92` K she stated that aha and her pnamour -had murdered her hu3h:L.ud- in St `Paul's, Minn, lu_ L993 The Cleveland aukhorilis heiievr-. rim `woman is Spuakixng the truth, and are making ' an Investigation. 5 l 5 4........x:.... .. _...............:~1- ......,.......-6...: ...._ .........,..~.v... _ `, Arcoling, to conxnen:ia`s'\s1m1maries' {by the agencies of Messrs. Dun and `.BmdutreeL. tho improvenuent in gen- v em.` business conxinuas to steadily aria` ' vans-e. The dismrbing inuence known as "ihor trmmles" in an influence . vvhivh has mush d8('l'eaL80l during thav Snag! wmlr and an im-rozuwd demand wuu-11 mus murn (lea-reused uunng ma 6 st weak, and an increased demand "1 or lnhour everywhere means an in- :crru.sed a ndlng vdpwity, :1 better movemen :3! round, and :1 'npid'e{rc`u-` Whtinn of mnrmv From `ihn Glf , moyement an round. we 21 npm cucu- = Ahnon of momsy. From `ihe `Gulf St;Lte.~1.. however. phe inteliigtgure is un- safisf;wtory.' as Hm quarantine. owing ` to yellmv. few-.r, ha.-A in Ihatpart of the States seriously interferred with ! 311 [mm of trade. Prices of iron and ' Mel,,h;Lva Advanced. and pro expoctbd -to go sail! higher at an early date. The . trade outlnbk is regzmiod as most. eg- `-'0Umg'L1_xg. The commerciabfuihxrea In Hm Lmted St;lt63.{9r the week just - ; oudml rmmunt to 185. 215 compared with `331 in the torn-spending week of 335 `yang: - - \ ` nu-nnu ni J\l`II- ; ` m~:NERM.-. 'l`he re't;eIIiun of the I hHippim-3 still !t`0vntmues_I._~ K n . . . . .. u-,.,,',,,.:......|~- Kwun. V . 1, Thnte are rumors Ln Yokuhama bl (he p0sai.+)ilH.y of an zillixuufe between China and Japan. V . ! L`yphuiui few-r is l'5lU3i nwageg lzmlmng thn Turkieh trosps in Thes- QSI V ` aunxuuxura. ` Cor.-3n_ Inga joimnl Hie Inte}x1:uti(>nal" I gfdegrzxphir vocnveution. ; l'1_1<'.lmd_i.-m plague is said to have gllm .4 zlppearanre--in Northern (Mir z ' A ` . c gave mrtn (0 1| sonlon bung; uI._y., '1'lu= rumours about fnrvkrners upd Ul1_.rmti:lns kidnapping children are Still bemgAcirculu.bexl in' (`lhiuat 1)..:....,. u;-......-..1; Han rm-niuml the . mouua, `r_\.z!iu. In 'l`hn> `Elanvaiinn 'Cougresa'on the lilh i inst. ratified t treaty of anmxatmn ,.with the United ` ates. x r. . . n- L Ll... c_.\2..; Lemly, i,WX|~L\ LIN`) L'llIv'|4C(X D'I.(llU5- ` It is expected that the sulian, pack: ed by Russia, wilt! shortly call on (rrtb Brltaig to evunxmte Egypt. M . lV-..'_i`.L-.... l1V__|_.ab ...... n..'m..r..b \u;!`t; QUIILVBUJ (X: DA[\n}IL3J.V.l, UDAL I EBB in COAL of all kinda.-,impm-tar fzredt from the mines; also Lnth and hiugles, While and-Grey Lune, lnalerera lluir Sew": Pipes, Eire Brick, ire Clay. . llutei of Paris, Cements, etc: sllofbest nudity. and sold It very reasonable rsleu, 'moz:: 23 Elizabeth St., nearly opposite welliuzton Hotel. ` 6-27 UTlT.3lDm I0 GVILEIKXLLB J.`Ag_Vpl.. Cauiass Herhert. von Bismarck. \Vi1`93` of mm widest. sun of Prince Bisxm_1n'k. birth to wsonlon .':`o.tu;1|:u'.. vrx... ..........\.... nhmn fnrnirrnar nnd UCl\ng_ClI'l.`LllH-IACII lu Kylllud. Prince uisnmrck has received the , Grand Cross of the Star of Ethiopia fromtiiirng Mnelbk of Ahyssinia; rm. c. :..x. r....... :. L`..m Vm-I: and l1U.lJl BUD -VLCLICJDL \ll 11u1Jr:u-zua-an The Spa-1135!: Junta in New York up pounce the safe arrival of three big exxpndiiions in Cuba for the insurgents. n-'....-- r.-.;... ..n M rfn nf Jzman in- I`.\LllQ?flll H7115 Ill I-Ulla IVA tllv Iullvl-a`-'-*` Rom.-rt.-< (`ruin all parts of Japan 111- dicate tllatuthe n'L_'e (`mp W111 610894 anytlliug seep durmg the past to-n years. ~ -m.,. L5 .(..1. I1...-M-nnmni in nmrnf.i- Jvnl . , - The Spanish Guvernment Is negoti- ating 1 loan. guaranteojd 1)` H19 P`-`ft duw [M the pm-pmgg of ew navml work a. - l\_"-_ \......l...._l Ll...n--nu! nnnnln hnvn 0;!1e.b\nndx'el thousand people have been rs-_ndered destitute by floods in China. and damage to property is `esti- mated at about 81.000,000. ` 2 um, ,,,I:._ _A...|.u..... .........InI';u Hm sax . < ' arts are being made to bui_ld a` raiikmy from EH0: In the summit of .f Mount ,S` .. " " 1 nu. ,n 'Iv_..__..._ '.... H..- Pith [IlL_&ll,tu ill. ILMI\.lL- 91,uuu,uuv. The polire gambling scandal` in the v5t~l1BM'lun.0f thewday in Hm1g,Kung., 1)e~tocti.ve' Icn ctor Quincy and several clerks have can -djnn1i`saswl. v Several Japanese onffinials have been arrestedlor fraudulent ax-ts in con- nection with, the distrihution of Gov- e-xjnmeut aid to sufferers by the floods. _ ,_....._.. l....... lmnn I:-1,u:uru1 cuu mu r.'uIL\;I'CAu u_y .... ....v..... About (gft_\' pc-rsune hztvi-,.l1een kil-led. and as u1a.n_\' more have veeu - injured by the e;u'thqu:Lk8js11p.ut;v the sulphur` mines near` Glrgenti. Italy. ' M... 41... I`:.......-..-.......t nl` mm-._ - - It,is stutk-rd that the Government of Germany` is . earnestly dunsidsring "xi/lwther Europe should allow the U~_:_xi1`.s=.d States tn drive Spaiii out of Cuba. ` \ ' mu 1 . ,-_ ,,\<,_`_, v .- .......: ....Hu.-.' `E-`F193: zw mnznn: wellxugton Hotel, \1u\>::u~ ucgcuu \.-A uyvuu. _ Owing to the floods having w-zushed a.\v-.xy ara_1l\\'ay_l_g1'i near I\Iu;!dur. i 1, r !inf.1X Hm. river` ']'he\.re hns"iIee1'i xzrezxt India, u.n engii_1 unH iff cars". filled. &H%1nm~wngrw em'-pmvx1wmt{ - L um. `The bubonic plague `is again active` in India`. and owing. to the abence pfthe military doctors with the troops -m active servlce its is likely to assume 0I~u1e milltul` (I0':wrs wun we uuupu -m acuve like1y_-tu serious, p1'0porti0u_B.__ hr (Ian:-`lmau nflnunrn-rmtnf. nffinial senuus, pX'upux'uuu_u.W Du`. Geerlmga, a.Govarnment; official ,of Java, and iormerlfy profmor of I :~hFx11istry at the Universitg of Amster- , c6nveIft1ng'putatA) btarchlnro sugar. i dam, has iliscovered'9Taimgr'.e method of n :.. _.n....+...1 H-\'.:.6 H... (-'.