The folhlowing qhkssage hasbeen received in `rep3y.m_ ` agi inquiry of the (`onu;-General; cab-_3 Jed to Attorney-General McKenna:~-%, ' "To the Consu~Ge_x;eral_ of `the Un_ite'd: States, London.-The road has not bet-n . I l--'x L. m H-2; SBME LATE` UABLE 1m1s.] rezunng." At the final" Lmeetinrg of the .oom-i` Emma, of the India famine fund or: the Mansion-`llouse, that Lord Mayor, Sir Georgie, }":m. 'Philii;:s, `announced that tl1c_tot.zL! Sn -mr_i;it`-.)ns_mnountq;1 to 5~19,3f:0, -11 {ding that out of every `pound 193. 111-2d. had been remitted `to India. demonstmting that the ex- ` State {$1156 of u.;lmini.stc:in-g the'_ hind had ` en most minute. '. / `Lon, Geoige tlagniitdn. Secretary of for In'Li4 raid that the must serious famine nf -the century `in Inrlia ;wa.~= disappearing, but still a. million` ;nul ahaif ofpersons are x1:ceivin_r,r1'e- ilief. The total of the suFs~riptiuns i from Gmat Britain, the Unite] `St.-ites, Atho Britislmtrrleniear--,aml India,v11e<-on- icluded, amounted to nearly 1,330.00. gan-.1 the total cost of the. famine` was :more t'h:m 10,UUU,000. i Tho Tnrrl 1\r~.nvs>.r Ln T'D!M.7L il\(I; in His! ;more mum :.1u,uuu,uuu. _ ` The Lord 1\[=\ym`. im reyiyiiigr to the address of thanks of the"Seunetary (it State for 1n.liu.. iefermd gratefully tn theefiorts nf .\I1*s.Huuser, of Chi<'ago, as having been. the initiator of the plan for sending large. quantities of clothing` to the sufI'.er:{1s' in indin. fmin the famine and p!u.;ue. adding that L119` clotliixig S0_ voliectezi was dishi- i:~ute:i with rem`zLrkn;ble sucmss. A dammh-M In Hm H-xi.`-J -\|:nI TV-nrn I uuuszi wuu I'eIl!iL.I'Ku.IJ1U suux-33. A despxztch L0 the .l)u.i-'._'-' `.\J.z11l. from Czlpe._'l`u\vn, mys tlutt, l)r.J:Lmes011,tl1e hero of t.he<',l`r:msv:m.l mid, will seek a seat in the C, :Lpe Asseuxllyly a.t_.--the next geiieml election. The chief plank in his plunrm will be, Fexlerailioii {or Soutli Africa. - l`l\n -mnv-nivmr hnnnr nnnnmnnf nnnh 'l_0l' DOIIUI ALFLOEI-. 7 the continued decline in British ex- lm`.`f per oent. decline, as counpairtxl .ly `due. (`/0 t11a.Di;ngIey tariff. The The morning papers comment upon ports. The Board 0fTl'.'l(iI3 returns for Septelnirel` show u. .se.'ve.n and n. ' with the corresnoniiing nioiitli of last ye:1'r. it is a.dI]11ii'.8(i that this 1s,_1na_`i-n- Timessays-l\Vhnl,ever its `.us!tin1ute I effect, it is clear that the iIIlm'siil.t0 rcsuit of protection in America is t cirsa `the American niarkets very largely to Bri.tis'n nxports. We nmy as well make up our minds to this {act and seek an opening for gur toods e.'.sewheere." - - W. D. MaoL1:LRBN. j DI`;r"r1s'rRvs11\v:.~n (lookstxxwn 1stm1d'b3r.1 _ ' Wcdnasdny of each month. Hlllwalo hunt \V'ctlbne.sdny, New Lowell zzx-,l \\'cdnosdny. .. SKID!) L'$'5,9T.5 lS"S3IIIB FIVE IITTIBS - pf `Dornoch V,lH5.gT\, the capital_ oi Suth- ' er`l0.ndshi.m. The village was in olden times the cathedral city of ..Sutherl9.nd and Cuithness and the castle was the ; residenca of the bishops. A notable re- ` -minder of the .lal'.ter [act iS'th6'(`,XC1- ' lence of the ga,rdens- and orchard. '1`hn nqfatn of Fkihn castle is.nm>. .rif was quamrs -5:111:03 o;P\"rHn ` Urmjap s1s.m:s. !