w..e_v.t...'..;,b.- _ H \. A,_ _ _ _ . . _ . A _W1th the new addition that has Just been built to "our Millmery Department, to- gether with the best selected stock that has ever been. our privilege to submit to the ladies of Barrie, we feel that we are in a betterlposition to do the Millinery trade than at any other time" during` our business cxreer. V K 'BAIN+WRAGI{ _CF:(")SSLANvD. - Beiieve me`. vutr ami. . D. F`` LAFLECHE NewArrivaIs. ';R. I. Fraser & Go; Its Consumers" are it Advertisers :+oo'o?Toooooo9oo96oo <)'3`Ia.-. .2i'QA -n1\r v.- A`. Lead paclrag only, 25, 30, 40, 50 and 60c. per lb. Sold by 211.1 gtbEr$' '_I`lm Davidson & Hay. Ltd" Whdlgsalegenta, Toronto. v2nd- If not; satised get samples and compare values." A ? M -L _ `_ 31'd- -Then_..,bL1yher_e,you can get othe.newest; goodsiab-lowest prices. . . _ V 4th-7-Don t_lhe'a.ve town 1_f you can` do as wellat home. A ` V - . V . ' - We hold a. very large stock of high class] goods bought .with great cafe in the best markets o i;-_ .EngI2;hd. We show n 1a1\geAco]1ecti_on of singledress 'le_ngt'h`-no` t'(vo.. gIike\.;?. t ve,ry' mod-' heme pg:-ices. Also ave1%y large stock of very handsome Black Drgs Ma.teria}s _iu a1l theLlatestT,veave. oooio_ _Ladies. sh (mm s E SUIT El -"REE-- A ` oFVcL0n-13 41% e x.Wme,;::m; ~nsmumsmnmmuxuuj who wzuxt the latest styles and best qality, see our. stock` which is nmv on the way. Ffdm all imperfections is V ` what an _w el-1 dressed "men like. [This is v`v1_1aVt is guaranteed\b'y, I l\/lantles and ress Goods esvaiaa m sLaAH's nnnlmwoulc 1>.O." mwun 9 sum ` Sgxfqii ,gs;;;tg,(;i%iV%4p;.9..:; Vomeg I}` re9.;:by mm ;= ; -` ` * 4 ., ` L,.u..:.."..7..\`;L2.....Q.;;1...;`...;.n...1.*'n..;;_.' n..Un. Trimm%ed&HatS and Bonnets Special Attntion Given Mourni aid Wehding 9;zf_c .e_rs Jnsta fevsf p.0inters for the ladies of Barrjg}-` .s1sb-:,bf9e _<)u1:.,sLo_ck hefqre buying N r n 1- 11- .' ."n 1 - -. this oppoftunity of pressing o;ur kind words` to say of - the store `since the new %O'win%g to the PreasLLo f Busigess1' , ,r v i ' .' 7 ` - i _ ` _ has 'ust returned `from the wholesale milhner 0 enings. She is ,bri1ntul of" new ideas in smant J .. Y P . styles of trimmings, etc. Ladies "lay place Limpiieit condence in her judgment as to whet is-the correct thing to wear." a A, 7.'A.L AL- ....._-. ..:Ll:;!,.__ LL_L L ,-: 1 1,_,\ 1 '1. . \'n- n we `Has an unbroken record'of%, ures;-?:M5. ' LADIES 1\aAN'rLEs DRESS MAKING 1v1Iss HIBBEART 1)y1=:1;:ssT Goons `The only; peimaient tires "for `Ehe. two;gz'e`a.t `ills; of humaniy' . ' 7 Mime `.peo";")l suffer ..fron3 one .011 both 1 J of these-disvtressing ills than from`-a;l others C0.Iubjne_d. L`0AN- S-INDIAN _ TON-IOPOSi`IYE1ZHAk{D(PERMANEN 1;LY_ _.L>I:IiIssT4&1LTQAs1a:aTaJ>Io.Jnafet:a*L;haw7Ion.:L ` 1 you hvav s_uezted,`._or: how often you?