We extend our compli- ments of the season and may it hold a Wealth of good cheer for you. nnkc him nun uuu u , instead of . . ......- would gladly s, picture banks. .1 little to make other children. Ilccry, hen- lisugrccahle happiness. 5 living -in 2 been left night . just BRYSON S BREAD LTD. WE EX'I`lN-I) 'I'() All. Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy Prosperous `vi-uiwr up-w us "*E.1.`.`..`!'n.!`-.1?`.,Z.,`. 5 and we thank our many (`us~ Lomors for tlwir valued pat.~ ,/' rona . d m ` the zsc you`. 29 u mg pls z 1 WRIG 88 DUNLOP ST. ]`11rm1::lmH1 Ihv y in`. \xh1<'h lms nnw be-r'mm` 11i.s'l,m`y, it ha.` been our ('()n.\'I:u1t aim in ;;|\'s- ('n11.x"l.s'Im1(, s1~1'vi(`(- to our mzmy patrons so than our n:n.u- IHILHH lw .x'yncmynmu.s` with (:()m-- plvto s:Lt,is1':u'tion, For lhv mummy: yr-an` we huvv (lv(li(:uLm_l ou1's(~lvos unvw to tlw .\':Hl1I' pnl`u'_v 01' pl -usilw, our custom:-r: ` boczmso wv know it, pays h(`.\'t.. BARRIE - ALLANDALE DAIR We extend to you tho SEASON'S GREETINGS Wishing you all :1 MERRY CIIRISTMAS and II. HAPPY In, IIODGES BROS. Heartiest. Greetings of the Season to our friends and patrons, with the hope that the coming year will bring peace, happiness and content.- ment in full measure. nun -an nunvvvnauvvunn (il{()()ER Phone 215-ax Eumbm. St. LAKEVIEW DAIRY NORMAN INESON PHONE 70 ctlnu 4|. llllll I Prosperous Nq-.w Year H. E. MQJ_L_LOUGH To all of you--our friends and paLrons--we wish a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. To our Customers, Friends and Neighbors CAMERON & ELLIS Nliw YEAR Phone 26 WRIGHT CLEANERS DEPENDABLE FUELS `g sm*ms To Our Old Friends And Patrons Our Christmas wouldn't, be complete if we didn't take this opportunity Lo wish you the bvst, of (.110 smson, and a New Your [mod to overowing with Good Cheor. Health, Prosper- ity and all that goes to make up a successful year. Merry Christmas I'7t\I I./CI with sinct.-re than I01` the 1mLrom1gc given usd U18 me past year, we wish 11 0 customers and trim` A vmn MERRY CIIISTMA-~ AND A HAPPY AND mos:-mans msv YEAR. AYERSI _3 zJliL}`\lZn_RlS Ltd. _ _ _ _._-., -. w. --u -IIIIIII nan! and Staff wish to extend their t.h:1nks to friends and patrons for favors during the past. your and to wish them :1 very MERRY (IIIRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR. PHONE 577 W- !::m*.33..'3.!!"AN . R. & E. A. BURNS CHIROPRACTORS VI 0 LA: a..pn\.n.4aIa1a -n I AUTOM0 IVE ELECTRIC SERVICE Gregatings 55.4; 1 Lvl\l3l.4A 11.4114 SERVICE STATION {tend to the people of arrie and district best ` es for :1 very Merry ristmas and Happy New Year. BARRIE BOWLING ALLEYS . . [||!PERiAL} 82A Dunlop St. wvvcu DRUGGIST . SMITH ing There are oonxacts here with far coun- 5 tries. Canadian forests have supplied the ` pulp for some of the paper: lmlian: quarries have provided the Venetian stone l for some of the brooch ornaments; shells 5 from remote seashores are used for de . n V common; some of the novelues were made; by workers in Japan within sound ofl n..A.u.:o. on....\IA k-lIg \\'LIl.. D ..L I u, n\IIn\.I-1 In Japan -nu--u auunu Ul] Buddhist temple bells. While British} goods are insisted on so far as possible.l the markets of the world are searched for I novelties not obtainable in England: --~;md novelties are indispensable to the} Christmas cracker. BEST WISHES . . . . \\h0 xumhl hcluwu: that lhrtl` ;> ,x ntuuxl he Hint-LI{;ACIlJIO ml` V r,._,- t`e;ul\' for urnannenting and [in Some nor}; so quickly that you 5 saw` the cracker being made. One It you see the layers of paper, the n nished article. In between. the girl has clone something with ;\ mct.t| stick. matle two quick turx a length of string while you hlin .\. H! K`... . .. n... .`.... (in N this machine age there is one in : attending Yuletid that still relies on h.'\ndicr;1fl, and nl-iSmilh was once \\.|}'s will--the Christmas Crnckc-r in- ,on account of tha dustry. Only the cutting, stamping, and 5 seriousness, that {ringing of the tons of coluured 1u;1;1L~x'ftiet`er1t and should used is done by nmchinery; the rest is ' lewl done II} deft~ngered girls, most of ham I` learn the craft when they lc;1\'e school and keep at it until they nmrry. A buyer once skirt of ;\ heautifl thux of crackers am Dreswg and sent juseph of :\rinmlh;1c.'1. together with ('lo\'cn helpers. across the Channel` to l1(-uthon Britain. I I It is said that Joseph C(1l'l'i(`(l with him I the Holy (}rail--- f nu`. u nu... ......\,.1 ul w.\\.\| I\a nun: nu; vpu of the 'l'wolvc. It is inevitable that where :1 biblical account is not .-1\'niI:\hlc a l(`f1(`l'Id."lI'Y one steps in to supply the lack, and legend says that the Apostle Philip Llhmxrcd in Gaul (nmdcrn lr:\nco\ ` 1 A\II us. Lulu a\.\. nu. nu; AII|lI|II \uu|\' "down that long water opening on the deep," only we are standing at the Inuit]- ing place and not at the starting point. This part of Somerset is called the \'nle of Avalon to this day. It is quite easy to see, either from the Tor or front some vantage ground on the nearby Mentlips, that this vale was once an arm of the Bristol Channel which, under it westering sun. can be seen gleaming in that direc- -tion. If legend speaks truly, :\rthur was not the first notable man to sail up this "lung water" to the Isle of Avalon. We have to remember that the Acts of the .-\pnsllu.< are .1 more series of excerpts from the (`pic I gt... 'r..-,.I.... H :9 .'..n.v.'o..I.l.\ oI.,.> Standing on the top of (7lnstm1hur_\' Tor we can see the \\`.1_\' Arthur mule "/1......` Mn. 1...... ._.. A I. .. May your Christmas be -Bright and Merry and ` ur New Year filled with renty. hem, a tiny hamlet in Judea. near Jerusalem. British (`hristi.-inity, if legend supported by .1 gooil deal of evi- dence can be trusted, was born at Glas- tonbury, .1 little town in Somerset, the position of which is nmrxetl by a lnr crowned by a tower which can be seen for miles. CHRISTIANITY was born at Bethle- This tor rises like an island from the plain below; there can be no doubt that at one time it was an islmnl, none other than the lsle of Avalon of the I(l_\'S of the King," to which the ancient British King Arthur was borne in :\ barge and there subsequently buried. n. .v .. . A. - I "The cup, the cup itself. from which Our} Lord ; One The They Censored a Cracker most expert are Inagiciatt Their ngers move like Ii; x sclectiun of dim;-rem colon 3 there is 3 neatly-rolled r u would I would have I crepe, foil, embossed 1 HARRY A. dit-rem kinds J colours. Only u u 1 , -unu . i gold '1 L- . I... IGIC 0` Avalon .. nu... u |\I| `e lighlnmg alours, and 1cd cracker linselling. Ju scarcely I u lrns with inked an r n\1\III\A ,,. .._., .......-.. ...... ..- \\I||Iu - .[on that. He was told. in all] iisorinusnoss, his cupid wasn't quite` r decent be clothed or show loss 3 `leg! ` B I ` pointed to the ballet} `skirt beautiful Czlrnivul Queen in .1} . I-\'..,vnl .I.... no .~....,.I...... .....I ....:.| .,.\|,. ....... ul .1 uLuu\IIuI unlunul Vuccll In an; and said s0lemn1_\': "You'll j h;1\'c to lower that skirt :1 little-cus- :tomers will object to it." 3 Yuletide fcstivn Smith hauled \ 1 1 4 n\.Ilu\.V\)II nu: a. From our old books I know `That Joscph mine of old to (`-lnstonluxry. {And there the heathen printe, .-\r\'ira_uus.i [C-nvc him an isle of lllilfsh whcreon tof \ L, `II \ And many GOOD HEALTH. H.*\PI lNESS AND FORTUNE kn |u~ \'l\I uirin nll Hn~nnn'h 3 \.UlHIlT_\'. Once .1 motto was issued which lent Pagan Customs itself In :1 double imcrprctation. Simploi Inci pnrtritlgc \\`.1sne\'cr c o . josoplt and his 111is: buml. it is ztvcrrcd. l;ll1t1C(l first on the must of South } \\'aIcs, but, bring ill-uscd there. crossed the Bristol (`hanncl and entered the quiet wzucrs of what is now the Vale of :\\'.1|on, and stooronl fur the distant hut prominont islumi which is now (`-L1stm11mr_\' Tur. F The)` llltltkl on \\'c;1r,\`-all Hill. xvhurei Joseph, seeking 41 sign, struvk his stall`; into the soil, where it hutltlctl and hccnmc t fthe parent of the t';unm1s (`.l.1.~`.lonlmry` 'lhorn which 0\\`vt's at (`hrist|n.1s. ! n__f,, L. _, ,, . . .u u \-1|! null uu mu. \u unuau nnu.u.uu III | ` I huilnl; 1` f.-\nd there he built with \\';1lIlcs from the` f marsh :\ little, lonely church in days of yore." Seeing is believing. your heart's goodwill Drank at the last sad supper with His own, . . . The good saint .~\rimath;1cmi Joseph, journeying brought To Glastonbury, where the winter thorn Blossoms at Christmas, mindful of Our Lord." To this (i.'l)' :1 small emincnvc near the Tor is called (flmlice Hill, and the copious (`h:1l_\'|)Onlt) spring which issues from it is` called the Blood St ream. | uunu n nu uunxna .u \ nnmuuua. I Busing his .'1cn`m1nt on persistent legend nnn.o.\.. .-... ..~ ~ isunas pleasure is due when nas duty is done. do fcsti\'nt_\-. Poor ` over the lat. i \\';1sn't 4 /I I... ...l..` I .5 .-.u.. omplair ' Tom coals l14`\l"l"llV LDC! . \lV L) l'LII\1ULVl'_4 be by your side all through the coming year. .\lnn_\' English Chrismms customs can be jlracerl directly to Scandinavia. where .1 winter festival was held In commemorate `the god Thor. The actual word "Yule" .\...,. .. nuusuxa. ! But there was one (lish-ncithor sh,` Howl, esh nor good rod hcrring--which `was held indispensable. This was t'ure(_\' , (pr frunlenty). composed of 1HlC(l xvhcnt, `boiled in milk and scasuncd. It \\';1s :1` dish intr()duc(`d into linglzuul by the .|\'om.1n soldiers. and even to-lay me: Hiruls it served o(`(`:1siox1uIl_\' in the Nurth V l`.. i 4 ()ur (ll1(`CSI()I`S, living outdoor lives, consunled far more at .1 single meal than the ;1\'cr.'1gc modern would eat in .1 whole day. so in mlxlition to the ulmve fare there were ;1l\\':1_\'s geese. mpmns. plxousums nlrenrhctl in :1rnhergris--\\`hich was not] lino Olunvn :(`unSidcl'ed precious thcn~ and pics of] 3 c.'xrp's tongues. . f . I: Inn l\.`I \II \l)Il5l\451l\L\I Ill IIIIIIIL on the wohls and heziths, heing :-1pevi;1ll_\' pmlitic in liust :\ngli:1. The :~;\\".'111 \\';1s eaten by the nobility, being classed as at 1'n_\';1l hirtl even to~(l;1y. while those who :('0lli(i :1lTur neither l)llSI(ll`(l 11111` s\\`:111 were content with heron. The peumek ._un1`e(l p1'm11ine11tl_\' at very i111[mrtx111t :h;111q11ets. when as 1n:1n_\' as :1 illll1til`(`.(i were .~`er\'ecl! The long trail of dishes was ,I1e;ule by an en1h.'1l111ed bird i11 full ;fe.'1the1`. its head packed in cnttoii wool smkenl in spirit and ignited. Hour unul venisuii. too. were 11eress;1r_v !.`l(ijllt1t'iS to a C()l1lpiClC festive i)();l|(i, and 11111 In the seveiiteeiitli centnr_\` there was `never n11_\'1litT1Cult_\` in oht;1i11i11g .1 he;1r's 111.1111." The h0;u"s head was nl\v;1ys; ` vairried in on n p|;itt,er, 11su;11l_\' to 111u5in':1l 111011011119. Then there was the lmdger. which t0-d;1_\' is 5Ci(i()l1] seen (111 the table. .1._ n_.:. -_ . 1' I - -- turkey was taken by the l)llSl.H`(l, :1 large bird whirh (`ungrcgnted in immense lln<`k.~`. |......|..V 2... r lm n-..l.Ie ml "nun uruu_\ In :\v.:I\|UIII :9L'l:l| UH llll: Lll)ll3. ;\vtunll_\', the esh is cxvuczlixugly tooth- 1 \....a......a .....- .3 W mentioned. the turkey (`()lllCS In mind; which is strange. for the llird was unknown in linglund in the sixteenth c(`nlur_\' and lid not attain popu- |2n'il_\' umil 1700. :\'e\'cx'thc|css. in spite of this xlolitivsxwy. nur forefathers rognlexl themselves on :1 \'urict_\' of sucmlcrnt dishes ..I . IuII|y uu-u nuur. .\\.\I.|\IIL,ILaa. ul aplu: dishes of whicln we know nuthing. I In the fteenth century the pI:1(`C of tho! imristmas Fare of OH- ?xtend yarrie L: 4.-.- ` 'llF.`.\'l\'lCl{ Christnms fare s\a\.|\- uu lI\..\\ \\I`lIIJ|.IIIlIh'. lI`)\\ |lIL"\ would enjoy a (lay in 3 real family circle. For sick and orphaned Children in hnmes and huspimls, where charities have fallen ofl because of the econum_\*" neces- sities, our own children would make or collect toys, sweets, Suggest that yuurs do just Claristnms lmppy for some 01 her this year. They will love doing it, zmd, -(.1 u - ,,,., .._.. ..u..... uuui uniuxcu, love nml, if the doing of it involves u little self-saw ricc, they will be learning the true Spirit inf Christmas l .|st, Present, unil To Come. V-u. -uv-u, behind by In uuu evolcnt ( For those of 1 slnml the spirit . r~| - vI|\- In There are 2 I-`Iv (`|n'islIn:1s ('hrislm.'1s helped to (` Help Others to Happiness and it will Find Its Way to You. . nu... \I\|\I ....,, lmly u\'('rsim1," hct SlI(`l'lll(`lIl. Tlwn the wilh l1l(`.ll as plums. *Heart,iest Wishes for 21 ` Happy Christmas Season to all our customers and friends and we cordially invite your continued patronage and goodwill. ,,.. -nu`: \Il L/|||O qlllll I|LIIIU`I III II clnth. l.;1tcr. the plums gave \\':1_\' In raisins, but the name still l'(`llIi1inl`l[. Lutcr, white lluur was substituted for nuts. and huttcx` ;:;u'o w.'1_\'. nnulmlly in .1 lnml of l)ccf0:|lcx`s, In sum. The vuslmn of pouring spirit over the plulding nml selling it uligllt is :1 relic of rc-\\'orship and ran ht` lI';1u`| In our pu_xz.'u1 :1m'(`s(nrs. Fur mun_\' _\'0;|r.< it was known as "p|umh- nnrrizhm " . u. .uuu_u _\\u|.<|1 nun l\|lU\\ll db ])IlIIlll)- porridge." N0 ('hrislm;1s would hr (`mnp|(-Iv with- out Ininvtr pics, and our fun-f;1t|)vr.~' ale lhmn in vast qlmntitics. 'l`lw_\' \\'vrv rirh or than our own and origin;1ll_\' rmllnim-d nlincccl (`S|1. g(`ncr;1||}' beef or \'c.1l. Tho l uril;ms, im`i(Icnl;||ly, regarded tlwm with "lmly l)(?(`&lllSl.` the)` \\'(`l`(` so lhorc \v(`rv larger pics \\'iIh nun! we nlnnm invite in to share our 'r1._,_ 7. 7 I ....-.. u-. vul u-vu gun _ IIn\ llll \ Ill I3IlII(I3 l.\L', Illll I|ll 3l L of it was c;m!f11l|_\` ro.-zorvml for the ful- luwing clu_\. ~ Christmas pudding is an uhl dish, being %n1zulc m'iginull)' in ('uor|n:ln)'. The rm] I nmno \\';\s plum-squash (p":llllllCIl~gl'lllZ8). in soft. squasluy nwsss rvsulling from tlm l(`.\ll`. l(`li()l1 of lhc` juirc-5 from fresh pllnns. am] on lhv |);mish l)oralvr|:u1(| it is still mmle likv that. It was mi.\'c with line- gr.'|im`.(l |I:n`|v_\' m` oats and hailed in .1 mines frum \'eol." and though our festi- val is .1 Cl1ris!i;m (me. for hundreds of _\`(`.1rs Ylll(`~(`.'lk(`.. the peace olfcring do divzuod in Thur. u`.-us onion :11 every ling,- lish lzlhlc. l7su;1lI_\' il M19 (`[11 intu slices. toasted and snnkcul in spicy nlc. It was z|l\\':|_\'s lunch` nu (`hrislllnus live, but most "F 2: . ,1: .1 r. unke up 53.... ._f DU will rcnicinhcr that in |)i(`kcn.~'.' Cliristllias (,':ii`u|.`<:i`o<)_igv .v.i.~; vi.<.~ item], in his drcuni, by the glmsls of istinas l .is1, Christmas I rcscnl, and iSllll.'lS to Cuinc. All three visitors roll change his attitude to Christ- The Spirit < Christmas . uu \ ulna .1 little ba .. `FIJI uug vl so many lonel_\' girls I old ladies who have 1: life, or old men living next-to-nothing." Hc . p Corner Bayficld and Ross Sts.