`lI.l)0l'n1l-ll I-`In-ch 'I1'smu-. the I-`cln-nncr llmno of Bishops. ` Andrew Carnegie; 5: I iltliurg is ri- _ veiling Willia.-u 1~\V'z1ld1'of Astor in -the . value "and extent of h.is_l'z_1nded, inter: - -est/s, in `the -B_l*it.,isl1-empire. The --nal;ur- - alized Scottish-AInerian millionaire has rented and will pmlgaluly buy""the Skibo-e9xstLn;_e.sLa.ter.in' $eotlv.nd, on the northern shore 9f Dornosh Firth"; and not far toy the soutnwast o D_unr(fbin. came the bhief Scottish seat of the Duke of Sutherland. ` , Ql.~`rlm .-a~:H1: iitr. i bhrist; family. gmd _there 9. lar'gejs .a. '_ " ufnrfaethighrnswsatdr-to-eammemomtw _ Hospis. - IBDCE OI I118 ga,1`uens' ana 0I'(7II8I`(1. The esta.te_of Skibo cast_1e is ._one or i the best fishmg` and shooting dlstricts ~ of Sut.her1andshire._c,onsists of 28.000 acres. ()ne_ of the .\1n-:kays became the owner of Saxho. after the_ days of the bi5;1__gps- and sqbsequentlyv 1t passed .in- to the 0ssessm_x_1 of _G. Demster; Esq. Hospida , .9/short dlstance `to the west, is the.nea_re:st_ great hpuse t9 Skibo castlei, It 18 owned by the-Gil- tha dmztlx in battl of th=e>D:q;;ish chief T To me a.t'o sm three mixes; on V Hospls. at She 'he'idf'ouf Dornoch 1'.-`irth, to=D6r- "noel: is Clashmore `m_n. thqsame dis- tance south ufwhi:-h -has Maude Feri` the station of that name on the tali- V road which` runs'c1ce33~to the ..south est one to Mr. C9.rnegie s new Eroperty, '1`he_'castle 13 to: the southof hemain mroad and at` the ~he_n.z_1 of annarm -of the firth. = , *'i" ' '~ rmm nnnrbnf. 1`n\\}'n of imnnrhznnn fn To the `eastpt mixes; V_ the road runmng `from Bonar Brialge, shore of the estmnfy. being the.uear-. thxa mm. _ .; 4. . The nearest" t_ow'n of xmportanceo Ski[:q._.jE+' Tain, a._1i_ttls spgxthnof We`sEu,sf ' Dqrnnclgisu `the other`s1`_de of the isra; . . `tr. .S,k1- is "about. fiftyt1u'eq' mi1`e`3` ' n_L_xr,theb.st-; 91$` Clnny yca.S_tIe;_ _.._........._. ......_....-........,........a......" _..' .. ` .' " '.r7" " -. I . ` .When`yo`u takex-.IIooxl s`I, AIlls. _'x`l19bIg,o1<}-ms1;- ` lgne(l,E \1gaH{'.ted~pills, whjchAf.sar_vou all to I pims. arehb l_t- wlth__H(>d'n. ; Easy tomkg ` Imsv tn n3xxvs\ta."fn'1:xI|i:i an easy to.o}_:omte,`ls'tx-uuj * o_t Hood`: -Pills; whlch M9 ' tgp-toqdzxte in even wage V 471; Baits, certglgand sm'e..,All" ` _- ' - amgg1atp.'aao. .0. Laam: co.;'Lowe1z.imL V . 1'.h?61l`?l1lm tamwucn Hood%o.sxqagm;ua. A Al-"l`EI'i.. You CAR1fiE_GfE S_tNEW CASTLE. rheny6utak_'-;Ipqm'r;iis; `_Tl19bIgv,ol<}-Ins the p'u[,;jc by 3 notice given IP60 olcnnrgu In In! 5.simtii`is gnxexisau - r:-Xnnn nnnar In than t -. onvnn. `mans mans. mam artists. can an-rs. Fur Information and mo usnumok write to MUNN & C0. 861 BROADWAY. Nxw Y0. = 0"1ost bureau for securing patents In Amerlcn. I-ivory 21tm\t.t:`.}:en out by usls brought before pu He given free otcharge In an {V7 -9 ... l.