` . ~ .ma.y"h_ave been mid that your case was ' "chronic" or incurablef .ypujpersisb .in A 't'.he'use of this medicinega-cure iscezf-` `min .7 ., 3-... '1`irnef0r.4; Millinery Openings. EEY.uvmmERa 7 -%rnx_o_i in-'& `lJ(:)lyCl`;i(Y3_f.0;`l'i`&5.L -4`...!?r!ss_W 0* `fjxnnmnsmioni and ,}d.O"1S?rI1fAir1o1~;.4 . ulun \/Ll\J\) nu Luv `\J\lll\1\J\l UUJ ILA.` l\JA wuv t|v|.lUUlJJLl Q\.4LI.Q\./LII ' -our dresses to all parts of Canada and some to the United in ret'e1`ence to.the, c1ass:of.\vork done, as nearly all the Our p1'icT_es are very low - pnly $3 50 for 3, Street In fn Arrlnn nn '1-rnnv oLru-l- nn`-vnn : o`uHhan,ks the .Ia1.diesiwho have hLd`sQ many/b :- new goods have been_ opened for the Fall_ Trade. _ 3 wpgy | gu-x9'zLrmers sons and other indtis-' mus personsefairducaon to whom 560 I 9. month would b_e an. inducement; I could also engage a few Lathes at their own homes. ` T3 H. LINSCOTT. 'l`m`nnln, Ont 1 - *ANvAssERs~-`Queen Vicforizi: ner Life "and Reign. has .(.'1})t\]l'd the British Em- pine. Extraordinary t oninls fromthe great . u.en; send for cop` free. Marquis of Lorne ` v_ ays,"The best pop in Life of the Queen I have seen. He1f_Ma.jesty'sendsa.kind letter ,of ap13re 4 rciaon. Selling by-th'ousands;vgIvesenthus1as-V __ tic ss.isact:lon. Cnnvnasers making 515` to '$40 weekly.~ Prospectus free to agents. Tnxrntnr 7 _LEY~GA1mE'rsoN Go.,1:IrIm`d.Toronto,j0nt. - ` I I 7 v ` " * + 2 3 ANTED-Fam1ers Sons and Ether h1du`s-' ' trxous I a.immf.h would hp an innnnrnnni-. I .-.,...m um. `m Wliex; Mot."-1:5ra.wfn{;. on `and ianma: mins1_xg. -. G niche of the Ontario Schoolof Art~,~ 1`oronto.; `speclxil-clans for school children Saturday. - ryL)peuingoand_attend.to' the orders that are fast pouring in. We v . a l 1 in our millioery workroom. We "nd ilt_will be utterly inlposslble tol ' hold our usual Milline T - have therefore decided" to hold no lormal Mi1liner3t,Open1ng this` eason. All goods will beplacetl 0o`sale' the moment` they enfer the,l1ouse-:and ev_'e1-yilay will be opening day at this store. v \ In about another week a very clloice'se1eotion*of and}; 'ihe~s.w. DotNo,1(i.,m t`1e: I ` "1`1n,'.the .` LotNo.28 inlamhtsonoeaslom Pm ' }I9=?W.a.wusmmpnuvev~ . `nrwin-n; `!I`l\!DA\`Il' thVCoi`xasi6mV.. me. . Lot No.9; in u;Ksm~con;, . Venrn qt; .0: 21,, in the 8th. Concewon A A Liradunlge of the Ontario Schoolof 1`or:ox Special-clans 3911001 Saturday; names on their homes. LINSC_QT'1`., Toronto, Ont. WAN'l,'E:D_ `1I" E&"6E` " F s.m,.~ %"`".a;. `um BARBIE zxAMrmz,f`rHUnsnAY mm. 16, 1397, """' `,""-" lllptllllllg BW. of hheju l1lB $' ' x -Sapnfhginuluib `VU(lI\|ll}l[}ll~')ll` |3\3Gl'*`Hl.l& I In this clsaxo diseases: 11 in `unquwionnbly the .l`icine.V .-L `v 1 ` Pdinufu Celery Compoundlnnd the great .``I certainly owe my pros-;nt health -and I strength to` your medxuue, and I ainls juy convinced it ;m\'ed u:e from :3 coud_ij' ' tiou borderi;1,; on insauzty. I can ,no\v% sleep and eat well.