..., "5-'I'\1 tux ,-,..... mu... M. ....\. night 4 till small voice cried in his ear `Get thl arm? Get that arm! until; Jarvis ev,ntuall_\' found himself at the; entrance if the vault. which happened to} be open fo renovation. one blow)` Christ- } mas Eve. ` snoulu IIUL. Uul. II I unc . . . . "Have you made out your \\ ill. Uncle?" asked twenty-,vc;1r-old mercenary-minded Gloria. u\- 1`: - It _A .'oL ..H goldcnkrm And night folthe the lay huritl in th` story: First of all," he said. "I would like you to know that I do not believe in ghosts. curses or unseen powers, but I have been warned not to relate this story. because those who have told it have always been known to die after relating it. I have a great desire to tell it, SImpI\' because I should not. but if I die 1- -,_. ._ .. zn 1'..,.I..>" story: 171.. curtains were drawn. the lights extinguish- ed, and we all sat staring into the ames of the re. while Uncle Joe began his HERE is something \'er_\' delight-`ii ful about sitting around a big` log re on Christmas evening. roasting chestnuts and telling stories. and this is one of the few pleasant habits which my own family has developed. The most impressive evening 1 can remember occurred several years ago. There were eight of us there. the psqstltl '\Y!n Here Uncle Joe's voice dm1 _ _ ...l.I..._.... uvsn,-_.. V Sad to relate. James died a month after l the transfusion. The doctor said it was` natural causes, his wife said it was due to ; the loss of blood. and when he lay dying l he said to her: `You'll be all right. mate. I Lady X promised me something. She said she'd give her right arm for the girl's. recovery. and. lx_\ jove. she shall if she: don't make you comfortable.` But somehow in the excitement of lsa's reco\'cr_\'. the reward was forgotten. The head gardener installed armthor man in ]amcs's cottage and ]amr:s's wife and son were asked to mow: elsewhere. ' "But there were some sir . II 1 . , ,4 u; "Thc_\ In Full Settlement |lgv\, - axed A Christmas Story by PruneHa Gay sassed by. 15.1 I` I 11.1.. u an.-.y uxv` ensure that Q Day and: `nun. right ` .u. u... nu. ......,, V. \aI\4~ nu ulvnull nerve he dropped it again as two knocks, I ilouder than those of the previous night eresounded on the door. With shaking ; hands he withdrew the bolt. Again there 7 was no one there: only the snow lay , deeper than the night before and the moon i lwas fuller and the wind higher. Certainly`, \ lhe decided. the knoclcer was loose. He {would tighten it up in the morning. Thus : {the melting pot was again abandoned. ` `Lawyer Jarvis decided that his nerves iiwere bad. that he had better wait. New 1 |Year's Eve might be a good opportun-l lity.... i l l "And so. by December 31st he had `, found courage to proceed with his horrible itask. .\leltnng pot and arm were read}-;3 `he lifted the gold slowly and listened.` There was no sound without. He held{ l . . pt over the pot, trembhng, but deant: \.I\. \. ||\l\. to a whisper. uunu. ur uu. uuvn. |Iu:Ic nu: IIU UIIC without. 0nl_\` the wind howled and the snow piled up in e\'ergr0\\'ing depth. i shone white as the face in the Collin. Old l.m\'_\'er Jarvis was unnerved. melting operations were suspended for the night and he crept between the sheets and hid his head. When morning broke. the` red glow of the sun descended upon the` world. and Jarvis wondered \\'h_\' he lmdj been afraid. What is there in the dark-`I ness that does not exist in the light? Hei tried in vain to answer the question: but stealthily removed the hea\'_\* golden arm. 1 Ila hnr-r;n.4 Ivxnlv on Hun Hroln In.-nu-A .' -.u\.u1L|III_v i\.nuu\\.u Lin; llC(`l\_\ sulucn ullu. He hurried back to the little house in which he was tempornril_\' living and which had once been the home of old James. the gardener. ln an enormous iron srmcepzm and over a roaring fire he intended melt- ing down the gold. As he raised the arm to the pot two faint knocks on the door broke the awful stillness of the house. Trembling with fear. he hid the arm and went to the door. There was no one snow depth.. clnxnn ..