Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Dec 1935, p. 5

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One cent. a wurd. cash, each inser- uon, (mmimum charge, 25), five m- sertlons tor the prlce 01 fuur. 25:: extra If not paid wmnn Iivu days :31 date of issue; also we extra when re- plies are dll`(3ClL'd to The h2x:unn:cl`. Store or bL1sixxc:s.~; udvurtising (in-. cluding il;.{L'n|..s'J Ill Um`. column, two! cents per wurd, cush Will) nmo,-1' } (minimum 50 1:1.-nl:. per |.\:~1ll(.`. 70' cents If (:l1:n'ucrl). u l' VIHIUC "I .inr,1_v" ..ll-um n HEENZ CORNED BEEF "1 O Richmello IHUULIIIII (Ell (lII\| ~01, ('lvHi(HlU1 with driven lay F.(l}.{m` hm \\':1.\' .~`hnkvn up. .,I I ..--._- nut nu- H.\l.l nns\\'(-I mg is vnlur-(I him-k am` $5l).()(). BONELESS Roast Pork 13-180 Sausage .......... .. 2 lbs. 1 Hamburg Steak, 2 lbs. mun :\\`x'. 2\m\ly '.!l 1 11 Dunlop Street French l"l`=|'Il. -- liuiltlors` and l":u'nu-r.~;` \'i-luriu KI, and Rzlilwzly BARm_ErUE!-%&= TH Ii Bl'IS'I` A runun u.vuu I11 \./l-AI`IllI`l Prunes BAYSIDF. Choice Quality FANCY SANTA CLARA L"$H\\'1\'ES ' < \'t7 \<-\l\'p\ and LI Eoimter` Shirriff s or M:\cLarcn's J 4 1 Maymaami LARGE ` GRAPEFRUIT ' Dmrnn Dr |V1ncI_.1rcn Jelly Chnicc Qualily I13 WOOD, Superior OI !!e r S-Ia] ra WANTED u cum: 1| in Thu Fl Cow Br-.\ -zw I71-l'l A . \ (I All! f owrrl Avuxru, awvul Auuauuu icnic Pi; Swn-I Mixed, Sweet Mustard or Sour! j j A HI-`.l..LMANN`S ALB ERTA COAL A u .1. SHCCAX1 6 lb. 5c `~ 1 5c '.\llS(`l'Il.l..\.\'l-'.(H\' and Welsh Cobble: -1h: am: (:IT(' 1114: 11': __,_j..._ Jr HI Filled c H). V 251: . 251: Powders A.~:snrlt-Ll avors light syrup Z1 Inrxnn . Cmmnissinn. l`l{0l l'Il{'l'\' T0 LI . 1` Di.\`pn.< It-ms ti I) ISIJUM |l'l11.\` It '1'! I IS mt-nl Cheap iomung pnijii, :\dvort.i. Get _U\c gonc The Examiner. _\'()ux' nhlv 1: tun,-(1 ilv ~ in tux l Inn- H_\'.' and L Premium Imte will - Fresh and Smoked Fisj Delicious Oysters nowin, iv" gannj BOA `53 SHC RIB uln In [s:|<:<- u-_.x... ...., W I`rx`.IHl`N my zrqni tm'!'.. Irwl \".\` 1IL1(,-sis` 1)1;1 v-_\-3 I remilugx I nulh'_v. One Mo tell you`. FRESH POUL'l`Ry~-, at Reasonable Prices or in_im`('(l horses : healthy uml su1I- > Phonze til-H2. R. 'riL-, Ont. 52-4|) LA RC}? POTQI R61 ;'____,__.---f--L. HAPPY IDEA! ,.r all tlilnrwr nrnh. {hone 50 or 51` Ll I . Auui `-4.. all dzgmcr prob-.~._. W Your .~' Day with ,-.~'.1im1- :_! Poultry IKE.-R`. MEAL! vnn\ll!'41 l`nu|1rv in . 