Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Sep 1897, p. 2

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' S`omVe yvnfs :_:.g'o.,i..hacI;me,Tt}xe duty of '1 certain z;gL1gp1an 1:9 wait upon the ; tqueeu 'wEi1st, she-was ii) isidence `.a.t ' Balmoml. 'A friend -having asked` his ' * `Ibrdship to _enga'e `s.- akilled pipe: for him, thevpeer {bought thiit. the queen s own piper` \VaI,th6 best min to consult gpon .th'e mattor. and accordingly he. ' 'a_6ngHt"I6?"`ii` 'tt6rviaw' witIrhim}Thu * ; `piper, 9. grand sample otv_a Highland-i - er and a fine Q1a.yer.bes1des, asked w`h:\t sort 0! zypxper was wanted. and : wastold in reply, "Oh, just. onerliker 1 unm~ez.H " W'hnrmmon the bauszhtv| w`h:\t sort oz a. 131961` wanton. unu 1 onrselt." whereupon the haughty. ighlandqr xemarkedi "'1.`her are plea. ty lord; like yoursel but very tow" sin met! as me) ` : resombloa bgautljnl V III nndur Jhn rinxf. m- . T -- Whetlggr __thgf_1j6_{gmutwmong_ `tho Pathan: ofthe Anorthi.-vat frontier of H_7IndiaA_ig 0! only _local 5gnLAance or `E due ti)"a general revival of 2;IIIs8ui-' man fanaticism caused by the txiumph oit he cxescent in Grcece; `and egged on gby the Alghan ameer. it is difficult ho` "i tell. It began a~'Tew w-feks ago the isudden outbreak of the Wa.ziJ"iS'T1i"tIi' Tochi valley. and before the punitive" expeiiitipn under General Corrie Bird ' had fairly begun its worlc of correc-, L tion there. wasfoliowed` by in more (or- . tnidable rising of the trihesii:'en of my "`Swa..t valley. under the read of a "mad ;Moiillah." or priest. Both these vel- yileys lie on the oiiiexnbarder of India, _ihetween the old. Indthughan frontier L and than drawn under` the Durand hzigreeinent, the former being west of :Pesha\vur, the British militaly base` In ;gNo:timasi India. and the iitcer nolatb, between that point and Chitral." As ytheee border districla form the iltifence 1 line of the indian frontier. small mili- : tary pestsnre eimtereil thrciugli them to maintain British contra} and weep open the .-'.ini1'itar_y roads, and in iihe "rising in the Swift valley the nttairik of the nlansmen were directed_ chiefly ` against the {om at Mnfakanri and i_ lChakdni`a.. These poetsnre on the uni- I. :. ,- itdry road froin Peshiuvur E6 Chitral. t which lies on `the southeastern slope _ of the Hindoo Koosh and guards the .. mountain iizissei in the extrem"iiorth- . west ziguinshpossiible Russiauinvnsion: t i Mnlnknfti having begn the baitleground 5 5 between 'th Anglo-Indian forces and e 1 the Swatis when Chitral \\'8.3 occupied ,-it\\"o years ago. Since their defeat the 3- ! Pnthiins have -kept fairly quiet._ and 5. '; have kept the iced to Chitrnl open in 5 ' returnfor subsidies. but the odd fighti- "r; ; ing instinctis still strong in ihem. and ye excited by the preaching` of the mad 3-, Moullah, _'they, .j`_()_9 in mass against `S the infidel. ' ` mi , ' auu men, were 1U1'iL um: _i/u..<=..;.,.... ...... gar. The govexjuinent responzlm p_romptly, hoiyevfff, sending no les than 5,/000 men. inclutling - twl ,3 Bi'itls\h/"regiments, to their reiief, act /L.`Lng, a."s it always does, on `the theoij thi-at l.DS1`l_l l`e".`tl;0ll must never pass un [3 pumisliezl, and that in lndia. _nothin` ,1i.s so itostly as even the smallest de lifeat. Every hostile movement in th agreut peninsula must be suppressed .11 1` overwhelming force,_else the fightin t" races may think that` the spirit or Eh 3 me:Lns.g_Lthe white klnva.-zlers lmv _\ groiyn weak or deficient, and that/th _ time has come for.a.uuLher strugg} ` '1 to expel them. The usual corrective :will now ? -be applied to the Swaiti their sione huts will be destroyed, - few of ithe leuilerswill he shol; and ot] - z-,,__.: .....A H. namnin./lair xvii] Ti [1 o 4 V A's is usual in such cases. "the rising rcauie Qinexpectedly. Q1151 asfhe iniur `gents were in great numbe`rs and at tackerf with unusual persistency. th: : British gafrisxmxis. nuuiiering` about 1. i 500 were for a time i,u.sriu'i1s dun I IIVL- ....\.. ....m-3.1+ rsuxinnrlm IGW OI [n9;eU.UU1b\'VU1|K7 Buuu -u.u..... efs find, and the remainder will ri turn to their ordinary :woczLtions,_u1 gtil opportunity `or wcu.rinca~"s of u 1i in xfihich there no iighdng impe _ theuito break out again. That is 01 perrnzinent diIfi.Qui1`t_y7 gv-~B`ri..L-iah -r.u.i.e..` India, the fact that` while it uuque tioniliy makes life:_1.sier fol! the pea. `ants zmd 'p1'ofession`u.L classes, itid prives theiighting races, who mu her millions, of careers. The Fzitfnax i like the Sikhs and Mahrattas, are L201 fighters, \\'h0.:!.I`V6 never happier th: whn at war, anch who positively hu ger for strife, and wiihouit congenj 1 hold dnwnt Hv Hm I n vn nnv n1 0 n I" sistlessv British rule, are always in th condiion Of_,um`est which makes Ol bruk There is no remedy I it unless occupation can be founcL X them in garri.sonix_1`g Africa or the en: e~r'u a_rc1jipe1a.go, nd until that H: arrives the "1 u';t1e_ wars" on. the Indi "ontier are pretty Eerpaiu to C( ' tinue." * l . l K . Gino! Muuclmusen Ikivallc-'11 by iimmu '-~, Lady, Mhldls-$01!. K The nobility e.'J.sily take xauk amt story tellers. Bagon Muuchnusen. -3cox_1rse. s__Lands first, with Sir Jc 14`a1sta._f_good second. and nowcox my Lady Middleton, a'\very gogd`th.` 'I`1nn nnhln Imlv ha : wriffnn (nt- J - W . ' . iplpgr, ~ ` ., . H .i._ Another case`: ;\.`1a:1y.'whowasv Y} inya 1_`eI'51tiVve: 1qt* Vu. `r`ing~.;;Si.x y _f al'_tex`.. same per Lhcq hvmg m & lat d1sty_1j;|,Lwaixt.y e slipped~hex` huud_thoug_i;t1ps3l5 in`1 _t racgs qf the` `cha.x_r {she '\\- _ a,s satin is and found. the. lmsstug rx'ug.~ . Another case:' A ladv` smmml I-lo _\Vl1:' u move or Altlohoro, Masses ; SUI chusells. uml calm-. to (.`zm:ula. in 1796, 3 U1` but smiling himself regurtled with sus- I01 pinion,` he returned to New York, in-R110 tending to start for 1* rzinze; then, as H10` trouble lizid hi-gun, he relurnexl to-C:in- l, W` Mill in 1797,'in liope~; oi sui-oeetling by speculaljng inlumber zuul horses. and ` ed ` _'thu.t he pn.~:s-ied WW: u.n-%.ussuine:lrnelne Ire: to escape u1're:a1. my his l'l'0_(lli.0I'B. Be W met one lluitertield on Lake Ch:im~ plni'n, who I``I`Olllll1L`I1(lt .d him to :1 man horned L`ri_clu.-.l,l.e. at Johns, with ` whom he `null noun: (f(ill\'l'Sall0l1,: `k among olher ihings, us to tho iikeliliooil is of :1 ,ge'.u rising zunong lire-Caner `C11 clients on account of the imprisonml-nt `N( Df'EuVeX`hl for their opposition to tho` 1` Road Aqt. tE he was inLro- 'p ' duoed L0-lUllnVBl.lCk, u shipbuihler at: I ' Quiebecvhcnzeexus -at this4.