``..a Q .u.4u:.Awuo Tlle. lnvuuon oh1 Tu-rIl')l(~. lhbxl'l(-t-l Wlvli )lnke_u .lu;,v`g`(-cl llole Tlu-ce`or Flu Inches In IH1ll|l(`I(`l'. ' . V-V - 1 ` 1 Largest cir<-ulatlnn of may sch \\'or :d. S `em1i:!l_v tliustnwz man shou :1 be `without 1:. rear: zlx xv.-L1 H. _A:1 In tutu '\.-,.-v :4 = 2\` -1. (~j$. \!-` \(/ ox pnuf. - ~ / Cnoxvs hlxgucnu: C0,, kK. Ton NTO. % 263% J # I2 I 2 J, ` anv-5, vu `vi: u- _._,. ARRISTERS. Solicitors `of the Supreme Court. Proctor.-1. .\'0t:u`ic.~`. Conwynneers, &c. Money to Loan. . " `" Oicesz Ross Block. Duulop street, Barrie` . WKLLI a'1`ox AULT. `Aux Co\vA3u`. _.__.~ A de1T:F}i from `London sag,-.s:--In' addition to the `proposition o make` the vuIu'mce1`s lhable for Service abroad in case" of war. the G0m1'11:1nen't Will. imtroduk.-e an: Army Reserve bi.i1'du.I -ieug (ha next s of Pa.I*l_l2Lmeut4 Acco1'di-1Lg- to Lliis me,a.sure, it is pro- rposed to en~l&rsi. 5,000 reservists `at an _ extra rate. o'f'1~zLy, tJmks'for1mi-ng 9. re-_ Unable farce which` cu_n be-drawn Ippll at any time for use 111 the smalil wars. Thy}. RI'i`ii.~uh Cixvarnmmw in n |:'n 4-nu-u` wean, The 1 n`i-u. 2u V Eby when he ha; on been t;e1e_d to a bath with "BAB'(`S OWN SOAP `-' --wants .90 othcr---because he: knows no other makes him feel so nice. ` ' " ' H 4:`... ..t`D.Ju. a f\mn`Ann usx ` - .- . '. Friend'.y? I _should say so; wh=y,,1ast . week when_ the sheriff l'evied_ on her ,ia.x1o and. b1c.yci'e she made him a. glass ' ,iz.=ed-Ie4noaad_er ._ -~--~~-, ----- u now Iuuvu no omcr nlancn nuu mm l`.;!:'::;:!vrzi2:1tions of" Baby : Ownoap, loqk like it, but baby falsthe difference, The Aleyt Toilet Soap . T Montreni. ll 1 712 ` -`.WHAT WEHAVE '} A " A mm now. och. 'THEN'_ .' ._ ;..j V ARRISTERS. SOLICITORS Kl DICKINSON `I l1AUWA'l`a`. `WHICH 1 . COURT ore .ms*rw7I-3 afo'r.u31m , . _ PUBLIC ou:%vm'..2 Om:-no--In Barriern xt Iiaixrof Tomato; and " mum; m~.Kmziea xzk, : __;~ 71faz<'g51\vcV_m:r1, and am`: is na._on;\s2`s*vnu9. .or Lmszsn Arm runmammz 1:: ssimoms ' WE CLAITM t1_1ere_`i`.\oxi1y.b{ig,.i5:gga{tior : yln Canada, to-dziy thnstgis guhrantqd (Q Q , an auwsau mgu IuIw1:`|1VIm_. LI: :3 gxgvf . % ms cure `re; her `shun-mix 5:; i:31l$t1fd ` - up` with CROUP gincr qqugxxiugfigs 1;:`1g,._mn`gsv . out, mm wHoov1,\'G,c6uG`Hi.;` L one glnge immedigtely stops. ;~lo9;en ing.the`phlegkn, putsthe |_itt1e.;9n_5E0 _: ; .V3Mb1_'.5Y1P so as to mks mfg 19? ` lplgpsaxgt ta1,e'of turpentine a'nd'1inse'cd; _, \; 1 OFFER to x,e_mndthe prim: }s1e`epf':1'nd rest. Dr. , Chase .Q`:npoi_m1!:i1 WE: 801:} on a gunrmtce at/`it\l.p_19 ` 599, Bates &Co., .45 Lo;nb_arc1: St; l\\ ha.t*a frfxeniliy {voman y_6ur yvifo '3 S ._ _ _ __ _ ABRBEEYAL GENIALITY. MQDERNTW/AR_FARE.` .I. 1.41 L\J1L % BLOOM SKIN FOOD For the Skin. PERFECT ' HEALTH PILLS` -- Fonrthe Blood. _ 50 cyts. each at Drug stores or scnt prepaid on receipt of prim`. Cnoxvke M ` yxcnu: - A 1 l11D\)1J_\J.`<'. mum-n_LU1V, acc- Onxcxs ANI)N1GII`l` Rxcsg-mmczs: Browns Hlocklllnxlo St..Banle.~ ` 'I`ulenh(me 7. . 21 tIt`r;Llr_-.{`.