241: `lb. NIEAIA! wuhry in will be ' My 1021- ` -m` tam-"` '. It IS, me rim. ` I ucl jcix Tm: \ 'l`0:N inser- ,2. )c), n xtra 'he vcrlising (in- ; two 1 I.s:;Ll(:. Ex:-.m|m.-r) hm`. lllhy 2mrlsu1l- n_im'('(l .`i`) .4n one mm . '1U . the Powcxf 9%`-*f7" -%``!"4T9%ii?.9~ 5 :*~\~`/9%?$"9i 3:7 H M. BR!-}D- l`O-I.A`Y (`-O(,`.KF.RT~`.l.S sale. (2. 1'`. Cole, Anton Mills. I, Boulderfel Greenhous Mt.'n!)c1' I-`lm'i.~ls' 'l'(.-|<.-m'nph I)<:li\'<'1'_v Assru-i;1!ip|1 W/\N'l'ED- -Aucrl i m` vault}. 1\/[usl be hen able for (In: fund. ['h L. Ifit-l):I1'(ls(nI. B2n'I'i1-, IN 1': Ishnnr. an. I w%w@n@m%% .|Al.IlIu.1 nu. .,..\, ..v-......J Season 74 Isl./\KI: ST. PHONE 832 A . ... _ . _....... .....~.-...~ ..~.. p...._......... LIVE STOCK FOR QALE .. u..;. it In `rm. Fun 11 Choice Flowers and I i2mI.s for the Holiday C An: unw- Saturday, l)Hecemb-er 28 .11 JOSEPH BALFE'S 14 Bayfield SL, Barrie 1:1 l,.`H| II III, You xnust bv prepared In do your own nancing. When It`s LL ~ will (`m1tr'.1(`t for cross *2Nhu)( I ,l.A('I\', Sm-_\: | both St. '--~'--- -~------ l)|<`.`r' At (`ullinp_wnnd, nn Wndnos-~ I (luv. Dc-<~. 18. 1935. Rose Perry. - wirlnw nl` tho 11110 Robert Tim . in. hvr 74th your. Interment in 1"re=-3 bytorian Cmnotery, Cnllimzwond. Imntlln Auctinn Salt,-.~ D(-(jmnlw1' 20. ;,,,'\..h(,,-(, in 5;,-m, GROSS -~ In Beeton. on Thu1'sd:1_v. i `: phom, 154. 1`{(,5;(;(.,,(.o;I Doc. 19. 1935. Annie Gross. widn\\v'|E SI , , 43m). of the late Hnrace Gross. aged 9 ) ~-----:---- 1 )'(*:11`s. Interment Mount Pleasant \I OATS. B/\Rl.I~`.Y AND V/Illdz` u1nn1I'(l Mnrk--I |n'im':s nuid and w l`.(`. Box `I 1 I. vr pi-1l`I`1L`l1l`.1l`S` I yrs 1 rod Jnn. uld. ( m\'. (S Call Our `.\'umhc1' t`s Lumber Phvnc 54~l~Res. 1534 _ 1,91` !`.\'. nlrl. '1 Durham 1; 1 red duo Jzm. 3 yrs. old. ||\'|\ .<.hnr! 1 Turunlu . om ` lbs. lbs. > lhs. Hr. {DICKEY - At the Royal Victnria Hncnilnl `Rm-rie. on Wednesdm/.i Huspilal, Barrie. December 25; 1935, to Mr. and Mrs. ` Lorne Dickey. 249 Bradford St..`. Barrio. :1 daughter. RAMSHAW--At the Royal Victnrizl; ` Hn.<'.;itu|. Barrie. on Saturday. De- ` , com 101' 21. 1935. to M1`. and Mm. "l George C. Rumshaw. Camp I3m`d- `z I on. n d:n.1;:ht0r. I I DICKEY At the Royal Vnctnrxa; BARLI-`.Y /\Nl) V`/Hl'.z\'l wanted Mzwkul. |)1'i(-(`rs paid will truck mvuy. /\p|)|_V U. 1'). Bnshup. ] hmu- 40M. I25 '1`m`unln SI. nu ' `pl BOWLES--MORRISON - At Owen ] Qnnnri hr-r-nmhm` 18. 1935. bV ROV- ".ALT)WF.I.L-v-In the Royal Victnrinli Hospital. Barrie, on Sunday. Dora. 22, 1935. Thmmls Robert CaIdwell.l in hi< 86th vear. Interment in| 'T`h0mas Robert L'a1c1wen_:.. in his 86th year. m| Barrie Union Cemetery, Tuesdav. Dvc. 24. CORBF.']"'I`-~In Royal Victoria Hos-u pitnl. Barrie. on 'l`h11rSda_V. Deal 26. 1935, James (`m'bett, 164 E1i'/.a- 1 ` ` `DICY Wodnos-~! (luv n.-n 12 1935 Ruse Pm-rv.% 3OWLES--MORRISON At Uwcn Sound. December 18, 1935. by W. H. Dunbar. Stella Jane. second d.'1Lu.:hter 0!` M1`. and Mrs. Irwin Morrison. to Charles Osw Rm-vies, sun of the late Mr. and Mrs. (`.c0ry.:e Bnwlvs. Bradl'm'd. alt] I I 1 lT'I"I`0N In rh~:II- \\'ifr`- RIVIIIIIII \Ull|'l'Il4 I)ll`' - 1 \.< The annual pnhliv school x-nnv-wt took plat-0 in tho Community Hn` on Thursday evening last. The hall was crowded with interested par- ents and friends. and as usual u` prngrnn_1mc was of a hit:h_ order. Our ` school IS very fortunate In having n I H1un11'>m' nr (`hildron who are xzu-`<` <`w'_m'.<. and the (`hrxstmns rm'nl.< and ('hm'u.<(`:: xvurv \\*<-H : 'I`M- thn-0 n11n`tr(`l.<. I5:lI`I'}` H1:u-\:- \'mt` `H1 RI:u'l{mn-` `H (i .1 v~nru\i\'A~t` '1 hr\:n'1\' P171 \I.` Z`. -cl 5 \\Il\' l.('lK`IIl(Iu u In x.... ~`." A! the close of the mem- : the members exchanged useful ristnms Lvifts. The hostesses serv- .1 tastv lunch and the member.- m :1 nlmsnnt social hour touether MARRIED ?: l CARD OF THANKS v BORN ]"II-ILD PEAS W/\N l`I-ll) l.;n';:(~ (H small vurncly, any qu:mlI1_v. Apply! W, II. HlH'::l. ('.N.|(. lI'('I,L:l!l .s'm:(l:s,[ DIED `,()\ GUTHRIE :. aged 37 `)0 ` Ww@maww&vawm] !{ . . 1. Season s Greetings % ` """' "' uwwmnvw imam smaama I srklrcm : Wig }W: On F`ri(lzi_\' and .\':1lui'rin_v wt` wm`I`. 1 _ aiisy (`h('(Tkil\.X lists wiih the Ki\\'21l I- `-`is Club for distribution of toys. We `found only :~'o\'en families not. al- lroady on their list. Do not 1)-:* disap- pninivd if _\'nm` kirirlivs in not :11] IN! . 1.- IH`\\` 1 )\'.\' lhv (`hi `l I] III'(` l`.| I 1L`. \\'. UEINH Wm. KLrL~_\, E. .\IvF:\ddon salancs for n`: 3`. Sin .31` THE BARIHE EXAMINER. BARRIE, ON3{`., CANADA . Thursday, December 26;-1935 SS} COUNCIL G. Evans in . (':\|v1I\.l\l\ arc: F1`esh|Cm\\'n Atlurmxv F A L-l1arx.o zuznlnst Wlllliun m..\.. Hf stealing: three Christmas trv(~s. 'l1ho pmperiy of F.d\\'nrd Carr, In- nisfil. un 1)(~<-mnlwr M. \vn.< with-` drawn wi1h Hm \\'riH(\n (:<>n. 01' 'v\ I \'. Q aiscgsei eZms':% i T:TA:?++$;?W \ 1. }V>I|l(`(` In |l'|| llhl i\\i1h tho immedi `IIa\'r- you zmy C1aS. adloi. . A 4-|1',)I`Ifr\ :1 'KcA1\`. In 1:. .'1as. L'l12II';:;(\ z1_:znin. Willizlm Rurvh .r Hn'Or\ (Ihrishnas [T 1d q nt r 101 for youn,-.1` p:_g.< nu mul- wnr-k`;: i.<. 1v1vphuned 1h` ) 1011 us how szllisfiod ho w:r `, immediate ruvulls ub1'.1inL`d nu zmything to sell`? Try : .\,-I urllnl \\`ll`_\ 5;-u Deputy had in w '.IIL' .:.n "Fame i on Crown 1". G. Evans court before 1V'1agist1'z1tc Compton Jeffs SatLu'day. ""`.`.rAJ r<....|....... :m~nm- nf n1u1():'I dull: ocu.uxuu_y . Clil'I'ord Grzlhunw. isstler of m(>1o:' vehicle 1iL`f`l\.\'`.\`. has been ndvi. that no (`.\:tP.nsin11 need be u-xp<-stud wt` H10 limi1 datvs clrfinih-ly sot fw taking: out nr`\\' pm`mit<. Th(`t~`L dates 1...` 1-". full` n:l<<('l\u .`l` cars and `(uv dun. nu J\rx Feb. 29 fur C(!H)HH`X` lhruplu who use old 1 these duh.-s may look i v< 1-, , ,.,...l.In.1 L`(HlH`.)l`!'(`I:1| \'('IIl('lL'> 1n:n'km*s nftuz for trouble. Pnlico are . the party m parlios who S1010 two valuabl: S('01vh Collie dogs` from the vicinit} ml the resi(lcnCL- of C. C. Hinds. T01. wntn 81.. 1'(`,('0n1l_v. ":`hu rlnL{< are tlu m'np.r(y of Mr. IIiml.<. (')' then: ... ...-.mun:-hm ()1 [H0 lL`.\IuL'IIL'.: un \. rln On :1 .<:11v and whiiv mlliv In Hm Ivnnn nr "I.inriv". \\'Hlll' l'l)lXIl'. :.\ \un.\.. ... \\'hi!v :-.1.1~n~.}\1in2 1n 3...: n my" 'iI`i\'r~n l:_\' ("ulin S1<~\\`:u'1 nn Blnkv SL. 0DDl\; S1. '\7incont'.< i :1rk. on. Sz~.111rdn_\' mm-nin_L: ln. :1 our driven ms! by Mrs. E. Willinme. Shzmty Bay. s1~:'uld(\d rm Hm icy pavement and cr:Is'hod imn thv rozu` of the taxi ~*:\us:in t'I\nsidux'nl')lv rlnrnz-1_2<~ In NH .. :....1..,1;...y -u Funrlnl` run. \.\ (lIlI'Illl'I IIIY `-,\`('ni .011! of (`mm 1 sllmth-lmuntl on H1I_ulw.<. Slmml. \' 1m-kiv Hm.>l1v.~'. :1; tlvr lhv <-hin. |11|`?xH\:I\ K|1'I' txigllt. /\ lmx mu` t\1`livl(~s \\':1.~: pm `.011:-rl llw (`hr uvm` $131. 113 my 4.. H... (`| H.-\NDYM.-\N. .\H.u-:m.=n H: SEIIHU (Inn \\'luu -.u... r the name of "I.ind_v ' $100. and the ulhm`. hite cnlliv. is \':du(~d : nHH|UI` \\Il.\ I?.x('(`1I1i\`v In Lu! hut n NI. n.\ In H10 ..n n-we 1 :IIlIIIIIIHEIIIIEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIIII: . ~, \ 9E' `SPECIALS E3.FTS wwwws as Pom: isc Romn .,, Roast Saimon i3;.3l"`13Lib. Fiilets '-`"""' T 1~'([)i{}< .\I$.r.`; V ...:a @eas 3 -'.i;`; ` 2 5 C Ill-Z` S Q H11; 1')-III. UP 23 (`.()UN'l`RY l\'lS'l` DATES 3 25 GOLDEN COFFEE \v(imi

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