-ime -to--l;2uLe been ,a desperate `politician, hzpving just by intrigue succeolled in securing of seat in the Provimeial l, urliament_.` ' Black, as unscrupulous as to the |Ilf`m1S of acquiring wealth. eagerly grnspml at the occasion of reaping-honour and profit, by becoming an infornicr; and between eleven and twelve ('l:lU(`ls'. zit `, night on the l(]tl1'of`M.ny. he pro:-celled ; to the UOVt`,I`ll0I"`d $L`i.'I'8il`,tI'y, nnil mmle ll`. an ilfi:`lll`:l`{ltT"UI'] which ';'Vlcl.zll1L`, 'w`ho , was then M. Black's house. -\vu.s or-reslell in his l_)l`.ii on (I. rimrign (if high lrrarmxi. bl He-w:1 si~ro_n hi. to Lrlzzl mrtiiii 7th of L` He \\'n.s hroughi. to trial on the 7th of {` July,_,un an indii:l.n'iv,nl. for conapir- ing th8'~Li9a_:i;lLQ_l__i;ll(5 l{l_ng. and aiding 9: 2 and. abetting the King's and l` ' containing iLll`g11Li(iIls ul` fourteen overt f` acts. The Attorney-lierierzll, Mr. l~Iewell, inropening the vase. oliarglrl that Mc- . _ Lane wzuaan ogonlof A.dul,un(ler whom .113 held the oommission of M:ijor-Gen- eral. and that his visiils to Qixialla were expressly to prepare gor, u revolt of the l~reriuli-(fu.n:uli:ins aggninst l,he,Eng- "lish `(love-rnrnent.. lio he effex-tell by aid t "from the United Suites, and a military , -to inlriuluce lumhnrmen from the 1 dice from Frame. Tlizil, his plan was 5 St:ite~s.'lTy wary of Hon-I, who wereto - forrn the iiur.-ls-,usi of his; force. and when "_the,garri5on of this (`ust,le St.-Louis 1 and Quolwru lizlrlhemi drugged with liquor um! lzuiulanuni lflle-:-zu` men were to;,rusli onjtiie [ll:tz`(' um] varry it.-- J`lmt `he inipzirlell this sclieine lo ,ll`ricllel;te', who-zig'_r`e.l to join him, and to Black. . ~ '_* i'n..l:b '1'-,niinl1sL1-1 sr;N'l?1:Nc`_n; _ : _ _1fhe witnusseslor the Crown in their i . i.28LllIl_(1I\y,_fll'l;)'JHullllllxlfll Lhizs.,;\\ il~lizun . " .B11I'l]'Ll'Ll de4;l4Lr.~7'LL;liuL,,P; l.r:l;ane haul on 3 " hath, vii;-:ite_ i'.ali to him of his plan of. " ~ revo;l-uLloxiizin g.Gugnalq4\onr1omio:;.vort:(l ` ` `to enlist him, l~Jlnu~r`-(`uxliihg testified 'iilS"'ili:ll'Llhi0I1 t rmt'lu: \s'1`i,`S{ an em . 1----voypl' Aklci. l~'rnnvoi~a'Chzinclonet also ' (.esti'l'il:'il `lo liu.vim;';lne1inolivitecl ~ to joinl,he plo`l.. nnil _l.`l.onius I.lult.i=.rfie_id and `Cluus. i:=ir:lzel,Lo' wvro bu.Lll:.1u`rest~ `odrms follo`wctmspirulo1's with vM<:Luno,. ' l and :i.(lmille:,l l.l:at.;l.lac:y had joined him ~`,;;;fg*`))jl;__;1._[}.Qt____Ql` .r_g3vc'>liiti Czuiuda, V Moljune` delenrlrffl `I`Fiiii"eTfv iri"fi`9"r`1- siir1`,`*` , uneisleail by ivlcnsrn; l. ylcu and 'li`rzmklin, - but the (`1tSi3_ mm i1{.[)i`il'l`,Illi7l3' so clear`; ` . that tlltzjilry, uh, lioivmrt-.1`, of Jingllsll, _;,net l. ren;:li,`or:igi:i, uflur retiring u `law momcntta. brought in 0. verditrt of hymn. l . ~ - l ll EHO. IU\lDC|.- Eu. lXllSSl!\g 1'\Dg.~` Another `Case! A lady" supped `-"royal `gall and one of the_go1den`sp ' lodged` unl ill one'of 1 kets "formed by thewiaits on ' gfsnt of her,_dre`aa-. '1`he'fo1low'mg ; j_.i_nT pI8Snt8J}).Q!l., ts2.,.,the Qucen._.she.; ~ the same gown._ As she bent in_( Wesying t_he pimt Opened and out tho xmsslng spoon in her severe `_feet. ...__.. " V I NO Tm Am comuzvrs _..-- EXAGGISRATLON; Iouowmg extracts; i Towards the dose of the last (`nlUfy:> mad {he ear|y yearsof the" present, the '2` cltizenskoi Quebec had on many occa-A alarm to xxzitnea the exec_ution_of those ; upon whom the death sentence had; been Vprondunced. `Hanging \V(L`5 of {I84 `Went Qccurrvnce. as also miliiary exe- -' CUUOIXS. 0n'nm>. occztsion no was man aovz-_n soldiers were shot. side by sin`-e. on the Plains of Abmhauu. for deser-3 L!__ K un Lu _t.ion. uon. I Bui were was `one'exe-ution that pm(iiIreLln prufuunl ilxlpmssiorx on the minds of the inhu!>ilzmLs1 it being the? solitary instrun-u"uf,mrrying out, eve}/E `ix; sexnblunve. of`l'lw h;u1!in'g. draw g. 3 _years have passml away and qu u`rLe;ing in .-\I1u'1`i\'1. _" fol-{ lowing ucouut is from an old: ' . published numy 3'1-urs ago, z/nl will be; found interesting. now U1: is hundngl lrud `also tlxa\ the e;\ens'g _q of liiclxpfietx sin-ct passes `7 ' through the very spot wherekthe execu- 2 -tion tqok place, a,n/d whore .\1cl.`aue s re- 5 mgins were i}1 zrred. I T ' 9 1'n.0vr..-x.\r.-mo.\.*. I _ I . `Ihe liriiking out oi t'l"ie L-`r-iich re- voluti/oii found the piilillc inirid ill` the United bitiitt-s divided; the rising iuirty \ 0L l,Jemoi;rats,- stiiiiiilzitiiig liy iili_'i1S Qi. /l'il)erty,.l>y hatred of Iiiigliiiid, unzl gru- " tituile to l~`ruiit7e, eager to 'Utl`0'\\"-H3 whole in-iglit of the iiilliieriite of i,llt'I`l>_3- ing republic of Aiiieriitzi into the smile] in favour of the l"i`i~'ii<:li ri~iiiihl'ii'. the French `.'\.IlllJ1L<$'il.dUl'S in the l'Ii'ilt`-(1 States. Ueiiet, l*iiii-liet and Adet, in- trigued .\\ith the le.:iders `of this yiirty. and the laws at Licfi:lnCe4 in 1795 Adet iixsued ll. proi'l:iiri;iliou. iiililrvssetl to the l~ reiicli-C;ui;idians. in wliii'li he aniiounceil that the French Rt-piililic having ilofvzited Spaiii, Austria and Itzily, wits now on the point of ntt:i:'k- ing Eiiglzinil. hviziiiiiiiig ivilli lit`-I`. col,- oiiies ,.'ind he invitifil the Cniiziilizins to rally to his staiiilzrril. Public nit-,ii of the Uiiiteil Slgites mire led iiwziy with i .-- -~v-.7. . . zforniers, received grunts of land, zind `also a coiisiileiulili; reiiaircl. lliit t_lie exeerzition of the piililic followed lllllli He lost [I0pl|]:l!`ll)', Uififfl`, hiisirivss illld nieaiiis, and ill`-1:1 {ow yoiirs, n-'voriliiii,: to Gziriieiiu, bl`l`i|lllI` zi ltitlllbtllllll leg- gait` in the streets; of Qiii-lres-.' I .-___.._...~ ' ~ `.PA6TI;\IliIS AND DRESS. 4 iNeiv iiniusi-iriunts and forms of re- `CI``i'ltl0n,` tispt-cially tliose of the out- 'iluoi`.vu.i`iely, zire revolutionixingdress ,zLt-a.` rzipid p:i`oe. Siiice golf ci'osserl - gtlie ivztter, society people in the liiist llinvs I`Cl{lXt:d their` views on the siilr ;ject of evening costume. They now gather tit club houses nnciliotels in 3:tlie evening in golfing suits; ivliit-li 3 for the men consist of knickers, it loose Ecoat, golf stockings and lieavy shoes; i and for thefwonien of `itniiiikle ~skirt, .knLckers, loose , and hezivy 8llt)(`S. Til\\dI``S3 is cool and coinfoi't:ible. iind the:ide-'2 nd Monroe, in his LL0FF05l*0"d'i the red coats of the than give 11 pleas- ence [ruin Paris ,Sp0k8 of tlie eiisy C0[]- mg touch of 0010,. to that 8cene_ At a (quest of Cilnlltl and ivliile 1freI1ch~.Vmsm0mb,8 bu, the/gomngcostume men limped to reitonquer it for France, .S_ worn by request, Mfr if J53 also Aiiiericzins hoped no less stuiguinely, to _ mowed at a recent `mad-mg_ At 5 add it to the domain of their own re- i ovclock teas , and for mommg Canada. Adel; eniployed David, { . . . _ ` lfield linhit are `considered_pi`escnt- 8. citizen of the United Mates. or 1;er- I able. ' i\.,..e. imii.;m hu amniu-nrrls and vrisziiei n_. LL- L: A1` .._-1- LL--I....... L..