>;:) 1- ha: mu--. |:Uu.Vtl_ Mug pulnw Elhalvu Auuv nut`... It is reported t.11'-at the Gzzu` has pur- chased tan acres of '.'a-1\.d,nenr_Nid9, and that he`i!1*&11.dB ** 1*1iU1`* i ficent villa. mended V ;s`r1'n_'ipa1r_v `f<)'?f " .hi.x`1_nx>ther and the 4zarevit,ch.. V V Ax`r;nugeII1,1E are xamg mu 9, a `narli-ng ta hold 11 national festival In J,`lw11m_11` of: the late Emperor l~`rede1'.i1j.k `on October 18. All Germany is likely I to p:1r(.it:"Lpat~e.. ! r rm. .1). .5- 1 :h...u-ui.-A knc `\nnv\ uiwn 1' uu yx\LvuL.Ly\~v\.. - _ E _ l'he P:11'i.s Libertajre has been seized. 5 by the police forpublisrhing a_n~arkiu1e: {advocating 1-he zsssassination of Pm-si-V d`ut F;1`u1'e. King H`u.mber.t, and` the *5 Queenrlegent of Spain.` f\ .. H-. H". Nnnalu hnwirirr muuhml 1-\vtr~1r.rs~.`_enger`r WerB'-p1`t'Cxprr:ccen ' =int.0 the river: `There hns"neen' great i loss of me. ' large num_be.1- of sold_i.rs disgmsed us l:1bm1re1_`s mu H:m/an, to msisi . fare- I E I I it is said mtha.1..-.] a,=paI1` is smuggiing n. i [Only One St dard You `andwc may diiffck as Vmoney stmdards and out of our very difcrgnces` good may ' come. Butfwe woift diffr as`_ .39 #139 :;3.e:#its"9f n.`S*"3??4_ emulsion 9_fTT:<>cTl7ii7r `il. 7 , ..-,.-p..o-..n -nuivn nu-'t\1n 4 uuluunuu 319 Hwy: nu... ..-.. SCOTT S EMULSION igale. Yvsiroii and "I`1gl3.itS] Way" fo- ncarIy,25V 7ars {tithe w_br'l' of niqdicine .,ur'xti1 to-`day it is `al- m_t as th -st.7.n`gIaVi*din all V. cases of 1un`g~.trqubI,; and" .v_e ry Ac91Vidition" _of was'ting jyhethr in Chile} ::_)i~ adttlt as. quinine inAn1:a.la;ri2xl fcye:;; , " "h'I`t... 4-11.- ...-...... .......' sTA3ii3ALZx1`;j \tUuLAAAv 11:! Au uuyuun u... --_~ -5..- Differ o'n7the: moxigy qdes-9 Atign. if` you but". when it `homes to a*q_u`csion of health, perhaps of life and death; ggt thcstandsxgd. , ` `5 Yordmggiaf Emulsion. ` _ ;rrv;a`.az:;%50.ps.u;4s:.ogV - i V Lsco.'r1?`a;- nowbnueaxevngxcg. on . BAIRRE VEXAMINER, THURSD-AY,LSEPT., 30, 1897. W IIEADAGHEI ib1y._ if` ulocessury, nhg annexation the islans to the United States : ,1- . t._.._ L". _ IILIU IBIIXIJCIU 1'0 Dub \- I.IAI.l.\A L, vu v\.\a. Spain is very anximis_t.u form an al- liance with England to resist the ex- mnsion of: the. Monroe doctrine by the United Suites. but such an alliance is not believed to be within the. mnge of } diplomatic possibilities. ' ' N- is ......A.-6.! fun..." 5"! LJ... VH4! ! uAyAuLuu.| |L ltvaoluuluco. It i$ reported fronl St: John. .\'f]d.,- _thgic_he1`o is intense imiignntion anx- ong the inhabitants of H. Gczurtzms Bay over the action of the,_Briti.sh wamhips in cloe'u1g dosxu `the Dohsu-r factories of reaidenls and confiscaiim_r the pmtlucts. Drunami, the Ring of. 8euin,whohas been on trial zit. Benin (`ity Kinco Aug- ust 15 last. i-mrged`. wit being mn- cernml in (hr mass:u`r0.p un unarm- ed expedition under :Brj,1i:.'h Consul Phillips. has. been (~o_nden1ned in He tmnw->1`:e'i In (`aaia.1)ar. a slave. set- t-l9u1_ent. of British West Africa. --- ) In sen-n Dnyw I-;Ivc Prrwnu Were lulled - Police I`omple|ely Ilnmod. , VA de~b.p2m`.h from Londun say.s:,- 1`he ` pv'ewn% exi.ranrdinar_v epidemic uf murdi\i's.' suit-ides. and out.rages upon wotrneu in Lnndan and"its \'i`iIli{}` is ftmequallsd sinre (hp days or Jxc-k- t:he-Ripper." D:-115:5`, for an ueekpznst. the. p\xbI.L` hu been startled by an af- 'Vr murder, and the alarm is ii)- dreased i)3j.t*11n {act mat. the pgrm-Lrzi~ tors of :11 crimes hgve an battled the pniica` and have esmpexl wixlxout ap- parenbiy leaving :1 4-Iugas to tn :-ir They a_L-so rcliqve Distress from / Indigcggion and T00 Hearty Eating. A`per-/ fcct windy {or Dizziness, Nauscq, ' nus, Bad Taszcin the Mouth, Coalcq Tonw: Pain in the Side, mnmn umz: /they _ ,1, A, `L- I')-_...I- D.._.I- `lY-...A- - Pain in the b_lde, 'lUK1 1U LLVLK. /1118 I Rcgula.33: the Bowels. Pun-Jy Veg c. ' sma_|l`Pi||. 8mall/ ` 3-.-II B-I-` / "U_Il I'Il'I YIIIIIII 7 ; Sr_na|| Pr|ce./ Substxtutxon Se ybu get" Carter s, _ A Ask for (Lartefs, Insist and demand i~ CaWrter's Little Liver Pins. `Hie nrutfder in u r:Li;ro:Ld carriage bf Miss Cmnp. in I*'e,h,ruury 11sL,1he per- potrgjgr of the rrime not. `having been dis1`cvezred, 'h`ns been fuiflowed by an- \ther r_uS5`1'oad tI`."l,gfd_V, in which Mrs; Bzryan. the wife of :1 Dr. Bryan. of NOI`t ham p-ion. has been ki-Erled under crlrcumatunces pointing to murder. The Rev. Dr. Arxbrey Price, 11 \i'e`.1-known divine. was kilexl byhurg-1:1rs, r1t his ressidenve on .\Iond.u._v. A 1(.f t1ebo_v has been kidnapped and murdered in "".'t.`hi.-""Hl'I Trl`13"'"eL Huh mtsearly wolnmi "v ha\ began found cm`. in piebes, at , 1 or1gma.J~.pa.xr. ` . ~ `. . A ) "-L`h~em1e4legged man 'wh0_1)uysi1n tins; ;; wa_v."e._ single sh,` psgas` slgght- l.Y" x110reL.1 - than h.a.1fAtheAprice _or.n [)1Hl'_. Que-leg-, .`g">,d.n'ien` 5.115 in_the __ve1:y hntesl: shoe? g `stores _-vamqng t,];g-.mg.u`I9.\* :ustQxners;: 1 `and tlxere-they a`113"_,not $9 \iuq;;aM1s`t,0=: we `mmai*kable._ ` . `_ J ' `v H` e nnn.Inu'trad m:m._Imwev8r. are not the`. : . u L , . `I . , I farmer's daughter. Emma Juhnsou, hasi been murdered at \Vind.~'or under 1xe-'l c-uliarly atroxiuus ci_n:uuxsiauves. Her ,\:od-5` was m.utilated. strimred. and thrown into the '.l`h.1me__<. ' The nnvH\nr:-'.\' all thaw. ..nh-un-.;.- .. v-.1! Ul1`()\\'n IHEO THE .|I]{HTle. I ` erof I-Imam Juhnsou is '*bc1ie\`ed to he :._l`1be nu1ors'u{ all these umragex: are : shil `:11. >1:l.[`ge`- and the1`e.seenL~ to he I no L1a:- i":t' them.a`.1{.hougl1 fheu1un1er- ( a mama-3 whose an-tug} ul_:_=ixt1L_\' 1's"11)t, ( kn.0wu hub who. for moni.h.< pasr, has. frigh-*tened and a,ssu:1lmd 1:e1sunsunH1e I -ma`! from Windsor (,0 1\I;iidenhead,`; '3.1Jr.i'T\'-r? h a s"iiI`\a`_v`nmxftiti 1 ua.ptu`re. ' x'I`he_ one-legged man buys` his sihoes ` a iseil the single shoe that the on'e.