\ Nrf ii:te:1;11(s{?,ns J: 5. `ea . ~ F. M 1m. 3 u.{"vs 1. 0) aw " :.-k F` `VI'.'f cu .$oap " > 1` mm rln th Nopgggelliwenes W:-oklv. 33120 31'1" '3 _ wen Blfv. 9`. nbis m.`o'cK. An_fl.IE. HAIIGXIION Llzxrmw H. A. nous. Gu.Jl,.I..1m.us',:i. _ Barrie. Al`is1on nnd-Cr(-unorc. ` Lennox &Boys ICln1\'nIo. . .Barr1c(`k-e-(`oxu Innlop and Owen streets. ` F|m\'nlr- ()lnr-()mx. llnm`s Hulel. U Huzamox L1-::::m.\`. Gleu. 11.1., .Barr1c(mioe--Cox'. Dnnlop and (men Ilmvnlc (>fcc-() 1:. llnnt`s Hotel. Monov to Loan at we- mtc, .,-A..._._. CrossCiit'%~`2v*] cwmBLAGKSMITH1 _`_'~`. ___:___. . WESIERN _|NSURAVN.GE, co, % .3 ` V 4.0;!` To_1wNTo,-.-_, -' % Al Dllifsii n!AOW1T1`- 5 xnnwrwne Qnl.H`.1"!`(}R.'~l I.N"HI. 3H 0111:-no--In Humern an new unk ueggiek -Iona Dlcxucsus. U4. HOOD. JACKS & FRASER. 3AnR{sTI:s. S4)Ll()l l`t;I$.` -- - or 4 m... `..x.`.... mock Uumo B1 1j1ephoue 7. .#__.._LI"tj nan. Uicon : Ron block, mm.-.. 0 E. llgwsgx. A. mu." Cnxswxqn. . rnwx & nvnnysn. lmnlsrmxzs ho. ` H Lniiizox. novs mnnown. gARRIS'I`ERS, SULICI'FdI{S ".1140. Hon 1). .31.. '_ uccnmmz pawn & MGQARTHY; 3ABRISTEIiS. soywrrons, . C01 aw. yuan` Il..l\.~....... nn I3 Y! Y'I'I)..... .... A I\ noN`ALn noss.` 3} A.. QARRITSTER. ~ SOLICITOH, sob * i- .43wn: , FA um ' ` v` ~. I .... .__._.........q.........._..................L:.._.....c_..___ `Cnm:m'lly_Gun|u1,ed |l:i il.`l_'lll5d Iumvun. Ic.Keggie a Bk} -{aux Du: l!~`5u.\`. _-_._..'..._... R} W; A. ROSS, I,.R.5.s. mam`; F.`G. P., London. 'n"rrxrn7T A17 (11Y11I`|vn1\\v n ?'ih7"'g3*t.37"x7a"E3m7a E-"aZ:3T.`?1}; f1 `}"i't7 PM 9. hut? like 7 pore THE Question ' Get a MARRIAGE Lxcmsn:.r.=om {ou c9.n'-have oe anywhere frqm $60010 86,000 'o'm' thelw'ge11uml;erfor sale by nu. 1...... .7 Barrie. Stayner and I`om:ntam. MONEY T0 LOAN. -'~ 1.: Pan ... n _ u.-an---.. lnbrorutod 1-$3761.. STRATHY & ESTEN vnlcmvuu u..l;n:mn in HwM( _ xnu` ilk... .4 `nlnr-n1..: x.ou!t1'L\' as" Louzrr. IRTRRQ "IIJl ITORQ. PRC VHUNILI IU uunn. _ . Hop - ,, Jar`. Fnnsu Bare Olct.-,:' Rois" Block. ` "am"a`" m`? x"';'$;omw as ' R . , C, . . -B` Na3A:.1m-cx;xV'}R*cER& 5:. l 0rn(:ss:~(3or.DunlonAud : puma Um!- 01. 1:1. _ Money to Loan at vLo\vc%t Rates ' AULT, & o()M1i;7K2{ r~%M7%iM%6EFaoMEnv,AA H 'eY0 N:L x:.'.F6."fi7i}T` nv A \. nwvnnnnu . V. ; ., uuuuuu. PHYSUTAN. SURGEON, &C. -3.`; AN!) Nmtrv lh:l~`.l`.I Hvnmnn R. 'r.'nAN'rING. No witnesses required YOU wmn A mm %s l1Il'YH- ` gvnr. um. Q- 0-` Tomm .,_AQ:ENi i;A5I;nI1. OFFICIAL. 0. _ H. LYON I4". HAGW"A\'l`l'..: W. A. Boys. UV. {M[1."AT11\\ E[P;gqTitK s Paonlem There was A pause in the Gaeherwiek -lofiioo. The ho;11-hour `utter ve had hung out wmowminute before; six was closing-time. and itwas one of the ar- E ticles of "Mr. M`Ce1Ium'e creed that it ; gwaa injurious tag. the constitption to g pmgatmight from the Whirl` of busi-. i,nau.a.u.e chill outide air. M1-.'bAI5.-va _} Callum was chief~clerk; there were but ;` two; and "whonever it was 'p'z.'ac`tio- sq 3 gable---tlgat is to say whenever Mr. i c -Iatherwick hinxsf was not ptwezit in ` :;Jeg'sgn:-`l1e mode A point of allowing a I jsuitable margin for general conyersa- ,1 tion, tefore the two desceqded the t stairs and net their faces homewards. .41 n ...;.