` and I Liizmk G-d fur ` . I * f -1 n. u'.;rnI{ 0.71 change. I `hnun rnr-nhmr` and newest shapes will be found here zit less prices t nu: uv luawu uu um Lauxcu, w _m: uqyyxcxucuucln wwu ucw guuua uuluuuv LU uay, '6 SHOW- 8. superb stock of New`Sailors' aind Walkingats at 500. to `$1.50 each; "All the la n elsewhere. Beautiful stock of real French. Autumn F lowers, _Feathrs, . .sprey Mounts, Qudls, -JeAts,? etc., bought by Mr. Reedy while in Eng- Vlandhat `about -half the.=prices you usually pay. ' ' ` \ f ` IAGLINGHSRGSTATEMERIE The Medxcme Used Was `Pai4:11e _ Celery Compound . ' ` Day af`r.day bang and foreign cure g are heraldtd as the result nf using this 0|`; that medicine. It is safe to assert thing many uf the pbshed letters are `uogus,, and when ml! hardly hear the light of; Investigation. 5 Phn mu-an nfrnnhad Iw `P-.ana n ffnharu` lUVE3lgilllUu; [be cqrea elfected .by P-aine s Cele:-yf Compound, and nuted in the presmuf the; cuunu-_v'. have alisthe ring uf geuxuinanessj and hnnc.~e'y abuut them, and the -arixinalt legters can bajseen at any time by an In- cereete-J public.` , 0 ' If hail -.|~n Luau nv-..\'..n in vzcinxxknrlsiua ? |:CLl.'CLK."rJ FIIUXIIS. _ : It has '41:!) been pruvw n1 uuxuberlesst instances that the cures made by Paine : 3` Celery Gumpotmd aP\:|)l'rlllai1elll. Anuther 5 Iptlel` has iust lltfffbICBi\'c(].>lillSUIl1eD I {mm Mr.-P-. J. `Kiimuixz, Puszmastun! Inverucss, & .E.I., `testnfying to we per ; maneucy;_uI' big cum. Hitycase was unei , uf the m7{s't serious :m'J critical ever g1veu* 1 _[ used _the `famous Paine .-3 Celery Cou1_-V` - 1 to :he public,'and bis cump2ete cur-.9 aston-? iahed his many friends and the rusidehts? of his tqwn. ` _ M5, Killiridc says: Over threeye.1re_ go_ I gave `ynu 8 tesmnunial fur Pa1ne e Celely Cumpuumi after It Ind cured ma. .. Tu-day I am In splendid i3ul]di{iul),: andhave not been sick 2: single day since pound. ' , l mxrminlv mmmv nret.-aunt h.xnlr.h mn{ ' 'UlIUgC. ' I ` "I `have received and mmvered 250} letters sincb myvtestixuwmial ms published. 5 ,'I`hesu`1ectars name fremull `lvznwa uf Can-' adu. and the Unite'd_'Staites. it has been I as pleasure answering` these letters from; sutierers. and I trustmy racnmxelzxtxnwtn 1 of Paiue s Celery Cumpuund mil help suffering humauityg ` i . * Pxjesbyterian church. on Sunday even g, 1 Sepp. 14-Rev. Mr. Moo-. he,`of;{ Banriefv occupied the pulpit in the} the pastor, _.`Ir.'Wa1hxcu, `ling detained |' by sh-kx1ess.-T'he Y.P.S.C.E. intend! _1;oh1ing their fruit smrial on yhe even."g !_ ef Sept. 21. A ;.',oa1d time is 3expect.eJ. 1 xv r:......:.. nf' Dn...n.,...,. bnnnf 0 ft*nreTha1WasPermanenI. UK JC}J\do .41! L} 'u.,U`_v\\l UIUJU I3 `U.XFChhC\J- J. W. Garvin, of Pen-1-boro, spent; a low clavsiat his pd-I`(?I)!i\l home (om) `x Garviifs) last \veek.?