-le,x:ged =man 1'et111ix`s, without` thersliglltvst Basr- itationdpnal he can =_g;e'n zmy kind oishoe " Elie wants. The siuglg shoe 1'e1na.inin{:i `is_se_ut. ha,--k to the factory to be nmt-~' `ad up. and this ig am with perfek~t'ac- icuracy. "Every pair--oi shoes is num- ;h_ered, and it could easily, if ixt__: weref -V desirdi in timed hack to the at0L'kI1`ogu 'wh.i\'h ibis i11ar:le.__ 'l'Jm1~e is u guesaui work a'L>'out;_ it. 1`lh'3 'sh0e required toi ` iife fthr T S.i1"(-M1H'tTl~l?L)2LI"i`iA!"l'1,_i'Mfiiifwiidtmbe ;_ ina the i-zjentirailizet 1Ip()x1W.l)iCl\g `the (,'\ri1`;inal- shoe was .u1a.1.e, but it `T35 `_n1a.d,e u1.~:oa:`a last of nmtfhiiinutii-n1Iy= `tlmsbgne proporlaions; and the pair thus ( ithxa big i-ity stores they l5`reak a pair ta 2 `wnestmed is as perm -tl_y mated as thei- original~.pair. . _ .I`hu= mm-`-lemzed man `who buvsiin tin hrcisely like the tivu-legged man. At ` Slulc-. `slums .. Sonnlllnes Sold to Legged Ila-,n ~ .~!`nIgu_;fnr `RI:-n NllniInui.=d _l`eI. vb - - ilV) ?.\V()-ltlgglklll WIIQ suluepnmes nu_y' only one shoe. \}s`or exmmle.-u. man: with th0.gomt_. Hie [Can if; ` e. wi'shes.| and has B0ll1etl11JlBB_, does. buy a single; sh`oe.- -`le remainxug shoe is mated up in just; tlm same ~mmm_er (us. the rema.in-; ing_ shape `from the pmr broken for tbq` `one-legged man-. - "Nmra am two-lemed men who va.r3,, be remarlmme. ` i `v ), ji .0ne-1egged m_e'n.,.l1`o.we'vr. are nut the} gonly mengwho buy gmgle ahoe_s-."_J3luereg 13,11; two-legU'g6d,n1en wlm sometnms buy` lcmw` mm shoe. For man; a ' I N-N: in Ind l`m-km -4-nlv. kevu in Bali. \iH.I`.-or-1. uld II ' one-legged man -1 "I11iu'a up two-legged meg war I hoes or dlfforenf. sizes. then` uet_n9t.. - '_being.1i_uagtes. Ting may be due to Bar`, bur|,o171t.n1ay be that mnyamaeidenthaa. ;I:ufa.1l_0l_1,on_a tfuob. For such a customer A ` itwo p`amV at ahoas;_o.ro- brtnkqnjund M lip _P;>:-:i1. I`v;aliy-cZI1red by thesis, I (H14 Dilln ` MANY muanzns I}i~L3NnoN. "snobs .r-` ox ONE`-LEGGED MEN. the fraud of the day.` .VIllJ VII: nu aw; Little Pills. \, .,_,.. . .: Y xfmxi which 5"` t 61` {he L`-l`,0\\'vLduz`iI:[.! the flrsf Ts` xiirnutivnliy a '.d thej: wuc; Ms` pf -nm:m,s._' "0-n`.`.(rmI_n;,f01` A v15_\f.. and w1ll, 5:0 Hawk F` _EL'1E.4-__U.\L., .5\L`.! ` _(L`llL\.(.`_Z,__,'-.113. . U11: .1 = e\vye'u.`rs in 'L.ht>,.u0r(h, :md.umn_v'f.ixnes glh, on`.-y-ihim; \v}n':~H' 1m+ \'e11te.l`}11.\` 1 cQz1iiu;i.l>:1<'k iu .\luson'cou`nI 3; :1nfrl:1gu_i11 , c:;)'ing (0 \\'ox'k` "in l he._'.`0g_I:in_- r mumps, ' HP ' is" 3 i:n' Mm ; In fillish` his vl`.`.Iims fu.-' hm- mm sceameu " City or )\i1Inlo." (new? state at Ohio" and "span of New York DAILY TIME TABLE. Vsxxxmx i.\'L1.L'n xu .u H-IR IA! :50. `LA Hxznlu. R..1ur.u.2I.x- Caeveland 3.01. ms \-.~: I'lc'w:L'\lu1. L3OA.ll. I ,\n~.;13uifalc. 3.3!` Lu msnznx suru: um mun. ssune or their llmrzru-rmtu/~-Ila;-d worlr lax. Ilausi. and Acrnuuln-d to laugh- llg IL Jun me In M Mild Multan . mmm -Nauru or use l.nIur~| Who `In : ltlurlcd ll:-In_._ ` There an man)` `ha|r;u'Xer;.s`.in"alXHit . uh:-. stead) . h',_IrI~w0rkimr Fran-~h \.`nn- `I , zuliums w_hivh umkeg (hem esperi;{,!_\ H\- 1 , tdft-r ihe. ll!1[?;i.r_:lLi(*|t+(I lmm.~hEps uH ; lift (N1/`ho iukgm and ml:--r Ala.~k::n I riwry/ughr-=4, K11nr1:5':\re hanks nf virgin $U:'|_/ says `.1 :~nr;;-spoudvxu 01' {hr SL4 L0/I`.'Ls (}'.u|r~l)mno'r:u. Bmu-,:"u'. upl {}'0lX1.ixn)'hIKL'L in KL \\mnL n`._` l:,',A.~l-r11 C8.nR1ia. here Lhv wmirra are u-.\l'rru}- ,7 943' F0. Vhey can! Hand the wurst A!-t ' 'BkIu1 wintrrs withnm irn'<.-rm-u'u-nu`-. 3 Their experienre in lumi-ring on (hair! 1 .rapid`. running: riverzsmukesi 5\h00Ii-m! the most diffiruir. mpidza 9.1!`, Han I). \`..l._... ..x..-.:-.. ..|... \'1. .m'a `C -.._. KLON-DIKE DISCUVERIES CHANGED THEIR PROSPECTS. ILUUKYFRENQHBANEDIAN '~'U'-"LI: MLR`. IHCEL IIHILVILAL l'.||.'lll?9 .EU`., the big Yukon. 4`hL.' pl.1y. Nb Um` evr `heard of a I-`rernvh (`u11zi'd';aI) '.m- ! mg` )1!!! ouit or life on the, mjks uf Um Yukon rapids, as 54: many` of 1110 othrr miners la each `yeaf. Act'uz'- Lomeil in 2. mugh -`munm-.r of Ti\`in from their youth, they \h1'i{'e on ma? Klondike on n dic~1.~'Ll1e saxneness 04 ' ' I 9 hlk`1l alhne would sickoen an ordinary ) , `I__,. . .~..... A- 1,,,, , 4L \ . not infringed on.` These are" some of "1-IIFKLA 11.55/53`; Vv\_lIL.1ll .`I\.nv?u. nu mun...-._v man. As long as they lmvo plenty` of strong tobacco they du not think sour-dough" bread, heuns and `bacon i-hree timea a day. .mda ovary day In the year :nn}'grp:1: har:I.~hip. 11.34 61113` a nary few of xhem t;*an read an. all,` the luck of new. one of the worst. teal tures of Ming so {at from the.` rest` of tibia \\'0[`:l1.d0(\9rIl0(- {tp[)(`.{l| to the French Canadians. They like a life of gofh.1II{u are usually honeax, and, \\jhil9_ boiling Yh5.\IIl391'\'G upq.r! from other }po2()p:l*,.d0 not have xruui-le with then- neighbons mg lung as their rights are the things that make the }"1`um'h-(.';ln- ...l2..n.. .... .. .J....... .\_. A ......r..I |`UJllD. QC IL ILIIDE; \Xl\`.v LUKE! DUK` UB3! ll] 03 (hi! Y'uk(.-n minbrs; some of the rm-_ sons why so many o{ mam am num- bered among the` passengers oi I`v'.urn~ imr goCd-l:uIeu steamers. livery one of them wshohas ` re\.urned_ this year bfmlhtq bark enough gold to make H. Aboux years ago lumbering` in Hip, and th`em_\vu:s_ not enough work for 35!! of .th. loggers. Z\f`:1ny of mom 6111116 Waist some going direvl to Alas- ku, others settling in \\'usI1ingmn. where their experience made them valuuble in the fir and vedar Lixnher regmris of 116 Stark. A gI'9z1t(*r por- tiou of the French \`;1n.nii::1L~' \\ 0hu czxnm \\'e-:51 at that time went Iowork in the loggixxg :a1xx',)rAo1` Bluson coun- ` Ly, \vhiuh lxmleras 0n'\he u=pper end] of Puget Sound. A331 of them did well in Mason rotunjv. Some, nil:-1` :1 1'e\\" yea!`-5. 0pe1`:I.u:_d lmnber (wnmptg of,1hn-.ir ; own, -hulcjhe "I1:e.j01`iVl_\` worked for; \\`z:g1=s- during Hie iiogg_ng mason kind 1 H19 woodii of eastern `C.'mu.da sluvku 1 \u\u.u_!. . h ` .11` In 189:! IP'i1m`s 1.