`..m.lmi. _ , _ ` and. llubllti T9 1n38\'**W 3 9"']" ` l evening calls. the golfers. in their . Lllulutix ,uuu .uvLuuu, tn 1... \.....`,_.L ,_. , ; `ence 5_ of (hznadzi while 1freI1ch~i it Frz1nce,.i. it domain re-E public. revolution in} xi. citizen [ haps led him by genial woxjds and Vagne promises to` the mad attempt which cost him` his life. After 1111. there is" no definite pm,-of of connection of Adet with it. Me-Lane having been. hung on the twidenve siniplyof hiaown 1 stzxleumxts. ~ -. . ......n /uvurvrtvvt |H`f\I\ _`lI5`{hl0Il l(`I1ll\`3. Uruugm In u. vmuuw m The Chic! .Tz1.`a(..ic-, t,)xen nt`.dr,aaaml him. . 83ntf!nI5e(l him to Ive !\'!xnge:%l. to be ' an dmjv` while till alum. cut. span, laezpbowolled. have gxin entrails; hnrut. ULIICH mu. .1; YANl(EI:} SPI<)CULA_ 1'0R.m wins the rues ul blIn'.u.. Towards qvuhung .\Ix~.~:srs. (_`ha10u1!. ,G-auvreuu. lmihvrle z1n.1_|sm-lwz111. dug _ in grave on Ihv plare of execuxion. on . fuhlmt is now the vast rorner of Riche- fol- g lie_u blrvttl, hour the Ulucis -'.m<\.n(=ar `the 11orL`u.:n,12lu ui the Sisters new / Qllzlllle i building, which` replzuredv the Brothers I M 1 E school, nml thew iutcrrdd decently the huudngd g mutilated mxiuins of the unfortunate [3180 U,\1sLrung_er. The courage of these men. srlrolongmg to an oppressed and suspect- r`'_t 9953 ed 1`I!.t,`t`.;H)llS showing their sympzxthy WW`-`1`~`-"` for one just exeL:ute as the Leader of a. L'liune plop L3 [rim t.he_xu Inf? klnglisll p ` 1:; us 'eserv1n1z 0 mm recornc . 'lJ$lm.'k . who lured .\[cI,nnE to his hnuse l0.\ . to betrayhim, us well as the other in- Hbmh re_;for1ue1`s, nspcivod of land, _` , It also cunsulerahlc the `Wed m. *9 the gmhlic sing , p0pu_l:1rily, npd ms _f H1`-8 Ll u"lgm_' 1_( ullmmxe `Leg- , ( 2 n-qr in Hun uirnnle uf Hxn-lvn(- ' before 3:15 eyes. his hcigi cut off. and his body divlm-d into fxx` Ila. Pursuimz in man 1 overnment `DI! D00]; (llV'lu:('u IHLU lg Elli- Puraumg ms Ian I ~ overnment sought to mvest is death with All ter- mm uonibln. . tors g_onxmo. 7 On riduy. July 21. 179?, he Wu taken from the prison an a hurdle. or rather country. McLano was attended by the sheriff and 5 military uu*d`.~ The , axe and block were carrier with him. A lhlln nnr han n`nIm~\( H1111 rmmhad and block earned mm mm. A lime after ten o`cLock they reached the gull0\vs_erected dutside.St.' John : `Gate, at the foot of the glacia. an elo- gvulod spotvigible to the surrounding fcountry. MrLan'e mus attended yb tllev.,Mountnin and Mr. Sparks. and after as few wnrd.~` addressed to thy meople was cast off the Mulder. ' Aftar lmnarimz about t\\`t-nL\`-f'1Vemil\- {peopie cast on Inc muuer.,, : After hanging about nu-nL_v-five min- ?utes he was-`taken dcnm. his head cut `off and held up by H19/xccxxtimuel`. .crying. banold thn hem}/of a traitor." zA part of the amruvil.-5/xxas then taken ;out and hurm ~und- Lu limbs cut.) but fuot cut off. Ne\'u:`." ~:u_\'s U10 histor- i;u1Garneau."m- "1` had Sll1.'h8.S}:t`L`l[IL`r Its been heC in unadn." ' . \ |.I.`i.`\ . .I`)l,\l IU UUCII PCCU Ill LJLIVIUID ` . ;\- L)/.c;~.;\ uHuAL. ' ! ! .\lcLune n:\dihc b_\ IH]Ell1ly `of the `|`rex1ch-C-nvIdzm:s. AL xx-rs(m_zx'l r'a_sk away 11' (l.\>mlu\-.`mi 'un~ am-1 m11s:olu- Lion` mm lefurv imgl (lurzng his trial; ' charity prmnpml U1<*1utugi\`v: his aim the rites of burial.. ' "I'nwur.l: nv.mnu \|.~s.-:r9.` Phzxlouu. ! urunu. . | Om the bicycle the` knee lirheclms of ..the men -nriuy be regarded as :1.n.e-~ pessity, amhsn isi; special clrcssbf some `kind fur.\vumcn. tci (i\'oil.ent,;1nglon1y:nt izn tile cmnlc :in No line can Clll`llIl Limit the golf stnciiimg is puI`tl(,`l1- larlyl1mulsozue., but it has the merit lof being cmxifurlzilnle and requiring no V 1 sumiorl. limizkorliockors also llmve , their merits. One thing is certain. The .iol co:1iseiw'ul_isirL `or Limit ity in rcgarcl to dress for 1'3-astiiiiig/11:18 beem broken , down uI110Dgb0Lh`flleIl and women, and = . the \vea1ria:g_pf7l gullimg or cycling cos- itiune, uxiless nturc, has ceased to ut- X "trad ugtlce. gzixgixents l9esL_`mlupt/ tell, an rc::_rz;ltiuzi. \\`lLll1.Il. the bounds nl.;"'ectalnlit ', are rewrnizeil as fbhef L `49 . l=_ _ 5`|)I'\J1)UI' C?u`\`.b' `tn mcgir. nun -Ll. (L clergy- uuul puts. in tin: Sl( .KlllgS, cup* and L n`. 2` Lrrr'rfrrr.-`n*rUI1e l'0nSl(lel`8 that }wzL1._m'- `4-~_ LQIlSlL.L ,l`8_ nu- fe 'l1zx`s any of Lhe rulgs-`of Him-m'nm. -`U0 '11ix5ul=n:giuuuL1 u.u_y U1 Luu xuuga us ` decorum. ' " _ Tlmt. \vo.m:u1 will ever discard long ski1`ls;1Il is ;u,it,e un,lil:ely.. 'l`l1ey iclzxrly` xml, u to bad weather. =Nur will like tmusrrs of men be ra- .pl`.lL`t:d by knee lemcclzes for l;;ene1';1l `Burpnses. 'l"hey caune later than knee ` reaches, and nmy be regarded,-on the , himself would l.ecun';e tiresome_pa.r:ul-' ing around'.in knee |;1'eu;-hes, and the reverse of an Apollo is entitled to the 1;r'u'ilzj,ge of minimizing his physical pe- gurment they have not yet aLt,ai11ed, l;'n;it. is u t.`nin, llll'>L.zI`L'l.lL`d. dress skirt. _l ('l`lli1pS.-tilt seznsible, and uoxnely rem- inim-1 shi1'L.\vziist, is its forerunm-ir. 'l`l1eu~wuu1cu Ileud (L miny.~l-lzty dre` .. No doubl all will cnzne in guml lime. Striliiiig L`ll:tn`,_<.`$'lU (l1'cszu\-, more apt Lo*be first zuloplcvl for plo;1gith.'\n for husim nnzl it is tin-.x`e\lmfee to` the puslinies of tile day that llrs-as r9luxm- - ers; um Lmk \`.`i,l ll wasp;-1:1:-ll inlurest. for libersitinn l't<:}n tlw l`nltz~1's ol nxistaken fashions. zimlrustmns. I have (l :llll1lgL`;x` oi Llruir `own, thougilr , "\vh'<`Jli, 'a:'-rfan 'impruvmnunt;.*`A-A*p0ll0- -~' euliarities. Men requim lur summer n_ llussln (mu Place unllglny Nlllnm|'_v' Force _ In the Mclcl. The army of the7cz:u~ i of twenty-one corps d i1r`m5 divided up into fourteen cuxxs1'i1)tionS. V The strength of each corp is_ubou1: 45,000 W.-- "fl`L..\ infunomr mnnun-{mm nIu:\nf nuuiuguu um cum: \zvA1- .u,_um.-my ...,...... men. "The 'mfun_Lr_y cumprisus" about 165 regiments oi'.L'he line, twenty rcgi-' ments `ufvclmsscur-3, sixteen rgiu1_enLs uf g1tenud1'urs.uud L\\`u1v0_'wgiu1euLs of. the ;gun7r1."f '"'l`l1is'iS u v e r'5'*f~if`1e u rm'y',' well ol`gzx11_ized, oi 5'-l't3.'Lt resisting pow- Ver and pL"ud3g`io u8 . Lunauity. `IL; is u1'Im;(l mth u Ecpuughxg rie very `much ku Lhe L`reuo .LeL)el, undwhk-.h isghiglxly esteemed by-the ".Russ_inn' g`euum lu`..'1`he zumillery is compbsed of . `iniuety-six -siefge lmLtorius.