-M1':- I1'.l`M|`S. Alex? Finlay have returned from their visimo Toronto, Dunxlis, Giimsby and SbrubaIie.---Miss `v_V;iLtiv: llus 1"I?tUr_nekl home from visiting friends in E=_s".-- Miss Mary `Fei`gU.jUIl is home again afrer spenklmg two weeks with frimlsl in Holly,`--'Mrs. "H. \Vnllace anil sister )Ii'ss A. Gill have retu1"'ned to rtlicir l1QI]1& lH Detroit afteinvisiting frieiids in our vicinity -.-Mrs. (R.ev.)_ Wallace is on the sick list. Dr. H. Sheath is ` visiting hisfather, Gen. Sn_eaLh'-Mrs. ; J. Coutts and daughter Daisy, have . returned from Toronto.~-'Quite a number of our citizens found their away to Dalston Methodist church opening on Sunday but very few could gain-`an entrance on account of the great croWl.ll IFLA M:...~,.. ` v..2-,m.. ....,;i..o..;...,.4 ..l Uuuuuuu uu ul.\.I./uuu V1 Luv stvuu Vnvvvuri The Misses `_Vui'ens eiimained 3,`! -number of Lhgair y-Jiun-E; friends on -Wed- 7 nesday evening_ of` last -week.--Mr_.. Charlie has. b.en visiting friends in iTdir6ntbi-.\ Ii's. Fletcher ah.1 daughter, of Iv.y, are visiting .i1G C. T. Wa.Ltie s.` 'T,_ mu-. nlnrl 4-n ann Qmnnnuynmnvkru will be placed on the tables, to be*su_pplmented1w.ith new goods frombdav to day, We `show. 9. annarh cfnnlz m"` Main Qnilnnu; oln `XTo'|]r-inn Hutu ml .Kl'\n Q`! :n ....'..-.1. - -/\11 LL`. UL Ln , uu; vncunu .uu u. 1.. vvuzuvlv up We are glad to see improvements being made;/in our roads. The bill by. the` school was in great need, of its -recent`) re-pa.'irs._ . j . , L | Bails, pimpls .m,'Lm'upti0n3, scrufulai salt rheum and all o1her.max1ifestation of ' K impure blood `are cured by`H ood s Sama- parllla. _' , The sjeco_nd a11n11z1l'cbI)veD,U,Ol1J)f_bh9 f Ypung ,People ~3- Societies within tble .. \ Ban-iegPresTbytery will be` __he_1d in` f Elmvale next_VVedne3d:_1y, Sept, 29th.,_ M eomm'encin';_;`,;t 2 p. 113. ._Every. church, . 7 'wh'ebhe r_ `it has 9} 's`ocit-,_v ",or vnotris V ' ieqpesed to snd cle'4egaes. Billets . will be; pljoyide 1 flit` the `delegate, '0who I `5 -will also be given 1*educkH3res~iietqtn-1 - ` ing if they ,2'.u)ch'xse ixigle ticketa to - El'mvaIe. - S .i,_' I` J 5 I. usegdv 1);. ` .C`ha`ae?a Syrup of Linseml ' -imd_ v'1`qrpen timer. for aevei. an-gm trouble, . 'wzi%_e_s Mrs. -`Hopkins, `of 254 Baluhursn - ,ptpe`et:.= '1Viaro;1`f eEe_c.t.ive. } ' Ire'gE1rd"`it_i:aa guns: of the ,b'es_house`ho1d! to_m3ke and qtives out` th 'c913` wmn. nut-' `P!`*18 Mating. ,; `V _ ' ` -~ " --- 1-2--`!'hroatw-' "i*ronb|H_n:o_ ...-;----r:--f ` rerj!'1o di_ag_tt.'nre is. :It is any `andjglgasanh 7 ` :Alu'1c$st Hupelesg Cases 6f_ Kidney Trouble . Daily Being Cpredby That. Mogsf. Won-' dezful Remedy. `Ther Great South" ,case of kidngzydisease and received, no Vpermanont benet.` He says: "`I began , . uu..u..uu-. ;.-.u.u.~._. vuuv. , D. J. Locke. of Sherbrooke, P. Q., spent $100 in treatments fora complicated. } 1 e the use of South Americain, .Kidn y Quxje, andwhen four battles were V used-1_w ..':..;. :1 Jim ;`.!`""v"IVIC I.-;.'. 17.4? " , and have returned with*ji)yful hearts and uI1>\VUUu-IUUl' U"LlaH5B WClU U5ll5\1-i- c6`xI:1;31Ee7y'-Exiikl " Th`1;" i's'"b'u't. da 't'.=mi-" m`ony.,of thousands `who have gonqalmosb discduraged to this great} cure shrine. and Iz_u3tix1g cure. "Qru]!`-uI' Flanrvnrn rh-my nfnu-a r\nv'xnuN*.a Htllllllg U\ll'C.`. _ __ ` - 1 'Sald-.ab,.S_eagers _dru'g atoge, opposite posh ofhce. - ' - ` .1.T_j_.-- IIIU, __UII`Il"llU -UHHTW, ~ , `. "`f`S'cr'ofula Q'en.shuw item" in drly lyf Vand,,ischamaienzed.Aby awelliuga; absmsea. hip. dinmen. etc. Qolliimplitlniascifnfllla - of hhnx lnnnm '.'Tn. this akin` n `dimannm " Tcuimo VAT mm SHRAINE.V uuv uuw uvuu Suuux/xxub uuvlut unuuu Au L\./l\JA Lu ' From this department We send-ou1' Cam States, It _is ._nee_d1ess to say zmfythig classvof WI " smartdresses in town` are made hgre. 4 oh] Costume._ Dresses and Mantles made `to order on "very short nofice. HIM ` iaonoa 301.1} ' } F,epor:fm,KI\1ouk 8,3. N0."l5, Iunisl, DUO`: the mouth at Ailguab. ` ` E Cass V'.-Gc-rtie Graig. M. Riertson. _I Class IV.--Beatric Nessa, Nmnan Reid. \ Alma Reynolds. ` ,' 1` Class III.-Eie Clark, Mabel R:\iuey,. B-st. Dawney. ' V ` _ f . Class II. S_1'.--.\l. Lzmteubacll. Em Lock-` P harn. Ida McC'auley. _ ' , ' Cl:1ss'l.I Jr.- Wiiliu D.n'.is. Maggzir Owens. ` . w Class Pb. H. Sr.-Geo. Wise, Ida Rainey, - ....... Knlunu E The dyeiilg of cpmmun raga fur the; _u1'.xking of carpgta, mars and ru-.1,-s was for ia l:>n;.I, lime zL'tugii<)\Is, diicult and un- isatisfacfury operation owing lu the crude! land old fahioned dyestus that` harue [dyers were obliged to use. n.= Inn: `-....-. .1: .-5.. r... hnnn nh.......;a '5-IYUIV5 WUIU UUIISCU NU MIC _ ? 0;` !'.\!e`)`e.x`rs 2:1} mm has been changed _for the am'. 1'11 agu and lwnrtit of every Ag humu. Science has g71i'en the world the ` Diarmmd Dyes uhai hzwe brought joy and Q cnnxiurt H) mlilinnn of hnusew`iws. rm`? . ._ 1. ._.` ..x .L. -4 .;_,.....1 n:.........A. 2 C\`lllE|)rL H) IHIIIHUHH UI lU'U5UWlVl`B. ` | ' Tue m Lkers of the ceiebxntvd Diamond ; _l)3-rs prepare special cupuz: colors such as EFJSL Pink, Fast Orzunze, Fast Purple. ; Fassarnet-, Fast N:n';'\Bh1u. Fax`. Crim- isnn, Fast Seal Brmni, Fist Yellow, Fast SCIIH". F.~sr Cardinal. F.xst B!nck.a`nd `u he; \.'(.)l\)l'3` thu me unfuding Ln washing `and 5:14: in rxin nr sun, .">~t11:r\i_vu5 I v uu1'x .V\rl}-iitfflll re__- ,sults uu comm guuds, ;u.d nu unhexs mu 3 lhe'D.i.;1m4';l1d Dyes are fully g,--mmrameed. in the wuxl.L`cu , ' K-1 UT.