-;;;m to arrixe in `Q3 Shelmn from 1'u`r off Alaska. ;'l`he_v gkix mare sent in the I 1`enci1-Cunadizin ';0;_;- gvers by their friehii who had gone Em` north at the sauna time the io;;gK~r_s jde. cmnn in :31`. ;.rreau:st "ug couniili T. ;_ .. 7 5 _-i..g y in the twiies, vllzme ho had gone 3 Pi to 'A1'u.-ska niu'n21g-L `Lo -make a living 1 kg ' `trapping. hxmiingz, imd ,niinj.__gg in :L(}l sanniil ,\v:1y. None`. of UIQIII` had made 19 ,,/,my PiL`-h f/iiuis, ixu:a-s{i}ii they all `m iziikyng. \\ hen the bars and banks, of: irlitaries of the Yukox i ;i in-1`u fir_s;1'. rliscovermi. t_<)_cg>1it:i111 gold ` in paying quantities. It \_'.':IS Lhvseien I }.*`r'(-nn.h-Cu1'i:idizms 'who were whom: E h `the Fmst on the gruwml. I.`hu_v hmi i S8. not forgoitii their frienziis of the old Canad'imif humber camps, and Um` lei- i 1 Ears they sent . back tolxi in a qu:1int1r mixture of French mid poor English of the gold that comm be foundin the - " north. They,ad}fi$e;i their friends toffr qiiii. Ibgging for the xnom p1'oii1:1bli`."' placer mining. . _`_ ` i\f':m\' of the inmzers zu-`had-on this .L` .yvu-y vycu-u..u umunn.-A \uxu` VA) \u\-IA . own, I1:e.j01`iV1_\` \vug1=s- ibggigng spen t'\\`h:n, Llwy umde in the e='u.'.0oxxs of E-he`, Lr)11. 1I1u_liiggeat town in the! . . ; ` m\1Jity.. L. Hm.) `...;.\... L. _,.` oi g p.uce1' magnxzg. _ `V ; A .\[':m)' 01 the mggers :u~~Ied-on thxs ad\'iL3:_._ and, taking the xnom>y- they ` h1d'rszu'ed, made" the long _x(>111*n'e';` Lo} A.'2-askzt. over the smow and ive, or wzxni umuml by "the `iukmx in 1>u;u's. No~' -thing was heard of them for two ye:u_-s. ! when n. fexvxtznne back discumuged and ` with ihtle to show for their hard l::~ ' box`. A few of 1l_1en1.di(-d in the north. But times who lived ggud stayed in (he I co`uu|r_v were unxpiy repaid. as is: shown by the $200,000 in ;z,9I.d that has . bt:en_..brought buck `Lo Mason county wifhin the lusfFn1om.hi:n1d .1 half. Not`. E` half of them have ret\u`ne:i yet. and} am who did own` 4-luin1|s`\vi11 ` . 1 - . .. _ 4 .\v-as x\I(=1`vie1`, u he:u'y-sei'. <*()s_\'-p,`0ll)g`. ]`reuvhm:m, with :1 face cm*v1'e.d \vilh~E I shur1',__sl11l.\by whiskers. Hs ln'm'1gl1t! f hzu*k u mile black pipe. {vhich he had Lvvhen he we`n.i,norlh four yunrs ago. . 9 and some $65.(|(1()ix1:d1u~:i.. Besides, Im- ` has pmperby near D:Lw.~;o_xx L`iL`\' wurth sav.`:1:'. Hxuus thui: :\ii1U1:`.:l..H`?. siruck. :1 Em-ky_oIa.i.u1 on Bmxanza Creek mu; 'Fh"im-k";19sf6f"f}i0"\\h0 rettxlextg i . 3 i Ecizcxxatl. \1p*~1),is` pile in :1 \- er_\; short 3 Hhm H1: Qvsm mu -. 0?` the nriw E fe\v~yek1.Tsi11 t.ht\.11o1`H1. :md.m:1ny tunes :-`i~he, or_1`.-_\'-ihin(_r pn$\'e11t1e.l`}11.\` x>Qx1iin;:.l>:1('k .\l:mon`cou`m_v (-:mu.vs , is ' c_,r;)'ing` (9 _l'31e.,_7`0!:ix1_g i ns` 1n_vk. -nxeans.' `HP "cy1f.r_r:p\1_m,f01ua vnslt. v\ 1l1,gO .be mvk. " Merrie! ~m Lr .41 six big: : sli,9pher lgs`1'lx'e f'or'hzr den` Crcun S3` ~.. ton. fahners. \\ ii- h tnw. 11-\\:iI'l ha _1 i` in 1,5{X}W~pmm,d- r'1ext`M.`:1mh." before th shoxwxfiexfxisj, of .:.(`-he No,I`i'.hwes(; l'erri-`-, 1 1 t'o_r-_v:1n-y atfwieal h__v 110, sum._ Ha pm- 3 femthis to the treaerllerous Y ukon, -and gwi-`ll Ago mi-erl;n1:l the entire `riiatzxnce. i The dogs u1*e_ fine-sp~ec.i1x1e1)s;_noL'one ' oL`t&)e1n xvmglnng Kw hthctn SIX _ !p,o\mds. nnd Me1`ciex`,. cmn1s- he 1-an 'vnn.kg (`ha trip in very quick time.` He M t 12151 week. fo1'-W.is'c_>nsi'r1.,` where he wiiZIls12en winzter. . ~ W ` .Vi<-for .T.m`d is not "an `fueitl-hlo0d.ed M1(~1sy)1`ingr- to 1`ix1i;s`h`_his vl`.*.aims fui, .1]i;1'n1s'.l ig1k` I3i11_svfor `{ :xl;:- People. ` .9. xwa-1~;.\'.,, m u: w;';\n:;'11 \\*x:1; 13l;jI I.5U LL. `Jar1y.".. . . _ ` D1`. \\`i;l.limns' Pink Pills uure hy gui11g (M2112 1300!, of t_hp--d.i; 1-.-mmir .-md- build up _t.~he . st1'mxg:t,l1r3Ix the knervess .,H1t1,~: driving-. zli se.:1:~'.e= Irum Um system. .-\v,uid `unit.-:1-1 Hons by i1x,sit e-su-~r,_\ r. In; ypui, pun`-i1;1s9f is v!I1'.`l/8 :1? iuj\.`ey= W1`m\pe1" l)e;n`iug l,ha"fu1l tl1`.\.(le`1ng1rlc..Dr. \\ i-I; i _ .M;___.'....,__.__ 9 :. \ = _ .. . . ; unglmahed mntxsturxan, the worldwil.1' be fun in 180 ymrs. `Thev tom popu- . lutimn of the earth at p're.~`en".. `is __little {less than any hill-ion five hundmd mil- I `ilions. and thxfe is room uh the eu`r'!;I1.. f" for-11e:1`1`Iy si.\"`lil}i0ns of pt`-npre, Bfljgg s\m:n' `972 thw sunm `Snm Dunn! =Avuord"m in My. R1wet1s`Li n. :1 dis- . wml s12em Lne wmzter. ,r .' " .Vi<.-tor 'Lnrd~ is not `f1.|C9l-N00(l.(1(} 3 Fmm`J1xmL11. marl got.` 1ro'm.h*is 'u1o'i11er-i ,5:h hlmd \iy`hEcI1`ixLa.(}e whim sum-e~ssf11| in ` . 'tvhe_Yn1i:ox1.' 1)1'ou;x`h!l. out $~:i7.(K)D, mid, h`.m been making tlings inlomsh-`a ilng f<>r?i1.is o-kl ldggrxfk tlriends umu.nd., ` ;Sih*iA::1 3-ixme hia..ri,um.`n. Hg`. has, not! hm1`enm1g_h of *:he_c:ountry`hut nnule - him-.&. wuabhjg mad and V_vu1' re_ln;.r'n COM1-`_0R:'l`ABL.E mic `Lm-2. RE'1`I:m'* IN "Tune. sP1u,\' nag-4 luau nu-nu un. .1 AVA)! A: Lang . `E :1 rinse, xhe. most, sum-essful V` ,. ..x years ugu. 1 1.. HP. f a an 1 v'er`\_-' ' 1\u nri._ 2 P for hi. 1`-(|'~\"l3 l1`| llJUQl'lKl IYILBKHITEB UJ\'ll'.` u.I1_(l exp- them In.) Lh_e nu.-u-ks 01 -`D f_;erL:|in diswses. - (`on.s'xI(-ring hut, su.'.oons;n1u'h d<`[:unu'a*ox1}1e:{Jz11 in IN: stru; t'}1eH='31`w`it. hehm\'e'< Ihu.~:- whu w0u:M, be _ fx`imo1*ioxm, :0 gu:crd`aguin vhb first 1 _ `pzpproach of disease." ' '" _`.m-,1 of me `early ndj1z1~I.x11L*n1*Ufli;;x-stive and` ;kdne5-diso1'1,ersis ofLe_n f_r \.,:`ua uiL.*.':, an gdxre I's\1Kf:r}(lde1"l.0.EhiS ls H119 111r;>.1;- 3 ?_donahm trulmg .wnh neuhh my e.\ v:er`1- d 30" gmenting \_\'iIha'.1 nmm1vI' oI`\\_urxul(-.~s i0L_Ig<`r_S ideuoutions.-' I: is `simply iQx3\'z:lnx:x!:l1- to Nun : n1;xke_ the "at-q111ai1`n'.n 91 _a >i l.:?,` anq ldme;ffe:L1\e remed_\ ;m'h= 131`. .