~ 19$." ~` 1"u\,1d' battmtios, fiItee'r'1muuntnin li,uLLu1`_ie,u. ' 1`orey-three 'lmt u;ries, u cheval `and three murl;ur regiinema - zt[0geLl101' `K 'm;axfly,5,000`1jghL piec.%us, auul 1_,5UU'aiegu ~ mma. guns. ` ~ . ,, : Besides tliigs there'ure brigades not sengincra. military train, r`uiPrpad e-iectrici.'u1s, Lorpmioists, velocipetiists,,, poiiee, etc. U As to the imperial cav~ airy, it 'm\well known to litrniio 01` -:Hm~-u_g_t'-iinsl..h3,:.i.far...,Llmlmnat,..cnnful: V uraliie. in 1-Iurupe. It is coniposcd of `I`(gl1i.1I`.`ivil.ll(| regiments, like C os~ smcits, for cxsigzriple, whtrqnjoy 9. 001'- tuin d(`L;l'0(J of 1ndop9.u' sbmo ;_:l |V'll\.{/;((s,', u it 0 ygt` qbmiito Hm, iibml muip 103.. ~ I`hs cavalry is 4 intn 671 difudrons, of which 35;` ::1'u~x'egirh-rr cuvuiry, cuirussiem. r11`.~xrI>0uxs_ `ihluna, and -hussnrs.und 319 Cos:s:mka. - ' . - `THE czKn's,.1{r}uY. 13553 \J!_JI.lLLV--ll\lb\ Ill. "~'."-' 9 We have bad lntmiriel rezudlna 13 . the culture of willowl. j We have had no pncueal experience in lhls line 0! 1: hortliculturo. but no pleaded l-0 Kl" 1 the methods pursue}! by David Fr&6|'- as given by him in American Genlen- i`1K~ Kb says: The cultivation 0 E the willow is simple; the only thing Teqtzired` is to keep the plants -01%; the early part of the season. and by 1` `lhqend of June they will need no cam? at all. excep the new plantal.ions,8`,` a lllE`: 0 should be kept. cultivated till the 5 ` rows meet.` We have begun the Cllm` L vation of willows on A large 9` l`. ' W - 5118` up all the waste land where scarce- ;. 15' 3115' other crop will grow. and if is . in iubt such 'ln'ml that w"lllow'3 llourl311~ ; our mode of cultivation is as follows! I `I In H. -__y,, :,n Al... "unwind is me- '1 ll -rvVv was cgmvmou or WILI-0W5~ ,_ u-..a|.. Iuua umue 01 cuitlvauuu us W "_ In the early fall the. ground I PH F611; all rough grass iB'f9.,mf' f.-wt ;o :. mm; ;.. _|.:n Hm 01 -- . - 1 fact, it is best to am W lf: Mn land was is m be r>1a"`' S at ploughed ll. will than 1133 m0 mm" - . ' It and the >lzmls mot better "1 H (1. shou-I_(l thian be Kllaflllred W51 P::g1} no the depth of fourbeen 1(9)` up the then well narrowed to b""jt`L[-mg. 1f; soil; itis `then rea. for. hing will` the ground is loo \\ C't- E have to be done. ll -. ` 1 . 'l`he best time to .P1`t `: Se;`tri:; $2 or early spxfing; for lxsgmnbf . '. `> -16 LY-'"~ to lmv some stock I7-Mlts ` ` - .-.w., uu nzugu guns .. --- - ~ e. . . ` M'leul ;e: 318 piant 15 e`trl.3 v . ` ` - . 1;` spxjmg; lxg1!`,,`t;:`,, 1[}`()\\u' ` W) 50") stock P un{E1ese Lhl`.lr\U-` them on for 3. year; f3'`" `, .1 . e`ery ` (in s can be taken and KIN), .` : ` "'11 row. . V m Efhe{,]gn'_Ix`t`1`ingE` shouhl H` ti . twelve 1x1t'hvx1<>11 Ed Cy Mb ,, `Inn of one or two y_<'nF-- U? R) ,,._;,k;;_ hzlnzlir-sf nml nmvl-(e'.*a`L JV 7 01 two y('nr'3 mun lltlnclicst and quickxxsn way them is with zypuir of prum Imlkfm: Ihcm up in Iilt whvh are handy to carry. arm Mien planting . T110 (iist:un'(- lw[w(`(m U181 urm unen [nun distzxmw` 1 "lye nfrmvsl, oiuh row nixml. six Liim I . one and PRACTICAL FARMiNQ A = .' : mm In H13 "`.`"' r1.` Hui 1.` `FL . r h lwig In )0 flroun. the uhme h.n;,l ' rm many HT, 'l'wo men (`rm P1`1t~ `E }L'1v(\ to he done ; azlzly, an}! ll_'.11hf\.1: 1 [$0 `(In keep u|03111.9 ufjor plnnllnz N` _ _m.(;;,. [];'_5s[)rll||I. !_\\e put._ou} :||X)\1t t\\'0` ` lam Hm other` `land 'hlexl;K)k`Pgf'(:: cuttinsi WU day I (~ou.: no.` 1 '_ ` vqnig may hilt '35 I-5m."g` . ?(:11Ix\\'l1i`.0 tho now alvout mne Inchm L I. -_ 3 0 are Ht won. 901: out n )9 g ones :. I . _ ' ' ' . feet hlL$h- ` w" ()"`ly`l}`|'()fl;i(:'cf :.~nns'm fhf` manta gro `E over five high. ,.: ',l'h'e first season UH` I 1``t3 gr13t about nine feet. hi;,'vh,.t11o se."<)r\ Ji fo!1o\\'i11giyez1rs 1`r<;:,r. `kite!-H `0 ~`~`-lye feet. and finish their g1`o\'th about 1391 mizldk, of Se xfenxher. 'lh0'. "3" L.'{` be cut. and nlil through the'\`vmter un `Id; tho sup lmgins to rise. Whey 5},{"l` 1 bn curt, every ye'zLr, a.I_1d care $h0\l.4t 3"`: mken in tho operzmon so as nok 0, split the stock; a gom}, sharp h00_ 1: what is used here and 1t does the xx or _ um. ` . 5 I \ I I I I e ( i \VLlEt weal 1. mm. `~`.(`LOVl .R HAY FUR. HORSES.- There seems to he. :1 an-`zit ;~.1`eju in the minds of the pui`.ia- `R_,"I.II1Si clov- bay for road or driving horses. That this is common. espeeially so in cities. is fully proven by the greater deinnnd for Timothy .hay,"e.nd` its very much higher price "over `ciover. Ch'einical ' :1nz1.`.'ysis shows that clover has by `far thoae,xl_e_n1enis necessary for the iust~ ' of everyone who -has `sensibly experi- mntd in the n1atto1'-fully suixat:\n- tinted thociuiuns of chemistry. The the renter feedih value, es ;eci;iiiv in A _ I `. . driving road horses, and the experience ` L -4 l...L,. ...... U3! l:!l\\'LT'A htfv ` - IE uvv (acts aim inzii. CXUVUP in, AD um. tar for iliil hay-eating nniinals, and that - they caii` do iiiore. work and `ilrivu [HT1 their on the same weight- The trouble is it istoo good; itis soiiuch inure pamiaiiie _to"tiie horse iiiai LL iii. rack; * be stuffed. `so he` c.m1i`eiiL his till, he will gorge hiiifself so as to he rendereii -mitit, for;[zi:st ,drivi,i;S;,;lL_'|3_Lil{,_P;, boy with some dainty Of which he is- V(f.l'y_V fond aill(lih6D 1iutLii'1g him to hard work or close` thinking, or like _ Luriiiiig ii iolfof hiiiigry cows into fresh CiiL)'\'(fI` [JiL:$i.lL]fu`, iimii \i"iiic'ii llly are sure to he iri;i:h_e.i with llU\(`,ll`,-/ not Le('(L\l;;`3 Lh: fool is uii\\"i.0`c:,0iiiii, bLhi.VS0_g00(l. ihzib i.ii Cut. so lllpitliy as to I CiiiTll:(iig(fSl;l0ll. With niiiiigers fiileil evr so fiill of '.i`iii.~ ii.`.1y'ii.~i cut, much 0-; ei`-r_`ipe, h_oi'srq will not eat Li:u I1il`L`il. 'l`hcrcs `is. iiotiiiiig io tm:ip~L' his :i1ipcLiLe._ To feed _CLOVBI' hay Lo ii riuiii or driving liorse the Lzeuiier Sll'JLL-iii use his jui_ig~ i:ienL illl giio Jiisi \vii:iL_ the hoijse iieeiis ziiiiliio inure. Let it be eaten eve,i'__s<> (iiiiirigiy, the horse shiiuld have no nioie i_iiijtii1;t_he next feeling time. The 1CEd8l"S l)I`d.lllS and not the horses ix>)1ly_ slimilcl his the judge as to what. ha uhmilil n=.m\.iV'e. ' There is us, much be-Jlly be the judge to wnzu. he should receive. digestible, 1uuscle~supporLing_f00(_i in onevpoum. of 1f1oveI`_h:1.y us in two and one-'hu.h` Limes as `mu_-.h Timothy. and as much cnrhohynlmles. "we-ighL' for 1v'0ight.,-u.n_ 5|) ]1e1"%__;110x`e last or_` food 01- energy.. Early cut, bright, , wll-cu red clover ha.y4zum outs make an i(le.2i,d,foo:l for u_d1`ivin,; horse, teal in proper quglntity. Then, If the owner wxmts Lo'" 11.3 l10r:_m bet\_v:en yheat bran. proper qug|nh1.y. 111011, ll we owner wzmt.x L9" l)()f`E}A3 bet\v:en |ue{L{B,;f1ll~hlB- muugmn, ,.w,xLhA,any kmd , of straw; but if the, straw is bright au1d.h:m.lx*.on wedll housqd he_will'-eat: `too mli.L`ll`~f0I` his own,'3)od in {ash drivihg. For a. growing coit ihere-_'is' `no-feed so good as clover. hay and J 1 ----.u-, `- ` , 10!. [R0111 {Ola-'-luuu nu uuu uuus mum. A \ve1l b}`6d,fca.lfmust be well fed . i.; A 1; film: "In ` ' - `FARM mums D`ai`ry- calves need Vth bod .t:11_`at`_ _ make milk. not fat. ' A 1...,. Iynnllla Hm diffarnnnsi hahvnnn make mun. HOV mu. 7 A hog knows the difference between 1 kick and an ear of brn. I *- 1-n .... -. 