-Mm `IE .1... o`...... :.. um ....n:.. nas evening the melting: -nu-n -an-`In k-......l.o ..... .... .-u..- -was {ith condence with broken as knocks, I, i that (izmlcncr _I;m1os's sun the very spit ; e nf his fatlicr when he was his age ~h;1d l turm`.d up in the village! Quito lsy chance 8 I he happcnml to be employed hv the rm e V of umiortukors \\hu were unoiulimz to} 1 I ad)` X's \`;ml( which was to be p0rm.\n- : - [curly sc.1loxL On second thou_Qh(s. \\`.\Si 3 i it h_\` chance? ;\itcr;1ll. I.m1_\' X h.'l(i said (0 his fatlwi: `I unuhi give mv ri_-,~hl nu uu. .:-nun, uun nu. nllnu uuu uu. snow, he said to himself between gasps for breath. `Only the wind . . . .' He was very feeble. Summoning Ins courage he I opened the door. ; "The moon was clouded over. but! l.a\\'}'er Jarvis could see a (lurk gure without. the gure of .1 man whom he remgnixcd. the gure of a man who was dead . . . Gardener James! There was silence for a moment then the gure sainl slu\\'l_\'. hut delibc-r.1te1_\'. `l \\'.\nL my Come what nmy he would put it in the] pot now. He lowered it. As he did so the window rattled violently and two thumps, heavier than ever before. shook I the door, and indeed the whole house.` Jarvis threw the arm from him with :1 cr_\'. He tried to be calm. `It's only the wind and the snow; only the wind and the - u 1. 1- Ir: e "Next lay the village learnt (hut. l.;1\\`-i i_\'cr Jll'\ iS had died the provintts night ufi` heart disease. What :1 L`0ill(`i(lC!l(`(` it was` in` lx:.~ l'..o|... I_.....-I.:. .,. I,,I LIIIK ...... ..... -\...._ ......,.-. Work." he continued. "for ` months Lady X had lost her |'I ,,I.\. ..L.. "But CHRISTMAS TIME IN OLD ENGLAND Iuu\|I . 00 die. Uncle?" asked ished the story ......... ,u.... usu. . I \\'ences|.1s was born in 907, and was" the grandson of Ludmilla. the first Czech saint, but he was also a descendant of the first Christian prince of Bohemia. and i\\'encesIas seemed tint out for a very ` lik: hi: ...... -'ID~ DI_ -'4 ..... ....u- an vv\. nuun IL to- is Pmtestant. The words uerc uritten by the man who wrote jcrsu.iletn the Goltlen"---the Reverend _I. .\l. .\'e.ile. ` Has it ever struck you that although carols should be cheerful. the tune of . "\\'encesl.1s" is almost gay for :in_\' church `festivity? :\ctu.\l|y. the quaint mediaeval ` tune which we now associate with \\'en-' ice.-slas's adventures on the feast of Stephen ' l was previously that of a. special hymn for l ` the springtime. The reverend author ` based his carol on the` National Anthem` iof the Czechs, and one of the most famous 3 King Wenceslas legends is used as the 3 ! theme. i Although the Wenceslas carol is a Pro- ltestant one. St. Wenceslas is :1 Catholic saint. who was martyred just over a thou- l sand years ago. \\'n..u-calm: m... L... 2.. nn-P ___,i .__,_l `..u.. .. |r\u\\. u. mu. m \ Tti:1nit_\'. ll \\';\.~` ulnmst .1 \\';n' (`1'_\' III the rcvnlutinn of ISIS. when the (U ? ro\'nlu` :1g.|in.~`l .~\II.~`trLm terrorism. '1 is :1 quamuinn nf two |invs of this ( mentioning S1. \\'vIu`osl.1s. (HI tho 1 llli romruttic story of this fmtnms: 9 carol has almost become so linck- ne_\'c-tl at Christ mas time that i the people who sing it forgot l the hero prince who is the (`L`nll'.ll ` gure of the \\'enceslas legentl. I ; ``\\'enccsl:1s" was otlicinlly lJilllllC\l h_\` the Austrian ;ll`lH_\' as being an \lll[)i1Il'l()llt` tune luring the Great \\'nr! llnlucky was the 0l`(lll1lI')` soldier who even huunned j the cnriuns lilting tnelutl}' to :1lll`\`l:ltt` the grintncss of mu`! , cs - - -. ~` --"*' 1 `E This \\'0m`osl.|s" tune is not t`x:u'l|_\ A the smne as that of our mm fsuniliur mml. ` It is \\`(`Iu`0slns mntivlo, \\'l1iclI for nv;1rl_\' ve hululrcxl )`(`;ll`$ has been the C/coll `.\'aIion:1l ;\Iuhom. It has nnl ;1l\\u)'s I I x E | I `lvcvn n mrul ml" peace. or (`\'(`ll of (`Inns-K { . `nu. `.....V _,V.. --... ".\lan_\* years ago a rich and beautiful society woman. whom we will call Lad)` X. had :1 daughter, lsa. who was very fond nf : hunting. Unfortun:ttcl_\' lsa was thrown one day front her horse. and trampled upon. There was little hope for her life` the doctor said unless anin1ntedi;iteblo0(l transfusion could take place. Several of; the servants offeretl themselves and nfterl applying the usual tests it was found that! only one~~.