\\ 1.n':xn__1s ' ]i-Ih*v`.\nIl. `uolel i . .2 Pink Pi}l:s`,..J:n1:z-s .\l,a- llingiknprzar in :"L'\r- ,\'i.I1.nm 0!` lfnn.-nxnll" ms mqerm x.n111gs._.'u11g \\-:U1_ 1umm_+rmn. gm-- ;c `h1bl`t_'xe-kw. I()m-u.s1on'n|l_V llelx-` rcllevud. ml` 1- 111 :1 Lll_\' oI'JjV<) the uh} syulptnixns 1 {hi}; lwould w1liz.r_u._\ii1h .1 _u1or-.- .dep1`e.s 3' lefqct. `T1115 k:ni,.`y[ thing \\'epL pu ll ;e~r[~o~;ua1LLl~-l4zg;;LuLe4Lou11L6L1J&lL my k1u'- I ;{\-;,n-; lugs, much `\vas_;a yery annoymfs `= ;. yo- 'dmox1 1:. my sutlerxngs. Iuwus rest- llvess. \\'li,ll 21. `srnsuiion of sickness at the li Ed lswulzuzh, with. iufermittent pain in thel` rd l.'|~l_xI1mll of my lmqk. l `vas miserable`= n01~1},`l-.nuug h ullen 1_c0nsulLe ` the d0x*Lp1'll :\VllL>,])IfOl>;l.bl_V- dzd me smm---~-guod_., pg: 1` isle-:1 1l.`L` 1 ML 1'eli_e\r_el. Tue (l0(l',Ul"S l at luleclichnv Vxsms: (alien and l1l.~s'direutionsl ro11nt_\*"`ol>eyed.' mu 1- did nut ixuyzquve. 1 had ll E. | h.va1'tl of the fauna of _ Dr.` \\'illa.ms' fl . ami Pink Pills. ~l_\' wife l}(`lli'VL'.Ll in. them .= 1a~ml'u1`g9d, me to f;'r_v them. I am glad l ( 1 l . 1 I did .56. for after taking one box llfelt 5 '1 l)s-\t:!"r.u.ml'I- conl'inue.d talkialg the pillsi m-fled` until l \\*.1s oomplz-truly n'u..rl-.n1. " -'l`ll4is _g0,,m_lsuu11Imr l lmd an attack ul*f.l1k sauna! L -;`h,;c0_'x11pl;1i;n\s and I f_o_nnd I)r._ \\'i1li:nns` \< `-OM51; 1 Pmk Pxils: `:1.-5' elf9.\:l.l\`(`. as bx:l'ore.. Uuul ,6 {this zulwrntag-:. my knowledg`:- and g 11 go, llbeliei, i.u~'l.`11e? pills sued me Imul cu.~stl_v . 1;-5,119.-;a11 tgetlxous exgrerltxlerxtnlngr such ;1.~5.I \\'|)1'(.hl"l).El(l 11mlz21'g<>11e previously. I may fur; 51mc1;ithe1' iL(l\l that both mysoaJ.t und Mrs k m1dj'Mampluwpou have derived muvhi hmm"l:f. I shorl from me. use of Dr. \\'i.llLuus `Pink .. .; ll lilI._~:,,.._:.x_ln~.l; ,1. ,.\:s.t_n- -.olis>r.s'.1_i3.s.!_lxl_ lr`*<>I.xn~I1m1.. 2 first ihmn Lu.'l l1(ie who are sum.-1 `times Trly.".v V . _ u.l xhml l\v- \\`i.H`n1nK' Pink Pills` vl)I'u hv $1? on the rs! stunner nut. spnmz. Haleavos in a sham rims x!` M"lNl"f5<'t3. Where he will spend 1119 wmler wilh {fiends and i'PL1s\tives. A';!hrmsm 3f:uumm.."Cx was alums; a pauper when the (shod nexm came from Ainnkzmimz he vuuld pmmbzy get rich hy going north. He.-mangml to bar- rmr enxmgb money, and fo1!n\\'ed_the Phil of mo Fr:-nvh Canauiians. HE "omen hawk with 'I`IlTIrV|v 1. . .. . .... .. .... . I lilauk Book Rlacfe to. 0Ede:- an-1` 315.10! .u dust. 'H?\\"1-A not re- .ma:u_hI'v Itmuer Khan next spring. 101 g hun- I has 1-.gun1s'_n1u5t "L-e worked, and ll10l`U (`:lX As no! roman! with 813.00 to ,v;c,un,. ` Vlvn ..r .n ..:'n..- ......L.-c u...-.1 .1I|n1\l.t tun-r \\'11nn-nine on: And [hr iut.a!_ in the mug . zmow-. Cuushirrzxblv go by Frtw-X1 (`:m~.uii:uL~ 1 `lhinvi. to {heir frunilias : $111.91.: vluun mi`! in 5-`HIT Ill 1}Il'\\'.\UlL `hi. DUI. Z18 HIS I|i|H,ll\ *x1x1'p.Je-5. ~11 `ul(;l"I3-d nmxx, `mu 3 m1.\'- ! lure of 'F1'e.nch and Spamxh `u;-ml. su- durk 11143.. were itvnpl. for his ;0IlJ.!, )[ `;`SIHi;;h?. Jmir, "I16 mulck he litkvn for` Mime". Hm |`..m'ei` iudivinluu! is 2155 `Iron. Shvlmu. Whru `he Kl0nd3ku \\` f.l'.` d`i.scu\`er(:,d hb h()ughL:iI)N"f- est: in lwenyeen thirt_\"- and for!j'c1:\im2a'. **0rI` munuy Jud jviug his _uuH.'- gwhzrh hr took up as as: :15 'pus:s'mie.' ` rumj hub '11)! ,iu.ruusL hqldiugs M14` in; cousnlemi xhe riches: tium pu` lhv youxxtry. ' A - ! ,:1thn Imuinr-uifln hai'snvmI Blilll 1-oumry. ` Maxim Munierviile haS'sa\'e! $l.3,UU`J (us a resus; of two ynurs` industry On Lhn Yukon. .A.reoeuL ibttur said Lhxit he\v011I.t! nr)t,rezuru until he had '50:- 00(l,' and .-zufggxlztim that it will take him two ymns longer 14) Lwcuxnulale ihut suxn.uniIees he should mme on a pocket of some kind. ` \Vhen\Im Went. north he haul to be assisted by friends. * but 1119' has sealed :1 scores many Kimus_ av:-1'. by mom-y~ gem om this I.Y3K`- ` ' ~ ` L`-Omar xhirrv '3`ra'nr-H '{4`:.`n:uli.-\'n Jmd 13681 .i -\i0\`eIf thirty '1-`rnrh '(:`:mzu1iaix and Ame.1'i:-an ioggcrs have. gone to hu 5KI0ndikr: from hhuson `county ibis `lyenr and`-csever:L.L of thcirn have already xnxadw con:.~ide.mhZB money. Frank iBr:m {Inn 8. Alberks started in April. mkxmz aha-ir good: over the Dyea trait. Omlhvii way xiown the Yukon th<-5" stopped lung nough :0 -ut El raft of! timber. which they; r:-.{tL-ul down UH Dnwsgnn (`ity surcussfu ]_v. 'l'h9_v sum it. there to the 'sawmi*J':ompa'ny Tomi ` mom timn Iheir r-mire e-x1'wn. for outfif and everything. Both YDPH istrurk /\.\'('>rk`at. once nit $15 oer r!:i_v. Bran uk :1 t`l`\0IH`,(`I` and ~A}`ner3 in the mines. . _Ir Sulgred O-`really from Iuclvni-1 Trbub (- Ind lndlgenHuu--[Iv Ihrlhrod for a lung Tine Wuhan: Geltlug Any Relief. ` From Lhu S1and:'m1. C0rn\\':1'.J. The Inurvh-__)f the xwrluik p1'u;;1`v.~`5 is I Furved. ;r<~Ir:u-ted and muIinum1,<.t.h<- umxmeiimin for suprem;u"' ' ' Yhanmn m !:u.<'l1w mus`. {Kidney "%Trouble%? cum! A WELL-KNOWFHOTEL-KEEPER _RELATE.$ ms axranxsuce. . jwe-:x.1\`e renxeuy suru =L~.' 1.11`. .l('[:-hr! Ekeepm` in Uh` ,\'i.*1.1u,L* .0!` ll (}leJ1g:n~r_v voumy. hm dum- , tor a number. of. _)'8ilI`~.\' "in . L Vanni hu.\'in_g s1u:ce$fu.|l.y cam >l lm lI`:l*\T0T 1 U'h5refore is t':'u`uruh1T_\` kixuwn w7%%nmw- ih ll\}Ll.||}`|'u|- (lu\,' IIULUIIKL LII \.Ul|\C1`: sauion wuh :1 1w\vsp;1pm` re1mru-1` he! ieuumeruied some of h;I5"2i'l_;mlJ]t`lI|)_-`. ' :how his \\`:rS'I.`IITEd. .~X'Iw11 :\m-_ven1`3- ago. he. said, "my w'xu:Lt* di;1`u5;I_h'::,,21p~l Fpamius. segmged "to beuumo dis-j gordered. . v Ex.-mu _Iie1_\'s" I voulnii "move ;m.\u.ud. ihen uguilx. 'L\\'ou;i{ he-,<>l:li;_:<`\l m, go 10 had. L Lrinad sex-{ {em} tlhi1u__'s."b11t with im1iHer'm1\. .'~auL'-: lvzaxz. 1()(`(':lSi()lH!\` 1'11-H1 rr-Jim-mi lmfi ;i;;;;;.;a;.;;;:a"3i.I;,:e`7ss}}::`i;; - - - V ' a s1m-:i:tlt.y ham Work ofball Kinds _ l?ron_nptIy Ixecnt-ed T-T Hui]. (0 U A.mung nu-. nnui: She is aydeoided. 