1.....- `nn.n.`1nn nnfhnngl An nr, DJ KICK yunu nu can UL uvsuo . _ If you have `app-`lms, on-hand do new let. them xotr-feed to the milk cows. . ...-u I.m.1 'nnH"m1uqf ha wall fad ~._-.-w~- .4. little linseed" "iii`6u1"r ea.N 9. tore callving vsfill. not hurt. her` my ; 9; after qulying toxj `thug-mgtur. -\ u _;_..':..;. 1...; *1" .`.;...m a'mn'{mt of P! W 5 ..'`!'3 `:1 : W-.x`-=--~-- *It.,require`a but .D;.G`_!il&11.\ix'1t of capital in get 9 start with cheap". and in opnning up 9) new farm they will help materially in the aarly income. The good.da1iry cdw makes a prom; [z1xn'(\ lwm'mll lxmnm... , l. oiuluvcn ixu-l_u*.s, and inllm" 1. im'hes. L and in the ruttiI1_L:s put In. 2 length in the gi'0\U1'1-3 plzmt :1 Lrrent in` I nil 1hnl. will have (tone In p .:\min'z ll s`sh0u'.d he mam: unu long and mt from wu `0 y<-nr'.~v. L.'l"0\\'lh_.,' "I way to ma Lpuir pr,unim.: slu-:r 1 little. |mn'i`.~ ndv to m1rrv_ nit-,r`x LIVILLIUII ``'` 1 is PW` ' is" rgmoved *3 in to skin th Pie 0`: planted. as '11? more comx`-act ,A. \...Hnr in it. rIi13:,is}a1nnn EXASJINEB, THURSDAY, SEPI`. 9, 1397. row. hon . (1 I intlm " --Funxinzz 11, Ailtfx, `Um on_ each doilax-'9 worthA9; Mid. U39 more s1xitah;gwtg:~od wa`;;1n gobbff *0 eat the m6r - prot wa'are cermn to sub , W -8.... :_ __ _u,.u-_ `._ `_...u.z.,. hnrni` BU`: Tore is no objection to nxgaki-b3, warm; but they should be `wed-I venti- lated even if the, mugt go below freezing point. _ = -2 "Wm 3....-.....: .1 um mm... in fur u.-ha `uc_uI.Iw Illllllg IXNBL ` - Thg demand 01 the times is 10!` V153` is oomijloniy termed "baby beef." that aim, beeffrom eighteen to t\ventY f` ';m.._1th old animals. Herefords, Short- ;horns and Angus catyie mgxke this I Inn! `VOL: - Study the disposition -01 your calveq as they grow. PeL`and foster the good _,x,~nes. curb the bad ones. MM if )0 ; bad tgeuer go rid of the call as veal 10;` bz;by`beeI." A cow with amgan gdzspoemon is no comfort in a. _dmry. If it must be usel to-kcep mm; _m before asuituble room can be bunt bV8~810und. a cellar chould\be 1."` ad of awry` hastiga of vegeutbie matr` lei`. disinfac-Led mth Lime and plastk, '0~3d the waJ;5 thoroughly \vbitW35h" 0 . ea. ' . It matters xiot`whe'Lher the farmer < is breeding for beef or butteh he 93"` 110t_ afford to ignore the l>1'1`P`e whxch runs through ::..1 breeding 09: uons-um like begets mm 011 `W _ soon build u h 1 of great. merit j: thmugh n se1!()*,cIL1i01.1er()(f good cows bred L l0_Il_1 beat buills, or may my aHh. V 2 *1 Of the crass` ' . . 3 I6 is e`;:rt.ensi\}g1ny used in berth" tlngiand for ma ramlimz. In 13997 . . aw W -. uye is ext.en_s1ve1)' Wed "in Den- il-Jngiand fox P` 'fwhmiensi've`.y. it `mark, where it 18 {ed 93 Cmg about has the reputation of Prmfluom a given Lhc szunb uxnount 0` pofvk r The qua!1- I weight of grain as ba!6*Y' `g nearly as. L `of the pork [)I`0(l`J;96:J lvhich stands ` good as that from l;zL`e"" ork of the at the hand of the ASE 01 P d Jmest unlit`. , V ` . gm y L)ai1'~_}9u11; yreauires 5`3mt ' .1111esL study yrequires co11:.i1~;:fcquirm `and iuwlligent Lhougllt` )ro(11z1ble ' years in whzch W mu-`d upi1o1\v 10 feed hard. 01'` cows and to 10:1) I'and`1e the :1'ml.c:11'o {or them z111A1`1r__`u succesy p1'o1l11vt. `U10 man `vhodrwrv cow '13 }fu'.ly b1'eysd and feed 1` DlL&13iI)1SS 1112111- 321 stLu\le111, :1 kee11.`_b1'1$1 t.` .1153 of men z111I.ym1 11'iU 111)t. 11114} 1111-35 `cw diss:1Lis{1cJ with 119? buS.m tests his 1 The '.n,,rpgg-inn 11u1rk'l1],\ll msszxL1s`.1eJ with their busmeS5- . 1 The progressive uuiryxnau tess h_|5 (herds and weeds out *.hc.UI1DTPf}""`e ` rows that come up 10 has S,Vm`. 5,dzu`:l of milk and bustier ilT"Z 'ILrll Ihn fnrm.n- Ivhn 1-mmnl. 1).[fUl'\1 `Di g (la . . , gl{nf`1u<]>1 llr0\`uCLlUH.,.; `sublg, E rmer who cannot to} not `~`P1) tor,/a stock journal. or Ljun- m.eed`:H`l""d' l0 -have. any ixuproved; ' 1!; IE1)? llnsp re_)e,ge.1 cows. They ; ` '~- mt (me hlglx-record covs, ' 'm3 9 : ,. . ` SW-On] for sale. plhe busmess, d"-"1'YH1`\I1 will no _ I t, _ t lolemm the cow ` Ihliltliffllx pay; [ts Way` _ is now nrmtv well esmblisheal (ht): L L- ' ing. 'CO(ll [:1 1`. 50 or 6'3-rents in crystzu'.s by the pound. T-`lillg uubu Baa] u uvx. , ' zh two purbs and coal _oil if` and grease one part each (In(lu1iX\V1ih g a: siuiill zunoimt of c:u'bolic` acid. A.p1>l_y' 5 5 with a cloth by moistening the li-in-1'25` and liorns of the `animal wiih Llioig liquid. In the applicuiiuns iiiclud I feet and legs. and iL will drive P` Y) ` 9 Illy away. and one Il1)[)ll(?`.l./E~i())/<$'l`ll last; ten days or uiore. in dry, czuher.-A_p-' ply as often as necessiiiry, and your cows will he eiiLi1'cl)*"si:.i1re from flies ` of all kinds. Any: kind of bid lard or ; meaase can be Ukieil. Goa`. tatiis thug- lulzie of this_ .r(u11edy.- and when too` tliivk to spread well use more C()1l.l'0Vll;` when too lllln to zulliere well uisemore `irbulic aciil. will c<>s't._ub0ut `fake coal tar `dlltl every farmer should uvlways keep it lizmal, as it, in its many uses. 18 lll(lls1JllS).l)i0. ' - i {blah 11115 to 1 U1 ' L is now Jrmt ' estubiishe: 1 III in PM/8~as Iwel~l u) feed cows E1`-`in ILIWCH-3' lilrerzllly whexi dry as well as. , When giien 111111; u11l1nxs the pzrstufe . `I be o.specia`.1'_y 550911. This is 11 X1121. that `; * 1nz1uy,dz1i1`_y.111e11 lose e'1ght.4.\f 111111 s\1I-_. `: [er for tho neglect. A cow that is pro: 1 ; fitubie in 11115 dairy is nut 11 1'1eshfo,r111- } 81` `by any 111ez1i1.s. ` In fact. she `hec(>!T1Q~`4 {NW6 poor as 11 usual thing \\'hile_111ill~'; ; H18 and` in order to e11:1b'1e her to 1` stand the strain of this depIetjo`11 she-' ho111`1d be 1310.116 to gain i11 esh du1`iU_g ` 1nrr' Hm nm-ind Hint she iS`dI`\'. 711132 hqu,1d gum in uesn uu11m_g.; mg the period that she is dr '1 his .(lcs' not mean Lhzxt she shou?d._ be fed ' ~ feeding until` say 11 week hY0I`0 i'3\V" ` inc. . E hiEh"~}' on mil!<~px'oducing food Just. be.