`1n old g.1rdener~-woultl he of; The Birth of a Carol u. A nagu vn \\'cn of the King hunselfi Good King \X/enceslasn -.. \ 4 r Ilurings (`zcn`hs' nrisnl. Th(`I`(` w a{ vnrul us the f : fence 5 lhrov sla\": , H.-.,...u...u rm... ...u--H-.u nun um nanu. I That much is true. liut \\'cm:csl.|5'5 kind nature mused :1 numh.-r nf beauti- jful lcgcmls to gum up about him. The `one thing uc can he (`crt.:in of is that he did mztku: regular pilgrimagcs out into the ;L'ountry to help his poor subjects, for it runs this clcn1<:ntur_v form of suttialisttt whxch rcsultcal in \\'enccsl;1s being able to unite his nrc, iipulity. may :1 uuuu. iin .thc back. at Wcnceslas was I an mu ` , :j__..___ ;;1luno might have pru\'c fatal. In the gem] it \\'us his Sll\`\`(`SS whivh l'(`S\l[ll`(l in his nmrt_\'nlum, for his ln'mlwI' Hnlvslau` 4 (not .1 ('hri:-`(i.'ul\ (`\`l`!lllI;l\' hcL':u1u' jonl nus of his [HI\\'t`l'. .sturm\` lime eighteen. he . km rdmn. . L l n;_ 1.: .... ...,... I `Oh. James,` varied l..1dy X to the` gardener. `You shall be richly re\\'.1rde(l.: I would give my right arm for lsa's rc- ! His kimlly. gmurous nature enabled 1 him In win through when success in hutllc | {L - \.u\.Lau|a n as much : \\'lu`n, at the age of nnly tuuk over the reins of his Scott Bros. J. G. Sicotig TO OUR FRIENDS. in grateful appreciatitm for the many kinclxlesscs. throughout the year, may we express hearty good wishes for :1 most. CAB'l`A(i E--(}. R1\\ l'2l.-l( 5 I`: Phone 86 BARRIE C_R_E_AMERY co. - _ -" W W` ':?1:};E-:`;4"-"i i i ' V Makers of Scientically Pasteurized BARRIE BRAND CREAMERY BUTTER THE SARJEANT CO. LTD. Season's Greetings 4.. ._II ..___ Iw__:_,_,. art: CHC'l}7L'l . It depends on the extent to which I benet."' laughed Gloria. \\'e then lapsed into expectant silence and Uncle ]oe continued: ---- `I 1:, .~.-1 Fran}g_P1__tcher to all our Friends and Patrons, May Happiness and Joy Be Yours Along Lita-'5 Way. MERRY CllRlS'[`MAS J. A(_`_.~_KEENAN - - `ac--- _- --our:-`an (.`.R()(3El: Phone r.sn-r.: Elizabeth St. MUSIC STORE llt-zulqunrturs for Buildc-rs` and Farmers` Supplies ;;RYsON $15 Sending :1 wish at this Christnms time For you. be it most. merry and rue. Hoping the New Your be joy (1 glut The most, Prosperous and Wu BAICICIIC KJIUTIH. "Yes. Gloria." replied my uncle with all seriousness. it is locked in the small drawer of my bureau. but don't buy lilies at this time of the year, chr_vs.1nthcmumsl are cheaper." to .lnnn...!= An kn nvrnnr tn wliirh li Friends and Patrons May the holiday scuso11 greet. all with an :1bun(1:m('.(,- of joy and happiness .und l'urnisl1 Lho things of life worth whilo. FOR 'l`llE COMING YEAR.- SU(7(3ESS AND I'l{()Sl El{lTY TO ALL, IS Olllt CIIIHSTMAS WISH. WE THANK YOU Season's Greetings to Our for tho [)1`iVil(';:`() we have enjoyed in serving your wunts which fell to our lot. during Lhv past your and we hope nur .s(-rvicv has boon such as to merit your r- I~`riondship and Pat- 1'nnz1:,',t` in MN` New Year. M1-rr_v (`hristmus and Happy New Your from All of Us to ALI. of You. l'hom*.s': Ordor [)1-.pl.. 86, Yard 301 -`t Y (`()2\l.--(.}()KE--WOOD (`l'lMI?.N'l`--LlME All this and more we B`visly.-"1 you at. this Holiday season. 1 w. H. JOHNSON" & SON "He de$endcd the stone steps` Per-I spiration pmred from his forehead as with i quickened [ulse he made his xvay to the: cotn of Laty X. then with a screwdriver! from his pocket he unfastened and raised `V the lid. \\'ixh satisfaction he viewed by} the light of acandle the peaceful exprcss- ion on the aldmaster face of Lady X. Machinists - Ross St. A FIN E. ROLLICKING F?T.*__*.}& M003? (J i:l'l;\-N lifts and DYERS 'l`() (mu mm-INDS AN!) I-A'mnNs Accept, this wish--F It's sin(:cre and rue I-`rum grateful u And all for you - Health and Wealth 'I'm.- whole year through EkiTMAs .\. 1 glad. kiyouwe mm. `She's in heaven all right,` he mur- mured. `.\'o\v she \\`on't need her arm,' at which he raised the winding sheet and 1;