4b1(ru`11et'.ta.'_ -ia'_n`.t \ "she?" V1;ry~. M mxe_yf M say. her husband` gmjl; call .hxs;5on1 In; ow;:,'.' we mu ll] mu `um mxm popu- utiun 3 less than ongy lumdred i_svruom on e-.u`l;I1 f`or-mswrly si.t"bi1l1ons Bfime gyear 2.932 thv sign`._ ~31zuding Rnom " Only " xxxu-st be hung out.`/ ur the earth. wm `then have ius .-nx,xnnmus 91: inhab. Txtans-ouvll it can u.cc.m1unudz1-lie. " E itinguislipil s,`1,utisLix:iun,' ;l;e > hnnn nf the mrth at :irra is lit!-.ln " ) f \ V ,. " 5 , =Avuurd mg lo R:wet1s`Ljei '. un umln. w `l'H'Rl-I uxe.u- mnu.m< zixouaa su-.`J xi h.mnnu.~ . `Ix nah:-r miners wure Junong value and they bring up anuount mvntiuuwk Juzshivrzxblv gold was sem out . (`:m`.uli:1n.s re-nmiuing 'm'- H1 IUI` bllplulitti) Pr KEEN of 3* s".nc mus`. 1;.-k-p.1`xn1k "d Mu -u.:'a any C()\'v_L'.lM:' mou- succe. The." w:muful=m.s, nm1,.Ih&>ught involve-1 in .~u;;erinLex1 produces a! IS 9}` 1n0glx`1`Ii h11.si:1es5 ma-n. r-`es `.uK.'u'kS Y , -v unucuc mu.-u.u.v~m.r -Hm in M1 ihc vphg. u. ax1dznqx1- _ -: VA 1.L1Am.E~c1.Al.\r.~;'; reumuun; u s_and reluuues. In Alaska '1 u-\*nr:1' mxnid 1:. F. `czmvwoma. i|'l J_.{1Il1Zil3lt';1', } _ calm-ed` for r\'i:.Hng pm It` - vwn not. only r?}11Tn'rrn*1? Udir fl! ll) uiy unilu-n~ 3 his munu .uv -1 n.I\'- .u ur:t>u:1. ! '5u,:`iness i -xn.-:x:`ruv~ } uonunua lea man-3 Ilgll um um: V - IOPYIII ofnllrh the World Ilwn wunz. _ One of the moat distinguilliied pla< - sengcers to arrive in ieattle um other day on tbtysleamar Queen from A`!- i a.-ska \_va.~4 Bu:-trn Bennett. xvhmwaa sent nonh `cry Gruvc~,.\ Kietgelnnd `to ' an. mm. 9: xiiiimx stag`: District At- torney for Alaska. ' -u.1\\._ ._., ._*:: L 1...... , _ . A {human F. aaun-is-;r'sbsscn1r1'1qtt ' ` _ or warm: ms scam-:5. \.\r|.AIU_I Iv: nuuanu "The \'0rid _at large mug not rac- > Li._ze it`."_ said Mr. Bennett, " hu:'tli3f are man up north: who are walking xriglip iulo death. The snow is prob- ` alriy flying on White l as.s. aniijt not 5001) {viii ha. .\[nn_v propose rd wig- ter :1! Skzsgupy, but; from Hjbat. lean Iekirn huu do nut. propose to stop ~_ then-. unr man they return t(LCViHl- 1 utinnu `Huey hnve the gold {ever as no uLiner hml) uf med hid it. Every limo ; may ha-ax` -of u .u-ike in nu. Yukun ' country they get vrazitr rhan_mzer. They w'1!l.nuL._-.h>p for snow 1.! hoy,\viJl ~n0l stop, for storms. l he_v will keep lptuhing over` \\'hite Puss ail winter. "1 any samefiecl than ~.r"niEe the vmmv is mmi < dmvn inll `us fury on thy -. | pass am` H1e'wind is biuwinc awful g:1Io~\`Iiua winner. you will see u_1e,n on White Pass. It. in at frightful tbmg to think of, but it is true. and these \ man .|hnn!tl" ha .~d`lI\l'IAA I urn` IAJ LHLKIK UK, UUL 1.1- U`? Lflll`. JHU HKX man ajxoxxld " be stopped. I vril not be surprL%ed; Ln Egarn . `many deaths up the` `thin wintar. II is the moat damxgmo rush. I ever heard or read of . my man do not -k'now anything about the por- rors of \\'h~Lta.Passiq thawinter fund. -yet `zhey keep km, and " t about tho Lime rhzit want:-1; isati a worst, 501110 of them will he wlmthi.` on White Paaoi lTh`ey wiil never rezupo. ' "I am satisfied that than who runuln lat Ska my this winter 'wi_I-lv bo all right. .,pring will soon be mzh them `znlcltbevmn siart far the north. Ohm `thare they wi?! all l`0ITl9 back x-.h.ll ' Hmu -urn u-illin-r n uh: v and \\'nI-Lr fnn mare may '15 an mm: r,mn.u they -are wiliim; ::;__utuy and work {on .1 few years. There is old in very `Body of water; big on kitt e. in the Yu- koxf country. Why. the peopia withall `ha newspa I` talk. do not knmvwhnt (ha, rush w " he in the coming spring. "Wnrum Hm lmtnrsx I ham rm-waived U18, man wu 08 nu me coming sprlng. "From. the letters I. have received? from the Status, there wili he 10,000 people in Alaska. six weeks after the spring rush has commenced. I think that the rnports nhout so unubh crime in Vhu virhyixy vi Skuguay have been ex;u:gnru(e _\\'e are doing what. we ':Ln to me that nrder is preserved and we hwe been fairly successful." llvpurml .\l'ruug(`|u'I`lIt ol 1`:-.rn'1s Ilcuroel '- u` In-um: and (hr )jnmn In I-'IrilIr_Ir the .\4Iv.'mce. .'\1v::uISa ! trouy hum: ho-en |`0`llL`1l1l1l'd he't.\\`_een Ski- ltin , :cshu. l'*pr(Seuli1lL' Great `Brit- ` Thu Paris I`-Ti;::1rn nlnounfrs than a ; `_:z_in, um! Jsnbein Paslm, -rgpi`esent.ing the` .\l:1h bk which the iatftor will not v>mno$s~ (`he gsdvance of` Vt_he" Anglo- `I"Igy'pt,i;u1 l'X}JL`(liliIl]) us far as Khar- .1nu,:n. `mt! `Osman U`igx1a .~x L`o_rce5,\`Vi1-1 $.11-zu:1in lit the Bum River so _long as .x _ r1 -, z 1 .-,. '1'-n`.\ r..n'....v:_.... '|`,'i\I\||ll ~Li IUC llul-I. LIIYIJA qv_LvuB -ma Grout lirzuin +l'e.sires. '{ he folfowing urvsrid [_\bi- the cundiiiuns npoh which -U1is"Ire ~'l'I..\` \.'v=1.~s ':~:igne.d:~"'[he Mahdi .1`f?!l1;!iU$ K-Eng uf Khartoum, and 1 .; fun::Ii:1l1.`i`0f (})v.ur1xor of ll;1rfur..un- der the ,pr<>le':Liu11 of.(.ix'eut Britain." !<`in;uH_\:, The Figzxru asserts xhatthe nlisuinn M James 1{,m1uel~l Rodd to the Iiixxgi of Ai)_\'s5ini=1 uhtuined & prnxxsu ofm-\1t.1'1!i'x_v "upon the put uf liing Hem-Eik bv guarantee-ing the \\(`Sh'1`[\ fruzxxiu of. ,-Hxyssixzirl in the .n:nm- of l)0i.h Hre:n.~Bri}~ain and the .\1;.1u1_L/ .~.' 'z. :nsha continues to exercise the ' D l _asp`u_'e to her or h_L~s ` commue coucmxmtn V l five hundred u Lu!` :x;;.; Jzllugr A.\\ 1 ~ <--. . - _ 5:-ties 9Ll;ux@xl1ir_l1_sparo _ npi_tl1e'r!_\'o\1tl\ nor age: Claus)` Lruns as foll0\V;_3: , - 'xua1le-f"1'um_. the age of 20 tnftl. _ pay la, tax t}ill,l1'e marries. and slmll pay genes in every mpul.l1x- " i` ' .~\ml in Argentixm no w0mnn;-u0; nor mun_`e.'u.lxor--'n1u;,' bcrfickle, uuy.01` llmr-J Lu please. Lei. us vlrern` Clause 11; 1 "Y0u11g(`.elll>a Les oi .eii:her.sex' who Til?-.