- fore calving. Lt n1erely.n1e-ans xhgt a- {or going dry she shomld have hherul E JJ:upxinn`s New :h_-Inui-~(`hul slmws VI /o'1i lncr!'ul p(`1`ll on Her Trial! l`rlpf_V _ All the, world has been interested in the phenomenal perforuianve of `the new Japanese battle `ship Yashima, " which on heiirecerit tria,1_trip attained t "thtrremarkzrb+e-speed4o-19:4i}~kn0ts~ - during a run of one hour, and a. sus- tained a.ve1'age spayed of 19.22 knots for the four hours of the trial thus shpi\'- ving herself to be without duubt the S\\"iH.eSt;,Hl,LUcStl'ip ailcat. ' ,.u,_ \.'...1....\.. .....u in; n:..a,., ..i.:n Hi. 3\\'XLLK`.'Bli_ KLMLLLUJIIXP (I1lI\l-lulu - The Yushima and hei-`sister ship, the Fuji. are the product of the__Thaines Shipbuilding Co11u:a11y's_ yard, and in them `Juiun possesses the two most powerful fighting 1'uach_ines that have yet a.ppcai'e in ~t e waters of ~th Orient. 5 W \ nu 1'. ......I am ,.....i.. t`.\n ... U] ICULI ` 7 V The \'al11xia, and L e same descrip- tion applies to the Fuji, is "very similar in genexui type to the \laj3tic class ' |'ha u - urn Ar` n..:4 .. ` the Ha.1've_v _system.' In ECUCLW. b_yyu nu vuu uu4`)\4.;vz\. .......,. 012`. British lame ships. 'l'he y `axe built on the 'urn..:aet.e.i s_\sL.1n, anglme extensi\'ei3'_gx1)1livkdgzl, tL.~.': l.eir3g"ix1 each` ship no less ti1ax;,,,t)1gwlxgx_ wa- t'FEht co11ifJzIi`Vt111en1s. The mteriai l_1sed'in' construction is milxf Stn l;o.m{ the armor piutes are all treat (1 on 'l`I--._..( _..n ......1..I..m Jnnltu. Im but; u'cuvv_v agaumu There are (our cmnplete decks; 0 end 01 the vessel and is surmounted by . 9. supi'st,ru&tui`e deck rumiing. ~1`rom_ E 4 l upper one of which runs from) end 9 t I the {ore t.0,Lhe &l'ur'liu1`hett6. and: i 1 "isliiiii this "a'gai`11:II'erThcx`nuvig::tim1w bridges. The uffipers aml crew axe ` pommogliously 3 lmthggl `on the main 3 deck." unhvhich are also quarters `for an udmiml and his staff. ' ' l`hn mmn lmttarv consists of four , admiml and ms sum. V ` _ The mam b8.ttery.consists of four 1%. -inch 49-ton guns, placed in `pairsinn the lm-be_t.teS"for)\'u1'd and aEt,,,the amp`- erstructure. and men 6-`mob mpid fire guns.` of \vh'lC'h` .three". am piacad on '-e'1th of the upper deck and two - on githct` aids of the`main deck, all in the central part of t_he've$sel vand ` commanding wide rang_es`o .`xre.` i .lf1he secondary l.att.ery_oons1st.s.o`f. twenty, 3-pounder mpxvd hm `guns and four 2 1-Z-pou.nders for 1186 `In the tops and better. , ~' ` The contract; calls: for 10,000 horse the 500 \\'i|_:_1_1_ 9. mediui formkl draugt, I . am ..`....u.unnn:l`nno- nnpndn mini: 16 ` "bp"6i ?i"`\'v1t11"1'iiStT`t=`"(1raught'und~--`I3-;=r~ (WU \\'l|_.__1_ cl Lulouauun l~\MI.'v\A new _.,..., V..- correspnding 5 e_:eda_ being 10 and 18 H on re peotxvelyu In exceed- ing this y full one knot the -Yashima his eatablishe I new 3 ed record for heavy battle uhi . .~A `hornet- mil (mm M the con otlpacxty is 700 tons .but htytotal bunker capacity is I mm mm. . . mhanlwi In mun. FLEETVEST OF BATTLE SHIPS, bullbl` uluruauu uuu Av," iui formjl drau ht, agegdq Moms : ixmmvalvu exceed- '1 D13` 1' just. lhat at- | 3 re calv- oil nixwilh d. Apply Lhe h-iii-1' vith tho re 9 ' ry Amil liLS-: l.lC`I`.'A._p-' ml roni l Li` is usemore lst-._ub0ut ie ays keep a is `Win. nu ?,\.v uuv uuv . 'c desigiis are `often `others have three or four-inch S"[uzu`eS `of drawn'iv'o'rk. They are Sl'l'llpi/tllld :DI`etLy.'aml_do not require meli time ltn niake them. ;\notl1e..r~ V"er3.' pretty 1set of doilles hasn iiorder of apple lblossnms (lone/xvith several shades of gpmk. shading aluiost to white. The ,sca.lloped"'edges are buttmiholed with fWh,Lte_ Rostun art silk. A basket of ft f0wers embroidered in'ea:-h corner of :0. square doily is a. pretty finish. ` A handsome s'arf for a sideboard is lniarlebf butcher's linen. just: its wide as the t0p'0f the sideboard, and long enough to hang overthe ends ten or it\\_je.lve'inf-hes. The hems were hem- `st1_t-hed, and the ends finished with lfringe. Three inches from the fringe Wain. border of Roman einbroidexsy, tern wa3'.stmxipe(l, it was outlined with marse cottodthread to g:ve firrnness, -then worketl in buttonhole stitch with The linen_ was cut out around the de- SIEDJ eftvlng a beautiful U[`eI1\\`0I`k pat- tern. As. the l_i nen_ and si l: wereof the hast mmluhv Hun Inna -`A nf wnrtz. will last used in the vorners of the square pieces, about eightinches wide. After the pat-. yellow Asiativ ,twiste embroidery sills gut the hush Mon}, might haye been was an uua:Lu..\.\4u -1., .....- peuitigu > ..' pres ed on the effect of the most 1 peaceful methods. 'l`h9___ Be,nin`natives ` took advantage of its'defencel`e`s`s condi-\ l tion, and massacred all its rnembers ex-, 1 cept Captain'Boisragon and Mr.'Locke,`. both of whom were wounded. but suc- ` ceeded in making their escape-through ` the thick brush, which` was supposed to be hnpenetrable by lhlllillilll ueings._" Captain 'Boisragon s wound a.serious- and painful one, was in his right arm. -To protect it,- he wasobliged to`wr-up `his shirt about it, and he had no other protection forhis body than a vest which Mr. I,(rCke__.1:I1L`1li!l1-V Locke was` in his shirt, trousers, boots and stock- _ ings; but all these" were almost torn from him by the terrible, thorns of the bush. - 1 r fought with assurance, if it -`had not been full of Benin natives intent upon mh-Mna and smuqhterius: the fugitives. We Ibeliaxa Every giainiywlidxisowife likes to hs\_uLa supply of emhroidered 2 dailies, cenLo_u>ieces,- tray cloths. sid8- hoard covers. ind many other things made of lihen. One need riot know how 5.. _I.-:.-L LL, 2,, ,, L- -.,Qfnrg1*ar| EMBROIDERED LINEN. `s : uusue oz nnen. une new no: mun mm :0: me reancnon, accorunpg LU. Lueucar ; \ to sketch the designs. for perforated ers, m not so much because It has ceased :1 - . . J 'y 1nu-k's.2 patterns are so mexpensnve that anyKg%`?`{g`i:`3`::: 9 3-"""._v``' one can afford them. and many 0f_ the Satin and silk 3 arts have had their 4 designs axe beautiful. ' CenterfW?35 i d,8.V. and in their DEB-`$3 f_0}' h0aqJ1oune- ' `8 `5`h* M `"``5' `` `` '"'i`?? f3n5h25?"`$'~ 333.-3}L'2 on the table} but are a genu'me- sav- c;`O :~h`e;;mt5_ CenUepmc`es' and Nate 308 in the wear of the tab1eC`0`5-adianui finger bowl doilies. These may he; V K . - ' d to Id 2 "of crocheted or linen cen-; 318 mom f " require Kigels xgistiescrochet borders more or less; eep them dean ` - `elaborate to suit the taste`of the`; The most nmmlar 9:`n:uwR for center . ' 1 : nurnnr \\`orl.:e from niidvein outward. _ Another hniirls-aiiie set of round doil- Ies. niudc of fine white "linen, are bor- 3 derecl with a design of grape leaves. 3 so arranizei that the edges of the leaves _ 3 form is allops and are done` in button- hole stitch. The remainder of the leaf 3 i iitih ileliczite irregular veins, is done in outiiue. ` _.\_lzLny of the square table pieces are flnliild with heinstitcheil henis. from 5;oneto three inches inwidtl1,while oth- 3 ers are buttonholeil in large shallow Visallops. each one l:ein'g composed of three or more` smaller and eliallower is alopa. One very pretty centerpiece i y. t . u its an oblong piece of .lineu, thirty 3 5 Infhes long and eighteen inches wide. 8 with a. hem two ll]-'.`h`S wide, hem- ; E Stlt'.`i1'il around it. There is ahunch j_ j of ., mignonette and leaves in each ,, V corner, embroidered with Ronian \_ 5 floss. In spite of the diminutive q ` size of thevblossoms this design can be made to look very natural. Use `only pale, delicate tints, and if you fhuve B. bunch of natural flowers to g Study While you work. you will tFni.ore 13;` lit to get just the right tone. Sriiztll .(1:conventi(m_alized designs `often t 0" i6 3_ the of square pieces I .. .4.)-.\. . uln c.1rd~hoord. leavi 0` regular, just as ' the torn edges ir- .i the head had been` lhrustrthrough it. Now 'firn1ly -paste S the emery paper `crescent over tliis, l;e~,_ . mg careful to have the `outside edges i even. Put it to one side or bcneritli the. head. With gilt paint or. pen and inkl l ( r-uRt\4A .sketch" these words over the picture along the edge of the p:iper;"`Looking V for Light{ Paste :1. loop of ribbon or 5! somethingelse at the top to hang by, 1 and you have an ornu.ment9.I Il1u..Cll' _ scrzitcher to hang near the match re- j oeptacle. ` - ' 5 `An Incident orthc Illfuml I-lxpcilltloui to Bmhl. /it -'1-"lie complete story of the estppe/of`; the only two surivivorsiof the"ill~fated; expedition, which the, British authori-`I ties lately sent_t0"B'enin, in western" Africa, hasben made public. The ex-I pedition iiras an unarmed one;-which: presumed L!,,._.. A FEARFULi JOURNEK, l ...... HL/1. : uuonu ucau [e most popular shapes for center-;O Pieces are oblong, square, and rollndv and Vibe edges nre_ usuaily he.mstitvhed.;tg _ scalloped. or fringed. `It is notas diffi- cult to fringe"the round domfes a.s`it%s- would seam. Get alarge plate\ and} mark a circle on the lir_x`en tirst._ Three i! M. r._,,, ,:_.L. J......~5 ffringe tpus made d(;0$ not seem heavy ufuln D \/IIVIC Ulll LUC IXXICIA Illa: AA--v- h 1 I I Q - . - .r . g ,- e3.e'1c ea orme. 0 ' 1 or four 11101188 msuhg this clrde dra\~..(hmm ihreads; Oth.erS"mm_e perfect rmuther. and run several! ruws of xna:`h-sm1_. hme ` corngrg of drawn threads me stitching -around`, it 2'15 close toqformnrgg. squares nipre lovely chanlace Bether as poasibiem The threads carr``5`t`- ` ` then .be drz1`.yu`{or the fringe. `If the :.< i ----q - FOR-~O.RZ`\'A'3IEN AND USE._`' enough knot three or {om threads of! v Cu from stiff cardboard, 11,, perect- ` cotton `into the- edge of the daily at 15' i k' I i9. V- ' 3 inches in short intervalsm _.. ?di.1n1et%1'.`\'I~`ror1_1 rfmooth. whrbe._E1 Iv'- . . , . .. - _, ._, . ,-. -:..;,.` brown. `or .'Ln\',,,Dla.1n paper out another ' an mcinxn" or :-;xx mm nus aunts couzmzv. _w ` ouun. 1uLulVi.sl3., - _ `V A beautiful cenlerplec `zind set ofsix doilies seen recently were round, wit? ` : fringed edges, and 9. wrezxl.h_of- lil'ies_ of` ` the valley and leaves` exnhrofdered mth: ` white and green Asiatir filo floss.`SuL'h ` work needs to be put in` A frame 0?. hoops to keep it smooth while working. In emblqoideriilg flowers `solidly: nuke. the stitches of different` Iem;ths,lee.v-E ing 1 regular e Leaves should 81- ways be commenced at the poinL,:md` \\'0l`l{0{l from mizlvein outward. _ Annllmr lxnn:lu..ynn cot nf rmmd doll -then \\'o1'k_e. in hnttonlioie shit:-h with Dusn. v 7 yellow Aszatw sillr 31035 been` The linen out ,- _ - . . eaving ; u{`e11\\'orkpat-`fought Nth a5Su_me`_ it ' had H9` linen were of been 333111 UIIUVGS P011 - will last cat";-i;`1ng gmd slaughtering iugitives. ` ,;_.M'_,I)uring `the first night when Heism- ' V in gun and Locke stopped to rest, the)` TABLE L1NEN' V 1 lhard two of iheir enemies-talking to- "a lifetime.- - u--_...-. PI`E`fT_9T1_`-`8 &Pl?8=lT$ 50 be f01fl0Ttl 59` passed within t\ventyTee:i:~Ff the [agi- __signs, and the figures are larger and`. ves, dropping sentiies as they w_ent." xnompronounc-ed than ever. . Instezrd-`of~"i`he~whi-be men did not dare tonzstir, jlsom \vii1TzzTbi1iOiia.'l laf Tar .13i*i6f;jiixi gi,`the3' mus`: make no little n0ise. ligiiage found on tahle linen hereto- ~"1\hgy could do nothing but lie down} ` fore, the masks for the Coming .S9il~ where theywvere, the ppssinfe prey bf` ' S011-.diSD13-Y hetife .Pl9ntS '01` hllge serpents and red ants, undget. whqt lu'z}_nvhes laden with hoth leaves and sleepjhey could. V . - f1ow'ars,_.,. ` ' d` to keep awake. hut ) -Both men trie ,,,,,__i ...1 ....`..J~ ,ann.l.`n2.iqmonn, exhausted iJ0,'r OI1(l endr.1`ance, In table 1ineI1'f0r. next. S350n the gather, close by: In fa.i',t,tlJe Benin men ; Wgherrsingle bud or medium sized b1us- as in order-,to> advanoathrough the . U0 BIS. - av-- --~- . _ The newest and most stylish nlothsloisragon, exhausted l.-3 ," end!`-11I1C, have plain centres, not s'a.tin daziiaslif fell asleep. in thenight he woketo b`ut"p1.ain_ linen, with deep florzialbon find` a hand his boot, .whi ch thenis ders. extending from the hem. in onezweint feeling up his Gaitel H9 hildc design of this sort, xlvhi.-h i3`g-specially g no doubt that one of the native sentries; I ewtistic and lieautifnl, great bunches ofiiwas uponlhiml He seized the -hand,` l poppies apparently pulled_ up by to st'mng1e`t'he{man"l>efore he` roots spring from their bed of` leayes could cry out; and as he leaped and 'g'i'asses_just above the hem andhie shouted: _ _ fr " extend toward Atheheentre of the cloth. ',, -',,`Locke,, I ve got this villain!" covering it with blossoms and buds` -.The,n he 'w;,3'-g51;on1_shgd to hear thee; on their osvnvgraceful stems. The nap- `man whom he had in his killing semi.` 3, kins and (lollies to match this cloth,brace.`_7gasp,`but: `Tm I,ockel'_. and he _ 3 have a border" inte-rt\_vined` long-'.'-iet g6j T1: was j,n;1ged Locke hyimself,- stemmediloppies s-\vi_th an lll3i`00`t8 had` change_d~ hisposition} and was \ 1 l ; blossoming plant in. the <`6Y1tIf9- tryingto find ouwhere his companions` All `-n`\`n linnnu xvhnn nni" lama- H13. , I i'H'Ll:l.\.1\; uuu uvuuunui. gnu Ylfuvuvu Uh` "V... ...r....`..