-.. xr.. M.vn..n..... .J .......-.-a mhnf - lbuul uruil list. wen` LLWC5 LlULuD\VG1"'|. ; It was Mr. L_ljCallum of course, >who 5 was lemling Yli conversation to-night ` .` and the subjm of ul|'uLhers.that. had come to tlmfront was the bzise bf the; Prodigal Son suggested possiblgaby of circixmstanceithat had occurred thatf `same morxiiiig. Among `the letters bY. the second post had---been- ouqr in abig~ idashing hand.` which without reading; gfurther than the_ had of the first page 1 Mr. Gzxtherwl-ik had promptly put into &,fIV3Sh envelope and re-direct`ed'.`pre'-` sumzibly to l1lB`[)iuL'G it had come from`. hut he lmd posted it himself, instead Qf leaving it with the others to the jun- ior clerk, _Davilson. Davidson took. 8 spacial interestjn tlxal; dashing imnd- ' writing, and was laboring under :1 sense` of iuijury accordingly. ' "I.`.'m- n.um..l I .mu.u~' nuitn utrrtmd UL llll UL) lM.'UUX`(1lIJb'1)- ` "b`9r myself, 1 never" quite `agreed A_wj_tll all the fuss that was made} .0V81'l -pie oh Llie chance Vof getting the like} um ygung renegade, Mr, M Callum._ was mmnrking with an emphatic flour- ish of l1'Ls' ruler. It's not the pmc-E tics. in these days at anymte; .nd1&`T not advise any one to follow his examq reception." I "'I'|..... ...... QAvf\iC`l` 1......` 14!} L5. #n[ Avxupuuu. . [ "Then you woujd have left him to; starve, I suppose?" returned Davidson, who represented the entire audience . ' g " \Y;.6 .\..oi..-..1.. ....n.|..-nHn-U in all ' 1-v .. ` H1v$0:.,a: cnnswxcxh. V .i Court of judcimue for Ontario`, hoe, ;B'ABRIs'r!~:us solxcum of the summg con Rotujes, Convcyam ere, etc. Money to (Assn. Omces Ron Block, Barri. (3 Imrsox. (tmmncxx. ` uuu iwpinocnuvu um LIJLLAU uuuwux-w 3 "Not entiriy-m0(_lerat.ioIi' in 3111 things. He might have been taken in on prolmtion`for'a. time, till they suwi . how far his reform was to be depend-I ed "upon. No ; on the whole.1 m not say- ing huhl` ugmc \vi,i Mr. Gatherivick. A "Mr. Gutherwick is obliged to you. sir, sziid at deep voice from behind: . " but instead of disc-usgimg uizittera that `do noL concern you, kindly put up-your 4- bouiis and go," - ! . M 7\1!II.;)l....\ ,.,-.n......,..1 I1. 11:1] uni uuu...; unu bu, Mr. -l_\1 (.`e.llum collapsed. He did as he was ~b_'uldun in perfect silence. Loo; overcome even to attempt an apology. Davidson f0ll0\\`,ed` him as awiitly as pmxsible, and Mi`. Gulherwick was left; in suliuiry possession of the field. A limited and very (lusty field; but the stiflest battle of his prosperous life had been fought out there. it was than M story , his 0'nly`-"s`o"n,.e:Lsy, cure- less, Lliougl1llcss--in all respects the un- tii;odes'(nl his fully;-r-1nistul(cs in the cusli-liook-ix1quirie.s hushed u;i-dis- g`i'uce und `l)l1Ill:Sil1l1k`lli ,. ',l.`hat hqd hap- pened two 'eu1`.s ago. an dlliis morn- ings was Llie Lhlnl letter` that had hex-.n sent back unreadp 7.\ir (`.nHmrwinlt wuq nl null. null nf ue_c/11 sent uuc-._x' unreau. ~ Au`. Gutherwxck was at one endnf yet both held preciwly the sauna View on one subject. The prodigal in that old yzu`uh1e had been [urgiven much too `easily; the father haul exhibited an amiable weakness that was alto- eLhCI` reprehensible` undelf Lheci1'cun1- stances. Mr.gGu.Lherwick involuntzmly c,91n111en for his suundvir [;rinciples, and felt th:Lt"he had dcnxex 1"ighteuus.ly in rc.Lurniug'tha.t` unread Iettum ' ` the pole. M1`. M Call,lum ILL` the other,` Anzl: val -.-nnmuvhnrn nrulnrnnnflx u`vnu 1eLwr.L . _ And yet, somewhere underneath was a failit unea.sy_ House of discom[orL--of something wanting. For whuh end was 10 Working now.- I10/had no ir1`n1i1`uuuh- ulqle older 8011 to full UiJ.t`.k'l1[`-(H). Hos- pxtuls and almshousen am-, useful. insti- tutions, but few men labour with en-. Un1rsiz1s`m for thir solo hohoof.- Ha nxighbentlow another school. perhzips: l1ut`tlxm nppeaxred to D11 :5cT1Tdls inab- undunco already, and he himself was u. self-taught man. Mr. Gatherwick uh- ruptly wound up his r_ecc(.ions at this ' unsatisfactory ntage, -locked up his v safes. and rooms, and htxrriml away ` down the stairs and through the may , son to wart/ch nn_d_\_vg1_it for his advent ` gas-lighted streets to his handsome so --; ltury house, wherein dwelt no one per-' -'|`hn Iuffhv` \UDI\f- `mt-It uvhnnnn II` nnl-min LO war/cn (UH! Wll. I01 DIS {|.(lV(3!1L f -'J`he lett;r \vei_i't5 lizmk whence it cariie : .--not very far; itcxws _fr,um an Eng-3 lish seaporttownthis time; the lz,+:~A:_ had been from ' New York. It went` back and _wns greeted with sore dia-; HHLV. ' T may. That isms mst time -1 wiii ever` trbuble him. Nell, said Muurim `Gath- erwick . the. younger, flinging itpinto the tire. He does nobknow wlmt for- giveness nmans, and l1e.need not be- gin to 1e.arn`now, as far as I am con- cerned." - . -~--- Mn Innltn nu Fwnrn hnxi binhinm Ne!I looke up from her stiiching` mm a. diszxppninted fat.-e. 0. Ma.ur'.ce,| I was so sum ha would tell you to come home when he found ou were so near. What are we` to 40'? `,`n1m |' fnnf Null" 1' hnvn nHnnl~ BO X18111`. VVDEE [LPG WG` IO U07" `-`Don t fret, Nell`; 1'11 have alunt V rouful we shipping houses here; and U31 the worst, comes to.-the worst, well. we , can go back to GT}asgow~en-eui=-own--* Ll acoounI;."- - , A a.`-mlnuueor Lw_o a_L_u=,r.g .- _ .. I `-`No, Nell; that 1t oertmnly is not. - He 11a,srn"ot even read the lettar, noth- ing b1_1t_;('.he nddregm to` which he.ooul Bend xt. back ugum." v V ` \Vlmn 'Mnnrim mt (ml: tn Hmfftn-. wvvv unav- .. Do you think it s l)3$t~.m18e--1)ec'sf11(s you married me?"'sl1e askil anxiously I a.`-Inlnutaor tw after. ~ ~ -n.1,. mm- mm :+ ~..+n:..1.,':.{'..n+ 5'1'nA'ru: ac naznn I ARRISTEICS, Solicitors in HI-.;mCourto ; "Justice, Kotariid. I ublii.- Convoyanctr omcea: Ovcr Banks: Tamnto. Barrio. ; . Mouev in 2.-um of '`.%JOJ and u11WRrIB, *0} menu xc. l).`),(!K qgnul." _ hwoh, When `Maura-e set out to the furl ` - _ country.'~-New York in his were--Nell ml ,nnd.her mother had been fe1low-pus- {sand V sengers. `The Inotlmer had been `ailing i which ` all the journey, and diad the day he-: . tone they `~raz1.<,-hd. `Sandy `Hook. ml `ed W was left golxtury. o.1m0st`. pnniless. the rt Maurices sole fortune L\v`u,s= twmhun; sa dred xxqpncls, deaceggletl to h.i1I1.romr~l5v~*p;m lxla~`m9the!`~.,;Wl1af. cufu-Id havexbeen n ed`-~be:- .m'im-nn.n.h]n nrrmmmmnnf. Hmrr t-. ht1t':`hnr..'"f. (l!`6(l IKJUXICIS, (1&CIl(l8(l U) `D1111-IITDIIIT -l1l~'m9tY2er~.,.Wl1af; bhuitl hav'0..`been ` V-nior9;eLuitab1e arrangement than" thqt ` tl1ey,shoul~d mztrlfgjtafl mxjxbina them ` joint misfortunosv _ u Qnmnhnur wry... mum... hm mt in-numl 1' Juuu: IMLW-UJ'lg`u.|.IuD'I , I SQmel1qw'tlhe sum had not priwe :` this Eldomdo I the "ho. There l 7l Maurice " gained gs ' first; i paraonal ex- I `patience, 'ol .`pove'1_'ty; Helmld up ussn- . cinllons of that kind with his own * country, and na,turo`.1ly'came~ to the: qonclualon that once back. lt would `be '~ nlremsier ma.tter.to.lind some emplogh l ment t_h,ut .w,ou_Zld eke out their scan y 3 _;_n`ean3, b2s l.dethe hope that Mr. Go/ch-i erwlok ml ht.v'relent_ and be willing to overldokl ta past misegalule folly. But M that l`) .ha,d to bo struck out of their v oalouln lons- ow. and thley were not throu-`gli' the first week at. * h i'1`lm ahinninn: houses allowed suit. utu_uuxu.uuua ' U y u u.w_9,y won: Vuuv through t.ne`Eic 'v'$o1c 7 The shipping houses allowed ff"I'he,mis only one course left, Nell: we must no bmLm n 'loenz/3ix6unoed_ at Lug and `at the ego- :quost alter a nlerksmp. - ` `I. "Hurrah I l'vegoL"Lt 5!. last. .116 -jcriod. one rainy night. leaping .\lP 1_ 1 `stairs into the Ihabby s1ttmgrl`00m_- . . " For-Lv mnhdn.` :1 volt. and n-stead! ._ doing nothing. , oi " A great deal bettr." asse_nted`lVell fcbes-rfully. "It will seem Quite afor- i- tune after all the failures; only I do 1 think `on ought t.obe worth more` Bftlmn taut. Maurine." . ' g "I used to think 80. $00.; but` 9-" `ldepends fivm what, point you look at Hit. Davidson at ,our office had forty. ggam`. it never owurred to me that it `Was too little. I should like to sea 3' that lad again," has went on. starting, :5 ; off on 2:. new track. as was hi.s`fasl1i0n- a f He \\ould have done an thing for me 0 in those days. I'll, .look im up when awe tmt smftlml down here." xL.rong." , - "I couldn't srry,'it's so long~-sin(:9 r,\ve had aciianoe of judging. -Never imind: Davidson isi not particular." hviaurice had an extra. turn` at the I `;r'Lnds't'one that day, and did not mxch ; 101118 for some time aft. the visitor's arrival. Nell was sitting by the fire. 8 trying to l;e-up up. the conversutiori ` with rather indifferent success. She \` broke off with .1 sigh of relief` at {he 0 e .5 sound of her hush:uid's footsteps. on the stairs. Davidson flushed usudden uncmnfortahlo scurlc-L; he got up off >- his seat. and Hum .r4( .rmrl' rrrnfsmimr Hm! {ma Week. " .l`hero~wili be 5 `better ohanoe them for me; I know the Mann." ' ' places." _ I And so tho mus .tent was vgtched once mom and hfnuriue fnund h_uns9.lf` zback among the old haunts-wxth n I uliffomnoe. Than he had"been a rich ;_-mania am: and heir. now he was one go! the mnkwxnd me. and~the r_ank `and file were ihconvenigntly rlenuful. Jt soemaii to him. dur-us ,1 at`l0!lB fquost alter nlerkshib. I " Hurrah! l'vA.onl.'H. at Est." 116 (fgfces: '1`:.wn!o,15arno. none $2000 (0 Loan at pen-em. . II, B Sxm-rm, Q.(!.. ~ G. H. Esnm. `stairs into the shabby sittgng,-room. .".Forty pounds a yeanand steady x nsoof a pound! Why. in seventy years I'll )1avo-I`Il have one hundred and ten! Never mind. Nell; it's better than doing nothing." 9'. A smut. dual ho.Hr." assented N8" we get settled down here." _ They were both thankful for this clerkship, very thankful; but when one has "been in a. certain ;groove_ for_ a lifetime, it is not 1 easy `changing in- to another, and those two` idle 1163111- tory years had not been altogether the `best trai ing for a daily steady grind. ' Maurice -iked pleasure and sunshine and ease generally; prodi 3.13 are not usually a._ra.ce of immacu ate heroes: time and space granted. his prospects 'of attaining the giddy height of that ihundred and ten \Stlp@!l(l were but lfnint. The noveltyx wore off in the` first three days, and then.it was only lhlleer neceszgity for. himself and Nell i% post- E "I understand those `husk banquets inow very ,.\\:elI."_uheeregizgrkekl one day Ibo Nell ;.hut if that lirodiigfflfliad had lmy stool and forty pounds a year, he [w0_uld have hurried off homeieven ;quicker than he did." ~ l` "-hn`n l` vnn fliinlr xrnn mitvlif. trv ll!) H1056 (ly. 1'll,.lOOK D1111 `my/e get settled down here." Thav wp,m hnth tlmnkful _,l]u1L'K6VI` man no ma." _ I` Don g you think you might w `once more; ' suggested N61 half 1 .dor her breath. " He has n0_xone I r.V0u." I` ' " Nn 3' .Q.');l` T\Tnnv-ria rim-izlntllu - "V1 19 ;._vou." No." said Muurim decidedly ; "1 1a.'s isetth-d. I sent a message to Il)avids(m ~ to come and look us up to-night. Can ~ wvo Iifford to givo-him a cup of tea. 1 Neil 7" . Oh. yes," laughed `Nell; "two if you don t mind it. being a little weak. They say it s bad for the nerves too st,r0ng." ('nnldn f. sw 'H'.q an lmuL,r.inr~n a W0 1lII( ` . .,m uHl.UJJll(Il`L(Uh0 -\'CIlI'l( L] H0 gm; llf) OIII seat, and then stood` grasping the buvk and hmituting. Hmwwer. there \\'n:=' no hes`it.:Ltion about Maurice: he gmvled his futhr a nlark as if they had parted ycster and under the most ordinary circum -and were mecting now in the paternal rrulnsion; instead of this fourth-flat threadbare lodging. V ' `X " And Von nm sfll in Hm um nlnm: wugu1g.- `- , And you are still in t my hoy? and M (.`aJlum ` usual." ~ " V'au_- chu 1 nx .-41...! In . usuzu." Yes`, sir. I m glad to 5 Mr. Mmlrire, the place )1 right since you went. I y0u---`I" " NA T):IuMunn - I'm nnf U . 01171038:--London and Canadiann Ubnmbers, .103 Bay Sfreet, Toronto. I- ` Telephone 2418. - sohomberg, Saturdays. _H. E. Inwm. B.A, Jxo. Knee. B.A