\*ll~ uighuxxiggzgxxum ' mm i\'`e ~re_jcc.t tl1e':1 of. h1m lmnd. and who msl3'\~an:na-x=ried; -.~`l1all'-pay- thesum of .500 piastyns. mbmxt ' dollars. 0: the benefit`. of lclre y~oung-'_ person who 1121:"; 'm:nn sure- `. 'f'n " '-- On and after J:1nueu_-y l`._ lSSl7. every ` D '['fuse1i;"' ,.-Xrgentinu will becueme a`w:ri`tuble ;Ux'.opi21'o the ugly. -However hgsrd the 2 1-ocul may be] in others. the plum man. 'shall not} e-fx`!l;her'ein. ' .- ! ``M'qd:|nm. I desire thn hnuor of your {shall e-jr1"t;herexn. . ; Madame, your E mud`. .\\'hat.! you rei 59 ms: because. ; V: mymardateetmvhen 500 pigs-_ < I-nu Sf vnn nhaa.sa." oi my lacxal uewu: tres. LE you please." THE KHARTOUM EXPEDITION. Elm ELT4MU3 H* CTOPIA FOR THE UGf..\ . qonnsox .95 VSARJEANT, DEAL[ EBB in COAL of all kinda: imnm-tar LONDON.` "E-NGLAND , {Waterloo Place Nina.` C`APITAL,_ The Right Hon. Lord De Lisle and Dudley. _ 1`Iug Right H011. `Sir Edward Thorntut. G.C._B pars the same Bank of 'EugT_nnd S cmmtry lnt_l)e\vorld_. w; ~ f - Mosh convemc.-nt tor trnvellers ind ,_T_c11,cq.ue .B;.u.1k,`0l:eut!es..:ir.avuJJable lnt_ne\vorm. b ~ ' _ : - Mogn convem_L_-nt fox; n;mit1erslu (roqt Brltahx o1`rm_v ton.-igu country. , ` - Al Hnmfrook _cmxmn11ng_mIdx-cssesv' (nxmgents c;mxegg;e &%c%o.; Tm-; Mosr nos. THE Mmqunse oi` '1`w;1s`knAu:. t`hn.`.rman of Trustees of Guarantee 14 mm V 1: V A13 'Ay1strim3 l'1e\'\~ s1.I).1e_1`*`Lmnnouii'ces that Mauserthe `\i'1e'l1-:l{':11,i`)_W!} manm fzteturgr oi ire~a,rznST uu.1_._u1e 1pventor';; nf hh mi` aiim which- bears his: Luau LunLuw.|. `uuv wvvm-;1u.L_vw u umyuxn ; ire-a.`rx11Sf`:i1x.l,.U`1)a i`pventur';-_ `of the mi` 1 ailus which- bears Jgisg ~ .\-.nm._ hm=1'}uBt i:n.venied'm new 'm1t~I 'of the mxqmmuefuse \y'mcn nears ms; name, _has' t mvennedu new 'mit~ mifdleuisa V ic:_l1 loads and discharges f itse+}rE' auiomhlcully. M ` '1`h`o;"oLa.-re thgee modems of t&_ms._ and experunnutxs wntgh vhern am saul to have been. hi hily suc- . (~(=ssfu!L_ 'l`he- 6ca.1i be1'~1 north} 5 .0. fire afsixixy or 3V0M7B11OL`:to lm min- uia; lrlm :10-cmi61ber.i *9. 1re.01f1_ I . shots to thejmimnto..`am1*the 20.~ca1ah'er. ; gperntad by ukfim_of- ninety Lhg .10-guljber mitrat1euB&..0n easily be car; -313`? R?! Kill-Md (iroqt Hrlmnx or rmv x'onL-Ign Hand I ook L`-ouminlng add1'cs5esof 3000a; )1 an pa1'ls'u'f the world, and m1l`mI'or.m u_rnish0d;0!1:I1vp|k*ati)lx_(U . ' IS PREPARED TOIDO ALL KINDS OF 4%TAssumc: COMPANY. . . VT_.L`-I1,C(V1.ll,Q .B3!.1k,'G|1eut!cs...hm`.v , :able..n11m wu1 . n.-7 EugT_nnd Notes in any nnmm-v In the wnrld. .; ' - ` JOHN ROGERSON. Inunlmnmn 1 run: I for L`onnn' ox` hiinm. _ .3 Faun Snx-Ir nl(~;x2 $11. AU other mics 0 2 1:-a=un:1hl4= tmm. ' *3 an BUFFALO ~ BETTER _*r3\AN um-nuc_ Alwtlomecr an?! Valugznr A NEW? 1Nsg;uttm`i:1ai\I'r.% 0:_*_t\vA`n." ` 40 a. 42 wui__'st'm:.` Newvoik. Mr s1"n'.I. Tm-I m:s'r . .. . '-. \ vB:m1\.nl ln1`0N.c B:.1ld.|;g. * 1 ` 1 Owen Shed. ; .\ un- 'n.m.\' I.lN'V}2 I:'|:rwIe'.IL\' urn Agux Ania Tl'\I JPN` nuucnau lnsllrznico ;l_::'(`l|l. Fire and Life ' W %`% Cheque f*&1_1k,% C;E>YLON _TA. RULING 10. - I.IN'l>2 BIlTWIlL\' ` CLEVE LAND AND ToLEoo vm ~c. a. 8. LINE." ` JAMES EDWARDS ~B:1lll6i'S; jsgqrtie, BARRIE ntmr gun?! `I: nrnmcfrons. P. 0. Box 214. BARRI; CLEVELAND JAKE!` VLII u em 'soo,,.o mo ' rrmshiznz ::i:_:|1I`.< rest whrn vnrouu: to Cleve laud. colnr..bun.cInc1nhm.. Tolado.lndn- upon: Cmcsgo. Detroit. Mnokuuo 1:; land. Northern Lzko Tourist resorts. ur any 0ln'u, Imilana. ur g(.-'mlw'vJstc.ru point.- .. .. ... ..S 1'.!,. >()(l,U\lJ .. 41.115.(F.`U l1.30f.0H\ ' 5.4.$0.0i U frna VERY LA1'E.'s7:_-`nom ALL THE E 3 woaw o.vaR. ,1 . !mtNnv:manmsI1n1.* _ c1A13-.u)A. _ g Mr. Charles Gurney. 01 H%milW_P- W I dead. - I n . 1 -n ,_.. __:.a naann`l.... .. Aerating luau snout 0:; own country. ', noun Ronni-_ on. Iln-J It-ton ...| ill. Mr. L. ,1. "Forget paid $3.00 !or. av seat on {he Montrepl Stock 1-._xchnnge.. nr -1 u r: ;.|' ` `I..- ._.........-..-.b..tun $15 \ U KIIC L!lUIlLlVV`Cl L`I.UI-II L4DVl"C"'. Mr.`J_olm Heme.` tl}e reprasentgstivg of Turtle Mountain 151 the `Mamtoba Legisiature. is dead. `l`k_. ..o.......-... 'n:...... `nah Hm Hnd2=,nn' l\\'Cul)`-L\J Guam. vusu um: uunuuuo I The London Council has pzmsed I by- 3 law imposing LL license at 850 3 3431'} for the privilege of selling cigarettes. .Licur..-CoI-` Dawson dropped dead at! his residence in 'l ox`onto.V on Sunl, awning. ~1Ie`art disease was the mugs; of death. ` '1 ...._.`.._ ..l L.. -.4... LgL\lLl Ulrlf. Id! uouu. `fhx-, stmnxer Dia.nn.`u'n`b ihe Hudson `I B1y e;;plnr:1tion arty um hqnrtt has retuxued to New ndlnnd. __ Arragngexnent.-r `have been cuxnpdeted for thy5_e:sta.b1iSl1l!18nt at Guelph of a. pork packing industry I ...... .1... .....`l..p....|y nlv` umnllvmx inf 0| UCJLD. The opening of the new Gnnd Tru bridge over the Niagara `River ` WI 20,000 gaople no the vwinilyy from both! sides the line. 2 . -s I\Vl'1STEDI1\' LIANADA .` a,`(:L`ML'LA l`F.D FUNDS . 1 n'1`,\ I. AS.`ZURA!\'t`E. m'uL1E.0\`ER..... .L'l`IllLLU L3 |.I\,'\i TAPCI IVMV Lila. . lit an-uuuncml f Othuva that Sir Uliwn liowal. wil shkxrtly 5:u<'ce9.d: Sir Gcprge Kirkpatrick ms Liemten:_a.ut- (}overu.'m' of Ontario and that the port- `folio of J.`usi_.ic<~. has been offered. t.u Hon. Devi-(1% M1113. _ ~u n:\v.:u "__-l H..- ..t Hln l..l....\ pvnn luunnug u.|uuau_v- - 4 Since the ouxbrenkpf .smnUD. 3" Montreal on July 2._ the|_'e have hem; twenty-t.\\m 0- . wzth mne deaths. ` -rm... 1 .....t.... n,........:I I...-.; named Q luv- V nfounded. at we nnaerw en. 5 The repot that "Major-General Gus-`I coigne is abnut tometire is not x-wd-, ited in ofticia} cimlm in Ottawa. The! Deputy of the dmpdrtment says it isi. ; nrnnn ,,'.,.u. 1.. n.- noun ualrrlluv. urea. Mrfobert S. White, codlcctor of Cu, tmzxs fur the port oi Montreal. has comp1'xa some intereating Shlti8t,i('8 re- lative "Lo the increase 'xn`-trade whim-h Mu>ntrm.": is non experiencing. Fa L~ m..n.n....n,-..