` `Cw : Somebody ma saying the` ozher dny that f has did his bear under preslqre, and limngina * he thought it vrunther Id his credit that . he did; that ha diJn t,lose his head or bi: heat: under each xxcnmslanc-9. Luz earn: out; then hll the manger. `TE cerpaiuly in to his credit that heecs this, but Kin }e;s to . ` his person} credit than to the credit of human name, for there are lots of men who i rise to a situation beautifully. and ysho feel - ban] only wiaeu there is no situation to rise '50. There are men who dread difculzirs, . maul who get through the day as easily as, _ they Can, buL,thexj_e are plenty of men who! welcm-me d tmities. and who laugh as tiny `knock em In Lbt head, au_d these are the E men that make the wheels go `round. fsetcgr and Easier Work Done by: 1 ' ` Diamond Dyes. ` g mass I. n. ar.-\-mu. vv rue, mu 1\u|u\:y, Emma Kelsey. ; Class Pt. II. Jr.-W. L'-mtenbuch, E;n'&n. ! Sinclair, Term Givens. 2 ' I 1 H: Y `r ........ u..ru..1,... \:x...... Q....., . iOui1' -`Dress Making Depzirifnent is again open. for the seson in chaxige of MVISAAS HUNT, mvho has just returned from... an extended tour through `ksome of the large Aiiferican cities w_he;'e she has been gatheTr.in'g7use11 hints-in reterenceto the correct styles for the autumn season. i IPrm;\ 4L:n A.mm.+m,...+ I17/\ mm,J`....... A..,;.,.,.,. 4.` an M4,. .\L`(`.....,.,l.1 ....,1 M.-. 4.- .`l.,. lT..:4..;.~] Dlllllf, .l.ClJl$ \JIVU|.|S. `. Glass I.-L.:rne McCmxley, Aibert Sum- mers, John R1iuey., \ :!.3B",|G.H.1:!S_`.9 i%al l _ _ ! In L'~.-tvting the World Know What a Bmm ' Cutzxrrh Subrem Have in Dr. A;;ucw's. tut-.n'rhal P()wde:'.- -7" John E._Dell. of Paulding. 0.. says of Dr. Ag1\e\v s Catarrhnl Powder: "1 was _ a sullrer lrnnx cllroxllc c.starrl)_ 1 was - advlsed tony Dr. Agues_v s Czuarrhal Powder. It worked a great cure~in`ms. ' I had almost instant rlief. In is Lln: beat rgmedyl ever tried for `this iiscuse. I will do nll'I can to make its excellent lqualitles known `to those suffering as I dial." 7 ' Q..I] ..'A Q.......-,. .`...../. -nh..A ......._,s.. Mbntreizl, Que.,_J_an.-2, "1896, Edmanson, Bates &, 00., V _ - 45 Lombard S:., Toronto, Can. Messieilres the ManuI'act.ures,~--`[- `tried `:1 bottle of Chasefs Linseed and 'l`u'rpentine for xllceizgted Sore Tliront. It cured me 'in.tw_o days.` It is an-admirable prepexm non. ` > :`-=nA\:..... ..... .. L_- .._: . K Sept. 1l.`-Those from Crosslaud. who attnded the Exhibltion in Torontvs8y- that ihwas very hog buc-thrahowrwas fairly` . good. ` . Cums.-are tnniincr out nreftv well in this I . ` `~ `.9 Have End , `tried the various mmedleg during the lime Wlih scarce! any enet. I have uow,used.one box of l vliobbs pamgusliidney Billskauddonot nd an -, `($3 $113 t1imible`let`t. `llcnn say'_ so fnraal am ab 9 .--~ 8r8.'l10-3u`d~- `X . Dwmmcmnenmx Rrison Kepr. ~ , v I11`!- erry`Se., A/i'.burn.'fN._ 1 -...`_`__..._ A`A -3 yr -\,------ ine1ft{;oubl.fof '10 or 1%'yi1rs ze ulu. -_ ` , Sold at. Seage_rs..dpug store. opposite I post; oice. . ' gouua . , Crops-are turning o_ut pretty well in thiq! section of the country.