`.f. `,5 V i _ 7 __ Lu uuu`, uuw.Nu `nu: Evy L **::z`::e: :::r::;`: ii:%:e`ie:* 0:% % :%r`l*i" Th? and" iisseg `iist above hein lindzho licrty `an as 6 eap *7 H Lmnghgh AperwdkallVwbucation an t_` 81 t w>a_.;l1 th ` tr f H Mb I lls 0 9,-. _ _ _ i_ -W H _ count of some rema.i'l;a.i>le recovcrie ex `m r ~-~~9 -16 - ~ 3` J13 "1115D- Ilost Property. H1-one c as_e a vain: with, buds ``3 "'5ti.3hd he the? ring was lust. Years aftcrwamls w on o\\{nJVg`ra':efnl 'l:he i1ap_ Eyhhomye hadfn en_{_` : 3 oor was remov8d.....,t,h'6.jewel , kins doilies Ito. iiizit:h_ llhll cloth;brac?::`g.?sp, out: ...Im I 0ckel.__. a:nd heuund wedged tightly Mound than homer l_nm`t`-neq _1ng`:`it 30- It '33 'I`k9 h'1m31f-" of the skeleton ,0f.3-:`"10l1S;:..".l.`h'B 1 stemmed iiopiues J\'1_th \1l3X`00`t8d . who his position. ad 15.16" mwgh a mi. innthe b10S30II1iD out."where his companiuns` the moms bait gm ,w,,` githe ti All _t,al>le linens, ivheiinot lace- was. `__.__........_L___`_ ` {thrust 1;; head km) Eh I t, :61 trimmed, must be marked with .ein-E At 099? ttl119__t'.W11_1`39 #1193.-1183-Pd t-_h_8i `Caught and `had _ _ at .1 bfoidei'ediniiia!s. For napkins the iet-;`;`Ss}f0; ,f;`cf;;j lar1I; Ybf:f::3:,Lstran M ' ,;..i..,,`_`i"`-.` W , W5 Sh? 5 1 14 i'1`=.1==`.1I*3- Whileled their ivherabouts. "Both men .'Anfthe1'. (3 . = V * for cloths the accepted size is v2'1-2]_'pected to ba.ulosec_l in upon and_p_iit..toi W n'd d- a gig`! .5-efl.t`e_m.`m .m`. E' inches. These initials shoiildlbeintei'-ldah`-1{11:(;'t11;3131P$v3:3U{'_0I1:1111111`ml--,.in:uaj0_SaaS:$;f.'}: P3? U11 t-vinAw`_b;ut~Sm,u.mi,nUt. be,.in_th:~1dF ,6, ay ` 3}, V`-{1>ETlS ineii f-\jer.e: ` i =_ F L: ias seize .8.lltm. `ishiuned monogln. ` I I `. -` 0 Egttgovnredaxvhy, oannut,Aund- : i7oui*d' bylu pike. '1`J.i;;t ;;;[t.L;r.f,"o,; .'h'O1i la;-egycrlinuied `-ta.l>1e l`i1ie.n," \vhiqh. '1`heixifo1-.five days'the'y fought their 'pmts.m`n 5 ,1 `t1l<:I. \\'hll ilsill will. be even more fzisliiuiizile tliaiilast l`Y",a.Y 011`.th`".1Eh'?th. ,5.l1&.`%11id at last, the Pd' "3`. .VP1k 1 M1053 ' season. there `we threii IIBW limes} Ulla?` emhd 3 1'-T_191(_lly _1'Sl0I1a whence they 1?33&`h` W33 593134 the identical '5; isathreilirlncafs'i1iif1i*rffreryT`1ll;eelali-_1escapedto~eiev~ilma,l:ion.' ' V. . -. _ l piper i _ `orae pa ems 0` ezivg, -- Q '- ' V,` ', . . _ 311().t`hl31'rlS;{lvi\lS5l8I,i2?o3 lia.lL. 1\;nJ.(i9e` . ' CA RARE, ART1C|LE_ ' ' '53linngtggtiiq'1(fl1a`u':*`ylipvilysl meshes-,and `clunisey-lotikiug ~ l igii i'es, v vi y . _ `after `-vlmev,V;.it%un,v"'tim5" ``:,M- 5 -and a. third is a fine duchess la.ce,:Jl`lie >S0m616M5 ?-E0-Ue--119m9r-t]l9 Lh'cn'nv m "33: 1-a-.(1*':* t wm, .99` last is the finest la;-e ever used for 9,` nglilginan to the `H Aedqhg` ha A til-v1.~:.m_l_1t,.1f*".t`3,' mm decoration` It is combined with ` ueen'\vliiltT;lie-wiis`iii fide / i'aiPeL;s of the ixhai o;lli}t"`esDl`\ W linen soshenr as to iilnipst reseinble *9 ,' . me it md" fmmd um. 5 `W3 W111 1nusli_n.* and -18; used 'pl'll1Clp&ll)(, for tea, A -having his Anothmjmg_m`:3f3dfF"S~` and luncheon cloths `rind for `i:i\iili*e~ to_engae skilled for!--m .-3,1 `mu nj 5 ' ` I ah `slipped pieces and ti'a.y~= covers.` Of` course. - ` ` ` ;" D 5 .u 0.. .3`de.`51` 11 th th htthtth ld l l th - 1w '3 ll lfi` ` . im, evpeer oug 11 equeeng 9g_ei_, uninuwn._to her one of inc are a any ipa e am iigeilimil . V , . 1 Fmmed b th , . dome ta match, i pipgri man t_o consult ; ~31" dr _J' Th9,/;D.8.ll'..8. ~1~Beit enbuiig:i.-aiil....1lena1ssanca.1....lgi.i:i:s. .!%. ,9,!,`,.~t}`*3..4.`i".,*",_t,"-A,`d `E91`.31Y in msntaolf?` U) " {"31 win gti[[ befa,sh[()na|_)Ie .15 combined iigught [of Interview WithIl1`m:Tha`:*th'9 ` ., - e Qucen...iihe.; with iinen- but siiimiiiiiisitin for the piper. of a H1ghla.nd- 8 ?%mb 80}1-_- b9l1"r`lIl,( - - ' `ms in the `ml: 1 table are tabooed though the linens eif may mlissin I: u0D'etiieli) uiid used with these la.:.-e:i`ai'e so smooth and VV'h<"*? 503,0` 9-131961;`. and fa 3 90 "' _ ` glpssy as to i_1np1`6sS ll vzisual observer WIS l3_01dm 011 103* ` that they are muile oi silk,- f h`i1_yu1 ilqiirselt. Whereupon the . haughty . """"'i. J A drawn work is thb' latest for .b_0!`d0l`m.g There Near Br' Mid, .3 -.79 \\ small cloths, napkins and dailies.` It is f made of the finest liiieu and mqre than` me. ' 913801 . last; suuiinei" dropped twin T?.'Ll\'(-Q L ` ' done thgixuie lhing again. ", THE Home, Anything else, Qautlnl needlework. . Even under the closest in- spection there is not. the slightest 'I o- ` `semblance to the old-fubionad drawn or Mexican work. ._Thane are raithel` ' blpcks nor wheels All thelhreadamxx-, ,; "nmg`-one way be_ing~4:awn, eiaborate band Graceful _desxgna"am worked with .tbe needle._ The old-fashioned drawn , work will be sold next season for less} thauhalf its former prim. The reason` " for the reduction, according to. the deal-~, I in it * , to he fa.shianahIe_ as beause the work 18. _5now dune in Japan. .- "4 Satin and hill: 91 arfa have had 'owner. g B "AfZrn90n tea cloths with E touch Of co!or are A pretty change. One seen re- centy appeared to be nuhroidexl`/1 M1! Muuhsias of gold and silver. the White: Eslilk giving 3 luminous silvery effe'i~1 ` Very pretty and .a.c_v in effect were the '. afternoon teacloths in apatteru .0fiVY; Hooves. each leaf forme} of transparent` lrhzuvn ?krnndu' nfh'.-u-u,rnnr9. {Effect V ture card or scrap and ha.Ve it aboutl ` two inches in diameter.` Paste thisi I A v.. v..-.-.......... --. - 5' cardboard xr,perect- circular piece {iveor six dian1iete)1'.` Frornismooth. whibe, gray. ` br0wn.or"any plain p:_11)er nhother circulnr piece the same size. had cut alzlmlt circle of-vsgud or ermr;-pa.per. :only making ifcrescent sliapetl. Pro- `cure a pretty cl1ild s head from uric- l 1 w head on the cardbbard almost in thel .'cehter. i.\IAli{(`. a hole` in the xihite 113-; 1- ficiently large to show ipbr at the simeplace. and tear it ant-l thepicxlure. Paste this paper smoothly, 0"51`~`18' . leav' ir-, . been thrust_through _t.he pziperbrescent ing to the ink picture p:1per;"`Lookingr ori re-g 1.11 ms suuu, b1Uuac.|a, ovum unnu. ......\... 3 . ~ ` ' Q -- n L LL, |...,.L ..1,...fL min-k+ }'m'vn hoan` sleep .`they coma. tried` s ` Boisragon, tycjntl .`find` hzmdhis thgxix` mvemt gaiter. had` sentries: - W... mm [In .,:m.: Hm hand 3 I T ronxue Inc on tong In Convleml of llullu In lebelllol -A I'll`! `P!!! the I!ook'ot`l.nn; 130. Mr. Thomas 0 Leary. assistant` libra- 3 rian. Qhatehu (.159 Rnmnzay. wntributaa ; ui intreating uticie to'the Quebec: bhlegraph. from which we make tho; following extracts; rn,...... ..fx.. .`u;; `1`l\A 1 Ar Ohn lnnf m=ntux`\'.E

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