~..l Gnnm l\il'uu--n Ihal LN|VL|L_ .A|l.`llL3_- H ,Bwil () Nei1i. aged five, of #70 John street. Hamilton, has developed into a memor):,3i'ond`er. He can gtvecorrectly and at once the. population of 60 diffe.r~ ant cities. and can name in order Pre- sident} Pren1ie`1i.-Kings and Queens. The Adlan and Dominion Lines of steaxnships threaten to withdraw their vssels from the Halifax route during the winter months and run unly_ to Boatun and Portland unless the Gov- ernment continues the sulaidieawhich itxhas hitherto given for carrying the nT1ik V U ILLUUHUVUI Ihe bequest/of $5.000 umde by the late '1'. W.` Yeomans to t library and reading rooms of Bridge St eat Church. Bellevilla. `has heeu paid over to the Irustoed. . `~ r \r~n,.._.|.., II!) I... !."..u~ Ill`LB|Ot'B. ` \ 3 . Rev. J. )I.`1)ou3*l_ns. M.P. for East` Assiuihoiu, reports at Wiunipe H18 discovery '0! :1 seam of suppose un- thmcile-cozul on the Qu AppullevRivur. um \\`ap.na. Am. \r.. 'u.;......+ u \In..:.. ,...n...o,.. n! (`my _ `."`~` man I s. `[1133 London medical press xmrn {he puhlm against a. probable recurrence n Lnfluenzgx. - um, .L_:...___..; :. .......-...L...l :.. In...l..n Luuuuuags. .l'he statement is repeated in London that` the E'riuce'of Wales will sho}`t.1y Vinit the Ital-iain court. nu n., , , .,_!\| , __:.._L.J.. ..:..:.. Al... . "" W I I`.\kr thv (`. is B. Lh1c". nnd enjoy : whrn vnroule Glen mm. Go1nr..hun.cInc1nhut1. 'rolado.Indn- The Queen wiil privately visix the Marquis and Ma.x`chione'ss of Smlishury nt: HaiflaLd,_house about the middle of November. ` . 4,. ,L z.u__.2 u.- n.;).".. -5 \.`....I. W"'d;S [0 g0 On ll _YEu'l.I'S CI'lllS!."`(lS l'UU1- ' m.o of .1 squzzdrnn of three crxxiaers ls oifmally domed. ` vm... ...l.....s ..:..L1 .4` (1.-m.rIl~`.Iuh'.. L5 UL'll\'li/111" (lU|{'\l- ` - The wheat. yield of G1'entJ1x'iLnixi. Hm season _w`Lll he about 50.D0;00Dl bushels Bgainhst 625100.000 bushels mt" VAR?` ` JCUM . M _ l _, -_,.. 'l`hre_ Right` Hon. Robert Richard` .\\':u'- ten. presLdeut of the Pmbate gmd 'Ma.t- C1135` rimou-ial-division bf thn.,I 1i'gl1"`C0uxt" of J ustice, Ixjeland. is dead. He was eighty figren ' s. me. .1113: ' A,Bx'it'1sh Cdnsular repurtsays that? owing to the expansion of the tin plate industry under the Dingley tar ift`,.the American market-is uhnost; \}1o}ly lost to` Equth Wales. ' ' 11 It 1-, u,_- _ -the Domiuifm afg 'w%1.s at'first>ii1te'niled`. nuv-.3 tvvu -... -\V...... l........ . . . _ , :'.l.`he new steamer being built. for the E. Dominion Line at the Belfast slxipyardsi will be: delivered next April. She.wlll 1 be calleil the` Ne.\\;,,._Eng1a1xd, and not? l . l , The London Globe referr'mg to the proposed xes1x1mgn_ of the ax~hitration_ egotiatiom says that Lord 7 "tcro7 :ourt'.-;Um~s"tFfhTU1' ea .5 `ates, , which. after all, is only A fou'rth-m'te po\Ve1".:"'" ' _ _` . | .a n;.m:.. .:........',.. ........ :4 :u .1....m-nu`: : . will n1_a4I;e.1n1'ge pu1'c-buses ofxheavy field . I - guy \.uu-um.. _ I V , 'IT1ne" Bix`vn_ingh.;un Post salys the'Gov~. 1. .e,rnn1':.11c-0: (.`a~mu1a. e:zriy_ next year, } ~batt:`i-an and a number of defence guns. the (_kfeLnr:e- of Montreal and the river " below. - . > i the lnttelv lwilg for :1 Ati\.L:~cheme tor _l ----:Cha.r1qEf...- 4)f-;ti16r Ne\\r.- ,Y:orkr `_ Sun,_Vi.s_-:se1`iousZy 1H. ` VJ . .- v1...._ 1'1... \.._.. \..,. _.-...| . . ~ - V . A DlUJIi.!l.t19;~I},|iN.Ch says it is reported oxythe highest au1:l1ority that Baron, EdwaI'd~G'1bson .\shhnu1`ne._. L,0I`:! (.`han- ' cellor of lrelrmd. will $0011 succeed the 1 Earl of Al)ex'(k'cII as Governor-Gelnural 1 of (\u1:Lda . - i '-m. .~ n:.. . x..._.- u_._L' ...;.... H. 'n..'.. 9'*di9m.Lh1fposta;,rr thy uiurisr pamphlet W I-'. HERMAN` T. F. NEWMAN` Gen ! Pu,-a. Agt. _ Gen ! Manager. CL1~:vI51.A)eD.(}}1zo. _ LL!" s. '. 'E'p.91'e -isj':1;n :'1la`1.rn1iI1g`{>ucl)rVEu.l`; of. t.y- '; pho1.d.feyex' at Maidstone. Kent, dueto ' the draltnugo from a hop-piyckers` en- cazmpmxnt polluting the water. .l`hrue . teaxlporury hospitals there. already m.n~ : min 820 cases and the 106:1`. auth0ritie.s `have teleg1'apIjed for addititmal_ :1. (I IN] F398. 1 ,,.,.`.,_V..,_..,.....,..-._. .... _ _ M Al'L.\'* Farrouh Bey -1\;1_s- h9ap_ .no_m1-. nzlted as L-l1e`.naw~ 'l. ur_k1_sh .`;1`1n1ut.erat_ \V us1xLugtr)n; 1 7 `Y .A ~ . , __ _ _ x .. _ *_'- n":-.\:ln`]]on nmrv I-!n~mIucr.. A 1\|:.u.\ n+ \VrIl5l.lhu5|:\); , * ' A mine at Bell? J)ll'ei1,rneu5{' Birm i'h_g- ' hnlm, _A~h`x., ison"'ife., A m'umi)ex` of . I th miuei '- A-.... _I`mine1's-al`B szpixl to be,_ entombed "in ' imtiug d`;Li;y.-,o[Tt'.'en `3per../cent..\`xpom: " Lous c_o\if1t1.`ios-'(?`;1x1:24la_ imd Mexigofur . jfbruugzit h'y`, \-'us; no:- of the Umted~ 'x. |~,-n 'r\,,~..!J ru,.'...... yue gmue. 4 I-. - _ , -_ Attqrntsxeqegixj 1\IQ1{m1,;m h:L_~: :_le-[ _ c5idg. seamen 21013 ,the~ D_mg}e._v tarlff-hLJ\_V d`oestuoh`impos3 a. `discrim-" 'mercnxn from -coni.igu- ., `-:mn\cA)- _1=:or. Du`v'ui $tz.n.1'rA'J'(::_1'A(`1tI..n,-Bf`. um who pmp_{1x`i1Ig` to iU_J'.un-.1 the . (agn- fexenw of the '{n'tm.'n:\tx,on.al*Seal Fish: cry; Commission. 5uys.tli:1t,' rntlxeithanv see the. seal.- herds slzuuuhitcredj, usfpro- posed by_ _sqn1e of tha`Un'Lted States L `uutlzurfmes; h,e.wouI preer _to have. `Stanford `University, San .1~`runci.sao. Ei'xg_X:v.n (l.O;w'n: thorn 9.1}. ma... 1s..x...;."`e.g.;.,..1...' M.-...n...'... . `.l`ALl`$`hS lllk . U." ll` IIIJVIM 1'2!-I u \ Mrs, ..,l3,zmke/r, form,e~rly"oP Chatham V and-.L1`u;`0nt0,_.=Qnt,,:m;d 1 _-re<:9g.xs13; _,o .n;-._L ;re`stec} In cxewem Mn symv `$011; '0 L `ua:uuty.i 'n.1i$l;~`!1i}`t'>fi1,II 3! wlI1, V\.'VC`JJ~|$UC-l- The statement that the Dk of York -me hi an nn u`\v'u.-n-`.4 4-rniswnq Pnm- GREAT BRITAIN. "uN1:1:!~2.D s'r;;'p:b:s..` '",_AMEs EDWARDS. I10NVE\ANUER.&O... , . Bauer of 1l:u'ri:w.'e- Licenses rosw omvwz BU_lLDI`.\`GI Baum: