... ....n nun. \u| |)L\u,n -Jl. Lirmcl B10532 x'cturncd 1 rm Sunday nftc-1' spundimi` his home on Burton Ave. (1I\f! . rn . .. (Illll.H"lM.\S 'Hlil Sli l'.~, (N All priccs. (jl|I\ l.\"lM.\.\ 'l`I |i| l:Hl.l .S For The Wee Tots l~;II)m' (:.\Ie5 `I IeI(1\'<:I,I-ks 'I()\'.\ W (`.IeI~;\VI \'\l l'l<:`IHIeIi I;()()}\.%, 'lHli(Il\.\` \\`\(. I)(>(.s, !2\`I`s liI.IiI II.\~\;'Is (I.\l< \'|.\(: .\li'l`.~. .9.` .-.4 .v\ pimp ml` lhc Izunuux l1:d_::`;* l 1`:uu| IiII:I1nclw;n'c will In: wcl- cmnc. 'l'c:npnl.\ , |`c:lkcltlcs, .\;I1Icv}>:n11. ur |)nuI\lc mi1cI'\`. lixccllcnl qunlitj. 1% ? Quality --- Service I I5 :1 A MAN'S GIFT nu"/.n1' will plc;I.\c him. :u...u.:-Iv: Imc nn :is1'."/"S, $2.50, 'l`huIs_Iia;;y, amber` 12,1935 ' I5 I) I-Zl.I\'I`ZlL Thur uudlu J $1.00 $1.00 $6.95 Pair `s. JUL . 1 Hill] f`nl- nu f`l- u: .-I r\ nu. shzuxi .1 lL'llI`l`L`u UH LLlL'SUU_Y 211. I115 UIHL' UH! Main St. Thx. . Lmc:'al wi 1 be or. Fri day at 2 p.m. from there and will` be under the direction of L.O.L. 432 of which he was probably the oldest! mmnbcr. Full pariiculars next week. Skiddin;,;' Car Snaps Pole A largr: lelephhm: pole rmposilo. Dalton White's service station on 1:3rz:r.lfm'd St. was snapped off at H11` ground on Friday night whc-n .1 s=kiddinp; Poniiac 1'm.1dster. driven by :1 Camp Bm`(l(:n man. . it lmzvi `on. The cm` was rnthc-1` badly dam- ngrrcl but the driver wns not we.`- iinusly hurt 9.. ' 7' I ta truck and the glare from ap-1 munching headlights dcceivccl him` In rli 1 .,-.u.... u. \AI\.v. uuuuumu I The death of George Stundcn.` well-known Sixth Ward citizen, oc- cm (1 on 'I`ucsday at his home on F1`. ."h -- ! ` H Km` r.` .1111. The chair of E3521 S1. (}hm'<.-h ht-Id! 1 very s11ccessfL1l bazzi.'u' in the Sun-I day School Room of the ('hUI`(`l'l! I'u(.-sd:1y cw-nin;.{ when :1 nice surn "if rnuney was 1'zxis3cI for the work of he choir. Vi/iih Rev. N. R. D. Sin- :-lnir acting,-' as ch:.iiI'mnn. :1 splen- 'li(l ('on(:cH, was provided by :1 var- iety of lnlt.-n1. l`<>l|owin;: which rc- irr;.~:11m<.-n1.`; w(.-re sr-rvccl. An enfmy. able time was spent. by all lhos:0 prc.x'(~n1. i 1 I nrri. 1 ` ' 1'. of I..I-:. orm - I Lnsi. Sunrl.'~1_V the Brothc.-rhond LncurmIi\'(- Em.{in0<.-1's 1,-I<,-clcd u fict-law for 19% as follows: I (|.Gn' |i`1~.zr Kl] Y T'1l\r\1'u(~' TF3 llL'(.'l'.`\ HI!" I210!) ":15 lHllU\VhL ; Chivf Engim.-r-r. W. J. Jacobs; First Enggirnr,-or. (1. W. E(lw:,n'(l: Sc-conrl l3In;zin(,-(-1'. /\. O:~'hm'n(`: %0m'(`t2n'_V-l 'I`ro:n:~'LIrr-1'. W. F. Cmlin: Altornznlc-.i 'W. J. .J.'u-u|).<: Third F.r15.{incm', 1)., Mznglmngshlinz Guide. W. D. I.il1](e;`; :Chnp|:2in. Allwardn /\ll(liH)'1_`i IC(nm.. I... 1.iHl0. A. O:4l3nrm:. E. Ox. -I |(lon; In. Sm-1'M:11`y. W. F. (,`:.1`| 11in: Altr-mate. W. J .T:u-nhs: T)o]r-- Iar-dr. In {'3 I D A f`r. ~ Allen-nnln L`:H;1,|l|l/`('17. 1 ' W. .J.'u'n lvfagglmngchlir I ('rnn1 T. Li ..-.z ||\IIIn.. uu Luunurn l1v1:. S.O.I:2. mm-l Tuesday. Dec. 8 p.m. in the [`rainm(rn`.s' H11] lowed by cuchre party for C HIHS L'(`('S(', (Eco. Stumlt-n an _ rs. I ll` Hold 1' . :1` " (*hu1`('h! n r. ninn mu.-n nb ;s'.1r1 015` o L W EXTENDS 1 g ACTIVITIES IN cowgvwrv; The cnl:.1rged programme uf Bar- rie-Allanclale Y.M.C.A. was placed bet'm`c an untlmsaiustic gathering of nc-a1`l_v l`ll'l_v men. most `of them young fellows. nnrl many fmm 1h-3. B:n`ric end of the town, in the Y.M.l IDA. Building Tuesday evening. and] it was decide-rt to m`L;uni'/.1; clubs at. :1 l'urlbm' mmling on 'I`L1osclay ev- (-ning, D00. 17. 'l`h(.- new .=:(.-crctary. E. Lloyd Mr.-rrill. was well pleased ,with the tummll and the fine spirit` Islmxvn. Tn 41>. nl~.:-nu,-.. nt` T 17` T\/In. I 1 i 1 1 Six-Point F-l'; ;):_a,>r-1*amme Outlined by New Secertary ls! QMEET AcX1'IT'TUEsDAY, lI`(`L\|' `The 1-(wads 09-r the w \v)........~ :5 HI [H K1. 1`. the piano. Hvl-n 1' I1 rt`: |'\|'A 'l`r".u-hvrou.- Drl\'In,<:' l'n.`u' < \\'pw-- J`l`\' h-nnr~ im: I (lit! 1 ing. Ill lH(.` 2!I'l'l\/ill U] lVll'.' `nI]uwin;{ adrln-. by] Blair and Mr. MorrilI.i ' lunch was served, until .<:r>ng was h(.-lrl under ihei I G. R. Burns with Bill vwiunn , \\'(.`L'K. I i Owing to late ur1'ivz1l. part of the '7C`o0kstmvn news had to be held |ov-er till next week. Wm. Lawmncc and Frank AL{n(.-w of Toronto were at their i`0spCc1i\'0, homes for the weekend. ' '1`3~.n n~.nv.~L...-.. nu` cc rnl. . ur A I ._.,. . . Wm. Cooper. :1 patient in General! Hospital. Toronto. underwent an up oration on Monday. Dec. 9. His: many friends wish him :1 speedy ru- i{'fI\ f`l`\', ; I...... ....n. x/uI.\|I\|(I`y \_v\.|A IIUHIL` UH VZ.|Ci.ll.l()I). Mrs. W. J. Scott spent :1 few last week in Toronto. |\/In-c T\/Tn] 7\)fn!`ur1y~ln.. (.- 01$ (II--`inn: duysi I QILISL \VL`L'K H1 1Ul"OH[U. ` Mrs. Mel McFadden is at Clinton `visiting her mother, who is Seriously Ill, ` {Jll. ] Mrs. John Lewis of Stagmer ` nveelcend guest at the home r !Lewi:<'. T\IYS--n f`1npl... Vl`l... rL4L'\`llS. I Miss Gladys Thompson of HiH~: dale visited friends in town tin: iwcck. i 1 \n:i.~.n {A lat- . . ,.r -I.. uunluh lUl' [HE V\'L`L KCH(1. . The member.s' of St. Jo}m`.s' W.A. lhcld 21 su(.-cc.*:sI'u1 supper in the town `hall last Saturday evening. `Xian ,Vr\r\v\I\\< .. L'l_|\'l,'L"} . r Showers for Britlc-to-Be i On I`u(.-sclay evening. Doc. 3. about sixty ladies assembled at Mr. and -Mrs. Wm, Rznx11sz1_V"s to make :1 prL-.<- EL-nlntinn tn Miss 1\Im`thn Rnxnszty. n ipopulur bride-to-be. Mrs. L. E. F. iVl'm1kmz1n made the presentation an ho:-halt` of the ladies of the commun- iity. of H boztutiful. (`mnptcto F01 ml" l'1'y:'tul, while Mrs. '1`. J. Dzwmtnt ,rond an utlrlrc.- Miss Rnnmrazxx m:t(`tc :1 suital)le reply. Czmdy \\'.~.~. . rlu1`in;.:' :1 p1cz1s.'mt. sm-int houu l\n x.xr.-.,4..m.A-n- ....m;,m nm. .1 Cunningham Wilson of Iinilcybu1',v I 1 {is home on vacation. I i Mrs w 1 mum ......u .. 4...". Hl;.',. ' Robl. Thompson rr:1,m'ned l.'1.~:`.I week from Prince Eclwnrd Island` where he has been cng:1,'.:c,-rl with :1` paving company fnr the past sum-l 1110!`. I I 3 THE BARRIE '. `LIMITED lxercby gi\ .\\-ill make applicam Vvr-\vmnt.(1n\-m'nnv` nf `IHC p1`0\'1s10ns 01 11103 Lmnpuxnu {Act for acceptance of the surrendv [of its charter on and from a date it ibc fixed by the Lieutenant-Guvor nbr .\'()'l`l(`l OF Sl'RRE.\'Dl`ZR OF (`HARTER COOKSTOWN nod at Burrn-. Om:n`1). Ihxs C December. 1935. T. R. \\ , BLACK ; |'1`\'l _: 13.12. 0:41., CA?-IADA TEE BARB.-IE EXAMINER. `B; TANNING CO. oh-at :- r ...--up.-._._._._......a;4--..... ( 333 Tfzaw2%:mai::!w2s7rargv%`@'!w2%=~$5&32zwt1 wasvzz&!we%1:9!fW2s$*%9r%asi:ziisewv:f2E 2 ` ' H :55 Elizulwtll 81. Phone 291`. 4 IllL'l'. Mnuri(-(,- Hanna left on for I<`lm'id:1 in <:nmp.'1n_V , nnrl .1 \ITm~ `X _Y|` fJ'nh.h.-/.n I 15.134 Fort! \'~8 (`ouch 1933.`) (`|u-\`rulcl-(':Lhriulv:t 1939 (`In-\'rulvt Sedan 1929 Hudson Sedan 1928 l)ur;mt 4 .\'od'.1n 1928 lissc.\.' (`-.);u*l1 Two 1928 ( ,`l1r)'sl(-1` 52 1927` 19374 HAROLD mu. ('l11')';`lc1' and Plymouth DEALER The Green Froim Hardware CHRIST For The Boy H()( ,1Klf\' .\ lAI(jl\'.*'. AIJD, LIJL7 QUE, Ell)`: QIIDI (JUL MN I( I.\ \() ()U'|'Fl'l`S SKIS . . . . . . . . .. $1.49, $1.69. I ( )l ( )( i( 1.\.\S Sl.l:'l( 1H8 . . . . .. 33c to $2.75 I\ l{.A\l. Sl..\'|'li l%|..'\(ZKl5().\Rl)S A.` 4`t\ 4..-g .-._ 1=1:.'.'s3`If.'I<}I'1"I'S,` IJUI. U`. l ( )( jl\`l;"lL I\\'I\'lS, nus },;cL-51:. Tht : C.N,R. zluxilimy v.rr(-ckin,: .-row ha-`I 21 I:u`;.:4: contract in clean- ng up lhv spill ul. Burks; Falls and Jiti not return till Saturdzny mum- nu. '4 '15}; '2'0}; 25c to $1.50 \\ \( j( )\S', from $1.50 to $6.50 l%.\l)ML\l();\' I,\('j(`)lJli'|'S, an I\I\ L":`cV,(\.:\I|9;:; 49c, 59c, 69a to $1.25 For The Home I-;.\'<,I_I:sH l)i.\`.\.`l{l\ \\`. \Rl-I, _`.jI';lI1\[ `>7-piece wis, $13.50-$45. 1~`\.\<:\` <:\1\'1: I l,,\'l`l-L5`. 4.- A... u u AIIPWKI Sedans l >.\l).N\lN|`():\' ' 2c`i}$`$1.o0 I-'.\\< 1 (:1 was xxx) s1.\u<:1-:Ie.s .\'\I |S \.\|) l lf| l lf| HUT- `|`l{} l)lS}lliS, | ().\J|3()1\'S, l |li I |..\'l'liS, (.\SSIfR()l.lfS, '|`l'\ Sl{'l.\'.l\ lfl.lS||l)lSHliS,HRl.\l) ! i../\'i li.\T_ ll.()\\'|fl l .\SK|i'|`S \H priucd Im` quick sclliniq (H mull) .V )5-:_ on- T? 331 XI-f3 oNC7j_g"5Kv's LEF'V:'~3uR ANNUAL 7 ();1kl;mr.l (`mu-11 7 ('ln`_\'slcr Imperial 8|) ~I-l as:,cI1gc1' (`oupc -'I'3Of`rk Loo Veal--~ all tasty coo an czlscl \:`ll nu 4\1 )Ml~.\'|`( >\ 1s11"eT$: "H" :31 prices. l%u.\' the l`:unm.\` Blue (mmc l%irdl1c1`c, Vs, (is, I3\. tj()l.l:M.\.\' l.\MI S \;\l) l.:\:\"|'};'R:\ S \l4\l)1)I.\` l.;\Ml S .\:\`l) Sl. l l l.lliS 1`$lc,)\(A:,.`25c and 50c `I ` \ \'I \ I \l I`|`l_.`l'l`L` SSLVERWARE IVY Never before have we had such a complete assortment of practical Gift Merchandise as we have at the present time and our values are unexcelled anywhere. No matter how well dressed up shoddy goods may be they still remain Junk.Don t buy cheap flashy goods at any price. We specialize in British and Canadian products which we can honestly recommend in every way. 59,/' 69c, 85c, 98c \'l\'lTL` n\;\ ; \ ana up .. ..Il Il)I \L` \/I\I.l\/1\l `$1.69, sirzks` E Fourteen -'_'wgna|3I:T f/_ou BUY MORE FOR Lass"- Hotpomt Applnances \\',\H-`I.l:' um ).\ s . . . . . . $9.95 I l3le(:()l..\'l()Ie:+ . $11.95 S.-\M)\\AI(IIl l( ms: I.:es,:1;s.95 !5l.|;`(,"|`|el<; |Ie(>,\.`w, $3.50, $5.70, $6.95, $8.75 'm\s'|'<)\`n{u.2 `mm I 1~.u:. (il5Nll.\I.|il.l{( .|'l?|(`.l \l )l( )`% ,\`%`).(m, .\'>_nur1.. \3 (ilia\ ll< \l. I-jl l;'(i'!`ll(I lx l1 1 l(;liI\ .\'l ( H68 $169.00, $198.00, $285.00 liHi()'I`l|(I l,A\Ml H, from $1.52 ) lll_) I..v\M| S .. $1.69 to $3.25 I)I... I) L `E-`I,1`L`II.;`l1`,"IA/\lvl|'\'L`,W:`,](`?T:l'u l:'l.I(j'|`ll(I \\[\.\I iI{lx .`~, l5,\tr:1 spccixal. $69.00 to $98.00 ~ `I"`'`' (\\'cI'c i`7.3H) <;lHeI.IM; Ha )\S. $1.40, $2.45 All lllcxc nu` Ingulc I). (j;un;nli:In (}cI1cr;:l lih-miy and Arc unl- st;|mli11f4' in cwrx wm. \\'c l1:l\'c `gnu-G` q1:.tlil_=. l\n`1` I`rivc\l limb-~, Inn. lil.l:(Z'|'l\ l(L ll-`().\"9. $1.29, $1.98, $12.50, $3.01), $4.50 I:'I.I;`<, I RH; I`( MRI Iiie.'~~, ` .o. n ... ... l*,\;\`((;\' 'I15\mm+ Irnm 1: -;mw~ . \ .` ll"ll| I.l mml, 69c,` '79', c. 93, $2.7?) IEIRI) (;,\( ;i{.\' .\\'!) 9|` \\l )5`, I]1.'II1_\' mlum .n1lwin;H.inn~., p1'iCCd . . . . . . $3.50 to $4.95 I"/\;\'(:\ l l'|`( IHIi|\"7. 100, 1513.. ` 19c, 25c, 35c, 49c, 59c lo $1.25 r)ri(l:1 with Mr. `rs. V\"`E. Hut:-11l.=-.m1 ml` l-[m1l:<- will rcrnain wilh them nil nlil April. en's Julir_!l.<. bnuclnir .'mrl; ippers. c:hilcl1'cn s whitv kirll 1, 95: pun: slippers` snfl snlr-.| lo 10 at 45c: H to 2 :11 snml .'ll(`(l(` :~'lipp(.-rs with l(-nlln-r` Id cushion heel. 850 pr. nl. 5()l)| 4..l r:..a.. u....|..... nrr l FOR MOTHER AND DAD Int )1` 49c, 79c, 93c, up k`) $2.75 ' lu- ll} MEJEB STATION \> DRUG STORE $91.40 For The Girl I)( )l.l 5, 25c, 50c, 75c to $1.98 I)()!.|, (:\Ie'Is l)( HI (..r\l< [\ l.\( ;lfS .\l`:| :\ ()1: I)` )1 I I)lf\|H:9 (`ll`lN'|lV"'1lf'l.\' | H()4| ().\_ ill .\ \l\ u"Hlnl'.\, H'_-x17' `, special. l ;.\I)MlN'I`()a\' Sl`l ! l.|liS .SLlSS()l 25c to $1.50 (;l()KlN()lAl l ,();\l .\Tl.' \|() \'| l<`()| SI-Tl '. (.|l.l.li`|l Ii slam, :|l . l?( )l.l.S H \'/,( )l\ .\, :1! ABOUT A LLAN DA LE