& c. ` ' ,_ Mr Cnmzlin ha: hin nr2w'h:u-n ant} sfahln secuou 01 we cuuunryy V I Mr. Gauslin has hia__new_'_barn and stable nearly nished." ' ' ` , "~~:'H1~:~A~nd-arson ha his new hnum nearlv Ilfly LIDIBUCU. I "~"vh~;~ :11nderson has his new home near} c0r_n'plcte.d. It wil} be a ne `fooking house. ......----_--.- We `wish. to drawjpcial attention to our stock of Ladies Jackets and Capes, which we think. is the largest and best value that has`e'ver been offered hy any house` in Barrie. < Every gar- ment We show brand new, boughlr: by `Mr. Reed); when` in Engian/d.` The .styles, are the_svei')15.; 1atest..andthe~va1ues We offer we'_t-hink will surptise the closest buyer. We think we `show the ,Best Range7 of $5.00 Garments ever produced in the trade. 1 L ` Wu n I'?.'\II:1 ]nurun u nnn L`...-nu` Q`) In LA GIL! '......L " L.._L 1; ,., ` l V ,Rheuma.!ism,-,All _C'imm Under the xBa'n_-Sumh -American Rh euma:ic_Cure , Cures Aj]. ` Chas. CcLtou,_-uf Gan:u;mqu_e, hagbeeu . empluyed.b_v the Ra_tbl)un Unmpuny ft,-11 _nea_rly twexxty yeazsacs .=ugin'eer. and from the nature of the employment. wad sub? No Station in Life is Proof AT.-ainst` 24! .,. .. ..\..,. ..o|.....]-.. ..C ..l..\... {U3 lH`UaUrU UI hlld |llplUl'HH3LH) W313 EMU` jecced tn seiie_re attacks of rheutmtisxn He. tried,many remedies with scurcelyzmy benet. Suuth American Rhenxmupic Cure was recmnme:;d.ed to him. [:19 fuuud ~a,lmost inst.1n~'. reiicf and @119 rst..buLtl.e J,,e`ec{ed 2:" cure. ~ QJA .4` Qe.`........ )1-.." am...-. - n....,..:m: , Military Orders. 35th Bntf. of 'Ihfg\_111l`1,_Simcce Fxstcters} a-Cagitaiu and Brev_et-Mujnr Jo's._i F.` Smiuh is ratied. and is pmnitteii ':o.retaig1 the rank of Maj-wr on x'etirenxiib{ 'Nb."1I`Om5siixy. ` ' Lieub. Francis Lindsay Burton is permitted to_ resign his co`:nn1is:on. I - ` ,,u.uC`U\EU H UULC. . S_o]d__at _Seagars drug a_tn|jg,; 9ppoxL,e'~_ post oice: " - I is the,1p0st`d erous-of all human - s.i1m`ents _beca.use_ tts approach is unojh ,_ .sorva.b1'e.` Its symptoms are commonto other diseases, viz.;, Severe` Headache, 1' Baqkache, Dizziness, , Slee lessness-, Blurred Visi_0n,"Dyppepsi8',. "6; _c, Once ~16:-it get. 8{`;*ni-.he1eLonv- the $ys`tem a.nd it'i s;11fcuI1;to`,'dis1odg'e. ..It,is caused 5 `by inmbilibynf `the kidneys to ltgel 1:ha_ Urea;.from1'.heb1ood.' > : j _ ' g Yet.itco.n'_be q._ me am SYSTEM cone. `, f'r~T|'_IICV '*III-ll-w - uuuu ?% *s:.m.. V . 0 ` = t , L ` r9n4ang'snn'?;casi'?r`in.oppegng:p.; " V `;_0..`~. 1302139522;-2-: I WILL BE HERALD" working nude: Piqauro. 4. .J.. ... . __...._,. oL..1 ...L.._ A. - X\lU BU` U` wu,u\f \`(u _;_|_;]_]_ug Y/VD`! l.J1u\,|ubCu. 111 but: L1"(l.llU. - _ . VVeVshow a.very0_la1'ge1' nge f'rom $3.50 to $16.00 each," but low prices and comgctv Styles will sell everyone. Inspection Invited.- ' ' 0